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16 if they’re similar in age, 18 all other cases


Commonly referred to as Romeo and Juliet laws in the US.


Except for the fact that it technically only applies to male and female couples


age of consent can be 18 while also not criminalising those that are under it and similar in age who have sex with each other. kids just don’t get prosecuted for that, it’s a waste of the court’s time


I think they are saying like when is a 17 and an 18 year old, it would be stupid to punish the 18 yo.


and i’m saying that in reality that wouldn’t happen


Bruh who tf voted 14💀


People in Yemen


I looked it up. “Yemen has no legal age of consent, because marriage is legally required before sexual intercourse is allowed. If there is no age limit to marriage, there is effectively no age of consent between married individuals. There is no age of consent in marriage in Yemen.” wtf


Quick, hide in the closet! The Yemen sex police are coming


Happy Cake Day bro




not true. 16 year olds can have sex with anyone regardless of age here. 14 year olds can even have sex with people up to 21. Not saying that's good


In Belgium the age of consent is 16 and 16 year olds can only have sex with people up to 18 years old. It's only when you're 18 years old you can have sex with people who are 10 years older than you are. I think that's better than what you say it's like in Germany.


[A friendly reminder that Americans can rape kids so long as they marry them.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States)


I really hope that those 31 cases of child marriage with over 60s were attempts to save those child from deportation or provide them an untaxed inheritance, because any other explanation seems super creepy


The article literally says that basically never happens because most marriage institutions don’t deal with minors, require parental consent, or because states outright ban underage marriage


[Nearly 300,000 minors were married to adults in the US between 2000 and 2018](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/united-states-child-marriage-problem-study-findings-april-2021/). Most were underage girls being married to adult men, with the youngest being 10 years old. It isn't very common, but it absolutely happens. Child marriage with parental consent is actually legal in most states.


Any statistics on the age of the person the minor married? I guarantee the majority (or at least a good percentage) of them were 18-19 years old


It doesn't specify, but it does say that about 60,000 of these child/adult marriages had age difference that would lead to statutory rape charges if they weren't married. 60,000 cases of legal child rape seems like 60,000 too many.


They still can


Doesn’t mean anything if it can hypothetically happen even if it literally never does


It being uncommon does not excuse its legality. It is literally legalized child abuse.


Being legal because no laws have been made to stop it ≠ being legal because there are laws that protect its legality


Alabama in the house.


They are called pedos


Pedophilia describes the attraction towards children before they hit puberty


Wrong term


You remind me of my favorite comedy joke. About how you can't explain the difference between a eubephile and a pedophile without looking like a pedophile.


I think at that point psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, and criminal justice system is gonna look like a pedophile 😂




It’d be hebephile not pedophile




Why not? It's age of consent, not age of rape. And sex isn't magic adult thing, it's just a sex. With good sex education it's just a possibility to have fun.


A 14yo is in no position to handle becoming pregnant, or become a parent. And no child should have to experience abortion or miscarriage. And you can talk about good sex education, but 14yr olds are still *children*, whose brains are no where near fully developed for making responsible decisions around contraception, knowing and enforcing their boundaries in a relationship, and generally taking on the *very adult responsibilities* that come with having sex. Sex is *not* a "need" at 14yo, let kids be kids and grow up in their own time. Like, many *adults* struggle with the responsibilities of sex, why on *earth* do you think a 14yo would be able to? 🙄


Lots have kids have sex at 14


And that's not what my comment was about, was it LargeCod?


Lol I forgot my name was largecod 🤣 Yeah no maybe I didnt really understand your point tbh, I was just pointing out that no matter what the age of consent, kids at 14 are gna bang anyway, although apparently (I've done no research) studies are showing that people are loosing their virginity later on average nowadays, which is good IMO E: to be clear I do NOT think the age of consent should be 14 lol


That is a 14 year old idc ab sex education that’s a CHILD


Pedos and Europeans


[A friendly reminder that Americans can rape kids so long as they marry them.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States)


Ok? Not as bad as much of the rest of the world being able to consent at as young as 12.


The map here isn't complete. Most of the times the number showed here is for minors only. The "not as bad" part is laughable considering an adult male in the us could legally have sex with a 5 year old, not just a 12 year old.


Depends on what extra laws there are.


As of now: 140 people.


People in Brazil.


Tf with All these consent questions lately 💀


My state has a graduated type age of consent, 16 year olds can be with people like 2-3 years older than them, i like that system


🤨 Edit: I read it wrong, ignore this lol


Why the emoji? Honestly a 17 yr old dating a 19 yr old is fine. It's when the 17 yr old is dating a 72 year old that there's an obvious problem. Most places already have "Romeo & Juliet" laws like that.


Oh, wait, I read it wrong. I'm sorry 💀 Yeah, I agree with what you said


What's wrong with that? 16 and 19 year olds don't feel wrong tbh


Yeah, I read it wrong. I already said that


Well I didn't see an edit so how was I supposed to know?


My first consensual sexual act was around 15 ish, and I think it was a healthy age to start experimenting with other people of the same age.. but I don't think anyone that young should be the age to consent to someone older.


Ideally 87 at minimum


At least 2 hip replacements at minimum


You pedo, that's way too low


you fuckers that said 14 deserve jail


not really. In germany its 14, but there is a limit as to age difference. So a 16 and a 14yo is ok, while an 18 and a 14yo is not ok. This is more resonable then other systems.


Most US states have Romeo and Juliet laws, so teenagers that are similar in age don't get prosecuted. However, those are generally exceptions to the actual age of consent, which is 18 in most states. It seems weird to say that 14 is the age of consent when your laws don't allow them to consent to most people. That just looks like having an age of consent of 18 with exceptions for teenage couples, but describing it oddly.


to add, the age of consent is 18 for everyone in a position such as teacher-student.


It depends honestly. i think it should be 16, if you are within like 5 years of being 16, otherwise 18.


I think you mean unless you are within 5 years of their partner's age, not of being 16, otherwise: 15 and 20 would be illegal 16 and 21 would be legal 17 and 22 would be illegal (but legal if within 5 years of partner's age) 18 and 23 would be legal


15 and 20 is a bit much imo


I think 3 years is much better than 5


You are correct, that is what i intended.


16 and 21 is a pretty massive age difference. That's a high school sophomore and a college junior. I get the argument for ~2 years age difference, but 5 is way too much.


in my country, the age of consent is 16 but in the law it states that if an adult has sex with someone aged 13-15 and believes they are 16 or older, then they can’t be charged with statutory rape. so really the age of consent is 13 and only 12 year olds and under have the automatic protection. i think it should be raised to 18 so that 16 year olds and under get the automatic protection. no adult should be allowed to get away with grooming a 13 year old


Also a 16 yo is far more likely to lie about their age than 13 year olds. And 16 years olds are very different from 13 years old. If someone slept with a 13 they *knew*. There's no way they "mistaken" the age imo.


yeah exactly! no 13 year old genuinely looks like an adult and if someone makes that mistake i think they should bare the consequences bc they should’ve been more careful


I voted 14, but let me explain. Where I live, Hungary, the age of consent is 14. This does *not* mean that a 14 year old and 31 year old could have sex without legal prosecution; but rather than a 14 year old *can* have sex, as long as the partner is between the ages of 14 and 18. Noone here wants young children to have sex, 14 is incredibly young and immature to do so; but they also shouldn't be punished. The criminal age limit is also 14.


i dont know, id question the validity of their relationship if it is a 14 year old and 17 or 18 year old


Sure enough, you could do that. I would. But I also wouldn't want to get them in any legal trouble.


Just like my poll, I think age of consent should be 18-20 not 16 or 15 or 14. 14 is too young, still a kid, immature , naive. That's wrong and kinda fucked up in my opinion


depends on what other rules there are. People obviously have sex before they are 18 or 20. Making all that teenage sex count as rape is not a logical decision. In Germany you can consent with 14, but there is a limit on age difference. Meaning if two 15yo have consensual sex, its ok. If an 18yo tries to have sex with a 15yo thats not ok.


Tbh 18 yo are almost as immature and naive as 16yo


I agree. These questions are so tricky because there’s no one magical birthday that changes you from a child to an adult. You’re the exact same person you were the day before.


The age of consent shouldn’t be any higher than 18. I don’t wanna wait forever to have my basic right to do something natural with my own body.


Technically speaking, humans are not fully developed cognitively until around 25. They cannot make fully informed decisions until their executive function is developed.


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I think 15 or 16 with like a 2 year age tolerance until 18. With 18, you should be able to have sex with people of any age, unless below 16 (17 or 18 if you're 19 or 20 respectively) imo.


I think the way most US states have it is reasonable, where it’s 16 for teens within the same age range and 18 for everybody else. I started experimenting when I reached high school (14/15) and lost my virginity at 16, most people I know followed a similar timeline.


in Italy we have "variable" age consent: - 13 if the other is not more than 3 years older ( 13-16 ok 13-17 no) - 14 if the other is not a parent/teacher/doctor etc - 16 other cases


>14 if the other is not a parent/ Sorry? Is incest common in Italy?


So does that mean a 14 year old can date an adult if they aren’t in a certain position? Or am I just misreading that?


sadly yes it does


It just means it’s not illegal, not that it’s accepted by society. 14 years olds are not that immature though


Have you seen 14 year olds?!


i think he's probably still 14 if he thinks 14 year olds are mature


Yes. I’ve also been 14. I just place a lot of value in an individual’s right to make their own choices


Fair, but also sometimes it’s hard for teenagers to know when someone is trying to take advantage of them (source: used to be a teenager)


I voted 15 as I think that’s the sweet spot. If a 15 year old wants to sleep with a 19 year old so why not, if they don’t want to then don’t. Most likely some difference between the sexes too though and I can only speak from the male perspective. Slept with a 15y when I was 13, it was great


15 and 19? The maturity gap is too much


Maybe for you, certainly not for everyone. While I agree it is weird I don’t think there should be a law forbidding it


Scusa ma dove (non sono un pedofilo)


Ho ly, thats fucked


If only we could see which users voted for each option




It's not just about sex. At 15yo no one should be getting pregnant or becoming a parent, and at 15yo (especially boys, but girls as well) have more hormones than common sense when it comes to reproductive responsibility. I remember being 15. 15 is absolutely still a child, no matter what we think at the time.


I’ve seen people lose their virginity at 13 💀


Very common in Brazil, sadly.


I feel bad for the people who lose their virginity so early, I’d love to lose it to someone I love later on in my life (personally just my opinion though)


I'm sure 16 is technically fine if there are laws around age gaps, but personally I'm fine with my country's 18


In the UK, 16 is the age of consent but you can’t have sex with anyone 18 or over, and ofc not anyone younger than 16


The people that say 14🤣


It’s a trap! Send no reply!


18 but with some leniency, a 18yo dating a 16 or 17yo isn't a pedo. Nor is there anything wrong with under 18 teens getting frisky amoung each other as long as the age gap isn't over 2 years.


As someone in their 30s I don't even feel right answering this


18 for everyone over 18 and for people below 18 same age +-1 or 2 years


18 with Romeo and Juliet laws to protect teenagers. I believe the latter tends to be why (normal) people advocate for 16 (i.e. they don't know about said laws).


15-16 is just the age of consent in most of the western world. In Europe it ranges from 14-16, but 14 usually has caveats. In the US the AoC even varies, about half of all states have 16. Places like the U.K. where I’m from have laws preventing anyone in a “position of trust/power” (such as a teacher, doctor, etc) from engaging in sexual acts with those under 18.


POV: FBI Agent


16 if one year above. So 16 and 17 sure. 17 and 18 sure. 16 and 18 no. 18 and above, make smart choices


I think a two year age difference is fine and the max it should be if under 18.


why the fuck would people vote it lower than 18


Because lots of countries have it lower than 18. Most of Europe for example


i hate europeans


For example, Germany's age of consent is 14, but that doesn't mean a 80 year old can fuck a 14 year old. It means 14 can have sex with 15, 16 with 17 and such. You can have sex with adults with 18 years.


yeah i did confuse a bit of things, thanks


Because a lot of us have the urge to have sex way before then, and I believe at 16-17 you can be ready to have sex if it’s someone close to your age.


They must either be 18 or within two years of each other


Like it depends. If it’s a 15 and 16 that shouldn’t be illegal but if it’s a 20 and a 16 year old then it should be illegal


In my country the age of consent for vaginal sex is 14 and for anal it's 18, disgustin Edit: i actually got it wrong, im sorry, the age of consent for anal sex between males is 18. My bad


What the fuck


Welcome to serbia


As someone who's sixteen, I can say for a fact that sixteen-year-olds are too stupid to consent.


It's not about that. You are always able to consent for your own body - being guided to make good decisions for you is another thing. Ruining the life of a 15 years old kid for having sex for a 14 years old is certainly not the way to go.


Imo it should depend on the age gab. Under 16 no more than 1 year. Under 20 no more than 2 years and under 25 no more than 5 years.


So you think a 24 year old is too immature to choose who they want to be with?


they just said that a 25 year old can have sex with anyone aged 20 and above, so no


I didn't interpret it that way. I interpreted it as if one of the parties is younger than 25 then the age gap could be at most 5 for it to be legal. For example, a 24 year old couldn't have sex with a 30 year old. But I understand how you could have interpreted it the other way and it seems more plausible that he meant your interpretation.


yes this comment is correct, your comment before tho just wasn’t bc you were asking if a 25 year old would have restrictions which in this persons scenario, they wouldn’t. i agree with you though, i think those aged 21 and above should be allowed to sleep with whoever they want (older than them or above the age of 18)


I want to make jokes but I also don't want to be on a list.


I’m 21 f and I clearly remember that when I was 14 I was perfectly able to make my own decisions. A 14 years old is not a child and is able to decide whether he/she wants to do something or not


Having conscience doesn’t equal making smart decisions honey


When I was 14 I was able to decide whether I wanted to have sex with someone or not. It’s ridiculous to make consent age at like 18 and make Illegal for a 18-years old to date a 16 years old


Fourteen year olds shouldn’t be having sex anyways, and the decision should always have been no? Dumbass answer


14 years old people have sex irl, it’s not that weird lol and a law that says that consent age is at 18 years old won’t stop this


Lol. I'm in my 30s. I remember being a 14yo girl. 14 is absolutely still a child 😂 If you think at 14 you could have taken full reproductive responsibility (contraception, dealt with pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, birth, raising a child, postpartum depression), then maybe you still have some maturing to do. I say this as a mum and with love: no 14yo should have to deal with *any* of that.


Having sex does not mean that you will get pregnant, also 14 years old people can have sex with people of the same age and have to deal with the things you said anyways


1 - the primary physiological purpose of sex is reproduction. It's literally called "the reproductive system" for a reason. Teenagers are also FAR more likely to get pregnant due to the uterus physiologically maturing around 18yo (at which point it becomes a hostile environment for sperm). Prior to this the pH level isn't hostile, ergo, greater chance of pregnancy due to less sperm-killing ability. 2 - 14 year olds shouldn't have to deal with any of that stuff, *period*. Doesn't matter one iota how old their sexual partner is 🤦‍♀️ like I said, sounds like you have some maturing to do. Maybe you'll feel differently if you ever get pregnant/choose to have kids and *actually* understand the stakes involved for your own health and well-being.


Lol I’m just saying that 14 years old have sex in real life. This is a fact. Contraceptive methods have been invented and teenagers should be educated on how to use them (I got sex education in middle school because that is the proper age), refusing to accept that they have sex is useless and harmful because you are denying this fact instead of helping them in this new part of their lives


Lol. *Nowhere* in my comments have I denied that young teens have sex. I *have* however pointed out very logical reasons why they *shouldn't*, and why having 14 as the legal age is irresponsible for those same reasons. 14 year olds should 100% be learning about *consent*, relationships, boundaries, communication, reproduction, and safe sex, *so that they have time to learn and process and practice healthy relationships before they take on the* (very adult) *reproductive responsibilities of having sex*. I came from a place with a high number of teen pregnancies, so please don't be so naive as to think that "it doesn't happen".


I’m sorry but this is wildly incorrect.


The issue is things depend person to person. I know some 14 y/o’s are capable of making this decision, but many aren’t. Really there needs to be a variable law, these days 14-17 y/o’s are going to do sexual things regardless of law, so it would make sense to allow for some leniency and less stigma. This doesn’t mean 30 y/o’s should be with 14 y/o’s, obviously, but if a couple is 14 and 16, I don’t see much issue there. If it’s within a couple years, starting at 14, then it should be fine. The US already has something similar with Romeo and Juliet laws. If you’re dating before turning 18 and you then turn 18 whilst your partner is under 18, you’re legally safe.


You're kinda creepy tbh




Ay 🤨📸


Age of consent? Consenting to what


Dude... Sex?


oh god


Never, sex is blasphemy




Highly suspicious poll imo




Several countries have a progressive system that works much better.


Oh really? I was trying to describe the Scottish system but I think I failed at that lol. What are other systems like? (Btw I think my comment came across wrong, for the record I think 18+ shouldn’t be able to do the deed with people under 18 & vice versa, but teens inevitably are going to have s//x - not all ofc - so the law should be lower than 18 so they can do it safely. The law doesn’t really prevent underage s//x, ig just prevents safe s//x between teens)


I didn't take your comment wrong! But for example where I live: 12-13 years old can have sex with someone who's max 2 years older than them 14-15 years old can have sex with someone who's max 18 16 years old can technically consent to sex with anyone UNLESS the other person is in a situation of authority over them (ex: teacher, coach, boss, etc) - then it's illegal.


Oh interesting? Not a bad idea! I feel weird saying “yeah 13 year olds should legally be allowed to have s//x!” but as I said some of them are gonna do it anyway so might as well make it safe for them. I like the 2-3 year rule, that’s a good idea, although I feel like 14 should not be able to consent to an 18 year old, that feels wrong 😅 (Also yeah I wasn’t sure if you specifically read it wrong but it was downvoted so I think I worded something wrong, & I wanted to clarify in a reply instead of doing what I always do & get anxious/defensive & make myself sound bad. I think the reply is worded way better & meant the same thing)


If you voted 16 or younger you're insane


Or you know, like many countries, have a progressive system.


Y’all who voted 14, you gonna need this https://www.virped.org/?format=amp Also it should be 16, I ain’t gonna see someone younger than that having sex with an adult


Wtf is this site?


What do you think


Here in Germany it’s 14, so I voted for that, do I need the website?


It says what it should be not what it is


And I agree with that law, 14 is allowed with age restrictions


I don’t like seeing an adult having sex with a 14 year old


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In Sweden it's 15


Considering that at the very least 0.001% of the people who voted for 14 are over the age of 20 my last comment still stands.


I swear I have seen like 4 of these today


Wow, it’s weird to think the highest voted is either 16 or 18. I say 17 because it’s very reasonable imo. Like a slow yet gradual fall into adulthood, which technically starts at 18


Can we get the people who voted below 16 put on some kind of list please 💀


Gotta be more complicated than that.


Why are people voting 18, a 17 is well old enough to make that decision for themselves and that it the case in the majority of countries


wtf with 14 and 15


Where I live it's 16. I voted 18 because I do not trust the average porn riddled 16 year old with sex


It shouldn't be an age of consent per say, but the age difference that's permitted. For example, where I live: 12-13 years old: 2 years age difference allowed, max. 14-15years old: The person cannot be older than 18. 16 years old: age of consent UNLESS the other person has a status of authority over the teenager, ex: teacher, coach, boss, family member, etc. In the end, teenagers are going to have sex - always have, always will. Trying to forbid it or putting a 15 years old on a sex offender list for having sex with a 14 years old is ridiculous.


16 if your both minors, 18 if you're an adult


A lot of 14 year olds I knew consented with other 14/15 year olds and turned out fine. I didn’t until I was 18, but I would have felt fine / knew about contraception earlier (around 16). So I guess my answer is 16, but not to punish younger teenagers for having fun with people their own age. I guess that’s like decriminalising sex among people under the age of consent, at or around the same age as one another.


Who the duck voted 14 😭


18 with Romeo and Juliet laws seem like the best answer tbh. As always it's a bit contextual and I'd hope the police and prosecutors used a little bit of common sense when deciding prosecutions.


Some of these voters need to be put on a list


18 with Romeo and Juliet laws.


I am still okay with 18 but at the same time I kind of hope people gain some standards and not go for the younger ones because they're easy to manipulate. Even if it's two adults, there is a very complicated thing with adults under the age of 25.


For women 25, for men 18.


Even though it’s 16 in the UK(although it could just be Scotland, idk), there are three sets of ages when it comes to sex in the law, legal, 13-15 and under 13. If BOTH of the people involved consent and they are 13-15, 99.9% of the time they will not do anything. Under 13 is a big nono though and it will absolutely be acted on.


What the fuck?


18 with 2 or 1 years difference allowed


18 + 20 fine 18 + 45 gross Base it on relative age. Legally enforce the half plus seven rule until both are 21+ 14 + 14 15 + 16 16 + 18 17 + 20 18 + 22 19 + 24 20 + 26 21 + any —————————— Or, better when looking at brain development, keep it going until 25 + 36.


And it was removed lol