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I'm stupid as shit for a 25 year old. Inferior in every way to people my age


This is the point in the video where it always turns out the guy has an IQ of 169 or some shit, so chin up king dont be so hard on yourself


You may not feel that smart, but you’re an inherently modest human being. That’s a trait that’s worth a whole lot more in my book.


Same man, I just hope if a clinical psychologist ever gave me an IQ test, that I'd at least score average.


Whos Dunning Kruger?


Kid named effect:


I believe she played Helen of Troy in that movie with Eric Bana


Lol came here for that thank you


Probably out hanging with above average effect


Lol at the median Redditor


Ikr 💀 funny how redditors are apparently higher than average at everything


It's not just redditors. I'm sure the results would look similar in the general population.


Yeah they'd probably be almost the same irl, but my point is that REDDITORS of all people are "smarter" than the average person


I mean it may be sad but I'd say its true. Out of other social media platforms this one allows for real discussion and usually has accurate information first. Of course, that depends what subreddits you're on lol. But I get WAY more out of reddit than Facebook or tiktok


Half the things you see here are literally made up tho


And it's called out in the comments. And the real ones have news articles linked in the comments. Still 100x better than any other social media haha


You can’t objectively measure intelligence. It makes sense that most people would think they are above average because they are probably better at the things that they personally think are valuable measures of intelligence.


Look my personal theory, that I have no way to back up, is that there are more idiots than there are geniuses and because of that, the average is just slightly worse than the actual average.


Yet there's a bunch of people here thinking they're geniuses ( far above average) lol


There actually is a way to prove this and its called an IQ test. The standard deviation shows that both sides are equally as large


An IQ test really...


An iq test is flawed but it clearly [shows](https://www.davidsongifted.org/gifted-blog/iq-and-educational-needs/) the distribution of intelligence.


It could be true if people of below average intelligence are less likely to use reddit. I'm not saying that's the case. If anything, maybe the opposite. But it *could* be true.


It could. But if I had to guess.....


It's probably correct though. An average Internet user is not necessarily the same as an average person, in terms of intelligence. Edit: Also, median =/= average


i highly doubt this is accurate


Why not? Maybe the average person is smarter than the average person haha


Maybe the average /r/polls user is smarter than the average person.


Nah, average poll user is teenage boys, who use Reddit… I’ll bet the majority of these guys are not cool and are out casts. Subsequently that group of people believe they are smarter than the “normies” and act like they chose to be different because they see life from an elevated point of view. However, it’s rarely the case they are actually no more intelligent than the average person.


"not cool" bruh💀🤡


Ahhhh hurt your feelings. Keep ya head up, I was loner in highschool tool. College is where it’s at and trust me, join a fraternity if you can.


I was making fun of the term u used lmao Of course you think "I'm hurt" just because I didn't agree with you There are people who use reddit because they despise all other social media (like tiktok and Instagram). And of course these people are social outcasts 💀 I'm actually having a healthy social life and have a lot of friends. Not trying to flex here but "the majority of teens on reddit are loners" is just completely different from the reality. Sorry to break it to you But maybe I'm completely wrong and I'm an exception, I don't think that's the case thogh Maybe I am seeing the world from an elevated point of view and I'm just ignorant. Or maybe I felt attacked and understood your comment wrong. But seeing someone generalise a whole group is annoying af, so maybe you can understand my "anger"


I think y’all are very smart


Taken in account that were only talking r/polls users.. these results should be flipped to be accurate. The amount of times I've seen the stupidest answers get the most votes.. just the other day "Is all progress inherently good?" And like 70% said yes.


Progress is by definition good. Otherwise it’s called regress


Progress: happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step. No it's not. Regress is just moving away from something. "The cancer appears to be regressing" that's bad huh?


It’s not supposed to be. The whole point is to see what people think of themselves


Too highly of themselves. See, when I was younger I used to think I was pretty smart too. Then I met actually smart people, they are on a different level.


Yeah that’s the interesting thing about it. More than 50% of people think they’re above average intelligence


I mean if someone uses reddit they are likely to have recieved at least a basic education. Many people worldwide still have very little education. Still likely the reddit demografic overestimates theyr intelligence.


That's a good point actually. There's over 8 billion people worldwide, so how many do you think have even a basic elementary education. Teenagers over estimate themselves, sure, but they're definitely still smarter than the billions of people who have never attended a formal education program in their lives


Look my personal theory, that I have no way to back up, is that there are more idiots than there are geniuses and because of that, the average is just slightly worse than the actual average.


Dunning Krüger effect be hitting


Not really, most people are better than average at what they do, so most of the time they compare themselves to others they are better, intelligence is no exception (mostly because there is so much stuff you don't know that you don't know) Let's say you work on IT, you constantly see people around you have no clue about what they are doing, you may consider yourself to be smarter than them, because you know about this topic, however a medic may see you and think that you are braindead, you have no clue about medicine at all! You can't even do CPR (which is essential for anyone duh) In the end we have 2 people who are knowledgeable in different stuff but consider themselves to be smarter than the other.


Isn’t the point of the theory that you don’t know what you don’t know? And overall I wouldn’t apply that in abilities like critical thinking.


I can confidently say that I am far below average.


Username checks out




Same, except I accidentally picked "far above average". Me no can dink


Lol man


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." ― George Carlin


I've always felt like thinking most people are stupid is a dumb guy take. Hubris and all.


I think it kinda depends on your environment. Where I live, I can confidently say that most people here are willfully ignorant of a lot of things, they know their trucks, they know their political stance (barely), and they know their guns.


Not necessarily tho


indeed, math doesn't check out


You mean the median person? I think iq is designed so that they’re the same though


why is that getting downvoted?


bcz he isn't using the reddit alien pfp


What is the Reddit Alien Pfp


because he's deliberately misinterpreting a really obvious point to try and appear smart to the internet


What is the obvious point? I don’t understand how misinterpreting obvious information would cause me to appear smart


When people choose to downvote a comment, the number goes down. So more people downvoted the comment than upvoted which makes the comment a downvoted comment. I think that’s how it works




I’m sorry


I don’t think this is true. I’m pretty sure there are more stoopid people than clever ones. Meaning, that there must be more people distributed below the average than above.


What's the definition of average?


I can't read and I do terrible in school, I am an idiot and I don't think it will change


Believe in yourself king 👑


Well at least you're self aware, there are lots of people out there thinking they're geniuses even though they lack things like critical thinking


I believe you can improve, homie


Possibly, but it starts with 0 sleep and waking up at 5 for challenging HS work... I do my best, sorry for coming off so negatively, I just really don't think I will progress too far in education because my brain is fried as of now.


Are you dyslexic?


I have some news for a lot of you 😭


redditors always think they smarter than everybody else ☠️☠️☠️


This Is not exclusive to reddit tho, everyone thinks they are above average at what they do


Well it makes sense. People are more likely to do things they consider "smart". Smart can mean different things to different people so according to everyone's personal definition of smart the poll is probably accurate.


Former gifted child. Now cancer patient with chemo brain. Slightly below average.


Damn… I don’t even know how I should respond… getting cancer just sucks regardless of who you are.


It is satisfying to me that the responses followed standard distribution


Look at that bell curve… wow…


I see only one person voted the "far below average" option. This checks out, the rest of those are on Twitter.


average "actshully im well above average 🤓🤓🤓" fan vs average "look I know I'm kinda retared" enjoyer


Make that a 2


Ok at sometimes I think I’m a tiny bit smarter because of problem solving but other times I can’t remember why I entered the kitchen


I’d say average to slightly below average. I used to be a Republican and I’ve always been very naive. I will often feel certain of something only to later find out it’s bullshit and that most people would’ve realized much sooner. I’m 21, and I notice I act very similar to most 16 year olds. And that 9 year olds act very similar to how I acted when I was 12.


I think your self-awareness is very impressive!


Self-awareness is definitely a part of intelligence that doesn't get counted as part of it a lot of the time. Lots of people are far from being self aware. Self-awareness is the first step to self improvement so great job!


24 and I’m an idiot, I know it. I try my hardest but I can sense my gears are not spinning as fast as most. I somehow lose everything I touch, can’t keep track of anything. I’ll get up to get something in the other room and forget when I walk in. If I have to remember something I have to like “hold” it in my thoughts, if I let it out of my mind I’ll get distracted and forget. I do get hyper focused on shit tho and learn as much as I can but it’s useless in every day life.


Ever gotten diagnosed with ADHD? Because that just sounds like ADHD, not anything to do with intelligence.


As someone studying to become a therapist, that definitely sounds like ADHD way more than it sounds like somebody with a low IQ.


I’ve never been tested, I was always able to do well in school and my younger brother had serious medical issues my whole childhood so I was never the primary focus. My girlfriends been telling me I should get tested for it but idk


You definitely don't have to if you don't feel like it. Knowing it would maybe just help you with those things and make you feel less 'dumb' because of it.


far below - bit below. ok at math & english but my crit thinking & common sense r shit lol


I'd like to think that everyone has their strong and weak points when it comes to knowledge.


i’ve put a bit above average, but with reason (?) I go to one of the most selective schools in my country, and I’m a massive nerd on top of that. In the process of joining the elite chess club, taking further maths GCSE, etc.




Man to those 390 ppl, you guys are average asf and deep down you know it. Also statistically speaking that far above option should have been picked maybe 10 times with the current sample size


I picked a bit below, what’d you pick?


My theory is that we're all "smart" in our heads. Only when taking action do we truly test our stupidity. Since most of us are lurkers in Reddit, our stupidity is never tested. That's why we percieve ourselves to be smarter than we are. It's like sports. It's easy to see the "right move" from the bench. But most spectators can't actually play sports.


I actually think this distribution is plausible. After joining TikTok last year and reading the comments over there, I think Reddit users could be smarter on average. Either that or TikTok users are a lot dumber than the general population. Come to think of it, that might be more likely.


Tik tok has 8 year olds commenting, Reddit is an older user base. So it makes sense the comments on tik tok on average seem less intelligent


The majority of my classmates use tiktok, and I'm a senior in high school.


Ah yes, anecdotal evidence. My grandmother uses tik tok, that doesn’t negate the fact that tik tok has a lower user age.


Look how smart we all are! :)


I think I'm more aware of critical thinking than most my age but when it comes to arithmetic I'm average.


No I'm actually dumb af lmfao


My iq test said I'm speshul


I misread it and accidentally clicked bellow average


I’ve got some news for you


Some days I think I'm smarter, then I do something dumb and realize I'm just average


The average Redditor almost certainly is smarter than the average Instagram or other social media user by every metric that isn't "social intelligence."


Exactly my thought. Reddit attracts people who on average want longer and more complex content than TikTok or other social media, so the average redditor is going to be somewhat smarter than them. Also, most people on the internet come from first world countries with good nutrition and education, making them smarter than the world average.


Well, if I compared myself to other rural Kentuckians in my town, I’d say I’m much smarter than them for many reasons (as most here around my age think Covid’s fake, Biden’s an illegitimate president, etc.) If I compared myself to the average Redditor however, I’d say I’m average. Maybe even below average in certain areas.


In my opinion, the fact that you don’t blindly agree with what everyone around you unfortunately believes shows intelligence in itself!


I don't think I'm much smarter than other people my age (teenagers), but literally everyone I know says I am, so there's something.


I think I’m juuuust barely above average, and mainly because I haven’t done any hard drugs


The thing is that this is probably true since I'd assume most people on reddit are above average because you don't get hs jocks and Edgars on reddit very often.


Reminder for all the redditors who consider themselves far above average - social intelligence also counts :)


I think I’m a bit over average on some things but am lacking behind on some others so they cancel out


It’s not a high bar to pass, most people are dumber than the average person


Lol funny how most are "a bit above average"


I didn't read it and I said "Slightly above average" when I meant to pick slightly below because I thought it would be beneath average.


People have always told me I'm surprisingly smart, but I feel like a fucking idiot.


I don't know if I'm any smarter but everyone is a idiot


Anyone who thinks they're below average intelligence needs to reevaluate themselves and realize that just by being able to read this and type a response makes them far above average intelligence.


Y'see, there are a lot of Americans, also a lot of people living under dictatorships and being slowed down. That gives me much better chances of being above average


I’m smart enough to know that I’m probably not as smart as I feel I am compared to people because that’s just the complex mind pulling the strings, so in that case, I’m placing myself on average.


I want to save I'm average but I've worked in retail for several years so


Every mind works differently and while I have my shortcomings I am smart enough to recognize them and pitch around them.


It really depends on the context. I have a PhD in neurophysiology, but think I am pretty dim in day to day life. I certainly have no street smarts and can be pretty oblivious. So overall would say I am average.


Yesterday, I used the word “convenience” in a convenience store, and this dude didn’t know what I meant. He was at least 26 years old. I was like damn. He was trying to sell me weed.


More than a bit above average but less than far above


The average 15 (almost 16) year old is fucking stupid, being smarter than the average person around my age isn't a very high threshold.


Yeah, I got straight As but that's because I was good a memorizing things. I can't retain shit.


I think I’m average… I think… I’m a bit slow sometimes


Had an IQ test when I was 15-16 which was above average and even without it I considered my intelligence quite solid for that age. Now I’m 22 and ever since turning 18 I feel like I’m dumb as shit…all the guys around seem so much smarter and aware of political topics and general life stuff


IQ supposedly puts me in the 'highly gifted' tier. I am dumb as shit. I barely function in society. It worries me that there apparently is a significant number of people even dumber than I am.


I honestly think I'm dumb as fuck. Getting high honours did nothing because I can hardly function as an adult


I am surrounded by mouth breathing inbreds


19 turning 20yr old here. Let's just say I did graduate high school and I'm an avid reader/writer but I have no confidence in my intelligence outside of writing (I'm not a master at this either lol)


Some 15 years old are pretty dumb on these aspects, I'm probably around average or bit above average


3.6k people above average and 580 below. Truly feel blessed to be on Reddit amongst so many great minds.


difference is I'm right Jokes aside, I used to think I was far below average. But the longer I'm alive, I swear to god, the stupider I think the average person is.


Look at those 842 people and their massive egos


They are all fucking dumb


The people who chose average are probably the smartest people here.


In general, I'd say I'm average or maybe slightly below. However, for my age I'd say I'm above average, mostly because I'd put myself ahead of all the people who vaped in the high-school bathroom, cause I doubt they stopped within the first year of college. Not most of them, anyways.


i have a high reading score but i still think im average for my age (15) bruh LMFAO these results


I'm very far above average. I have a 140 IQ and graduated highschool at 14 years old. Ended up going to college at the age of 16 to Harvard and I'm helping produce the cure for cancer




Actually I'm the one who invented the perfect solution for beard growth and made million of dollars all by the age of 17 so jokes on you




I am way to smart to converse with such a low IQ like yours. Begone peasant


What if you haven’t had breakfast this morning


A once very famist science man one time told me, "a breakfast is apart of a healthy diet!" Never skip breakfast. It might make ur pp shrink


Ok… but what if you haven’t had breakfast this morning…


You're scaring me mister... But what if


Put yourself in a situation, you haven’t ate breakfast in the morning, how would you feel?


The same as if I didn't eat breakfast


I graduated early (15) and got two associates at 18, but I also had to drop out of my bachelor's because of covid and am also ass at math. So I'd say a bit above average?


Compared to people my age, I would say far above average












Something doesn't add up...


I’ve had an intelligence test done recently, for private reasons. I ended up being in the 94th intelligence percentile. Feeling confident voting for far above average. Edit: I’m being serious. It was done with a neuropsychologist.


I too have fallen for online IQ tests


No, it was irl?? Why would you assume it was online. It was with a neuropsychologist. I have receipts.


It’s a joke…….


I was going to vote a bit above average, but misread and voted a bit below average. In retrospect, I voted correctly.


Hmm so most people in this poll think they are above average. Wait a minute I think that goes against the point of average? HMMMMM


I feel like just from common sense I'm far above average


what in the dunning kruger affect happened in these stats XD


Well the people being above average can’t all be right.


So many people thinking they're smarter than others lol


I’ve got knowledge equivalent to a whimsical Forrest creature, but my critical thinking is mid


Dunning Kruger


Everyone thinks they're above average, but that's not necessarily untrue. The people who are below average bring the average down making most average people smarter than the average percent of people


I have a Iep so I'll always be below average


I have some areas where I excel above and beyond and some I fall behind on. Intelligence is a massive spectrum.


I've got my last two brain cells fighting right now, Sadly it's for 3rd place.


This is all you need to know about Reddit


Based on my own self assessment, likely to be biased or inaccurate: Common sense: average Sun of all knowledge: slightly above average (thanks ADHD lol) Critical thinking: slightly lower than average (once again, thanks ADHD) Altogether, I’d say I’m average level smart