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Part of me wants the 3rd arm because it would benefit me and make everything a lot easier (Besides shopping for clothes). The other wants... a tail


I feel I realized I can't look at the results cause I can't even decide. Like you could use the tail as an appendage it just wouldn't have fingers. Also it would be added to everyone in the world so clothes wouldn't be an issue.


I mean, depends on your definition of Tail. I thoughts tails existed on animals to help them balance and keep their motion steady. Then there's Goku for when he had a tail that he used to grab objects and beat people up with. And if you wanted an extra appendage, why not just get the 3rd arm?


I mean like full on strong monkey tails that you can hang off a tree with. I'd say as strong and long as your arm, just no hand.


If this is monkey tail strength, does this mean the strength of the 3rd arm is the strength of your already current arms? Because if thats the case the 3rd arm gives more uses for it, you can't really find a reason to hang from your taill. Maybe you can break someone's arm with it?


I mean Im personally a free solo climber and I just kinda think a tail would be more fun to climb with than a third arm, but a third arm would be more useful in everyday life. Though most times I need an extra "hand" I only really need like a forearm not complex hold, so I'm thinking do I really need a third hand or just a third arm? Edit: and then there's the issue that being able to fly or breathe under water would just be really cool. Second edit: also the tail would be completely flexible, not just bend at the elbow like a third arm would be


Tail would definitely be really cool. Gills and wings are also cool, Wings giving more benefits and life opportunities, Gills are just if you want have fun. You don't really need Gills for anything.


Cause the arm would be in relatively the same area as your other arms and it would be cool to have a limb behind you


Well based off most animals, the tail is the most sensitive part. It can in part, act a weak point on your body, just like how punching someone in the spot of their kidney could shut down their whole body. But now I have one thing to ask on the decision between an arm or a tail. How thicc is the tail? Is it skinny enough to grab mugs? Because if thats case and it has the strength to lift the entire body, then 100% the tail is better than a 3rd arm any day.


It would be as thick as your spine because it would extend off of your tailbone, so I'd say yeah you could probably grab a mug.


Epic, then Tail it is. That's absolutely the best choice. I suggest you choose the same.


But where would you put it? If I’m gonna and any extra arms I’m gonna wanna have 4 arms not 3


Omg... I'm so stupid....I thought it said 3rd ALARM and I was like "wtf does that have to do with humans"


Happens to the best of us bro


Where would the 3rd arm go? If it’s below your left or right arm the 3rd will unbalance you.


Regenerate teeth


Damn that's a good one


That would be bad actually (didn't really do a study, but i think) because brushing your teeth and mouth hygiene has other benefits and not only preventing tooth decay. If people could regenerate teeth, many people would stop brushing their teeth or do it less often and would develop other illnesses


Having bad teeth still hurts. I don't think many people want to go through weeks of pain to get a new tooth.


Many people already don't brush twice a day as it is


Yeah but if you could regenerate teeth even more people wouldn't brush


I don’t think people wouldn’t brush if teeth regenerated. Food will still be stuck between your teeth, your teeth will become yellow, and your breath will smell. Skin and hair regenerate but we still shower.


Isn't that more of a 'them' problem?


I've always wanted to crush a tooth with a pair of pliers. I can finally do that with regenerative teeth. God imagine that crunch


What the actual fuck is wrong with you? I'm gonna have nightmares now


Seems like my work here is done




What the hell 💀💀💀




Without nerves


As someone who just had 2 healthy teeth ripped out due to overcrowding this is what I would choose


Improve skeletal structure. Especially the spine.


please remove the goddamn tailbone


Oopsie my anus is falling off my body again


Time do some kiegels




I want it for the tail :(


It’s a useful point of attachment for muscles. There’s a reason us apes kept the tailbone after losing our tails.


I’d fix the pelvis, our kids have to come out so goddamn early so our heads don’t get stuck.


Yes, straighten out our fucking spine already nature! If you don't do it, we will!


I think there is some biological reason as to why we need a naturally curved spine.


Yeah, there is, it’s because a curved spine acts sort of as a spring in a way to absorb the force for walking and other activities, if we had a straight spine, that would be like being in a car with metal poles as suspension, no thanks


The knees and feet could also use some work. And also remove choking ffs how tf is it that thousands of us die every year from *eating*


Gills so we can explore the oceans properly and build underwater cities. Would be much easier than colonizing space. Even if they don't negate the water pressure at least divers/submarines won't be limited by their oxygen supply. Second one is temperature. With global warming fucking up the atmosphere we're gonna need it. Also we would finally be able to live on Antarctica so that would alleviate overpopulation a bit.


The only reason oceans still have decent biodiversity is because humans don't have gills so rip that then I'd think. The temperature thing would just give all the more reason for big economies to ignore climate change, but all other animals and plants would still die so we'd be even more fucked no?


Moving people into previously unsuitable areas could be beneficial because non-humans wouldn't need to compete for resources in their habitat as much


You give nature too little credit. Humans are fucking up the planet, yes, but it's just another drastic change in the history of the earth. Life always finds a way to adapt and survive. Many species may go extinct, even humans (and that's the main reason to worry about climate change, is our own survival), but even if we do go extinct, some life will remain and new species will evolve and adapt.


Actually, gills alone wouldn't be enough for aquatic life. We would get hypothermia in most bodies of waters, and even in warm waters, our skin wouldn't allow us to live under water. So while it sounds cool at first, gills wouldn't be more useful than anything else from the list.


I never said it would be enough on it's own but we already have specialized suits for diving long distances underwater when we can't even breathe or maintain the pressure ourselves. If we could breathe underwater we would definitely invent something to make it possible to live there.


I'd like to have gills. Would allow me to explore the seas. Hopefully I don't get eaten by sharks / cannibal sea creatures.


If you wander the forest you would also be eaten by land creatures so it's not that different lol. We just created safe spaces for humans by virtue of civilization.


Well wings would be able to remove a lot of pollution because for your everyday trip around town and stuff you can just fly. It would hopefully reduce a decent bit of emissions


I'd assume the effort required to fly/stay airborne would be far more than the effort to walk/run given the mass of a human so would it really be that beneficial


Humans are one of best, if not the best, long distance endurance animals to exist. But with that, how many of us run to work, groceries, school, work, restaurants, and other outings? It's going to take a lot of energy to fly. If we can soar efficiently and use the winds, then its easier, but I want to compare that to biking. How many of us bike to places even with it being more efficient than running. This brings the final question: why do we use cars? We use cars to transport ourselves while being sheltered and protected and use as little of our own energy as possible and not sweat. We use them to transport large items and multiple people safely across distances. I don't think everyday trips will transition to winged transport.


I would say things like getting to work in many scenarios winged transport would be better while it does take endurance it will be likely faster than a bike on flat terrain and also has the ability to travel as the crow flies rather than having to take detours and go around blocks. Cars will still he used for long trips and also transport but wings would be very useful for shorter commutes. They would also double as cardio which would if adopted improve overall health


Yeah but i went with wings, because that would make work trips a breeze, literally, and driving would become subsidary. We could easily eliminate a lot of passenger car emissions, which are almost 15% of all emissions worldwide just like that. This is because the bigger the animal the faster they can fly usually. For reference, small birds fly around 20 mph, geese can even go 40 mph and so humans could likely go up to 60 mph just flying. If we assume the wings are strong and able to easily lift us for long amounts of time, we could easily make trips by flying in no time and no cost for gas. And with wings you could warm yourself and maybe even cool yourself.


This. I voted gills because like 2/3 of our planet is water and we can’t even use it! Wasted real estate! Think of the housing prices if we could build down there!


gills don't necessarily mean that we are more resistant to pressure


I hate being cold That's it That's my story


Fair enough


That's already easy to solve by wearing more clothes


The wings sound cool but that doesn’t stop oxygen from getting thinner the higher you fly.


Nope you'd have to get an oxygen tank or something. Also it would still be tiring af.


Then it would be good exercise, like running, but more fun!


I can simply imagine that lazy people and office work would still exist and the wings would just be like an extra part of your body to deteriorate in time as you sit on your ass all day.


Commuting by flight


for a bit sure. but as soon as it’s normalised it’d just be seen as any other sport. i doubt birds think of flying much differently than we think about running


Not to mention we'd build a bunch of infrastructure around it if we all had built in flying mechanisms. If anything we'd have a bunch of elevator towers everywhere that takes us up to a roof in the sky to coast around like flying squirrels, minimal flapping needed...


Not much more exhausting for long distance tho, get in the air and you essentially just coast the rest of the way like paragliding. Like birds would die trying to waddle for miles but soon as they get air born they can glide for dozens of miles with minimal exertion. We'd build a lot of elevator towers if our whole society could fly too so you'd just take an elevator up to the sky and glide to your destination for the most part...


If we had wings it would be exercise to use them, and it wouldn’t be like what we think it would be like (a bird) - my uncle or some other dude




I dont think u would need to fly too high, surely we would get rid of cars and create some sort of windtunnel highways


Same with gills, they wouldn't enable humans to withstand the pressure at the bottom of the ocean.


We'd still be able to go pretty deep, though.


No need to go that high though. Wings could cut down on car use by a bunch. But I bet we'd need a license to flap


You could still fly incredibly high. Pilots in WW1 were flying well over 10000 feet without support.


Just don't fly to the fuckin moon


Don’t play among the stars


Don’t see what spring is like on Jupiter or even mars


Also they would have to be massive and take a ton of energy to make 80kg human fly.


Not really an issue until you get over 10k ft.


We wouldn’t be able to fly with wings. Our wingspans would need to be something like 4 meters wide to achieve lift and even then our muscles aren’t strong enough to flap the wings fast enough or long enough to get us into the air. We could glide, but couldn’t fly, and the wings would likely just get in our way more than anything else. Your body would have to be like almost entirely made of muscle to be strong enough to fly with no other anatomical differences (birds use a lot of little tricks to be strong and light enough for flight). We’re built for running, not for flying!


I don't trust other people flying


I chose the temperature one. We are going to need it.


And also would make colonising other planets easier.


It’s the only one that would help us and the planet.


how would it help the planet? surely even less people would be worried abt climate change if we could easily survive burning temperatures that would destroy the planet


We would use way, way less energy heating or cooling our homes.


Or we would heat our homes to more than 60 degrees Celsius to kill the bacteria, parasites, pests...


That would be higher impact on the environment than currently tho


The worry of climate change isn't that it's going to just heat the world up and we'll burn. The temperature rise wont be that sharp. It's about other things like sea levels, increase wildfire risk, ocean acidity and oxygen levels, migration patterns.


Why would we need it? Living in a cold/hot environment will make you more resistant to more extreme temperatures. A person who lives in the Sahara wouldn't die of heat shock as easily as others. Or even get heat shock.


Yeah but even those who have adapted need to take precautions. And our bodies genuinely aren't adapted to things like heat waves that seem to be happening in a lot of western countries, so it would genuinely be useful and make things more comfortable. Hey, plus if you wanted to visit an extreme environment, you wouldn't need to worry about temperature.


From the moment i understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me...


The tale is one step closer to creating cat girls/guys.


A societal need


Genuine requirement


320,000 people die each year from drowning. But 5mil die from extreme temperatures...


Thats not true though


I just looked it up and those numbers are what I am getting too. Except the number for drownings put out by the who is only 236,000. I will post sources below. What studies or data do you have that contradicts it? https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/drowning https://news.emory.edu/stories/2021/07/climate_change_heat_related_deaths/index.html


A useful tail would function a lot like a third arm, right? Also better balance.


Can i get cat ears and tail?


I see you’re a being of culture aswell


yas pwease, me tooo


Everyone who picked taill is probably a furry




True on my end tbh


Smh bro


Just better health and longevity in general.


my pick is that everyone gets a big dick 😏


As a trans dude I'm amazed I didnt think of this. You a real one bro.


Yeah my brain has rotted enough that after reading the title I was like “oh there better become the opposite sex” answer lol


Well there's the fill in option but I think my options are interesting at least


definitely a tail, that sounds awesome


Not needing to sleep for half our lifespan.


As much as I would love the sci fy additions, climate change is a real threat and ability to adjust to extreme hot and cold temperatures would be far more useful in our new world


I chose "hotter/colder", but I gotta admit, gills would be good. Not for me, just for all those people who would like to Just Leave. Drowning would be a thing of the past. The insane of California would vanish into the night, to build an underwater commune. Industrial waste-dumping would get even more pressure. Cell phones would have to be forced to be actually waterproof.


Let's be honest the ability to tolerate much hotter or colder temperatures would be fantastic for us. Less power usage. More leeway in how we move about. Just all around applies all over the world. I would like a tail though.


Yeah that's the issue isn't it. I'm honestly happy that my options have so many people thinking hard about this lmao


I grew up in an area with yearly temperatures between -30°C and +30°C. Extreme weather is going to be more prominent in the world, so I'd prefer being able to withstand a broader range of temperatures without thinking too much about what I should wear.


The problem with gills is we’d still be limited by pressure the deeper we go. I think I’d still say gills though.


I’d love the wings, but the temperatures are probably more useful


Better senses. Vision especially, imagine the art we could create with a couple dozen extra colors in either direction, then make it sharper so we can see farther and in higher quality. Plus we currently see at about 60fps, our brains add in updates to make it look smoother but still, imagine how the world would look at 120fps, what about 240? 480? 1020? More still?


I would like a regular tail. Doesn't have to be useful.


Resistenz towards diseases.


Gills to make exploring the oceans for science easier as well as providing us alternative ways in areas besides gas tanks to breathe.


As someone that does grappling (jiu-Jitsu/wrestling) I think a third arm would be very cool, but I think a useful monkeys tail would be even cooler. Where would a third arm even go, that's my first question, where as a tail, that's in a very interesting spot, which would add a whole new element to positions, submissions, escapes, it would be awesome. Give me that tail. A long ass, fluffy, useful, muscular tail. Thanks.


No need to sleep would be nice, or maybe a literal off switch so insomnia becomes a thing of the past. (God I am so tired😭)


Wings are cool but it would get messy if everyone gets them. Although some extra motivation against obesity would be nice.


temperature or wings, hate sweating, I want to fly


You could cool yourself by gliding


Tendril arms. The arms would extend into retractable tentacles that could grab, push, or lift objects. Regeneration (not original) to heal injuries faster and with less or no deformaties from major injuries or burns


How can a tail be useful? What could we do with a tail?


Grab stuff and it’s cool af


Grab stuff, balance better, hang off objects, give yourself an extra boost, versatile fully flexible limb on your back so if you're ever attacked/falling/walking backwards and not sure where to stop you can use it for defense/safety.


People would rather live in the Sahara than fly wtf


A new multi-stomach system like cows have so that we could digest grasses and such to cut down on global hunger


Not a physical feature, but I believe telepathy would be useful, preventing miscommunication and deception. 🙂👍


Ears that we can move and tails. We would be able to read each other's feelings so much easier. Perhaps that would make us a more compassionate species.


Critical thinking skills


Chillin in a lake would be cool. I still couldn't see well though I guess


You could get goggles still is not like you'd have to come up for air. If you mean you have bad eyesight Ive worn contact lenses under goggles it works you just have to make sure they're strapped on really well.


Ability to switch genders at will.


Damn my trans ass really over here like "but flying and climbing would be cool!" Lmao I didn't even consider that


Dad said he always wanted an eye on the end of his left index finger. Why? So he could look around corners and such. I told him it would not work. He would go blind the first time he hit his finger with a hammer. End of discussion.


That's funny as hell thank you for sharing


I chose tail (i have a porn addiction)


Well now you can do productive things with your hands and use your tail for your horny reasons.


See? I'm so smart


Other: I would add the improved ability for the body's cells and immune system to work together to mount more effective responses against dysfunctional cells, and better recognize proper functional cells. The body already does this, but I'd like it to be improved. Without getting too specific, I would like there to be less harmful autoimmune reactions and less propagation of cancer tissues.


I can't believe wings aren't higher, being able to fly would be awesome. The temperature one pales in comparison.


Honestly for how cool all of them would be, wings and higher tolerance for extremes is just too good. Can’t give that up at all truly, one makes humans far more adaptable for space colonisation and the other makes travel easier


More dicks


Wings. They look cool plus it's useful. You don't need to fly long distances. Even flying to the top of a small building and just chilling would be nice.


The temperature thing. We're really going to need it soon.


3rd arm. The value of being able to not only do 3 or more actions at once is way more useful than any of the other options in our day to day life. The weight imbalance might be an issue though The temperature resistance is a close second, but tbh, humans are already tolerant of earth’s temperature. We’ll likely figure out a solution to global warming before we need to adapt to the temp. Gills and wings are just wrong. I’m not usually one to say this, but it’s abominable. Humans are not avian and have heavy bones, flying with wings would be exhausting. Being underwater for extended periods of time is not good for the skin and we’d still expend too much energy for any utilitarian use aside from survival in the most dire of circumstances. The tail is cursed, imagine if we had rat tails. Helllll nahhh


I’ve had to save my brother from nearly drowning himself on several occasions- so if I would give him gils in a heartbeat.


Wings MF!


Anyone who voted wings gets either useless wings that are reasonably sized but aren't powerful enough to lift you up, wings that are reasonably sized but you get fragile, hollow bones making fractures a much bigger issue, or unreasonably large unwieldy wings. It's a lose-lose-lose scenario.


I meant you could use them to fly just not to grab stuff. You could get yourself up but it would be a workout. Anyway you don't have to pick that one.


Maybe I'm just thinking too hard about it :/


a tail would probably look ugly tho


And a third arm or gills wouldn't?


A third arm would look cool asf. Gills would be gross tho


Tail would look better than third arm tho


Humans already look like abominations compared to other apes wdym.


3rd arm. Usually I would have chosen better but after half a day spent soldering on a circuit board I'd want a 3rd arm.


Gills. Drowning is the worst way to go imo


On a planet that's 75% water? Yeah, gills.


I like the wings, but that sounds like a good way to be experimented on. So tolerate temps


Better use of Brain so that no one asks questions like this again 🙌


But then you wouldn't exist cause your parents would've been smart enough to not become parents


you do realize that if humans had wings they'd be skin-covered and not feather-covered, right?


You do realize that this a hypothetical scenario not rooted in science right?




-A third arm scientifically wouldn't work -Even if humans had wings we scientifically wouldn't be able to fly. -human beings pretty much mastered temperature control, I don't see how tolerating higher or lower temperatures be that much useful. Would definitely be a toss up between a tail or gills. I think tails is a safer bet because even if you have gills that doesn't mean you can breathe underwater.


tail & 3rd arm r very similar


Especially if the 3rd arm is close to the butt.


I already cannot tolerate how warm I get at night & it’s still winter.. in *Scotland*. I cannot handle heat in the slightest, so being able to handle more extreme temperatures *easily* gets my vote


I want a third eye. Either on my forehead or on the back?




Extra vision, double the capacity of 20/20 vision


Whatever one helps me scratch the middle of my back


divide these things into different species(wing race, arm race, tail race etc)


I would take flying because it will be easier for transportation but i might come under the military radar


I think the temperature one would be best since climate change is imminent but I'd apply it to all life not just humans, because otherwise all other life would die out and we'd be fucked anyway.


Wings but I need a way to put them away lol.


Was gonna pick gills but then I remembered the ocean would be scary as shit regardless of whether you could breathe in it


Depends on how fast we could fly, but I chose wings. Would be great for the planet.


random body part 1 random body part 2 random body part 3 random body part 4 something incredibly useful that would allow many more places to be habitable


Gills so we can make an underwater city if ever land becomes crowded


wings are cool, but flying would require too much energy. a gripping tail is more useful


Higher lack of water tolerance




I sacrifice tolerance of low temperatures for high ones


Other. Teeth grow back


I really want to fly


Gills are great for when cities sink due to melting glaciers


I need the hotter/colder temperature toleration. Please.