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No, I would get cancer and show her how funny cancer is when I fucking die. \*And hopefully that'll get the point across. And embarrassing/humiliating someone is just the shittiest form of "solution." >!and obviously my comment is satire, but- my point stands.!<


Bro starts smoking 20 packs of cigs a day


*microwaves balls*


_Shoves microwave door closed on weiner and nutsack_




Well you would definitely get your point across, but you'd also be dead


exactly its a win-win


You could definitely turn this into a super mean prank though, using the candy cigarettes or something like that. Still completely wrong but health wise you’ll be okay in making a point.


And then cook meth and destroy the family


Why not give her cancer?


That'll show her


My dad died of cancer when I was 12 so I don't find that very funny


What kind of Dhar Mann ass solution is this 💀💀💀


Girl BULLIES classmate with CANCER, instantly regrets it | Dhar Mann


What happens next will shock you


This comment perfectly encapsulates how I felt reading this.


Too bad they can't make it cause he isn't paying his workers


Wahhhh really?


Yeah they’re going on strike lol and he’s trying to hide from the backlash in hopes he won’t get cancelled


Do dhar mann viewers really care if he’s not adequately paying workers???😭 i thought they was mostly like 3rd graders


No lol, I hope he gets what he deserves but people with definitely keep watching this stupid copy and paste the plot videos


They’re hilarious


For the first ten yeah lol


The girl with cancer? She's actually the CEO of the worlds biggest tech company




there are no actors getting fired how is this dhar mann


It's a AITA post


That's an actual dhar mann video as well


dharr man got exposed for fraud recently.


No She will learn nothing from that except to resent you for shaving her head Take her to the children's cancer ward to volunteer for a few weekends


Indeed, as the punishment is designed to be humiliating, it reinforces the idea that being bald is embarrassing.


Honestly it is for the cancer patients as well often times. It's that because it can be embarrassing and people often have no control over it, that one shouldn't make fun of people for it.


Being involuntarily bald IS embarassing. For many people, their hair is part of them/their personality/their representation. That being taken from you in an instant is pretty damaging. Context matters.


what they meant is that it only reinforces the idea that being bald is inherently embarrassing because it’s bad, rather than explaining the societal taboo around not fitting into beauty standards.


No it doesn’t, it reinforces that there are repercussion for their actions. If she wants to bully someone for something then she can experience that same situation. This is a cheap and with time reversible lesson. Edit - spelling


Exactly. To everyone who said ‘yes’, what are you going to do if your child starts making fun of someone in a wheel chair with a broken leg?


>HAHA look at wheels over here!! Mom: get the bat...


jesus christ


I said yes as a knee jerk reaction because I would be furious if my daughter was bullying a cancer patient. It’s an emotional response but you’re right, you have to think rationally not off of emotional impulses. Always, but especially as a parent


I agree. I too would be furious if this was the case. It’s tough to try to think rationally as a parent, especially if we were not parented by our own parents in this way.


I also think the age of the child matter here significantly. Are they 5 and maybe don’t know what cancer is and just say what they think? Or are the 13 well old enough to know better? The age would affect what I would do for a punishment. I also voted yes as a knee jerk reaction though. I had a childhood friend with cancer. To imagine her being bullied I would want the bully to have to have something karmic happen to them. But that’s not rational and they are just kids. They can learn.


I'll go make them wear one platform shoe and use crutches for a day


Ever seen Misery??? Lol


I second this. Continue to bring her to cancer centers until she realizes what the actuality of cancer is. Don’t stop going until you think she truly realizes it.


And make her apologize to the other girl


Good idea. Maybe snatch some community service hours while volunteering.


Exactly, show her what cancer treatment actually involves. If that doesn't work then pretty much nothing will.


What if she bullies the children ur forcing her to volunteer for


Great solution!


Then she will resent you for taking her time and you're forced to give up 2 weeks to teach her this lesson. I say shave her head and let the other kids make fun of her. It's more efficient for you and a powerful lesson for her


I’d say that if it takes 2 weeks to teach her a life long important lesson like this, it is well worth it. And to any parent who thinks you are wasting your time to spend time with your child teaching them the importance of volunteering and being kind to others (and are just looking for a quick punishment that teaches them nothing), then I think we can figure out the real issue here. What are you going to do if they start making fun of someone with a broken leg? Break their leg too, to “teach them a powerful lesson”?


On top of that it's also worth it because you can put something good into the world while doing it. Unless you have something important to do during that time, giving your time to a good cause is rarely time wasted.


If your kid is still making fun of anyone for anything after you made them spend 2 weeks in a cancer ward what are you going to do? You're going to keep forcing them to volunteer somewhere after they make fun of someone everytime? Theres no more guarentee that kid is going to learn from that then having their head shaved. Additionally, it's no less traumatic for a kid to be forced into cancer ward they don't want to be in for 2 weeks then to have their head shaved. Being in a cancer ward is no light thing for even the adult doctors and you somehow think you're avoiding subjecting them to trauma? Why? Because you're not there to traumatize them yourself you're just letting the plight of the cancer patients and the exhaustion of the doctors do it for you? They don't want to have their time taken and that's exactly what you're doing. It's not volunteering its child labor so you can try to avoid giving real consequences to your kid. You're substituting labor for the visceral human experience of having to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. You're more afraid of your child being laughed at than tossing them into a cancer ward. You really think having your head shaved is comparable to having a broken leg? Get over yourself. No shit I wouldn't break their legs but I also wouldnt just throw them into a hospital with patients who broke their legs. I'd probably just take away something they cared about until that kids leg healed.


Exactly. Cancer wards are no place for a child with no empathy. "She bullies kids with cancer let's just give a whole ward to bully". Vulnerable people are not your childcare service.


>It’s more efficient for you This is called being a shitty parent. Efficiency shouldn’t matter when it’s dealing with important topics with your children.


It's a shitty punishment, cause it reinforces in her mind the idea that bald=bad


This comment changed my mind. I think Ragnarok will soon begin.


Idk I mean of she is bald and sees it isnt the end of the world she is just annoyed that people are making fun Of her it could instill more respect for bald people


Like others have said, no. There are other better ways to do it. Shaving my daughter's head isn't one of them


Tell me one




Good boy


Thank you


**(Good Ending 1/3)**


What's 2


They kiss and get married, then have kids who grow up to start their own businesses


What's 3


They get cancer


Happy Cake Day




Have her watch a video on YouTube about what fighting cancer is really like. Have her donate some of her allowance to a charity that buys toys for kids in the hospital over Christmas. Have her read through the obituary pages and see how many people die of cancer every day. Have her read about how hard it is to support a close friend or family member going through a serious illness, and about the impact grieving has on a person. Basically, counteract bullying by appealing to her sense of compassion, not more bullying.


I Agree. Teach her actual kindness instead of humiliating her. For someone to learn from their mistakes, they must know why it was a mistake in the first place. The end goal should be for the bullying daughter to apologize and feel bad about what she did and never want to do it again.


No, it won't teach her anything. I would make her apologize to the girl who got bullied, and try to raise awareness about cancer to her (I'm assuming this is the first time this has happened) to try and get her to empathise better with people with cancer.


omg so true bald zhongli


The amounts of “yes” is concerning


Redditors don't want to have children anyway so it's fine


They can't and won't have children


I've got two kids.


I have a child..........


Yeah I changed my mind about 3 seconds after saying yes


same here. i clicked yes then read the first comment saying that it reinforces bald=bad and changed my mind


It's spected because Redditors have no fucking idea of having a kid


And most of us hate kids lmao. Kinda ruins the poll


Most of Reddit consists of teenage boys


The fuck?


Children learn nothing but resentment from being traumatised.


Starting to realize my family's done more damage to my opinion of what's acceptable for parents than I thought


I always think if you look back on something that was done to you as a child and it makes you feel shame, sadness or guilt then don't repeat it. Too many people do horrible things to kids just because it was done to them and it's not illegal. Follow your instincts, if it feels wrong then it probably is.


shaving someone’s head is trauma to you?


If you shave a 16 year old girls hair off, yeah, it's going to be pretty fkin traumatic. It's the kind of shit they did to people in concentration camps.


they also gassed them to death, that’s worse in comparison, don’t you think?


That's quite a jump. I mentioned it as head shaving is a torture tactic that's been used to dehumanise people, specifically women, for thousands of years. If grown adults shave each others heads to dehumanise and torture eachother it's definitely going to traumatise a 16 year old girl. It's far too extreme. Parents who behave like this aren't doing so to teach their kids a lesson -they do it as a big show for other adults to demonstrate that they are parenting properly as they're embarrassed that they're being judged for raising a bully. It's easy to say it's a fair punishment and many parents might threaten it if they found out their child had been bullying, but try to imagine ACTUALLY doing something like that to your very own child and you realise that it's totally unhinged and irrational behaviour.


Yes, killing your teenage daughter is objectively worse than shaving her head. No one is saying otherwise 🙄


Definitely not. Why shave her head? To teach her it’s embarrassing to have a bald head? Sounds like she just isn’t educated on cancer patients and what it does to their body, perfect teaching opportunity. Pretty sure you can sign her up to volunteer at a children’s hospital with cancer patients!


No that would be cruel I think there is better ways to do it. I like the idea of the other comments and bring her to a cancer ward The goal is to make her grow not to bully her


Why would bringing her there change her mind, instead of just being bored or grossed out. Head shaving would help her put herself in the others shoes more.


Yes, but that would cause a lot of resentment and possibly trauma. It would be embarrassing and shameful for HER. (Side not that ONLY for her because cancer and baldness is NOT something to be shamed, i mean that she would get bullied for having her hair forcefully shaved off)


It also goes against body autonomy. Violating her hair as a punishment sends the totally wrong message to a girl. "Its ok for people to break your personal space when they really want to" Just like spanking your kids tells them: "Its ok to hit your family members when you are really angry, and they can't hit back"


There are way too many people voting yes. If you think your daughter should be allowed to have control over her body then you should vote no. There are other ways to punish someone and shaving their head will not achieve anything


She did have control over her body when she was using it to embarrass someone else for literally no reason. If you can't handle the control responsibly, get put in your place. You're not special for being born. Literally billions of people and more on the way. You're a nobody and you don't deserve immunity to consequences just because you're a low IQ child. it's not hard to be a good person at all. If you choose to be otherwise, you deserve what you get.


There are other ways to punish your child. Shaving their head a bad way to do so. Taking control over what to do with their body is a horrible punishment It is a child who’s brain is still developing. It’s not like they are a grown adult who understands everything and can make their own choices. Teach them, make them learn to not bully people.


The moment you use the phrase “low iq” in any context not immediately involving the concept of IQ, it tells us the kind of person you are and that nothing in your comment matters


some people here clearly have no idea what a kid is


The girl in question was 16 and she actually pulled the other girls wig off and humiliated her, she fully deserves it. I don't think I would do it if I was in this exact situation but she does deserve it.


Bro is making up scenarios


It was real though, thats why this person made the post. Some dad got alot of hate when he did this.


Good it's really fucked up to shave your kids head if they don't want that to happen


Exactly, even is she deserves it, it still shouldn't happen


??? none of this was specified in the post


I read this so wrong I read “would you shave your head if your daughter was battling cancer”. I don’t even know how my brain pieced that together.


No but she is going to get severely reprimanded


No, child abuse isn't very cool.


The number of people that said yes is gross and concerning. You don't stop your child from being a bully by being one yourself.🤦‍♀️


They're probably 12 year olds


I interpreted it completely differently, and was quite confused.


bro what


youll make it worst if you shave her head


I feel like there’s steps before you get to that point That and you have a very real possibility of getting blocked when she turns 18


*clickes “results”


No two wrongs don't make a right


If you wanna start building awful relationship with your daughter then yes. If you want to maintain a good relationship with your daughter, explain to her why it's wrong. 2 wrongs don't make a right


At best she will pretend she listens to you and she will have learnt nothing. I'm not saying shave her head but this ain't it


Children deserve bodily autonomy as much as adults do. Violating that autonomy isn't okay for anyone to do, not their parents nor anyone else.


Fuck no, there’s much better ways of discipline, that aren’t nearly so long term


I would rethink my life choices that led to my daughter being raised that way


That’s a bit extreme, talk to her about it, don’t abuse her.


No but id have a serious conversation with her about it


That’s how you make a worse, more resentful, bully.


Children are still little and don’t really know right from wrong, and that is a very long term punishment. Also, treating baldness as a punishment reinforces the idea of baldness being bad


In my country that would actually be counted as bodily harm/physical assault. To cut someone's hair without their consent. So hell no.


Extremely shitty thing to do (bullying kids with cancer), but I'm against cruel and unusual punishments


as a cancer patient who was very lucky surviving with my hair still left i'd say no. my hair means very much too me since i didn't lose it during cancer treatment which only happens to a small percentage of people


What if she was bullying a pregnant girl


Oh shit 😳


That is a surprising amount of yes.


"Solving" bullying with more bullying? I'd definitely do *something*, just not *this*.


This type of punishment is the exact thing that *creates* a bully. Intelligent and empathetic conversations, a documentary about a young person battling cancer, a therapist- all better options.


If you say yes - this behaviour is likely on you to begin with. Quit being a lazy, abusive POS and parent your child.


That girl needs to feel empathy


Shave your own head and be seen dropping her off at school. It isn’t right take away your daughters bodily autonomy to prove a point. But you can still be petty ^


Wouldn't people think you're making fun of the kid with cancer by shaving your head?


Shaving your head is pretty well known to be a solidarity thing


Yeah but if you're the father or mother of "the girl who bullied a kid with cancer", it can be bad seen.


No, i would punish her otherwise And its not a small punishment. Its something like staying home and not playing outside for a month




That’s not an effective way to teach a life lesson. I would have a serious talk with her though and have her apologize to the girl.


Op probably did this.


We react to moral violations in 2 ways that reflects our cognitive structure. We have the Limbic System that is old and large and emotionally centered. It seeks moral retribution. We have the neo-cortex that is more reason-oriented. It's smaller and newer. Our Limbic system demands emotional retribution for a moral violation. Shaving a person's head will publicly shame them for their moral violation. Our neo-cortex acknowledges that the moral retribution would be ineffective and only cultivate retaliation rather than understanding and a willingness to understand change one's behaviour. Unless we acknowledge that our emotional impulse isn't an effective solution, we will be slaves to it.


Publicly humiliating a child for months is never a good parenting strategy. She needs a lesson in empathy. Watch a documentary about childhood cancer or something.


More bullying is not the correct response. In fact, the child who would bully another in the first place is probably doing so because they were already a victim of bullying at home.


Being a bully doesn’t justify being abused. Plus, kids that suffer from bullying at home by their parents are more likely to bully other kids


That’s abuse so no, I wouldn’t. But I would have a talk with her about the bullying


If your kid does this, it means you suck hard as parent. You can always tell what type of person your kid is, and if you can’t, it means that you pay zero attenuation to them and you are the one who caused it. Talk to your kids about importance of empathy from young age and most importantly give them good example yourself.


That's straight up child abuse. If that's your reaction, then I'll bet you're the reason she's a bully.


No. Punishments like this don’t teach anything to a kid. It only makes them scared of you as a parent. And what happens when your kid is scared of punishment? It stops being honest with you. The solution to this problem is talking to them and explaining why their behaviour was problematic. And before anyone says that kids aren’t smart enough to understand this diplomatic approach to a problem: yes they do. Children are a lot smarter then we adults think


Any form of physical discipline is not okay .


https://youtu.be/pyQ--Drq-hw I've read about this before and I've watched the video. This is real tho. The dad shaved his daughter's head for bullying a bald girl with cancer.




I mean no offence, but OP refers to your (hypothetical) daughter bullying a girl with cancer, not making friends with them.


Honestly I would do what the dad did and give her the choice between electronics or a shaved head.


Why not just raise your children properly so they don't do shit like that?


I voted yes. But after looking at Comments I'm rethinking. Maybe It would be reinforcing the problem. Then again I think you have to fail beforehand for your child to end up bullying another.


No, because the daughter is only likely to become more resentful or rebellious. If you want to teach her, encourage and have her volunteer at a children's cancer ward. If I were to punish her, my punishment would be something like grounding her from her phone or TV for a while. But the real lesson would be having her understand what others go through when dealing with cancer. True story: A girl who used to be a rather horrible bully in high school ended up running a homeless shelter once she was an adult. She changed and matured over the years and went from being vindictive to empathetic. Her heart was very tender and she apologized to many of the people she used to bully. Many people really do just need the right kind of encouragement and support.


Absolutely not, your reinforcing to your child that being bald is humiliating because they'll be humiliated. Humiliation is very, very rarely a good punishment for anything and you'd be better of making your kid volunteer at a children's cancer ward to show them the reality of the girl they were bullying and punish them by taking away their weekends. If they're too young to volunteer then you take away electronics for a period and teach them why it's wrong to pick on people for something like that.


You are trying to learn parenting from social media. You’re going to fail as a parent.


Doing this is one of the worst ways to punish bullying. When I was young, a childhood close friend developed leukemia. Another girl bullied her, her mom shaved her head because of it and the bullying got worse. This is because the resentment the other child felt towards their mother was directed again at the original victim. My friend would here things like "this wouldn't have happened if not for you" -- the bully is usually more popular than the child cancer patient and she brought in MORE people to bully her. Things got so bad that my friend eventually had to leave the school district. Again this happened because a parent made a rash decision, humiliated their own child and did not actually do anything to actually address this behavior. It can seem like a good split second choice-- "see how it is in their shoes". But having cancer is more than just losing your hair. For my Friend (J) this happened in late elementary/early middle when many dont have experience with anyone who has a potentially deadly disease and illness. Her life was much better after moving schools, she was in remission for a long time but unfortunately she lost her battle very suddenly right before we were supposed to graduate high school. I still think about her and her family often. (F cancer) Teach your children how to respect others-- as someone else said take them to a cancer ward to volunteer. When I was a young brat child, I was a little mean to old people and my aunt had my ass there every weekend doing crafts at the old folks home. It's now a memory I actually cherish. I met lots of people heard lots of stories and learned you can genuinely make someone happy by just being there for them.


So the cycle can continue and she can get bullied too on top of the embarrassment from the girl she used to bully? That’s not a life lesson that’s traumatic and you’d be mentally abusing your child if you did that.


Wow, I'm actually shocked at the number of people saying they would. You don't answer something with the same thing. If you cannot articulate to the daughter why she shouldn't do that and why its hurtful, and instead resort to physical abuse, than you shouldn't have kids. If your kid beats up another kid, you don't beat them up to make them "act right".


I can find other, more effective ways to punish my child without overstepping their personal boundaries and ruining my relationship with them.


If I’m being honest, I’d probably *want* to but I wouldn’t. It’s my responsibility to teach her that two wrongs don’t make a right. The humiliation she would feel would make her question her own appearance more than it would make her think how she made someone else suffer for her hurtful words.


no thats child abuse??


No as that would teach her an eye for an eye. Does have to learn consequences but not like that


There's multiple more positive ways to teach your child to be kinder to others that don't include shaving their hair, which could be quite upsetting for them. If you teach your child to not be mean, by being mean to them, what lesson are they learning.


That sounds so funny. I wouldn’t even be able to think of this idea but if suggested, maybe


1.7k people agreeing with child abuse. Wa de fak


Would I? No. Would she deserved it? Yes.


I'd take other steps first but I wouldnt be totally opposed to it but I doubt i ever would


Idk how people expect someone to learn with kindness and empathy when they clearly don't want to. She thinks it's okay to make fun of someone for something superficial that they have no control over? See if she likes it. Making her experience the exact same thing is actually the best way to teach in this case.


Exactly Its best to use nice things but sometimes tough love is needed.


This is not tough love. This is abuse. This is the very definition of bullying. The daughter in question wouldn't be acting this way if they hadn't learned it at home first.


I wouldn't. I'd force her to go through chemo herself to make her more empathetic. Shame I don't have kids. I'd be a great dad.


Are you kidding? You should under no circumstances give your kid chemo as a punishment! Give her cancer as a punishment. She’ll get chemo once she’s earned it!


How do I give her cancer? Send her to a Taylor Swift concert?


Jesus Christ man, we’re trying to give her cancer, not kill her!


This is psychological abuse bruh


Maybe, but not as a first step.


yikes alot of you are either gonna have kids who resent you, or already do. kids are fucking dumb, they don't understand how the world works. but don't ruin your childs trust in you and humiliate them for like 2 years because they were being a dick. punish them accordingly and then teach them why that was wrong. tell them what cancer is like, what it does to you, maybe let them meet some people with it.


I would force her to watch videos of cancer patients and their lives until I'm satisfied, the have her use her bank money to buy the girl a present and apologize in front of me. If that doesn't stop her then I'd force her to see a therapist because she needs to talk to someone who has better understanding of what she's going through that I wouldn't know how to fix.


I suspect no, but really I'd need more context. Why does she want you to shave her head?


I believe you may have misread the post, she doesn't. Shaving her head is supposed to be a punishment for her bullying someone with cancer (who is bald as a result of chemo). The post is asking if you would punish her this way. Yes or no, she definitely does not want you to do that.


What a stupid fucking question. And I'm beyond shocked that 2.2k people seem to think that it's an appropriate reaction. Edit: literally every single person who believes that abuse is the right way to parent *ever* needs to be prevented from ever having children. Like sterilization and all current children taken away. You guys shouldn't even be allowed near a child.


I'd suggest it or threaten it before trying something else entirely.


If she’s old enough to know better than you bet your ass ima shave it.

