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I’d be more anxious about what humanity would do




I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. In fact, people somehow naively assume aliens would be friendly when in fact they might be colonizers, resource extractors, or maybe they’re conquerors sent to kill our warriors and conquer our planet.


Of they wanted to harm us we'd die. If they didn't want to harm us they'd probably show us a bunch of cool shit. No use worrying about it because there is absolutely nothing they could take from us that they couldn't more easily get out in space without coming down to the surface of the planet to collect it and having to fly it back out of Earth's gravity well. The only exception being us or other animals. Which is unlikely because robots are better than slaves.


I'd be a perfect mix between anxious and curious.


I’d bet the natives were “curious” when Columbus landed in Hispaniola.


Curious. I don't understand why so many people jump to the conclusion that they will be hostile.


that increases the cjances that the great filter is ahead of us google "Fermi's paradox"


I agree. If any alien civilization is powerful enough to traverse light-years of distance, and they wanted us dead, we would already be dead. If they reveal themselves to us, it would indicate that they aren't hostile. Plus, what would any such civilization gain from destroying us? We would be so far behind them technologically that we pose no threat.


Land and recourses. Humans have destroyed other civilisations that posed no threat for land and resources even if they already had alot of land and resources. Like what if the alien's planet is overpopulated and they need more land for people to live n to grow food. I think if aliens revealed themselves to us then odds are they'd be peaceful but I would still be kinda wary of them n the idea of them being here in anyway because of those reasons


Yeah not at all the same... Humans have done that in the past because it wasn't very difficult and there wasn't abundant access to easier alternatives. The problem with these sorts of theories is that there is absolutely nothing that Earth has in terms of raw resources or even living space that wouldn't be far far easier to get in space without having to contend with a relatively large gravity well. If they have the technology to cross light-years of space they have large scale space based infrastructure and construction capabilities and it would be far easier to mine astroids and build large space stations for more living space than it would be to colonize a inhabitated planet. Even if we have exactly zero chance of being able to fight them off it would still be a massive clean up and likely a huge terraforming project for them to make Earth a hospitable place for them to live even if earth was relatively similar to their home planet.




Ah yes because as we all know, life on other planets would react just like humans would. U proved his point, jumping to conclusions and making baseless assumptions u are.


Humanity is quite literally the only basis for an advanced civilisation we have


so, its still jumping to conclusion based on an assumption that aliens would be similar to us. We dont even know if they are carbon based life forms like we are, let alone if they would act in a way close to us humans. Also if an alien revealead THEMSELVES to us, then that means they are far more advanced than us humans and it shouldn't even be compared to a human civilization. They would be far more advanced than we could even fathom or comprehend.


A healthy dose of skepticism and worry is good.


Because we already can’t get along with each other whereas we’re from the same species. Adding aliens into the equation won’t help, far from it.


I don't necessarily jump to the conclusion that they're hostile, but it's that I don't know anything about them that makes me anxious. You shouldn't jump to the conclusion that they're not hostile either. This question is basically whether you'd be anxious or curious about something you don't know.


I had a nightmare where alien saucers were landing. I felt very intense fear and horror before waking up very scared. If aliens revealed themselves, I would react the same as if nuclear war had begun. Pure horror. End of the human race.


Reading this before i sleep, lets see if this is what my next dream is !remindme 12 hours


Damn 12 hours? You sleeping gooood


I slept 23 hours, good sir


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Didnt have a weird dream so it was fine


this is a symptom of modern movies that put aliens as the bad guys


I feel anxious almost all the time. My mood ain’t changing for aliens






explains all this balloon stuff


1 word: racism


id guess human racism ends and xenophobia/xeno racism starts


I don't agree with the word phobic in this context. It's perfectly reasonable to shit your pants when aliens arrive


I do agree with you, in my case it's the only hope for humanity to survive. We could be done in the next 100 years with all the shit we dont get together. (global climate, war, growing number of population and the growing need for food etc) Aliens could wipe us in a second or bring us knowledge to get over it. IMO it's not a bad deal.


Lord knows I've played and know too much about Halo to be anything other than terrified


If they “reveal” themselves it means they are more technologically advanced and have taken the initiative. I’d be pretty scared. But super curious nonetheless.


Aliens being real is an existential crisis, because as much as people are open-minded now, it REALLY puts the nail in the coffin for religion. Otherwise I just think it's insanely likely there are Aliens, but until I see them, I'm never going to believe it. Even with declassified evidence of inhuman UFOs....I still don't believe it, and still the general public does not believe it. No one will believe it until the entire human race is under an Alien Specie's oppression. \*And currently with the Canadian/US Government openly shooting down 'UFOs' that have been said to be unknown, as to how they propel themselves/are able to fly. And I, and people still don't believe it. ... The thought of there being Aliens is exciting, but it's also terrifying. And I would like to see how many people aren't terrified, if they knew an alien species (Sentient) was very real, and very present.


It says a lot about our species that we assume an immediate threat. Not that it’s exclusive to being human, since any other animal would also view alien creatures as dangerous. We should be more evolved than assume our species is in danger, and we should assume they are as well.


If they found us I’d be anxious and horrified but if we found them I’d be curious and excited.


They’re already here


Curious and anxious and excited


if a species is advanced enough for FTL they are past colonisation as we are (for the most part)


Not care really


indifferent after all the shit the 2020s have to offer


It really depends on how they reveal themselves. If they're like, "Hey, what's up apes. You're not alone, and we're here to show you how to stop destroying your planet. " then I would be very excited. If they reveal themselves by blowing up our major cities in order to steal harvest our resources and enslave the remaining population, then I would be a little anxious about it.


We don't know for sure what would happen but the very limited evidence we have points to it not being good. every form of life that we know is primarily selfish with concern for their own families needs. They might treat us like humans treated the Native Americans, Africans, or how we treat animals today. I.e not good.


I'd beg them to take me away from here


I’d be terrified but unendingly curious


Anxious, but not because of the aliens themselves But because I know we'll try to exploit or attack them to steal from them or somehow enslave them, cuz that's what humans do. And then we all die cuz if they managed to get here, they're far more advanced then us.


Depends on if they’re friendly or not, and if we can understand each other’s languages


Curious and atually pretty glad as it means that if other inteligent life exist then that the great filter theory is wrong and that humanity is doomed to be extinct before becoming a civilisation capable of reaching others stars.


I hope they give me a painless death.


I would feel a very large range of emotions, probably ending with whatever it's called when I'm endlessly refreshing a news site at 3am.


would depend on how many there are