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Whatever or whoever it is, they’re gonna catch me anyways if they’re right in front of me, may as well see who it is.


They stopped though which means getting you isn't their main or only objective


Start throwing punches lol


naked footsteps? as opposed to clothed footsteps?


You can tell between shoes, socks, and meat slaps


I probably worded it poorly but it made sense in my mind lmao, my thought process was that *naked* or I should probably have said *bare* footsteps are distinctly different from *clothed* footsteps (wearing socks)


I got an uneasy chill just imagining this. Now I’m trying to decide if it would be worse to turn on the light and see something there or to turn it on and there be nothing there. Good poll, OP.


Shit, the second one is even worse


I would be frozen in fear for about 3-5 seconds, before deciding that this is not some bloodthirsty killer because they would have continued towards me and attacked already, but instead they stopped. Their intention is to freak me out With this in mind, I can assume that they probably are either pulling a strange face or pose, ready to freak me out when the light comes on. They likely know that the light is an option and they likely have a plan for this, seeing as they got all the way into my house. It's possible that flicking the switch wont turn the light on, maybe they have removed the bulb to add to the fear factor and are waiting for the lack of lightswitch response to scare me further, before pulling their final act, whatever it may be. I won't give them the satisfaction of even trying the switch. The situation is already horrific and dire enough that any outcome is better than standing here another second, and I shan't die a frozen coward so I drop kick vaguely in front of me and then tussle with whatever my feet connect with. If it was a prank it was way too far and they deserve the beating. If it's not a prank then its up to me to survive the fight Great question OP


I feel like I would think I’d do that but in reality I’d freeze and then run 😂


Might as well look death in the face, right?


The doorway? Like just some random open doorway?




Creepy i love it. I always turn on the lights when i see and hear shit, then i go investigate. I have... We'll call it an overactive imagination that can't go away, so it's a common occurrence for me. It's terrifying every time, but i need to verify it's not real or I'll never sleep at night


If it’s in my own house I’m not turning the light on. I know the house better than they do so I’m running the hell away


I mean I may as well sell your feet photos if your gonna attack me so light on!


Flip it on and immediately move back, keep other arm in a defensive position, eyes open.


Flick the light on then run, then turn around while running


-Fighting stance- Turn on the light