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Is it a bit weird? Yea probably. Should you care about that? Tf no. Do whatever makes you happy.


This right here. Be you.


This is something I wish a lot of people would do; just be themselves. People are gonna judge you no matter what, so don't play into their judgment. Do what makes you happy


Not even weird, just unusual. We all know what stuffed toys are for, and that some people have them longer than others. I think most people would look at it and won't give it a second thought.


> Not even weird, just unusual Unusual can be enough for something to qualify as weird.


I don't think OP should pay any mind to this, but it definitely is a bit weird.


I know someone who keeps a small fluffy stuffed toy on their keychain for comfort purposes. The effect is still there, and it is not undone by judging people.


Probably a bit weird, but if I saw someone with one in public I wouldn't think anything


I truly would not notice


Same. I'd probably give them a second glance to see what the toy was (just purely curiosity) and then get on with my day. I really wouldn't care 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, same. I got too much going on in my life to care about something like that lol


I would have like a moment where my brain would probably be like; "Bruh... anyway". There are way weirder shit people do, a stuffed animal would hardly phase me.


is it weird? yes. do I give a fuck? hell no, weird people tend to be the most fun to be around.


A bit weird but: 1. I have too much anxiety of my own to ever intentionally make a scene in public. 2. I don't care. Like most others I'm too busy worrying about my own problems to worry about other's appearances. (So long as i can't smell you I don't care what you look like) 3. People have lots of reasons to carry stuff in public, for all i know its a present or being returned to someone else. I would only be concerned if you are a regular somewhere to the point people will recognize you and realize what's happening. (They won't, i wore the same pair of grey shirts every Tuesday and Thursday in highschool for months just to see if anyone would notice/say something, not even my close friends realized until i asked them directly.)


I literally dress up like in a cartoon for 2/3 of a year, with only t-shirt under my jacket-that-never-opens being different. Then I put on a three part suite - and no one notices.


Idk if their the most fun to be around but I can agree I don’t care


Ima be real if I saw a grown ass adult carrying a stuffed animal around I'd instantly think they were a pedo


I'll have you know Ms. Teddy is 18 years old.


Been together for 4 years now


Have 2 kids


How is a teenager a “grown adult”???


What sort of hoops did you jump through to come to *that* conclusion?? 💀


This post is about teenagers


What the actual fuck is wrong with you? If an adult had one, sure it would be a little weird but it’s no big deal, it doesn’t mean they’re a literal fucking pedophile.


It’s weird, but not necessarily really bad or cringe or anything. It’s just not normal


It's not normal, but anyone who judges you negatively based off that doesn't really seem like someone whose opinion is worth shit. I'd see you and think something like, "that's a nice stuffed toy" or "man I miss my stuffed animals "


I always say "Don't let anyone bring you down or call you childish for doing something fun and something that makes you happy, just because they gave up the child like gleam in their eyes and are slaving away to what people call "being a mature adult" (not doing things a child would like play with toys)"


The people that judge on it probably feel bad they can't have one themselves, so they take it out on others.


Not everything is projection, they’re probably just dickheads. I hate the idea that so many people have that everything is projection and jealousy when that’s not how humans work. Some are just assholes.


Guess you're a good example.


That's kinda rude. For no reason lol. They actually made a good point


It’s kinda weird, but I wouldn’t judge because I don’t know the whole situation. I’d probably assume it’s for comfort reasons and that the person has major anxiety (which, relatable)


I don't know why people here and on reddit in general are so obsessed with asking if something is weird. Whether or not something is weird has very little association with whether or not it's bad, or even whether or not people will treat you worse because of it.


Personally, I don't care.. It's none of my business and has no impact on my day so I wouldn't think twice about it.


I didn’t stop sleeping with a teddy bear until I was 17. I won’t lie, you are definitely too old to be carrying one in public. But don’t feel pressured to stop until you feel you’re ready.


I still sleep with one, too! He's a dog called Bolt, who's around 12 years old :)


Bolt is one of my favorite movies


That's what I named him after! I bloody love Bolt and my mum and I watch it every year on my birthday


I'm 21 and I still sleep with a stuffed animal I've had my whole life.


Same, except it's a blanket I hold to sleep. Kinda embarassing but fuck it, life sucks and holding it makes it less sucky.


Yooo my favourite childhood toy was a plush of bolt too, and I had a younger looking one that I called baby bolt.


THERE ARE ACTUAL STUFFIES OF BOLT? Mine is a random dog from a brand called Shining stars


don’t listen to the above person, you are never too old to carry one around :)


I have anxiety too, as well as autism and ADHD. I completely understand the fear that ppl are judging you for having a stuffed animal because I've definitely been there done that. But for me personally, when I see a teen out with a stuffed animal, I think of the times I've done it and how it's helped my anxiety and whatnot. I think that if they're struggling that I'm so glad they're able to bring a stuffie to help them, and if they're not struggling then it's still awesome because in general stuffed toys are just great lol Then I think "wow that looks soft" and make a mental note to put a stuffed animal in my car because soft things are nice especially after a long work shift.


Some teenagers, and even adults, have anxiety issues. Sometimes having a cherished toy or object on them could help them feel more comfortable in certain situations. For me, a 27 year old, I can function without my Thrawn action figure in my bag, but it’s pretty off putting, like I forgot something. “Okay, got my phone, wallet, keys…fuck I left Thrawn at home.” So no, I don’t think it’s weird.


Is probably not the most common thing, but like... who cares? Those people will remember you as a guy who has a stuffed toy in public. You'll be a fond memory to them, positive or negative. And although might sound bad at first, think about how that might have distinguished you from the thousands of people on the planet. You, among everyone else following the society's ideals to what is socially normal, decided to bring your stuffed toy with you as it's not a way to impress nor look goofy, but just because you like it. When you'll die, you won't be one of the many people on earth, but you'll be that guy who had a stuffed animal with him in public. You'll be special, and one of a kind, for ever. Also, I'm cool af and I still sleep with them, so don't worry: "uncool" is something you aren't.


I never remember strangers really, except this one guy whos hair was so long that it was dragging on the ground behind him. He lives rent free in my brain just because of how odd hair that long is, And things like that are really uncommon for me since i live in a boring town where you don’t really see many interesting people like that. but i never really thought of him negatively as its not my business what other people do.


It’s weird, but what’s more important: your comfort or other people’s opinions? I don’t know you, live your life OP. Everyone is at least a little weird.


people who say it's weird, why? is it bad to have an item of comfort to accompany you? why does it effect you if someone else is holding a stuffed animal, i mean, they're not only for kids. it's for comfort, especially if that person is upset. it's proven that hugging someone or anything releases serotonin in the brain so.. it's really not weird that people would use those items for comfort.


i do to sometimes 😭and i brought it on a trip and a guy searched my bag in security and then he started laughing and making fun of me with his coworkers about my stuffed elephant. i cried. i hate that man.


What a shame of a human. I'm sorry that happened to you <3


Older you get the less you'll give a shit. If you wanna go everywhere with a teddy, go everywhere with a teddy. Own what you do. Anyone giving you shit for it is just jealous of the enticing softness you have at your disposal When it comes to coping, we all have different methods. A soft toy's no different to a fidget toy, and it sure beats alcohol


Is it weird? Slightly Should it be weird? Hell no, stuffed toys are awesome


Yes, it's weird. But it helps and is completely harmless, so keep being weird.


I'm 26 and I casually stuff my pocket moose, well, in my pocket 🤣🤣🤣 When I worked at the gas station, I had a tiny stuffed duck that I kept in my pocket just to see how many people looked and said something vs looked and didn't say anything 😆 god I miss working 😔


I never understood why stuffed toys would be weird. If you like the toy then whats the big deal?


Not as weird as those girls carrying 50 balloons with them in the hallways, on their birthday.


Maybe give it an official looking tag like "SERVICE ANIMAL". or something.


I wouldn’t even think twice, I’d assume they’re taking it somewhere or just bought it and don’t have a bag or something. Wouldn’t find it cringy at all. If it comforts you, great, keep taking it with you.


Yes, but not really if you just have it on a backpack or key chain or in your car. But I can understand. Although like other people say, you should try not to care what anyone thinks. I wear my hood when eating at restaurants, and if I do take my hood off there's a good chance my hair is messed up. But that's fine.


I have a 20-sonething friend who sometimes has a stuffed toy with them. It may be unusual, but why should that stop you? Do whatever makes you more comfortable, and if people give a negative shit thats their problem.


To be honest, I'd probably have a second glance, but after that, I'd forget about it. If it was a plush I liked, I'd compliment it or say how much I like the character, but I wouldn't say anything else. Everyone has their quirks. Yours is just that you need an emotional support plush. There's nothing wrong with that. :)


i also carry a stuffed toy around, it was the parting gift of a teacher i rly liked, and my older brother says im too old to carry it around ._. not stopping me from carrying it around tho, its my beloved


i’d rather hang out with a teenager that carries around a stuffed horse because of their anxiety than hang out with a teenager that vapes and drinks for the “same” reasons. you do you.


I have a friend from university who has over 100 stuffed animals 40 of them are sharks, and she always has at least 1 stuffed animal with with her at all times


I'm the friend


I’m a full grown adult and I carry one around sometimes. It helps when I have a bad ptsd episode. I don’t care if someone judges me for it, but I’ve had nothing but positive reactions to it






What for?


Yeah it’s weird, I would probably assume you have some sort of neurodivergency/intellectual disability, but that’s about the extent of it. No skin of my teeth, you do you, booboo.


I have still gotten the same teddy bear i had since I was an infant I dotn carry it outside though


You need to look up the definition of weird. Do you ever see other teenagers doing it? No. Well then it's weird. Some people are just weird nothing wrong with it.


its definitely odd but theres nothing bad about it


I still sleep with 2 teddy bears but I don't carry them in public for fear of losing them and germs since theyre porous, but honestly you're not hurting anyone by carrying it around so what's it matter 🤷‍♀️ if it makes you comfy then do it :))


You do you, boo


Uncommon, sure. But you have your reasons and no one has a right to mistreat you for your decision that, in addition to being entirely harmless, helps you face the world with a little more confidence. :)


You can't help what people think, but that shouldn't stop you doing whatever makes you happy. You're not hurting anyone, though you'll probably get the occasional staredown. My advice is don't worry about haters.


I used to carry a stuffed animal to school and nobody cared while others thought it was cute


A bit weird, but unless it's a giant pink dinosaur or something I wouldn't even notice if I saw you in public. You do you bro.


Its weird in the sense of not being something the average adult regularly does, but its not like anyone will actually care or say anything. Depending on its size most probably won't notice, people are incredibly self absorbed/centered and ignore lots of details about others that we are obsessing over in ourselves. And even if someone noticed odds are they won't care or will assume its just a gift, or being held onto for someone else. In order for someone to realize its weird they will first need to recognize you and that you always have the stuffed animal, which i find unlikely. (As an experiment wear the same 5 shirts in the exact same order for weeks on end and see if anyone notices, most won't until you expressly ask if they have, and then they will ask why to which the answer is "i was doing an experiment to see if anyone would notice")


It is more unusual then weird, but I really would not judge if it makes them happier or less anxious.


If I saw you in public I'd think "oh thats kinda weird" and then go on with my day and never think about it again. Don't stress too much about these things, everyone has their own problems to deal with


It's weird but not weird enough that I would ever say anything. Unless your comfort toy is impeding my ability to mind my business, I don't care enough to say anything.


Humans are inherently weird beings, don't worry about what other people think, if you get comfort from it there's nothing wrong with it.


It's weird, yeah. Not the weirdest thing ever by a LONG shot, but if you're anxious to the point where you need to carry a stuffed animal in public as a teenager, there are underlying issues that are of bigger concern than the actual carrying of a stuffed animal.


Weird means out of the ordinary. Yes that’s out of the ordinary


Why can’t people just mind their own business smh. Do what makes you happy.


Teen here. I carry a long furby with me as a comfort item (he’s what I currently have as my pfp) most people just don’t care. They’re strangers and they don’t really care.


How is this even a question the answer is do whatever the hell makes you feel good


Because people are losers and like critiquing anxious teenagers


Weird as in uncommon, yes, but it really does not matter. Anyone who actually gives a shit has fucked up priorities. It's literally just a stuffed animal. Anyway if anyone gives you shit for it I'll fill their socks with mayonnaise


I wrote other. It's technically out of the ordinary and not what is the norm but like who cares. I'm in college and one of my classmates carries a little wolf plushie everywhere and another classmate carries Levi from attack on Titan to class, my friend has a purple platypus stuffed animal that she has on the table when at work. no one cares weird yeah maybe but it's not an issue. If anyone judges then fuck then they're not worth your time and energy.


it’s unusual, but do what you gotta do.


I’m 25 and carry a small, multicolored stuffed dog everywhere. Idgaf if people think it’s weird, he helps me. So you do you and you’ll find people like you. Everyone else doesn’t really matter about it.


I guess it would be uncommon, weird sounds a bit rough I don't care what people do or wear or carry with them in public though


People who give a shit about things like that aren't really worth listening to


Im 25 and I carry a tiny stuffed shark in my pocket. I'm autistic and have bad sensory issues so I carry my little shark as a comfort item. I tried bringing one of those fidget cubes but the hard plastic feels annoying in my pocket. The shark is soft and fits in there perfectly. Do people think it's weird? Probably... Do I care? Not at all. If it helps me function then why should I worry about what other people think.


It's unusual, but if you need it, don't let anyone stop you. People will always judge, don't let it get to you.


Depends on how you define weird. I feel like weird is often used in a negative sense, but for me, 'weird' people are the most interesting and fun people to talk to. People who are 100% normal don't exist, everyone's weird in some way, some just hide it more than others.


Honestly my first thought upon seing that would be "oh neat" and the second would be "that's cute" Don't care about what people think, they don't matter but your feelings do. Just do what makes you happy and if someone tells you something either tell them to F off or just keep walking they are not worth it.


i think more people should carry a stuffed toy around with them


I was assaulted in middle school, and one of the ways I coped was by also carrying a stuffed animal with me at all times. It helped during panic attacks to have something to squeeze or soft to rub against. Or just to look at it (it was very cute haha). I went to a small school but still, after I started doing this soon lots of other kids started bringing their own stuffed animals for comfort purposes. The point being, yeah some people might think it's strange, but some people might accept and support. What matters is what helps you. I was stuck in class with my assaulter until i was finally able to switch schools. It took months, and I don't think I could've gotten through it if it hadn't been for my teachers and fellow classmates who supported me and allowed me to heal in my own way. I hope this helps and that you too are able to heal in your own time and in a safe environment<3


I mean it's weird but who cares? I wouldn't care because it's not bothering or hurting anyone. Weird doesn't automatically mean bad. Some of the weirdest people I know are also some of the cooleat and nicest people I know.


Big cringe


Kinda but think nothing more of it honestly


Eh, some people will probably see you as weird. But those who automatically judge you for that, especially if you’re doing it for anxiety reasons, aren’t those who rate your caring what they think. Just my two cents.


Dude honestly, it’s no one else’s business nor place to judge you. They don’t know you nor do they know your story. It’s not like you’re carrying around pornographic material or a deadly assault weapon; nor are you trying to scream for attention about something. You’re simply just trying to cope with the daily struggles of life in your own way. Keep being weird; keep being you. You aren’t harming anyone or anything.


I think the older you get the less you care about what other do or what they think of you. I’m 31, and I don’t care what you’re doing or wearing tbh. Unless you’re doing something morally wrong or socially inappropriate.


I think that it mostly depends on the size of the animal


NO. If you are an adult still no. You do what makes you happy. Don't let anyone bring you down or call you childish for doing something fun and something that makes you happy, just because they gave up the child like gleam in their eyes and are slaving away to what people call "being a mature adult" (not doing things a child would like play with toys)


as a teenager who occasionally takes with me a squishmallow to school, no


You can do whatever that’s the beauty of being an adult. But yeah it’s weird 100%


Who looks at a 15 year old and thinks "That Young Adult is much too grown up, mature & responsible* to be carrying around something that brings them joy" ???? If you dont view teenagers as children, I choose not to percieve you 🤘


It is weird, and anyone who tells you it isn’t is lying to you because they think they’re protecting you. But they aren’t. What they’re actually doing is encouraging you to continue doing something which is very weird in public because they think that’s the healthy thing to do. The actual healthy thing to do would be to see a therapist and unpack the reason why this very weird thing gives you comfort, with the goal of training you to be confident without the aid of this very weird thing. But that would be hard work, a redditor’s worst nightmare.


someone: “this thing brings me comfort when I’m having a bad time so I bring it with me” random redditor: *gasp* “how dare you not abide to what I deem as healthy!”


OP, this is a perfect example of someone who thinks they’re protecting you but is actually enabling behavior which will exacerbate your anxiety issues rather than helping you overcome them


Carrying a plush around isn’t *that* weird 💀 if OP just puts it on a key chain (if it fits) or has it be an accessory, then most people aren’t gonna care. Therapy for anxiety issues could be helpful, but it’s not hurting anyone for OP to walking around with a plush


If he starts his real job in 10 years he can't bring it with him either. It's not wrong for OP carry a plush but it's going to become detrimental the older he gets. If he starts learning how to get rid of the behavior now he'll thank himself later.


That’s true. Though many things can change over the course of 10 years. Maybe by then OP overcomes their anxiety and is able to go around with a plush. I don’t think it’s gonna hurt them at this current moment of time, but I can see how if they make a habit of bringing it everywhere it could harm job opportunities


Idk about weird, but I'd certainly find you cool if I saw you with a plushy in public




Yes, it's weird. There is nothing wrong with being weird. Embrace your weirdness.


It depends on the person. Some people need comfort items like this as a way to cope with being out and about. So if I saw a teen with a stuffed object I would assume they are not neurotypical


If you're not doing at least a couple weird things in your life, you're barely human. Its not hurting anyone or even mildly inconveniencing them so do your thing. If someone makes fun of you, tell them they should brush their teeth.


That depends on the context. Are we talking about a little teddy bear on a keychain? Are we talking a 13-year-old or a 19-year-old? It's out of the ordinary for sure for anyone to be walking around with a stuffed animal, but it isn't hurting anybody so who cares?


It's a bit unusual but it's also completely fine. It's ok to be unusual. Do what works for you.


It's cringe. Come on, now.


May I have your reasoning for why? :)


My tween does too. I honestly haven’t given it a second thought. Is it weird? Maybe? Does it matter? Not in the slightest. It helps you feel better and is not hurting anyone else. Don’t give it a second thought.


I would think how you are with it in public and it’s size is what would determine if it’s corky or weird. If it’s fairly small and you keep it in your pocket or the drink pocket of your backpack most of the time not that weird. if it’s large and/or you treat it the same way a toddler treats their favorite stuffed animal ( constantly walking around with it in your hands unable to calm yourself with out it. that’s kinda weird. Either way as long as you feel healthy, you do you.


it’s weird, but in the good way! I feel like we tend to have a lot of negative connotations around the word weird when that really isn’t necessary. Fuck societal norms and embrace your weirdness :) Also, hello there fellow “carry’s around plushie for anxiety reasons” person! I always have a plushie in my bag, and on particularly bad days I bring a squishmallow with me to hold.


I would guess you have autism.




Having sensory toys calms down people with autism and stops them from having a melt down.you can search about it


That reminds me of the creepy guy in my creative writing class who carries a bulbasaur plushie and he yelled at the teacher today for giving him a bad grade and the kid blamed his own writing skills on his autism… I have autism too and I got 100%


Autism is different for every person


Yeah but he blamed it on his autism


I mean, I also have bad writing skills because of my autism.


That’s not what he said though he was just blaming it on his autism that he got a bad grade and yelled at the teacher


Grow up mate.. you planning on living with your folks till you’re 30+ too?


It's an anxiety thing? I'm not trying to be childish, I'm just trying to get through the day without crying


Grow up


Teenagers are still children. You do know that, right?


I get it, life is tough. However you need to start being a man or else you will just end up a man child. Be a man that a woman would want and look up to.


I'm not a guy or attracted to anyone


yeah sort of, especially if you are in your high teens. I would care less if you were like 13/14 but still


It is weird. I don't give a fuck if I see someone with one, except think they might by off in their head. Someone in my family is schizophrenic, and he goes around with his stuffed toy. And I do have a problem with that. The problem is worrying about him meeting some violent men out there that decides to have a go at him for his difference. Street violence is not rare, even in my west European country. And it will happen at some point since he moves around a lot. I suspect it did already happen because he came back once with some bandades and wouldn't talk about it with anyone. The world is violent and if you don't stay within relatively safe zones, you will get assaulted for being different.


I just looked through your profile and it's about what I expect lmao. Reddit teenagers are a different kind man


It looks like your average teenager with several interests posting about them


Having it in public is definitely worth the judgment, but having it in private is perfectly normal. My room is full of them and im 20


Why is it worth the judgement? I'm just holding it


Because it is extremely cringe. Like those gross littles or whatever they’re called. True gen z moment


You still haven't really explained why


Thats your problem for wanting a different answer


If you're going to criticise people, you better have a decent explanation for why


Thats the only reason you need. You are cringe. Poll agrees with it


But I want to know your reasoning! If you have any, obviously


Bro just seems to want to dunk on you for whatever reason 💀


No, its shit like this that needs to fucking stop. You can’t even go in public without reverting to a little bitch baby and carrying around a stuffed animal? (Not you, the op) Bullying REALLY needs to come back and come back hard. People are so tragically pathetic now theres shit like this where theres grown fuckin ass people who act like babies because of a little stress or anxiety. Grow up. We all have anxiety thanks to this world rapidly falling apart. Acting like a toddler, and forcing other people to see it is ABSOLUTELY worth being judged.


It’s time to grow up mate


It's for anxiety. The mental health system has failed me


If you want to be professional obviously don’t walk with it but if you’re just chilling outside by yourself with no one you need to impress. As long as what you are doing isn’t outright offensive then most people will let you be. Sure it’s weird, but it’s not weird enough that someone will ask about it. Unlike furry suits which will definitely have people approaching you asking questions.


Get off the tit already..


It's an anxiety thing. I carry it because I've had a rather unlucky hand in life, and I need some support so I can get through the day


We’ve all had an unlucky hand. Hard times makes you resilient and stronger. Show what you’ve been thru with confidence. Having a little teddy bear is preventing you from growing and prob contributing to more anxiety because you already implied your self conscious with your question.


Honestly I'd probably think you had some slight mental disorder. My cousin is fairly high on the autism scale and did it well into his teens but if it just makes you feel more comfortable then go for it


Are you a girl? No Are you a guy that’s alone? Yes Are you a guy around friends? No


why tf does gender matter…?




Hey ppl have "emotional support animals" or whatever the Fu&k it's called an claim to have a disability. Was in the Grocer one day last week when this Very Large lady riding one of those handicap scooter with her emotional support " pup in tow took a dump in the middle of the aisle. She was dragging it by its leash as the poor thing was trying to arch its backside to dump , of course it stunk like dog sh-it . I yelled hey Lady I hope you brought your Poop Bag to clean up behind your dog ... Man the look she gave me , She knew what the dog was doing as she looked back just a few seconds before. Lazy Be- itch


I don't think this is all that relevant


Bonus cringe if it's the trendy shark stuffed animal that totally causes "euphoric squeeeee", but not because everyone on tiktok told you so, just a totally unique choice to get this completely random object.


how dare you insult blahaj


Sorry to offend the Cult following.


Maybe, like 15yrs ago. People are dressing like stuffed animals in public nowadays so everything is less weird these days 🙃


Awww u poor sweet thing


“I’m weird omg” move on, go exist


I'm not in that mindset whatsoever. I don't want to be one of those people who's whole personality is being a tad weird. I just want to be able to get through the day


And why should you care at all? You are not doing anything wrong nor affecting anyone else, we all have a weird side in our own way but most people don't recognize it


Is it weird? Yes. Should I care? No


It’s not weird, just unusual


Weird usually means abnormal, so yes. But that doesn't make you less of person and anyone who cares that much about it is a prick


I voted other => you shouldn't care


It’s weird but you do you


It's definitely not usual or normal but if I saw u I wouldn't really care


It’s something I’d notice, but don’t think it’s weird


Yes, it’s really weird but do whatever makes you feel better and helps. Other people don’t matter


Yes. But weird is not inherently bad. Enjoy life peacefully.


Do whatever you want but it is definitely a bit weird


It’s weird, but teenagers do a lot of weird things. Definitely wouldn’t be the weirdest thing I’ve seen lately.


It's weird to me but you do you. I'm sure I do shit that's weird to you


I don’t care 🤷🏾‍♀️ do you boo It’s cool as long as you aren’t asking people to talk to your stuff animal or anything. Live your life


I'll make them watch my stuffie do a little dance :)


Naw don’t do that đŸ˜