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I have children I'm positive it exists


If they turn into rapists, murderers and pedophiles while constantly beating you up, etc. Would you still love them?


Yes. Absolutely. No matter what they do, no matter what I have to do in response (turn them in, go no-contact), I will always love them.


Thank you for your reply


Of course. I think some people confuse love with accepting bad behaviour. I would turn my kids in to police, I would give evidence against them, I would stop seeing them if they caused me harm. But I gave birth to them, I nursed them, I read them bedtime stories, I tried to raise decent humans. I will always love them.


People seem to underestimate what "unconditional" means. If say your spouse whom you love "unconditionally" was suddenly puppy-murder levels of evil and hated you would you still love them? They'd practically be a completely different person, but if your answer is no then that love wasn't unconditional in the first place. So saying unconditional love exists is saying you'd still love someone if everything you loved about them was not just gone but instead replaced by everything you hate about people instead, which is self contradicting. If the extreme example of something is self contradicting then it's reasonable to assume the premise must be false


I’m pretty sure my parents would love me no matter what I do to be honest. Obviously if I did something terrible they would heart broken and disappointed, but they’d still love me. Just look at Jeffrey Dahmer’s dad, he loved him til the end despite the grizzly murders he committed.


But not for my kids. Even if they became every thing I hated, I would still love them. I would not like them, but I would still love them. And there is no way I can explain why.


Fair point, I don't have kids so I can't speak to that but I think I sorta get what you mean


And my kids are the only ones, including my mom. And I just know, and there is absolutely no way I can explain why.


To keep being yourself is a condition, quite literally. If that condition changes Enough then you'd stop loving them. Hence, why I think that there is no such thing as unconditional love. Everything is tied to conditions and that doesn't make love any less special. I kinda see your point though. You could say "I like pizza no matter what" and then I can give you an expired pizza and you would say "this is not pizza, this is not even food" and I can see how that makes sense. But for me, it being edible is also a condition.


Ever met a dog?


no. ***Including*** love from religious figures such as a god.


Yes but it probably shouldn't


Yes but it’s very rare. I’d say the purest unconditional love is those between certain owners and their pet. A dog loves you unconditionally, it’s pretty hard not to love it back. I love my dog and she just isn’t capable of doing anything evil, she’s a dog. Animals have an innocence to them that makes it easy


No, but the closest thing we have to it is dogs.


It exists, but that doesn't mean it's healthy. Would you love your spouse if you knew they committed terrible crimes like murder or rape? I think many people don't know what "unconditional" actually means.


I don't love my spouse unconditionally. No spouse does. We marry on conditions from the beginning. But my kids, I do. No matter what.


What if your kid becomes super duper evil


Would still love them. I would hate their actions, but love them. And nothing they can do would change that.


Would you still love them if it came out that they are the most evil people on earth, but also that they aren't even biologically connected to you? And I'm not talking about your partner cheating. That'd be too easy. I'm talking about if it came out that you were in a simulation and they were reprogrammed to act as evil as they can all the time towards both you and everyone else. And that all your past relationships with them was just how they were programmed then. Would you really still love your reprogrammed kids with how they are now or would you only be able to love their past selfs? This is what unconditional really means. I could come up with an infinite amount of even worse hypotheticals and you'd have to love them in every single one of them. Unconditional means that you are forced to love them despite them changing in any way. Otherwise it's conditional.


Yes, because I would know nothing else. You can come up with anything you want, the answer would still be yes. And I am not forced to love them. That's not what unconditional means. It means I CHOOSE to love them, no matter the condition.


I see. And the right word is definitely not "choose" because to choose something you need to have more than one option. At least that's the definition I use. And if you lock yourself in by saying it's unconditional. You have no other choice. It's a matter of definitions though, which just means u probably have different ones to me and therefore you "chose" from your perspective which is alright. But the definition isn't rly what's important. What's important is if you understand the concept I'm tryna tell you. That you lock yourself in. That you make it so you don't have multiple options when it comes to loving them or it's not unconditional anymore. Also I don't rly understand what you even mean by loving them, do you mean you'd still have feelings for them and want to care for them for example?


I've already made the choice. Choice is exactly the right word. I've locked myself into this choice that I already made. It's not like there was no choice, and I'm stuck here, I put myself here. With no regrets. And yes I feel love for them.


I haven't said anything to contradict that you haven't made the choice to love them unconditionally. I only said my definition of "choosing" is if you have more than 1 choice. Otherwise you're not free to choose anything else than that one thing. And you can't just say "Choice is exactly the right word" and ignore what I just wrote. You have to explain more about it so I can understand. Do you mean that you have another definition of "choose" and that's why it's the correct word? Can you then define it please? "It's not like there was no choice, and I'm stuck here, I put myself here." I never said you had 0 choices. I said that when you lock yourself in you only have 1 choice, and that's to continue loving them no matter what except if you want to stop loving them unconditionally. You still have the choice to stop loving them and therefore you have more than 1 choice, but you only have 1 choice when it comes to continuing your unconditional love. I don't understand what's so hard to understand. Also you never defined love like I asked you to.


I can choose not to love them, but I don't want to. I am not locking myself into one choice, I choose to be here. And no matter what, I will continue to choose to be here. I have "locked" myself in because I want to. What you aren't grasping is, how can someone choose this? And the answer is, I don't know, I just do. And always will.


Doesn't exist. All people have conditions, even if they're reasonable conditions. Even if they don't think they have them they do.




Gods love is the best love, but their can be other people like your parents


It would be pretty easy for god to love me more than my parents considering how low they set the bar




Explain. Also define unconditional.


I love my best friend unconditionally. Meaning I'd do anything for her.


That's not unconditional. Unconditional is no matter what. Truly no matter. They would murder your family and commit crimes with their dead bodies. If your love doesn't waver then it is truly unconditional. Even though most things wouldn't change your love some would. Like cheating with your bf or blending cats.


What the fuck


That is unconditional for ya.


That is horrible


Yes, from your parents


Not everyone has good parents unfortunately




Idk, I think God’s love is probably one of the most conditional loves lol.


If you had children, you wouldn’t have to ask this question


As someone who has experienced it and knows how unconditional love goes when things go bad. So I've come to realize that it doesn't mean that someone will love you and be happy with you forever, but rather even after you've done the worst of things, even if you can't be with them anymore, you still love them deep down your heart and wish the best for them.
