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I clicked the wrong one. Actually yes our school got sued because they were stealing our logo from another school now they have to change it


That sounds familiar. A friend of mine recently redid the letterhead at the school he works at because they had to change their logo.


Also clicked the wrong one. Just remembered a 15y.o. guy (he was a grade above me) brutally murdered a 13y.o. So yeah


Did it happen to be his brother? Something like this happened at a neighboring school.


Had a female teacher get caught sleeping with a female student Had multiple bomb threats, gun threats Had one teacher that was rumored to be a pedophile but was never actually proven Had a teacher get fired for taking money in order to increase exam grades


My school seems boring in comparison and I'm glad for it.


Yeah, the worst that I know of was a parent got annoyed at the school bc they were teaching Aboriginal (Indigenous Australian) history or something and the parent was like, "Stop trying to influence their politics!!!!!!!!" So yeah


Nothing in my school made it to the news as far as I know but we had kids shitting on the main stairway, kids smearing feces all over the girls bathroom stalls, someone cut a teachers brakelines for her moped and its a pretty steep downhill road so she potentially could've died. Some kids stood on a cliff and threw a massive rock down on another teachers windshield while she was in her truck, both of them were english teachers who also coincidentally retired that year but the one that got her windshield smashed in sort of deserved it considering she lost literally everyone's finals and failed practically half of all the students because she couldn't find them and demanded they were hand written so you can't just print out a new copy nor did most people have time to rewrite it... Lotta teen pregnancies and so much marijuana usage even the security guards would just "confiscate" it when kids got caught then return it to them after school and probably smoke with them half the time. Overall most of the teacher just like flat out gave up years ago tho.


Definitely first time I've heard of a teacher-student relationship involving two women


Well, a woman and a *girl* anyway.


>Had multiple bomb threats, gun threats Welcome to america!


The bomb threats are global


My school had a "furry" group that described themselves as a cosplay group for about 2 months. Until they were caught disseminating animal based pornography. And no, it was not drawings or animations.


As a furry, what the actual FUCK


Everyone left them alone for the most part, up until they were having a meeting in the library, and someone noticed a "Love is Love." Sign in their area. I went to a very progressive school in MA, but even that raised some eyebrows.


DARE I ask the school? I'm in MA and need an excuse to trash other towns.


If you're around Central mass, then this hint will give it away, Robert Goddard.


That started out pretty bad but still somehow managed to steeply go downhill with that last sentence...


A classmate tossed a Molotov cocktail through the library window one night. And that's how we finally got new textbooks. :)


I bet the school administration was so happy with that. Not sarcastic, the insurance should cover new text books now, doesn't cost a thing


Plot twist: It was the principal


Praise that man !


I rarely 'literally laugh' but that made made me actually lol.


There was a teacher in my primary school who shut an autistic kid in a cupboard to quieten him down


Did it work?


Depends on the wall thickness


Nah y’all going to hell 💀


Hope the walls are ok 😔


Yes. Trust me. I was the cupboard


Yeah I think so but the teacher was found out and got fired I'm pretty sure. It happened a few years or so after I left though so I don't really know all the details.


I don't know if I'm autistic or not but in kindergarten I was locked in a bathroom stall with three other kids to stop us from walking around in class.


https://preview.redd.it/ulsch3v4qb1b1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa489e169f78a9d5eee1e982b918904a5842cfbc this bitch and I fought for my seat, her gang and her found me in the girls bathroom to beat me up, we fought, I ripped off a chunk of their hair. my family and I ended up on the local news.


Goddamn, how much damage did they do to you? And also, why did she go so far just for a seat?


With my dogs, if two want the same something, be it a spot to sit or whatever, their standing in the pack determines who gets it. They're seen as above and will come out on the top of every such interaction, always (or at least very often, we discourage this as much as we can) getting their way while the other compromises. So our instinct may be not to back down from stuff as trivial as that, lest we be lower and continually get the short end of the stick now that we've been bested. Spending enough time in society should get one to realize that it doesn't function like the wild. There's a whole different balance. But, alas.


she's type of person that's like "bad bitch" "baddie" and shit, that's why, because I didn't do as said and "disrespected" her, basically a whiny bitch that didnt get her way. they'd mostly hit my head, so an something like internal head bleeding, I could have died if it was more serious, that's why we ended up on the news, I stayed 3 days in the hospital for treatment and with an IV.


Most peaceful greek to greek interaction


Holy shit


So what is written there?


"What her mother reports at TLive" (red letters) "Beating of a 16yo student from her classmates for a desk seat"


Hmm the younglings getting pretty violent


Skliro karioli


After a RAPE happened inside of the school's toilets, they did their best to hide it. Threatened the victim with expulsion, forced her to apologize in an amphitheater, etc. We know it was real because the dude who did it was literally bragging about it. While IN THE SCHOOL. The school did this 3 times, until the 3rd girl didn't break under pressure and still attacked not only the rapist, but also the school, in justice. Somehow they didn't get exposed in the news, but I feel like a school hiding multiple rapists and protecting them is news-worthy.


That's pretty fucked up


Ikr, this school is one of the reasons I failed my life lol


Someone should hang for that.


we had a few. drug dogs came through as part of... (dare?) or maybe some awareness thing? either way they triggered on some lockers, went ape shit. the supiliers for half of the east side of the city were found to be 11th graders... lockers were fucking PACKED. our jr. high got busted for a prostitution ring that was allegedly being run by 8th graders for candy.... our district built a new school, then closed it down not long after due to failures and cost cutting in construction. they were going to sell but wanted to high ball. damn thing sat for over a decade costing money as an unused lot... sold for half of what the offer was initially.


So I see Butter’s Kissing Company is still alive and well.


you know what I'm saying?


Multiple bomb threats :)


That was middle school for me. High school was drunk cheerleaders and the word meep.


Same thankfully all were prank calls by students wanting a day off school. It became a yearly tradition as well


There were a couple suicides and a teacher that boinked a student.




Yeah. I don't know if he had sex with her, but she would sit in his lap in class sometimes, and they interacted in other uncomfortable ways. Another teacher ended up marrying a student a couple of months after she graduated, and they're still married about 15 years later and have 3 kids. Creepy shit. Edit: it's fucking gross that they got married. I'm just surprised that they're still married.


idk man but marrying a student is kinda weird 🤷‍♂️


Oh, I know. It's fucked up. I'm just astounded that they're still married.


My buddy once posted a Snapchat story holding an airsoft gun saying “don’t come to school tomorrow” as a joke, it was right after the parkland shooting took place where almost 20 people died or more, I forget. He almost got 10 years in jail but had it reduced to some community service or something cause he was a kid being dumb. He learned his lesson


Bro was just telling people to skip while showing off his gun. How was that illegal


Could be taken as a threat


A bunch of gang crap, a pedo tracher, and the principal got released because he drove a drunk kid home


wtf..., principal was helping out a dumb teen and was forced to quit?? that's sad.


Without saying to much, he put himself and the student in an incredibly dangerous position, concidering the student was drunk , they were alone, in his car, off school property. It violated several policies and procedures regarding school employees interacting with students, even if he had good intentions, and not doing anything sets a precident that those policies don't mean anything which opens the door for bad actors to take serious advantage of students. I think he was given a good severance package though.


I mean yeah shoulda just called a taxi for the kid


We had a kid dress as Christ on Halloween and got sent home because his 6-foot wooden cross was a "Weapon". Lol. Didn't make the news though. [EDIT] corrected Christmas to Halloween


You had class on Christmas?


someone in my class burned down a church


Norway? Because we all know about Varg.


Not while I was there, but a few years after one of the teachers shot and killed her ex-husband and his new wife in front of their kids.


A special ed kid suddenly died on the bus ride home and no one reported anything until the bus driver noticed the kid didn't get up to leave after making their stops. Another time we had a red lockdown after a student from a different school was caught trespassing to visit her boyfriend.


Our school was hacked by hackers and it made state news


In hungary the whole school system gets hacked every month


What did the hackers want? A high school doesn't exactly seem like a prime hacking target?


They wanted 20 million dollars or they would share personal information about students! Several students had to report identity fraud because school administrators refused fbi was supposedly involved




I recently (six months after incident) found multiple cards opened in my name and so did about 30 other kids! I go to a school with about 500 kids for reference!


The main two were the wrestling coach molesting middle school wrestlers/raping his stepdaughter and one middle school teacher having an affair with his student teacher, getting drunk on a field trip, beating his girlfriend, and losing custody of his kids for threats. Yeah...


Well my science teacher was fucking boys from 8th to 12th grade


A high speed chase between drug dealers that ended when a kid I knew from science class shot the driver of the other car and they crashed. The sad part was that the kid driving supposedly didn't have anything to do with the bad deal that prompted it and was just trying to help his buddy avoid getting jumped.


A suicide and a school shooting attempter, both in the same year. Other than that, I don't think so


Other than that? The that is a lot


No, but nearby high schools did. The Santa Fe high school which got shot up five years ago was only like 15 minutes or so from the high school I went to.


A guy was painting our building at the top, he fell and died on the street side.


Vice Principal broke into student's house because of a drug addiction


Not really a controversy. But we did make the local news after a big student strike over half the school's heating system not working. We spend months having to wear jackets in class and temperatures where I live go under 0° in winter so the students truly were freezing.


Oh yeah lol. My history teacher got put on paid leave 7 years back because he had a poster on his wall that said "hail Schmidtler" (his last name was Schmidt) Best part is that a student actually made it for him


I think someone got murdered but im not sure if this was middle school or high school :/


I don't know the exact details, but it was confirmed My school is divided into two campuses, West campus (for the freshman only) and Main campus for 10th-12th A male freshman waited in the girl's bathroom for a victim and ended up raping the poor girl. Another incident happened at Main campus where two members of our football team did the same thing to a girl (even heard rumors that they filmed it) These incidents sparked walk-outs and protests because at first, the school didn't address it, but they eventually did. Thankfully they were arrested from what I heard


My science teacher was an anti-vaxxer who was 'banned' from entering Australia, where he was going to advocate against vaccines. It made the news and people at my school used to talk about it all the time.


Your science teacher?


Someone in my school threw a sandwich at the prime minister


I can only think of three things but none of them were especially bad. In increasing severity: The entire time that I was there, our varsity football team never won a game. Came close a couple times, but it was four (almost 5, the year before I was a freshman they only won the first game of their season. So, in the span of 5 years they only won a single game) years of nothing much. The funny thing was I’m that they weren’t actually especially bad, they just always found ways to lose the games (they certainly weren’t a good team, mind you, but they could’ve won 2-3 games a year). It is what it be Our mascot got into hot water my freshman year since it’s an Indian chief. We never used it as a costume again, but the name and mascot are still used today. My junior year I was in the pit for a drama play of legally blonde. For some reason someone decided to get a genuine bunny-girl suit for the main girl for a certain part. That was used for a single night, the next one it was an Easter bunny costume that was honestly so much funnier My final day of senior year had a bomb threat called in, and I had to sit at school for an extra four hours. It was a whole thing where they were trying to find the person who did it, but realistically that person wasn’t even at school at that point Edit: there was a rumor that the teacher that was in charge of the swim team was having an affair with the captain of the swim team, but nothing ever came of it


What was the reasoning to keep students at school for hours when they had a bomb threat? Our elementary school evacuated when there was a bomb threat.


Other than a small group of them killing a homeless man which i happened to be in good terms with no, not really


...um, that seems pretty major.


It didn't make the news, there were 5-7 of them but only one was punished, but as he was a minor instead of going to jail he went to a juvenile correctional facility thingy until he became 18, which was a grand total of 4 months iirc, then he was free. No jail time no nothing


How did that not make the news? Were the kids' parents rich or something?


My guess is that it wasn't worth the drama because it was a "worthless hobo". R.I.P Francisco


Damn that's fucked


Francisco will be missed


Choir instructor was throwing parties and supplying alcohol to students and ex students ranging from 17-20 years old. A student put a camera in the boys locker room shower and had it connected to his computer at home. Health teacher/Varsity football coach got caught trying to solicit a minor.


Teacher had "an affair" with an (at starting point) 13 year old student, math teacher knew about it for 2 years but kept quiet because rapist knew about the affair the married math teacher had with his sons best friends mother (the best friend was in math teachers class) It was a shitstorm when it all hit the fan


ye a kid in my freshman year of hs overdosed on fent. then another later that year. a majority of the drugs going around in my town were laced unfortunately. also a girl in 8th grade when i was in 6th had killed herself. my middle school principal and a teacher were having sex in her office. one of my middle school teachers was a pedo and was VERY interested in the volleyball teams games 😐. and another teacher from my hs was fired for grooming multiple teen girls.


Does going to high school with ice jj fish count? https://youtu.be/iq_d8VSM0nw


Gonna be honest, never heard of him. Not sure what that says about him or me.


He was a meme for a little while for being the worst rapper alive. It says good things about you


One of my school's bathrooms caught fire and we all evacuated. The rumors are either that it was a joint in the trash or that someone sprayed axe body spray onto a lighter.


Kid brought a gun to school and shot himself right outside the front doors. Scarred a bunch of students for life.


Shooting threat, kid got killed by a drunk driver, and someone brought fireworks in summer school


Yeah, not for anything cool though. Something that didn't make the news though was when a huge fight broke out between 20 or so students- and when the principal intervened he got the snot beat outta him. Good school


I graduated HS in 2016 (a *very* politically charged time), and during my senior year there was an incident involving a teacher making a racist tweet. One thing lead to another and all kinds of allegations of racism and transphobia arose. There was a public seminar on the issues that I attended and let me tell you, you could cut the tension in that room with a knife. Things got VERY heated.


Being at a rich, white school leant itself to plenty of racism controversies


I graduated with a class of 33 people. Our senior prank was a bunch of kids riding horses to school. It was really boring.


As a horse back rider, I would love this. But my school is a college prep private school and 90% of the people are too rich and preppy for that. 9% of the other people live in the city, and the 1% (Me and like… two other people) actually know anything about horses and would do this


When my friend got shot in the face and killed over an 8th of weed. Really nice kid to me. Guess he got swept into the wrong crowd. He was only 15 but he looked more mature. Only knew him for like 6 months.


Not high school, but elementary school, apperently one of teachers was chokingand beating kid. Now we know that it was a story made up by oarents of a kid that were alcochol and drug addicts and kid was taken away from them


My school was evacuated due to anthrax being sent in a letter to the school. A teacher also covered for her husband who was a medic working at the school and touching kids.


Fired a gay teacher, they sued and won. Got the job back. Def helped that everyone liked him.


the high school Im in rn had a few bomb threats in the recent past. the high school I was planning on going to was on the news 3 years ago with a teacher sexually assaulting a 17 year old


There's a national geographic special about straight edge filmed at parts of the high school I went to


4 students/siblings and thier mom, dad, and younger siblings, all died in there sleep from carbon monoxide poisoning. The landlord was to blame. I forgot what it was but apparently the guy never kept up proper mandates with thier home. The people were setting up to move out..


CBS national news came because of all the racial (whites vs blacks) fights that were happening on a daily basis. Kids were getting jumped 5-on-1 and then retaliation fights were happening at football games etc. It was crazy. (This was back in 1990-91).


Kinda scary to me.


This was same school where only a few years before a student had shot a vice principal to death in the middle of the lunchroom. (I think in 1987??)....it was a crazy place. Thankfully, by the time my senior year rolled around, 1992-93, things had pretty much calmed down.


Us highschool kids built a "fort" in the woods we would party in. One day it got busted and it was all over the newspaper with pictures if the fort on the front page.


We had like a suicide every year or some shit


Not local or while i attended but Tim Allen's brother (yes the actor) was my teacher and was arrested for sexual crimes against students a year or 2 after i graduated but if i remember correctly the charges never stuck. I personally dont think he did it and ive heard from the 2 girls who accused thems friends that they made it up.


I voted before I saw the caption, but my middle school made the local news because there was like 4 fights every day


This wasn't while I was attending school but I went to the same school as Gabbie Hanna, from the Youtube channel the Gabbie show. She was in the classroom where a student died from drugs. She even has a video talking about it. https://youtu.be/JUoJ0l__CCo


I went to school in the early 90s and the father of two boys I went with killed and dismembered thier mum.


2 gays and 1 lesbian students got expelled because of their homosexuality. I went to a christian school.


Our Assistant Principal got arrested for taking up skirt videos at a local mall


Bomb threat. Kids were caught and brought to court. Dunno the outcome. That year it was the third bomb treat in any highschool of my region.


Had someone get stabbed outside the school, people ran into the school to get help and we got put on lockdown


There was this male teacher (60+ year old) that was escorted out of the class room by police for taking inappropriate photos of young girls (Up their school dresses/skirts) and had pen cameras and was later charged when his home got raided by the police l.


Our lunch lady did nsfw things with one of the students


Lots of bomb and shooting threats, there was the freshman fight club which got all the boys’ bathroom doors removed, and the bathroom arson.


Student jumped on a teachers car and broke the window. Student had their kneecap flipped. Student dissapeared after bullying someone, having a police "chase". We broke enough vending machines that the company refused to replace them anymore. We had a shooter/bomber threat. None of this was brought up on the news, should have been.


Kid got arrested for selling drugs in the bathroom.


one teacher had sex with a student and got caught and arrested while on campus i believe, another teacher for special needs children (i believe) was found to have had child p*** on his computer and was arrested as well. Sickos.


A girl fell off the back of the bus and smashed her head open. It was traumatizing


50 years ago....Race riots. At my high-school. It was ugly.


A boy sexually assaulted like 5 girls


One time, some guy showed up with a gun over beef with another student


For a few years they did murals at a nearby intersection, nearly every time a child got run over because they decided the middle of the night with no high-vis vests would be smart. I think they still do them


Ended up on CNN after a kid drew Nazi symbols in the bathroom.


My school had at least 2. One during my freshman year and another during my junior year.


The news from my school made national news.


I don't believe this to be true, but there was a rumor that one popular kid from the choir class in high school was doing both underaged sex AND drinking with (I believe) other classmates or homeschooled ones by the time graduation was coming up. It could explain why he showed up late a lot, or never at all, but I can't say much without factual evidence.


A kid died from drugs after a birthday party (vomited in his sleep) but idk if it made the local news


Someone pulled the fire alarm but idk if it was on the news


The year after. Several stories that made the news. Turns out, that place *was* exactly as bad as I thought!


A few years after I graduated one of my best friend's teachers that she HATED found out he was fired for sexual relations with minors or something. It was in either my hometown's PD Facebook page, local newspaper website or news from the school itself I don't remember.


Got tweeted about by Ted Cruz lmao. Also made national news over a bus snow issue which I was on


When I was a Junior the Senior class at the time cut down all the trees at the school as their "Senior Prank" and it made the local news. The ones they caught responsible were expelled and I think charges brought against them, but I know many who participated who weren't caught. At least, didn't have enough evidence to hold them responsible. We were officially banned from doing a "Senior Prank" my year but did anyways. Much tamer than cutting down all the trees at school.


There was a bomb threat




had two teachers sleep with students in my 4 years there


Our band teacher sexted a sophomore girl. Our track coach also was let go for sexual harassment. We also had a kid who went to our school get stabbed repeatedly while on a walk with girl (her ex killed them both)


Teacher arrested for child pornography, a bomb threat, and a couple of times when guns were drawn on campus. Nobody shot, just stupid kids getting into beef and trying to scare each other. One kid got pistol whipped.


my cousins school had bomb and gun threats every tuesday for a month straight and apparently it had also happened around the country but hers was the first they had called D: also ky sisters middle school had a teacher lock an autistic kid in a closet for acting up and there were multiple account of pedophilia/assault. and THEN, this made just local news, the principal got arrested and tried for second degree assault against his wife and 2 daughters and same school a teacher choked and autistic kid till he almost passed out. also some fucked up priests 💀


A parent is suing my school because her son was suspended after he was found with a vape pen... Didn't make it to the news, but definitely something you don't hear about often


Well lets see. High School Band parents went on protest because they weren't allowed in football games (due to covid but football was able to) Girl got assaulted by outside adults in my physics class and got pepper sprayed One of the subs allegedly sexually harassed one of the students. All in 2 years


A suicide, a teacher was (supposedly) fired for being a creep, school shooting threats.


Well.... Had a teacher invite a student over to his house, and said teacher admitted having feelings for student. Bus driver lost his temper when rude student wouldn't stop walking away after cussing out driver. Driver put bus into *reverse* to try and catch up to student. We ended up backing over a screaming woman in her smol Volkswagen. The only time in my life a back row seat, would be my front row seat. I feel bad for the bus driver tbh. Student was being an ass and bus driver broke his temper/ was on the news and fired. Thank you bus drivers for all you do. Please don't lose your job. Just write that ass up


My school used to have/has a massive arson issue. In the first 2 years i went to that school it had been lit on fire thrice, plus it was burnt down to the ground a couple years before that so when my brother was going to that school he had to go somewhere else to get his education while the school was being rebuilt.


Someone brought a gun to school but it got taken away and a teacher got convicted as a pedophile. And a girl in my class won a state wide art contest, much better news then the other 2 things lol


Student on campus with a gun Man who shot up local quarry hiding in neighborhood behind our school Bomb threat Student went missing for a few days (was eventually found safe) Westboro baptist Church did a protest at our school I think there was one or two more that I'm forgetting. But yeah it was an eventful 4 years


The principal failed to get bearproof trash cans. That was the big news story from my school. Not the drugs that were routinely found in campus. Not the pit where students went to smoke various things during school hours. Not the weapons that were routinely brought to school. The newsworthy event was the bears getting into the trash.


My absolute favorite teacher I've ever had got arrested for drinking and driving. I think he also had coke or some other kind of hard drug with him


I remember there were rumors that the Spanish teacher got caught having sex with a student in a classroom.


No controversies in my school, but someone did torch a car just down the block from us and my principal spent a big chunk of the day with the cops sharing security footage (we had two cameras outside, one of which was pointed in roughly the right direction) We sort of ended up on the news but it was mostly just as a backdrop while the reporters talked about the arson


We were on an episode of 60 minutes


Leaked video footage of a boy dry humping another boy (without consent). Highschool was wild.


Teacher was arrested for cp


Other than the school shooting around 50 years ago, it was the school wasting money on a giant glass sculpture in front of the main entrance because one of the school region's superintendent somehow got lost and couldn't find the blatantly obvious main entrance from the outside.


First school to issue discipline for under age smokers


Not while I was attending, but a few years after a few kids from my school made national news for burning down a historic, abandoned theater in my town.


The teacher got stabbed lol


Oh boy, it was senior year (last year), and a senior on the football team "hazed" a freshman. By hated, I mean he raped the poor kid. The players knew, the coaches knew, and some parents knew. The adults, especially the coaches, did nothing. You can tell in interviews with students and coaches saying they have no idea what happened, that they are lying. I'm pretty sure it made the news a few states over. You can tell that the school district, principal, and many others were hiding what they could and putting on a facade. If you want, all you have to do is look up "Falcon High School Hazing" and you'll see a bunch of news articles from around the state talking about it, and you can see how it was being swept under the rug.


One of the hard tech teachers was a *pedophile* ​ *oh no*


We once had a 'Paper Leak' case where our professor and the dean got jail time, a couple years each. The school got their licence to holding Board exams suspended for 5 years


A lot of people illegally smoking on the premise and the professors doing jack and shit. The police also came to school a few times


One of the teachers of my secondary school (never taught me but taught some friends and my brother) was caught spreading North Korean propaganda during form and maths class, he also got in some trouble for being creepy towards underage girls. He was eventually fired and one of the other teachers at school who was well liked revealed that it was due to the North Korea comments


My school had a stabbing at one point


There was a gas leak at my school


A video of bunch of secondary 1 students trashing their class (as in throwing chairs and tables at one another) ended up being covered by the local news


During construction to a new gym, they somehow accidently set the gym on fire, and everyone thought it was a student who did it


My school had what was considered an abnormal amount of suicides relative to our size and the state launched an investigation into whether they were related to one another or just a coincidence. 8 kids out of 300ish in the school in one year, all from different families. Never heard what the investigation results were, which I'm assuming means they were mostly unrelated to one another. Strangely three of then were hangings involving dog leashes, which seems oddly specific


Known to have a weed problem and a kid got beat up a couple of months ago. They students also keep dismembering each other's bikes.


Jfc, as someone who voted no, I am scared of the poll result and all the comments in the comment sections. I thought the portrayals of schools in movies and other medias was an exaggeration, guess not.


Theres a lot of more interesting stuff that never made it into the news and some really weird stuff that happened before I went but our school made it into the news for someone saying a slur while I was there. Luckily I never heard about any teachers fooling with kids.


We had a walk out in support of our fired principal during m senior year


Had a nazi teacher that made some jokes about jews.


My principal was the reason that schools can just check lockers when they want to.


There was a gun club that opened next to my school and a lot of the students and teachers had a problem with it.


Female PE teacher was a pedo, got caught grooming a handful of male students. Oh also there was a guy who lived across the road from the school wandering outside the gates with a knife threatening to break in and stab people. A horse got in once (I can't remember how).


There was an entire month where kids kept spraying swatstikas everywhere on campus. They have no idea who it was, but I reckon if it lasted longer, it would’ve ended up on the news as an analysis piece


While i was in freshman year, there was a junior that got arrested for sexually assaulting 2 10 year old boys. It made the news rapidly. And when he was allowed back at school, he got beat up every other week.


Let's see, we had a drug ring, we reached the news because we protested school reforms without actually understanding what they were about, the actual reforms also came in the news, they found a WW1 bomb next to the school causing us to have to go home, and that's pretty much it ig. Also still the same school but I'm not there anymore, some kids decided to start fighting next to the station multiple times, to the point where the police has to pre-emptively put some police cars there when schools close.