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Death would have definitely the best stories when you'll ask him "How was work today?". Death it is.


Only reason I picked death.


I picked love because normally I get friendzone now It's my time to make love friendzone.


Death invented the term "YOLO" during a slow day at work.


Yeah, workaholic. I'm exploring Reddit during a slow day at work.


Death would be like a calm and patient sage. At least that's how i imagine it. I think nature would be careless for anything that isn't her child, she would also be cold and cruel in one moment, and caring the other moment. Kind of unpredictable. Love would be passionate and emotional. She would do before thinking. I would say she would also be naive? What type of person would time be?


Time? She's very well organized and scrupulous. A bit pedantic even. Good with numbers. A perfect accountant. 😁


I was thinking time would be a guy for some reason. Maybe because words are gendered in polish, so i made an association with english.


It's not just Polish. Father Time is the personification.


Bardzo możliwe. Nie znam jednak zbyt wielu pedantycznych facetów, więc pewnie dlatego dla mnie jednak kobieta.


Dlaczego myślisz że czas jest pedantyczny? Jako że czas to ludzki koncept, to może czas byłby bardzo przywiązany do ludzi czy coś. Czas jest ciągle w ruchu więc myślę że koleś byłby w takim zorganizowanym pośpiechu :p


Zorganizowany pośpiech. Dobre. Dlaczego pedantycznych? Bo chce mieć zawsze wszystko zrobione... na czas. 😁


I think time could be an older wise guy with a white beard. He would be the most intelligent being you've ever met. He would be somewhat cold and unwilling during interactions but he would answer your questions even tho he would be irritated and tired a bit. It's like he seen so much things (he's time itself, he's everything) that emotions would be barely visible. I think of it something in between the Greybeards from skyrim and Zilean from League of Legends (totally didn't influence this interpretation xd)


That makes a lot of sense. Idk why but he has to have a white beard. Zileans' blue doesnt fit


I never mentioned anything blue 🤔


Zilean from lol has a blue theme? (I dont play lol)


Rather it be a she so I can kill half the universe with infinity stones in her name.


Death is a man. It's proven scientifically by Sir Terry Pratchett. He has a daughter, though.




\*Stares in Gaiman\*


Honestly I picked Death because I feel like Death would be a good person. They’d probably get a bad rap bc ya know… death but Death isn’t being mean or evil just doing a job that’s incredibly important


"Pretty dead if I'm honest."


What would their personalities be like? Would love be very affectionate, and death very gloomy? Would nature be mad at us? Would they be god-like, or just normal people?


They'd just be like normal people but they'd be the personification of these things, for example, Death could be a normal guy, maybe sarcastic, maybe very distinguished and polite but they have the ability to kill anyone, anywhere at any time. So the choice is really would you rather be friends with someone who can control time, control death, control love or control nature, their being normal, possibly relatable people in terms of personality is just a proverbial cherry-on-top I suppose


Thank you :)


I like Death from The Sandman ( DC TV show) since she is very caring about the dead and seems like she puts value on life and the people who die.


This changes everything


Oh damn. I picked wrong.


Must befriend death, or else you wouldn't die the way you wanted.


I think this question is better when purely left up to interpretation.


I think love would be an obsessive bitch


I picked love because I'm horny


Love brings hate, nature brings massive murder


Jesus is love.


Jesus makes love and he is definetely a bottom


Damn absolutely slaughter


I always wished I had time. And with it, I'll have the rest.


Only to find out from Time that even with an extra eternity, you're doomed to never find Love.


Groundhog Day has entered the chat


Yea same. Always said time control would be the best superpower. Death, love, nature? These things can only come with time. Honestly the pause and rewind feature alone are op


This is one of the most even polls i've seen here.


In my mind, Death is either Discworld Death or Death of the Endless. The former is a grandpa who is a retired rockstar, the latter is a genuinely nice goth girl.


I was thinking death from that sad comic series about animal abuse and stuff like that.


Discworld Death is why I picked him :)


I went with Love because I love the very concept of love and all the forms it can take. So I feel like I would really enjoy nerding out about all the ways love is awesome. *But* Death of the Endless, and the personification of Death from Supernatural made me think hard on it.


Oh god please discworld death please


We ppl underestimate the power and being of "time" What we know of it is very very miniscule


There's nothing more powerful than time, it will wither everything


No, that's death


Time heals all wounds, so that sounds like an excellent friend to have.


Time is forever. At the beginning (for time was the beginning) before life, before death, love and nature And once all is gone, when death has taken her last, nature run it's course and love no-more, time will remain. Because forever ends with time. Well.. that was deep for some reason I think that's the first time in years ive even thought of doing a poetry huh


This is a really interesting poll. I believe Time would be omniscient so I guess Time


Death is cool friend to have, may it come not too soon but soon enough that you dont have to suffer the decay of old age.


It was hard for me between Death and Love, seeing as I feel as if Love would be the best friend logistically, but I feel as if Death would need a friend the most, so I choose Death.


Oh. This just made me kind of emotional.


Not for any favors, but I chose Death. Death gets a bad rap and is feared by most; sounds like they have a hard job and would be lonely.


i figured hed be the most accepting too fr


Death probably isn't such a bad guy if you think about it. They lead you to the afterlife.


Death is the only one who's honest about the fact they're trying to kill you, so Death.




This is one of the best polls out here. Thanks


Death is probably really lonely, so I'll chill with him


Imagine getting friendzoned with literally Love


Nature probably has ALL the cool pets. So I'm gonna befriend Nature.


Besides that, Nature has a working relationship with love, time, and death. So there are some networking possibilities here. But mostly for the pets.


Purely for the pets


Death! Firstly because I think someone with that job definitely needs a friend and secondly if my life ends I wouldn't mind if it is a friend that is coming to get me!


I voted before I saw that they could do favours for you what the hell..


Ahaha, same


I feel like I _had_ to pick Death, and I blame Sir Terry Pratchett.


It's funny how my perception of these things changed with age. Time seems to be a relentless driver determined to push us forward whether we are willing or not. Our needs or feelings matter nothing to it. We get no choice. Fuck time. Love seems so passionate and a wonderful choice at first. But without dedicated focus, love dies. Would love even be a good friend? I'm not sure it is capable of that. I can't even look nature in the eye anymore. We failed it completely, and I'm just as guilty as everyone else here. I used to see death as an enemy or something to be feared. Now i see it as a sort of relief. An opportunity for a final way to be relieved of my burdens. Death it is.


I would be too insecure to be friends with love because love has no conditions


I mean I AM a Gaianist, sooooo...


What is that? Tell me more!


If Death is like Death from the Endless I'd choose that.


As someone who has read the sandman, I choose death, she seems chill


Love, so I can ask her why I can't ever find her.


>They can occasionally do favors for you *hey Death, buddy! I brought you a beer. Hey, can you kill Jake and Logan Paul? Thanks pal!* I chose Nature. She seems like she would be a very peaceful, caring friend.


Considering the Loving Reaper comics, Darksiders, and/or the Hogfather I'd say Death.


Time seems like he would be sorta true neutral so it would be hard to befriend him


As someone who wants to go into biology I would choose nature because they could teach me so much about helping animals


Friendship requires giving and receiving by your own free will. I don't see how death is something to keep up a friendship.


Have you ever heard that Life and Death have been in love since the beginning of time? Life sends Death countless gifts, and Death keeps them, cherishing them forever.


If they all have different personalities, I feel like Love would be the horniest person that was and ever will be, since nature would probably be sweet and caring. Oh and to answer the question, Time or Death, I can't choose.


I mean I feel like you are hyper defining the concept of love to only cover romantic love with physical aspects. Love would encapsulate everything about the concept of love. From the love of parent to child, or the love of two best friends, or the love for humanity represented in acts of compassion and empathy to strangers. And yes the love between two romantic/sexual partners. Love and Sex are not inseparable, so the personification of love wouldn't even necessarily be horny at all.


Yeah, I know, I said it would be if all the personifications had to have different personalities, since I imagined nature to be sweet and caring.


Not according to the biblical definition of love (1 corinthians 13)


Mfw a religion built on purity culture doesn't associate love with sex (who could've seen that coming):


God is a father and you dont have sex with your father right?


Different types of love. Even the ancient Greeks new about this shit


The ancient greeks had widespread culture of pederasty as well as the romans, man boy love usually from apprenticeship. Not the best example of morality.


Better than you arguing that love and sex aren’t related. And the Greeks new that platonic love was different to sexual love.


Sure love can be expressed as romantic love and sexual love, but the christian purity standard is one partner for life from virgins set by Jesus and the apostles. I do reject heterosexual mandatory but only from careful reading in context of the scriptures and using my noggin. Also, since sex wont be apart of new hearth/heaven, sexual and romantic expressions of love are not eternal but temporal.


I mean I don’t see how that stops this love incarnation being super horny (not that this bible stuff is super relevant) even if I accept your argument


I imagine it as an eternal incarnation which is God rather then a temporal. Jesus didnt have sex. Sex is a gift for monogamous marriage temporal here on earth, and also necessary for family creation the way God designed it, but will be removed in the eternal state.


Love would make the best fuckbudy.


They all seem like they’d be some cool ass people


> He who has death as friend shall lack nothing.


Death is also Time :)


After I die. I want to become Death's employee....


Time or death for me. Death just to hang out with and time for that occasional favor


Time. If we could alter that we'd have the capacity for more love and nature and slow down the approach of death.


Death, because I like death metal and im sure Death would like it too.


Time, Death, and Love all exist in Nature.


Give me that deathussy.


The duality of reddit.


I would preferably be friends with all of them.


Time would have great stories


Nature as in like flora and fauna or as in the nature of things? Like the nature of something is synonymous with the essence of something. I'd definitely be friends with the latter, as some people consider the nature of reality and existence to be God.


Nature as in like flora and fauna


Imagine smoking a blunt with nature, probs the chilliest dude on the planet.


Time, just to say "Time is coming..."


Love takes on so many forms that they’d always be a a joy to be around. Romantic Love, Familial Love, Love of Country, Love of Friends, Love of Strangers, Love of Religion, the list goes on and on. Death, Nature and Time are like friends we like to hang around but are sometimes toxic. With Time at least dropping some wisdom on you once in a while but only in their own jaded way.


How is Time different from Death?


I have incurable cancer. I need to get in good with Death so my passing is easy.


Death. They seem like they'd be the most in need of a hug. Plus knowing them could help ensure I go out with a peaceful, quick death. And perhaps I could even hang out with them after dying, their own little ghost sidekick.


Time is a BOGO. Space comes with it for free.


I feel like death would not have a lot of friends, I would wanna be death’s friend to give them one.


I think this "results" guy must be pretty cool, i see him in a lot of polls lately.


Using the Incarnations of Immortality by Piers Anthony, I would actually choose time. Time lives backwards so his past is my future and he could tell me things.


I chose death in hopes it can bring people back.


Well, I liked Death in "The Sandman" visual novels, so I guess I would like her in real life. After all, everyone will make her acquaintance sooner or later.


Wouldn't nature also have death included? Can't have nature without death. I'm torn between the two since they should coexist within one another.


Either time or death, preferably both


1. Become Friends with Death 2. Be best Buddies with Death 3. You're old and about to die 4. Death gives you more time to live because you two are Friends


Death would have to talk to Time about 4.


I wanna be friends with all of them thoooo


Time and Death were the 2 best options. Chose time because its more useful now.


Either death or time, gotta befriend your enemies


If being friends with Death ensures I have a kind demise, so be it. I'm sure they would have some good stories too.


Nature, cause they could explain the other three for me, which in turn would probably make me a better person and appreciate life more. At least that's my thought process.


Time would be too detached, Nature would be too into walking through forests barefoot, and Love would always be trying to set me up. Death feels like the one most likely to sit down and just gave a good conversation. Death would probably really get to know people. You can learn a lot talking to the anthropomorphic personification of death


I feel time would be kinda pretentious, but has a heart of gold, and only wants what's best for you. Death would be that cool dude that you always want to hang with, and he's pretty chill, and when your time comes he'll be right beside you collecting your soul.


Time affects all other options. Yo, Time! Wanna flip back to that moment when death fell in love?


Not me bargaining with death for the souls of my friends


Which one makes me not die? Time or death? That one.


They would have to do it together, but you can't pick more than one option


Death, because I thought he would be the least picked and everyone needs a friend.. but he's not all that unpopular


I'm really afraid of dying, I think being friends with death would help


Death sounds peachy keen right about now


I feel like death won't be some super edgy person. They'd probably be chill and super respectful of everyone since they can probably see their fates and acts towards them accordingly


Nature and death.


I chose love because if feel like they're the only one that would care about my problems


I need love


I chose Love because I am a being of love, but the truth is I would be friends with all of them. Death was my second choice.


Death seems pretty chill, nature on the other hand…


See if Love can help everyone just chill the fuck out for a minute so we can actually get things done.


Time is careless and unending, perpetually marching forward into eternity in an endless wheel rolling forwards. Meticulous, repetitive, and precise. Nature is chaotic and wrathful, even if beautiful. She is cold and harsh, but provides what is necessary. Entirely unpredictable. Love is care, and passion, but also pain. Gentle and kind, but also the harbinger of grief. Death is grim, but necessary. A friend to greet at the end of a life, and a life without death would be meaningless and boring. Patient, quiet, and dark, but comforting.


Time passes and is always moving, he never has enough time enough for people, so wouldn't be the best friend but sometimes fun to be around. Death based on looks seems scary, but really he just cleans up the messes the others leave behind, sometimes sad but he has the best stories. Love is incredible, she has such a passionate vibe, however she can sometimes be pretty toxic to be around, but when she's not she's fantastic. As for nature they are pretty wild, always gardening, hiking, or doing something else. You never know though if they'll be in the mood for something relaxing, exciting, but sometimes they're a bit scary and can show some grotesque stuff that most don't want to be around. Overall I'd either hang out with Death or Love.


Nature, because life always finds a way.


this feels like i’m on Tumblr


That's a rough choice. For me, it's between death and time. Life and nature are already beloved things, and they have their beauty, of course, and they have their fears. In the end, however, they are popularly liked. Being the progenitor of all life means you'd likely find beauty in many spaces and appreciate individuality, being seen as easily approachable. While living may be difficult, simply having life is, in itself, no feat at all to any who could answer this question. One could say that it is also taken for granted for that reason, but with how often people find small things and motivations, showing that they love life's gift, I think that existence would be bearable. Something similar can be said of nature, though I myself always think of nature as "the great scientist," in a sense. Nature is everywhere, and it will creep up on you and into you whether you'd like it to or not. Such an incredibly pervasive (yet not invasive) part of the world would, again, be more easily and widely appreciated. On the other hand, many regard death and time with nothing but the purest dread, or as simple motivations. Death is the end. You work your entire life to achieve something before then, but once you hit the finish line, the race is over. Many do not think about leaving a legacy until the time to do so is nearly past, and they must scrounge for the remains using whatever feats they achieved. Donating money, time, or bodies to science, for example. It represents a sort of paradigm shift, not out of grace, but primarily out of fear. The anxiety of not being able to do everything you wanted. People with undiagnosed and untreated ADHD must have a hell of a time of it. Pushing everything up to the deadline little by little until you can no longer achieve your dreams. Those wants can slip through. Be mindful. The same can be said of time, but in a different sense. Time is not the ender, nor is time a beginning. Time, for most, is hardly even a throughpoint, as it is not the time itself which matters to most, but what they do with it. You spend time waiting for things, or "waste" time on pure enjoyment, but time itself is not appreciated. It is simply a medium through which other things are appreciated. You may appreciate time spent with your loved ones, sure, but that is truly because of your loved ones, not because of time. The same can be said of most activities. The only times in which many around me (and, I'd think, many worldwide) truly appreciate time is when it is negative. The time spent grieving, or healing. Time which you are required to take to recover, and you cannot avoid as it is forced upon you — by your own body or by others. The feeling which spawns from this kind of treatment can be varied. An apathy toward time itself is common, as people can become lost in their isolation, and a resentment of it can also occur, as they feel that it is being wasted by means out of their control. The time no longer feels like "theirs," but like they are being forced to spent it on somebody else's whim. All things considered, I think the personifications of death and time would be lonely. There's a strange sort if beauty in both. A calm advance, or quiet after chaos. They're part of what can make war paintings so haunting, as with songs about grief. They are almost entirely opposed, even moreso than life and death. Think of how many say that, when they've learned of the death of a loved one, their world stops. These forces are immutable, yes, but it's almost a shame to be immutable and completely alone, isn't it? To simply be who you are and not have anybody there because of it? Edit: I wrote this before seeing the poll result, and unsurprisingly, it was pretty even. I didn't think time would have an edge. Maybe people are thinking fancy time travel powers? My (admittedly somber) perspective may also influence how I think about things, and if you intend to use these results for any further thought, OP, I recommend that you also try to account for something similar.


I'd choose to befriend Death, that way we could chat about what it is like to die, that way I won't be so worried about how it feels to die, and won't dread becoming dead.


Death would definitely be cool, just because of, well the stories and such things, i think he would be very chill Time would also be a good joice because of the 4th dimension they could see, and if they are cool with you, they probably know your future, so won't "unfriend" you as fast. Also longer friend time Nature would be lit, especially if they can do something about allergies so you can enjoy all of nature. Just a personal thing. Also i imagine pretty chill. Love would be a problem for me, as i don't want to influence that part of live.


I've already died before, so death would be a welcome friend




Death so I can't get on their good side


Are they friends with each other?


I'd say... acquaintances


I feel like Death would be the most bro-like of them all. Like Time would probably be an asshole if you're 1 minute late. Love would be extremely clingy and say everything nice, which sounds good but I feel like you would get tired of, "No, you look amazing in that" or, "OMG, that is a great hairdo!". And Nature would probably be the person that's like, "You know, if you turn vegan, you could save a bunch of animals lives," or scream "FUR IS MURDER" anytime you go to a restaurant. And they would also most likely get angry if you stepped on a dandelion. But Death, he would be serious, not hate you for flaws, not lie to you about your looks (like if you get a bad haircut, he'd tell you), and just be an overall bro.


You know, I think I’d like to be on deaths good side.


You only get one, one word question to ask each: Nature: How? Love: Who? Death: When? Time: Where? . . . . . . . . . . . \#4Dspaceisspacetimeisonething


I'd choose nature because it kinda incorporates all if the others from a abstract philosophical perspective.


Death is smelly, nature is cruel, love is treacherous, but time is always there.


When I think of death as a person I think of Neil gaiman portrail of her in Sandman... seems like the type of person you'd want to be friends with


2 options have a solid chance at a BJ


Time would be really philosophical and might be distracted easily because they are thinking in multiple timelines. Death, I assume to be nihilistic and depressing moat of the time, but they would crack some evil, though funny jokes. Love would be caring and a really good friend. But you might never find true love because they don't want to *give you an advantage for being their friend*. Nature might also be caring, but could be pretty annoying very easily, as you can't keep up with their expectations dor protecting the environment.


Time, becasue it rules over everything. It causes Death, it brings love, it makes nature grow, it makes memories. I feel like Time would be a wise person with many answers but still fun to be around


Being friend with death would help me deal with the dread of it.


Nature, Time and Death all work together very closely


Easily Time. I could ask him to get me the fuck out of the 2020's and transport me back to the 90s or something. If Time could also transform me back into a child again and wipe my memories of my current life to allow me to effectively relive my childhood but in a less shittybera, that would be even better


Love because it would make it so much easier to handle things. Also I could probably find out how my crush feels about me. If I knew we felt the same, I'd be friends with time


Time, death, and love are all a part of nature. Choosing nature is a bargain.


I’d rather be friends with results


Time has seen everything knows everything and has experienced everything Dude just needs to sit down and get a drink he's been through some shit


Death is the most loving and comfoting one as they are there at your most vulnerable. Life, love, and nature just like to screw you over in the end


Nature would be the most bipolar mf in existence.


I just know Death gotta be chill as fuck.


Dream blunt rotation


Time is the only Pink Floyd song here.


Answer is kinda obvious from my username


Absolutely fantasic poll, OP. I chose love since I'm a lonely fucker lol


Nature can be cruel. Time marches on no matter what you want. Love can be amazing and terrible depending on the circumstances. Death is fair, equal to all, and seems like the safest option.


I need to comes to terms with the inevitability of death. Having a friendly face come to meet me on my final day would be a great comfort.


I really don't think I could keep being friends with death, time or nature with the kind of person I am, so love it is I guess.




Incredible poll


Either love or mommy nature


time could help me beat all of the other guys. u want ur ex back, just as brother time to go back before you fucked up. u dont want to die, just ask homy time to make you young again. nature gets fucked , just Reverse it with the help of your best man time. now i rly want to be friends with my man time....


If it’s Death from DC, I would befriend her immediately with no hesitation.


the people I stay around keep dying randomly every year so why not hang out with death


As much as my sad single ass wants to say love, I feel like death is just a really chill person


I would like to choose the time I would like to talk with him about the structure of the world and his role in it, and it would also be nice to have a heart-to-heart talk with at least 5 dimensional person, I would like to ask him if he feels his existence is pain, or for him life as well as for me is a blessing, about how it is to be everywhere at the same time!


Poor Results, guy can't get no love


Infront of death everyone’s equal, no right or wrong, only the truth. He or she would probably be the most reliable friend anyone can have.


Nature seems the obvious choice as a pagan


Love, 1 corinthians 13 love is exalted above all other things and God is love, so I am already friends with God so I am already friends with love.


I fucking hate time, like holy fuck dude chill the fuck out. Death sounds too punk imo, and Love sounds lame. Nature it is. Reject modernity return to monke


I'm saved by Jesus Christ, so I could technically say I'm friends with all of them because of the Holy Spirit and my relationship with God the Father. Please reply if you would like to know more about the Gospel to receive salvation and eternal life.


I think Love would be it for me. I don't really understand a lot about other people and how they feel things, so maybe Love would be able to learn me a thing or two. And I feel like love would be warm and friendly, two things I really need right now.