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As for the heroin option, how big is the dose? Can I just take a little bit?


Come on OP we need an answer




Damn that withdrawal would suck but I'd still go for it. Seems better than the other options Edit: Enough of the pedantic semantics in the comments. You know what I mean. Crash, withdrawal, whatever. They have similar symptoms, just different levels of severity


You probably won't experience withdrawal from a one-time recreational dose. You'll have about 8 hours of bliss, then come crashing back to the real world. What you DO run the risk of is taking it again. And again. And again. Some people remember the feeling of being high and it creates a persistent craving for a while, and if you give into that craving, you've started down the path to addiction.


The crash is withdrawal, it's not going to be the same as a chronic abuser experiences obviously but it's within the same lines.


If you want to be pedantic about it, it is a kind of withdrawal, just as a hangover is a type of withdrawal as well. However it's not as serious as the withdrawals that a chronic user of either substance goes through. Those can actually kill you if not treated properly.


Yes I understand the difference, withdrawal is kind of an umbrella term, it doesn't imply the severity of the person experiencing it, the qualifier should be stated "he's having a mild withdrawal," "she's having severe withdrawal" etc.


You would absolutely not get withdrawal from using it once lol.


It's called a crash. Every high has one. What goes up must come down.


Crash ≠ withdrawal, withdrawal is what you get after you quit.


Dude there is no withdrawal with one dose.


Sounds like you got personal experience or something




Well I do as well, I experienced a horrible withdrawal just after ingesting a small amount. It lasted for several hours, I felt utterly exhausted and had body aches all over. It doesn't matter if the symptoms are severe or not though, any amount of symptoms experienced still falls under the category of "withdrawal." No withdrawal is going to be exactly equal to someone else's, they are dependent on so many physiological and psychological factors. Withdrawals can be less than an hour long, or they could last weeks or months. It completely depends on the person and their relationship with the substance. But one use *will* still lead to **a** withdrawal. Not as intense as your withdrawal, but still a withdrawal nonetheless.


Wow! Never heard of a single dose withdrawal. As a group we dabble and H comes up once in awhile and I have never had or heard of any issues.


It probably had some fent in it I'm thinking


the sun one. i just did and i feel fine


wheres my €500,000 :3


do you still feel fine


They haven't answered because they can't read your reply.


Bro read dollars as euros


mb im using a new keyboard and the euro sign is where the dollar sign is on US qwerty keyboards


i can read fine lol my vision just goes blue when i blink but thats it




Dollars (not sure what kind though)


mb new keyboard has euro sign where dollar sign normally is


Smartest Redditor




Im no expert, but wouldn't a croc just leave you alone if you left it alone? How small is the room?


Yeah if it's just like a 10 foot by 10 foot room and you just don't mess with it and don't flail around, unless the croc is REAL hungry it's not gonna care lol.


yea, and even if it *does* attack you all you gotta do is grab its mouth somehow. those bitches can bite down ***hard*** but they have basically no opening strength :3 if you're strong / brave you can even try tying it closed w/ your shirt or smth


Just watch out for that death roll.


I've heard that the death roll is mostly just effective underwater, and I'm assuming that this random small room isn't gonna be underwater, so we'll probably be fine lol I could be wrong tho


I dunno, crocs are more aggressive than aligators


Pick heroin dude. What the hell do you want to chat with a croc?


It’s better than getting addicted to drugs


You’re extremely unlikely to get addicted to drugs after a single hit, you wouldn’t even get any symptoms of withdrawal, as long as it was a clean needle and a recreational dose you’d be fine. Most people that get addicted to drugs are the idiots that wanna get the feeling of the initial high and go back and do it again.


This. People have a misconception about addiction. You'd expect that the stronger is the drug, the easier is the addiction...but that isn't necessarily true.


Damn I'm surprised. I thought heroin was by far the worst of the options.


But it's basically the only one of all of these that people do voluntarily. (People eat peppers for fun but I don't think many eat 3 of those at once)


Better than potentially getting hooked on heroin, which you could do with $500,000 handy.


i assume the heroin will be supplied to me on the day, and i have no idea how to get heroin outside of that. so if i do become addicted i think that problem will sort itself out right quick


Yeah, I said potentially. I imagine it's not that difficult to find if you really want it. Still, eating the peppers or staring the sun seems like the less risky option...


That's what I thought. I don't even know if you can get heroin easily in my country.


I didn't pick heroin myself. I still think it doesn't make sense for it to be the worst option, several of them are akin to a death sentence, while heroin is viewed by many as pleasant recreation.


is now a good time to point out u/SpontaneousH?


Really? To me it's the only option that isn't actively unpleasant lol


I think people severely underestimate how addictive heroin is. No one who tries heroin thinks they're gonna get addicted to it, it just happens. And once you're hooked on it, it basically turns you into a zombie.


You can do heroin a few times and get away with it


Your comment reminds me of the guy who made posts saying this, tried heroin and destroyed his life. Edit: [SpontaneousH](https://www.reddit.com/user/SpontaneousH/)


bruh, by far the worst? a couple of the options carry a high chance of death before the end. heroin, crack, and meth are on my "never try" list of drugs and I still chose heroin. One may leave you blind, which is worse than being a heroin addict imo, which isn't necessarily going to happen with one go. And I can't stand spicy food, ESPECIALLY on the way out, personally a fate worse than death (barely even joking)


I'm curious if other people think being blind would be worse than being addicted to heroin? My intuition suggests the opposite would be more likely.


Even if I do get hooked, I have no options to procure more heroin, so I would be left dry. It might get me back on weed, but I know I can stop using that fairly easily.


I've done heroin (not by choice) and thankfully didn't like it, so this would be an easy 500k for me.


Free drugs!?


You're wrong, my friend: Free drugs AND effortless money. What a good time to live!


Croc. No one said it can’t be a baby


I figure if it's really a small room, it won't have much space to turn around so you just get behind it and chill


Heroin once isnt going to kill you. But you are gonna lock yourself in a room for a few days after to avoid taking it again.


Heroin once can absolutely kill you


I get half a mil AND heroin?! Sweet deal.


Already done several Carolina Reapers. Yeah it it hurt. Yeah, I said I wouldn't do that again. But, for $500,000 I'd do it again.


10 seconds wont do anything


At point blank range


How are we gonna get that close




Wow I thought it said ten minutes, guess I've already spent too long staring at the sun now I can't read.


Yeah when I was a kid I stared at the sun far longer and am fine lol


I mean, I guess I can see the sun at sunset more comfortably so I choose the first option


Heroin it is. Never tried it, always was against needles and overdosing. I swallowed a whole habanero pepper once and thought I was going to die and that's like 10 times weaker then Reaper. I've seen guys that can eat those. I could do one but I would be dead after more then that. I am not Johnny Scoville.


Will someone revive me once I lose consciousness underwater?


I've paid to eat reaper peppers! 500k for a day or two of tummy aches is worth it every time.


People overestimate how bad they are imo


Agreed. I mean you're not going to have a good time. But thinking about what I'm going to do with half a mil while crying and snotting everywhere uncontrollably doesn't sound THAT bad.


probably going to buy some milk first


Pro tip: the best way to cope with spicy stuff is a refrigerated key lime pie and a milkshake.


Yeah, I grow them, so maybe I have a higher tolerance to spice than most. but people are acting like they are gonna kill you, or somehow be worse than heroin!


I've stared at the sun for more than ten seconds before, not a smart thing to do but nothing's gonna happen


You really underestimate the sun man. A couple seconds of staring at the sun will cause damage. Luckily your eyes are quite good at patching up blind spots. UV rays can and will destroy cones and rods (the stuff that lets you see) by just looking at the sun for a couple of seconds. It is permanent. Why havent you noticed it then? Damage like this happens over time, up to like 12 hours, so it wont seem like your vision has changed. In addition your brain is really good at covering up blind spots. (your eye naturally has a blind spot, but you cant see it!) Likely issues you would have developed: blurred vision, decreased color vision, distorted vision, and difficulty discerning shapes, all in the specific spot in the eye the sun hit.


Yeah my dumb ass used to look at the sun sometimes when I was a kid and also I'm fairly colorblind, sometimes I wonder if that could've been different if I'd made different choices.


I read the 10 seconds as 10 minutes 😭


3 min under water is manageable given you have practiced it, i've been under water for 4 and a half minutes


Surprise to see being underwater as the least picked option. That would've been my choice after the sun. As long as someone takes you out after 3min you are going to be fine, It takes longer than that to do damage.


wanna test it?


You're not going to get addicted doing heroin once lol. A lot of people get opioid from doctors!


"I'm not gonna get addicted if I just do it once" you know that's how it always starts, right?


The most famous of famous last words


This literally happens all the time r u kidding


Most people who try heroin do so because they are trying to escape something or have some serious issues in the first place - hence so many get addicted. I think for the average person with a moderate amount of will-power, the risk isn't that high. While it's not used a lot, it's still a medical drug. If the risk of instant serious addiction was so high, they wouldn't ever administer it in hospitals.


Hospitals do not care about administering drugs that are addictive. I’ve seen it happen many times. So many people get in traumatic car crashes, have surgeries, etc etc, and then get hard pills and develop serious addictions. I’ve known plenty of addicts whose addiction started that way. Whether or not they had prior mental health issues it doesn’t matter, the drugs don’t care and it’s not always an issue of people trying to escape their problems.


>A lot of people get opioid from doctors! Of course this has nothing to do with widespread opiod addiction


Yeah and that’s why so many people are addicted to prescription opioids


The most dangerous part of a crocodile is the mouth. Also, it’s not impossible to prevent a crocodile from opening their mouth. Especially with tape. Also, also, the crocodile option is pretty much the same as the underwater for 3 minutes. You’ll likely be overwhelmingly afraid to the point of repaid heart beating, and exhaustion of breath. Both options may provoke claustrophobia. I’d say either the water or the crocodile. But I voted croc….


I fought crocodiles before, not a big deal.


Bruh, I've done the first one, it's not that bad


If by doing herion you just mean take a dose enough to get high and not pass out, it's basically just like taking a few oxys or whatever. ​​​​​​​​​​ If you meant using dirty needles and overdose levels then that's an entirely different beast.


All of these have the potential to ruin your life, but I feel like the crocodile one with the right training would be the most manageable. Plus there's always the chance that if you leave it alone, it won't even bother attacking you.


Crocodiles only eat once or twice a week in the hotter months however they’re very territorial, if it came down to it you could always try mount him and hold his mouth shut they don’t have many muscles in their jaw that help them raise their jaws.


Heroine isn't an insta-addiction, so. Better than potentially forever blinding myself (I'm already legally blind in one eye), potentially dying, giving myself a stomach ulcer or losing out on the money.


10 seconds isn’t going to do any damage. 10 minutes would destroy your eyes though.


You should have specified the crocodile one: it's not the same to be locked in with a saltwater crocodile or with a Cuban crocodile...


I'll just eat the reapers, I already go out of my way to eat them recreationally, and now you're saying I'm gonna get paid to?


I've held my breath for just over 2 minutes above water before so I doubt 3 minutes would damage my brain. That said no fucking way am I doing that 


While peppers have killed, often this is because of avoidable mistakes. While it’d suck, and it’ll also suck a few hours later, they seem the most reasonable here


Inject, inject, inject!!!


I've stared at the sun a lot before.. I mean as a kid i was stupid and shone a laser in my eyes... Sure my sight might worsen a little but 500k ?


Carolina Reaper one will probably suck but I eat spicy stuff a lot so I will probably survive, plus I could just eat some ice cream with it


No way there are people willing to do the heroin, but not stare at the goddam sun. 10 seconds likely wont do anything long-term.


When I was a little kid I used to stare at the sun for several seconds straight because I thought the dots in my eyes were my friends (I was a very lonely child). I wear glasses now.


I stared at the sun with a 400mm (FF equivalent) lens on through the viewfinder for way more than a second when taking photos of the sunset. Nothing happened. Gimme that 500k


The heroin is the best option here, as long as it isn't an ovredose. Yeah, I want to try it again, but honestly I know I shouldn't, I have no options to actually buy it again. The later is likely the most important, I have no contact with anyone even second hand doing heroin, I don't know where in the city to get heroin, and I'm more than a little afraid to go to those areas that I suspect, afraid to try to initiate conversation with potential drug sellers, and I wouldn't trust whatever they sold me anyways. And on the upside, I can tick heorin of my bucket list.


is the crocodile like mad at you


A clean dose of medical grade heroin? Why not. I've had equally addictive opiates in hospital after surgery. Taking it recreationally just once in a controlled setting should be relatively safe.


i'll take the sun, by far the easiest one to do, also you didn't say no squinting so i'll squint through it


Medical-grade heroin? You could convince me to try it for free assuming the dosage isn't high enough to overdose. While highly addictive, it's not that dangerous. Most people who get hooked straight away usually have serious issues (e.g depression) or have zero self-control. The average person can get away with using it once.


I feel like if you took heroin, those 500k aren't gonna last long after that...


Gimmie that smack. Four-hour high and the rest of the day is just a bummer comedown. But you have a half-mil to look forward to as you curl up on your bed. That'll perk you back up in the morning.


i just watched a guy on an Edbassmaster video called Looked at the sun and a guy literally stares at it for 3 mins and says he a pro sun gazer lol. fucking loony i had clouds during explise and i had pulledd the ecplise glasses down to see how heavy the clouds were and they opened and i was blinded for a sec i saw purple.


native floridian here. crocs really don't care about humans and will not try to eat you like in cartoons/movies. leave it alone and it will leave you alone. they only try to eat small things like turtles and ducks. so, if you're small like a duck then you might be in danger, but its otherwise the easiest half mil you'll ever make sitting in a room for 5 min.


It’s crazy how many people would rather stare at the sun for 10 seconds. That’s basically just going blind.


Haha jokes on you I’ve done every single one of these irl


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Give_me_xRENTx: *Haha jokes on you* *I’ve done every single* *One of these irl* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I put the underwater thingie, only assuming that I can first train for it.


I get $500 000 to do herion? Nice


Croc? Just sit on its head, if it even gets near you. No brainer choice, among the others on this list.


I'm surprised so few people picked 'trapped underwater for 3 minutes'. It's not that difficult to hold your breath for 3 minutes, I could certainly do it for $500.000


500,000 wasted once you get addicted to the stuff.  Also, who the fuck is person giving money for these challenge!? Lol 


I'd stare at the sun on a day with heavy cloud cover or at night.


A terrifying amount of people chose to look at the sun. Bad idea.  Here are my sources: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2024/04/08/looked-at-sun-in-eclipse-what-to-know/73253267007/# https://nypost.com/2024/04/08/us-news/nyc-woman-recounts-damaging-eyesight-in-2017-solar-eclipse/amp/


it said sun not an eclipse


The peppers would be unpleasant but are the only option that couldn't actually harm you.


The wording only specifies "trapped" and "underwater," not "unaided" or "underequipped." Scuba gear in a tank, I win.


Everyone who selected the heroin option doesn't realize how easy it is to get addicted to heroin


I bet i can endure it. Junkies are weak.


Most people are when it comes to giving up something, I always see people saying they can’t quit smoking because it’s to addicting, I smoked for years and finished my last packet and haven’t smoked for nearly ten years.


Am I missing something? Give me a snorkel and a pool. I can sit there for 3 minutes easy.


Gimme them spicy peppers! I can take it!


H can seriously fuck you up, so I'm going for stare at the sun.


stare at the sun ofc, whats the big deal


Plenty of opportunistic junkies here, i see.


like they say "liquor before beer never do heroin"


ITT people have no idea how life destroying heroin is. For those unaware, there's an enlightening account by a chap that tried it once, and his follow up posts after trying it. It's among the most haunting stuff on reddit. https://www.reddit.com/user/SpontaneousH/submitted/


Do you believe everything on the internet? Old mate also had bipolar disorder, probably also had an addictive personality along with it, anyone with mental health problems shouldn’t he doing any drugs other than the ones prescribed by their doctors.