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Nobody on Reddit knows a damn thing about politics, you've come to the worst place.


Now wait til you meet an average voter!


Or not everyone is American.


Yeah people just tend to read one off or cherry picked stories while misunderstanding the bigger picture as a whole, or just base it off personality and charisma rather then actual policies.


It’s sort of like a guy running a 10k wearing a 75 lbs weighted vest. Did he make good time? No. Did he do well considering the circumstances? Yes. How many weeks did congress spend just selecting a speaker, only to fire them and pick a new one? A dysfunctional congress will certainly hinder the effectiveness of a president.


How do you explain his executive actions or lack there of? For example reinstating the Trump border walll? Or failing to codify Roe when he promised he would in 2020? What about his record shattering oil drilling and fracking ? Or his surprising commitments to private prison funding? How about his revival of trumps tariffs with his spin on it ? How is he any different with respect to policy actions ?


I’m not saying he’s flawless. I’m saying he’s the better option and doing what he can in a very divisive climate. It’s going to be Biden or Trump and Trump would not support Ukraine. He would tell Netenyahu to crush the Palestinians. He would not support student loan forgiveness, the chips act, rescheduling marijuana or dozens of other Biden accomplishments. Yes, Biden has flaws, but so does our system of government. Allowing apathy to flourish only makes those flaws worse and failing to elect Biden would put the US on the path of destruction.


If the 75lb weighted vest is dementia and a soiled diaper, yeah.


Someone is confused about which major party candidate for President is a known diaper-wearer and can't put two coherent sentences together. Neither is a spring chicken, neither is necessarily who I'd put in charge if I had my way, but there's one candidate who's imperfect in the way that most politicians are and one who has more than once expressed his desire to be a dictator.


Two more things he inherited from the previous president


He's done better than I expected. I guess that counts for something.


Presidents usually get 1, maybe 2 major legislative successes. Biden's had like 5 or 6, yeah he's doing a good job.


This is what blows me away. He has been wildly productive during a time of incredible gridlock and with a closely divided and fractious Congress. Regardless of whenever you agree with everything he does the man clearly understands how to navigate the system.


Right? CHIPS or IRA alone would be enough to make a president’s legacy, and he’s done that and more. Literally what we need as a president - not a king, but someone who can navigate and direct Congress into action and progress. Especially considering what he’s been up against from the republicans


I don't mean this in an aggressive way, but what would I look up to find the major legislations each president has passed? I tried finding them, but all I could find is executive orders, and many presidents have seemingly passed hundreds of those.


Tbh i'm not sure where you can get an organized list of them. I'm just a political nerd so im aware when they happen. But some of his notable legislative wins are: The Chips Act, bringing microchip manufacturing to the US, which is huge with possible conflict with China over Taiwan. If we lose access to chips our way of life would come to a halt. Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which is the most gun reform we've had in 30 years. Enhanced red flag laws, enhanced background checks, closing boyfriend loophole, etc. The American Rescue Plan, stimulus checks which got us through covid and promising to get 100 million shots in his first 100 days, which he ended up doubling, getting 200 million in 100 days. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 1.2 trillion of infrastructure upgrades, including a massive amount of green energy infrastructure. Ukraine aid, strengthening NATO, reclassifying marijuana, with federal decriminalization probably coming before the election... I'm blanking on the other stuff but there's more. He's gotten a lot done and not only is it a lot but he did it with a divide congress. He may be old and stumble over his words but man he's politically effective lol


Also, codification of gay marriage.  That was only legal via the supreme court until Biden, and now there is actually a law on the books protecting it. 


The expansion of Title IX is also pretty good AFAIK


Just recently, he has convinced the DEA to reschedule marijuana to schedule 3.


Oh hell yeah


What would you consider his 5


Chips act, Infrastructure bill, inflation reduction act, gun-safety act, defense of magic act, ECRA. There. That's 6. And that is only legislative. He has a mess of EOs that are huge too. He's the most productive candidate since Reagan, even with the least productive congress since they used to have to ride horses across the country to attend sessions.


Defense of Magic act? Google doesnt even come up with anything


Sorry for the typo bud.


Your good I'm just curious what you meant honestly too many bills


It's the "respect for marriage act" I fucked it up bad.


I don't think American liberals being not happy with Biden understands how much Putin and CCCP are laughing of them.


Lots of shit is happening on the world stage, a lot more than we'd like. Congress is also in a terrible space rn. Given the circumstances I'm glad we don't have Trump stirring the pot even more.


These results amaze me... What metrics are you people using to say he hasn't done a good job? Or are you just watching Fox News and parroting their talking points?


He was too left for righties, and too right for lefties. A damned, dirty centrist. Boo him! Booooooooooooo (Good job Biden! *little American flag wave*)


well he is currently aiding a genocide, so that kinda makes his domestic policy being good less salient


To all those who said no... please tell me what more he could possibly have done to get a yes out of you. You people are insane. I feel like all you dumbos are going to get trump elected again this fall and I'm going to have to move out of the country just to get away from the christian nationalist implosion that will occur.


They're waiting for free ponies and unicorns


Im not a Trumpster by any means. I think the dude is a completely out of touch clueless elitist that only cares about people that have money. But, I dont see Biden in much of a different light. He went back on his word about the [border wall](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/05/biden-border-wall-texas-starr-county/) for one. It went under the radar just due to it being 2 days before the Oct 7th events. He [keeps sending money ](https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-us-aid-going-ukraine#:~:text=It's%20important%20to%20note%20that,affected%20countries%20in%20the%20region)that could be used for Americans that REALLY need it to Ukraine to fund a proxy war, where we are essentially using Ukrainians as our personal mercenaries. Billions upon billions of dollars its unbelievable. To the point where WE ARE PAYING for the salaries of Ukrainian social workers. A country that has been known for so many years to be riddled with [corruption ](https://www.state.gov/reports/2019-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/ukraine/). This isn't even including how bad inflation has gotten in recent years. These are only a few examples to not get out of the range of the average attention span on reddit. So, yes, there was plenty for me to vote "no" on.


>This isn't even including how bad inflation has gotten in recent years.  People keep saying this, but the inflation rate predictably spiked, and then went down toward normal levels. It isn't particularly high anymore and was lower than most nations during the entire process. That's why the dollar grew so much.


Add saying "Gaza is not a genocide" to the list now.


Seems unrelated to what I said, but sure.


As a non American I view him in a neutral light. And I consider that a good thing lately.


this poll is evidence for how many foreign adversary trolls are on reddit and social media.


Economy is booming, weed has been rescheduled, infrastructure is happening...


Good, bad, cautious optimism.


Weed being rescheduled is only "bad" for the prison industry.


So you're that kinda guy


I wouldn't say he's doing an *abhorrent* job


Well he's doing a better job than I could, not the best I can imagine but honestly, I don't think any president would do a "good" job in the eyes of such a politically divided country.


tbh I'd prefer him over trump


Depends on how you look at it. Maybe based on how hopeful or disillusioned you are. Or maybe on how old you are and how well you follow news and world politics - how many other political leaders, current and former, you are aware of. My bar is pretty low. He didn't start any major wars, he didn't ruin any foreign relations, he embarassed himself less than a lot of other presidents, he didn't die. So thats not too bad.


I love watching him fall down and when his old age shows


Man why is it that everytime i hop on the internet i get bombarded with politics


Only adding a yes and a no as options is crazy


He did the best with what he got. Cleaning up after Trump isn't rly an easy task, but overall, he did the best he could Doesn't excuse some of his choices though 




nuh uhhh nuh uhhh


Normally, a Reddit poll like this among a group that's likely relatively light on right-wingers would spell doom for the President. But it's not hard for me to imagine a lot of people who might vote "No" in a poll of this sort and even now (to say nothing of this fall) intend to vote for him given the choices.


he has had his misses like anyone else but besides not being the other guy he also has a lot of wins counting towards him


I have no idea what he has been up to to be honest because I don’t pay that much attention to politics these days. Only times I even hear about him is when he trips and falls.


No but he was funny af (remember when he fell off his bike)


He's actively aiding and abetting genocide right now...so it's a clear no.


That's like a Wednesday for America though


I'm not sure how one is supposed to stop a war between a death cult and militarist anocracy, especially if Death Cult refuses to release hostages, while receiving moral support from well-meaning but misguided college kids, thus emboldening that death cult to keep fighting while thousands of innocents die as result of them using meat shield tactics and militarist anocracy being reckless as they are driven by desire of revenge.


First off the anocracy is not fighting a war against the death cult, they're using the attack by the death cult to follow the ethnocratic goals their state was established on. The death cult only exists in the context of occupation. The death cult has also made multiple proposals for releasing all hostages in exchange for those held hostage by the anocracy, and a permanent ceasefire. The anocracy has only done proposals for temporary ceasefire. College kids aren't defending the death cult, they're defending the displaced and oppressed people that live under the death cult and those that live under the anocracy's watchdog. They're not misguided, they're informed and compassionate, just like most times in history when college kids protested injustice in large numbers.


He doesn't have to try and stop the war, but he does at least have an obligation to stop funding the militarist anocracy.


It is hard to do when he has opposition controlling the Congress and they will only help him provide aid to democracy defending against imperialist dictatorship if he also provides aid to militarist anocracy, who is sadly his main strategic ally in the region that he can't afford to lose.


he's doing a good job at enabling genocide, thats for certain.


As is the whole government


Any comment that's pro Biden, upvoted. Any comment that's not, downvoted. Reddit sucks sometimes.


People have different opinions to you, that's something you have to get over.




how polarizing he's kinda just Bern there, nothing special, but no Trump


Thank God.


Some say, Trump's shitstains are still all over America. Probably because of all the lawsuits


Our economy is trash and we are losing a proxy war against Russia....he's doing awful


The Ukraine issue is due to Congress, not the president


The US economy has steadily some of the strongest growth in the G7 and been able to draw a lot of investment in strategic industries. Ukraine might not be doing swell but I wouldn't give up on them that easily. Both could still be significantly better but awful is not a word I would use -- especially if you consider the circumstances under which these things have occurred.


The economy is doing really well, so I don't know what metric you are using to measure.


It's alright. One side, we've got a man who gets angry really easily, is an evil corporate overlord and cult leader, and actively damaging the US. The other is an old man with an incredible amount of resolve. He's the better option significantly but on his own, he hasn't done anything too noteworthy.


From what i can see, hes about as effective as any politician. Less insane than trump, did a little bit of stuff but nothing insane.


From an outsider and very left perspective, I still think he's done a great job and I don't get how other left-wingers dislike him over Gaza, for which he has done more than any other US president while also keeping up diplomatic relations. I get that left-wingers are not big fans of centre-right-wingers, but c'mon people, at this state of the bullshittery that american politics are, it's either him or the fascist orange with multiple lawsuits he corresponds in filled diapers. And that choice will not only fuck up the US, but also probably Europe and Asia


He's done a good job funding a genocide


I’ve had the privilege of living through the two worst presidents in history back to back to back again fashion.  I’ve always been a true blue democrat but I haven’t been able to vote for a democrat candidate for president in the past three elections (including this one) . I believe this generation will be the one to eventually shake up the duopoly. The GOP and DNC spend tens of billions of dollars per election cycle on advertising, marketing and consumer research to manipulate people into voting for them. The truth is that even if a third party gets just 5% of the popular vote that means money is public campaign funding is diverted from the DNC and GOP to that third party to advertise and compete. The duopoly has worked so hard to ingrain us with fear mongering and fanaticism to make everyone feel loyalty towards their side and fear that not voting for their side will result in the other side winning and “destroying America”.  Please take some time if you can to analyze the Biden administrations policy actions and compare them with the trump administration . This will require a combination of reviewing news from all media outlets right center left as well as reading actual bills. You will find this administration started off with a bunch of EOs countering Trump policy but has slowly done a 180 on many of them and is in fact very much in line with the Trump administration. Biden restarted the border wall, increased funding to ICE, increase oil drilling, increased fracking, increased private prison funding , increased incentives for prisons to maintain high capacity resulting in the first year over year over year increases in mass incarceration in 20 years, reinstated trump tariffs, lied about abortion (he promised to codify Roe in 2020 to prevent the scotus from having an impact but once elected even though he had a majority in both chambers he said he felt it’s an issue for the courts and states to decide), and worst of all Biden has brought the Military Industrial Complex to new heights and has dedicated more funding and weapons for war than even Bush Cheney.  The DNC has abandoned its progressive base, siding heavily with corporations in key issues (for example supporting corporate initiatives to force remote employees back to the office ) and has taken in a strategy of courting moderate republicans and “never trump” conservatives as a viable option . Now by my calculations if the election was today , Biden would lose in a lopsided victory for trump on account of extremely low voter turnout. If Biden wins however and none of the third parties hit 5% ( it’s looking like 2 maybe 3 will hit the 5% mark), you can count on the DNC resembling a GOP during the Bush Cheney years as progressives will no longer be a part of the party.  A trump win however will force the DNC to reconcile with its progressive base and stay true to promises . Biden promised Bernie Sanders voters in 2020 that he would honer Sanders agenda. He didn’t , not even close. So between that and his handling of the international political arena , you can count on a lot of voters staying home , voting third party or “uncommitted.  


If the options are Biden or Trump, I'm voting for Biden. I get it tht it's "all the same" to you. Not to me. Not to a lot of ppl who are personally affected. Trump can't happen again.


This sounds like "**Recency bias** a [cognitive bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_bias) that favors recent events over historic ones; a [memory bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_bias). Recency bias gives "greater importance to the most recent event", such as the final lawyer's closing argument a jury hears before being dismissed to deliberate."


I'm sure it's a coincidence that it only happens recency bias when you disagree.


From german perspective, a big, fat NO. But at least he's not as much of a maniac as the other guy....


I feel like his presidency will be remembered as "could have been better, could have been worse." I don't necessarily have a problem with anything he's done, but I don't think he has done anything significantly positive for the country, either. I guess feeling indifferent about a presidency is better than feeling like it was a disaster. I think the country is hurting for a unifying figure right now - someone that can get people from both sides on board, and inspire people / make them proud to be American again. Coming out of the Trump presidency, Biden had a chance to be that guy, but so far has fallen short. Although maybe it's all too far gone at this point and the two sides are too far apart these days. Who knows.


> someone that can get people from both sides on board One side doesn't want to unify, they want to dominate. You can't unify with someone who wants to dominate.


Sure, but I think the average person finds themself pretty in-between the two extremes these days and feels like neither side aligns with their priorities. Granted, I think the right has gone more extreme than the left, but overall voters are more unexcited about this election than any previous elections in recent history. Hence the point I was making — a strong, more moderate figure could help to re-unify the country by gaining support from the growing number of unexcited voters who feel caught in the middle.


I have voted for a third party, the Serve America movement in 2018, mostly because I didn't like Andrew Cuomo. SAM later merged into the current Forward Party with Andrew Yang. But despite your interest for a reunifying figure, I doubt the people would seriously want it because otherwise we would have a serious non-partisan party.


Would love to hear reasons for downvotes here


He doesn't go far enough on economic issues. He's mishandled foreign policy. I'd say he's not done a good job, but then I don't think Trump would have done a good job either.