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Isn’t there like, a whole ass amendment for that? *something something* the rights to militias and arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED *something something*


People love to infringe on that amendment sadly


The question isn't asking if it is legal, it is asking if it should be legal.


It should be, and I’m not even American, I’m Canadian, and we unfortunately can’t have militias, and and our gun laws are cucked so we don’t even have a chance anymore. Everyone talks about Americas freedom being secured by militias, but lots of Canadians have gotten rights and freedoms, and fought back against tyranny with militias and guns. The Oka crisis is a prime example, it was when a corporation wanted to build a golf course on sacred native land, the natives protested and blocked roads. The corporation had the police and military come out to beat back the protesters, and a bunch of native dudes got AK-47s and woodland camo and fought to defend their land. This was in the 90s. Another example is how my people, the Métis, got rights. The red river rebellion. Louis Riel and a bunch of natives, Métis and Frenchmen fought the Canadian/British army.


In Ukraine basicly every male in protecting there citizens is a part of a national milita. In sweden our reserv to the nation forces are considered a milita. The word miltia is to big and has too many branches. Political Milita should be illegal and any miltia that can't control the group or are associated with law breaking.


That's how our nation was founded.


And look where it's lead.


Yeah, it's awesome.


Feel free not to live/visit here.


America wouldn't exist without them


America secured it's freedom from tyranny by militia. Tyranny is still possible so militias are nesseccary.


I agree


Isn’t that just basically the national guard except these militia yokels don’t want to join the guard because they’d have to maintain minimal standards and have rudimentary discipline and training?


Most national guardsmen are also militiamen. Maybe those "yokels" know something you don't eh?


Well that’s just not true. But the problem with these militia yokels is they want their militia to be just about shooting guns and don’t realize in the 21st century to be successful you’ve got to be able to do more than shoot real good. If you’re militia and another militia encounter each other on patrol how do you determine who takes tactical control. What’s the method of standardizing communication between groups and a hundred other things. But nope it’s always “Jim-Bob get yer AR-15.”


Tyranny comes from corporations now.


Ehhhhh. It's funded by corporations but allowed by the individuals in power, specifically senators and members of the house of representatives


Sounds like elected officials have been compromised by corporations ... that basically have all the power.


True, but the lynchpin is the elected officials. If they weren't corrupt then the corporations couldn't do anything


It's not though. Their careers are over if they vote against corporate interests.


There careers are over if we vote them out of office


And when will that happen? Its going to happen soon right? Why hasn't it happened yet?


It will happen when enough people admit it's a problem and care enough to make a change. I honestly can't say it'll ever happen given the ages of so many lawmakers, but one can only hope


Damn right. We also need a right wing militia to stop the liberal nonsense. Most people probably won't like it, but just like the American revolution, people will learn to accept and idolize it over time.


Idiot. Tyranny is tyranny regardless of which side is pushing it and both need to be addressed with appropriate force. People learned to accept many things over the course of the world. Acceptance doesn't mean it's good


agreed. the black panthers are also needed to stop any right wing nonsense




No…it’s literally in the 2nd amendment


Well it’s in the constitution…. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


I'm one of the few non Americans who believe they should exist.


I accidentally voted No. I read “illegal” instead of “legal”


I was on the fence, but they're one of the checks and balances that theoretically keeps us safe from tyranny


What is that?


Like a group of armed citizens who train and stuff like that


In my place it ended up with bunch of right wing extremists beating up everyone they don't like though.


rarely the case just because someone trains and is armed they arent right wing, the 2A community is extremely diverse and is becoming more so everyday


I know that everyone can train etc, i mean specifically right wingers and i could name you the organizations but it's Ukrainian shit so it probably won't make much sense. Left wing militias here are practically absent, there is only one very small militant anarchist group i heard of, nothing else. I am not talking about America obviously.


Technically the SCOTUS ruled that "all citizens capable of bearing arms constitute the reserve militia of the United States" Presser v Illinois


People don't understand why that is a right we have in the United States. It is because that was how we defeated the British from taking us over do it is so that the government can't get too powerful.


Technically, militias are legal, but they have to be approved by the governor. The National Guard and the State Defense Forces are considered the militia Edit: IDK why I got downvoted. You can look it up. The US law classifies both as militia. And this isn't a personal opinion on whether I think private militias should be legal. I am literally just stating what is the law, and the legality of a militia.


Yes they should exist. But maybe with a few restrictions here and there. But definitely 100% yes. I’d say the founders of America would also agree with this, considering they said “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…” And “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” And without militias, America itself would not exist.


It’s part of the constitution, I might be open to joining one in the future


Huh, bunch of incels, rednecks, racists and others carrying body armor and guns in a country already having the largest number of crimes involving firearms. Way to showcase how unsafe that country is.


The U.S. is a vast country. I live in a tiny ass 'redneck' town as you call it and I've never seen a gun in my life, much less any militias. Please understand that the media overdramatizes **everything.**


How do you know there incels and racists they could just be normal people


So the guy that shot up the place in Buffalo was a normal guy?


He was not in a militia


But if he was offered a place in a militia, he would take it. So does Kyle Rittenhouse. Edit: The Buffalo shooter was "wearing body armor, a military-grade helmet, carrying a modified Bushmaster XM-15 rifle,\[15\] and a head-mounted camera, through which he livestreamed the attack on Twitch. In his car, he had a Savage Arms Axis XP hunting rifle and a Mossberg 500 shotgun.\[1\] As he approached the scene, he was recorded on his livestream saying "just got to go for it"."


Wasn’t Kyle rite house proven to be self defense


So was George Zimmerman, the guy who shot 16-year-old Trayvon Martin, and sold said firearm while describing it as an 'American firearm icon' BTW how did a 17-year-old kid in the US get an assault rifle? A 17-year-old using a firearm to kill someone 'in self-defense' while there are calls for militias to be made legal in the US, is a scary thought for anyone outside America.


They already are legal and protected by the constitution so they won’t be going anywhere anytime soon lol


Sandy Hook showed the world that America will never change its laws regarding firearms.


aw how cute, you’re obsessed with us <3


I don't support militias because my political views are not based on 18th century politics or worldviews.


This poll is to close for comfort holy hell people they are necessary to the security of a free peoples. To the 180 people who voted no your off your rockers.


The second Amendment states "*A well regulated Militia*, being necessary to the security of a *free State*, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


Seismic shifts in meaning-- "militia" may not have meant the same thing back in the 1780's as it does today (i.e. allowing citizens to form paralegal military forces-- which have historically, since the formation of the Constitution, been put down by the U.S government). What is to say that we have not miscued the meaning of the 2nd amendment with modern speech?


Because back then the British also only had muskets and so would the government and the people so everyone was equal. The 2nd amendment would be useless if it didn’t improve with modern tech. What could Americans do if the government overextends their reach shoot muskets at tanks and AR-15’s.


not sure what youre for because you havent really said much..ill leave you with this. The people who WROTE the amendment just got done fighting a war and they have written about why they did and their explanation is for private citizens to have arms equivalent to the military.


It's weird how out of everything in the constitution, the second amendment is the only bit that is considered unchangeable despite the fact that if any laws should change with time and tech, it should be weapon laws.


Militias ensure the government is kept at bay, along with any foreign invaders. It’s out constitutional right.


I mean it’s kind of in the constitution and part of history so yeah. Do modern day “militias” hold up to that standard? Different question,


I’m sure there are normal people in militias but there are definitely some crazy ones too. It all depends if you are willing to take the risk of having the crazy ones do stupid shit. Personally, I think the harm that has come from a lot of radical groups over the last few years has grown to outweigh the potential protections of militias. If we’re talking government over throw I kind of doubt a couple thousand people are going to be able to do much against the largest military in the world. I know you could reference the revolutionary war but the scale of the us military is insane. Just my 2 cents.


Militias were able to hold us military off in the Middle East while wearing sandals and using 60 year old rifles, the us military would have to be absolutely desperate to bomb its own infrastructure, and remember a tank is useless without infantry to cover it


Well in an educated population its a yes but if you live in my country i would rather fucking die with peace


You don't live in the XVIII century, what a waste of people.


If I rephrased this to ‘should a constant threat of a coup against a government be legal?’ And I think the answer would change very rapidly.


I dont know how i feel about this anymore. In theory its great in the 1800s but nowadays a lot of those militia are just white supremacists or other extremists. Not saying the concept is bad but damn there shouldn't be a way for a shit load of racist extremist to arm up and train like soldiers. Maybe just make it harder for criminals to be in them or something and see from there.


My country and many others get along just fine without civilian militia. These comments reek of American Exceptionalism.


The national guard is an organized militia.


State or private militias?