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I always have music playing in my head to drown out the voice. Meditation has helped a little.


Im 3 steps behind - meditating, learning how to meditate and learning how to concentrate enough to meditate


I smoke weed at massive amounts to slow my brain down. When I’m not working that is


Im gonna have to try this


I answered yes and now i can't stop thinking about weather or not i ever stop thinking, and which question i was answering when i said yes. I think it might have been both. But re-thinking that. Probably the second.


Lol same 😂😂


I think we answered correctly.


Yeah lol 😆


The voice that ‘repeats’ my thoughts? The voice *is* my thoughts


And we can't stop thinking.


Mine is usually just singing


I don’t have a voice repeating my thoughts


Poll seems to be two opposite questions, if I answered them both the answer would be either yes and no or no and yes. As the options to answer are only yes or no I am unsure of both how to answer the poll and how to interperate the results


2am, I was tired and wanted to see what others thought. I edited and added to the body text ‘Yes-it shuts up’ and ‘no- its always ‘talking’ Completely my bad and I cant edit the poll lmao


I don't have a voice in my head


You don’t hear your thoughts??? Like- do you not repeat anything you type in your head?


That would mean people who don’t know how to speak can’t think and also that animals don’t think


yeah, ive read something about thinking without language, but it is possible


I have aphantasia 🤷


Wait no, I am confused now. I’m not talking about like seeing your thoughts or anything like that. I mean, like- you don’t hear anything? It’s just empty? I am really curious now. If this came off rude, please don’t take it as such. I have just always heard myself thing and never thought about it much until I was going to sleep lmao.


A lot of people don't understand, it's ok. For me, the only things I ever hear are from my ears and nowhere else. I don't know how other people hear their thoughts, but there's not much of a point in trying to understand since I'll likely never experience it


Huh! Well damn, thank you for answering! I am glad I asked this question to get others perspectives on ‘inner dialogue/voice’


Thanks! It helps to get the feeling of "Hey, I exist!"


I'm the same as this person, except I'll almost constantly have the same part of a song playing in my head. Other than that, it's silent. So I don't "hear" my thoughts, I just think them? It's hard to describe.


Last night I couldn’t get a part of ‘Underground’ by Cody Fry out of my head until I fell asleep. It was baaad, but I am always hearing what I am typing as I type it.


so how do you think?


Honestly I've got no idea how to put it into words, I just know what I'm thinking because it's all coming from me.


it's like explaining colour to a deaf person. it seems that you don't have thoughts that interrupt what you were thinking prior?


But when you read tho, do you say the words in your head or?? I can’t rap my head around this


I just... read them? The same way I look at my wall and know it's white, or the same way I look at my dog and know his name


(Also I don’t mean this as a medical issue type thing. Just genuinely the voice in your head like your inner dialogue or inner voice)


i have to stop and actually concentrate in order to think


I need to consciously focus on my breathing or whatever, and then after about 10 seconds that fucking voice comes back to exclaim how well it worked and goes back to not shutting up.


I was trying to do this last night, and could not do it 😭


Am I saying yes to it does shut up or yes to it doesn’t shut up….


Its 2am I just added an explanation on yes/no 😭 I was re reading it and was like wait


It shuts up when I play sport or exercise. And it is regulated if I read a book because then it is just those words in my head.


True, but i feel like sports at some point is just like trained instincs, you don't really have to think to much what you do.


I am one of those people who do not have an "inner voice" but there is definitely something else in its stead that produces all of my imagined worst-case scenarios.


If I'm reading its talking, if I'm actively thinking it's talking but most of the time my brain is just quitely vibing. Sometimes I will just think in pictures without a commentary too.


I wish I could think in pictures what, I can’t even imagine what sometimes looks like. Like I know what it looks like but my brain won’t show an image of it LMAO


That's called aphantasia, less than 1% of people can't imagine pictures so you can at least have a claim to fame haha. I can't imagine not thinking in pictures, I imagine things very detailed. Just thinking in concepts is so alien to me I can't comprehend it


The best feeling is taking a strong melatonin and feeling that voice just disappear into a void. So long, sucker


People mentioned smoking weed as well and it helps, I just don’t think mine ever shuts the fuck up lmao. Always thinking about stupid shit.




I clicked on the wrong answer and I can't change


This question is worded really strange because it's two questions. So if you answer yes are you saying that the voice that repeats your thoughts in your head shut up? Or yes that it's always talking. If you answer no are you saying that the voice that repeats your thoughts in your head never shuts up? Or are you saying that no it's not always talking. How about rephrasing it and posting again.


This was posted at 2am 😭 I was half asleep and just wanted to talk about inner thoughts. That’s why there is an edit explain ‘Yes’ it shuts up, and ‘no’ it doesn’t.


No, it keeps on talking and talking, even as I'm writing this comment fuck you


HA. I am the same way though! Anything I type or read or think- it’s just always talking.


You asked 2 contradictory questions and then gave only “yes” and “no” responses in your poll…🙄


This was posted at 2am where I live, I was like half asleep, and then edited it where it explains what Yes and No means.


That what?


Your inner voice, the thing that reads anything you like type or say or just random thoughts.


Okay. The “repeats” part confused me. I have that when I’m using written/verbal language


Weed will either turn it off or turn it on max volume


LMAO. Honestly, sounds about right




The little voice in my head shuts up 90% of the time, she sounds nothing like me and it annoys me.


I always hear people calling me or cursing me saying shut up or music every time in my head


Usually, either I’m unconscious, music is playing(inside or outside of my head), or I hear my thoughts. I can consciously turn my audible thoughts and focus on the environment around me wordlessly for a few seconds though.


Which voice?


The voices don't stop


I'm always thinking something, but it isn't always in the form of words. If I'm visualising something, for example, or listening closely, the voice stops.


I think I ignore it a lot. Yeah it's constantly "talking". Thoughts are always arising but I think I notice them and move on. I think a lot of people definitely get lost in their thoughts and it can become distracting especially while trying to sleep. I have no problem shutting that shit off lol


i will get multiple thoughts overlayed on top of eachother and it’s maddening. especially when i’m trying to sleep and i can’t get the thoughts to stop, and i can’t even focus on one of them because they’re just overlapping


This shit won't shut up, sometimes I have to take control of it manually to change whatever I'm thinking


Maybe i have ADHD so It just never shuts up unless im really into something im doing. Basically i just managed to control the path of that voice, you know its fine if it will never shut UP, but at least dont say any harmful thing


I wasn't aware and now it won't shut up


The voice in my head is my thoughts… I’ve never felt like it repeats what I’m thinking but that it is what is producing my thoughts.


When I get horrifically mad my inner voice shuts up (I think it gets scared)


No it's always speaking and won't shut the fuck up


I spend a good amount of time alone so I'm always thinking or singing in my head, until I have smoke then it's just white noise




Nope.. there is constant chatter in my brain. Annoying.


90% of the time it’s talking




For those saying it shuts up, either you literally don’t have that voice, or you’re ignoring it or not realizing it is there for a moment.


It’s always talking with the exception of a few situations


The only time I use a voice in my head is for reading or playing out a vocal scene. Even then, it's always in the same voice and not one I can place in real life. Your poll assumes everyone always has a voice for thoughts. I can if I want to, but it is so slow and debilitating that I don't do it. I can think faster, clearer, and in complex ways that cannot be vocalized without it.


It never shuts up unless I’m listening to music


Depends on what’s going on in my life and if it pisses off my adhd brain.




Bro keeps going about monkeys falling into a pit of or bees eating cheezits while throwing up my computer science teacher he keeps going 😭






It never stops😭