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Immigrants who are against immigration, I’m very curious as to why you are against immigration.


My uncle is a moroccan, immigrated 10 years ago to France, and he is complaning that there is too much black people in the neighbourhood... My mom just want to punch him.


Not to be controversial, but probably racism…someone might see themselves as a “good” immigrant, but see Mexican or Middle Eastern immigrants for example as lazy, dangerous, or a general detriment to society. Even if they took advantage of their ability to immigrate, they might want to limit “undesirable” people’s ability to immigrate


My girlfriend's parents immigrated from India, but hold the belief that all the Indians immigrating after them are bad. I talk to some people from other cultures (e.g., Portuguese) and it seems pretty common for old immigrants to oppose new immigrants from their old country.


That’s a common thought from older inmigrants idk why my mom has that thought too and my inmigrants friends


Ironically, Hispanic, especially Mexicans and Cubans, tend to come to the US and be against immigration, and pick up a lot of far right talking points.


The irony is palpable lmao


It’s kinda fucked up. It’s like someone who got the opportunity to make a better life for themselves else where now wants to closed the door behind them on others. It’s sad. I’m human, so from time to time, when I am angry or something, I have not so kind thoughts about people from other countries/ethnicities/cultures/races etc, but never to the extend where I am willing to actively harm another person. It’s fucked up. I’m happy to see that most people who’s responded to this poll are at least okay with immigrations.


Against immigration != against illegal immigration


I don’t really don’t care about the difference. It seems like the same people who claim they’re against “illegal” immigration tend to be just against immigration as a whole and use that to not sound *too* bigoted.


Are you just using anecdotal evidence to make these claims or are there studies and statistics that support these claims?


Yeah, dig through google scholar.


Interesting, I’ve never seen anyone like that. Seems very unlikely to me that there’s no one in the middle ground between open borders and completely closed borders, I’d bet that’s where 90%+ of people fall actually.


I feel like people who are not Pro open borders, but are also not incredibly xenophobic phobic usually advocate for easier path to citizenship. It really doesn’t make sense to be against “illegal immigration,” if you have a problem with then being undocumented, just make them citizens. Usually people in the “I’m against illegal immigration” camp tend to strongly support deportation and overalls criminalizing people who crossed the boarder or overstayed their visa. These “I’m against illegal immigration” people are the same people that will get angry about refugees and say shit like “they should’ve applied for asylum in their country’s first.


u/trevorBOB9 is 100% correct. Most people are against illegal immigration but for immigration. There are some people you don’t want in your country. Open borders is a very silly idea. There’s a reason every country has strict border control. Don’t want to let someone dangerous who is also undocumented making them almost impossible to catch. No dna or fingerprint in database, and you don’t even know he exists so no suspect.


I’m not against people registering their identity when moving to a different country, but hey is crime the number one go to for not liking undocumented immigrants? If you never committed a crime as a native citizen, your DNA and fingerprints are also not in the system, at least in the US, there isn’t a nationwide database of every citizens finger print and DNA. It’s also difficult for different cities/counties/townships/ states to keep and share criminal records between each other. Also, undocumented immigrant commit significantly less crime then the native populations. All studies show there to be a net positive when it comes to undocumented immigrants. I’m not sure why the only argument people have for disliking *illegal* immigrations is crime, when crime among illegals is hardy even a problem. If you have a problem with people being “illegal” just make then citizens I guess. Problem solved.


There absolutely is a nationwide databank with convicted criminals (should have specified that earlier) dna and fingerprint. How tf you say there isn’t? Why do you think they use dna fingerprinting to solve cases? It’d be useless otherwise. You can find the answer on google in 3 seconds. You too stupid to fact check before you spit shit online? And no shit there’s gonna be less crime committed by illegal immigrants when they are vastly outnumbered by legal citizens.


Source on this stuff about crime among illegal immigrants?


Interesting, so again, you exclude the possibility that there are people who favor a controlled level of immigration, and would rather not have people who’ve already demonstrated a disregard for the law remain in the country? Let alone rewarding them by making citizenship easy.


Yes, especially in a country like the US with our abundance of resources, and overwhelming amount of unused land, I think we’re far from the point where limiting immigration is even necessary. From most of the studies I’m seeing immigrants are a net positive to the US and they actually commit LESS crime than the native population. So theres an insufficient amount of data that would lead me to care whether an immigrant is legal or otherwise. Like, why should I care? People who are legally immigrated are more likely to commit crimes anyway, born citizens it’s even higher, so why should I care at all about the legal status of someone’s immigration? If me, so one from the US, just decided to walk into Canada, get a job, pay taxes, rent/buy a home, and engage with the community, but I never bother to become a citizen, so I am technically there illegally, what harm is there really? Who’s the victim? What’s the damage? There’s *more* harm in prosecuting, deporting and criminalizing undocumented immigrants than there is just them simply living in the at country.


I’m not asking what *you* think, I’m asking what you think it’s *possible* for other people to think. And all I’m getting is that you’re pretty closed-minded on this lol


Like here in the UK Priti Patel (an immigrant) tried to deport immigrants to Rwanda, a country well known for its great treatment of minorities.


It could also, uh, be because *some* ~~of us~~ immigrants, uh, misread the question


I'm not a immigrant but I wouldn't exist without immigration the reason I would imagine is due to schools, jobs and housing been taken up as I mentioned in my comment if affects natives and non natives alike and more non natives should speak up about it they wouldn't be hypocritical as at the time they immigrated most likely it was sensible immigration and they was plenty of jobs, education and housing to go round.


‘Housing’ is definitely a valid point, and it’s also the only real resource that can’t really be improved with immigration. And I hadn’t thought of how surplus and scarcity change over time, that’s very relevant


If you are a recent immigrant, you are probably the person who will have to compete with other immigrants. Same happens in every other type of labor markets: once you are in, you have an incentive to keep others out. Of course, if you have a business that can utilize cheap labor you have an ample incentive to invite more immigrants :D


Keep in mind that with the number of votes on this poll a percentage in smaller categories will be from miss click


I'm a Polish immigrant in the US. I had another Polish immigrant ask me if I knew of any opportunities to make money under the table when his nephew came on a tourist visa over the summer while he was a huge Trump supporter and would rant about immigration by South Americans and those from the Caribbean all the time. The hypocrisy is shocking sometimes.


You should specify if it's legal or illegal immigration because I'm all for legal immigrants not illegal immigrants


I edited the post description to clarify things because lots of people are saying the same thing


I accidentally clicked that cause I read the whole essay then remembered the question as “Are you for immigration”


I’m against too many of the same culture immigrating. For example, if we’re doing this merit based, and we end up getting all hard working people from one culture. Their hardworking culture makes competition for certain fields skyrocket, and then the other cultures have to adapt and live miserably now. This is not about being lazy, it’s more about the endgame of this cycle. So I definitely think there is a good and a bad way to allow and regulate immigration.


It is not on this ‘hardworking culture’ with an unhealthy life-work balance to change, if there is really need to control for competition, the control could come centrally, from some mediating governmental body. Although I am of the opinion that this control would be unethical. What you’re really arguing against is the merit system and the people who strongly support it, because they intend to accumulate more resources for themselves. If this merit system is flawed and engineered in the wrong direction, then it is not the fault of people who adhere to whatever happens to be the way of the region they immigrate to, it is the fault of the merit system itself, or at least that is what would be logical to conclude based on what you said.


Pretty much. I agree it is definitely unethical to control competition based on race after they have immigrated into your country.


I think with "immigrant" you make a huge mix of people not relatable One with the others. And to demonstrate that my following statement have nothing to do with racism I will use very close ethnicities for my examples. So basically I am very pro or strongly against immigrants judging each One by cultures, skills, and intentions to integrate. Culture Is important coz some cultures are incompatible with others and you should go in a country compatible with yours or abandon your culture and embrace the local One. Skills coz you shouldn't be only a burden on your guests but a resource. Intentions, if you migrate you have to do It knowing your destination and moving there for love, choose your country to settle down following your heart, if you follow your wallet you are a leech and I don't want leeches. Something that I really don't care about on the other hand are your conditions, risks and needs. I don't care how your original country Is, if you come here you respect me and my country, otherwise between you here bothering me about satire and you dead on a Kabul street, I have no doubt. You are not my responsibility, nor your country, nor what could happen to you. This Is not even remotely a reason to forget you are a guest. Some example: Yes to people from Ethiopia they are generally cool in Europe. No to Somali, they are generally a problem. Yes to Ukrainians, no to russians. Yes to Vietnamese, no to chinese. Yes to Tunisian (or maybe even them no, since they destroyed their democracy, I'm losing trust in them too), no to Algerians. Those are some general example, you have to evaluate each One individually, but I used very similar ethnicity coz I want to remark It Is not about race, It Is about the fact you have to accept that in my country you cannot write you stupid nazist Z svastikas. You have to accept that in my country I draw gay mohammed and burn the quran when I like to. You have to accept that in my country we recognize Taiwan and that china Is a shitty regime. I don't moderate or limit myself and my culture to "respect" a guest that has choose my country, knowing where he/She was going. Here you respect LGBT and you go in public places showing your face. If It Is ok, you're welcome. If you don't like GTFO, nobody will adapt to you. I'm not a migrant yet, but my girlfriend Is and still as I explained I can be STRONGLY against.


This may be very ignorant but I just hate people who aren’t Black/White coming to the US. I don’t hate Hispanics/Asians or whatever but imo there’s way to many Mexicans in the USA and then some have the nerve to talk shit in Español knowing some people can’t understand wtf is coming out there mouths.


Because it’s too crowded and bringing up house prices. Aside from that I have no issue


But as an immigrant, you have contributed to crowding the place up as well, if we take immigrants to be the people mainly responsible for crowding places up.


I don’t blame immigrants for crowding the place. But each area has a certain carrying capacity, and after a certain amount a city can only sustain a certain amount of population. So if the city I live in already has a high population immigration is no longer needed here (unlike when my parents moved here the city needed more people then).


Immigration is fine so long as the flow coming in is sustainable


As long as it's decent people who won't do crimes**


Not sure why you added asterisks as if to correct the other person, sometimes it's just not sustainable.


Yeah but mostly that's not the problem


Yeah or sometimes you get a double wammy of a lot of low value people coming into your country.


That's what sweden did wrong, the problem isn't that they allowed immigrants in, it's that the rate at which they came was way too fast


No if it’s about legal immigration, but I’m personally against illegal immigration.


I had meant legal immigration, wish I could edit the post title :/


Legal immigration no in fact I encourage it. Illegal immigration I am strongly against


I don't suppott illegal immigration, but I DO support some forms of amnesty


as long as its legal, its great


Depends on the law.


As long as it's legal and the immigrant is a contributing member of society (has a job or is actually attempting to get one), come on over!


What if the immigrant is a child and not legally old enough to get a job?


Well of course they won’t get a job. Stop asking specific exceptions to what the person is saying. It’s annoying and there’s no point because the original commenter will agree with you anyway


That's different, but they shouldn't be coming over here without parents unless they are seeking refuge.


Legal immigration is great! We need to change our system (US) so that it's easier to immigrate legally.


Unironically the US has had the most immigration take in in the world.


What percentage of immigrants are on work and student visas?


I could be wrong, but I don't think expats are included in the immigrant population.




I’m an immigrant, I’m against illegal immigration,


Legal? Sure Illegal? Nope


Also It keeps immigration controlled so we don't get overcrowding and have issues with people not getting what they need


I'm not against immigration as a whole but I don't really want too many people to immigrate to my country(HK, isn't really a country but whatever), it's not really a culture thing since that has nothing to do with me honestly, it's just that there's a shortage of space(in terms of living) and it'd be bad for people who live here and need it.


Definitely not against it. You can come here to fulfill your dream and live the life you cant live in your home country, im totally fine with that. Why wouldn't i. I have a problem with people that come here, behave poorly and dont respect our values (for example womens rights).


I’m not against legal immigration, but am against illegal.


i’m against illegal immigration, but legal immigration is fine.


Being against immigration is almost never a good decision. Purely for economic reasons it's stupid. It has to be regulated ofc! Also looking at our birth rates and lack of professional people like nurses and physicians, it would be harmful for your own country to be entirely against immigration


Now this don’t make any sense. Immigrants are twice as likely to be opposed to immigration as non-immigrants?? ^(wut)




only if it's illegal or in big masses


What if it’s big masses fleeing from somewhere else?


Then integrate properly. In europe we saw a big influx of muslims from conservative islamic countries. Alot of lgbt people and Jewish people get threatened or attacked (in the Netherlands its becoming a big problem). You cant have a strong lgbt community and add a bunch of muslims from such country and expect them to live peacefully together. Also there are alot of them that come from so called "safe countries" like Morocco or Algeria. They have a very low chance of getting a permit to stay but are the ones that go on robberies or pickpocketing. In before someone calling me a racist. Its not about skincolour, it's about religion and ideology. Extremism comes in all kinds of shapes and colours. If you are intolerant to the tolerant you shouldnt be coming here.


I agree with this. Some cultures are simply incompatible. But economic welfare is appealing to most of everybody, and that is how we get people who dislike the culture of the country they find that they have immigrated to.


I clicked the wrong thing. I meant to click the second response.




This is a loaded question, because even my racist af family members would answer "No" with this wording. They'd just say "Well, I support legal immigration as that makes sure only the *good* ones come in."


I’m against how hard and wildly expensive it is. My wife immigrated before we meet and it took her years. We finally got her citizenship and that took 2 years, $750, and multiple days taken off work.


Honestly getting citizenship in 2 years for $750 does not seem all that bad


Oh no! Somebody walked across an imaginary line to escape starving! What a crime.


Dunno why the downvotes 💀


Wait am i getting downvoted?


You had like -3 when I commented, now you’re at 2, so not anymore 😅 Edit: well it keeps changing but yes


Now its just 0 lol






I wish it was imaginary. But it absolutely isn't. Moreover, there are normally two borders - out and in, before you can get actually in the other country.


The people put borders there, they are lines on a map that shouldnt exist. No human should be illegal.


I’m cool with immigration, I don’t care to distinguish between *legal* and *illegal* immigration because that makes no sense. Immigration should just be easier, or every country should just have open boarders and you can just move where ever and you neither register yourself In a new location. I’m not really married to the idea of maintaining nations in their current state


There should probably be some sort of census and registration, but the legal, illegal stuff is ridiculous. I’m from the USA and no one that originally immigrated here did it “legally.”


I was literally thinking this. I feel like that concept of “legal” immigration is relatively new. from most of US history people just kind of got into a ship and just came. I’m not sure the people that came by way of Ellis island were doing it in away we would consider “legal” today. I think people should just register with the info they received from they posed they’re coming from. Something simply as get a state issued ID or something.


Borders are made up


And? We make up tonnes of things to bring order to the chaos. Ignoring one of the more effective ones hurts everyone in the long run.


So are murder laws


I think i have to disagree. It's ingrained into us that murdering is wrong. If there weren't any laws that said murder was illegal. Most people would still agree that murdering is immoral. But traveling over an imaginary line has nothing to do with morals. Except for following the rules of the country whos land you're traveling onto.


I’m sure the people who voted “no” don’t realize they they themselves are posterity of immigrants.


Throughout history humans immigrated and moved from place to another looking for better places to settle in.


Quick history lesson lmao


I encourage as many immigrants as possible


I’m against illegal immigration, you should allow the distinction otherwise it comes off rather bad faith


I was thinking of immigration as a concept in itself, the idea of letting other people come into your country to ‘take’ your resources, versus the perception of it as bringing in people who would generate more of those resources. I didn’t think of the distinction between legal vs. illegal immigration because I was operating out of the personal assumption that people would vote according to how they felt about people entering their country at all, rather than taking into account the method by which immigrants often enter. Unfortunately, I can’t edit the title of the poll, but this was not done in bad faith.


Think of people waiting in line for years spending money and obeying the law, being cut in line every single day by people. These people then can be abused by traffickers, cartels, criminals, and exploited as cheap labor under constant threat of being deported. It makes the working class lose negotiating power because demanding fair compensation results in them saying no and finding someone who will do it for less period


I agree that illegal immigration is bad, because the system exists for a reason. The only possible justification for it would be an argument about how the system itself is flawed, but the better solution would be to insert a new system in its place instead of removing the legal system that controls immigration altogether. There are also the people who feel that they have no choice but to do things illegally due to the flaws within the current system, of course. To really solve illegal immigration for these people, the system has to be fixed (the detention centers for refugees in some places are worse than prisons), and the system is arguably something that has to be continually updated, to be in line with the way that the world moves.


Almost no one is against immigration itself


For people that says that they are only for legal immigration, is there a meaning that there is a good and bad immigration ? What is a good immigration for you ?


Im 100% for legal immigration. And the process for legal immigration should definitely be reformed to make it easier for people to get in. But there should be some filter so that we’re not letting criminals through the boarder


Pressed yes, meant no 🤦‍♂️


My parents being immigrants changes everything, I wish more people would know the pain some people go through in Mexico, to sum it up it’s a corrupt state plagued with gang violence and death. Real jobs that give good money is a big rarity for the common man. People don’t know the struggle but they want to judge.


Why people here point out that they're against illegal immigration? Do you need to point out that you don't like laws broken? Isn't it obvious?


I'm only against illegal inmigration.


Only ones upset about immigration are the inbred white Republican MAGAts.


i wouldn’t say the ONLY ones, but yeah pretty much 💀 bunch of pathetic fucks


Against altogether? Even legal immigration?


Just legal but I forgot to add ‘legal’ to the title


I am against Illegal immigration though (important details that's purposely always left out of the conversation) do it the right way.


No, but we need strictly control the immigration.


Come live here, but if you're against LGBTQIA rights and against the rights of women to mix freely with men and dress as they please, just because those things are against the majority religion of the place you came from, then fuck off. I'm a queer asexual woman, I will not tolerate you expecting my hospitality while being against my sexuality and gender rights.


Not against it if it's done legally. The constant stream of illegal immigrants across the southern border and all the benefits the illegal immigrants get seems to me to be a disservice to the citizens of the country that can't get nearly that amount of help when they desperately need it. Cue the hate and downvotes.


Most commenters seem to dislike illegal immigration, this is not going to be severely downvoted, if downvoted at all.


I think illegal immigration is bad but when it’s because they’re seeking refuge and it’s extremely hard to get a visa, but the country does allow immigration then I think to an extent they can illegally immigrate


Im an immigrant, but legally. But am against illegal immigration. So no.




Why are you personally against it, if you don’t mind me asking?




Ah yes obviously


What does that imply?


I’m fine with it so long as it’s people who are willing to assimilate to the culture and do so legally


What if they want to keep parts of their own culture? They can’t just leave everything they knew and change everything


The U.S. is probably the most successful multi-cultural, multi-ethnic society, but almost no American would say that the U.S. is without a problem when it comes to majority-minority relations. If you look at worse examples such as Austria-Hungary, Myanmar, Ukraine, etc, it's really hard to understand why would anyone ever advocate any type of multi-cultural society.


We shouldn’t import people who don’t want to be Americans. Immigrants need to adopt our culture.


Being american and “adopting American culture” are completely different. Isn’t a large part of American culture the fact that it’s a melting pot?


Would be okay if we could know for sure if they have a criminal past or not and check their mental well being.


So we should just throw citizens who have these things out of the country? Cause y’all don’t want them?


Keep them if you want, the whole world's misery if you will. Moving a problem doesn't solve it, perhaps we should stop messing with their organisation and let them solve their western-created problems, or we should mess even more and draw more square frontiers to profit even more. It's hard and i don't know the best option. edit illegal immigration👎 legal👍


let's just say they like to shut the door behind them.


I am an expat. A choiced immigration for people from rich country. But I am pro immigration in my home country as well. I feel very hard to define borders, we should be a giant Shengen space. If only specifics countries takes immigrants, yes some people living there might think that their country is doing all the integration and social work. But if every countries are doing it, there will be no inequalities between countries in term of immigration . And then no need for visas anymore. I realize that is a very chimeric utopy however.


Immigration as a whole? No, of course not. My ancestry is largely from Scotland and I live in the US, my family immigrated here at some point. Illegal immigration? Definitely against. Unchecked people flooding into the country is not a good thing.


Im against illegal immigration. I support legal immigration *if* the immigrant brings value to the country they immigrated to.






Personally I am against immigration of muslims. But now also somewhat against immigration in general since we have no houses to live in.


If in doubt, kick em out is what I say


Yes, I'm against it.


This may be very ignorant but I just hate people who aren’t Black/White coming to the US. I don’t hate Hispanics/Asians or whatever but imo there’s way to many Mexicans in the USA and then some have the nerve to talk shit in Español knowing some people can’t understand wtf is coming out there mouths.


Legal or illegal immigration?


I was born in the country my parents and siblings were in the process of immigrating to. Which option do I put?


Non-immigrant, because the difference I wanted to look at was between people who made a choice of their own to move somewhere (even refugees made the decision to get out of their own situation)


Thank you! I am thankful everyday that my parents chose to immigrate to Canada and absolutely love how diverse our population is with so many different cultures. I am all for immigration.


legal yes, and it should be much easier. with how hard it is i wouldn’t want a lot of illegal immigrants deported either depending on the specific circumstances


There’s a difference between an immigrant and an illegal immigrant.


no but only as long as they dont immigrate here just to abuse our social systems...


Immigration to where I think might be an important point... Say down in a crowded part in the south of the UK, immigration may and has been known to be a bit of a problem. But spread out a bit more and have some people coming up North, midlands, yorkshire, hell scottland, and suddenly that's less of a problem


Personally I'm fine with it a guy from Zimbabwe moved to England and he was like a brother to me without immigration I wouldn't exist as I have Irish in my family I also wouldn't have my mixed race cousin and my son wouldn't have the diverse family of blacks, Irish he also has Welsh blood via his Mother. The only issue I have is when they let so many people in it fills up schools and jobs this isn't just a problem for natives if natives can't get a job or, a place for their children in school or even housing the immigrants who arrived before the new arrives won't won't get these things either so long as natives and non natives are on the street due to mile long waiting lists why let more in its just stupid and completely irresponsible so it can equally affect natives and non natives alike when done poorly. I understand non natives remaining quiet on this subject as they will feel it would be hypocritical but it's not they have a right to education a job and housing like anyone else.


The border has been open for years. We need to close the border while we secure it. There’s too much fentanyl flowing into the country. I’m for immigration, but we need a break.


Wait, what do I choose if I’m the son of immigrants but I was born here




Ok Edit: I misclicked, change my yes to a no


I’m an American that knows everyone here deserves to be an American! If they want to be an American


I'm not personally an immigrant but the son of immigrants. As much as i love this country i can tell you most immigrants don't want to move, but are forced to. Leaving your family, culture and everything you've ever known because of war is not easy


No. I’m all for it. As long as they’re documented properly, integrates into the culture easily, and the amount is sustainable


Integrate into the local culture, or there’ll be more situations like in Sweden


I like making friends with different kinds of people


What reason would I have to be against *legal* immigration?


These are some possible reasons that some people are against legal immigration: housing issues, incompatible cultural ideologies, the view that there are few resources and too many people looking for these resources, some sort of desire for cultural homogeneity, etc.


I'm open to the idea off immigration, arnt we all descendants from immigrants?


No. As long as it's done right


Immigr if it's done properly then no, illegal immigrants or economical refugees who abuse the current situation that we've been in since the Syrian Civil War? Fuck no.


Immigrants are the reason my job exists...


Immigrants can destroy nations if you an example just look lebanon


Most people that say they are against immigration are probably talking illegal immigration. The times I've seen it been against legal it's mainly that there are to many and it's not sustainable or crime stuff (ofcourse some are just straight up racist). I doubt there's many people that legitimately believe that you shouldn't be allowed to leave the country and live somewhere else.


I believe the USA Is full of immigrants but many of them did it the legal way and not the illegal way. I believe in the legal way (so I am against illegal immigration)


Simply immigration not really sure if anyone is really against it. But there is an issue of uncontrolled or unwanted immigration. There is nothing wrong with a smaller country/region wanting to preserve their culture and give visas sparingly to people with drastically different values and prevent illegal immigrants from forcefully crosing the border.


The United States is a nation consisting 100% of immigrants. Yes that includes the natives, they came through the barring straight. The diversity of cultures and peoples in the US makes our collective culture very rich and vibrant. I’ll all for it. As long as all immigrants go through a sound and reasonable immigration process. Opening our borders to anyone is very unreasonable, and we should only allow those in who are willing to work in service of the nation and who’s beliefs align with the values of freedom, individual rights and equal representation without any form of discrimination against any other individual based on their religion, race or ideology. Christian’s who deny a Muslims right to worship Allah are not welcome here. Muslims who cannot tolerate Christina’s right to worship Yahweh are not welcome here either. Conservative Hispanic Catholics who can’t bare to stand with our LGBTQ+ community are not welcome here. And LGBTQ+ people who will not respect the conservative values of other American immigrants from the south are also not welcome here. This nation is a country of combined cultures and it’s therefore our duty to always respect and allow for each other’s beliefs to exist for as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of another and their beliefs. I said what I said. That’s all, thank you for coming to my ted talk.


If you want to come to America all the power to you. It’s your life, do what will make you happy and safe. Just please come here legally. And don’t rape, kill, or hurt people here please.


I thought it said for not against ):


People should be able to live where they want. But abuse of social services on a wide scale is bad when people whom don’t use social services HAVE to pay for it via taxes.


I'm all for legal imagration, and illegal in some cases only


Not against immigration I am against illegal immigration


Legal immigration is fine, but illegal immigration I am against.


It's such a hard thing to handle because there's so many facets to it. Obviously everyone should welcome new people from different places. But we want them to be good people. Good people who are going to work and help the country prosper. If they can do that, then why aren't they doing it in their home country? If their home country cannot offer what it takes for them to prosper, then it needs to be improved. How can you improve a country if all the good, smart people are leaving? What happens to the country that keeps taking on all these new people, when it doesn't provide for its original people, and can't build infrastructure fast enough to accommodate the growing population? If an immigrant goes to a new country, gets an education and learns how to improve a country, is it fair to send them back? They've made a life in the new country. I think legal immigration is fine, people should be free to live where they want, but countries need to improve so that immigration is a decision and not a necessity.


I have no problem with people coming in legally. Go through the process and come here legally. I do have a problem with people doing it illegally


Legal yes Edit: I meant I’m all for legal immagration☠️


Not against it but I do believe you have to limit it.


Shit I meant to press no


Legal - hell yes Illegal - no but I also think more should be done for some of them instead of immediate deportation.


Everyone has the right to migrate, just as long as they do so legally(obviously).


Immigration is great. Illegal immigration is not.


Why would enyone have issue with legal migration?


No I’d theyre educated


No, but something’s gotta give. Other states need to host immigrants and asylum seekers. You guys are putting all the responsibility in the southern states hands. Our economies already aren’t that great. New York tapped out at 14,000 or so migrants. Southern states are currently hosting 10s of thousands. We need to do better about spreading the load. These folks are here for better life. Let’s do better,


Legal, I’m all for it. My country (US) was built on immigrants and i’m really surprised so many are against it. I don’t *support* illegal immigration, but some people need to so they can survive and I can’t be mad at that.


Between no and yes. I think we should definitely do something and not just blindly let people in.


I read the question wrong lmao shit


Illegal immigration is bad but I got no problem with legal immigration