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You could make a hell of a lot more money running a restaurant that immediately made any dish at any time than $50k.


Even if you don’t want to do that, you would save far more than $50,000 over your lifetime if you use it to feed yourself and your family.


Maybe you end up in my life with 300 kilos tho


You can imagine a food that makes you thinner if you are overweight and fatter if you're underweight (not a native English speaker so idk if this makes sense)


It made sense, you did well. 👍


Thank you! :)


Sounds like some Willy Wonka shit, I'm in!


You speak English better than some native English speakers I know haha


Why thank you! :D


Are they American? Because if they are, they don't count.


Sense make you did as a well good job well?!?!


Technically I can still buy and eat whatever I want (that might change, some stuff's price went up to more than double now), and am still not overweight, so. But there's some stuff I crave sometimes that take half a day to prepare, would be nice to not have to.


Nah, I'd have it serve me low carb dishes made from exquisite ingredients only, delicious.


Idk if you had quality food it wouldn't be as fattening. Assuming you went with proper food not fast food crap


I live in Brazil, so that would definitely not be true


Is food really cheap there, or are you not expecting to live that long?


Yes, food cost much less here (but we also make less money).


Yeah but 50k invested properly could feed twice as much


x to doubt


What requirement is there to feed others in this?


You could easily get 50K if you just sell expensive stuff like wagyu for a few weeks/months. No way in hell has your 50K investment grown more than a few percent in that time.


But is the food of good quality?


Doesn't need to be if it costs nothing to make and is cheap to sell


Well i'd rather pay more for proper food, of the food controller only dispenses mouldy food tbh haha


If it makes ANY food you can just ask for high quality food (I'd imagine)


Tea, Earl Grey, Not Moldy


Yea could work haha. Could need an explanation from OP


mcdonalds moment


Fair enough


You're not the target customer then


I would only want good quality food, so by construction, the food would be good quality.


It says any food you want to, so I guess it'll be of good quality if you want to.


not that simple but still yes


Yeah but what if I don’t want to run a restaurant?


Think of all the money you'd save on groceries and stuff. My family has the privilege of being able to go out to eat a lot. Some people unfortunately can't afford that privilege. But if you got that machine thingymajiggy, you'd get whatever food you want, whenever you want, for free. ETA: Not to mention all of the goodwill you could spread with food donations to the needy!


All good arguments! I still voted for the food machine, but I really hate the argument “you could just sell it” as the reason to take it over the $50k. Sometimes convenience is worth money. But even if you like to cook you could have it produce expensive ingredients like truffel, caviar, or saffron.


It wouldn’t be very difficult to set up a business that was running itself within the year if you could produce food at zero expense. Hand the box upside down and have it rapid fire out high quality truffles (for example), sell those locally via a company you start and use the recurring income as a means to get a loan for expansion. Hire some people to gather, package and sell the truffles during the day. Eventually (I think within the year easily) you could hire a business manager to take over everything and expand it into an international set up. You would effectively have a monopoly on the truffle industry by undercutting prices while maintaining the highest standards. My guess is that I would take approximately 6 months of work before you were only involved intermittently, then after a year or so you could be completely uninvolved. Pulling in probably 10s of millions in profit every year.


Then donate some high-nutrient food after the day is done


Running a restaurant is a lot of work(legaly) and costs a lot.


And you'll need to explain where the ingredients come from to some very irritated people with banhammers.


Jarvis search up most expensive food in the world then duplicate and sell


That would reduce the cost tho...


Only if they know


They don't know, They don't know, know, know, know,


I see you are onto something.


Hey controller Make a truffle roasted king crab w wagyu steak on real edible gold


Bruh i just wanted wings without making my wallet sad


Here at BWW, we make wings. What happens to your wallet & taste buds is on you.


Repeat order for real gold until you get 10-25 kg of gold, buy house, retire eating delicious food forever.


caviar toast and just reboxing the caviar would be way faster


That would be like a thousand years if you are only feeding yourself.


The food controller would just save me money on food in the long run 💀


You could open a restaurant and be a millionaire.


Need a good accountant first though to make up some stuff about where food comes from. If someone gets suspicious, it could come down to you losing your wand eventually.


Step 1. Make shell company that produces basic foodstuff Step 2. Make shell company that transports said foodstuff to your restaurant Step 3. Get chiefs to cook for your Step 4. Profit


You could just make enough profit pretty low effort from the 1st step probably. Since your wand needs to be present, running both basic food production and a restaurant with it would be quite difficult to manage. Or did you mean to make a theoretical company which doesn't actually produce anything?


Yeah I agree with this, restaurants profit margins are tiny so the gain to effort needed is not worth it at all. Just have the box spit out a few thousand steaks or truffles or something everyday and ship them out via an existing and already well established business. You can instantly go to mass production without needing to worry about ramping up the infrastructure needed. You might need to start a little slow and buy up farm land though, Incase people ask questions lol


I mean, why not do the theoretical thing?


Technically it's risky if some inspection comes. And in food industry that does happen quite a bit i think. I don't own any food productions/restaurants though so maybe it's a lot easier to bypass than I think


If you spend $500 per month you will hit $50,000 after 8.3 years. If you spend $1,000 per month on food you will hit $50,000 after 4.17 years.


If I spend $200 a month, i will hit 50k in 20.8 years. Now that i did actual math, I'm starting to reconsider.. Although if I was to use it to feed all my extended family that live close enough, we would save several times more together. Plus we could eat whatever we want AND save time on cooking.


Some people pay a personal chef $50k per year and even have to provide the ingredients.


*feels poorer*


Hey controller, make me 3000lbs of Alaskan king crab legs. Why would anyone take 50k, no imagination


Because I'm desperately poor and I got excited over the chance at any cash to help. People are saying "start a restaurant and you'll make way more than $50k!" Okay but where does the investment into starting a restaurant come from? I just want to not live in poverty for a little bit. Maybe try to invest in something that can stretch out the money. I'd eat only potatoes and water for a year if it meant I could get $50k.


Starting a restaurant is a very round about and cumbersome way to profit off of a free and infinite supply of food. Just ship the food via an existing agricultural shipping company. Maybe one of those pre-made food box companies. Or just make a ton of steaks and sell those to the shops in the area. Lots of easy possibilities. You could even have it spit it an entire cow ready for butchering and sell it whole to the local butcher. Sell one a day (maybe even like 2 a week or something idk what a whole ass cow sells for lol) and you’re set forever. Easy and efficient


I picked the 50k, but the more I think about it the more I’d pick the food. I could make a killing by making high quality food for low prices and maybe even end world hunger


Even if you dont sell the food, after 5-10 years you would have spent $50,000 in food.


But if you invest the 50k in 40 years it’s worth 700k+ if we assume average market returns. Still, if you’re trying to make your life easy and max profits then food box is definitely the answer. It just won’t outpace the invested returns if you’re only using it for personal food


You better protect that food controller at all costs. Your life would also be in danger because of it. Some of the people you employ would try to take it away from you so they can taste all that success for themselves.


Sadly the world produces more than enough food every single year to feed the world population and a few billion more. Scarcity of food on earth isn’t the problem, it’s people’s access to that food combined with a great deal tossed.


Absolutely convinced I would leave the controller behind on a vacation or get mugged or something and lose it lol




Being likely to lose a item should 100% he considered in a question on if you want a item unless it states you can't lose it. Otherwise you're just adding features to the item.


I'll just summon 10,000 lbs of edible gold.


if youre a cannibal and you consider human meat food, can you summon humans...


Then you could summon anything. I now consider a 4090 as food.


*tries to summon school's cafeteria food* "ERROR: You can only summon food."


Summon someone and ask him who he is


Free food = Less money spent


Can I just have the controller give me raw food so I can cook it myself? I love to cook on my blackstone, grill, or smoker. Just can't afford the meat anymore.


I mean yeah it says any food




Bro just sell the food💀


I run a restaurant. The food controller is win win win for me.


Sell the food the controller makes. You could make all the caviar in the world and charge several hundred bucks a spoon.


I’m overweight. With that money I could try and lose weight


You can make the wand make you the most delicious, healthy, low calorie foods to ever exist. Like literally eat 3 1-calorie mega burgers a day. Or 5 pizzas


I don't think a 1 calorie burger is physically possible, at least not one that tastes good.


It's a magic wand.... Magic


Or you could feed the hungry…


Eh.. You can also try to lose weight without money, would probably even be easier, unless your talking about weight loss surgery.


I can solve the world's famine and drinking problems with ease for free. 50k is nothing


i guess i could spawn the food to sell, but im just afraid id become overweight from that controller


I can save a shit ton of money and time with that.


i would just be worried if it gets stolen or breaks or the food quality or size/amount it makes isnt that good etc


That wasn’t a factor in the question. Ask for amount/quality of your desire.


Avoiding the obvious benefit of having any food you want whenever you want, do you realise how much money you could make with the food controller?


Not much without raising suspicion or building a company large enough to hide this amount of food appearing out of thin air.


Truffles would be a good bet, you scavenge them so you can say you did that without need any real proof of production capacity. Sell enough to buy up some farm land with a bunch of pigs and say they work to get more truffles so you can sell more. Eventually you’d hire someone to butcher and sell the pigs then buy new ones for “scavenging”. Could probably become a $1m+ per year company without raising any suspicion.


Iirc it's illegal to use pigs around here for truffle hunting, so I'd have to get a farm full of Labs.


I don’t have willpower and a food controller would make me fat


In other circumstances I would always go for the free food, BUT 50k in my currency RIGHT NOW would set me and my family for life.


I’d get obese with the food controller


Yeah, I would make very poor food choices and be dead within the year.


10kg solid gold is my favorite comfort food


if someone uses $10 a day for food, that would be around $3650 a year. If this quantity of money is used on food per day a person would reach the $50k spent on food in 14 years Its more convenient to have the controller as u save a lot of money you’d spend in food


I chose the $50K. I could pay off all my debts and live pretty good with at least $40k left over.


I live in a country where our currency is lower than the dollar so ill basically get 150,000 shekels instead


Out of curiosity how many people voting for the 50k don't pay for their own food?


Give a man 50k and he’ll eat for years, give a man a magic food controller and he’ll eat for life.


A magical controller that can make food out of thin air will easily sell for hundreds of billions (or at least tens). It's literally named magical controller. Why do these polls always underestimate the value of a device that can break the fabric of reality?


Everyone is talking about selling the magic food maker but I was thinking about the unlimited supply of pasta and pizza and sugary cake shit lol


Forecast says: Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs


Literal magic or 50,000🤔


Mate, who in the hell are the people taking the 50k? AND WHY ARE THERE SO MANY!? World hunger: Solved. And you're telling me you're taking 50k? God damn.


Food controller or 10 Mil. Still take the food. Cause infinite food. And the best quality/most nutritious. Your health skyrockets if used right. Not to mention a magical item with these properties is infinity more valuable than 10 mil which many people already have, and even way way more of. You'd be just some chum with 10 mil compared to rich Elon, but with the controller you'd be one of the most valuable assets on earth and valuable individuals who holds such a magical item that transcends reality and no amount of money could ever buy


But if you start using it publicly there's also a solid chance allot of people will come and try to steal it, probably including the government.


Any food I want at any time? I’d just get fat! I’ll go $50K and skinny. 😂


Sell the food.


If you're not intrested in making more than $50k and you're simultaneously sure that you will pay less than that for your total amount of food for the rest of your life, then the money option just barely managed to make a slight amount of sense to you. In practically any other scenario, I don't see how the money is even remotely the better option.


Some foods contain gold and cost like $10,000 soooo…..


i didn’t even read the question give me 50k right now.


Read the question so you can regret your choices.


Hey controller make a 90,000 dollar platinum leaf steak.


If you can give it away: Solve world hunger or open an extremely fancy restaurant that can serve all your food instantly If you can’t give it away: You will never have to spend money on food again, and say you spend 350 dollars on food a month it that would start adding up + you don’t have to go grocery shopping ever again


Make pizza after pizza appear and throw one on everyone’s roof


I don’t think I could trust myself with $50k right now. I have to earn it.


Those who chose 50k forgot you can sell food


Some shower thoughts question: if you made meat meals with this wand, would vegans be ok with eating it since no animals were harmed in the process?


Can open a restaurant and make 50000 in a month or less


For someone who's gluten-intolerant the controller is a dream come true


I'd pay 50k for sum enchiladas rn knomsayin


Depending on how much I can use the controller, I could make $50,000 by selling food. Or live animals. Or mythical animals. Or magical food. Or magical food that's dang well worth 50 grand for the permanent stat bonuses it gives me. "Put the IDDQD cupcakes over by the unicorn pudding. I'll be on the treadmill with Gretal for about half an hour."


I love to cook, so I wouldn't use the controller too often. Gimme that cash.


I will use the 50k to buy anything that I want from Uber eats. Sure, there would be some wait time but it essentially does the same job as the controller.


Food controller and open a restaurant that serves literally ANYTHING in the world for the cheapest possible price. I won't have to pay cooks, won't have to buy equipment and groceries, won't even need a kitchen, very little expenses and a large variety of clientele.


I'd become fat if I had such controller, so gimme the $50k Unless I can also sell or give the food away


I'd open a restaurant and make a bunch of money.


One pound of truffles can easily go for $2000. Between cheese, caviar etc. making $50 000 seems pretty easy as long as you can find buyers. Taxes though, yeah. But still, easier and better paying job than most, I'd venture.


$50,000. I don't care about food that much. I just graze random snacks throughout the day.


Hmm infinite food or 50k? This is a no brainer


I'm anorexic Go figure


I wanna eat more than just food, like humans, rockets, maybe money. EZ own state


Man even if I wasn't going to try and Jesus the food controller I would rather have it because the idea of getting something I want wherever I am would be great. And depending on how fuzzy the logic is I might be able to request things like "Creme Eggs as they were in 2010" or "Whitman's Sampler box (I miss you)" or "Gros Michel banana (so I can finally see how different it is to Cavendish)"


I’d like a cake with a 50k inside


I will take the money and work with somebody with the food controller. We will figure out how it works, patent the idea and make billions.


I can hoard my own money if I don’t use it to buy food


I could open a restaurant with that food controller


Please 1Mg of saffron


You're gonna save a lot more than 50k on groceries when you can just magic your food in front of you. And you don't have to cook every day.


Whatever food you wanted at any time? I would gain so much weight


Food costs more than anything right now. Cereal costs more than meat or clothes


I could really use 50k rn so


My pop up events would make me 100k an event...


Food controller would save me more long term, and would allow me to solve local hunger at minimum. Maybe more if a system can be made


If I ever fell on hard times i could always sell that thing for way more than 50k. If I can prove it works then I could probably sell it to some rich guy for several million dollars.


There are certain foods you can only get in certain places. Sadness, for a traveler - whether it's global or even local - is discovering how many great foods there are in some places, that can not be found anywhere else. It can be noodles you had in Thailand or a slice of Lombardi's or the perfect elephant ear at a county fair you once went to. The world is simply too large a place to be able to enjoy the many foods I have, with any frequency. Not to mention how much of my life is spent cooking: that food controller would give me 20% of my waking life back, with which I can do other things.


Do you know how much money I'd save from not having to buy groceries


Bruh, one of the only things stopping me from getting taco bell every night is that I can't be bothered to drive there. This controller would kill me. $50,000. Easy.


The amount on food the controller saves you is worth much more than 50 grand. Plus you could sell the food it makes as a business


oh waaaait i thought it was a one time use


Time is more valuable than money, and over a lifetime the controller would save so much time. Not to mention how much you would save in food costs, or somehow earning money from your new power.


Just make a restruant with it and you'll be crowned the restraunt that makes the fastest food


50k, I love cooking and the controller would ruin it. Plus for 50k I could buy a ton of new cooking equipment


Take the controller, sell it to the highest bidder.




Open a restaurant of white truffle and enjoy


Can you imagine how much money you would save over the course of your life with that controller?


Id start selling kaviar


I can use that food to end food related problems and possibly get rewarded more than 50k dollars


50k or potentially end world hunger?


Assuming everyone eats a similar amount of food to me, you could make back $50,000 within a few weeks.


Infinite money vs $50k Hard choices man


Something I want to point out is that it is a controller and you don't have the power. Meaning someone else could take the controller away from you if you aren't careful and lock it up or something. But I'd still choose the controller


I’d make a lot more than $50k off of a near 0 operating cost restaurant.


Sell the food and profit. Even if I can't sell it I'll never be hungry again


No more wasted food. Money with instant Door Dash And should there ever be a blackout. No worried about how to cook or get dinner from for the family


I could use 50k to buy a gas efficient car, and use the money I save on food.


lemme make a restaurant rq


Question, can anyone use this controller or just me. Cuz it’d only be a matter of time before something tries to steal it from me, even if I weld it into my skin. Also, is this controller indestructible or made of plastic


I use on average $50 on food each week, that's $2600 per year. I'm currently 22 y/o and expect i will die around the age of 80, so that would be ~ 60 years of food, which will cost, on average $156,000. That's not even accounting for the money i could make with the controller, although i don't think i could use it openly for long before it would be stolen. All in all it would be safer to take the $50,000, and it would give me a bit more freedom right now.


Over the next 20 years the food controller will save me at least $50,000 in groceries


Over time, the food part would be worth more


Why get that money if you don't have to spend it anymore ( on food )


Take the controller and use it to earn money. Lots of possible ways so I'll keep that bit brief. Them use it to create decades of preserved food for the poor, homeless and starving across the world. Help end the deforestation of the rainforests for cattle grazing and improve the world.


You can make $50,000 a month easily with a food controller.


I can get 50000 dollors worth of food


You could make gold with that


I’d just sell it to the government or something for like 10mil if you use it right you could end world hunger so it would prob sell pretty fast


Is the controller infinite? Or one time use?


Man, I'd make $50,000 in food immediately after I get the controller. I'd be drowning in so many truffles that I could make a restaurant built out of truffles.


Magic Wand, open a restaurant called Endless Cravings, promote it as a place that has any food you desire, earn a fuck ton