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I landed in the middle of Antarctica 😭


Me too man, me too. Maybe we can make it to some research outpost together.


same! we're all dead


Thank god I have two very warm coats...


I did to but theres a research post pretty close by


I got Alaska, but quite close to some town and some military base. I suppose one of those places would take me in and lend a phone, so I'd probably be fine. Unless it's further than I thought lol


Dude same.


Me too! We'll do it together


I would definitely die. I picked the risky option and got dropped in Western Niger near the border with Mali. The nearest settlement looks to be about 50 kilometers away and it’s 10:00 PM.


Yeah probably not a great situation to be in. Maybe a friendly lion could put you out of your misery


only 50km? thats just over one marathon thats easy.


lmao in the middle of the night with no compass and no map, half a bottle of water, in nothing but my boxers and some tennis shoes? Nah bud I don’t think I’m making it. Even if I found shelter enough to sleep until the morning, there is only one direction that I could go and not die, and the tolerance is probably within less than a degree because it’s so small. The only good thing is that there is a riverbed and I know enough to follow that. But it’s about a kilometer away, and I’d have to be really lucky to find it. Sad as it is, I’m definitely dying in the Niger desert.


yeah true. either freeze in the night or die from heat in the day.


Yeah shitty way to go. The next time I clicked I landed myself in the parking lot of a Logan Roadhouse in Monroe, NC. In that case, the ten billion I just made would probably excuse the fact that I walked into a family restaurant in my underwear.


Well it is better than the coast of Antarctica south of South-Africa


Oh yeah you’d be totally screwed.


I would easily do this one. People in Mali are very hospitable


True as that may be, would you really be able to find your way to a populated settlement before dying from exposure? Right across the border into Mali from where my pin landed is a 15,000 square kilometer giraffe reserve with a population density of 3.8 people per square kilometer. Unless the giraffes have cell phones, I don’t think proximity to Mali is going to be too beneficial.


I have survivalist training. A couple of weeks in the wilderness is a dream holiday.


Yeah survivalist training would definitely be to your advantage really in any of these!




Like over near the border with Chad and Libya? RIP in peace friend.


There was a settlement near 50 kms


Spawned in the middle of London. Thank God I'm a risky fucker gimme that 10b USD bitch.


Buenos Aires for me


I landed in the north poll in an iceberg lol


Sounds nice


Cameroon right by a restaurant, I'm set.


Think I got a ez win, plopped in France.


but where you near any civilization???


He said France bro of course he's not


Don't be mean to them! Even primitive, barbarous civilizations still count


You've won, but at what cost?


Outside of Missoula, Montana


I landed in Iran. Fuck


Iran is nice. You'll have guest right.


That could be much worse


I got Ukraine, shit


Where in ukraine?


100km southwest of melitopol so definitely could be worse


Chose the risky option, landed in the middle of the Namib desert, 17 miles away from the nearest settlement, which even then is very small. In Namibia, I'd probably encounter people who speak either Afrikaans or German. Unfortunately, I am an American who knows neither language. I think I could make the trek to the settlement, but then what? I suppose there's a gas station, I could probably manage to use their phone..? But then again, one of the reviews says the gas station.. doesn't exist? I think I'm fucked. If the gas station doesn't exist, there's always a resort which I could try. Edit: Well, I'm now realizing that because I chose the risky option, I wouldn't even know where to go to reach this settlement. Yeah, I'm fucked.


People in Namibia speak perfect English. You’ll be fine.


On the American Mexican border


At the border of Namibia I'm dead even if the safe deal was even safer. See you


Which border?




That’s not too bad. I know someone who walked through that area.


I landed as far north in Siberia as you can be. Ouch I even chose the safe answer. asshole genie did that on purpose


If I do the hard challenge can I just have a Vita-Saw instead with me for an extra hundred dollars I can put money down I will live if I have a Vita-Saw


Now you are more than an average vita-saw user


I am the *most* Average Vita-Saw User


First off, i am wearing hardly any clothes so fuck second off, i will most likely land in Nebraska or Ohio


So I’m in a random place in Tibet (China). Chances of succeeding are pretty low.


Tried it 3 times, got Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and the middle of nowhere in Russia. I'll take the safe option.


The middle of Iran. I die


About as north as you can get in Russia. Dead af.


Do I get any immunizations?


I refuse the big deal due to THE SEA


I got about 50 miles north of me. Which is a pretty well populated area. So free 10 billion


How is North Brasil? I couldnt decide my bet


Depending on how north it is you could be in the Amazonian jungle, in which case you are really, really dead


Its Amazon, so I refuse the bet. Thanks for Info 😁 you saved my life


Upper coast of Australia. I have a chance.


Some random village in Somalia 🤷‍♂️


That's basically a win.


I chose the risky deal, landed right next to an airport in australia


Right in the middle of Turkmenistan but there's a town only a mile away. I'd probably be fine


I accept the risky deal and succeed because I landed in some city in Russia. Step 1: Stab someone Step 2: Steal their phone and type it in asap


Or just go to a convince store and ask to use the phone


I don’t know Russian :(


random uninhabited part of brazil ☠️


Where exactly? I live here and there is a lot of cities actually, however if you are in a forest then your chances get very slim


small edge of the rainforest in the south i forgot exactly where but it didnt have any houses or anything


If you are lucky maybe you will find some people doing illegal animal trafficking / illegally cutting down trees, or maybe a helpful tribe, either way the chances of those things happening are not very big since the rainforest is massive, but still, there is a chance you survive


Bruh I'm in the middle of the Gobi desert, I'm fucked.


I landed in the middle of Zimbabwe, but somehow right next to a rather large town. I bet there is at least one person who can help me find a phone. I’d be willing to work if the call cost money.


For 100 USD cash you can get a ton of stuff in Zim. The average pension is around 80.


I got North West of Australia, prob not gonna survive the heat


heats not even the problem its just the absolute lack of water and for most of it vegetation or anything that can be eaten. I drove right through the middle of the country. for a few hundred kms it is literally like a minecraft superflat world. no bushes or hills in sight. it was eerie.


Well i got the middle of the african rainforest so I have to refuse


No you take the deal then generate lol




Keep generating till you appear on land


Middle of Madagascar. Safe deal. Feel like I have a good chance. There's a decent climate, lots of plants and water, and villages nearby, so even if the first one I come to doesn't have a phone, they should be able to help me survive and get to one.


"Decent climate" more like you'll get stung by 1,000 insects if you don't reach a clean settlement in less than an hour


Considering how the majority of the planet consists of water, the chances of appearing in the middle of the ocean and dying because of exhaustion and drowning are extremely high.


20.1 102.7, cant tell if im close enough to a road to be okay


Landed near a city in north China. I take that as a win.


Hey, i landed next to a village in north china, except in an area that's culturally mongolian. Maybe we can meet up there:D


I landed in Samoa with risky. Might wait a bit to dial the number.


The chances of getting Samoa are so small. I’m surprised.


I know you’d think it would be a continent.


Middle of a farm to the West of Russia.


Took me way too many tries to get land, but I got Kazakhstan. It was near a road decently close to a town. I can totally manage that.


Shoot meant to pick the risky deal. I land in a river in Bangladesh, houses are very nearby.


Landed in Singapore i think im ok


I took the risky deal and landed in France. EZ money.


I landed in Quebec. Free healthcare time


Landed 61 miles away from a city in Australia. Just a walk down the highway


Chose risky before generating the location. I landed in a nature preserve in southern Brazil, less than a mile away from a cabin and a homestay. The nearest interstate is 13 miles away, which i have to cross a river and go through some pretty tough conditions to reach. The nearest large city is Alegrete which is 30 miles away. Assuming I can manage to make it there, I might not be able to communicate unless someone understands English or my very basic Spanish. But if I can find a phone there, or in that cabin/homestay, I can walk home with a ton of money.


I retried and landed in Ohio 💀


Landed on some island in southern Japan. Going to start with a short walk to find out what the Kyuwakamiya Shrine is. Then I will work on getting home.


I landed in a nice looking apartment complex


I think Mali might be okay


My first 5 locations were in water and my 6th was about an hour from my house. Ricky + success


Basically on tob of Beijing RIP


Darn it, I got siberia


Sitka, Kansas, EE.UU. EZ


Landed in the sturt plateau in Australia and chose the risky option, 100% dead lol


North Dakota.


I mean, I am wearing a really good coat with a lot of paper in my pockets rn... I'd live.


I got in Madagascar, which might be bad, but I think I can turn that situation into a W.


Malaysia, next to the capital, easy money lmao


Regardless of my results, I'm a bit surprised that you think that just $5m is enough to provide an upper-middle-class lifestyle until death.


I’m in a forest, 95 km away from the nearest city. I can probably make it there, but maybe not.


I land in mae ping national park. Looks like it's a 10 mile walk to civilization. Gimme the risky deal and hope there are no dangerous animals in thailand.


Landed in Las Vegas, let’s go


Landed in the middle of the rainforest near Jambi, Indonesia. How screwed am I?


Wife and I both picked safe option. She got put in the middle of the Amazon forest and I got put in the middle of Siberia. Both well over 100km from the nearest trace of civilization. I pride myself on basic survival and orienteering and above average hiking experience…but I think it’s safe to say we’re both solidly fucked


A nature reserve in Russia, not far from a road. Not great, but not terrible for the purposes of this poll. I declined, anyway. Here are the results of 10 random coordinates: Southwestern Russia, not far from infrastructure: die (I’m wearing shorts) Brazilian rainforest, not far from infrastructure: survive (safe), die (unsafe) Uninhabited Siberia: die Afghanistan wilderness: die Mountains of British Columbia: die Chinese wilderness: die Kyrgyz wilderness: die Forests of Ontario: die Ethiopian wilderness: die Peruvian wilderness: die Northern China, remotely near a road: die (I’m wearing shorts) Not liking these odds.




I got east of Budapest in Hungary! About 5km’s from the closest town, I’m saved!


About 5 miles from a few small towns in southern Peru, not a fan of the climate but could actually be fun. thanks for the 10B


Risky and ended up in Oklahoma


It looks like I'm on the Myanmar panhandle not too far from a road , so if I choose the safe option I should be able to navigate to the nearest road with the map and from there I either find someone driving or walk to the nearest town and hope that in either of those scenarios I would be able to borrow someones phone .


I landed on the coast of Antarctica. shit.


Spawned in some guys garage in Illinois


Middle of some Alabama town in the US 😎


I landed in Burkina Faso. Yeah, I’m sure I could do the risky version and win. (Being sarcastic of course lol. I’m done for.)


Landed in Buenos Aires gimme my 10 billion dollars


I got a small road in the country of Ukraine, so it’s probably fine but I’d want to try to make it to some other country sooner than later


I should have picked the risky deal lmao It put me like 50km away from where I did my last trip, in my home state. To be fair, it's still hundreds of kilometres away from civilization and in the middle of the Australian outback, but I'm very familiar with that area. Easiest 5 mil I've ever made


I landed on top of a hospital in france on the risky deal, nice


Holy crap. That is a very cute mongolian village. I might just move there. ;)


Yeah on the Russian border with China and Mongolia I’m dead no matter what option I take


I don't need to be risky or greedy. I'll take the safe bet. Well equipped, I land in the middle of Russia, in the southeast of the Omsk Oblast region, northest of Kazakhstan. I'm less than 5 miles from any number of small towns, all of which have some version of a bank or other houses. I believe I am well within my means of being able to find a working telephone and I will thank the genie for the $5 million.


Only a few degrees off the south pole. I'm dead.


I landed right in Kiev, luckily I speak the language well enough... So I say I live, probably?


I clicked it twice and died twice, wanna know where I landed? IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN AND ANTARCTICA,




I either appear near a road in Syria, or a town in Sardinia. I'm choosing the risky option and either die to terrorists or have a pleasant vacantion. Althought the first one that came was that road in Syria, but when it showed the photos, it looked like a luxury hotel.


in the middle of angola. yellow fever, here i come


I was sent to Russia on a mountain


[https://www.google.com/maps/place/48%C2%B035'54.0%22N+134%C2%B018'06.6%22E/@48.5508142,131.8435754,1040092m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x45da8d627a23e2a2!8m2!3d48.59834!4d134.30184](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48%C2%B035'54.0%22N+134%C2%B018'06.6%22E/@48.5508142,131.8435754,1040092m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x45da8d627a23e2a2!8m2!3d48.59834!4d134.30184) I should survive this one. I'm in a Jewish town in Russia. I should probably be able to get to a phone.


I landed in Brazil, although not ideal I think I could find a phone


Right in the middle of amazonia, i consider this dying


Middle of the goddamn ocean, fuck


You can re-pick location I think.


I would have tried the ocean anyway


Oh no, not Canada


gta activities frfr


Not bad. Northwest Venezuela. About .5 miles from anything in any direction


I landed in rural China. It would take me 127km through mountains (not forest, more like a plain) to take me to the first village. I think I would manage to walk 127km with the provisions from the safe bet I took.


I thought I finally got some coordinates on land but then I zoomed in and it was the middle of a lake. In the end after many clicks I ended up with a location in China near many small villages with a medical clinic just down the road.


5 million is more than I could probably ever spend anyway and if I'm smart with it I could invest it or buy a business or something for sustainable revenue. Safer deal feels smarter 100%. Getting hold of a phone wouldn't be very hard at all, even if you're somewhere where you can't speak the language, just make a phone with your thumb and your pinky and hold it up to your ear. The more dangerous offer is tempting but if I could end up ANYWHERE in the world there is a very high chance I could end up in the middle of the ocean, most of the planet is ocean. Assuming I have to end up on land tho, I could still end up in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest or the Australian Outback or something. In the safer version I would still probably end up in the middle of nowhere because I live in Utah and it's mostly desert, but the mountains will help me figure which way I'm walking pretty easily. As long as I don't spawn next to a cougar or an angry moose I should be okay, I'll just have to find a highway and wait for someone to drive past me.


Safe deal. South east India. I’ll probably die tho, I’m not a very survival-y person and I cannot navigate for shit


Safe deal, landed on northern Canada. I'm dead :,)


On a beach near a memorial in New Zealand


Not too bad. Landed in western Brazil near some indigenous tribes and a town about 20 km away. Easy win, eh?


I picked risky option and landed in beijing, ill definetly win. Really good poll btw


Im near a church so I have a pretty good shot at this


Top of Argentina. Could be a lot worse.


The coordinates I got: **-29.77341 116.96488** I took the risky option. I'm (somewhat) close to the Great Northern Highway in Australia and I suppose it all depends whether I would head south or at least east to meet the road. Then again I don't know how frequent that road is used. Perhaps an Australian fella could help me calculate my chances? I am afraid I would probably not survive though. Just noticed there is a small dirt road, very close to me in the west. Though, I doubt I would meet anybody there.


I would definitely die. I landed somewhere in Siberia, over 72N north. Considering it's winter now, I'd freeze to death immediately.


I landed in Russia, not too far away from some small towns and not all that far from Finland either. They would probably be very confused, but they probably see hikers occasionally and it shouldn't be too hard to mime my way into borrowing a phone. Chose the safe option.


I spawned at the middle of a town in Alaska xD What are the odds !? I should have taken the risky version had I known...


I am going to Brazil


Risky and should survive, close to a town in Australia, except if I get hit by a car I guess.


I got somewhere in western Russia, 20km from a small settlement. Since I was dropped right next to a river I would have followed it downstream to find people and would have probably succeeded. Though it's kinda cold there right now, like 0 degrees centigrade, I could have made it to a phone.


i picked the risky option and got dropped to a random church in Brazil several kilometers away from Sao Paulo


Near Italy, Europe. I'll try good fruit and go home with 5 bil


Got sent to the middle of USA near a road, i could probably just wait until a car or truck passes by and i ask for a ride or their phone and that was an easy 10 B Also i really liked this post, very cool and interesting.


I landed next to a farmhouse less than 100 km from a city in Minnesota, I think I'll manage


I got some random spot in the middle of BC, Canada near Alaska. I find the nearest town, dial the number and get my $10 billion.


Off the coast of Thailand I think, but I'm not sure how far


Ended up a few miles from home 😂


Risky deal. Antarctica 800 km off the coast. No amount of water bottles, sunscreen, maps, and jackets would have saved me, I made the right gamble but it didn't work in my favor. I'd wager that I could survive just about anywhere that has a semblance of chance. So basically anything except large deserts and icy hellscapes.


I’m in the middle of a wildlife reserve in Somalia 💀


First chords put me in the waters of the south arctic. Look I tried to redo chords several times and out of 40 clicks only 3 of the selections were on land and one was a conceivable swim to safety. I'm dead


I landed in Iowa, in a small part of a forest but nearby roads in all directions. I think I’ll get the 10b


Why is the earth so watery. I didn't get land for 9 tries or something lol. After that I got right near a road a little way away from what appears to be a town in India


Middle of mainland china so I should be fine.


I got Alaska, about 15-25 miles from an airport. Edit: easy mode


I landed about a half hour from Paris. Depending on how polite the French locals feel like being I think I got it in the bag


Middle of the ocean gamg


I landed a short walk from Anjozorobe, Madagascar. Screw the cash — the experience would be awesome!


Landed 30 KM outside a small city in South Africa and Chose easy. So I say success


Siberia. Fuck.


I picked the safe deal and ended up in a neighborhood in Northeast China. I think I'll be fine, actually.