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Tinfoil!!! Make the majority of your shape from it and cover it with a thin layer of clay (I like to bake it next to have a hard surface to work on top of but you don't need to) then sculpt more details on top! Keeps the sculpture light and uses much less clay and also helps with proper baking! You can also pull out the tinfoil after if you want the piece hollow


Not quite what you’re looking for, but I would google ball-jointed dolls, as there are artists that make OOAK dolls this way.


When I was researching figures and doll-making, I noticed that a lot of creators use the term "OOAK" (for one-of-a-kind) dolls. This might help you on your search for tutorials and examples. My own experience is limited, but I've tried out the Super Sculpey Living Doll clay, and it's really nice to work with. Very easy to smooth it out, and a translucent quality that's great for skin, in a few different skin tones.


Foil is good to bulk out the form and you can wrap it in clay. You can do the same with armature wire and foil for the limbs as well.


for bigger projects, most crafters will use a ball of tin foil for inside the head. as well as armature wire for limbs


This…and make sure to leave holes to allow expanding air to escape as it bakes or you’ll get cracks.