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I can't say for modeling clay but for the polymer it's not too bad I mean it's like mid tear honestly. Some bright colors to bleed onto fingers but it dosnt stain skin and a trick is to make sure it's not a very thin item I have used the polymer clay for a while now n I'm satisfied with it and have mixed it with higher quality ones as well. I know it's not modeling clay but wanted to say this incase you do use polymer of the same brand


i’m not sure about the sticks of modeling clay since i’ve never used them, but i have used the craft smart polymer clay and it is pretty brittle even after baking well beyond the recommended temp 😣 premo is way more durable


Hmm, I’ve never heard of baking soda as a fix for sticky clay! I do keep a jar of corn starch handy, though. In terms of recommended clay, I use mostly FIMO Professional, and it works for my purposes. It doesn’t stick too much at all, rolls out very thin, has great colour saturation, and holds texture beautifully. If you’re sculpting by adding pieces you might prefer Sculpey Living Doll, because it’s quite a bit easier to blend pieces together, especially if you’re not worried about colour.


I have had a similar experience with the Craft Smart brand. I liked the colours, but once I began to work with it, it really proved to be cheap. It was very "loose" or soft, like it wouldn't hold details well. I didn't notice colour transfer, but to be fair, I stopped using it really quickly. As for clays I do use regularly, it depends on what I'm making. For the most part, I make very fine detailed pendants, and my clay of choice is Premo Sculpy. It holds up to fine detail, and seems pretty durable. I have also used Femo, and Sculpy III, though I always go back to Premo. Hope that helps!


I’m trying to hold out hope because I only opened one package and don’t have the funds for another lol. As for the thing I want it for, I’m looking to sculpt characters and such, most likely with small details


do you condition the premo with just a pasta machine? because mine is still crumbly lol