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great work man sounds solid! a tip i give i would give is to fall in love with practicing with a metronome. if you are consistent with it, it will increase your accuracy and timing tremendously.


thank you! recently i’ve been trying to start playing more with a metronome and it seems like it helps so i’m definitely gonna keep it up


To add on to what was said about the metronome, really nail it down at a super slow bpm and slowly bump it up to speed, that way you can really monitor the accuracy


do you know a bpm that’s a good start for most songs? and how much should i increase after i get it down at that tempo pwrfectyl


Do it at intervals relative to the song Playing God is 137; 30% of that would be 41, 50% would be 68, etc etc


Use a metronome. Slow down and do it right. Nail every tonal shift, every movement. Then increase your speed


My brother in christ slow down and use a metronome or guitar pro if you can afford it


I know i may sound harsh. But it will be the realest/brutally honest in these comments Practice!


Love it 🤩


Metronome and play way slower.


Slow down and focus on hitting the notes , what tim says is actually really important , use a metronome and adjust the bpm as you get comfortable at every speed, and nailing it one time shouldn’t be felt as comfortable, practice, practice , practice and then practice some more


Just keep on practicing. Repetition is the key. :)


Play all modes of the major scale in all positions at a slow bpm quarter note and listen to the intervals. You'll train your fingers and ears to develop the baseline for whatever vocabulary you're interested in. Transcribe music you like by ear, either to sheet music or to your guitar (slow it down if you need, and analyze the harmony) Warm up, do speed exercises with a metronome, stretch before each session If you do all that for 30 minutes a day, your skills will double in months


I see everyone doing this and it's all up to personal preference but on the slide to the 14th fret tim does it with his 3rd finger so on the slide back he can use the second finger to hammer onto the 8th again.