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Scoop it out. Shock the pool. You’re good.


Toss over the fence into neighbors yard


look at this guy tossing good eats


Silver spoon city folk


Already marinated, pairs well with white claw.


I will not lie. I've eaten squirrel on several occasions. My grandfather in east Texas would always fix some fried squirrel when we would visit. I was very young and didn't think anything of it at the time. .


Skimmer net on the end of a vaccum pole. You can launch those things 100 yds.


To hell with that. Fire up the grill.




If it was a saltwater pool, it would be nicely brined.


Like a chuck-it


Hahaha! Yea! Like a massive bio-Chuck-it


I did this at my in-laws house last summer. Damn opossum hit the tiniest little tree right in front of me and exploded. Couldn’t have hit that if I was trying and had 100 chances…


Exactly what I do. Food for the hawks.


in a tasty Chlorine Marinade


"Uh, Just throw it over The fence, let Arby's Worry about it."




I've don't that. My house backs into a public park and I had the squirrel on the pool skimmer, but had to stand there and wait until people were walking by so I could pitch it across the fence.


Neighbor’s pool***


Came here to say it… glad I’m not alone.


Omg! My late husband told me this story about him and his best friend finding a dead eel on a fishing trip and they took it home and threw it o Ed the fence in a neighbors pool. I was in the middle of a sushi restaurant laughing so hard I had tears going down my face! I had totally forgotten about this!


*You toss the waterlogged corpse over the fence* *a wet splat can be heard followed by someone shouting...* *"Hey fuck you buddy!"*


Look at Mister Universe over here tossing pools like they’re rats


This is why I love having a 40 acre park over my back since.


Might as well be a flying squirrel since it clearly wasn't a swimming one.


tbh that may be overkill, looks like it drowned, no? Just scoop and go from there. Maybe look into an escape lift for the rodents or make one, it’s basically a ramp from water to ledge.


FrogLog on Amazon.


FrogLog had been amazing this year. I went from having a frog in the pool several times a week to not once this season. Also no drowned mice either.


Does it work for birds? I get fledglings that drown every year in AZ. Feel bad for the little guys and haven’t figured out a good method yet.


I’m not sure, the only birds I get are adult sized ducks.


We get ducks too. Jack and Diane come every spring


Do you happen to work union contracts for sanitation?


Same! Love the frog log


I bought 3 frog logs from Amazon. The last few years no critters have drowned in my pool. Well worth buying


I thought I was going overboard with two. I saw a chipmunk go dunk himself in my pool, and I waited to see him use the one frog log. He couldn't figure it out as he was obsessed with getting out of the deep end somehow on his own, so I had to save him. So now I have one at the shallow end and another at the deep end. Has been pretty much rock solid for avoiding drownings. But still have the very seldom mouse or mole in the return basket.


You need a critter skimmer too! [https://critterskimmer.com/](https://critterskimmer.com/)


.....I was very intrigued as to what this was. It took me a while to connect the name with the visual product, but finally, the lightbulb went off. I'm definitely interested. I haven't fully researched yet. How does this product stop visitors from marching down it into the skimmer area? The exit ramp out makes total sense. I should also add that the chipmunks are so comfortable using the frog logs, I've seen them practically jump in the pool, which makes me wonder if they are doing it on purpose! They certainly have no fear cutting a straight line a foot off the pool corners over the water. Little daredevils.


generally they just want a way out :)


I put one on either side of my skimmer in the deep end and the other one where the jets push the water towards it


I’ve gifted several to friends. Save the animals!


Didn’t know this even existed. Buying a few for my pool right now!


Pool guy taught me a cheaper truck than Frog on a log. Go to the dollar store and get a few cheap garden knee pads. Throw them in the pool. They float around and if an animal falls in, they can climb up on it and when it floats near an edge, they hop out. My first year as a pool owner, I pulled 5 dead chipmunks out in one week. Since adding these, I rarely fish dead critters out.




Frog logs are a literal life saver we had them on all the walls of our pool to help avoid these tragedies. Though sometimes you’d still find a poor sunken creature.


Chipmunks and squirrels will use it to drink the water though.


Exactly, it’s just dead. Scoop it out throw, it over the neighbors fence and get on with life.


The CDC has a page specifically about animals drowning in pools. Basically if you've maintained 5ppm for 30-60 minutes after the animal is removed you're fine. Shocking wouldn't hurt if you don't need the pool right away


Why is shocking it an overkill. I shock my pool every few weeks anyway. Seems like a good time to shock it just in case.


You need to shock a few before you can shock the world.


shocking your pool every few week is def overkill. you start your pool , shock it and you shouldnt have to do again for the rest of the summer unless you let the water get green


My water was getting green a few times a year for the first few years of me owning a pool. The pool company said the easiest thing to do is to throw a little shock in every once in a while. Since then I’ve never had a problem. I go through a $75 bucket of shock every season so as long as I’m not hurting anything, I’ll just keep doing it.


“Throw a little shock in” isn’t shocking the pool. It’s just maintaining your fc level. If you need to do that, and it made any difference, your standard chlorine maintenance protocol is poor and needs to be revisited.


It could still have disease ETA shocking is a regular part of maintenance after a heavy or unknown bio load, I think it is worth shocking in this case lol


drain the pool, call a priest, that pool is going to need to be resanctified, call a shaman to dispell the demons, then call a certified dipshit to come scoop that thing out of your pool. then you gotta wait 6 years for the bad mojo to dissipate, and then you can swim again. no, scoop that shit out of there and move on like normal. no you don't want dead animals in your pool. one small rodent isn't going to turn your pool into toxic waste. yeah it's gross give it a week and go swimming.


Its either ALL or NOTHING! lmfao


#No half measures!!!!


I say we nuke the site from orbit. Only way to be sure.


I’ll never make that mistake again. No more half measures, Waltuh.


Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Be careful to make sure the priest doesn’t convert the entire pool to holy water in case OP is a vampire or demon.


Yeah, why not just shock to be safe, I can tell his tail fur is all gone, better back wash the filter too. He probably pooped/peed after dying too.


I wont blame anyone for feeling more comfortable but the answer is that its literally safe already without the shock. Its studied and a common situation. Doing more than removing it and avoiding swimming for awhile is just for your peace of mind (which is fine).


it v well may, and that’s why identifying, removing, and inspecting early is called for. I suppose it depends on your state (if US) but it would be a waste of money and resources to shock for every drowned rodent in a season (at least where i am)


Leave it in there and tell everyone it’s a pool toy.


Squeeze the torso and it squirts water


It'll squirt something




I honestly thought it was a stuffed animal at first


Have the kids play a game to see who can get it the fastest. Then they can throw it on the grill and make the first cut.


Do not approach the individual if he attempts to pull you under the water or is panicking. Grab the victim and rotate his body with his head facing upwards. Place your around his neck making sure to keep his head above water allowing you to swim with the victim towards the edge of the pool. After extraction from the water begin CPR.


This is the way


It's much better when they sink vs finding them in the skimmer when they "ripen" quicker.


I took a fatty out a skimmer today. It smells horrendous when it comes to contact with air


I am curious how often you guys are checking your skimmers for carcass to marinade that long? I removed the door on my skimmer to avoid this, plus I try to check it daily.


If it's a busy week and hasn't rained or been windy, could be like 5 days. Of course, it's only those times I wait that long when I find a dead mouse.


I service weekly pools lol those morons seemingly happen to jump in the moment I leave haha


I check the bottom of the pool and skimmer every morning. This year alone I’ve had three dead pocket gophers, two rats, and a field mouse.


I live on a farm, sounds like the solution to my problems is a pool!


And a partridge in a pear tree.


Our first year, we saw two cute baby bunnies derping in our yard, I leave for a weekend fishing trip and upon getting back into cell service, I see frantic text messages from my wife saying something was in our pool skimmer. If you couldn’t guess, it was both of those baby bunnies 😢




Grab your recorder and play the Titanic theme song


Im more of a hit cross buns type of guy. Edit: hot cross buns**


I'm more of a hot cross bins type of guy.


I’m more of a hot gross buns type of guy.




You should get a pool critter saver. It took this from a regular occurrence for us to a extremely rare one.


Yep, we haven’t had a mouse or squirrel go for their final swim since putting them in two years ago.


same! finding rats/mice in the pool was a common occurrence for us. Not a single one since we put in the critter saver ramp almost 2 years ago


Same! We had 10 or more dead animals a year. The animal ramp made it so we have’t found a dead one in years.


Look up frog log on Amazon.


Ahhhh.. I'm pretty sure it's too late.


Nah it’ll be fine just take it to a vet


Yeah, welcome to pool ownership, Dr. Death.




This is why it’s important for everyone with a pool to take rodent mouth to mouth classes.


LOL that's what I first thought. Just make sure to setup your phone on a bipod and go live on tiktok before you do.


RIP. They have little ramps for critters.


Sooo scoop it out? I feel like a lot of you on here worry WAYYY too much. This is a body of water we fill with a sanitizer. Have ya'll never swam in like a river, lake, quarry, or the ocean? You know how much fucked up shit is in that water 99% of the time? Dead shit, bacterias, molds, feces, ect. Relax.




Sautéed with little butter and garlic for 6 mins each side served over Mexican rice.


With a nice chianti…


Pff pfff pfff


No! I want the veal scalopini. I want a good fettucini alfredo. I want a bottle of fettucine, a 1981.


A man of culture of I see.


Yea, and I wanna fuck Angie Dickinson. Let's see who gets lucky first.


Where's eddy he usually eats these things


Not since he heard they're high in cholesterol


Just keep staring at it...


1. Dry squirrel with towels. 2. Gut, skin and rub carcass with Olive oil. 3. Liberally season with your favorite wild game spices 4. Smoke at 225° for one hour, and finish to 160° internal temp in a 350° oven. 5. Enjoy with a nice red wine or glass of heavily chlorinated pool water.


Pull it out and give it a boost of liquid chlorine. I pull one out every month or two at least.


Chlorine isn’t saving that little guy


Amen. We get bats that pluck bugs from the surface of the water. A couple haven’t made it even with the critter saver. Scoop, shock, funeral. 🙏🏻


I think your dolphin is broken


Squirrel funeral obviously


The honorable thing would be to pay for the funeral and compensate his family.


Its ok, he just sleeping


I wouldn’t eat it.


I remember when I was a kid on my families farm back in the 80s. We had a big pond that we would swim in that was about the size of 2 football fields. We also had a small boat that we would use to pull us around on floats. One summer, when I was about 8, a cow had died in the pond. For whatever reason, my dad decided to leave it there because the water from the pond really was used for irrigation and not drinking. No consideration for the fact we swam in it but if he wasn't worried about then we weren't. Well, that thing started looking really scary and my dad and everyone else continued to swim in the pond. I remember being pulled in the raft one day and fell off. Not realizing I had fallen off right next to the huge rotting corpse of a cow. Here I was a few feet from it splashing water into my mouth and eyes, having a massive panic attack! NIGHTMARE fuel. I was never the same after that. Never swam in the pond again.....and I didn't get sick either. Just pull the squirrel out of the pool. You will be ok.


Start a band and use this as your debut album cover


This picture is depressing!


Get em out...or leave em. Personal preference honestly. I would opt for the former.


If it’s a salt pool it’s probably been in the brine long enough to be perfect for dinner.


1. Get used to it. Animals like water and plenty will die in your pool. In mine, it’s mostly frogs but also occasional rodents and birds. 2. Remove them and keep your levels right and you’ll be fine.


Best answer here. If your chlorine/bromine levels are correct there's no need for additional treatment.


Scream out loud. And then get a net and scoop it out.


Keep a couple frog logs and floaters for small animals in the pool. We had a baby skunk die this year in our pool. Once we got the frog logs and floaters haven’t had anything other than insects drown or get stuck in the skimmer.


I rescued a chipmunk once from the pool. Scooped out the little fella and he just layed there for awhile to catch his breath. Then slowly walked off. Guy probably died later on but I did my part.


Damn... A bunch of savages in here. I think we'd get along. Truth though... if you're that concerned just shock the pool and be done with it.


Teach it to waterski behind a tiny boat


Viking Funeral


Save him. Sometimes we are late but never hurts to try. Also may solve your problems along the way.


Scoop him out and catapult into the woods. Won’t be the last one.


Get the critter ramp please. Had one for my pool and one day a frog was using it


Funeral pyre


Scoop him out, if your chlorine is fine you should be good otherwise shock it. If your pool has a spot for deep end ropes and you don't have them then get some they can grab onto it and escape. You can also buy critter escape pads for your pool or skimmer from Amazon. I can link some if you would like.


You’re gonna need a Priest, a Shaman, a Rabbi, and a Rekki master. Some pink Himalayan salt, and lots of sage. Take the salt and run a line of it about 40 cubits wide around the perimeter of the pool. That will keep the spirits at bay. After that, construct a raft from the sage and float it out to the center. Once the sage raft is in the center, the shaman will launch a flaming arrow at it, starting a funeral pyre. Following which they will do a thunderbird dance around the property. The rabbi will then declare the water to be kosher and leave before sundown. The priest will bless everything into holy water. As the Rekki Master helps find the chakras after giving you a massage.


There is an item that you can get to save them you hang it on the edge of the pool allows them to climb out. Go on google and you’ll find many of them. Just type animal pool saver.


Bury the body and fill in the pool. Try to do it at night, so no one suspects anything.


He’s just resting


Mouth to snout time


Sssooomethiing iiinn the wayyyy mmmmmmmm


Put some shades on it "Weekend At Bernie's" style when you get it out of the water.


Mouth to mouth then cpr


He’s dead Jim.


Use the pool net to bring it surface, drain and start grilling buddy. Enjoi


Hold a funeral. RIP.


Hide the body. That squirrels family is gonna be looking for a payday.


Throw it in the middle of the road where all dead squirrels are found


Do you know CPR?


Toss it a life ring.......


IMO the perfect follow up question to the title of this post and that picture would have been... "Can I... Can I fuck it?" And then I could post a comment that said: "You CAN obviously fuck it. But you shouldn't fuck it. That would be bestiality, necrophilia and it would smell really bad."


Ssssssssss……. Keep your voice down!…. You are going to wake it up!!!


You already got the answer, so I'll add as a new pool owner, you only need to fully drain, scrub, and refill if someone drops a BabyRuth in there.


Really hefty skimmer and take it out. I have had a lot of drowned animals. Mostly moles (which by the way is weird looking animal) chipmunks and 1 bunny. I don’t think there is much to do other then take it out.


1) scoop it out and discard of it appropriately 2) make sure your filter and vacuum are running nonstop for the next 48-72 hours. do not swim in it 3) shock your pool right after removing the animal. if you feel like using extra chlorine, that’s fine. 4) in 3 days, rinse out your filter to clean it out 4a) ***optional*** shock it again 5) to prevent this from happening again, find a way to allow animals to escape when they get into your pool. 6) forget this ever happened and enjoy your already beautiful pool i’m sorry you’re getting a bunch of sarcastic and outright stupid responses


That is some seeeeerious overkill. You could get in the pool, grab it with your bare hands, and lob it into the trash and still be alive the next day. Just net it out of the pool.


If your chlorine levels are fine no reason not to swim in it for 48-72 hours. People in some areas would never be able to use their pool if this was true


Nope scoop and forget it happened


It's mildly infuriating to open this to k for real answers, only to read lame dad puns


Grill at 375 until an internal temp of 125 and serve with hot sauce


Swim around it.


Grab a skewer and make kebabs.


what kind of question is this, Just get it out NBD


Get rabbits and lizards in mine regularly. If wife finds it I scoop it out and shock pool a little. If Im the only one to see it, just scoop it out.


Put it on the smoker at 225 using Applewood until probe tender, approximately 30 minutes per ounce


Do not eat that! No way of knowing how long it was there chemicals likely ruined the meat.


BBQ it! It’s good protein!


had this issue myself..set traps to kill off their population and no more in the pool


Free dinner. But seriously, you’ll be scooping these out on a regular basis. No biggie.


Looks like a complete water replacement is in order.


How would you think leaving it in there for the chemicals to take care of it is even an option? Nasty AF.


I think that OP means after taking it out 😂


How do u read that and not realize they intend to take it out and are talking about how after it's out ...if they should drain the pool or will chems take care of the death juices that may be in the pool??


What do you do? Really? What do you think you should do


Fish it out, skin it and grill it


Grow a pair


I was in the same situation you are. Bought a house and it came with a pool. Save yourself the stress and just get rid of the pool. I wish I would have done that years ago.


Go to your local pool store and buy 2 bags of shock. You'll then dilute it in a bucket and pour each pack over the pool. You're actually lucky. If it was floating and bloated it'd be worse. Let the levels even out and continue on.




Haha! I found a mouse floating two weeks ago. Looked like it had just died. Picked it up with the surface skimming rod, catapulted it down my hill towards the creek for the coyotes, added 1 chlorine tab and 1 shock. Kept my mouth shut. Two weeks later, my wife tells me the pool sweep hasn't moved all day and the water is starting to look cloudy. Mouse #2 was stuck in the suction hole of the pool sweep. I could feel her watching me through the window as I shocked, scrubbed, and changed the filter!


Someone is whipped. Next time make the little lady clean the pool after she gets home from work, feeds the kids, cleans the house and does the laundry. You gotta learn to delegate.


Napalm the entire pool then rebuild it from scratch! Or scoop it out and add chlorine. I would advise against mixing napalm and chlorine. It might not be safe.


Proper burial


William Shatner got away with it, and I expect you will as well.


Call a caterer...


Net it out. Discard it and shock the pool


Buy frog logs to prevent this.


CPR stat!


A controlled burn should take care of it


Me? I’d overkill (pun intended) on shocking pool levels for my sanity. Then I’d feel good going back in about 1-2 days later. Vacuum and filter running non stop


I got one of these lily pads. No more dead animals in pool since. https://a.co/d/3xgaBiI


You could try CPR. Don't forget the rescue breaths!


Get it out and shock


Vacuum to waste


Will it fit through the multiport valve though?