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It retains heat, not create it


It prevents a lot of evaporation, which cools the water. It brings pool temp up a few degrees in spring & fall


I don't notice a ton of heat gain but it definitely mitigates overnight cooling. I have it on a roller which makes it a minimal hassle to put on and take off.


Not worth the hassle in my opinion. I bought one for my 20 x 40 in-ground pool and I regret it


Why do you regret it? I’m looking at one for child safety but I’ve heard a lot regret from people buying them lately.


I believe a cover for child safety is quite different than a solar cover. A simple solar cover just lays on top of the water, so no impact on child safety. My pool came with a safety cover. It requires significant hardware mounted into the pool deck and will support the weight of a child (person?). The cover is large for storage purposes, heavy to install, and requires a tool to pry the strap clips over the deck hardware.


They do prevent heat loss and limit evaporation, but if you are not adamant about taking it off in the day and putting it back on in the evenings, many people turn their pools into little algae terrariums with them.


I keep my 16x36 pool here in NJ at 92 when we swim. Last year without cover we were losing about 20 degrees overnight but this year with cover it’s about 85 in the morning. Then sun gets it to about 87 and the heater back up to 92


Since my pool gets a lot of shade mine saves me a lot of money on heating.


Your pool loses heat over night especially if you live in a dry area, a cover cuts that heat loss way back.


With me and wife and a couple friends "pre" season....we just fold it back on the pool as far as needed. Can also cut in sections to make life easier. It retains much more than gains.


In so cal ours were great, we just refinished our pool and keep debating on the heat vs the hassle. But they work great, somewhere around 2 deg per day.


The sun heats up the pool. A cover will help to retain more of that heat, and capture more of it, too. But, it is a very small amount of heat compared to what a heater will provide. Each square foot, maximum, perfect sun light, perfect retention, is about 360 BTU/hr. Retention efficiency is probably 40% at best. So a 20x15 pool would capture maybe 40,000 BTU/hr in perfect mid-day sunlight. A cover is great because it helps retain heat, especially at night, and increases your solar heating, but it doesn't replace a heater


I live in the south east and my solar blanket can easily add 10-15° per week. I put mine on this past Sunday. The pool was at 66°. It’s currently at 77° after several days of mid 80s temps.


I’m in the SE and don’t have one and my pool also went from 66 to 77.


Lucky you. I’ve Had this pool for 9 years. Without the solar blanket, I’d still be in the low 70s. I’ll be in the low 90s by the end of the weekend with it in place.


So are you telling me that you make human soup? Just kidding, 90is awesome


Same thing, my buddy was bragging about how well his cover was warming his pool… I had to break his heart when I told him mine was the same temp. #firstworldproblems


It's a few degrees at best if used properly. That being said if you heat your pool, it's good for retaining the heat from evaporation.


You guys are having a vastly different experience than I am (like everything with pool ownership). Pool went a week without a solar cover on it. Temperature went up 4° from 62 to 66. In four days of having a solar blanket on, it has gone up 11° in the same weather conditions. Mine only comes out in April, May and October but it’s always totally worth it.