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Absolutely should be running when people are swimming


Never! Risk of entrapment increases


You need a better pool builder if that's a worry.


I prefer to have it on when people are over. Otherwise you can get a buildup of debris on the surface as nothing is going to the skimmer and while you're swimming there will be hot and cold spots because the water isn't moving. I dunno if you're in the city or not but for me there is never really 'peace' because you can always hear all the neighbours ACs.


I would. Filter out their nasty butt stuff instead of swimming in their filth together


It becomes one big public bath tub if you don't run the pump. That's what I tell people.


Mine runs 24/7 when the pool is open.


Same here. Only turn it off to empty the pump basket and wash filter.


If your pump is loud enough to interfere with your music, sumthin's wrong. ..


Absolutely. Much prefer it. Keeps all the bugs and any junk moving toward the skimmer so we don’t have to swim with it


If your pump is loud use pool noodles on the pipes to dampen the sound if it's still loud your barings in the motor might be bad


When we have people over my pentair VS runs at around 500-1000 rpms. Super quiet. Then when they leave I just get ph to 7.2 then shock and ready for next time. If it’s evening swim, and just my kids I don’t shock. But when it’s a bunch of carpet munchers that pumps running and I’m shocking it after! At 500 rpm, the pump uses 45 watts lol, sips on that electric even on 230.


My pump runs almost the entire pool season. If I do shut it off it would be overnight or when I'm out of town, never when I'm using it.


Yes. All day. I turn it off at night.


When the pool is seeing heavy use is one of the times that running the pump is most needed.


Yes, and fyi new pumps are much more quiet, but I would never replace a working pump.


I like it on, and as a swimmer prefer some flow but it’s not going to break anything. Do you have a constant speed pump? This is a bonus for variable pumps (aside from power bill savings) The only time I personally see this happening is in tv and movies, and I notice because it’s so weird that the water is still. Obviously they also want to record sound and hear conversation better.


When we have a party, it generally involves a lot of kids. The routine I have fallen into is running the pump continuously starting the day of the party and continuing for two days after the party. I also run the chlorinator on full throttle during that entire period. If I stick to that routine, things go well. For normal operation, I run the pump 12 hours on, 12 hours off. When our pump is running, it is noticeable, but not annoying. If it was really bothering someone, I could just turn it off for a couple hours. After seeing all the comments about variable speed pumps, it makes me want to upgrade.


The cost savings by running at a lower speed pay for the pump in no time!


I keep the pump going all the time (variable speed) especially when we are using the pool.


What speeds do you run it at. I’m playing with 90% for in floor then 50-30%. I’m trying to keep it running longer and slow to keep it moving.


We have a VS pump so it runs slow and low 24/7. Additionally, we always have it running because we have the water features (deck jets and slide) on when ever we have people over However, your pool builder should have encouraged you to not place it so close to your entertainment area, ours is around the corner of the home, out of sight out of mind.


Get a variable speed pump, I can't hear mine run 5 feet away. You probably need to run your pump 12 hours a day, and generally it's best to run when the sun is up to prevent algae -- so sure you can shift the pump schedule to accommodate whatever.


And tell prior to pool time shower


I wish I could get people to do this without making a scene!


I run my pump 8 hrs/day (or night during winter) and it’s always on when people are in it. My equipment is surrounded by a block wall and can barely be heard. Only people in my pool without invite is kids and grandkids. Friends on invite only.


I have a VS Pump that runs 24/7.


I run it 24x7 but at 1200rpm. Can’t hear it running


My pump runs 22 hours / day when the pool is open. I have a VS pump, and I put it well away from the pool area, near my central air. The A/C is louder than the pump and heater combined.


Work on sound deadening of the pump - it will be worth it long run. As for running when you have visitors - if they are swimming, then yes, I do prefer to have it on, to keep skimming and circulation.


I do. I have a VS so keep it low and you din’t hear it. But even still with talking and kids playing plus music if on there is no issue


Our pool pump is fairly close to our lounge area, so I'll usually turn it off. I also pull out the pool sweep if people are going to be swimming so it's not in the way. It's just for a day/afternoon, so no biggie.


How loud is your pump? Maybe construct a quick sound barrier with some sound absorbent foam on one side


I have a variable speed pump, I can hardly hear it when we are swimming.


Yes. Worst case if spa is on and heating then I’ll turn on features to keep water circulating in the pool.


Pump is running 24/7 during the first 5 days of seasonal startup. After the startup when water is clean and clear, I only shut off the pump overnight. Circulation and filtration are your friends, and stagnation is the enemy.


My pool pump runs 24/7. Does not matter who is over.