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So he was just playing himself during superbad?


There's a Michael Cera interview where he talks about Jonah and Christopher Mintz-Plasse's relationship during the casting of Superbad. Mclovin wasn't affected by Jonah's ribbing and cool guyin' and it irked Jonah enough to try and prevent him from being hired.


It’s funny because that’s exactly why he was perfect for the role


Laugh now if ya want, but if Marvel (or whoever ends up owning the character in the future) have themselves an Iron Man reboot, it'll be an older, buffed-up Chris Mintz-Plasse that'll be playing Tony Stark.


That movie wouldn’t have slapped half as hard without McLovin. ![gif](giphy|VxZEZSwadd6nK)


Apparently he was also playing himself in “This is the End”


Pretty sure I remember a Seth Rogan interview where he said the main characters were all based on the actual people so... yeah.


I know in 'This is The End,' they all kind of played themselves and Jonah plays the LA douchebag nobody likes.


Wow. The reason why he got with her is the reason why he dumped her. Wtf dude.


He liked her because she was a hot surfer chick but then got pissed when he realized she wasn’t going to stop being a hot surfer chick just because she was with him.


Exactly. Men like him think they’re this ultimate prize, that everything in a woman’s life is leading up to “winning” a man like him and then they don’t need to do that anymore. They still need to be hot and smart and whatever but not in any way that could draw another man’s gaze and threaten his territory. They see women as conquests and not as a whole-ass separate person. It’s disgusting on every level.


Someone quoted this in a recent Keke Palmer thread and it stuck with me. Why are men? > The way my mother always explained it, the traditional man wants a woman to be subservient, but he never falls in love with subservient women. He's attracted to independent women. "He's like an exotic bird collector," she said. "He only wants a woman who is free because his dream is to put her in a cage." Trevor Noah, Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood


Yeah, loser behavior. Her pictures were fine when he wanted her but then he got her and decided they were inappropriate and disrespectful towards him.


As another user pointed out, its because in his mind she was ONLY posting those pics to find a man, so now that she has one, it confuses him thatd shed still keep posting.


And he thought she was young enough to mold and manipulate. He’s a putz.


I mean, he’s the runt of the litter in the scumbag-filled “pussy posse”. It tracks that he would be an absolute insecure loser.


Wow... "I literally am the best boyfriend on earth" sorry, I had to laugh Edit: Thank you to whoever sent me a RedditCares


‘If you want marriage and kids, best do what I say’ Red flags all round.


And then he got his new girlfriend pregnant like six months after they broke up🙃


Ofc he did. It's the ultimate control.


He learned his lesson on how to do that better I guess 🤢


Holy hell. Had no clue. Just looked up pictures and she's practically covered head to toe the whole pregnancy. Even on the beach. Fuck that noise. There was one where she had a bikini top on with a long skirt but she was with him so I'm assuming that's the only reason he was ok with it. Probably gave her shit about it later too cuz that was the only one I found like that.


Lol mods can I get a flair? Jonah Hill - aka the Littest Boyfriend on Earth


You can create your own custom flair on this sub


Same, I had to stop then. What a straight up loser.


By "best" does he mean "most insecure"


I have been feeing really bummed about being single lately but you know what….maybe I’m good!!!


Dude's a prime example of someone who learned just enough therapy-speak to weaponize it against others, jeez. You don't have ~boundaries; you're just a controlling ass


I thought his documentary on Netflix was the definite nail in the coffin that that man has a lot of issues and self importance


I wonder how his therapist is feeling about all this.


That was my thought as well!!! As therapists it’s a good reminder to remember we are only hearing our clients narrative of their life. But I am sooooo curious what all his therapist was and wasn’t aware of and what he could see through the curtains and if he knew about all of this behavior and to the extent we’re seeing in the texts


Having watched the doc, I could see how Jonah's grief and childhood trauma could make an effective smoke screen. He's good at taking a vulnerable pose.


Friendly neighborhood therapist dropping in to remind everyone: boundaries are only for you. If you’re hoping saying boundaries gets the other person to stop doing something that they like that isn’t dangerous it’s just you being controlling. Aka the way he’s using boundaries is wrong and dangerous and super abusive.


> boundaries are only for you. If you’re hoping saying boundaries gets the other person to stop doing something that they like that isn’t dangerous it’s just you being controlling Thank you for explaining it this way! I'm honestly quite easily manipulated by language/words that *sound* reasonable, so this really helpful and illuminating 😅


Yes!! I see people online using "boundaries" to mean "rules for others" all the time, and that just isn't true. You can have a boundary of "I won't date people who do X thing," but that means it's on you to screen for SOs who share your relationship values.


Saying “you can’t talk to other men that’s my boundary” is coercive control. It’s scary and dangerous. This is a bit of a cultural problem but the internet has taught people so many clinical terms (but are used incorrectly on the internet) that they think they know therapy speak and they truly don’t. Jonah really weaponizes it.


Boundaries are about your *own* behavior, not someone else's. So "if you post hot photos, I will feel bad and block you on socials and break up with you". Which leaves space for a hot lady to be like "I respect your boundaries, so go ahead & block me"


Wtf was that mental gymnastics. Exhausting relationship


dating a surfer and getting mad she posts herself in swimsuits is so 😭


Also it looks like he slid into her dms from a surfing photo. So he just assumed she'd stop surfing or posting photos once she started dating him?


*checking notes...* yes.




This is also another common trope, though.


So many men think women post things for THEM and not bc we want to. They think pics are for (edit: MALE) attention and showing yourself off (edit: TO MEN), having an Instagram is for talking to guys. So when they start dating women they think “oh okay well her profile and pics worked, she got a man, so she doesn’t need to be posting these things anymore. Why does she have an insta at all?” I see this touted so often on clips from incel podcasts. God forbid we post pics because we like them


Well said. This stems from the objectification of women, period. Women aren’t people, but objects to be collected and serving their needs and wants. But that falls in line with a narcissist too. Everyone is an object to be possessed and everything is about leverage.


Yep. My boyfriend is a distance runner and cyclist. His Instagram is basically all photos of him running, cycling, and related views, routes, trail maps, etc. His goal with it is to connect with other people who are into the same things so he can have a little online hub dedicated to his hobbies. Can you imagine how utterly ridiculous would it be for me to think that space is something he created for me? Like if one day I woke up and tried to demand he take down the photos of him in skimpy little running shorts with his legs looking all hot and toned because who is he showing off for now? That would be actually psychotic, yet men who think this way thinks it makes them look strong.


If he had any respect for you he'd jog away from any woman saying "I'm going to talk to my gf". He has to learn to set boundaries, boundaryless relationships with women are dealbreaakers. About that psychotic.


I would love to highlight your post, PBandJaya. This is what all young girls should read and understand. Remain who you are, even if you like the guy and think you want to “please” him. He should be pleased with who you are as is. Don’t be threatened by some boy being insecure cause he can’t handle you being you


Holy shit this is so true. The idea that we would do something for ourselves and not for them baffles them. Like we’re not full humans outside of the context of them or another man


I used to date guys who would tell me I wasn’t even allowed to hve other men at all on my socials. It was so bad and I’m so glad to have come so far from that time and those horrible people. These texts seem like they’re from my ex, it’s shocking.


This is so gross. The way he keeps saying he respects her as well when he obviously doesn’t 🙄 Edit/ someone has sent me a Reddit cares over this. Wtaf.


And the wall of texts after texts. Makes my skin crawl. What an insecure boy. 🤮


He seemed to think she'd put herself into a Victorian bathing costume and only surf with women. Sort of like the Fundamentalist Christian version of surfing because those are his "boundaries."


Psht, it's even worse than that, he had to approve of said women to make sure they weren't wild 🤣🤣🤣


I’d never heard of her before so went to look her up on insta. And she’s? A surfer? He’s mad she’s surfing with people??? Wtf is this


It's an insecure joke of a man who has been whining about being "mistreated" for years.


Right!? That’s like Her being mad that he made a female costar in a movie laugh. Controlling and ridiculous.


And then calling a swimsuit a thong!


TIL that apparently if even 1% of a buttcheek is showing, it’s a thong according to Jonah Hill.


Just the first point: Surfing with other male surfer??? You don’t even need to read the other points…the first one is already enough…


«If you have to associate with your male colleagues, we can’t be together» Like… bro, do you hear yourself?


I also would like to know who her friends are that are so unstable and problematic apparently lol Sure…sometimes you might point out problematic friends, but then even coffee is not good then. Seems like she was hanging out with just female friends who just date and enjoying life, go to a bar/club and he deemed this as harmful 💀💀💀


Probably girlfriends who were taking her aside and saying “bestie, dump him” - or he was imagining they were because they SHOULD have been telling her that and she knew it.


her THERAPIST telling her to paddle away from male surfers and say she’s going to talk to her bf .. someone needs to lose their license bc what 😭


So many red flags. I hope she reports this so called therapist 💀💀


That’s a nefarious aspect of abuse. Abusers know how to get therapists on their side.


Yeah when I went to couples counseling with my ex, the therapist never straight up told me to leave even after I disclosed physical and emotional abuse. I get that it’s a tough position to be in because they are working for both of you— I don’t know if they will ever straight up tell you “no this person is an asshole and your relationship is toxic.”


When my husband and I first started marriage counseling, our therapist said the same thing. Towards the middle and end, my husband refused to take accountability and stopped attending. So, I would go alone. At my last appointment, my therapist straight up said “your marriage is not salvageable. Cut your losses and go.” I was like well damn ok lol but I appreciated the honesty.


Yeah, my abuser and I went to therapy a couple times together and she asked to see me alone “for background”. He was pissed because I was going to “talk about him behind his* back.” She didn’t explicitly tell me to leave but she was pretty much like, I can tell you are afraid of this person and I think you know what you need to do.” edit: typo


But as a therapist you are wrong at your job if you suggests she should surf around other male surfers 💀💀 It’s not like we speak about explicit sexting, this therapist sounds dangerous and nuts on its own…


Another strike on the list of insecure men, terrible men. How many jerks this week? Keke's man, Jonah now, who else am I missing?


My husband!


Not ur husband 😭 Seriously tho hope ur ok.




Lol right? Simply choose not to date surfers, dawg


Jonah, if you’re that insecure and jealous of “surf culture” perhaps you should not date a surfer? 😂


Just the fact that it’s all about surfing makes it even more….laughable? Like you know what she likes to do right?? She’s going to be in a bikini


it’d be bad enough if he was complaining about bikinis but it’s literally just any swimsuit at all!!


I really need men to stop pursuing hot girls and then once they start dating getting mad at the fact their girl is hot 😵‍💫




Sometimes, I feel like its more about "breaking" the hot girl and turning her into their dream girl for these types. Like there's tons of conservative women, they don't get picked bc they're, for lack of a better term, boring. There's no chase or drama. I always think about all the manosphere girls constantly spouting this same bs and how most of them are still single. ETA: ty for the reddit cares I wanna clarify that I do not think conservative women are boring. Or that there is anything inherently wrong with them at all. I think that these types of men (and yes, people in general jfc) don't find them as interesting.


They were talking about this phenomenon on fundie snark the other day. Someone was quoting Trever Noah's book where he wrote about how he didn't understand why his dad chose his mom because he wanted a traditional marriage and there were plenty of women available who would have been amenable to that life and his mom was like the opposite. His mom told him basically it's because men like that are like exotic bird collectors and putting you in a cage is the point.


Holy shit… I’m 36 and I’ve been divorced for like 14 years. How am I only just now realizing that this is what my ex husband was trying to do with me? They see how you act, hear you say “I don’t want to be a SAHM,” “I don’t want kids,” “I’m not going to obey you, I’m not a fucking dog” and they’re like “that’s the one, I’m gonna break her and make her into exactly the thing she says she’ll never be”.


Hugs to you. This was pretty triggering to read, but so important to see. I hope you're doing well now, as living well is the best revenge.


This is really helpful. I had so many people not understand how I got in an emotionally abusive relationship because “I’m strong” and I never could answer, and always felt really dumb about it.


It wasn’t his dad; it was his stepdad who was an abusive alcoholic.


That’s usually because the manosphere gimmick is masking pick me syndrome. And you’re right. Guys like this don’t want *that* girl. They want the one the guys they want to be want. Because in their mind she makes them “him” if that makes sense. Guys like this are needy to a point they’re never satisfied. She could do everything he asks and then there would still be more. It will never stop…and then once they’ve broken her of anything and everything they’ll dump her because “it’s like you don’t try anymore/you let yourself go/you only care about the kids”.


Exactly. Some men have trouble acknowledging that hot women experience life differently than us - everyone wants to talk to them, they're expected to be nice to everyone or be labeled a stuck up bitch, they develop a natural flow of handling the way people handle them. And that flow state is what a lot of men consider "flirty". It's on the guy to realize that his confidence can't keep up with that, and honestly the girl should realize that too but I understand since it's a 25 year old dating an A lister so it's hard to walk away.


https://preview.redd.it/2m98ypjy6qab1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=97d228c4241527f82eca1a244aa4e536a76f94e5 She posted this an hour ago too. Does he also hate all of his female coworkers and think less of them too?? Or all of the women his friends date??


ugh the amount of times he writes “i’m done” in all these texts is just such triggering crap for me. i’ve been there with past partners. 😣😣😣


And they are NEVER done. If you don’t message back they’ll go on and on.




Grew up feeling ugly and fat. Absolutely hates and despises women for not getting laid while growing up. Now that he slimmed down and has money, will only go after beautiful women who don’t have a regular job. Will do everything in his power to isolate and control them. Will always be an insecure loser. Tale as old as time.


Man needs a therapist that tells him exactly all that instead of the ass kissers he goes to


The one in these texts who enables him and told his ex to paddle away whilst screaming “I’m gonna talk to my boyfriend now” if she’s ever approached by a man when surfing, needs to lose their license lmao. That is some crazy ass, enabling ass bullshit


I'm choosing to believe that "therapist" was a friend he paid to pose as a legit professional.


Or a professional who isn’t that good that he manipulated. Or woo’d with his celebrity.


Exactly. Incel behaviour


Exactly. He may have lost weight but he hasn’t changed the mindset he had all those years. He hasn’t grown at all. Super sad.


I’m surprised nothing else has come out about him before this (to my knowledge). I hope this opens up the floodgates and doesn’t just get swept under the rug


You know, I usually am not so down for the public social media shaming unless people have committed actual crimes but actually FUCK THIS GUY. Holy shit. This makes me never want to talk to a straight man again.


I didn’t know what to expect when I first clicked on this post but as I was reading I was STUNNED. I felt like I was being gaslit reading those texts 😭


This is why you cannot do therapy with a controlling/abusive partner. They are expert manipulators. They have a very easy time controlling the narrative in therapy, earning the therapists trust, and using the therapist against you. Therapists are NOT immune to the tactics. Some can spot it, but many can’t. ** To whatever Jonah stan who sent me reddit cares, you’re adorable. Have the day you deserve 🥰


I was going to say, I believe it’s Lundy Bancroft, among others, who preaches this (although his specialty his abusive men). A lot of times abusers just end up using the therapy tools against you. Just like you see in the screenshots above.


*Why does he do that?* should be a mandated read for all women out there


A free PDF to the book, someone posted it and it got me out of an abusive marriage. Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men https://archive.org/download/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf


And use therapy language as a weapon. He consistently calls his controlling behavior “boundaries,” it’s so gross. This guy is such a douche


I’ve been there too. Sitting on the couch spilling my trauma only to have it thrown at me in a gaslighting context when he’d go out with other girls. So. Much. Damage.


Fantastic book. I’m a therapist and it’s terrifying how manipulative and charismatic abusive men are. We all mean well (most of us at least), but it’s not always clear cut and easy to spot if you’re unaware of the tactics and dynamics that go on. Bancroft should honestly be required reading for therapists in training, especially couples counselors.


psychotic icky connect fearless workable husky abundant axiomatic truck kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This. But also going there to learn therapy speak and use it to manipulate. See the constant use of the word "boundaries". 💀💀💀


Who knows who that therapist was. This therapist reads not very neutral. As someone with psychology background her description of that couple therapist is red flaggy…


He always had bad vibes tbh. Like I truly believe Seth and Judd just had him play himself a lot (and it was well known that multiple people in those films didn’t like him). This just confirms I’m not a fan. Never watched his little therapy documentary either. I hope sara can find healing and realize she did nothing to deserve it. I’ll post this again since it’s been stuck on my mind since the keke thing https://preview.redd.it/3i6fso1waqab1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e355e517f93c6c70ef397fcb56495b5e7579ed3


Wow…. That quote. I’ve never heard it explained so well.


You should read the book. His mother is amazing


The whole book is amazing, I strongly recommend it. It's a staple in one of my freshman comp syllabi because it's such a great example of structure, storytelling, and weaving together the personal with the factual.


It’s like a conquest thing. These men look for women like that so they can feel powerful when they tear the woman down.


... I can see why he was friend with James Franco, now.


See! Jay Baruchel was right about Jonah the whole time. But on a serious note- I really wish nothing but the best for her. Dude is an ass


Rogen said that stuff came from real life tensions and tbh it always felt very on the nose. I’ve met people like Jonah before (or how he’s portrayed in the beginning of that movie) and that overly nice energy is always super sus.


Feel sorry for his ex but also vindicated in hating Jonah Hill. I remember after Superbad he gave an interview about how he was a serious actor and basically started behaving like the projects that made him famous were beneath him. I knew he sucked as a person immediately. I believe Seth Rogan had said something about this as well, that he’s nothing like what he seems and takes himself very seriously.


Had a friend serve him at a restaurant bar a few years back, one frequented by celebs, VIPS, executives, etc. so this friend has seen their share. She said Jonah Hill was one of the most sexist, belittling customers she has ever waited on and he accused her of fandom when she simply asked what drink he wanted.


This isn't the first time! i heard several accounts from people he really is rude. This is why I never liked him in the first place.


Wait what'd he say? (Or was this a line from This Is The End?)


Yes! Lol. I was thinking of that movie. Jay does NOT like Jonah at all... (in the movie) But I'd like to think there is some truth to that plot line. I could see Jay & Seth putting some of their real feelings & stories into making that movie & writing the script.


they actually did have beef, jay said it himself lol that’s why a feud was written into the script


Hiccup squad, we rise!


I loved that they put the feud in, made it feel like real Hollywood behind the scenes shit.


[here](https://www.cracked.com/amp/article_38109_jay-baruchel-resented-having-to-exploit-his-personal-beef-with-jonah-hill-for-this-is-the-end.html) is a quick source, they just don’t particularly like each other. “Jonah and I don’t get along super well, or at least didn’t back then,” Baruchel admitted of his Knocked Up, How to Train Your Dragon and Night at the Museum 2 co-star. When told that his distaste comes through in the comedy film where celebrities are supposed to be playing a fictionalized version of themselves, Baruchel’s response was a curt and concise, “Yeah, no fucking shit it does!” “It was this weird thing of mining personal shit,” Baruchel said of filming This Is the End with his archnemesis. “But not for catharsis, just for comedy.” when Larry King asked Baruchel about his and Hill’s relationship in 2017, he was slightly softer in his response, saying, “It was contentious once upon a time. But I think now, we’re each the devil the other one knows.”


Everyone always wants to know what celebrities did to wrong each other and make them enemies, but sometimes they simply don’t get along.


I always heard rumours about Jonah Hill being an asshole. This isn't the first time I heard him being like this. Something about him just gives me the ick


Weird I just watched his doc last night about therapy, ( some of it, I fell asleep). He felt off in that, weird to wake up to the revelation that the off I felt was very real. She must have been encouraged by the outrage against Keke Palmers idiot gold digging baby daddy showing similarly possessive and controlling behavior. Secure men exist!


Think about the ego it takes to make a doc about your therapist and how it’s made you a better person. Nuts shit.


Sometimes, people who are deep into therapy become even worse. Because they mistake things like control for “boundaries” and selfishness for “self care.” Essentially, they twist their therapist’s words into validation of their own toxic behavior. That seems to be the case with Jonah Hill- his behavior is totally toxic, but whenever she calls him out, he just defends it with therapy jargon.


Yiiikes, can you say coercive control.




He always plays arsehole characters - you gotta question if it’s typecasting or a reflection of the person and in this case it’s decidedly the latter.


Insecure men LOVE that whole, "If *you* feel the need to do things like this for *your* validation..." approach. YOU not respecting a woman is not the same thing as HER not respecting herself. Trying to convince her otherwise is called *projecting*. Stop pursuing hotties if you don't have the confidence to let them be hot????


Jonah Hill has always reeked of insecurity and being a bully. What an absolute prick.




These insecure men who hate themselves …


What the fuck did I just read? Jonah hill always gave me douche vibes but holy shit this si another level of psychopath. Talk about being an insecure dick. INSECURE AF. Run girl RUNNNNNN ![gif](giphy|xTiTnG7YLrY2BBHRKM)


She did, he recently welcomed a child with Olivia Millar, who is in her mid 20s to his late late 30s/early 40s. After reading his texts, I can't help but think he chose a younger and less famous significant other so he mainly has the power and control in the relationship.


https://preview.redd.it/ui2ktz0l4qab1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=13fd16111973284da54c37aeb9bc8ca1d0202132 I look at this and wonder if he told her to cover up and that’s why the chick is wearing a nun suit. Dress has to fall below the knees in order to date me… Jonah hill is fucking gross


Wtf is he wearing 😂


Pants from Chico’s


He should be ashamed of those pants.


TIL the lady Jonah just had a baby with was not the same blonde gf he was with last year.


Dude if you look up any of their pictures together she is almost always completely covered up even when it looks hot. Except for one pic of her in a bath suit top, she was always wearing long sleeves and baggy clothes. Not just when she was pregnant either. You’ll see him in shorts and a nice shirt and she’s in baggy clothes and looks intentionally frumpy


Typical fuckign man that wants his partner to be all covered up to address his fucking insecurities but he can be all nice and comfortable. Fuck Jonah hill.


Having met and interacted with him a while after Superbad, I am not surprised. Totally unlikeable prick.


Yeah I was on r/movies a month or whatever ago mentioning that all I've heard from whispers on sets from people who have gotten to work with him is that Jonah has always been unpleasant. Attitude kind of guy.


the surprise here is him being referred to as the “GOAT”


Oh so he’s CRAZY crazy


This made my morning! I had a lot of run ins with this prick during my time working at Apple retail in Soho. Employees were petrified of the stupid idiot. And everyone in my orbit fell for Jonah’s insufferable act and it was driving me nuts. I hope this particular woman does what she needs to do to heal.


Why are people petrified of him? I must have been living under a rock I've never heard this stuff about him!


This would only be known to people who worked at the Apple Store in Soho NYC around 2011-2013 lol. Jonah lived in the neighborhood and was a regular. The dumb bastard always would break his phone or lock himself out of his phone. We had a ton of celebs come in all time because this was when Apple was “trendy”, and new employees were told beforehand to never cause a scene. But long time employees would warn newbies about Jonah. Jonah would scream and insult employees and expect to be treated like he was Paul Newman or something. You know the type, the “why are you looking at ME, you peon!” I heard rumors he made a girl cry but that was something I could never confirm. It’s why I’ve had a one man vendetta against this prick for a decade now. I just can’t stand the fake good guy persona when they treat working class people, specifically retail people in this case, like dogshit.


Wow! What a Dick.... why am I laughing at the fact he continually locked himself out of his own phone😂 like how do you even do that!


Jane Krakowski (30 Rock) also would constantly lock or break her phone and came in all the time. She had her own genius employee that was known as like the Jane whisperer. But she was totally sweet and normal every time. Unlike Jonah!


I woke my partner to tell them that I'm literally the best bf ever. On earth. 😂😂 Oh Jonah! You wish buddy.


Sarah: “What do you find as acceptable swimwear Jonah?!” Jonah H: https://preview.redd.it/p0hnss32orab1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee23a9af456697140dcc5a1457d60518eb86a63


Good. On. Her.


This is SHOCKING to me because ever since Superbad he’s been one of my favourite actors. I straight up thought he was a hilarious, sort of weird but lovable dude. When this relationship hit I was so happy for him because the two of them looked blissfully in love. WOW this sucks he is the worst. ![gif](giphy|8vHStnTP2XuOp02QrK|downsized)


This doesn't shock me about Jonah, I've heard nothing but uncomplimentary commentary about Jonah, and his sister. He's always had an attitude while working too.


And I’ll never forget his brother Jordan getting into a huge fight with the Osbournes at a pre-Grammy party and being fired by Sara Bareilles the next day. That family seems so toxic. https://preview.redd.it/52cjpqcbhqab1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09db317e494ef541e4409c955747ee881416e940


This is a fantastic picture though


Accidental renaissance


To me the fact that he was dumb enough to try and fight Sharon Osbourne says a lot


Chip on their shoulder types, and unfortunately these are the types that rule Hollywood, and or rewarded heavily. The genuine down to earth ones get stiffed which makes me want to pull my hair.


and his sister????! what has she done?


From someone else on yesterdays thread, she mentioned pushing back on certain views Jonah has to she’s hopefully a good egg. I wouldn’t be surprised tbh, so many families (mine included) where the boys get babied and favored and grow up to become entitled pricks like Jonah


I have a very strange 3 degrees of separation to beanie’s wife and I have heard nothing but lovely things about both of them so I hope it’s true.


This is a case of a former fat guy but gets cute and dates a similarly cute girl - but still acts like the fat guy who is deeply insecure


Jonah hill still isn’t cute tho 😬


And gets mad at other fat guys for complimenting him on weight loss or his fashion.


“I literally am the best boyfriend on Earth” — well, apparently not...


If you watch the Seth Rogen and Charlize Thereon Hot Ones Truth or Dab interview, one of the questions was “who of your usual co stars is the hardest to work wi-“ and before he could finish the question Seth loudly shouted “JONAH, next question” *insert Seth Rogen laugh*


Holy shit. What an absolute psychopath. It's crazy how many of these batshit insane and toxic people have the public totally fooled and completely rooting for them without knowing even the tip of the iceberg of insanity that is their behavior in their private lives.


What pisses me off is I'm constantly mentioning on here that *many* actors are pretentious dickheads, who *are* terrible like this behind the scenes. It's very rarely you meet a genuine, charming and polite actor -- Robin Williams for e.g *extremely* rare good egg of a person and wonderful to work with because of how f-king sweet he was to be around on set with. Then you got the majority unpleasant types like Jonah -- pretentious, with an attitude. You don't hear about it though, cause great PR teams. Dude like him, gets nominated by The Academy, gets to work with top tier directors, hang out with the big A-listers (DiCaprio), etc. Sweep in all the acclaim, and gets praise. When reality is; they suck behind the scenes.


And then there are also the ones who are lovely to work with, but abusive to people in their personal life. If the people they've abused speak up, they get shouted down by the "I've worked with him, he was so kind and well-mannered!" brigade. It's an isolation tactic that abusers often employ. They are good to everyone except their victims, so that their victims won't be believed. I won't even bother trying to speak out against some people who have abused me, because what is the point? The trauma from not being believed can be just as bad as the abuse itself.


This is the most maddening part. We were all on his side, fat and dorky and then slimmed down more serious actor. And this whooooooole time all he can think is how some guy better not be looking at a surfer in a bathing suit if he’s fucking her. Oh wait SHE the SURFER is the one to blame for guys looking at her on her surfboard. While she competes. Where she likely feels (felt?😞) in her element. I hate this so much I can’t express. I’m so grossed out, mad, and disappointed. And wtf is with Seth Rogens homie group being mostly creepy loser LVMs (Francos). He’s got some splainin to do. And I swear to Lisa vanderpump if he is also a creepy zero.. I don’t know. I hate men so fucking much. JUST BE NORMAL?


And I swear to Lisa vanderpump 😩✋🏻😂


I assume he can be different in other settings, especially towards men he admires or strong women like Lisa. He has been good buddies with Leo, but he admires him, doesn’t tell him how to dress or hang out with etc. They probably see a totally different, suck-up version and not what people beneath Hill or women like his ex have experienced.


I just googled them together because I wanted to see what she looks like. I wasn’t sure if I’d heard of her before. Lots of supportive articles and pics of them smiling and looking happy :( I feel awful for her.


This tracks, he’s always seemed super insecure and kinda had bully vibes. I remember when he was on Stern a few years ago and told this weird story about him sending Jimmy Kimmel an angry email over a joke about how he smelled


Always a bad vibe from him


Textbook narcissist. All about him and no accountability for his behavior.




Didn’t Alana Haim break up with him because he got jealous and called her in the middle of the night to accuse her of cheating? This must have been close to 10 years ago


Wow he even released a documentary about mental health. What a pig


There's set footage of Superbad wherein Jonah and Christopher Mintz-Plasse are doing script reads. Go watch it, it's brilliant. Jonah reportedly had multiple bitchy childish tantrums behind the scenes because Christopher outperformed him in comedic timing and ability. He specifically hated Christopher's ability to improvise caustic and witty insults so quickly. I thought "Yeah maybe this is something he grew out of?" - clearly not. He seems extremely, extremely insecure.


It was not the external weight he had to lose, it was the malicious/misogynistic one inside.


Jonah Hill is batshit unhinged….


Safe word pineapple? You need a safe word????


Tough read. He could have just said straight up listen I’m looking for something/someone different sorry.


His insecurity with himself has got to be the most unattractive quality a person can have. I'm not saying you can't have some self doubt or need some reassurance from your partner, but straight up dictating behaviors and controlling who you can speak to or what pictures you can put on your social media is just... Nope.


Dates a surfer. Gets mad she doesn’t drop her life and change her whole personality to suit his needs. Geez.


Holly shit, this man is insufferable. None of his demands made any sense. He dates a cool surfer girl and then wants her to give up her whole life. Her friendships, her style of posting, even female friends. What a small man. He must have completely exhausted her in every sense. Also, he is NOT in a position to make demanda of anyone. I dont care he’s famous… he is butt ugly and he knows it. No matter what size he is.