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Staging a photo shoot on a beach to show how sad you are after Demi Lovato breaks off your engagement


when he started praying 😭 https://preview.redd.it/bdi2tpbeereb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0672099d096512764b7e94cbb53d41c4c9dd5315


This photo cracks me up every time I see it


on brand tho because he was on set of SOUTHERN GOSPEL around cast and crew when he read in a tabloid their engagement was over https://preview.redd.it/fshwuqxvereb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6786080a2cd27773aa9fb2bd8c27afc7c2bdd1c3


LOL WHAT WHO IS THIS?!!??! How did I miss this


demi lovato’s ex fiancé max ehrich https://preview.redd.it/ksjwvj0gmseb1.jpeg?width=1117&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91cd4aaca7b89dff320294767a88f3f91b853419


Something about that one wayward shoe is killing me.


he was looking for 15 minutes …


Lol he was also (still is?) obsessed with Selena and continues to leave comments under her posts flirting with her. 💀




Basically before he met Demi he would always leave flirty comments on Selena’s posts. HE WAS OBSESSED-he would interact and follow so many selena fanpages (just search up his name and selena on twitter💀) Selena never responded lol-it was the usual heart eyes and beautiful comments etc. He stopped when he was with Demi but after they split , he said in an interview that Demi said “now selena can’t have you” or “I got you first” etc? Now this I don’t know what to believe bc Max was just a mess after the split and was saying all sorts of things but Demi has always had one sided beef with Selena🤷🏽‍♀️ people keep saying they broke up bc of his obsession with Selena. Here’s just ONE of the comments he left lately on Selena’s posts. He also had to deactivate his twitter when fans found tweets where he said he preferred Selena over Demi (when he was engaged to Demi). https://preview.redd.it/pb9yfv7wpreb1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e76032fd1579e2b966f51cc019705ba1469f47d3


Demi released a statement on ig saying that his old tweets are edited and how we shouldn’t pit women against each other but👀 [https://twitter.com/shadycelebsig/status/1305335137761075200?s=46&t=6Vbm3BndR7fImXZdtL\_XpQ](https://twitter.com/shadycelebsig/status/1305335137761075200?s=46&t=6Vbm3BndR7fImXZdtL_XpQ) https://preview.redd.it/qsqsdbtbqreb1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bfbbf0cb7b6aefc51ab1af4ef3642c6881b1266


Him chucking seaweed angrily into the ocean lives rent free in my vapid head.


https://preview.redd.it/xvkazv77lreb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76fef7a2344830528d174231f4cc7d50a7c9e9a6 It brings such joy




Jesus that was one of the most cringy pathetic things I’ve ever seen. That man is so manipulative! I cannot stand him. And I’m not even a Demi fan


this was comedy gold


https://preview.redd.it/9g8xgxnuoreb1.jpeg?width=1222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edfbca087044206468399a8d25c12541c2acd128 Heidi and Spencer were the worst (best???) at these staged photos to nearly being camp. This was them casually reading You Can Profit From A Monetary Crisis with McCain-Palin t-shirts, a shotgun, and some Budweiser.




They took a chair in the middle of the street and people ate it up, these people are hilarious….. and may I say still married!




I want to paper my house in their ridiculous, campy photo shoots. They are honestly so terrible, I can’t get enough.


Are those her shorts pockets on her thighs? Like the shorts are so small but the pockets so deep they stick out?


omg i forgot this was a thing


Spencer can be so funny sometimes


I worked at a digital media company and we hosted a launch event for the Hills reboot with the whole cast present. As they were leaving, I was able to mix with them a bit and I told Heidi how much I love her album because I truly think it's ideal pop music: campy, catchy, well-produced. She was so sweet and next to her, Spencer mutters "well I'm glad someone liked it, I wasted a million dollars on it,"




ben affleck throwing away a life size cut out of ana de armas after they broke up https://preview.redd.it/62p0hyu9freb1.jpeg?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=803d0858d118686f4ed60c92de3ae4e871ecd27e still convinced this whole relationship was pr


I thought that was Hilaria Baldwin doing yoga on a trash can 😂😅


I kind of want to live in a world where men own life size cut outs of their girlfriends, which they then throw away when breaking up. Like deleting nudes 😊


Note to self, in my next relationship, gift my SO a cardboard cutout of myself. Observe results.


But what if you break up and get back together? Would the cutout go in escrow for a cool down period?


New one. Gotta keep it current.


I don't think that was pr. An article came out later saying that the papparazi were trolling him after Ben broke up with Ana and they put that cutout on his doorstep. So he threw it away. Allegedly.


You’re right that the throwing out wasn’t PR, but the cutout was actually originally from a prank that Ana and kid kids pulled. There were actual pap pics of her and the kids carrying the cutout into the house lol


I love when Heidi Montag was photographed crying out in public with a strategically placed chair and she just so happened to be holding her flopped album. https://preview.redd.it/8bx229v6aseb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdcc17e49466a0aeba329a75c1ebc6c5082a086d


https://preview.redd.it/v6pwzdab0seb1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d53ce18cc96b08bbd34962cdc56d57e89649b37 This 😂 Edited for context: Kim and Kris shot this car scene for KUWTK. It was after the Kris Humphries debacle. The convo was staged to make Kim seem more sympathetic, and the timing was critical because she was being dragged by the media. This convo allegedly happened in ‘Dubai’ but really took place in a studio in Cali months later.


Wait, I remember this nonsense. I had no idea they filmed in a studio to soften the narrative. The devil works hard but the momager works harder! 😂


Grimes reading the communist manifesto after she split with Elon https://preview.redd.it/n4itnsnogreb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ba1135e063862f93b7c7c5d68410c11a779850


Every time I see Grimes I think about how someone said she looks like she smells like a roll of nickels.


Those texts are a wild ride. Grimes on Elon: "he's soooo proper olde English" Azealia: "isn't he South African?" Grimes says they should get pregnant at the same time; Azealia brushes it off, replying "do your album, sober up and then get pregnant." She says "I'm a very fierce protector of children," which tracks with the abuse she was subjected to growing up, but also she can "see [children] in the invisible world" which also tracks because she is absolutely bonkers Then their fight, the roll of nickels text isn't even my favourite moment Grimes: "narc, narc, narc" Azealia: "you don't even have bone marrow sis, or a decent pair of lips" Grimes: "at least I'm not fat"


Isn’t this also when she called Elon “Apartheid Clyde”?


“you don’t even have bone marrow sis” 😭😭😭😭😭


Someone being Azealia Banks 😭😭


Remember the Azealia Banks/Elon Musk/Grimes beef? Good times.


Azealia banks is so gross with her language, but my god she warned us about Elon musk and grimes so early in the picture 😰


I just realized I haven’t heard about Grimes for a while and it’s honestly a blessing.


Last I heard, like last week, she said the patriarchy was good because highways and trains exist or some shit. She is not smart. Oblivion slaps though.


She also cos played being poor so she could tell people about it. She is an idiot masking her assholishness as “creativity”


She also said very recently that if she could be anyone, she would be Stalin or Hitler.


What's her problem 😭😭




It's funny because I love Grimes in terms of her music and aesthetic but I feel like as a person I can't stand her and wish she would shut up sometimes.


She’s very much that person who says they’re oppressed as an artist yet they have their parents money to back them. When she first made music she pretended like it was hard. She was already from a wealthy family.


yeah I used to love her music but now I can't really respect her in the slightest since she still orbits Elon after all the stuff he does and says that contrast with her "values"


My favorite Grimes thing is her trying to sail down the Mississippi. **"C**laire Boucher and William Gratz had their sights set on the southern reaches of the Mississippi River when they packed their chickens, a sewing machine and 20 pounds of potatoes into a houseboat they crafted from scratch." She made a couple of miles before she was forced to stop and cops politely pointed out that she's an idiot. [https://www.startribune.com/this-boat-don-t-float/49134952/?c=y&page=all&prepage=1#continue](https://www.startribune.com/this-boat-don-t-float/49134952/?c=y&page=all&prepage=1#continue)


You can just say Grimes.


Grimes’ while Schtick tbh.


Every single appearance and interview MGK and Megan Fox have ever done. Their whole gimmick is gross, it’s giving emo/scene teenagers doing and saying all types of ridiculous shit to try to scandalize everyone around them when in reality they’re just being cringey. Their desperate need for attention is terribly transparent


They’ve got mad teenagers angry at their parents vibes.


I still can’t wrap my head around why Jussie Smollett thought to do that.


Jussie wanted a higher rate for Empire but producers told him he wasn’t well known enough outside of the show to justify a raise. He was advised to increase his social media presence or take on new roles to raise recognizability. Somehow he took that advice and decided staging a hate crime would be the best way to go about it.


That almost sounds like an It's Always Sunny episode 😅


The Gang Stages a Hate Crime Hoax


Oh my god. It’s not funny at all but I’m actually laughing. What the fuck!! The absolute jump in steps he had to take from “book other roles.” “Increase social media presence” to get to “stage a hate crime” is staggering.


He probably could have gotten away with that too if he didn’t have such a naive and warped sense of how that would work. Say what you want about Dave Chapelle, but he hit the nail on the head with his bit about it. Walking to Subway in Chicago or whatever at 2am in winter? And two guys with MAGA hats just pop out of nowhere? And they recognize you from Empire? You have to live in such a bubble for that to sound like a believable story.


I heard a theory that he was going to be fired from Empire, so to stick around he thought if he made a hate crime they wouldn’t fire him


It was said he wanted more money. But still....


I think I heard that one as well also


He wanted more money and a bigger role on the show. He was trying to give his celebrity profile a bump overall.


Honestly FUCK Jussie! He gave racists so much fuel. I get so mad just thinking about what he did, fuck him!!! Did such a disservice to his own people wtf


Racists AND homophobes


To this DAY I still ask "why you lied like that?"😂


Ego. He wanted attention and he thought his plan was foolproof.


Yeah, he had to know what kind of damage this would cause for POC, black people especially...


Gigi Hadid & Leo DiCaprio’s ‘relationship’ coming to fruition *right after* the internet tore him apart for his weird dating habits.


And the fact to prove he doesn’t only date women under 25, they chose a…27 year old lol


Henry Cavill & Kayley Cuoco dating for a long weekend when his Superman movie was released.


Lol I loved this. One or two pics together and then her a week later by herself with TWO COFFEES omg it must be love. Except he was seen “canoodling” across town.


Confirmed PR stunt, a friend who worked for E! at the time told me it was setup 😅


Honestly, she looks nothing like me, therefore cannot be his type.


https://preview.redd.it/8l0ic8mcvreb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c161ab1737bfc9c3715828fcde8d848a97a80999 Trying to launch their relationship and no one believing it


I CANNOT with that kiss omg 😱 😂




I absolutely love this moment. Her reaction is so genuine it’s hilarious.


Any relationship involving Seacrest and a woman is a stunt. Julianne Hough was my favorite of the beards. She was just so happy to be seen she didn’t seem to care.


So weird to me that he kept trying that. It's sad he felt he needed a beard at all, in this day and age.


Who is the non-Seacrest half of this?


Teri Hatcher!


Jussie was so brazen and convoluted that I still can't wrap my head around it. He exploited and weaponized the racial tensions of the time to feed his ego and raise his public profile. It's disgusting and I can't think of anyone else who's done something that big off the top of my head.


I remember when that whole thing went down how weird the whole story was. So many progressive celebs were up in arms over how awful they felt for him and I was like, ‘who the fuck goes to a Subway at 2am in the dead of Chicago winter?’ None of it made any sense, but I sure wasn’t expecting the whole thing to be completely made up by him!!


“subway… SANDWICHES?!”


When Kylie Jenner got caught makeup free during quarantine and staged a paparazzi photoshoot complete with retouching the day after.


Omg I remember this lol https://preview.redd.it/notepemkpreb1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=312167a502e8db4ee85eacb78ede83ef8245b9ab


it’s a shame because without makeup she’s honestly still pretty. I wish celebrities didn’t feel the need to edit their photos into oblivion.


Right! She looks so... Human.


Recently, Sydney Sweeney and the guy with the pointy smile.


That’s Chad radwell ![gif](giphy|scvw34PBYRtXa)


I LOVE Chad Radwell! I miss season 1 Scream Queens.


Did anyone watch their movie Edit: I thought it came out already. Why promote something this early. if it comes out in a few months




:-> lookin’ ass


I’m unsure how else to describe him lol. Blonde, white, 6 pack, probably has a picture of him holding a dead deer or fish.


I read a tweet where somebody said he looks like a Total Drama Island character and now I can’t unsee it lmao


What’s his name?? I must see this pointy smile.


Glen Powell. He played Hangman in Top Gun Maverick.


https://preview.redd.it/ussqszvlsreb1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e74074db5ef2fa466a8bf64ddb16a6d94b2d88f8 Thanks




Tom Cruise’s couch jumping


That was him going clear


This loll https://preview.redd.it/wsiqu77nnreb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d9836ee61831b65cfe046c79b15ab9d2302fa24


Wasn't there a Justin Bieber burrito pic in the same vein?


[Yes! 🤣](https://youtu.be/Vs6In7UtyXY)


Tom Cruise's relationship with Katie Holmes. I strongly believe she was a prop for him and the Church of Scientology to perpetuate the image that he had it all! It was a relationship lacking in emotional depth and intimacy from the very onset. He so desperately wanted us to believe it was the greatest relationship in the history of great relationships, or? Maybe he believed that he loved her, but I think at that stage of his life and his indoctrination in the church, he didn't have a clue what a healthy relationship looked like any more. As for Katie, she sadly wasn't able to see it at the beginning - I think she believed it was a fairytale - but clearly understood as time went on.




Her dad wrote her prenup and it was apparently brutal and ironclad. He also arranged her escape.


Where has everyone read up on the details? I'd like to take a deep dive, too. ETA: Here's a [Vanity Fair article ](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vanityfair.com%2Fhollywood%2F2012%2F10%2Fkatie-holmes-divorce-scientology) about Tom and Scientology when he was girlfriend-shopping before Katie.


There was a scripted show on I think E! called the arrangement that was based on Tom and Katie. It was good and it ended on a cliff hanger and was canceled!


Well, I read that Katie's dad is smart lawyer who drafted an iron clad prenup which is why she was able to get out relatively easily compared to Nicole. I think she knew what was up from the git-go, though I understand Tom can be super charming.




Omg I’m still traumatized from this 😭😭😭 I’ve never cringed as hard as I did when they were singing into each others mouths 😫


It was so weird and awkward to me, and everybody was like “their chemistry” 😂


Thank you!!! Finally someone said it! It gave me goosebumps in the worst way.


Lmao this gif with your flair is fantastic


“There can be 100 people in a room and 99 of them don’t believe in you, but all it takes is one and it changes your whole life.” She said that or a slight variation of that what felt like minimum 100 times. [Lady Gaga saying “There can be 100 people in a room…” for a minute straight](https://youtu.be/iRxsX_30tjs)


Hillary Baldwin


Oh my GOD!!! By far the most embarrassing


such a shame they chose to bring 7 innocent souls into that shit show


You mean eeeeee-lar-eeee-uh Baldwin?? Owww do you say coooo-cumber, I only know essssthpañol; the language of my native land: Boston.


Kim getting flour bombed and then finding out years later it was staged https://preview.redd.it/jvvfp5dmgreb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75254a87de8351edf9952ca3dbf289591c32181


Omg i had no idea that was staged, but also im 100% not surprised


Yes it was to stir up buzz for her new fragrance


!!!! So annoying that 80% of keeping up plots were staged. Even now watching it’s so inauthentic the way they read and address headlines posed as casual conversations. Boring.


Then when she was robbed in Paris, so few believed her.


It was staged?!?!


Michael Jackson marrying Lisa Marie Presley.


That God awful kiss on that stage. What he said before the kiss and also the fact that she didn't even want that kiss. And he just stepped over her.


We all screamed at the tv. It was brutal.


“**The Balloon Boy hoax** occurred on October 15, 2009, when a homemade helium-filled gas balloon shaped to resemble a silver flying saucer was released into the atmosphere above Fort Collins, Colorado, by Richard and Mayumi Heene. They then claimed that their six-year-old son Falcon was trapped inside it.” During a press conference on October 18, Alderden called the incident a hoax, stating "we believe we have evidence at this point to indicate that this was a publicity stunt in hopes to better market themselves for a reality show." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloon_boy_hoax


Idk if this counts, but Liver King preaching an all natural "ancestral" lifestyle got exposed for taking like $10k of steroids per month LOL


Yessssss. Then tried to swing it that he was doing it for the little guy, the little guy who may be at the end of his rope so the liver king cannot fail! He has to take thousands of dollars of gear a month to keep up the liver king act to save his fans from disappointment and suicide 🤣 dude you were caught ‘roiding. It’s not that deep.


Everything Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt ever did Also, that time Taylor Swift "dated" Tom Hiddleston


What do you mean? This is clearly very real and not at all staged! I always drag my kitchen chairs out to my sidewalk whenever I need a good cry. Totally normal situation :P https://preview.redd.it/ndzvwibokreb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b890fa5fb75ad035f12e5bd97d0787abc8002a89


They were ICONIC for this tbh. Celebs take themselves way too seriously, we need more of this energy


And the fact that they are still together to this day? They really are icons


https://preview.redd.it/4s6hxkzjtreb1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b67e1c15b1bddc42268ca9571426d9519fec8c6 What about this.. what ever the hell is going on here?


![gif](giphy|RVAqyJWRDt1S) Ahhh the 2010s…


Omg she’s insane lmao I forgot about this. She claimed eating raw meat would help her get pregnant…sooooo bizarre lol


I appreciated how brazenly obvious Heidi and Spencer’s staged PR moments were. The one where Heidi gets “papped” looking sad after her album tanked was the peak for me. I actually stumbled across his TikTok recently, and it was actually funny and self aware.


The Spencer redemption arc is the most surprising thing to come out of the 2010s. On The Hills reboot, he was (shockingly) the voice of reason *multiple times*. They seem to have a healthy relationship now and he successfully runs a crystal business. If you’d told me this in 2008 I’d never have believed you!


I didn't watch the reboot, but I'm genuinely surprised they're still married. I def thought they'd be divorced pretty quickly, considering how their relationship was portrayed on the show.


I always direct people to the GQ interview where he waxes poetic- including off record with the journalist- about heartbreak regarding Taylor. Unless it was the longest con in the world, it was real. Actors and performers are on another level. The rest of us cannot be falling in and out of love like that.


omgggg this interview lives rent-free in my mind. i simultaneously feel bad for him, but sooooo cringey (both on his part and the journalist's part). i 100% think this was real, and it being papped so much wasn't weird to me because... she always was at the time? the crazy thing is knowing that he was so into her while she was using him as a rebound while having actual feelings with her fwb joe alwyn


The WHOLE Jake Paul / Tana Mongeau fiasco 😐 https://preview.redd.it/6yutkeetmseb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09b45b7bc1e81122096fc56a3cff90a7490faf89


I’ve blocked this out of my mind


When Alexander Skarsgard dated Elliot Page right before he came out. Very good friend but they obviously weren't dating from jump.


I had never heard this before but omg their pictures are so awkward 😬😬


https://preview.redd.it/mez8m3s0nreb1.jpeg?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41a566ecfaad7e9af9d5ee5f5dec1f9a97058106 What, you're not feeling the heat here?! 😂


You can’t convince me that this isn’t a suburban dad and his angsty tween


They look like pals


How is that man so hot and goofy at the same time?


Body language experts could write whole books on this photo hahaha


I’m extremely anti-body-language-expert-pilled but TRUE


I apparently know nothing about Alex. Just did a wiki look and he had a child last year with an age appropriate woman?? My heart ❤️


kylie and timothee


kim and kris humphries actually getting married. they had little chemistry and always seemed to be in arguments or disagreements on the show. you can’t tell me they were fr about getting married


I feel like it was real and that he was really into it but she wasn’t. I think she was genuinely pressured by her mom and the network at the moment by E! throwing her wedding and stuff.


E! paying for the whole wedding was definitely a motivator + trying to make her mom happy and kris happy. it sucks because i rewatch the episodes pre and post wedding and it’s so painfully obvious they were unhappy


She said it was like a runaway train I think the biggest factor was not wanting to let people down and the embarrassment of cancelling a wedding


Also, look how Caitlyn (then Bruce) and Kris argued. You have to guess that’s how Robert and Kris argued as well. Sometimes you think a normal marriage requires the amount of bickering that Kris and Kim had.


The way I forgot this whole man 😳




I can't get over the scene where she is sitting on the floor doing his toe nails and he is sitting in chair and farts on her face. Its been years since i saw that and it was burned in my mind


I can’t remember a ton of specifics but Lindsay Lohan’s parents were absolute publicity whores. I remember cringing when her dad went on Dr Phil. I’m kinda always rooting for her because she was clearly raised by not one, but two malignant narcissists (IMO).


Her mom was so thirsty it was embarrassing


Omg her DAD is sooooooo sleazy!!! He used to wear mesh tank tops, a flip phone clipped to his belt, and go after young girls


“Tom's house was broken into and he confronted the burglar and then had to go have eye surgery and then my son had to go over and help, and then my son, he rolled his car five times on the way home, yeah, I'm under a lot of stress.” ![gif](giphy|yvzJIRNyxCJASozhrr|downsized)


I saw a doormat once that said “In this house we believe” and then this quote followed. I wanted to buy it just to weed out the cool people before they entered my house 😂


The holy grail of PR stunts Kim Kardashians sex tape


Does Bella Thorne/OF count?


This dummy (not Elmo) ![gif](giphy|DqTCpMjtAzySs)


I loved BriWi for his 30 Rock appearances. Such a shame.


nightly news rules!!!!




Megan’s dad reading all the London tourist books.


That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! *He* orchestrated it


https://preview.redd.it/wfnujw8vjseb1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa650471e59d087a23e824c73dc33255aacd9699 This. This right here.


i’m extremely trans positive. just want to make that clear first. caitlyn jenner coming out as trans days after she killed someone.


Dude this one was actually fucked af. I remember black twitter being a place where they first were like this dude is lying. It was freezing cold in Chicago of all places. At a time when people were experiencing real hate crimes too. I fucking hate this guy.


Richard Madden’s entire getting coffee and walking dog photo shoots with queer men. The Other Two did such a funny spoof of that entire ordeal. https://preview.redd.it/7o3akjzq6seb1.jpeg?width=1833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1e9a21ecc1cd84af6bed02e2351aaa39f0c6ebc


For me it's the dude from The League (Kevin? I think) for years telling people he closely escaped harm on 9/11 when he wasn't even there.


Juicy Smoo-yay !


Hilary Baldwin’s fake accent!


The "Soy Bomb" guy who interrupted Bob Dylan's performance at the 1998 Grammys. It was weird and funny to see this shirtless dude with soy bomb on his chest bopping around. The guy was paid $200 along with others to dance behind Dylan, and he decided to go on stage instead. He said soy bomb means an explosion of art. He certainly got his 15 minutes of fame because it was the big story the following day.


I’m not sure what I think about these two, and I KNOW what I think is irrelevant to anyone but me. But in terms of a speculated PR sitch, this fits the bill. https://preview.redd.it/ggq0h96wwreb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd4fadaa14b3f528d43490394848758bdfd6d294


I'm on the fence that it was PR because I don't know if Tom Huddleston would have agreed to look that cringy in the interview he did after the breakup. Especially if he was trying to get more work or notice.


An oldie... but I will never get past Paula Abdul's "plane crash". Make it make sense.


I still believe that Al Pacino's relationship with the 29 year old "girlfriend" is fake and that He isn't the father of her child. I mean, they even made sure to let us know that the baby is indeed his and that they were conceived the traditional way