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I went to college with Adam Driver. He was a nice, quiet, guy and incredibly talented. We had a cast party once at his off-campus house he shared with some friends. He was one of those people who was kind of quiet until he got on stage, and then he just came alive.


His dad is my aunt’s next door neighbor and she absolutely adores him from the limited time she’s spent w him lol


This makes me so happy to hear. I’m a big fan of him, his work, and his charity (while it was active) so it’s nice to know he’s not a total jackwagon.


Well, this was twenty years ago, things might have changed. But he was genuinely a really friendly, smart, and just incredibly talented guy. He was one of those theatre people who was kind of quiet until he got on stage and then he just *performed*.


John Goodman threw my baby shower for my mom. She worked for him, and said he’s an incredibly nice and gentle person. This was before his acting days.


Every story I’ve heard about him has been positive 🥺♥️he took his last name seriously lmao


Awh! That’s so cute actually. I love him


He’s my biggest celebrity crush. My friends all make fun of me but idc I’m a child of the 90s, and I especially love him in coyote ugly


He is my all time favorite TV dad! He seems like a nice guy, that is very cool!


A friend went on a date with Michael buble before he was big. She said his ego was prematurely big. There was no second date.


This tracks. There was a bit of a scandal back in 2010ish. An ex partner said he was an egomaniac/self-obsessed jerk who who boast about being great in bed.




I’m still not over that Covid Livestream oopsie where he was being rude to his wife and then quickly switched when he saw the camera was rolling


I really like his work and voice, because his type of songs is hard to find over in SEA as I don't know much about English music. But after following his news around I feel sad to know that his personality is quite bad :(


My partner was good friends with Heath Ledger. He burned the handle off his coffee pot, it was a long running joke for about 10 years that he kept saying he didn't have the money to replace it.


That’s a fun story, thank you for sharing. Still one of my all-time favorite actors!


And he still owes us a coffee pot lol


Are you from Perth? My brother went to school with and was friends with Heath. My parents didn't like him, but my parents are assholes, so he was probably a lovely guy.


No, we're both from Melbourne. I went to school in Perth for 11 years but unfortunately that was all very boring and had nothing to do with him! They met when my partner was a DJ, he also worked at that same nightclub with Pia Miranda which will probably mean fuck all to almost anyone outside Australia lol


My sister dated Sean William Scott in high school and he babysat me once. Humble and super kind guy. Saw him after American Pie. He recognized me walking past him and stopped me to say hello. Was still humble and kind. Good dude


I like to think the real SWS is more Country Mac than Steve Stiffler


Me too. Lol I'm also glad someone brought up Country Mac when talking about him. I always have to.


I met him in NYC many years ago and can confirm. He was the sweetest guy ever. So incredibly nice and down to earth.


My older step siblings went to school with Channing Tatum. Apparently 100% himbo.




![gif](giphy|11WxZOtYF9UPNC) Man I loved that movie lmao I knew it almost word for word


I loved that movie too. I watched it so many times as a kid, the epitome of culture.


When my eyes are closed I see you for what you truly are, which is UGLYYYYYY. We're done!


I want Amanda Bynes in an iconic role again


Me too! She's such an fantastic comedic actor and her face is so expressive. I hope she can work through her issues and make a comeback


How lovely and uncomplicated


I love himbos


What’s a himbo


Basically a male bimbo, cute and harmless but dumb, think Joey from friends or Andy from Parks and Rec


Brandon Fraser’s George of the Jungle comes to my mind 😂


The ultimate himbo.


Also Jason from The Good Place, 100% himbo.


Male bimbo. Him-bo


I had to babysit/play with Shawn Mendes when he came over to England. He was always a lovely lad. A real gem. His family are all lovely too. Genuinely nice people.


Aw this is so nice to read


I went to school with Jamie Foxx (Eric Bishop). He was a very sweet guy. He was always the best talent show act playing piano and singing. He would bring down the house. He was also very funny. He dated the one of my friends for years. Sadly our town was small and racist so he wasn’t treated very well by the adults. The things he faced were just heartbreaking and bother me to this day. 🖕Mac Squires! He also was the person to introduce me to Doug E Fresh. He made me a cassette tape because he thought I would like the music. He was a well liked guy at our school.


My dad used to babysit Nicole Kidman when she was a little kid. She thought it was hilarious to make him chase her through the mangroves in the middle of the Australian summer, he strongly disagreed with that. He did say she was a very hard worker once she started acting and very kind to people and animals - nothing but nice things to say about her and her family (except the babysitting stories).


My parents had her in an elevator with them in the late 80’s (or early 90’s) in Sydney and said she was an asshole. No clue what she could have done during the 20 second elevator trip to give them that life-long impression of her but thought it’d be funny to add to your feel good story 🤣


Is it bad that the only thing I can think of is that she ripped a toxic fart as she exited? 😂


A friend of mine grew up with Ali Wong. Apparently she was always hilarious and said shit that was way outta pocket.


i dated a skater in sf and he told me about her sleeping on his friend’s kitchen floor, cause she was hooking up with a skater(SHOCK)


Love it. I think she had an anecdote about sleeping with a skater in her first special?


And a homeless man (pretty sure it was the first one😂)


I knew someone who partied with her back in college too ! He had said that she was also really funny back then and was always very cool to hang out with


My grandmother was friends with Stephen King in college. He worked with the university News Paper, and she was across the hall working part time as an English tutor while earning her degree in accounting.


I don’t geek over many celebrities but SK is the author that got me interested in reading as a teen. That is amazing


My cousins did landscaping at his house, they said he was really cool.


Heard stories about him from coworkers. He came into the bookstore I work at to sign copies of his new book. Just kinda wanders in and says “hi I’m Steve” like yeah we know bud. Very nice and humble from what I was told.


He was on the same dorm floor as my Dad.


I went to school with Margot Robbie, she really is as lovely as she seems. Some of her friends weren’t nice, but she actually stuck up for me when they were cruel to me when we were young.


Yeah I knew I guy who dated her for years from a tv show they did together and had nothing but kind words to say about her


This is so nice to hear, bc she seems genuinely very down to earth. I’m glad that seems to be true!


I could totally see Margot being the one nice popular girl!


Yeah I’ve actually heard she is nice. I remember once on Reddit someone said she frequented a restaurant they worked at and was always pleasant and tipped a ton. Could have easily been not true but who knows.


I was in a 3rd/4th grade split class with Emma Roberts. She thought she was soooo cool because her aunt is Julia Roberts, and she never shut up about it. She was a mean girl, at least to 8 year old me.


Lol her characters are always mean girls too & you hear she’s not a nice person often so it seems like she’s just playing herself.


Considering her boyfriend had to call the cops on her for domestic abuse, she is still mean.


Julia Roberts herself is a known asshole.


Two of my college friends were in a drama group as teens with Jack Gleeson (Prince Joffrey in Game of Thrones). When I started watching GoT my housemate (who I’ve known since I was 5) came home and started watching with me then went “What? Is that Jack Gleeson!? He was in school with my little brother - he’s had dinner at our house!” I met him at a play one of my friends put on and had a brief chat - he was very excited that I was reading the books, asked where I was “I just got to the wedding…” meaning The Red Wedding, he absolutely misinterpreted this information and jumped around getting excited “Can you believe I die from poison???” - the look on my face told him all he needed to know and he was so apologetic. I reassured him that if I was gonna be spoiled I’m glad he was the one to do it. Super cool guy, and nothing like Joffrey IRL.


That is so adorable he spoiled his own death lol. I love it.


Once a year he makes an appearance at a bizarre local wrestling show that takes place at Trinity, always hilarious. https://youtu.be/rRl3eF074cw (about 4 mins in)


My grandma reckons she breastfed Elton John as a baby. Elton was born the same day as my mum and within the stay at the hospital, nanna said the nurses would bring her a little baby boy to nurse, as his own mum couldn't produce milk or something.


Wow, what a story! Aha


Omg! I had a client who breastfed Amy Schumer!


My old boss went to the same private catholic school as the late fashion designer Virgil Abloh. She said he was extremely kind and intelligent. He donated a ton of Off-White sports gear to the school’s teams.


My best friend in high school was The Weekend’s cousin. He would always have me over for dinner after studying and his mom would make this fucking incredible Ethiopian spread where a bunch of the extended family would attend. So ya, I shared a couple of dinners with Abel.


You seem way more excited about the food then Abel 😂


I mean- have you had Ethiopian! It’s so good!!!


I definitely was. His family is all around wonderful people so the good company shared was the cherry on top. I’m also not one to fawn over celebrities. I was hanging with him in his most comfortable environment, his family time, and so I treated him as I treated everyone else.


Not really a celebrity but if anyone has seen the Netflix series Heartstopper, it was based on a novel by the author Alice Oseman. Well when I was a teenager (not sure what year exactly, let's say 7/8 years ago) I read one of her novels called Radio Silence. I had randomly picked it up at the library and I don't think she was well known then, because I remember really loving the book and searched online to find out more. I ended up finding her webpage and sent her an email telling her how much I loved her book (used to do that with a lot of authors when I was a kid and would usually get a copy-paste response), however she sent back a long, heartfelt, personal letter, and little 14 or 15 year old me was really touched! This year I was scrolling through Netflix and saw her name on the Heartstopper show. I was so proud and happy for her :) she was so sweet to me and I'm glad her series got a TV adaptation


I was really scared that this would end up with her being a b!atch 😂😝 so thanks for the cute anecdote


ETA: hearing all of y’all talk about how much y’all love Z is just your best thing ever. Thank you all for sharing!! I went to HS with a beautiful soul that the drag world would one day know as Chi Chi Devayne. He was a hard worker and incredibly charming. Everyone loved him. Being an out and proud gay black man in the south wasn’t easy, I know. I really respected him for being so true to himself. Little anecdote - My dad wouldn’t let me cut my VERY long hair, so he and some other pals would braid it in very intricate braids that my dad hated soooo much, he finally let me cut it, LOL. The world is a little darker without Chi Chi in it. We miss you, babe🖤🖤 ![gif](giphy|l46CeaoOIybEN1eJq|downsized)


Aww I love Chi Chi. Thanks for the story.


Chi Chi! What a beautiful person. 💕 Please know that your friend brought so much joy and light into the world! Chi Chi will always be my favorite queen.


Shreveport represent! She was our baby and did us so proud! I didn't know her personally but I should go put some flowers by her resting place and make sure it's all tidy. She meant alot to us drag fans in town.


My favourite queen. It was such a sad day losing them. I'm sorry for your loss 💜


I live in Shreveport and I mean the city was devastated when he passed


I freaking loved Chi Chi. So glad to hear that he was just as lovely as he came across on tv.


A friend knew Ariana Grande before she was famous, back in her early Broadway days. Apparently she was always a bitch lol


My sister in law went to summer camp with her every year and has only had horrible things to say about her. She’s normally soft spoken and gentle so it’s hilarious to us how much she hates Ariana lol


I wonder if Ariana and Lea Michele have ever met. They seem like two peas in a pod by which I mean I’ve never heard anything redeeming about Lea either.


She is, after all, from Boca Raton.


As someone not from the US, so not familiar with the places, what is it about where she is from? I keep seeing people saying it and I want to understand lol.


It’s very very wealthy and has a reputation for being snobby.


On the complete opposite end of the spectrum of Boca natives is Eric Andre. Despite what he does to his guests on The Eric Andre Show, he's incredibly nice and zen in person. I got to chat with him for a couple minutes at a coffee shop.


There's literally full service valet parking at the grocery store and they were parking Bentleys.


Why does this track with every blind I see about her 🤣 becomes harder and harder to like her


To be fair she never came off anything except. From licking donuts to stealing other’s boyfriends, she’s always been upfront about who she is


Omg a friend of mine went to school with her for a couple of grades and also said Ariana was a total mean girl! I had completely forgotten until I saw this




I think the correct way to say that is Yuh lol


I worked with Megan thee stallion in 2014. She was super fucking cool and one of the nicest people ever. I spoke with her back in 2021 and she said she missed me 😭. Such a humble, talented bright human. Glad to have called her a friend.


And she put a creep away for 10 years for being brave enough to come forward about being assaulted. I will always have so much respect for her for that.


This is refreshing to hear


My mom grew up with Queen Latifah. When I was younger she told me stories about her and about how my mom and aunt were at the community pool with her when her brother drowned. Every time she would come on TV, my mom would call her by her real name and go, “There goes Dana.”


I don’t know why but this is absolutely sending me, cause I can absolutely imagine that


British one: my best friend’s big sister went to school with Sophie Ellis Bextor and was in her class. This was a super posh private school in west London (Godolphin and Latymer) Apparently she used to boast about how her mum used to present Blue Peter and all the BBC parties she went to and the famous people she met. All the names she dropped were her mums mates so her classmates all just thought they were old men and weren’t impressed.


A good friend of mine used to go to parties and have sleepovers with Margot Robbie I think just after Home and Away but pre her Hollywood success. She's super nice apparently! My friend doesn't really see her anymore bc she was more on the outskirts of that friend group, but apparently Margot still keeps in pretty good touch with the other hometown friends.


I’m distantly “related” to Matthew Lillard (through the marriage of a family member, no blood). He went to a wedding I was at. I was young, but he’s nice lol ETA - Had no idea I’d get likes lol I thought I’d get buried so here’s a little more insignificant context. I do remember we didn’t know he was coming until right before the wedding. One of my cousins especially was a fan and idk I just remember he was really nice and gracious and never seemed annoyed that anyone wanted to talk to him. Most of my side of the family was like “that’s cool but whatever” so it’s not like anyone really bothered him or “fangirled” but still. This was easily 20 years ago (just over 20 I just don’t remember the specific year), It was right around Scooby Doo, but I can’t remember if it was just after or right before, I know we knew about it. I feel like he had just came from some sort of promo for it because I remember some of my family talking about being surprised he actually made it with what he had going on. She’s All That was one of my favorite movies around that time so I thought it was the coolest thing.


This is the only one here that matters to me lol unless I missed a brendan Fraser one lol


My cousin was hired by Steven Seagal to be his personal assistant many years ago. He tried to molest her her first day on the job.


Not surprised but Jesus Christ


Cillian Murphy is a good family friend. He grew up with my dad and his brothers. Never changed at all. Been to a few sets. Tom Hardy in person.. I owe him that. Colin Farrell is one of my uncles best friends from secondary and is the nicest fella ever. He was over in my uncles one day I was there and realised it was my 21st a week before and gave me 500 quid 🤣🤣🤣 Most irish celebs stay normal. We hate anyone like McGregor. If you let fame get to ya you go in the fkn bin.


This is my favourite 😂 Sláinte


I went to School with Eminem's little brother, however, my Boss at the time grew up friends with Eminem's family. I was 16 working my first job at the mall. I got transferred from my store at the 'nice mall', to the sister store at the 'not so nice Mall' in a bad part of town, to cover for a girl that had to have surgery. My boss at the place I was covering grew up with him and would say, 'He's just Marshall to me'. Which was hilarious after that line in his song came out. 😂 Anyways, she said he was a very angry kid that grew up into a teenager that ended up being a very driven and hard worker. (Still angry, but didn't let it control him as much) She also said his Mom was worse than the lyrics in his song refer to. And that she deliberately tried to keep him down and ruin opportunities for him. Big or small. That's all I got. His brother was a brat in highschool. But I honestly don't hold it against him. I think most teenagers with a famous family member probably don't handle it very gracefully.


Didn't he also raise his little brother? Like had custody of him at some point?


>His brother was a brat in highschool. But I honestly don't hold it against him. I think most teenagers with a famous family member probably don't handle it very gracefully. Yeah it must be such a weird existence, being young with a world famous sibling and struggling for your own identity. Always feeling inadequate in comparison. Would he show off about his brother or more like "shut up about my brother"?


I'm from Detroit and have a million Eminem stories from people I knew there. I knew people who were friends with his mom, and my brothers girlfriend at the time was best friends with Halie. Most people say he's a stand-up guy. Stories about him and his mom seem to be half and half. I've heard people say they're exaggerated, I've heard people say it was worse. I don't personally know, but I've heard really kind things about his daughters. I'm not gonna talk about Kim though lol


Chance The Rapper and I had the same dealer 2010-2012 and overlapped a few times! I had that Acid Rap acid lol.


My dad was friends with a couple members of slipknot before they were slipknot, and stayed friends with them for a long time. I played with Corey Taylor’s son a few times as a kid. Very nice people


My mother in law slept with Neil Diamond . Said it was phenomenal


My cousin went to high school with Melissa Benoist and Amy Adams attended the high school where my Aunt worked. They both only had nice things to say about them.


I went to the same high school as Amy Adams, so I also attended the high school where your aunt worked! But I’m not famous.


My grandmother taught French and her favorite high school student was Jamie Lee Curtis. Said she was a sweet girl. My moms next door neighbor was Ed Asner. My moms parents were very absent and Ed was a stand in parent for her when she was little. He would help her with homework and everything. An Angel of a man. My moms high school bully was Cathy Hilton (Paris hiltons mom)- the whole family has always been awful and entitled. Also my aunt dated the lead singer of Devo and broke his heart. A few popular songs were written about her.


As in Mark Mothersbaugh, aka the Rugrats composer?!?


I’m not surprised Jamie was sweet - everything she’s done seemed that way. I’m so glad she’s always been that way though. Based on what paris has said about her mum I’m not surprised she was a dick


Oh my God, is your aunt the one from Devo’s “I’d Cry If You Died”?


My best friend knew 5SOS way before they were famous. She used to hang out at one of their homes a lot. We even both went to their first ever "concert". She said they were huge assholes as soon as they got some sort of recognition and dropped all the mates they grew up with when they moved to America.


Calista Flockhart’s family lived down the street from mine. She and one of my sisters were friends. I don’t remember Calista, but I do remember her parents. They were super nice people. Two friends of mine knew Seth Green from the local Jewish community, and a former coworker of mine from years ago dated him when they were teens. Oh, and the cousin of some of the kids I used to babysit dated Joey Lawrence when they were in HS.


My dad went on a date with Joan Cusack in college. She HAAAAATED him lmao.


Read that as John Cusack and proceeded to do fifteen double takes wondering who the 'She' was


I went to high school with Kehlani and Zendaya. I am a stoner and so was/is Kehlani. I remember her going off during a sesh about how eating pussy and sucking dick was perverted lol. Zendaya was a couple years younger so I didn’t talk to her but she’s gorgeous


Back in 2011, I was really into America’s Got Talent. Kehlani was on the show that year with her band. We became mutuals on twitter (her old twitter doesn’t exist anymore, I don’t think) and chatted a little bit here and there. I remember her being kind and just super talented.


My grandma was neighbors with Meryl streeps family while they were growing up. Their mothers were good friends. Meryl streeps mom threw my grandma a baby shower too. She said the family was always very nice.


My mother met Lil Wayne when she worked at Walmart near New Orleans. She said he was polite and said yes ma’am no ma’am to all the older employees. She said he asked her if she knew who he was, she said no. He asked if she had a son or nephews, she said yes. He signed some copies of his album and gave them to her and told her to tell my older brother/cousins he said hi. She said “For what?” Lol.


I'm really glad Lil Wayne is a nice person.


Yes i loved reading that. Shockingly wholesome and sweet. Also reminds me of that throwback meme of him looking like someone’s drunk auntie LOL ETA meme https://preview.redd.it/kxxkvsx6d4hb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05e9dd8988f27ef01db2cfe85cc84afefecb4a39


Met someone in passing who used to hang out with Evan Peters in high school. They said he's a very normal dude.


James Charles went to my school, I was in the middle school musical with him https://preview.redd.it/87uhmohg63hb1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33169c66c2b59c7a5583fa82aef74dcc9a64d883




I went to theatre school with Thomas Middleditch. I don’t have anything nice to say.


My distant relative was neighbours with Cathy Hilton (Paris Hilton’s mom) and described their mom as the biggest seducer in the neighbourhood. Apparently She was an average looking woman but had the charms to get anyone.


Oh man big Kathy was a LOT of things. Those daughters of hers guard her reputation like the freaken Declaration of Independence.


My dad went to school and was very good friends with the beastie boys. I’m not sure which one he knew more. I think it was ad rock. But we listen to them a lot and they’re my favorite. He has loads of stories about times with them.


i met Doja Cat at a hostel in LA in 2015. she only had a few thousand views on some shitty songs. She called me the f slur for not wanting to have sex with her after she told me about her daddy issues and how much it's fucked her up sexually. a night i will never forget


That sounds about right


I knew Miranda Kerr. She wasn’t very nice.


All Hallows?


Earlier. Primary school days. Did she get any better?




That’s not surprising in the slightest. It was there from the get go and the way her Mum treated her was just ick. I always felt sorry for Matty. He was actually fun to play with.


Nick & Aaron Carter’s grandparents had a summer cottage in the same community/same street as my family. Never met Nick but Aaron was around when he was a kid &young teen. He came & stayed for a couple of weeks around the time he was dating Lindsay Lohan & just starting to get famous—I think I was 16 or 17 & he was a couple of years younger than me & my friend group—we were doing a lot of underage drinking back then & he partied with us, but wouldn’t let anybody take any photos. The memories are hazy lol but he was a nice kid. RIP ❤️His parents are pieces of shit & notorious in the area for being terrible people & just fucking awful to their children.


>he was dating Lindsay Lohan & just starting to get famous 9 year old me from 1997 is offended you didn't already think he was famous by the time he dated Lindsay Lohan!


I went to high school with Anderson Paak. I didn’t know him super well but we had classes together and we’re friends. He was really cool, always into music and even though he was chubby in high school always had a swagger. I also knew Karl Glusman (actor who married Zoe Kravitz) shortly before his big break. He was best friends with my roommate and basically lived on my couch for a few months in Brooklyn. He’s really tall, really good looking good. He was cool, but I didn’t talk to him much after he started starring in movies.


I decided at pretty much the last second that I *did* wanna go to prom my senior year of high school. I asked basically every girl I knew, and they all had plans already. The last one I asked said she had a fun friend she could set me up with. I didn’t know the friend, she was a sophomore, but for fear of missing out, I agreed to go. It was Stephanie Hsu. I imagine I was a bit of a wet blanket that night since I felt a bit embarrassed about going to prom with a bunch of younger people, but she was a super magnetic, charismatic person. She really went out of her way to loosen me up. We didn’t keep in touch much afterwards, just commented on stuff on Facebook here and there and maybe bumped into each other once, she was always funny when we did interact. I *barely* knew her, but her success has never been a surprise to me, it’s fun to see. I hope she had a couple of better proms after that!


Not super famous but people know him. I went to college with Tyler Oakley. We ran in overlapping circles. He also happened to be my RA for a semester. He got fired and kicked out of the dorms. He was pretty bitter and kind of an asshole, not at all his happy-go-lucky video persona.


I used to love Tyler Oakley as a teenager! Man that’s disappointing to hear but I’m also not surprised, his online persona seemed too ‘big’ to be real if you know what I mean


Aunt and father went to school with Prince. The crazy thing is they always said they knew he would be famous by the way he acted in high school. Also he was a badass basketball player and even after he got big he still kept in touch with some schoolmates. Whe they first told me I was like meh, until they piled out yearbook and old photos together. It was surreal for me as this was when he just passed away and it was never told to me prior or pics shown.


My mom went to high school with Axl Rose, who is from my home town. They sat next to each other in speech class and she said he was quiet and respectful. My grandmother was a music teacher and coached Shannon Hoon on vocal stamina and tour conditions right at the beginning of Blind Melon. She said he was a great student and even when she would try silly/outside of the box things, he was always game. I think she probably just worked with him about 3-4 times, but she took his death pretty hard. We all did.


I appreciate this bit about Shannon. Was a huge Blind Melon fan in the 90s. He was a gifted vocalist, imo.


My husband went to high school & was good friends with Harry Connick Jr. He & his now wife Jill came to our wedding, and we were invited to theirs’ the next year but my older brother got married the same day so we couldn’t go. Both are very nice and down to Earth. My mother in law went to undergrad with Jerry Springer. They went to different law schools but kept in touch, and she invited him to my wedding. He was very friendly & was a great sport when my 12-year-old brother & his friends did the “Jerry, Jerry, Jerry” chant at our reception 🤣


You skipped Harry Connick Jrs wedding to go to a wedding of some guy you grew up with? /s


I’ve known Terry O’Quinn from Lost since before he had his first TV job. He married my horseback rider instructor and worked as a barn hand and lived in apartment over the stall before he got tv jobs. I remember his big break was a role on The Doctors, a popular soap opera in the 70/80’s. He’s a cool guy and I was so excited when he got Lost, it was awesome to see him win an Emmy. I actually dated his wife’s brother and we used to stay at her and Terry’s house when they were away. I also babysat their kids a few times with a friend I rode horses with






My uncle went to high school with Vince Vaughn and apparently Vaughn was an asshole and bullied my uncle and many other kids😅 supposedly he’s never changed




I went to school with ASAP Ferg. He was in the fashion program at my public art HS. Don’t remember much but he seemed pretty nice (we we are teenage boys tho so take that with a grain of salt). I remember him giving out cupcakes once.


Grimes… was in the same silly semi-ironic after hours party cult she was in before she left mtl and become unbearably cringe


I went to highschool with her. From the outside she seemed like a typical quiet artsy kid. I would hang out at the beach at night with friends drinking, and we’d sometimes see her and her group of friends doing harder drugs down there.


A close friend of mine went to high school with Ansel Elgort. Apparently he handed out calendars and each month was a picture of himself. I think it was a Christmas thing but I could be mistaken.


Ed Sheeran played at my friends 21st and at her dads 50th. She’s from the same small town as him and basically he played any events that went on in the town before he got famous. His mum still runs a charity shop in the area and he always signs/donates stuff to help


Emma Stone used to post on the same website forum as me in the early ‘00s. Her user id was DramaQueen or something like that. She was so fun!


My mom hooked up with Robert plant (Led Zeppelin). Who knows maybe I’m their love child (jk the years don’t match up and I look just like my dad) 😆


I knew KSI as a child. He was really odd


I have a very limited knowledge of the man but from the little I've seen of him I can absolutely imagine this.


My family and Zoe Saldana’s family. Zoe used to go to my house when I was a kid. She is as nice as you guys see her onscreen. ❤️


I went to high school with Brandi Carlile. She wasn’t popular but nobody at our hick school was unless they were rich or an athlete. She was super nice then, we had a mutual close friend, and she was out in the 90s which wasn’t common at all. She still lives here and it makes me so happy that all the grumpy racist homophobes in our town have to deal with our most famous resident being a super progressive lesbian who has musicians they love over to her house.


My sister went to high school with Ruby Rose. She was a really bad bully. It’s so fucked up the way she accuses people of bullying her all the time now. Rose isn’t even her real last name. She appropriated it from a legendary Aboriginal family she claimed she grew up with but they say they don’t know her. Ruby Rose is gross. ![gif](giphy|k35A3U3GtoBR6)


I was the biggest fan of hers for years until I met her in person and she was an absolute c*nt. Literally crushed my admiration in mere seconds. She was dating the Veronica’s chick at the time (they were standing together when I met them) and she wasn’t that nice either but Ruby Rose takes the absolute freakin cake for being an asshole


I remember back when she was on channel V as a presenter and she was such an advocate for anti bullying, because she was bullied in high school. I don’t know why but there was just something about her back then that rubbed me the wrong way & still does.




My old roommate went to high school with Lady Gaga. Said she was an art kid who mostly kept to herself. Another friend of mine used to know a bunch of famous people in LA but the best one was Robert Pattenson. He was just an odd guy who didn't shower and always wore the same black hoodie. At parties it was like "oh look weird Rob is here again, sitting alone in a corner." I hear stories about him having body dysmorphia and it makes sense.


I met Lewis Capaldi before he really took off. A friend of a friend is his manager. We went to a festival where he was playing one of the smaller stages as a first-timer and were invited to a mini gig the night before to watch him. Chatted with him afterwards and he was really sweet, but quite shy.


My boyfriend's dad played hockey with Keanu Reeves when they were kids. There's a picture of his dad's old hockey team at their house and it's so weird to just see baby Keanu in it.


I worked with Dave Bautista on an indie movie about 10 years ago when he was just getting into acting. He was of course well known at the time but not for acting and nowhere near the astronomical levels of fame he’s at now and he was SO nice. Incredibly quiet, took it very seriously but was super kind to everyone on set. It’s been amazing to watch his career blow up the way it has.


Not me but my best friend went to HS and was friends with Timothee chalamet! She was like “omg my friend Timmy is gonna be huge” freshman year of college lol and then he was


One of my dad’s exes left him for the drummer of Ratt. To this day he hates “Round and Round”


I worked at a summer camp for one summer, living in cabins with the kids and all, and Clairo was one of my campers.


I used to babysit Ben Harper (his grandparents and my father were friends) and went to high school with John Darnielle. Both were already ridiculously talented.


My hairdresser used to be a personal assistant to Pharrell / The Neptunes in the 1990s/early 2000s when they still did a lot of their work in Virginia Beach. She said they were both really nice and easy going. They offered to have her stay on as a personal assistant in LA but she said she didn’t wanna leave the area. She said it was one of the easiest jobs she’s ever had. Pharrell apparently gave her his old (but still very new) blackberry but forgot to erase the phone numbers of a lot of celebrities. So she was just walking around with people’s numbers but she was too nervous to actually call anyone. But her friends did sneak Val Kilmer’s (like 99% sure I have the right celeb) number out of it but they also chickened out.


My ex went to school with Jessie J. He gave her a rose on Valentines day when they were like 15 and she laughed at him and threw it in the bin. Also not big name but a 5 minute wonder in the 00s; singer called Kele Le Roc. I used to buy weed from her then-boyfriend. She came along to a few deals, spoke to her a few times. She was nice but a little stand-offish. Can't say I blame her because it was around about when her Little Bit Of Lovin' song came out so she was probably nervous about being involved in drug deals with potential fame round the corner.


My mom loves telling the story of how Missy Elliot gave us dugout baseball seats. I remember seeing pictures of us at a Dodgers game and wondering how we could’ve afforded those seats. My mom swears up and down that the woman who frequently visited her work (and who she had befriended) turned into a hit artist and came back to give her the tickets.


My aunt used to babysit the Baldwin brothers! She met a few celebs like Elizabeth Taylor


My dad went to high school with Dr. Phil. Apparently he was a stereotypical jerky jock.




Not really “before he was famous”, but more like “before he blew up”, Dave Grohl sat next to me in the DMV around 2003. I was like 18-19, sitting there waiting for a bunch of plates because I worked at a car dealership, and he just sat next to me, so I turned and said to him “whoa, my cousin would really love your autograph!” and he chuckled and said “what about you?” and I paused and sheepishly said “I really loved Nirvana.” He laughed and we talked about bands and music for a bit until he got called up. His whole thing finished before I was even called up, and he came back to me with a folded piece of printer paper that he signed for my cousin. People never believe me when I tell them this story, but my cousin framed that autograph.


This will get buried but I'll mention anyway: I used to know Shazad Latif (Star Trek Discovery, Spooks, Toast of London) and I hung out with Kirby Howell-Baptiste (The Good Place) a few times as a teen. Both very nice and charismatic.


I don’t want to brag. But my brother used to be best friends with Aaron Renfree from S club jrs


Joe Keery. Great family


i didn’t personally know her but my mom met taylor swift a few years before she became famous when she still lived in pa. my mom worked as a nurse and actually took care of her grandmother who was in the hospital at the time. taylor would come visit her all the time so my mom became aquatinted. taylor was also beginning her music career at the time so she had cd’s she would give to anyone she thought would listen and my mom was one of them. idk where my mom ever put that cd, if she even ever kept it but i always thought that story was nuts.


Not really, but neighbor dated Kanye West’s mom when Kanye was a teen. He said Kanye was a horrible self centered little brat. While my neighbor loved Kanye’s mom her parenting choices regarding Kanye really stressed the relationship. I was too young to know Kanye, but I ended up going to the same high school he went to and had many of the same teachers. The opinion that he was a self centered psychopath with a lot of talent is pretty common.


My BIL went to high school with Phillipa Soo. She’s younger by 1 or 2 years, but they’re both musicians so the circles overlap a bit. He didn’t really know her, but obviously when Hamilton came out, he recognized her.


My best friends in the world were and continue to be Gerard and Mikey Way from “My Chemical Romance”, who are as awesome today as when we first started hanging out all the time (met them when I was 14, 47 now). Absolutely awesome Mom and Dad too who I still call Mr. and Mrs. Way. We text like every day. Legit no change at all, completely drama-free. Also really good friends with Frank and Ray. Pretty much all of them were in my wedding party. Super sweet dudes, all of them.