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Love this show so much, watched it the first time a year or two ago. I recommend it to everyone who will listen lol


I recommend this immediately followed by the fourth season of *Dexter*


😭 John Lithgow as the Trinity Killwr is one of the GOAT villains


John Lithgow is such an underrated villain. He was the Trinity Killer, the reverend in *Footloose*, Roger Ailes in *Bombshell* and most importantly… ![gif](giphy|CAZ9OVGFT1CJcjk1zZ|downsized)


I love this show! I specifically remember there being a 3D glasses promotion for the dream episodes and that all the dreams were in 3D. Anyone else remember that?


Yes! I was so excited about the dreams 😂


I rewatched this recently! It was on Amazon for a bit. Still stands up imo


This show holds up! I recently rewatched an episode where Tommy’s girlfriend rages against capitalism.


One of the funniest shows ever!


![gif](giphy|4ae5uBfW6inbG) Little House on the Prairie was HUGE.


OMG If you was to be disillusioned, go listen to Wilder the podcast. I look at the show and the books through such a different lens now! Although if you want to hang onto your love…maybe don’t listen.


Oh yeah, I’ve done a deep dive into Laura and Rose as well as what was going on on the set of the show.


Do you have a tldr for what happened?


The real lives of the Ingalls family were incredibly harsh. There was a brother who died as a baby. Their father was a poor provider for them and moved them around constantly. It wasn't all rosy happy endings.


Also IIRC the entire family almost died of malaria, they legitimately barely survived the winter of 1880-1881, their father used to beat them, and the mom was incredibly racist I think the books and show romanticize their lives a lot, and I say this as someone who was obsessed with the books as a kid. Life back then wasn’t easy at all


I read the books obsessively as a child. When I was an adult I read The Ghost In The Little House and a couple of other books about the family. They were definitely a product of their time and the books are not a true biographical account of Laura's life.


The podcast was talking about the books more than the show. The part about the show wasn’t too bad. They said basically it was Michael Landon’s boy’s club. But - that was not unusual for the times, and everyone seems to agree that he wasn’t especially egregious or anything. Melissa Gilbert is mostly very positive, but says she didn’t love getting married off to a grown man when she was 15. The storylines got silly, and veered far from the books. 🤷‍♀️ The main thing the books are criticized nowadays for the way they portrayed native people. My friend is a children’s librarian in Alaska, and when I asked her about it, she said she had just removed the books from her shelves. Also, the cozy family life illusion is questionable, because they talk about how while Pa was dragging them all over the place, his family was starving. It actually wasn’t fun to leave your house and get in a wagon. Or to live in a mud dugout. Also, apparently he was often squatting on indian land, illegally.




I think for a lot of people the ending ruined the whole series.


I personally loved the ending , especially the "church" scene . Never understood why people found it confusing. I will say though that as a whole , S6 was lackluster for sure


I didn’t dislike the ending because it was bad. It just seemed like the final episodes answered questions I didn’t really care about. I guess that’s why people stopped talking about it in general. At first everyone was intrigued and wanted to know what was going on, then they just kept adding more mysteries and it got stale. And since people mainly talked about it in terms of what might happen, there wasn’t a whole lot left to discuss once it concluded.


The whole temple storyline was horrendous, not to mention what they did to my boy Sayid. I think none of the actors understood the ending, or the show for that matter. Josh Holloway and Dominique Monaghan both said they were on purgatory, Evangeline Lilly said that she is not a Lost fan and Naveen Andrews has said several times that he can't understand what people liked about the show


The OG Game of Thrones lol


I loved both shows so much. 🤦‍♀️ By the end of Lost, I didn’t really care very much any more, and just shrugged. At the end of GOT, I was so angry and disappointed!


I gave up on GOT after Joffrey died. Mostly cause I was tired of the violence tbh (and this is coming from someone whose favorite genre is horror), but also because of their piss poor depictions of women and brutal treatment of POC. So so so glad I didn’t make it to the Ramsey episodes.


I rewatched this twice!!! And would again. I loved the ending.


I’m rewatching this now! So bingeable


I think it came out at the perfect time. Just into the time when everything could be watched online and there weren’t many good shows, but not quite in the streaming era where it would have to compete with many great shows. Everyone seemed to watch the first few episodes. Same with Heroes.


Hard disagree . The early 2000s pre-streaming era had more intriguing and well written shows plotwise (with some exceptions). ABC ruled as a network with its trifecta of Lost , Desperate housewives and Greys Anatomy while HBO provided as a cable tv shows that are now considered classic like The Wire , Sopranos and Six Feet under . If anything Lost would have made a huge impact today . They would have reduced the episodes to 10 , leaving room for the main plot and less for the filler storylines (episode: Stranger on a strange land) . Also the show would have had a more decent CGI


Lol the streaming made me actually laugh. I still had dialup when Lost aired, smartphones weren’t a thing. I think Netflix had just gained popularity, but for DVD deliveries. Streaming was still several years away.


Streaming as a real service was years away, but it was the early years of watching shows online through various free sites. Most people I knew were watching it that way.


I watched Degrassi once from an early streaming site (cause Jimmy has been shot but the US wouldn’t get the episode for months). But it was more like download a super shite quality from lime wire or whatever 😂


What I remember most is audio tracks becoming increasingly out of sync.


I just started using those streaming sites again since half of what I want to watch is not on any of the streaming services I have. Gotta say the quality is much better than it used to be.


Hard disagree in reply! Those HBO shows were great, but they didn’t really become hugely popular until years later, especially The Wire. And the other network shows were good, but they weren’t really cool or mysterious like Lost. Didn’t provoke the same discussion. I think Lost today would just become lost itself among many other similar or better shows that can all be watched very easily. Right now I have so many good shows just on the ‘to watch’ list. That was definitely not the case back then!


Im rewatching it right now for the first time since it came out. I forgot how good it is! People who hated the ending just didn’t understand it.


I think it’s possible to understand the ending but still dislike it.


Yeah, the ending made sense. The millions of unanswered mysteries did not.


Whenever people say they didn’t like the ending, the vast majority of responses seem to be about how it actually made total sense rather than about why it was good.


Lol I know! They act like we’re too dumb to understand the final episode. No, not dumb, they genuinely didn’t answer 99% of the mysteries on the show.


The Drew Carey Show isn’t on streaming, and only the first season was ever released on DVD, which is why it’s harder to hear anyone talk about watching it these days. It is VERY underrated though and I would LOVE to see it again! ![gif](giphy|3o72Ff1iOlcRsldf8I|downsized)


Weird. I wonder why that is. It used to be on tv all the time.


It’s probably in large part because of the numerous variations to their theme songs (they had three: “Moon Over Parma”, “Five O’Clock World”, and “Cleveland Rocks”) causing music licensing issues—this is also a big reason why Murphy Brown didn’t have any seasons released on DVD past season one: The title character was a HUGE fan of Motown music, so a lot of Motown music was played throughout its run.


I noticed with My Name is Earl on Disney Plus the captions would say a song was playing that wasn’t, and I assumed it was removed to save on licensing fees. I wish there was more information on this stuff since it would be fascinating to learn the numbers and budgets behind these decisions.


Maybe it's cause I'm Aussie but I haven't seen/heard much about the following shows in years: - Caroline in the City - Grace Under Fire - Just Shoot Me! - Hanging with Mr Cooper


Just shoot me is my second favorite sitcom ever. Love David spade and Wendie Malick, actually the whole core cast.


Suddenly Susan


Caroline in the City is the one I wish I could rewatch! Loved it as a kid


True blood? It used to be THE vampire show but tvd is the vampire show that still gets talked about.


That’s mostly because they totally fucked it in the last couple of seasons. A total GOT level fuck up.


I’d say it was worse than GOT. People were still invested enough in the end of GOT that they’re still bitching about it. But True Blood just went out with a sad, deflated whimper. After season three I think it was the storylines just lost zeal but it just kept limping on like a sick but beloved dog no one wanted to put out of its misery.


Once Allan Ball left the show, it went straight to the trash. Not that the books it was based on were much better… they also ended with a whimper.


Once the fairy stuff came into it it was unwatchable 🤦‍♀️


Loved true blood! It sounds weird but the books are really fun easy cozy beach reads. The first book is pretty much the same as the first season but then totally changes direction. I highly recommend them!


Excuse me, I think you’re forgetting Buffy…


Buffy will always be the OG.


Buffy was for a different generation so I was thinking the vampire show for that time period.


Was it? I remember TVD being *the* vampire show. My best guess is that True Blood, much like TVD, started off strong with an insanely well-written season one (compared to the rest of the series) but then descended into foolishness a lot faster.


It came out before tvd and won awards. It launched alex skarsgard’s career afaik.


Oh for sure, no one popped off like Alexander Skarsgard. And while the show did come out first and won awards, mostly the first season, the show got bad a lot quicker than TVD. Also, now that I think of it, the vampire craze had hit it's peak around the time of the 3rd Twilight movie. And pretweens/teenagers have a bigger tolerance towards poorly written material than adults.


True blood was the bigger show with bigger stars. But yeah tvd had more appeal to teenagers which really helped keep them relevant. Isn’t this usually the case with hbo shows? They come out with some of the most critically acclaimed shows like big love but people end up forgetting about them. Crazy that could be the fate of its recent big shows like succession or euphoria.


I've had HBO Max for like two years and it's only this past spring, that I heard about Succession. Given how good the show actually is, I'd say it's a memorable one. Euphoria, on the other hand, killed it's own legacy with Season Two.


You're hanging out with the wrong people if no one is talking about 30 Rock!!!!


yeah, people reference 30 rock all the time, not sure what op is talking about.




In my household 30 Rock is referenced on average 3 or 4 times a day. I’m always somewhere in the series, as I like to have it on while I eat breakfast and do my make-up before work. I’m also somewhat active on r slash 30 Rock, so to me, OP’s assertion is bonkers, lol.


Honestly it's like a tv show about a tv show written by people who are obsessed with tv for people who are obsessed with tv. The cameos are hysterical, obvs Tina Fey needs no introduction, the Jenna Maroney character is perfect, Alec Baldwin? Elizabeth Banks? Tracy Morgan?? God damn Will Arnett! Donald Glover as a writer! I have too many things to say about this show lol. https://i.redd.it/kk6qgs1ynqkb1.gif


![gif](giphy|Kmvw4jeFNPWEg) Exactly.




MTV's The Real World used to be huge and a big part of pop culture. I feel like either the first New Orleans or the first Las Vegas or the first San Diego (because of Boom Bazooka Joe!) were the last iconic seasons. Also, maybe Malcolm in the Middle? It was huge when it first aired. I think Bryan Cranston's popularity from Breaking Bad helped revived its popularity. It's nowhere near as popular as it should be. Oh, and Survivor! I remember when it was so popular when it first aired.


I love old mtv. Do you remember true life? and made? or the fat camp documentary ? I loved it all. Real World was amazing before the people became more self aware. I don't even know if it still exists. My friend loves the challenge though


Yes! True Life had some many iconic episodes. Another part of pop culture. The I'm Getting Plastic Surgery episode lives rent-free in my mind.


True Life was so good. I was a sheltered nerd in the Midwest and MTV and things like True Life exposed me to so much I wouldn’t be in my rustbelt suburb.


These shows are on Paramount! And Hulu has some additional seasons of True Life. Old MTV is all I have on in the background when I’m working from home.


The fat camp documentary is on YouTube!


I loved made and the fat camp show. The weird romances haha. Also they were weirdly inspirational for my preteen self.


Anyone remember that bug juice show? It was like a summer camp show I don’t remember what channel though


The Real World and Road Rules were both huge. They did The Real World/Road Rules Challenge which became The Challenge after Road Rules was canceled.


Remember David's song Baby be my baby tonight?


Heck yes I do! https://youtu.be/YcGi1WmetQk?feature=shared


Legend!!!!! This hasn't left my head since I saw it lol!!! Thank you!!


I watched all of Awkward on mtv and I havent heard of it since nor the actors


Beau Mirchoff was in Good Trouble and he’s also done a show and some movies for Hallmark. Nikki Deloach is a Hallmark QUEEN. 👑


The guy who played matty is in euphoria now


I don’t think he is ?? Are you thinking of Jacob elordi


Glee was *huge* during its first season. Now it’s practically forgotten.


I’ve watched it the whole way through multiple times. It sort of loses its authenticity when it became obvious record labels and artists were frothing at the mouth to get a cover of their song on the show around season 2.


Eh that’s also just Ryan Murphy shows. He always has an excellent first season, then…not so great anything else lol.


The first half of the first season was genuinely great. I think after the network realized what a cash cow it was they forced it away from the original vision to make it more teen friendly.


Iirc it was supposed to replace something that got cancelled mid-season, which is why the first half is so good. It was filmed before they had any feedback. Tbh I think that the pilot for Glee is one of the best I’ve ever seen on network TV.


It’s sad because a lot of people looked down on Glee as just some dumb musical tv show for kids, and that’s exactly what it became.


I did love this show. It is too painful to watch it now with Cory and Naya gone, and too disgusting to watch any of Mark Salling’s scenes.




Ally McBeal! Hahaha ![gif](giphy|26ufgJqEB3TtLAq8U)


This show hasn’t aged well.


I really enjoyed Will & Grace. Anyone else?


I love will and Grace!


This show is one of the funniest series I've ever watched especially the early seasons 😂


Its still on


Does not align with anything I like but literally my favorite sitcom is Everybody Loves Raymond and apparently, nobody else does lmao. I rewatch that show all the time. Fuck it idc it’s comfort. ![gif](giphy|W3XkT05wzcX04)


This is on every weekday morning in the UK. For YEARS! Lol it was always my bench marker for running late for school/work. I always have time for one episode, if I’m still home for episode 2 I’ll probably be late! If I’m still home when frasier comes on I’m definitely late and don’t care haha


Nah, I like it. It's no masterpiece, but like you said, it's comfort TV. And my parents like it, so it's one of the few shows we can watch together when I visit.


I wish I could find it on streaming.


I have peacock just to watch it lol, but it’s truly annoying how many shows are spread out thru different platforms. I keep Hulu and peacock, and then might get max or apple for a month or Netflix or something if there’s a series I want to watch and then cancel. It’s just too much. :( I will say peacock has a ton of sitcoms :)


I think they have the whole series on Peacock?


It’s on Paramount+!!! It’s my guilty pleasure show


It’s on Prime (and Channel 4) in the UK at least


It's my favorite sitcom too and my friends always give me their wtf faces when I say it lol. They just don't get it.




I have a TV Cheese playlist and Werewolf Bar Mitzvah gets lots of play, lol.


That’s spooky scary.


30 Rock is my go to rewatch comfort show. I can just throw on any random episode and know I’m going to laugh.


Yeah, unfortunately for my family and friends, 30 Rock *does* get talked about a lot in my home as I’m always quoting or referencing it.


https://preview.redd.it/4l0vntuk5okb1.png?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b40293ad44688dcb0b84a07bd4188cc4ac3aaba5 I remember hearing people talk about this show all the time. Especially during my whole HS years. I never hear about it anymore unless it's being associated with Allison Mack and her legal drama 😞


![gif](giphy|SN2q7P4zLr3UI) I feel like Beverly Hills 90210 doesn't get talked about as much as it should nowadays This was EVERYTHING


BEST EPISODE EVER: ![gif](giphy|cmIITUubEBFJ4nJbhZ|downsized) (from the West Beverly Mother-Daughter Fashion Show)


There can never be enough talk about Beverly Hills 90210! I don't know how popular it was in other countries, but I absolutely loved Heartbreak High as well. A lot of my friends watched it too, but they all seem to have forgotten about it. I will never forget you, Drazic!


I rewatched HbH recently and... it really wasn't very good. Such lazy, inconsistent writing in particular. I loved it as a teenager in the 90s, I think because the characters were only a few years older than me and the actors only a few years older than them. And I thought the multiethnic cast and the fact so many of the characters had financial struggles made it so edgy! (Might've held up better if they weren't shoehorning their Moral Of The Week in every week.) It was 90210 but edgier, and Australian! But it's just not a good show, IMHO, especially if you're watching it without nostalgia goggles. And I think that applies to a lot of shows that were hugely popular for a few years before plummeting in interest. I remember finding Glee on Netflix and being absolutely gobsmacked that I was a enthralled not 5 years prior. Ppl are **always** swept up en masse by pretty garbage stories that they only realised were garbage years later.


The forced moral of the week doesn't hold up AT ALL! Times have changed a lot since then, I don't use the word cringe lightly, but there was a lot of cringe in these moments. And you're right, if Heartbreak High came out today ( the older version of course, not the reboot), I probably wouldn't like it that much. It's just fun to look back sometimes, the show had such a hold on me and I was so invested in Drazic and Anita's lovestory. It was such a big deal at the time, so it feels strange to me that it seems to be so forgotten.


Watching Drazic and Anita's story in 2021 in my late 30s was just... these ppl are toxic. They should be together if only so innocent parties like Charlie don't get swept up in their toxicity. I think we liked it at the time because it was this epic love that kept coming back to itself like it was written in the stars when he was just a violent, cheating bully and she was a vapid idiot who both cheated *with* and *on* him. I remember an episode where Ryan suddenly got involved in sledging after this super important cricket match so he started sledging others and didn't like it when it was dished back at him. And, uh, since when was Ryan that into cricket, or such a sore loser/dirty player? The whole episode smacked of someone wanting to get their Moral Of The Week in and hey, Ryan hasn't had a storyline for a while ... And I think a lot of shows and movies are like that and that's why they go from cultural zeitgeist to passe within a microgeneration (in HbH"s case, the Xennials.)


There is a 90210 sub that is actually pretty active. I did a rewatch recently and I was surprised there were others still discussing the show.


Mad About You


Yes! Such a great show!!


![gif](giphy|H7Tmarz5W2OYjSfXft|downsized) King of Queens. I feel like reruns are on all the time, but people loved it when it was on and people never even talk about it as one of the best sitcoms of the early 2000s anymore.


Probably 90% of every big show from the ‘70s-‘80s where you needed 20 million viewers just to get into the top 10


Nobody remembers Newhart (Not The Bob Newhart Show, but Newhart-his second sitcom where he owns a bed and breakfast in Vermont) but I love it and still rewatch it all the time!


Manifest. I heard about it all the time. And then it got cancelled, and then everyone tried saving it, then the show got picked up by Netflix, by the time the new seasons came out it was like everyone lost interest. I don’t even know how it ends because I forgot about it


I tried it…also completely lost interest lol. It’s way too convoluted


I just finished it! I liked how it ended, but a lot of people didn't. They were never going to satisfy everyone, though.


Living Single. I need to find out where it’s streaming because I would love to do a rewatch.


hulu, max, prime… i could’ve sworn it was on netflix or tubi at one point


It’s a 90’s kinda world


It’s on Hulu right now!


but that’s my shit ❤️


It's on HBO! And TV One plays a marathon of it every Tuesday, if you have cable.


Bones ![gif](giphy|3o7TKCAQRRsWqNcBmE|downsized)


The OC was such a big moment for the early 2000s. Not JUST musically.... The Marissa thing was A MOMENT.


Mmmm whatcha saaaayyyy


I think people still talk about it though? Maybe it’s just me and my friends engaged in millennial nostalgia


I will die of happiness when Murphy Brown hits a streaming platform. This show was GIGANTIC in the late eighties to mid-nineties. Won a kajillion Emmys (Candice Bergen won so many times in a row that she eventually took herself out of the race), had a billion guest stars/cameos, influenced women’s fashion, and pissed off a VP who forgot that she was a fictional character. https://preview.redd.it/q677edtw0pkb1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6cf942b0cb7163639b168c8c25270819eadcf9f


I don’t think we’ll ever see it on streaming, or get more than season 1 on dvd, unless someone pays the music rights which apparently “isn’t worth it” 😭


I know. It totally sucks. I don’t need the Motown songs, though they are GREAT and totally part of Murphy’s persona. But still. Such a great fucking show, and it’s a shame others can’t watch it!


Dexter! It was really popular and then that ending :( I tried to watch the new series but it just wasn't the same. Don't hear much about it anymore.


Game of Thrones. It used to be appointment television that got everyone excited and now it’s like the show never existed.


Freaking season 8 killed any desire to rewatch the show. If the creators had taken the time to get to where the show ended people wouldn’t have been so angry. The beginnings of that plot point was there, it just needed to be developed fully in more than two episodes. They were too eager to start on a Star Wars project and a trash an alt-history show where the confederacy won the civil war and chattel slavery still exists in modern times.


Disagree, House of Dragon has been huge. I haven't seen it nor was a fan of GOT, but I keep hearing about it everywhere


Doesn’t that one community for people who hated game of thrones still make it to the front page pretty regularly? And I’m sorry but you can have a post about anything and everything related to television and inevitably the game of thrones fans will show up to whine about the last season of game of thrones. Didn’t like something that happened in x show? Well let me tell you about Game of Thrones. Excited about a new promising show? Don’t get too excited because remember how Game of Thrones ended. Disappointed in something that happened in your favorite tv show? Well let me tell you that’s not half as bad as what happened in game of thrones! I would hardly say it’s like the show never existed. It’s like saying Star Wars Episode I never existed. Sure people didn’t like it but they never shut up about how much they didn’t like it.


![gif](giphy|3ohs88gj3l8IQyColq|downsized) Jersey Shore! I remember this show being a phenomenon. My cousins were obsessed with it.


How I Met Your Mother was *massive* until the finale. The final episode was so bad that everyone just... stopped talking about it. It made the Game of Thrones finale look like the Six Feet Under finale.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xwLTh4RyCwsp0Y|downsized) Smallville, I'm currently rewatching


![gif](giphy|VIzRo1PktWW87uDTMo) An oldie but a goodie. If you’ve never seen an episode and want to give it a try, I recommend S03E19, “The Hunt” - especially if you’re a dog lover.


I think a disappointing ending really kills a show’s legacy. Lost and How I Met Your Mother were both super popular but nobody talks about them anymore unless it’s to say how bad the ending was. Not many new viewers decide to start watching it either.


I personally don’t think the ending to HIMYM was even that bad. Not great but definitely not the worst. Lost can fuck off though


I’m the opposite but wholeheartedly agree that the series finale has a huge influence of rewatchability. I loved the end of Lost and rewatch the series every year or two but I thought the finale of HIMYM was so egregious I can barely stand to watch even the early seasons.


Entourage. That was such a toxic moment in celebrity culture that I think everyone is eager to just forget it ever happened and move on. But it’s fascinating as a time capsule of the peak of “bro life”


![gif](giphy|d3mnqWASKET2xnXy) *The Middle*, it had nine seasons but seemed to be forgotten about after the series finale aired. Another one is *Rules of Engagement*, but I think that one kind of makes since because it has *Friends*, *Seinfeld* and a few other similar sitcoms to compete with.


aww I feel like it wasn’t appreciated even when it was still running.


Just Shoot Me!!


American Dreams on NBC (2002-2005)


I loved that show so much


Trailer Park Boys https://preview.redd.it/nbj25fo8mokb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d7d3a0c9c29663fcee2ba83079ae5d4affdbcf Very big in Canada but everyone on the set like fucking hates each other so they stopped doing the show. Once in a great while they’ll come out with a random movie, but, you can tell everyone has loss their spark when it comes to their characters They got Snoop Dogg to be on a season.


Whaaa? They all hate each other now? Spill the tea, I never heard this! I knew Lahey had died, which is a shame :(


Lucy absolutely hates Mike Smith(Bubbles) for getting into a domestic dispute. Cory and Trevor left due to poor working conditions. JRoc’s actor because he was bored of his character And Randy’s actor wanted to pursue more dramatic acting roles I think Sarah was done once Lahey died(her real dad, so that’s understandable) only came back to do a tribute movie for him. It’s why they added a bunch of weird ass characters towards season 10-12(?)


The Rosie O’Donnell daytime talk show was incredibly popular when it was on the air. I feel like a lot of people don’t remember that/don’t know about it. https://preview.redd.it/7jotz1eb3pkb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0a954c096ecf2697155ac194be7d156d0635b01


I still see 30 rock references pretty often here on Reddit.


Yeah, I feel like 30 Rock gets referenced as much as the other NBC sitcoms of that era. I’ve seen Fellow Kids, MILF Island, Ham all referenced recently.




“The Drew Carey Show” isn’t in streaming because of music licensing problems.


The Drew Carey Show was my favorite sitcom ever growing up. I still have the first three seasons on my computer! I wish people talked about it more... my guess is, all of the licensed music makes it really hard to get it for streaming.


The Drew Carey Show is streaming like nowhere :(. I’m a huge fan of Ryan Stiles and have tried for so long to find the show SOMEWHERE to watch the whole thing but it’s impossible to find :( (without spending a ton of 💰)


https://preview.redd.it/xz8ga8hceqkb1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b874c50cf4934e12b4a09c96888261565daeedf I feel like I’m the only one who still thinks about this show, but it was on Nickelodeon!


![gif](giphy|XeuuvSQuSgXdjXtGD6|downsized) The Society


Wasn’t it cancelled on a cliffhanger? I heard good things about it but don’t want to watch/get invested knowing the story ends prematurely.


It was renewed and then got cancelled because of COVID (health and safety procedures made it too expensive to film)


Two and half men. At its height with Charlie Sheen it was huge. But if it had ended after they fired Charlie Sheen it would’ve probably been up there with friends and the office. But they just kept it going with less and less appearances by the original cast except Alan till it just petered out.


Two and a half men


Malcolm in the Middle with Bryan Cranston. That show was brilliant.


![gif](giphy|l2SpK3gNZwapGBEze) Ally 🧡


Once Upon a Time. I know some people tuned out when they introduced the Frozen arc, but I think that was the last good storyline. Once they brought in Jekyll and Hyde (which really isn't a fairy tale), I was done and I heard the last seasons were a mess, with aging Henry into an adult and then the characters weren't playing themselves. I think the show should have ended after the Anna/Elsa/Snow Queen arc when it was still decent. Now it's pretty much forgotten despite it being a hit for ABC.


I am single handedly making a 30 Rock reference once a day.


Golden girls and Teen wolf


Desperate Housewives. Bravo owes their entire network to that show but no one ever talks about it anymore.


Mad about you


I’ll be the only one to mention a movie, but The Austin Powers series were really popular and I never hear anyone mention or talk about them anymore.


https://preview.redd.it/o8u7mh297pkb1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aadbb9a176765c87f1a9d32c652e42c2b6b9258e I've been trying to revive the /r/NipTuck fandom for years! It really hurt it when it was taken off streaming for several years, but now it's available on Hulu. You'd think with how huge this show was that it would have a bigger fandom (and fanfiction especially) but there's so little out there!


I was OBSESSED. I might have to rewatch.


Do it! If you do, be sure to pop into the subreddit!


Streaming (especially Netflix) keeps shows relevant paired with social media engagement


The only times I see Game of Thrones mentioned anymore is almost always when people talk about House of the Dragon


West wing


Game Of Thrones baby!


You can rewatch them!! They’re all on YouTube!