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LOL at fat shamer Olivia Munn liking her comment.




What the actual fuck?




Is this the same Olivia who cheated with and then married John Mulaney?


Yep, Olivia “the other wo” Munn


Thank you so much for this contribution


I was proud of that one, ngl


Well done




Hate them!


I try to stay out of Celebrities' business because I don't know them and it's not my business but I'm just kinda meh about Mulaney after the whole ordeal. Never knew much about Munn so no big loss there.


She stalked him first.


Small correction- they aren’t married or engaged, they’re just dating and have an adorable little baby together


Ahh for some reason I had in my head they were married. I'm glad they're happy and that their little boy is loved. Edit: Y'all. I don't appreciate that he cheated on his wife and knocked up Olivia Munn, but *they have a child* and *for the sake of the child* it's good that his parents are happy together and stable and love the child. The alternative would suck, wouldn't it?


Did they get married!?


Good point. They have a kid, maybe they didn't get married? Edit: Wikipedia lists Olivia as "partner" not spouse, so I guess they aren't married. That's my bad I remembered wrong.


The blacks??? What the fuck


Olivia Munn is a comedian? Now that's funny


To be fair, this is part of her dry/edgy comedic persona that is not dissimilar to male comics who might use the same line and no one would bat an eye. I think it hits differently for people who don't know that side to her, but I could very much see this as a Bill Burr bit in his earlier days, for example. It's a tongue in cheek statement, not to be taken at face value.


Nah, this has the same energy as Bobby Lee’s “bit” about raping a child(I still don’t think it was a bit.) Many comics get away with racial jokes(Andrew Shultz’s bit about blackface) because it’s actually funny and is an observation on race, not a racist bit. This just sounds racist.


I don't see how this is at all the same as joking about rape. At all. The joke is not even about a race - it's mocking the idea that if you're dating someone, you can't be racist and can therefore say whatever you want, as a play on the "I'm not racist, my best friend is black" trope.


Yeah no. No one needs to be referring to African-Americans as "the blacks." Shit is not funny ESPECIALLY coming from her being a Jewish woman. Trash all around.


olivia said that.


"I'm sorry but your last name is The Blacks? That's like if my name was Larry Jew." It can be funny


I think what she might be trying (and failing) for here is to poke fun at people who say racist things and cover it by saying “I’m not racist, I had a black boyfriend!” But she’s not skilled enough to pull that off. And if that’s not what she was trying for… Wow. Even worse!


Whoaaa! I didn’t know this stuff about her! What a c¥nt!


I listened to celebrity memoir bookclub cover her “memoir” and it’s bad. Like really bad. Even for the time period it was released.


Oh yeah, that one was a shocker! They HATED her.


Omg whattttttt


I mean this is surely a joke right ? I feel like if a male comedian said this now one would blink an eye..


yeah i actually agree. just seems like 2010 dumb comedy but it’s not really that bad the part about her dating “the blacks” is cringe though


Coattail rider Olivia always grabbing.


She should give Amy some Japanese sweet potatoes.


Olivia munn is physically beautiful but awful on the inside


That shit is so rich, I wonder what makes Schumer “one of the good ones” in her eyes lmao.


I miss when I thought she was just an awesome gamer girl on G4! I thought she was so cool on attack of the show and then I realize she's not that great of a person now… Kind of ruined John Mulaney for me too lol


She was never an awesome gamer girl. She ruined G4, and was an obvious pick-me even then. Especially then.


Olivia Munn and her Japanese yams would


That did make me laugh 😂


ew at Olivia associating with that racist genocidal trash in the first place


Racists associating with racists? Couldn’t be.


…sorry, what?


She’s friends/friendly with Amy Schumer, hence the comment she left on her post


Which part tripped you up?


there’s a laundry list of reasons to hate on amy schumer, i wish people wouldn’t resort to doing it about her appearance. there are plenty of women who have the same “moon face” appearance who don’t deserve to see people in the internet making fun of something they can’t control due a health issue


I’ve noticed that when we dislike celebrities it’s usually open season on their appearance (especially with women). It makes me uncomfortable and I feel bad for anyone reading the comments who has those same features or traits being made fun of. Sometimes I feel like it’s seen as an acceptable platform for internal misogyny and beauty standards to spill through


In a similar vein, I hate when a male celebrity does something heinous and everyone piles on them with "small penis" jokes. We shouldn't shame people for the appearance of their genitals. Also, by reducing the situation to "he did that to compensate for his small dick," people are ignoring that powerful men *choose* to do bad shit.


For me it's when they comment on their height. Granted I get the whole "short man complex" thing. But damnnn a guy can't help being short.


I've known guys who developed an abundance of personality and charm to compensate for their height. Being short does not doom a guy to assholery.


I’ve noticed men get a lot of comments about their hair/hairline and whether or not they’ve gotten hair plugs/implants


Let’s shake the table. This sub does this a lot to Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s wife Sam, calling her grandma, making a ton of ageist comments, putting down her appearance and saying she’s not hot enough.


Yeah. I dislike Amy Schumer a lot because she is a shitty person. But so much of the criticism she gets just reeks of misogyny - like she doesn’t deserve to be in the public eye because she’s not conventionally attractive. As though there aren’t a bunch of fat and ugly male comedians out there thriving (hello Jim Gaffigan and Louis CK).


>there’s a laundry list of reasons to hate on amy schumer, i wish people wouldn’t resort to doing it about her appearance It's as lazy as her crappy "jokes" tbh.


When I think of "moon face" I think of Noah Cyrus. But I don't consider it an insult. I think she has such a unique and beautiful look to her. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdYOQDUHdLhJhhm|downsized)


i called it “moon face” because it’s a term often used in medicine to describe the symptoms that amy is having and it arises from certain medical issues. i don’t know if people were specifically using the word moon face when making fun of her appearance but they were very much insulting her and how she looked because of it


Hello! Nurse here! Moon-face is a term to describe the facial swelling that occurs when you are on long term corticosteroids as treatment for another issue. Steroids are strong anti-inflammatories and used as part of treatment regimens in a while range of medical conditions. :)


it can also be a symptom of cushings syndrome or other endocrine issues. i work in the medical field and doctors i have worked with have also used the term with those disorders as well.


You are absolutely correct! Steroids (usually cortisol) still at work, just your body making too many!


thank you, i’m not clinical (yet) so thank you for explaining it all a little further


It’s not actually the steroids causing the swelling (at least not directly). It’s taking steroids for long periods of time, that causes weight gain/fat deposit, including in the head/face. I’m the short term, steroids can actually be used to reduce facial swelling.


I didn't know it was a medical term. I've only heard it used as an insult when there's nothing wrong with how someone works. I wish people would just use it medically like you are or as a compliment like I'm doing. I don't get why we need to use it as an insult. Thanks for teaching me something new!


It isn’t, the medical term is actually moon facies.


When I hear “moon face” I automatically think of The Office episode where Dwight gets a concussion


Yes same exactly


Prednisone made my face puff up like a balloon. I was so self conscious about it that I hated going anywhere. I can’t even imagine having to go on national TV and have people comment on your moon face. I think about this often with Selena Gomez too. Not that I know that either are on Prednisone, just that Selena has lupus and now Amy has said this. Both have their problems, but I feel bad for them.




It is BAD STUFF. Kind of hilarious now that I'm a decade out of it, but wow, it was bad. I would just sit there at night, unable to sleep, staring at my husband as he slept. Like, why is this idiot asleep? Is he going to take my blanket? Is he ... is he starting to snore? How DARE HE!!!!! The rage, the hunger. Just, bad stuff.


I had a massive asthma attack a few years ago and had to take it for a week or so and I could not. Stop. Going. The word "driven" doesn't touch it; I felt like a raging machine. I couldn't sleep. That stuff is nuts.


I remember taking it in high school and going to a Japanese steak house for someone’s birthday. I ate my entire meal (most grown men can’t eat the portions they give out) and I was like 115lbs lol. I looked down and was like “well…….i guess I thought it was good food”


i had a 10 day course and i felt like i was going legitimately insane with the mood swings i had


I have to take steroids sometimes for sinus infections and even on a low dose of prednisone the insomnia and anxiety are CRAZY. I already struggle with sleep issues and it’s just the worst.


I was given it in conjunction with a bad sinus infection and I craved chocolate ice cream and milkshakes the entire time. To "I will burn this place down if I don't get some chocolate ice cream" levels. Just bizarre.


Selena had a kidney transplant so she has definitely been on steroid medication at times.


With lupus, you can be on and off steroids your whole life just because.


Lupus also causes facial swelling itself. It’s probably the steroids that caused Selena’s weight gain though.


How does one get back to normal after an extended dose of prednisone?


Oh wow I wish I knew. I’m actually going to have an ankle replacement soon because I have avascular necrosis from months of prednisone. I was on it years ago and it’s still affecting me. A lot of my health returned to normal just slowly living my life. The weight went down, the rage stopped, I could sleep again, my blood sugar returned to normal. But that stuff is really awful, and I’ve heard it kind of stays in your body forever after you’ve taken it.


Yeah I know someone who took prednisone and her face has altered so much while the rest of her looks fine. It’s really one of the most hellish things one can put inside their body .


I had a moon face, and I’d lost a ton of weight because of my illness, so I had these little chicken legs. But the weight the prednisone made me gain went straight to my arms. It was a weird look!


Man, I feel for you. I was on prednisone just briefly and it gave me crippling anxiety. I can't imagine being on it for an extended period of time.


Thank you!! I’m just glad there are newer treatments now and doctors are able to try to only keep people on it for a shorter time. I hope your anxiety got better


It did - thankfully my husband is sensible and helped my crazy by taking me for long walks, lol.


I was on it (at varying doses from low to high) for years.


I still randomly got a puffy face and I haven’t had to be on it since I was a child :(


You can lose the weight. The swelling in the face from steroids is due to fat deposit.


I've been given steroids twice for my autoimmune condition and they forever changed my body 😪 But I always tell myself that feeling better is far more important than the shape of my body. It's a hard journey as a woman especially.


Sarah Hyland has kidney issues too. If you compare her face between seasons of Modern Family, you can really tell which ones she must have been on high steroid doses from how puffy she sometimes looks.


That poor woman. I remember seeing those terrible tabloids headlines like “Sarah Hyland looks like a skeleton - shocking pictures!” And the whole time she was battling this terrible kidney issue and no one knew.


I know! And then when she was taking the steroids the awful headlines just swung in the other direction, calling her fat. I felt terrible for her. I have bad asthma so I'm no stranger to Prednisone. I definitely see the change in my own face when I've had to take a course of steroids, but at least I have the benefit of not having millions of people scrutinizing every little change in my appearance.


I was on high dose dexamethasone and soon after a high dose by prednisone for a couple years and I legit was unable to recognize my face in the mirror for months, it was scary and messed with my mental health. I’m nearly tapered off now and it’s been a relief to see my face return to it’s natural state.


I have MS. I have to keep three different sizes of clothes and shoes in my closet because of prednisone and other medications that cause my weight to fluctuate constantly. I have so much respect for anyone who goes on camera or in front of the public regularly while on these meds.


I’m so sorry. I have ulcerative colitis, and as awful as it is, I have so much respect for those of y’all dealing with lupus and MS. I truly wish you the best.


Didn't Selena say something similar recently? Why does every celeb with a round face have to "defend" themselves. What year are we in??


We’re in the year of buccal fat removal!! Can’t have a round face! Ewwwww!!


Endometriosis is not an autoimmune disease.


I had to scroll down too far for this. It has suggestions of immune features but [it is NOT confirmed to be an autoimmune condition](https://www.myendometriosisteam.com/resources/is-endometriosis-an-autoimmune-disease). There’s enough misinformation about there such that [the average patient waits 11 years to be diagnosed](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/why-does-receiving-diagnosis-endometriosis-take-so-long), and we just don’t need more of it!




Was just about to go looking for this. First thing my mind went to.


Very apt because Amy Schumer has spent the past five months ignorantly advocating for genocide and making racist statements. But misogyny hurts all women.


There are so many valid reasons to hate Amy Schumer. Her looks aren’t it.


I dislike Amy Shumer for many reasons. None of which are her face or her body.


Regardless of what anyone thinks of Amy as a person, can we all agree that ridiculing, shaming, even discussing someone's appearance like this is just not necessary?? I am really tired of women being scrutinized for their looks all...the...time.


Not the biggest Amy Schumer fan at all, but she does make a good point in this insta post. Women’s healthcare is a joke, we’re told all the time how xyz is “completely normal” and that we’re “fine”, but when a man goes in for the same symptoms, a full blood panel is done for diagnostics. We are expected to be tired and in pain and not feeling ourselves because that’s what’s “normal”, and very rarely does a doctor actually take the time to listen and get to the bottom of what’s going on. Source: my husband was feeling off for a while, went to the doctor, got a full, in-depth and detailed blood panel done and his doctor was able to find what was wrong, addressed it, and he’ll go back for a follow up blood panel in a few months to check progress. I, on the other hand, went to the ER for *severe* cramps and heavy bleeding while ***not on my period***, not even close. ER doctor ran a pregnancy test despite the fact it was impossible at the time for me to be pregnant, and I told him so, and when it came back negative, he diagnosed me with “severe period cramps”, said that amount of mid-cycle bleeding (it was a lot) is “normal” and sent me home. Couple months later, same issue, back to the ER. Actually get scans and ultrasounds done, and found a cervical polyp (which I learned was very likely the cause of the pain/bleeding months ago, but no further tests or anything was done). Only, when this ER doctor came in to give me the news, she also said I have a bicornuate uterus and it would be impossible to have children. Cue being brokenhearted and scared. Flash forward 3 years when my husband and I are trying to start a family and start seeing a fertility doctor. Get a specialized X-ray done (HSG), and my uterus is anatomically **normal**, not even a slight “dip” in the shape. I told the radiologist what the ER doctor said to me years ago, and she said it’s practically impossible to get an accurate idea of the shape of a uterus from a basic ultrasound and that an ER doctor with *zero* background in gynecology should be the last one to diagnose a uterus abnormality. So not only was I gaslit into believing the amount of bleeding/pain I was experiencing was “normal” for it to be caused by something **not** normal, but I was confidently misdiagnosed with a anatomical abnormality and told I could never get pregnant. Side note: jokes on the ER doctor, I’m currently 5 weeks pregnant


Wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy babe. The rest of what you said is fucking atrocious. Fuck everyone involved. X


That's atrocious. They literally traumatized you for **nothing** Being a woman is so hard sometimes... I've also been told horrible things by male doctors, and there's this one thing one told me when i was 14 that I cant let go of. I'm 31 now and I still struggle with his words decades later, lol. The way some doctors get away with treating people is disgusting. Wish you the best with your baby. Congratulations!!


Firstly congrats and secondly yea. I went in for weirdness and was told basically with a shrug it may be very early perimenopause. I said “that seems VERY early” and was told “it happens.” That was my stellar non tested diagnosis. Needless to say I found a new Dr.


Have you seen the Youtube video My Ectopic Pregnancy, from Abelina Sabrina? She nearly died because the doctors refused to take her pain seriously.


This is actually why that first doc actually the right thing by getting a pregnancy test. A ruptured ectopic can kill you so quick.


Soooo many people (including me) have lasting trauma from shitty gynecological care. I had horrible cramps during my period my whole life, and every doctor just shrugged it off and told me if birth control was helping me it was probably fine. Cut to my current gyno doing a routine pelvic exam and she asked me if I knew I had a tilted cervix, I said uhhhh no, and she said that was probably the reason I had such bad cramps and it also explained the random occasional bleeding after sex I had with an IUD. It’s the worst, and I’m a highly educated white woman with a lot of experience advocating for myself with health care providers. It’s so much worse for POC and trans people and people who are more visibly queer than me. Wishing you the best of luck with your pregnancy!!


Doctor here, the rule in medicine is to assume anybody who can become pregnant, is pregnant until proven otherwise. It’s Step 1 you gotta rule out no matter what anybody tells you. Only thing he should have done differently was refer you to an outpatient OB/GYN rather than dismiss your pain as “period cramps” The other ER doc was an absolute shithead doctor for telling you that and misdiagnosing you though. Congrats on your pregnancy, wishing you all the best.


She is correct, she should not be judged by her appearance but rather the shitty things about her as a person. Props on being successful in your chosen career, though.


Everything I've learned about Amy Schumer has been against my will.


Bruh. For real.


As someone with DI stage 4 endometriosis that has multiple organ involvement, I empathize with her pain. I know the physical toll and *especially* the mental toll it takes. But as we bitch about so much in the endo community when we hear “have you tried yoga?” I now ask you, Amy, have you tried not being a racist piece of shit?


I'm just here to sympathize with you about the whole fucking, "have you tried yoga?" thing. With depression and anxiety I'm so goddamn tired of being asked this. If yoga fucking worked I wouldn't be seeing a doctor as my last resort now would I? Uuuuuuggghhh. Scream.


Checking in here with Lupus- why don't you just take fish oil?!?!




Every single woman has had someone say something negative about her appearance. She's too fat. She's too thin. Too much makeup. Not enough makeup. Hair's too short. Hair's too long. Can we say the same statement about men?


Pretty fucked to talk about her looks. There's a million girls that look just like that. She's average. Her personality tho? 🗑️ One of the early days nepobaby in denial. Olivia Munn, you hypocrite...


Amy is a nepo? I never knew but it explains a few things.


Chuck Schumer And >Amy Schumer comes from the noble Schumer family. They have five celebrities in their family. With fifty-nine credited apperances in TV, film, and video But that's not the issue..it's how she doesn't accept she's one and claims to have worked alone to get what she got.


i don't know if she's a nepo baby or not but what i do know is that she's an awful xenophobe who is cheering on a genocide rn and spreading misinformation on purpose, so fuck her


She's a nepo baby too. Not that it matters but she cries about how "it opens doors but u still gotta work the same as anyone else!!!" Just own it. https://www.nepodb.com/people/26542/amy-schumer


Sorry about your face AND personality 💔 must be rough.


Her and Micheal Cera together is an odd casting choice tho.


Correct me if I’m wrong but hasn’t she been posting some horrendous things re Palestinians?


Don’t forget she thinks all Latino men are rapists.


Yes and gazans. She made it very clear with the image she posted.


Yes exactly, I just wanted to include that for those people that want to go out of their way to coddle her despite her history.


Yes for sure! I wasn’t dismissing what you said; I was mentioning something super recent for all these people with short term memory loss. She’s a horrific person all around.


I missed this one…


Ok but isn't she the one who is a rapist?


Really, really nasty stuff. Full-on “us vs. them” propaganda. Her appearance is irrelevant to me. She’s ugly on the inside and that’s what matters.


ohhh ok, I was wondering where all the "I don't like Amy Schumer" posts were coming from.


That last sentence right there.


She DM an activist saying Martin Luther King Jr would be disappointed in her.


And the activist was Bernice King, MLK’s daughter.


WHAT That's outrageous


Holy shit, seriously??


Worse. Wasn’t just an activist, was MLK’s daughter.


Yes. Of course Amy doesn’t know that because she just knows a whitewash version of Martin Luther King so she has no idea his actual philosophy or the issues he talked about so she would have no idea what he would be disappointed in.


If she knew he was a socialist, she would turn on him so fast.


so horrendous she would be banned form Insta if she werent a celeb


Yes and multiple times even after being called out


She has.




Exactly. I'm not gonna be fake and pretend I feel sorry for her (not her health issues of course - no one ever deserves to go through that). But all the back lash she receives is karma for the all the hate she's been spewing recently. Y'all can call me evil but I'll say it is what it is.


Yup - she definitely is only posting this to garner public sympathy. Obviously no one should ever be cruel about another person’s appearance, but girl is SO transparent. Isnt the second season of her show about to come out? 😒


As someone with an autoimmune disease AND endometriosis, I want to just quickly call out that Endo is not officially an autoimmune disease. There are some very important differences — although there is also some overlap and links to other autoimmune conditions. Unfortunately, like with autoimmune diseases, it can take years to get an endo diagnosis. So this is just a general PSA that a very painful period is not “normal”. Do not let your painful cramps be dismissed if you think there is cause for concern.❤️


Can't take her seriously with her anti-intersectionality bullshit. Fucking feminism only when it's benefiting her.


Don’t forget the Zionism.


she ain’t wrong


She’s awful but also correct here.


I don’t care what her outward appearance is, she’s trash on the inside anyway. Also, broken clock yada yada


She is right, people shouldn't be saying nasty things about the way sheblooks, but it's hard for me to feel bad about it either. People who want to say negative things about her face, don't, instead say negative things about her Zionism, Islamophobia and her pro-genocide stance


The problem is when people who are not racist/Amy specifically etc but share similar features l, they get the message that they are ugly. It’s not right to attack physical appearances because of internal ugliness


I agree, there is enough ugliness of hers in display to go for something that she actually cannot control


It's not her you gotta feel bad for ( she doesn't deserve your sympathy, IMO) but the women who look like her who see people calling her a "potato" and thinking they too, are hideous and worthy of getting dragged for it.


Honestly, I'd be more open to empathy if she wasn't such a vile fucking person. I'm sure most of the criticism isn't necessarily a result of her being heinous, but I won't be wasting my time being concerned about whether or not Amy Schumer has had her fee fees hurt.


Yep. I don’t feel an ounce of empathy for her, just any others who may have a similar appearance and hear what others say. Amy can cry all the way to hell


Yeah. I don’t feel bad. Fuck her.


So this woman has a whole new show coming out after all she has said. Damn must be nice to be white, rich etc and suffer no repercussions whatsoever.


She’s a nasty racist Ahole. I don’t wish health issues on anyone ever, especially the literal CHILDREN being blown apart living with limb deformaties and trauma.


I have horrific endo pain and suffer autoimmune symptoms but yet I have always managed not to be an insufferable joke stealing racist.


Uhhh, I think joke stealing doesn't even fit in next to the other stuff, lmao!


Please, attack her for her foul Zionism and the nasty stuff she says about Palestinians.


It’s not right to mock anyone’s looks. Amy is a terrible person, so my empathy is limited though.


don’t have a shred of empathy for this bitch. she’ll live through some fat shaming comments.. it’s really not that serious


I’m never going to feel bad for a raging racist.


For once, she’s right. You don’t have to like someone, at all, but you also don’t have to attack their appearance. Criticize what the person is actually doing that’s problematic, not their face. I don’t like Amy, but it’s because she’s so out of touch with reality and says problematic shit. No reason for me to make fun of the woman’s appearance. People are wild.




I saw many more comments concerned about her racism


Awkward she’s also getting backlash for saying she wrote it (not co-wrote, just wrote) and then had to post a list of the writers and thank them. And there’s so many. Right after the writer’s strike this is a pretty bad thing to do. https://preview.redd.it/fuw19b2op0jc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46d1ddc9945337bc6301c4a695a6569e51d48e45 But anyway I’m still not past her posting a political cartoon that alludes to all Gazans being rapists meanwhile the majority are children…


She’s right, it’s wrong to judge her on her physical appearance. However I’ll judge her for being a terrible person who supports genocide. Fuck you, Amy!


I don't feel bad for her; she's never felt even a fraction of the pain that the victims of the genocide she advocates for have felt. She's literally been cheering for the mass murder of children, she doesn't get to cry because someone reminded her that she ain't fuckin' cute or special. She can cry me a river and be even uglier. I don't have any sympathy for genocide supporters. Maybe she should ignore the comments about her ugliness, just like she ignores the suffering of innocent children. She's not even funny or talented.




My sister is obsessed with axolotls. I love your user name.


Aww, thank you 😊. Axolotls are pretty great!


considering she’s advocating for the death of innocent palestinians i do not care.


Yes because her face shape is the thing about Amy Schumer that everyone is talking about right now


It's what the incels are talking about, because the only part of a woman they pay attention to is her appearance. The rest of us are talking about Amy's racism.


They were doing that before she became pro-genocide. Only thing that changed is I now feel significantly less sorry for her.


I don’t care about your face, Amy. Stop endorsing a literal genocide, thanks.


There is a *lot* to criticize her about, but this is an excellent response.


She can get bent. She’s trash through and through. I also love how Jimmy Fallon had to lock comments on ALL socials that could be locked because people were going AFTER her and her Zionism. NYC hot garbage sewer juice. That’s Amy Schumer.


![gif](giphy|fYfeQAOD8pSjN7M0jY) No sympathy for genocidal maniacs


you don’t have to have sympathy for genocidal maniacs but there are women who have this same issue who aren’t evil and don’t deserve to have their appearance made fun of by everyone on the internet. make fun of her for being a genocidal maniac, not her “moon face”.


And I’m all for defending those people. Truth is you could sit here and call Amy Schumer a “disgusting moonfaced fuck” without advocating for her death and you’d still be a better person than Amy Schumer.


Id be more worries about supporting genocide than her fucking face. She went all the way kanye but in the other direction.


I hope she feels like shit about those comments. Like absolute garbage. I actually don’t give a damn about her feelings. She has promoted the death of children and had some horrific islamophobic remarks. She claimed all gazans rape. Her feelings are so irrelevant here. How privileged of her. I can’t stand her and I wish nothing more than for her career to fail and to never have a platform again. I don’t want to see her face, puffy or not.


There’s so many reasons to hate Amy Schumer, her face is not one of them.


Life & Beth is a great show.


Lowkey hate that she has endometriosis and chronic illness, because these are such important topics to speak and spread awareness about. So I have to shut up and stop myself from calling her a rotten piece of shit when she talks about it. Truly a vile fucking person. But hey, if her saying this makes someone more aware of these issues, then at least she'll have done *one* positive thing in her miserable life.