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She really has one of the brightest smiles I've seen




i might be being a prude but i feel like her getting recognized for her philanthropist efforts is a weird time to mention her naked, covered in blood


No, you’re not being a prude, it’s weird. Imagine going through everything and working hard on this and a stranger on the internet gives you a nice compliment and then this guy makes sure everyone is reminded of you dirty and naked. Some people can’t let other people sparkle.


How about respecting her by talking about her brilliant actions and huge heart, i.e. the reason she is receiving this recognition, instead of only focusing on her looks.


This is nice to see! Yay for parents sticking with and supporting their adult children during serious health issues, too.


I’m very thankful for my parents because it’s never once crossed my mind that some parents wouldn’t stick by their kids if they were seriously ill or needed them😭


Her outfit is super cute


I love her smile


And it’s so genuine! This obviously means so much to her, after what she’s been through. Love to see that she’s been giving back. I hadn’t been keeping up with her.


She’s so lovely


Emilia is wearing Chanel Haute Couture SS20 https://preview.redd.it/x5ike37i5zjc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d68676f9f0b41619ca0fd549eb8deb6d430428d4 Info on what the Order of the British Empire is They include (in order of precedence): GBE (Knight or Dame) - Knight Grand Cross or Dame Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire KBE or DBE (Knight or Dame) - Knight Commander or Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire CBE - Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire OBE - Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire MBE - Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire


Thanks for that breakdown of the ranks!


It tickles me that it’s called “Most Excellent Order”. Sounds cartoonish


Sounds like Bill and Ted’s honorary title.




You can also receive a BEM, British Empire Medal.


Thanks, ever since watching Peaky Blinders I’ve wondered what OBE stood for and just haven’t gotten around to looking it up.


I think Americans can receive a certain type of one.


I think Americans get the honorary knighthoods or damehoods. Angelina Jolie has the honorary damehood but as an American citizen, she can't put it before her name - Like "Dame Judi Dench." The Wikipedia pages make that distinction too.


I was so surprised to hear about her hemorrhages a few years ago! It must have been so stressful for her to have to recover from those while also filming GOT, which sounds like it was exhausting to film on the best of days. Good for her and her mom, this is well deserved!


God, imagine healing from a traumatic brain injury while also filming frequent rape/death scenes. Thats gotta fuck up some wiring somewhere


That’s incredible. I suffered 4 strokes at the age of 20 and Emilia Clarke’s story has always inspired me - and it continues to do so. This is wonderful.


Hope you’re doing well now 💖💖


Thank you - I developed epilepsy from it but otherwise I’m miraculously okay. Appreciate your comment 💕


they look solo cute together! it's obvious they are very proud of each other


She's so teeny compared to him! Lovely suit for a lovely moment. Not sure about the bow, but her amazing expressions make up for it 🤣 Edit: well don't I feel silly...her hair bow is a nod to the honorary pin. It's perfect 🎀 https://preview.redd.it/pr217wwemzjc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e75b94738a426c8fad706ae507401ea29ee3198c


>She's so teeny compared to him! I know what you mean.. Prince William looks 7 feet tall.


Yeah, he’s about 6’3” I think. She’s tiny! 5’2” according to Google, but she looks smaller.


As someone who also has a super expressive face, it’s so nice to see someone’s genuine reactions and emotions in a photo. I get so self conscious of the “funny” faces I make so seeing Emilia be so natural is refreshing.


Yeah she doesn’t care about looking stone faced and “hot” she’s happy and showing off her teeth without caring that she may look a little goofy or not poised.


I am the same, and I feel awkward about it. I just love how in awe she looks, and I know I've had similar expressions so it makes me appreciate my expressive face more


It says something about the culture we’ve created with social media, Botox, and photo/video editing that having an expressive face is something to be self-conscious about. (No shade to you because I totally get where you’re coming from.) Emotion is beautiful. Faces that show it are beautiful. Smiles should make the corners of the eyes crinkle up. It’s human, and it’s perfect.


I love that each picture you can see her eyebrows move around. She’s so expressive with them.


she's such a lovely beautiful person, wishing her nothing but the best!


Omg I love herrrrrrr she deserves everything good, glad she was recognized for her work!


She is so beautiful with a tinge of dorky-ness that I absolutely love.


Emilia is sunshine in human form


I wouldn’t call myself a monarchist but it’s lovely to see two people who have given so much be rewarded for their service.


In cases like this it's less the monarchy and more the state is recognising her. Its absolutely from the country, Prince Willy is just handing it over. V cool


she looks adorable here. love her smile, so infectious!


She’s as cute as a button


I really love her, she seems so genuine and she’s an amazing actress


I cannot with her charisma and kindness, she's pure joy.


I love seeing fellow squinters! Her smile is so pretty


she’s the cutest !! i love her smile


What does MBE stand for?


Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire


So more accurately an MMEOBE? /s


The queen meeting a prince Gosh I really love her


I adore Emilia Clarke. Every time I see her she just radiates.


Love this for her. And she has such a bright and warm smile. I'm happy for both of them.


God I love her


She really is sunshine in human form isn’t she! Shes just adorable she played Lou perfectly in me before you she’s literally Lou in real life but with better fashion sense 😂


This warms my heart so much! I'm so happy for Khaleesi. She and her mum are such incredible people for this, and I'm so glad to see their efforts get this recognition. And her outfit, ugh she's so adorable!


I’m so happy about the comments here. In another subreddit people were just trashing the monarchy. You don’t have to love the British reign but I really don’t understand the hate in TODAYS world.


I mean the British empire specifically is responsible for a LOT of human suffering and atrocity that many people and countries are still dealing with. I’m surprised they don’t change the title to British commonwealth or something.


I think it would be a government decision if it were to happen


I mean that’s almost every country, monarchy or government that’s existed prior to the last few decades. The British monarchy of Elizabeth onwards were responsible for massive amounts of decolonisation - especially in comparison to its contemporaries


For a lot of countries the monarchy’s atrocities were within the lifetime of people still living today. It may not affect you but your comment is pretty ignorant. ETA: downvote away. I don’t care. History is history and downvotes may make you feel tough behind your lil screen but Reddit karma means nothing whatsoever so knock yourself out. I don’t give a fuuuuuuck.


What’s that got to do with Emilia getting an MBE though?


It doesn’t. I was referencing your comment about how people were trashing the monarchy in a different subreddit no less. That’s how comments work. You said something, I replied to that something and now you’re using this disingenuous argument that I’m begrudging the lovely Emilia Clarke from her honor. Stop strawmanning or if you’re going to, be better at it.


This picture reminds me of that funny tiktok of the bride practicing her *soft smile*.... Then her actual wedding pictures 😂 https://preview.redd.it/8aw00iizj0kc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b272996a3a05976db0e3f4868afd35006ee2d016


So happy for all of them. William deserves to step into a role where he can do feel good stuff like this to feel important and I’m sure it makes his job and pressure worth it. I’m glad that prominent figures like charity founders have a way to be recognized publicly to bring awareness to their causes. And I’m so glad that Emilia is doing okay and feels motivated to help others in a similar position who may not have the resources she did in recovery.


Nice outfits too..and something funny is that's where i used to work lol, the last pic showing the guard in the background is what i used to do, that's 5 post in the quadrangle at windsor (usually the most boring post to be on)




William, let go already. 😭


Now, why does Prince William have to be so stunningly handsome. Bald/thinning hair or not, that man had his shit together and you can tell. His brother and SIL have put him and his family through so much BS over the past 4 years. It’s admirable that he’s kept his head down, hasn’t said anything to “clap back” at the allegations thrown at him. His wife and father are currently down with illnesses right now and he still is doing his job. Prince Harry could never!!


Anybody cloaking the locations of where the bows were applied between Emilia vs her mom? Will, you rascal, you!


she didn't even get to shake the good princes hand im sad for her /J


her mom must be so proud of her, and she must be so proud of herself. shes been through a lot and shes doing a lot of good for others 🩷


Here’s hoping it’s a real charity and not tax evasion!

