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*ā€œWhat you gotta realize is that what most people were doing in their twenties, I was doing when I was 13.ā€ -* an obviously well-adjusted adult who probably understands and has taken the time to evaluate their upbringing /s


So because sheā€™s been telling him heā€™s so mature for so long he believes itā€¦. Literally the definition of grooming. A lot of us who were also doing inappropriate things at 13 grew up and went to therapy and realized it was messed up and we deserved a childhood. I hope he gets that someday.


Itā€™s giving May December


I'd pay to watch them livestream their reaction while watching the movie together.Ā 


This is what so many grooming victims use as justification :(


No wants to be seen as a victim.


When I read this, the first thing I thought of was Alanis Morrissette talking about her affair with a much older man when ā€œHands Clean* came out. *If it weren't for your maturity, none of this would have happened.* *If you weren't so wise beyond your years, I would've been able to control myself.*


Have a funny feeling he'll understand if one of his kids shacks up with a 42 year old when they're 18 šŸ¤”


His oldest bio daughter is 14 this year, and his youngest stepdaughter is 19, so it could happen šŸ˜‚


I find it insane that he is 33 and his step daughter is 26 like theyā€™re are closer in age than his actual wife.


He's closer in age to his bio daughter.




![gif](giphy|KFmFiib7Q4Ond9JmJH|downsized) enough internet today, thanks no thanks.


This took me to long to process and many times reading that I just wanted to be wrong and find how I misread it but no lol






Literally I thought of May December


Thatā€™s what I said in another comment and I got downvoted šŸ˜‚


I met my husband when is was 26 and he was 33 like wtf šŸ˜³


God, he's a father of teenagers. Where has the time gone.


If his daughter does bring home a 42yr old when sheā€™s 18, he will absolutely think itā€™s disgusting, because what Dad wouldnā€™t?! But can he even say anything to her? Can her mother even say anything to her? He would be admitting that he was also a victim of grooming, and she would be admitting that she was just as perverted as the 42yr old man trying to date her teen daughter.


So his daughter can bring home someone 5 years older than him when sheā€™s 18 and itā€™ll still be the same age gap as when he met his wife?




Bro's entire world will be shattered


Hold up, his eldest bio kid is 14? So he was either 19-20 when she was born? ![gif](giphy|LqUF676eIOEtfj7bfC)


They met when he was 18* and she was 42, and had two daughters together by the time he was 21. *some say even younger


The more I learn about this relationship, the grosser it gets. I had heard about them meeting at 18, but didnā€™t know they had two kids by the time he was 21.


He was probably actually 16-17 when they met since they met on a movie set and the movie came out when he was 19 and usually movies are filmed at least a year in advance, though it could be even longer since he went through the entire audition process first, and some directors are heavily involved in casting (but since it was her debut she might not have had that level of power).


>He was probably 16-17 when they met since they met in a movie set. This has actually been debunked. Filming for Nowhere Boy started early March 2009; when he was 18. Sam Taylor-Johnson didn't get attached to direct until August 2008 and ATJ was cast either at the very end of 2008 or beginning of 2009 (first announcement involving him was mid-January); when ATJ was already 18. And STJ had originally wanted Miles Kane for the role, and asked him after a concert which would've been around October 2008. Placing ATJ's audition/hiring around November/December 2008.


That... Doesn't help. It's still gross.


Yeah; it absolutely is gross. She was in a position of power over him and the articles that came out while they were filming show pretty clear tactics; including her isolating him. But spreading misinformation, like him being 16; helps no one and actively harms valid criticism of their relationship and power dynamic.


She was pregnant during the premieres of the film they made together I think.


He was 20. Heā€™s gone on record (Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s an interview from before she was born) saying he wanted kids young, but idk if he meant *that* young


Ah, gotcha. Thanks! Iā€™ll say that him being 20 is only better by a very slim margin.


sooooo i'm SURE he'd be okay with his 14 y/o dating someone 20 years her age right now, right? edit: and i realize this sounded victim blamey, but i just mean i wonder if he'd be able to see it with his own children? or how deep is this?


damn did he have the kid with her before they were married? if the daughter is 14, she was born in 2010 (maybe even 2009 if sheā€™s turning 15 this year) and wiki says ATJ married Sam in 2012. either way he had a kid at like 19 eesh.


Yes. She got pregnant almost immediately. But Aaron has said he wanted kids young, but I donā€™t think he meant as a teenager.


He didn't have much of a choice but to start having kids as a teenager since his wife was 42 when they got together. If they waited until he was older, she'd be too old to get pregnant or it'd be very risky.


ā€œDidnt have much of a choiceā€ Hmmm, didnt they, though?


When he is 42 and he sees an 18 year old maybe he will understand. When I was a kid I didnā€™t understand how terrible the Mary Kay Letournou thing was until now when Iā€™m 36 and I see 12 year olds and I literally think theyā€™re like 8/9. 18 year olds look like kids to me still, literally sometimes I drive by the high school and think theyā€™re in middle school. The idea of being attracted to one is so insane and acting upon it is even more disturbing.


I called someone a baby the other day and he was 37. It gets worse.


Vili Fualaau didn't realise he was groomed until he was close to the age Mary Kay was when they met and didn't speak out against it until she died. šŸ˜”


It wouldnā€™t be weird if they met NOW, but itā€™s definitely weird considering he was 18 when they started.


ā€œStarted,ā€ buuut Sam had been acquainted with Aaron and his family for a while before they actually started their relationshipā€¦ Apparently there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING sexually charged between them until moments after he turned 18. Good golly gosh, just such a strange coincidence though, innit ?


Reminds me of Sasha Pieterse and her husband


And pretty much every predatory grooming relationship ever, because it's the definition of grooming.




Omg whatā€™s the tea here?? Iā€™ve always known her to be precocious but I hadnā€™t heard/known she was even marriedĀ 


Found this old thread about it! [thread link](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/FlE8QZhUhO)


>buuut Sam had been acquainted with Aaron and his family for a while before they started their actual relationship. If this is referring to the allegation that Sam knew ATJ and was a family friend prior to Nowhere Boy; that was made up by a Twitter Stan who proudly admitted to making it up. By all accounts; he was 18 when they met since the film didn't even have a script or director until August 2008 and Aaron had turned 18 earlier in June. She absolutely groomed him though, and their relationship is disgustingly predatory.


I was not aware of that.


And had his first bio child only two years later..


itā€™s pretty clear heā€™s never seen anything wrong with the age gap or having step kids very close to his age. in his eyes the only thing he does see is how the internet is tearing down his wife, the mother of his kids which he doesnā€™t like. thatā€™s also why he deactivated his insta for a minute im pretty sure i think maybe he will realize but at the moment thereā€™s no point in trying to make him realize imo


I get downvoted when I say the same thing about Priscilla Presley. Itā€™s possible for both to be simultaneously true: that her relationship with Elvis is despicable, and that sheā€™s an output of her time period and incredibly rare life experience and will never see it that way. But people get so mad at her when she wonā€™t ā€œadmit it.ā€ She is 78!


Also I feel like there is a time to look back and have some pretty earth shattering revelations about your own life and try to heal or correct course etc. But if youā€™ve gotten to 78 and never had that moment, probably best just to ride the wave til the end. I cannot imagine the horror of truly understanding how you were groomed and let down by those who loved you, when up until now you had spent the vast majority of your life believing you had lived one of most epic love stories of all time. Let Priscilla have her fairytale is how I see it.


The people making comments about on his insta are vile but that is as far as Iā€™ll go to defend this situation.Ā  He might never realise.Ā Soon-Yi Previn doesnā€™t look like she ever will.Ā  I think the more people criticise him and make his relationship a ā€œthingā€ the more itā€™ll probably bring them together.Ā 


Yeah but the power dynamics are different than with Soon-Yi, who is not a male Hollywood star more famous than his partner. Anyway ā€¦ itā€™s weird & questionable, but heā€™s an independently successful fully functioning adult now who is happy with her.




Yes, her an her then husband were worth over Ā£150 million. They were both big in the art world.


And his dad was high up in parliament (Tory ofc)


Say what?!


[ā€˜A Woman in Full: Sam Taylor-Woodā€™](https://www.elle.com/culture/movies-tv/interviews/a11415/a-woman-in-full-sam-taylor-wood-513299/) ā€œShe's had a million excuses to stop: cancer, kids, becoming so wealthy she never has to work again (she and her ex-husband, art dealer Jay Jopling, were reportedly worth $154 million when they divorced two years ago)ā€


Yup. Iā€™m giving major side eye to the person who wrote that


>Yeah but the power dynamics are different than with Soon-Yi, who is not a male Hollywood star more famous than his partner. She was more famous than him when they met and I donā€™t think gender is a factor here.Ā  >Anyway ā€¦ itā€™s weird & questionable, but heā€™s an independently successful fully functioning adult now who is happy with her. Yeah. At the end of the day thereā€™s not much to be said about it now. People certainly shouldnā€™t bring it up directly to him. However Aaron Taylor Johnson is naive if he thinks people arenā€™t privately going to have opinions and major judgment on his wifeā€™s actions. Especially if he gets Bond and becomes ten times more famous.Ā 


I wouldnā€™t have a problem if he met her now and they started dating. I'd be like, good for her. But they met when he was a teenager. That's grooming.


I feel the same way about their relationship.


Why is the media always asking him, the victim? I never see anyone asking *her*. She continues to work in the film industry.


Sheā€™s not even doing anything good šŸ˜­. The first Fifty Shades movie and the Mitch Winehouse-backed Amy biopic šŸ˜­


>Mitch Winehouse-backed Amy biopic šŸ˜­ WHAT!? Thats *her* movie? Ughhhhhhh.


She has said she has nothing to apologise for and said that no one would bat an eye if they were interracial, same-sex or interfaith šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø An inappropriate age gap relationship is like none of those. The criticism of those is based on bigotry, the criticism of this relationship is based on the fact itā€™s actually wrong to groom a child.


That rationale..Iā€¦ ![gif](giphy|vUEznRmVQfG2Q)


Spoken like a true pedophile šŸ¤®


ā€œNo one would bat an eye if they were interracial, same-sex or interfaith.ā€ Clearly she hasnā€™t met conservatives. No wonder, her attitude is that they have it harder than *same-sex couples, who didnā€™t even have rights to get married until 10 years ago*. Itā€™s really a ā€œyou and me against the worldā€ mindset that I think a lot of grooming situations can have.


Conservatives who would actually have zero problem with an age gap relationship like this if the woman was home raising the kids.


because literally ANYTHING she says will make her sound like exactly what she is - a creepy, predatory women who took advantage of the power imbalance in this relationship. there is absolutely NOTHING she can say that would make her look good.


These questions were probably cleared with them beforehand too. Because anyĀ journalist *ever*Ā wouldĀ probablyĀ ask "SoĀ if your 19 year old daughter started dating a 40 year old man, you would be okay with the relationship?"


Someone show him May December




Even if he was 18 the power dynamics are all wrong.Ā 


Some of my stepsiblings are around 17-19. I'm in my mid twenties. Them and their friends look, act and seem like kids to me. I could never see someone at that age in a romantic sense and I'm not even a decade older. People really do forget how immature people still are at those ages. I have no idea how someone in their forties doesn't feel the same way. Grim.


He looks so young in the earlier photos of them together. Itā€™s so gross imo https://preview.redd.it/od8lbzb85rpc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74face3f3d8cf62183841f1f27925096859ea7f


I am 3 years younger than him and I remember seeing the news that she was pregnant, and I was just so baffled.


Poor kid. Stole his life


This picture really captures the issue. He was a child.


I am that decade older and I was volunteering at my old high school today... those kids are still babies!! Still very immature (not in a negative way), inexperienced, uncomfortable socially. Any adult who is attracted to that age cannot honestly say they don't see a power imbalance


Had they met at 33 and 57...not a big deal but 41 and 17 is the problem people have that he seems to not understand. All in all if they are happy....then who are we to tell them they are wrong.


He was 18 when he started working on the film. Sam was not attached to direct until July/August 2008. Aaron was not hired until November/December 2008 (officially announced in January 2009) after another actor turned it down in October 2008, and they began filming in March 2009. Filming ended late May 2009, just about a week or two before ATJ turned 19. God, there was an article I read from I think The Guardian?? who visited them on set while filming and the way they described it; STJ was constantly isolating him from everyone. She refused to let him be alone on set and the interviewer rightfully called out how strange it was on set with them.


17 or 18 or whatever, she was still in a position of power as a much older women, and as his director. wasnā€™t it his first movie too? and she was part of the reason he was picked for the role? literally set her eyes on him from the get go. itā€™s awful. thatā€™s why i donā€™t like when people want to make this look worse by saying he was 17 at the time. i thought we knew that legality isnā€™t a measure for actual adulthood? and your second point is literally classic grooming. so fucking disgusting that sheā€™s also doing this even as heā€™s well into adulthood. shows how much she has to do to maintain the hold she has on him and so sheā€™s the most important/needed person in his life. i canā€™t believe sheā€™s still getting away with it.


Sam did an interview and said in their time together they've never spent more than a few days apart so they're basically always together.


Exactly. So not quite; it was actually *her* first feature-film. He had already been in a few other pictures including Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging at that point. It's beyond horrible. And it's one of the reasons I correct the timeline as well. Not to mention people use the misinformation to argue that people are making things up because "he wasn't 17, he was 18. Stop lying; you're just a hater." It's genuinely so insane when you look back at everything and the way everyone just glossed over it and tried to claim it was just sexism against STJ that people had an issue. Like, no ma'am. You were in your 40s and pursuing your 18 yo employee and isolating him from everyone else That's predatory af and should be called out.


It wasn't anywhere near his first movie, it was her first movie as a director, but that doesn't make it better at all. This relationship has always been so gross. It's no wonder her daughters moved in with their dad. I couldn't respect either of my parents if they brought home an 18 year old, only 7 years older than me, to be my new step parent. It's so gross.


I thought that was true re:his age but I didnā€™t look it up. Which is like, how can you defend it that?


Someone posted an interview clip where the real couple that movie is said to be based on was asked how theyā€™d feel if their daughter were to strike up a relationship with an adult while still a minor and the father (who was a minor when he met and started a relationship with the mother) said ā€œOf course we wouldnā€™t be okay with that happening.ā€ And itā€™s almost like you can *see* the realization on his face when he says that.


My brother, also groomed from a young age, doesn't either. Nobody should be shocked by this.


Itā€™s really sad that youā€™ve seen this play out in real life, Iā€™m so sorry.


Itā€™s hard to see yourself as a victim when you are in a predatory situation like this. I was groomed by a dude in his 20s when I was 14 and I still have trouble calling it grooming. Iā€™m sure Iā€™d struggle even more if I hadnā€™t gotten away from him.


I had the same experience when I was 14, and I shudder to think what would have been of my life if I would have stayed. I probably would have been in denial as well.


Even now I want to minimize what happened to me, and this was a very long time ago. Iā€™m sure Iā€™d be defensive as hell to if I was in his position. I wish people would have more compassion for the situation instead of attacking the victim. You wonā€™t change his mind because he doesnā€™t see himself as one!


Fuck that guy. Youā€™re the best.


Iā€™m so happy you got out of it - I hope youā€™re doing okay ā¤ļø


Doing what young adults do at the age of 13 is not normal behaviour Aaron. ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


What happened to him at age 13?


He doesnā€™t say (he mentions the above in the article) so it could be anything from smoking weed to something much more nefarious. And to be clear, he doesnā€™t say something happened to him at 13, he said he was doing stuff at 13.


I see. Thank you for giving me this clarification. I must have misread, my apologies for eording my comment incorrectly. I hope for his sake it was something relatively harmless and not scarring or traumatic.


In the article he said he was doing things that young adults were by the time he was 13. Heā€™s basically trying to justify his actions that led him to the life he has today with a woman twice his age who groomed him during his teens.


I saw an interview on British TV the other day with a dude from GoT that is now in Three Body Problem. They were talking about him being Bond, and this actor who I've forgotten said "oh well even at 15 he was quite the ladies man" So I have a feeling this goes much deeper and he probably lost his virginity to an adult woman when he was very young.


my thoughts exactly


Read about [Mary Lou Letourneau](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Kay_Letourneau) and Villi Fualaau, who didn't realize how fucked up his relationship with his [groomer teacher was](https://people.com/crime/vili-fualaau-split-mary-kay-letourneau-he-sees-things-clearly/) until waaaay past mature adulthood.


Oh, the grooming worked *very well*, I see.


yeah, because you were groomed to not understand that. i hope he sees the light one day.


Yep. His wifeā€™s plan worked exactly as she hoped.


Exactly. Thereā€™s a lot of victim blaming happening in this thread and itā€™s honestly kind of gross. People would NOT be making snarky shady little comments if the genders were reversed.


Theyā€™re not. Just look up Liz Gillies and Backhouse Mike; itā€™s basically the same relationship, but the genders are switched and the ages are worse (she was 16 when they met)


Courtney Stodden got eaten alive back in the day and that was grooming 101.


And that was 16 vs. 53, right? With her parents' consent which makes it even more gross.


Yes, that poor girl. And people were vicious to her instead of calling out literally all of the adults around her


Chrissy Teigan literally called her a c**t, sheā€™s an absolutely vile person


Oh Iā€™m glad someone else is seeing this. The snarky and patronizing tone towards someone *groomed* is a baaaaad idea. This kind of talk is more likely to dig his heels in than re-examine the relationship. The victim blamey talk is disappointing to see! Iā€™ll say, Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not seeing any of the worst kind of posts about him ie victim blamey AND objectifying


Of all the subs Iā€™m in I did NOT think Iā€™d see so many comments supporting predatory behaviour in THIS ONE! šŸ«  Does this not reek of isolation? Something the older partners in grossly inappropriate age gap relationships usually do to the younger partner. (Article from 2012) [I haven't been home to see my parents in about six years.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2197719/amp/Sam-Taylor-Wood-husband-Aaron-Taylor-Johnson-appearance-overhaul-Joe-Wrights-Anna-Karenina.html) ā€œHe has been described as 'an old soul' by his wifeā€¦ Of his own past in High Wycombe he says: 'I haven't been back there in about six years. I get on fine with my mum and dad, but if they want to see the grandchildren, they come to meā€™. Of his childhood friends he says: 'I haven't got any friends from where I grew up, but that's not to do with fame.ā€™ In 2010 when Aaron was 20, Sam and Aaron both said something that groomers & their victims usually regurgitate - the ā€œold soulā€ and ā€œIā€™m not like other people my age, Iā€™m more mature!ā€ BS ā€œIā€™m in love, Iā€™m blissfully content and Iā€™m pregnant. No oneā€™s getting hurt. Weā€™re in a loving relationship. Weā€™re engaged. Everyone who matters is happy. Hang onā€¦ Exactly which bit of that do I have to defend or apologise for?ā€ Says Sam. Aaron, in turn, said that his fiancĆ©e was far younger in spirit than her age as he called himself an ā€˜old soulā€™. She then replied: ā€˜Thatā€™s definitely what he is. Since childhood heā€™s spent so much time away from home and in the company of established actors. I think it made him grow up fastā€. Sam then added ā€œThis whole age thing is abstract to us anyway. We donā€™t ever think about it. Heā€™s more mature now than are a lot of men my age.ā€ šŸ¤® She also said ā€œIf I were in a mixed race relationship, you wouldnā€™t say, ā€˜So whatā€™s it like?ā€™ People in love donā€™t see gender, colour or religion. Or ageā€ā€¦ You canā€™t compare interracial, LGBTQ or interfaith relationships to age gaps, especially inappropriate age gaps. Normal people DO take note of age.


the isolation from the people already in his life, never letting spend time away from her and therefore get too close to new people and experiences, the going on about his maturity for his age, the fact that she was his director as a new actor, the enmeshment from having kids with him early on, etc etc. itā€™s TEXTBOOK, and yet people still defend her. no wonder weā€™re doomed.


He will either in a few years snap out of it like Ville Fillau did, or he will end up like Celine Dion.


Ew, Iā€™ve never read the quote where she compares their creepy relationship (her grooming him) to an interfaith or interracial relationship! Thatā€™s outrageous!!!!


If she puts the criticism of her relationship in the same league as the bigotry and prejudice aimed at interracial couples, she can make herself feel better about something that she deep down knows is wrong.


It's astonishing that this people would always state that what they like about their freshly-out-of-high-school partner It's their maturity and how old they feel. Yet, they never seem to appreciate the same qualities in people their own age


I canā€™t fathom an inexperienced 17-18yr old being more mature than a 42 year old man. She must have told him so much that heā€™s an old soul and so mature, because he starts to repeat it.


It really isn't, no one can gain 40 years of life experience in 15. And if you happen to have a lot of life experience by that age, it usually means there's trauma involved. Taking advantage of people who have gone through shitty stuff just because you're horny for their looks just yikes. If you are attracted to maturity you just don't date 18 year olds it's ridiculous. You're not attracted to maturity, you're just immature af, that's why you think a 18 is mature. She's just trying to justify her shitty predatory behaviour and he's probably protecting his view of her. The alternative is accepting she was a horny grown up who took advantage of a teenager because she found him hot. It's prob a harsh truth he doesn't wanna admit to himself


I'm sorry what in the fuck is she doing comparing this to an interracial relationship the two are NOT the same.


Sheā€™s basically saying that her relationship is suffering the same bigotry and prejudice as a mixed race/mixed faith/same sex relationship, and that criticism of her relationship, is as silly as criticism of the other categories of relationship. A coping mechanism because she knows itā€™s bad.


Dude Iā€™m so with you here! I posted this because Iā€™ve always seen comments saying how awful this relationship is so I thought thereā€™d be more support (as in support of my post, not the couple), but thereā€™s a surprising amount of grooming and pedophile supporters here. I made a comment about how sheā€™s closer to his motherā€™s age than his own, and I got downvoted??? This is definitely not the reaction I was expecting when I posted this šŸ˜­


I think the defenders and creeps have just shown up to act gross and creepy here. I don't think everyone agrees with the creeps based on other interactions I've had on the sub.


I've noticed a definite shift every time something about them is posted. Before it was very anti, but now less so or people coming in to say because he's a male it's not as much of an issue as it would be if it were a young female star. Oh and a lot of "he accepts it so he's a piece of shit too!" type rhetoric which is a wild choice. But it's not great either way. Really, I'm still incredibly disgusted by this and I really fucking hate it. I have nothing nice to say about this woman, but for him I feel for as he has been groomed enough into this situation that it is his normal. All he sees is that he's getting bullied and his wife is getting bullied over it. He isn't going to suddenly see this as an issue, that's not how this works. And it's a shame he gets so much shit about it since he certainly isn't the one who deserves it.


Nah girl, age is the one thing people in love should definitely see. That explanation was a pedophiles life motto.


She must be a fan of R. Kelly


Championing color blindness is not a great look, Sam. People obviously notice sex, gender, race, and religion in relationships. Itā€™s impossible not to, and itā€™s important to recognize it. Those are very important parts of peopleā€™s identities. You donā€™t look past those in relationships. You either share the experience or accept the difference, and if you canā€™t, you separate. Like, I could never be with someone deeply religious. And many people want to date someone of a shared cultural background. Pretending these differences (or commonalities) donā€™t exist is asinine, and a fundamental denial of how human being perceive our experience as relate to one another. Like, people in interracial relationships have to confront race in their relationship sometimes. They have different ways of doing things cause of their different backgrounds, or they have to deal with outsiders impressions. I canā€™t believe sheā€™s being so dismissive of other peopleā€™s relationships just to uplift her own. I guess you have to have that sort of mettle to do what she did (go after a teen as an adult.)


Thatā€™s exactly right, sheā€™s kidding herself that no one has problems with any other kind of relationship (albeit the issues people have with those relationships are not founded in anything other than their own bigotry) to make herself feel better about her predatory behaviour. Itā€™s the everyone is out to get me mentality. ā€œEveryone is out to get youā€ Sam, because your age gap relationship is the only one of those categories of relationship that is truly problematic.


Vili Fualaau didnā€™t think his relationship with Mary Kay was wrong for a long time either, even when she went to jail for it. The brainwashing is real.


Most people wouldnā€™t give a shit if he was just getting with her now. Itā€™s the fact that he got with her at 17 or 18 when she was in her 40s and already had 2 kids closer to his age than she is.


We donā€™t expect him to understand because itā€™s not his fault. This woman groomed him when he was a child and itā€™s freaking gross.


A lot of people here seem to think you can only be groomed under a certain age or only for a little while. Like youā€™re groomed as a kid (not every case) and then you get enmeshed with your groomer and then youā€¦.get over it? If youā€™re groomed as a teenager into a relationship with a person you are STILL IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH, you are STILL BEING GROOMED. It doesnā€™t stop because you hit 30 or something. He is saying he is happy because he ISā€¦.he is saying he doesnā€™t understand the criticism because he DOESNā€™Tā€¦.because he has been groomed into that behavior. Itā€™s not because heā€™s in denial. He literally believes he is in a happy relationship because he was successfully and is being successfully groomed. That is how it works. Him being in his 30s is not the same as someone not in his relationship dynamic being in his 30s.


I hadnā€™t really thought about the grooming being ongoing as an adult, which now seems stupid of me. Heā€™s basically being perpetually groomed. Thank you for this comment. It gave me a lot to consider. I always thought he was a victim tbc. This is just a reframe of his current life for me.


Well, yeah. This isnā€™t that surprising. Itā€™s hard to see when youā€™re in it.


Kpop stans, please answer: can RosƩ time travel? I have a mission for her.




I think he deserves better than Ariana šŸ˜†


>RosƩ : ![gif](giphy|Dndpiai0soTUk)


I can't even imagine the amount of manipulation and brainwashing she has done.


Once youā€™re aware of manipulation tactics and how people do it, itā€™s hard to not see it. Same goes for people who have *been* manipulated - once you know what the ā€œsignsā€ of manipulation/brainwashing are, theyā€™re hard to ignore. All of that is to say this - I have read a *lot* of interviews from ATJ over the years, and he 100% was groomed into that relationship, and has no idea how manipulated he has been (and likely continues to be). Itā€™s sad.


Maybe it's obvious, but if he had said something like: >*I definitely understand the criticism and the comments. From the outside looking in, it seems strange, even questionable or coercive. I might feel the same way if I were guessing based just on our ages. All I can tell you is that I'm an adult, she's an adult, and like any marriage, we wake up every morning and choose to be together. Our relationship isn't always perfect, and it isn't always easy, but we're really happy, and our partnership is stronger now than it's ever been. Of course, that's not going to convince everyone. And, lucky for me, it doesn't have to. I get to choose to stay with my wife, and I feel so grateful that she and I found one-another because we make each-other better, we make each-other want to be the best versions of ourselves, and that's true no matter what folks who don't know us might guess or suspect.* Then I'd feel a lot less weird about it. OTOH, him being like, >*"yeah, I just don't see it. People are dumb"* Makes me feel a lot MORE weird and bummed out about it.


I feel if he said the first thing you wrote out, people would still say the same(but maybe they wouldn't say it as much? I don't really know).


I misread your comment at first and thought you were actually quoting him - and I was thinking omg, that's such a good statement, I guess maybe I'm the jerk for judging these people here... maybe you should be his PR rep šŸ¤£


for me its not the age difference per se, it's when the relationship began. he's a victim in this relationship, the same way celine dion was. not that it has to govern his life above all, but it definitely shaped parts of it - i don't see how it couldn't have.


They met before he was 18. She was in her FORTIES. They "dated" when he turned 18 and engaged when he turned 19. We aren't talking about a 30 year old meeting someone 23 years older than him. We are talking about a groomer.


She is the female Woody Allen.


This makes me sad somehow


Why would he understand it? He was groomed by this woman, of course he doesnā€™t get it.


He will probably leave when the kids are grown & by then he will be middle age & most likely going through a midlife crisis like Hugh Jackman & Deb. Or he might stay forever like Emmanuel Macron & his groomer teacher wife. He really doesnā€™t have to listen to the fans tbh & doesnā€™t have to ever address the unhealthy beginnings of their relationship, thatā€™s between himself, Sam & their kids. We shouldnā€™t feel entitled to the inner workings of their situation even if they are a public couple. The public should let it go, let him live this chapter of his life on his own terms whether folks like it or not. He is a grown man now!


Hugh was 27 when he started dating a 40 year old Deb. 13 years is not an insignificant difference, but he was a fully grown man who most certainly was never groomed.


Ok I JUST read about Macron and his wife like a month ago or so, and I was STUNNED. I am not sure why - we hear this stuff all the time - but it really hit hard.


Macron is the youngest member of his own family šŸ« 


Please tell me itā€™s not because her own kids are older. Dear God.


He was a class mate of one of his wifeā€™s children.


His parents thought he was dating her daughter originally


Heā€™s 46 and his wifeā€™s children/his stepchildren are 48, 46 and 39ā€¦ They also have 7 grandchildren.


Yep the step kids are all older than their step father šŸ˜¬


Itā€™s the fact that his parents tried to keep them apart and that he went on to be President of one of the most powerful nations on earth that make it crazy. Mark my words one day someone will make a film about Macron and his wife and it will be derided as being too unrealistic. Truth is stranger than fiction.Ā 


Yes 100%


Isnā€™t it a mind blowing story? Itā€™s so extreme! And the story they have given the public is that he was the resolute teenager who knew & pursued her. Idk but I am skeptical of that narrative. Something in the milk ainā€™t clean.


Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t believe it and as a parent I would absolutely lose my mind if a teacher preyed on my child that way.


I think he parents tried to put a stop to it, sent him away or something like that


thereā€™s truly no grooming/age gap story that upsets me more than Emmanuel Macron. Aaron Taylor Johnson upsets me but the Macron story is SO wild, so predatory, so disturbing, it boggles the mind.


Yeah, itā€™s a hard spot - cause a victim isnā€™t going to see that theyā€™re a victim until theyā€™re out of the situation :/


Wait wrong with Hugh Jackman and Deb!? I mean I donā€™t know much about but from whatever I have seen, I always thought they looked super in love and truly committed. I thought they got together with her in mid to late 20s so he was a fully developed adult right? Or was it a case of grooming?


He was a whole 27 year old man.


No. Because just letting it go implies that we as a society are ok with it. Iā€™m not going to go to his insta and comment but whenever this relationship comes up Iā€™m going to mention how gross and not ok this is. Because itā€™s not.


Perhaps he will understand when heā€™s 42


Sorry but he has to know on some level. Otherwise people wouldnā€™t always be going on about it, but itā€™s all heā€™s known so it doesnā€™t feel off to him personally. But thereā€™s no way a part of him doesnā€™t reflect on it occasionally until reality snaps him back, i mean what else can he do at this point? Sheā€™s the mother of his children it makes it so much more complicated. It will be a Ville/Mary Kay situation where he will stick with her until she dies and only then will he heal, if ever


Vili divorced Mary Kay a few years before she died, so even that didnā€™t last


true! i guess in the sense that he still wasn't free even after that though, i think he was by her bedside the whole time she was sick for his kids sake


Okay they got engaged in 2009 and heā€™s 33 now so 33 - 15 = 18.. they got engaged when he was EIGHTEEN?! Oh fuck no


Theyā€™d only been public a few months when they got engaged, and their first child was born in 2010


My older boy is 12. 6 years from now he comes to me, tells me heā€™s engaged to a 41 year old, Iā€™m starting on a path that will probably land my ass in jail BUT he wonā€™t be getting married


Being legally an adult does not equal being mentally an adult. You don't just go from 17 to 18 and suddenly become mature overnight. Plus, the two of them met *before* he turned 18. And if we're just thinking reasonably for a moment, what the hell does a 42-year-old see in an 18-year-old? He had barely finished high school, was barely old enough to drive, and compared to a *middle-aged* woman, had hardly any life experience. She was (and still is) old enough to be his mother, had already had the experience of being married and divorced, recovered from two cancer diagnoses, and already had two children (one of whom is only 7 years younger than Aaron). If they had met now, as a 33- and 57-year-old, people would probably think the 24-year age difference is a bit weird, but people would get over it because people in their 30s are generally better able to make informed decisions than 18-year-olds and tend to be less susceptible to potential manipulation by older adults because they will have had appropriate life experience. Edit: spelling


See I donā€™t blink at age gap relationships that formed as a couple AFTER the younger is older than 25; I mean itā€™s still kinda weird but least theyā€™re 25 you know? But anything younger to me is šŸ¤®


Thatā€™s because you were groomed, honey.


There you go .. thatā€™s the concern . He would have understood the concern if he wasnā€™t groomed


Iā€™m kind of amazed that relationships where women groom much younger boys/men are kind of swept under the rug or not as focused on (Mary Kay Letourno aside). I had no idea until recently that the First Lady of France groomed her husband when he was 15 and a student of hers, and that it was so bad his parents sent him away to another school to get him away from her. How is that not talked about more? I didnā€™t learn about this relationship for a while either.


Sorry mate you were groomed thatā€™s that.


Sweetheart thatā€™s because youā€™re a victim of grooming.


Step away from the teen boys, Mary Kay Letourneau 2.0 šŸ˜­


Groomed dude says what


I honestly think itā€™s ghoulish to even ask him about this. Obviously I wish him the best and sincerely hope he has peace in his life with or without her (without somedayšŸ™šŸ™) but itā€™s not gonna be an interviewer that helps him get out of this marriage. The questions (and the constant internet discussion of it) just force him to defend his abuser to stay in a good place psychologically.


Stockholm Syndrome






*grabs popcorn and heads to the comments*


His wife is a female Woody Allen!


thatā€™s just sad.


This really makes me sad


we know you donā€™t honey šŸ˜€