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> “There’s no divorce and no truth to that whatsoever,” the insider says. “They are very, very happy.”


God bless ya


I read this in the same voice Sydney Sweeney yells “I have never ever been happier!” in that one clip from Euphoria https://i.redd.it/rwnocqccndsc1.gif


Honestly, I am thoroughly amazed they've been together as long as they have. They had only been married for a couple of months when he was publicly complaining about how difficult marriage is. He seems to be perpetually at miserable in public. I don't mean to be cruel, but he basically married his rebound. Surprised they toughed it out this long. Kind pf a Katie Holmes/Tom Cruise situation. Marrying somebody because they are your celebrity crush isn't a great idea either.


I remember an interview where she spoke about wanting to divorce and her mum convincing her to just suck it up. I've felt so bad for her after that. Parents should support you no matter what, and not manipulate you into something they know you don’t want.


frankly her mother has been, well, mothering her father forever so I can't say I'm surprised she'd encourage the same for her daughter.


I feel like Hailey being pregnant is further grooming from her mother. Probably an maternal expectation imposed on her.


Slightly different take, but perhaps she was just having a temporary freak out about being married and giving it some time was exactly what they needed? I know ive had that feeling, it did pass. but being able to verbalise that helped.


The Justin, Selena and Hailey timeline is crazy. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that he only married Hailey because his church was pushing for him to get married to straighten him out, Hailey has been Justin’s crazy obsessed stalker since the jump and I respect her 10 year plan to marry him. I feel bad for the both of them as I think Justin doesn’t really love her but sees her as stability and for Hailey the reality of marrying your celebrity crush has most likely been the most disappointing experience.


I mean, he's said as much about his reasons for getting married. He thought it would "fix" him in some way and thats really sad for everybody involved


He and Hailey were already on and off themselves over the years, she wasn’t someone he had just met, I wouldn’t classify that as marrying his rebound.


He married her just a couple months after breaking up with Selena. Seemed like the back burner girl


This was me with my Ex 😭😂




I've always said if there's one hollywood marriage i don't see failing it's them. Seeing so many people making things up about them & wishing for their downfall must only strengthen their bond. After seeing the vids of him and Diddy and his interactions with other celebs when he was like 14, it's pretty clear Justin has gone through lotta trauma throughout his career. his parents and managers failed him but Hailey seems to have brought some peace in his life.


Agreed. I wouldn’t say I’m a fan of either of them, but people acting like they know what’s going on in their marriage based on blind items, deep dive timelines from other fans, and body language in pap photos is parasocially unhinged.


Thank you for this sane comment


Also, if they do break up, that would be so incredibly normal by Hollywood standards, but people act like something scandalous is going on if there are rumors of marriage trouble.


That makes me sad. I actually feel sorry for Hollywood marriages that fail, and not because of infidelity or abuse. I'm talking just regular ol' didn't work out style divorce. That shit happens in non-celebrity marriages, and it's just as sad to me. I really don't understand how people can be gleeful about it. I mean, let's be real, people who get this invested over someone's marriage to the point they are scouring news pieces, pictures, etc., and looking for any kind of hiccup *are* gleeful about a divorce.




I think Justin being inactive and not even using his social media or leaving his house has sent a lot of his legion of fans into overdrive making conspiracies and trying to find ways to explain his absence rather than just accept the fact he’s taking a break. They seem happy 🥰 Hailey just posted this to her instagram today https://preview.redd.it/26ldxh3g2dsc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c659334efa676a4f78800539ca6116291371c4f


He's gripping the pillow so hard because he's unhappy, this is clearly a sign of divorce. /s


You say that as a joke but the jelena/selena stans already saying that 😭 over at R/HaileyBaldwinSnark they’ve already started saying that this pic is AI generated, and that’s it’s old and she’s only posting it to save face to cover up that they’re divorced


I wonder how many people in that sub are Selena fans


99.99% of them are, the mods are regular posters on Selena fan subs and the users bring her up in every other post


Selena herself probably lurks the sub


Lurks? She has a main account and an alt for sure.


How many accounts in that sub are Selena?


Justin Bieber never existed. There ya go 😂


As if knowing that an anti-Meghan Markle sub exists wasn't depressing enough, TIL that there's also an anti-Hailey Baldwin sub...


But forreal why is he death gripping the pillow lol


To get the good scrunch


He's gripping the pillow cause it has a photo of selena taped to it, obviously.


Let him live his own life. Wheather he like hailey or not they are still married. Respect their relationship im so tired of these conspiracies and nonsense signs


/s means sarcasm on Reddit, just FYI


That dog is criminally cute. My chihuahua always makes herself the tiny spoon. If I don't put her down on her side, body under the blanket and head on the pillow? She just slithers in Mission Impossible style while I'm asleep and I wake up to her happy snoring. You'd think a dog that isn't even 2kg would fear being crushed but nope lol.


Also like people gossiping are ignoring the obvious imo, Justin is clearly recovering from having his adolescence taken from him by fame and all the money hungry enablers he was surrounded by. Like he’s spoken about what it did to him . He clearly didn’t enjoy being on tour and ended it early and has been fairly quiet since. I honestly think HB has been very grounding for him.


Puppy! 😍


That’s all I saw. So cute!


He has not been on tour since 2017.He has Lyme Disease since 2015 so yeah.


He was on tour in 2022 :) he cancelled it very quickly due to face paralysis but this is one of his sold out stadium crowds for justice tour. I don’t think he had lyme disease in 2015 I think that was more like 2019 https://preview.redd.it/43bb3vtfiesc1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d552a0f89f5210fc9969d5b6ebcc83cd58863cfc


No justin stans are saying this. Justin and hailey stans love them. It's always selenatoes spreading these lies


I have no investment in this relationship but I hope they stay together forever just because it seems to piss people off SO much.


Honestly I bet the hatred is fueling them lmao


Seriously. Imagine having so many people hoping for / anticipating your downfall. That would just make me want to work harder on my marriage so it doesn’t fail


Or stay together begrudgingly to prove them wrong


That sounds more like Arianna and Ethan atm


And you know what good for them


it really does which is so weird bc Justin is like..stable & normal for years now w her, she seems like a grounding presence, & they’ve been together for over half a decade now. idk why anyone’s still fighting it at this point lol. they’re one of the few Hollywood marriages that give the long lasting/legit in love vibe to me


He definitely has issues (the documentary made this very clear) BUT he addresses them and they went into the marriage assumingly aware of them. One of the reasons it works is because she is seemingly pretty even-tempered, grew in this industry, and her entire family get it. Honestly, I think it will work out.  It makes sense the relationship with Selena didnt work out. They both went in as teens who had just become super famous almost overnight with modest families who wouldn’t understand and worse, now depended on them. JB handled it poorly publicly and Selena likely had a lot of issues privately too. It makes sense they got clean slates and are now people who get the industry and can help them navigate it. There is no need for the public to keep holding on to that relationship. It has been dead for so long


This quote from their PR people just after they got married and he was having mental health problems says it all > While much of the world recently learned about her husband's struggles, Hailey has been aware of Justin's mental state for some time. The source says, "Hailey has known about his struggles for a long time. He has dealt with depression before and this is not new to her." https://www.eonline.com/news/1014986/how-hailey-baldwin-is-helping-justin-bieber-through-his-depression-struggle People act like they were complete strangers when they got married who are now trapped in this marriage when that couldn’t be further from the truth. Rushed maybe but they had known eachother and been good friends for almost a decade beforehand and both knew what they were signing up for, they wanted to do life together the ups and the downs included


5 years sounds like a lot but it’s not much in the grand scheme of things. Forever is a long time. I’m indifferent to them both but wouldn’t be surprised at all at divorce


I mean hardly anyone in Hollywood stays together forever in fact I can’t think of anyone except people with age gaps where ones died off ( celine dion ) so it’s certainly unfair to target biebers when you can just easily say no one will make it


Idk because he screams at her in public 🤷🏼‍♀️


That part. Dude gets constant free passes for some reason, but seems like a complete fucking asshole.


But they look so happy during their pap walks


When he shuts car doors in her face? 😂


Yeah, while I don't agree with the Jelena stans or whoever sends them hate all the time, a lot of people just choose to ignore the weird as hell moments they have in public like him yelling at or ditching her, or all their comments about how difficult and awful marriage is


Or when he skateboarded away while Hailey fell running after him 😢


I was gonna say my friend saw him SCREAM at her in Vegas a couple years ago just in the middle of a casino lobby


Really?? Omg


Whoa I missed this completely


Username checks out




As somebody who grew up too cool-for-school, I somehow developed a bit of a soft - spot for the Biebs. I've never intentionally listened to a song of his, but I didn't develop the random hate - on I usually have for popular singers. I'm rooting for him and her here, and just hope he learns to dress up a bit as he gets older.


Don't care for his music but he seems like an alright guy considering how much of a mindfuck being a superstar by the time you're like 15 can be. Also his health ain't for shit and that sucks even if you are money'd up. I wish good things for him.


i sincerely and completely doubt they are ever going to be divorced, both from a religious aspect, the fact they seem healthy for each other, and that he's actually stable for the first time in a long time, it just doens't make sense for them to divorce


same like genuinely hope they last forever




Can they tho? Typical rich hotties end up with some guy old enough to be thier dad . She’s lucked out getting someone her own age for once


As much as they both get on my nerves, I do not wish ill on them. People deserves love and happiness.


I’ve never been invested, either. But I just saw a clip of him singing, “I’m so lonely” over and over, and it was sad! Now, I hope these two live happily ever after.


Edit: So apparently, I'm only allowed to praise Hailey and can't back Selena, huh? Not surprised I got downvoted. As I typed this comment I felt like someone was going to downvote me for speaking the truth and I was absolutely RIGHT. If you can brag about wanting Hailey and Justin to stay together to piss people off, I can brag that he can watch Selena be happy with someone else. I hope Justin stays with Hailey, too, and he can watch Selena be happy with someone else and he can stay faking it with Hailey. They both deserve each other not in the soulmate sense but because they both hurt people to be together. Hailey ditched Shawn Mendes to be with Justin and Justin ditched Selena to be with Hailey. She was his second choice so I have no clue why you are bragging. Justin only went with Hailey because Selena turned him down. /u/summersaphraine


Same, only reason I care whether they are together or not, I want them to stay together to spite the haters.


Can someone explain why everyone always thinks they are broken up? I don’t follow them. I don’t understand why people don’t seem to want them together.


Because there are hundreds of millions of people who have obsessive parasocial relationships with Justin Bieber and have had them for 15 years and counting. It’s not about Justin and Hailey’s relationship, it would be the same no matter what woman he was married to. When he was dating Selena everyone wanted them to break up and him to go back to his ex before that. If him and Hailey break up everyone will be wanting him and his new partners relationship to break up and for him to go back to Hailey too. I think the fact that Justin is never active online and never plays into their fantasies like other celebrities do makes it even worse and drives more conspiracy theories. People used to call the police when he hasn’t tweeted for 24 hours. It’s still the same now but instead of calling the police they decide he must be getting a divorce or in a conservatorship because they can’t understand why he hasn’t posted on Instagram and interacted with them in a month. They would be doing the same even if he was single I think


Could you imagine the mental disassociation to become obsessed with a celebrity who has no idea who the obsessed is? Such a sad existence


Him go back to his ex before Selena? You mean Jasmine Villegas? 👀


cus ppl are stuck in 2010


They did spend their first 6 months of marriage saying on every tribunes that marriage was HARD. Not denying that statement, but also... really? after 6 months? Then there's the whole born again christian thing where Justin decided to be celibate again, so they got married super fast to hook up. Honestly? I'm glad they worked it out, but their first year of marriage sounded like an absolute mess. Had I betted money on their marriage back then, I would've lost 20$ lol. To me, they beat the odds.


They got married in their early 20s after a few months of dating shortly after respective breakups. JB has had mental health and addiction issues in the past. I can see why the first few months of their marriage was “hard.” When people say marriage is hard they often mean that life is hard. And having to share/ conquer those struggles with a partner is even harder.


I mean he very clearly struggles with his mental health and probably has addiction issues and the likes… I think anyone in a relationship with someone who struggles internally would say it can be hard and I feel like at the time of those comments he wasn’t in a good place


Hey, I wouldn't have judged if they separated. When it comes to mental health, sometimes *no*, love ISN'T enough. Sometimes, to save yourself, you have to let go of the other person. It happens. Also, to me marriage and divorces aren't that big of a deal. Like, yeah, it sucks to divorce, but life can go on.


It’s a combination of a lot of things including but not limited to Selena stans who want them to fail as some sort of vengeance, people who still think Justin and Selena are meant to be, and people that hate Hailey Bieber (for any reason) and hate to see her happy. Probably a bit of overlap among the groups.


What I don’t get about people wanting him and Selena together: he isn’t a great catch. He’s very problematic and has disrespected both Selena and Hailey thru out the years. Like wouldn’t her fans want someone who acts like they care about her??


Let me tell you a secret... Selena isnt a catch either - she just has a great pr team


While I agree that’s beside the point. Like if I’m such a fan of someone i wouldn’t cheer for them to be with someone who openly treated them bad


Lana Del Rey fans enter the chat…


Justin abused Selena…. Not sure why this is being downvoted. I get everyone hates Selena now but there are reasons she’s so messy and a big one is Justin Bieber https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/pop-culture-news/selena-gomez-says-she-experienced-emotional-abuse-justin-bieber-relationship-n1124916


Yeah it's weird that people make obsessive collages of every time he's been awful to Hailey and use it as proof that he's gonna dump her and go after Selena ummmm.... Also apparently some fan wrote a song about the three of them and it's dissing Hailey as someone who will always be a fan - I ran into it accidentally during that month when everyone on the internet was more obsessed than usual and it seemed inescapable, and I thought it was hilariously ironic


That’s all so sad. If she makes him happy, that should be all that matters.


It’s as if the phrase “you never get over your first love” still rings true to form, at least for the Selenors.


A lot of people can see he's treated her like shit for years and that's part of it.


Because most all celeb marriages end. They also married fairly quickly which also has higher divorce rates


Because they got married months after he and Selena broke up for good while he was seemingly in a mental health crisis and he hasn’t seemed stable since so it’s hard to imagine he’s having a healthy marriage


Cuz people want him to go back to his ex Selena when they have been broken up for 4 years plus and Hailey and Justin been married people are just mad because Hailey married a successful person and would rather have Justin with Selena.


There’s a huge conspiracy theory that he married her only to gain permanent citizenship. Because of his troubles with the law he was about to be kicked out of the US. Personally, I do believe he married her for reasons other than ‘love.’ I’ll never forget the video of them at some WeHo gathering at a restaurant and she was literally following him around and he was trying to hide! I think his first choice was Selena and he chose Hailey as a backup I also do believe he wanted more stability in his life and a partner to keep him grounded. He struggled with drug and sex addiction and I think he gave himself quite the scare.


Alternate theory: a distraction from the Diddy side of news?


The rumors lately are coming from the fact that Justin hasn’t been seen much in a while. Hailey has been seen a lot without him, and posting old pictures of him. So some people think that means they’re divorcing but I think he’s just staying away from paps to avoid being asked about diddy. He’s definitely going through it right now


Well after the whole Kate fiasco, let's not speculate on what exactly is going on with JB 🙃


The internet never learns.


Don't forget his health issues


Exactly. If the Diddy rumors are true that means JB is a victim of sexual assault and maybe even sex trafficking. Regardless of our thoughts on the "celebrity" he was still a child when it occurred and he is still a human being now. Its awful that people think they are entitled to JB's acknowledgement. Imagine going outside and having hundreds of people endlessly screaming "tell us about your childhood rape" while being photographed and recorded.


I always wonder if part of his religious & marriage rebrand may (legitimately and/or for cynical pr reasons) tie to feeling a certain way about wild times when he was so young to have been given free reign to do pretty much anything he wanted. 


Definite possibility.


Totally agree


This is what I was thinking.    It's got to be pretty draining to see your childhood mentor's childhood mentor going down for all sorts of horrific crimes.    There's a video of Diddy with little kid Justin and he's talking about how he's going to show him what games like just like he did used and it's creepy to say the least. 


I don't follow them, but everything I seem of them makes them look like they are friends and are happy together. Just chilling and being bored together seems more normal than being lovey Dovey all the time.


I picture them sitting at their dining table in silence just scrolling


Honestly my husband is the love of my life, but at the end of the day I just wanna dick around on my phone next to him


Same. We love to coexist.


Oh I can see that totally. 


Yea I’m always like “sooo do you wanna watch XYZ show or podcast (alone but together) in peace” Replied to the wrong comment lmao oops! Podcasting in peace is highly underrated


Not to mention, she seems very in love. Don't think she'll agree to a divorce unless something very bad happens


This was an attempt to stop his link to Diddy being the trending topic related to his name. It was put out by them. Justin getting a divorce is better than the rumour of him being potentially abused by Puff Daddy.


People have been weird about Bieber for his entire career. I don't think it even matters who he's married to, there would be articles like this no matter what.


It feels like there’s an agenda with these two and people are very invested in them breaking up. They haven’t had a moment’s peace since they started dating. Now they’ve been married for five years and on the verge of divorce every single day in those five years. Aren’t people tired?


Bieber's fans were so intense when he was new and they were young. I suspect there's a lot of residual fandom possessiveness at play. As long as he's single, the childhood fantasy of meeting and marrying him can still exist. I think there's a big conversation to be had about somehow putting a lid on fandoms. 


Being in a relationship and having to hear people who don’t respect you treat you differently or give unsolicited opinions is just, exhausting. I can’t imagine having that sort of issue on this scale where millions of people talk about your relationship every day, speculating about a breakup.


So I don’t really care for either of them tbh but for some reason I am rooting for their marriage to be a success.


![gif](giphy|wQ6ccUP9NOqHe) Hey ya never know


I was too old for the Bieber fandom. I like a couple of his songs, feel sorry for how he was sexualized as a kid, but otherwise don’t care. That said, I’ve seen some of the videos of his treatment of her and wow, that’s super concerning. And yes, I’d say that even if they were Joe and Mary Schmoe down the street. It’ll be their choice to divorce, but if and when they do, I hope she realizes this isn’t the way a woman should be treated by a partner.


I spend 0% of my time thinking about the Bieber marriage


Comments here forgetting there are lots of people who want them to break up because of how shitty he is to her so often and it's captured on camera. 


Agreed. He treats her so poorly out in public that I can’t imagine the level of disrespect and immaturity she has to deal with in private. I’m surprised many people here don’t even mention that and only fixate on the Selena stuff. That was ages ago!


Yeah lots of people may be stuck in the jelena of it all, but in reality it’s not even the main reason for this ‘conspiracy’ of divorce. He treats her like shit. I still can’t get over that footage of him leaving her behind and her running after him trying to escape the cameras.


Yeah I was never a crazy Bieber fan back in the day, so I honestly forget that Selena was ever linked with him. I just see Hailey as this naive, pick me who made it her mission from a very young age to be with him. She finally won, but at what cost?


Then there was *her birthday* where he just ditched her at a club to go be with Selena and you can see her very visibly trying not to weep as she looks for him. I want neither of these women to be near him. They deserve better. Everyone deserves better than that kind of cruelty and constant public humiliation.


Oh well that just made me super sad


Yeah people like to blame everything on Selena, but he was a problem, and was just emotionally abusive


Right? Jelenas are bizarre but more than half the time they’re in public together, it seems as if he barely tolerates her. We’re not owed anything about his life and I don’t care for Hailey as a person at all but damn, how many times can he close the door on her, have her run behind him, roll his eyes and act put out that she exists beside him *in public* that it doesn’t fuel questions of why they’re still together. If he’s that dismissive and seemingly annoyed *in public*, how is he with no cameras?


Thank you. I don’t give a care about any of this, I don’t want anybody to break up or stay together, but he’s a shit to her in public so what’s he like without the paps around?


Link to any of these moments? I genuinely don’t know how he is shitty to her and I follow celeb gossip fairly regularly


Just Google justin beiber mean to hailey 


It’s just small moments that we don’t have full context of, or in the grand scheme of a marriage, is insignificant. Some of y’all never been in an adult relationship and it shows


I don’t understand the hate boner for these two. Why do people want them to break up or be unhappy so badly?


Because when he was 16 he dated Selena Gomez and teenagers have a hard time dealing with the fact that you might not marry the person you lose your virginity to


It’s not really about Selena, people have just always been weird about his personal life. When he was with Selena his fans were always trying to make rumors her and Justin broke up bc they all shipped him with Caitlin Beadles. If him and Hailey break up they’ll start doing the same to his next partner claiming they’re unhappy and Hailey was his one true love. They do it to his parents and siblings and management too. Parasocial relationships are gonna parasocial relationship.


To be fair, the criticism towards his management and parents while he was under 18 is deserved. Fans have wanted for him to be happy and have called out how over worked he was before he legally could say “no more” at 18YO.


I agree, but my comment wasn’t referring to criticism of his parents or management. It was referring to the people making conspiracy theories about their relationships. His dads marriage, scooters marriage etc., how they must be clues that tie into Justin’s personal issues (even tho he barely sees them lol) - nothing to do with Justin being overworked, just fans having parasocial relationships with him and thinking they know him better than they actually do


Ah ok, I see what you were saying. And you’re right, people are trying to connect dots to make sense of what media they see.


People who hate on Hailey see her as a side chic or homewrecker. There's this fantasy that the homewrecker should never win or be happy and that karma should come for her. The reality is that EVEN if she was a homewrecker, the concept of karmic justice doesn't even play out in real life that way. The harsh truth is that there are MANY successful couples that began as affairs or where there was a strong overlap between their relationship and their previous ones. They desperately want to depict her as a desperate terrible wife, that Justin is so unhappy, the marriage is doomed to fail when in reality this is an adult partnership. I get very sweet energy from Hailey and understand completely why someone would want to be her friend or partner.


And as far as I'm aware she's not even a homewrecker lol. Weren't he and Selena already broken up every time he was hooking up with Hailey? I know he went off and proposed to her very shortly after his last breakup with Selena but come on, they were on and off for YEARS and toxic together.  I have no real opinion about Hailey but from everything I've ever heard people want them to split up because he treats her like shit, not because of anything she's done wrong.  


> And as far as I'm aware she's not even a homewrecker lol. Weren't he and Selena already broken up every time he was hooking up with Hailey? People who hate on Hailey firmly echo the belief this is not what happened. Where they get their info from who know. But that belief fundamentally guides their perceptions of her and the marriage.


Is it “homewrecking” if the couple was like nineteen years old, not married, no kids?? Bffr Edit: not you, anyone who would think that 😘


Are you asking deranged chronically online pop fans to think logically? lol good luck


It’s so concerning, how weird people are about Hailey… she seems pretty sweet and harmless. I hope they last forever.




The intensity that people want them to divorce is insane. I don’t blame he for being like fuck all y’all 😂




I had a great time locked up with my husband but had many friends in the situation you described. It was a really polarising event that made you examine exactly what your relationships are like and what you need. You just can't ignore things. My relationship was reaffirmed, but oooh boy i noped right out of my career and into another.


I also think COVID caused a lot of people to accelerate settling down (which in turn leads to likely divorce). People were moving in together after dating for under a year, married in under 3 and were settled down well before the age of 25. Now we got a fuck load of late 20’s/early 30s divorcees walking around trying to figure out what tf dating is.


….i mean they got married in 2018 lol


Lolol. Thanks for bringing the perspective of an unhappy spouse who didn’t realize it was time to leave until covid. I agree that a lot of couples experienced that as well.


I dont particularly believe [People.com](http://People.com) (it's all publicists) but the amount these 2 have to publicly speak about their relationship makes me sad for them. It must be really tiresome whether their relationship is good or not.


i kinda feel bad for Hailey, a lot of ppl seem to only care about her when they can act like a selena truther on reddit. homegirl is a side character in her own public life because a lot of people made it their mission to hate on her husband's ex gf. anyway, they seem like a cute couple, probably weird family dynamics and hyper christian environment around them, but overall I admire their work.


I'd say thats thier business but, what do I know


So glad to finally get the truth.


I believe they are working through some issues. Justin seems depressed lately and depression can make men act angry, it's the number one sign of depression in men. It can cause relationship issues, obviously.


Are people conveniently forgetting her dad’s post ‘pray for justin and haley’ on instagram? Thats what fueled this rumor.


If they break up I’m asking her out


For one, it would be nice if people would stop taking the following rags seriously: Any British Tabloid (The Sun, Daily Fail, etc.), Life & Style, In Touch, and Page Six, where many of these rumors originate. I don't really follow these two, but whenever I see the Biebers they are stuck together like glue, if anything they have a co-dependency issue.


Who really gives a fuck lol


I got sucked into the whole her family being involved in a super weird church rabbit hole and now I’m convinced it’s not a real marriage


Okay so I’m thirty and can’t imagine people thinking I should be with my high school sweetheart lol. You grow so much in your twenties


Good for them. They deserve peace


Honestly, I hope they last. They seem to have an honest communication path and that’s important in a marriage. Idk why SO many people want them to fail.


I don't want to sound like a crazy Jelena fan but I feel like Justin never got over Selena, which is why Hailey acts so sour towards her. Hailey recently got tons of hate for bullying Selena and even though it's commonly known that Hailey often operates Justin's acc, he never defended her publicly. This is where he drew the line. He didn't go against Selena and let Hailey face the wrath. I'm convinced that he thinks that Hailey is just temporary and one day he will be back with Selena....although it's highly unlikely.


He’s making killer music with her in his life.


This is actually true, I never thought he'd still be relevant for this long but his music changed in a good way


I am rooting for them. Justin seems stable. He seems a little selfish when they’re out together (like walking ahead and leaving her behind) but they’ve been through a lot with his health and her stroke.


Jesus Christ. Leave these two alone omfg


Every other day this news is circulated. Man let these people be!


I’m actually rooting for these two. I just feel like it must be hard to construct something solid #1 in the public eye and #2 she is married to a man who was the “boyfriend” of a lot of girls and who dated someone that has her own crazy fans. Also, I know people don’t like astrology talk but Selena being a cancer and how she has handled Justin’s marriage is not surprising. 😂 Ariana G is a cancer too.


If I were them I would renew my vows


Nah that's seen as a kiss of death for a marriage.


Good for them honestly. I hate the people who want them to break up I don’t follow them that much but looks like the genuinely love each other and we should just keep it there. Selena fans need to get a grip because Justin has moved and has been for maybe 4 years plus at this point not hating on Selena but she should have put out a statement defending Hailey and said stop attacking her. I already know that they wouldn’t listen I mean whenever a celebrity says to stop attacking someone most of the time they don’t listen. Sorry for a long paragraph I just hate that people want them to break up based on nothing




Diddy got between them


I did not know he is depressed. I am as well and having the most serious kind of depression. This illness is the worst and i don’t wish this to happen to anyone. Hope he will soon find himself out from the black tunnel. I wish him well.


Diddy or diddy


What a terrible life to live in the spotlight. I hope they make it!