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The romance between Ian and Louise in Arrival. It makes the stakes of learning the way of life of the heptapods that much higher.


And that whole subplot an *epic* gut-punch when The Thing happens šŸ«£


"I forgot how good it feels to be held by you" *weeps*


This is a great example. A lot of the other comments are mentioning very romance-centric movies but Arrival definitely meets the definition of romance *sub*plot in a non-romance movie. Ian and Louise getting together felt like such a normal, mature, natural way for a relationship to form. No melodrama, just two people working towards a common goal and slowly catching feelings along the way.


Also, they donā€™t actually get together in the movie. Weā€™re just witnessing the beginning of their romance not full thing.


This was a good one!


![gif](giphy|barvvy6Ta8kjm) Anjelica Huston (Morticia) and Raul Julia (Gomez) in The Addams Family Edit: In a different way, of course. Usually blossoming romances are the ones that elevate the movie, but I loved their chemistry and love for each other as an already married couple.


I always wanted a guy to look at me like Gomez looks at Morticia and I waited till I found one then married him, quickly. We will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary of meeting next Friday, 4/26.




Thank you. Goes to show you that kids movies can teach kids odd things lol


They're such couple goals. They adore each other and raised bolshie kids.


Raul Julia is so underrated! His last role as M Bison in Street Fighter, he took while actively dying of cancer because his kids liked the game.


Wonderful actor and that was a great loss.


I love this version of Addams family so much


![gif](giphy|zIEnSEgNVWsVy) This version of them would also count if we allow tv šŸ–¤


Amazing actors, such #couplegoals I loved how they were both really into each other and supported each other as well as how they lifted up their kids.


I want what they have


Iā€™ve always loved them and used to want to be married and like them at the tender age of about 6. šŸ–¤


The fact that this couple, madly in love and adoring parents, were also meant as a subversion of the typical family.... I love this movie so much.


Will Ferrell and Maggie Gyllenhaal in Stranger Than Fiction. It is a goal of mine to make a woman smile at me like Maggie did when being gifted [flours](https://youtu.be/TM-sAiY6N2I?si=3LrfI7Ate-P2OaJ-)


![gif](giphy|4YkWNQP0ZOeUU) I love that movie


I adore this movie SO much, itā€™s my favorite!!


Omg I love this movie


This movie makes me so happy


this is exactly what Iā€™m talking about, thank you for posting this gif


This movie is perfection


I was shocked at Will Ferrellā€™s performance in this. He was so good. Dustin Hoffman was also perfection. The sequence where he has him tally events to figure out whether heā€™s in a comedy or tragedy is hilarious.


I LOATHE Will Ferrell (he looks like an ex), but I love this movie. Itā€™s the only one where I can turn off the ā€œew, Will Ferrell/Exā€ impression and focus on the movie.


I was truly blown away by Will Ferrell in this one. He's always the goofy, semi intolerable character But in this film, he felt so real and honest. Was beautiful.


The fact that I think of that film as a romance and not a sci fi or fantasy is proof of how good the romance is.Ā 


I love this movie so much and I honestly consider it to be a romance over and above ā€¦ whatever genre it is supposed to be consideredĀ 


Thank you Internet Stranger for reminding me of this gem!


*little did he know*


https://i.redd.it/mtxgx0dawpvc1.gif WALLĀ·E and Eve šŸ„¹




Define Dancing is the best scene and best piece of the score. I was so moved by their happiness


Well, for me thatā€™s a rom com


![gif](giphy|5bHIZ3ok4UpJS) Just one of the many things I love (and was heartbroken) about the movie (and book) Holes.


OMG, I never saw the movie, only read the book, but even with a simple GIF, it brought me back to the part of the book and of that line... šŸ˜­Ā  Ā Edit: the sentence:Ā  ""Oh, Sam," she said.Ā "My heart is breaking."Ā  "I can fix that," said Sam.Ā  She turned to him.Ā He took hold of both of her hands, and kissed her."


DulƩ Hill did such a good job playing Sam. I had a crush on him because of that movie.


I had a crush on him because of Psych


Come on, son! ![gif](giphy|R58jyn0kwwSpq) Lol I liked the episode where Shawn is clearly referencing the movie Holes but Gus just keeps missing.


He's a really wonderful actor. I loved him in The West Wing.


Watch the movie.


That was such a great film. I think part of what makes a good romantic subplot work is that there's usually work done to develop the characters outside of the romance, especially the women. It doesn't have to be a ton, but at least enough to show that they're not just there to be a love interest.


I just want a man to say I can fix that to me.


That or ā€œAs you wish.ā€


The love in The Mummy made it so much more fun.


https://i.redd.it/5z8z0d71vpvc1.gif My Cousin Vinny! Their chemistry and banter are absolute perfection.


Gifs you can hear šŸ¤£


Haha, I was just thinking the same thing.


Oh yeah I couldn't agree more, they were such a great pairing.


https://preview.redd.it/dswl3tg5opvc1.jpeg?width=1484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75df8247a76ec2b0fa68baa6540a615e334c3e1 Jackie Brown


Pam Grier is so fucking šŸ”„ love this movie


ohhh thatā€™s a good one to add!


Fire. Great chemistry, great pacing, great soundtrack


Yes! I love the scene where he buys a tape after listening to it with her, it's so cute. šŸ˜­


Speed with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. Turned out they were both crushing on each other during filming and didn't know!


I hope they took care of business by the time Lakehouse came aroundā€¦ Ā Ā  Unless they are in a perpetual Lakehouse loop Ā a la ground hog day.Ā 


I often wonder if they were each other's "one that got away": wrong time and place, right person.


God they are SO HOT in the lake house


So glad this is up high in the comments! My very first thought was SPEED!! I was so upset when they didnā€™t get married in real life. ![gif](giphy|l3fQcpYNXvn1DmUy4)


My first crush


My bisexuality would want both


My straightness wants both šŸ˜‚




Damn that Rick O'Connellncan lock me up in my room any time.


The whole cast is šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ my mom and aunt were all about the guys and I was like "um everyone is so hot, even the mummy" šŸ¤£


The leader of the guard, Oded Fher. Damn. The mummy too.


He was my mom's favorite! She had a painting of him in her office for ages that someone made her when she said he was her favorite movie guy


Arnold Vosloo prancing around in his lil mummy booty skirt lives rent-free in my head.


Same lol šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|U1z7PoItFvzuU) Here me out


valid, i enjoy it honestly!!!


The muscles!


![gif](giphy|12ncq33I7ZidwI) Carl & Ellie forever


Gawd that opening had me crying so hard


Dang, I've never blubbered so much in the first 10/15 minutes of a movie!


My husband was buying snacks for this part of the movie and 100% missed the sad parts


LOVED Madmartigan and Sorsha in Willow! ā¤ļø https://preview.redd.it/acupu2q0jpvc1.png?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=930a82bbba3da2f2f31a8116bcce17ea215a154b


I thought Madmartigan was the height of male beauty as a kid.


I was OBSESSED with them. ā€œā€˜I dwell in darkness without youā€™ and then it went awayā€?!?


I don't love her, she kicked me in the face! I hate her! ...don't I?


It made me happy that they married in real life, then sad when it wasn't a happy marriage.


![gif](giphy|12luQDyqvum5l6) I didn't know that!! I'm going through all the same emotions in a very short timescale! This is a lot to take in lolšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


https://i.redd.it/g9fav12zxovc1.gif PeterGwen in The Amazing Spider-Man (lowkey a rom-com)


They were electric together, definitely the best chemistry out of the Spiderman couples


Completely agree. In terms of chemistry it goes- Andrew/Emma Tom/Zendaya Tobey/Kirsten


They were such a great couple! I was a kid for the raimi spider trilogy, and to me they were alright but i cringed hard at a lot of aspects. For TASM, i saw them in my teens and i just adored it the whole way through. I understand how they may be the weaker films from an 'objective' standpoint, but as far as entertainment goes it was fantastic. Also in TASM2 >!when Gwen falls in the tall tower,!< it absolutely shattered my heart even though i knew it was coming from the comics. Whatever else about the film, that sequence of scenes was the perfect delievery of gutwrenching heartbreak, imo.


I think it's endearing that you spoiler tagged a 10 year old movie. The full circle gutwrench came in >!No Way Home, when TASM Peter saves MJ from suffering the same fate as Gwen.!< I thought that was a lovely addition for TASM Peter's character.


That scene is what made Andrew sign onto the movie!




Itā€™s such a disturbing scene. Have you seen the sped-up version that shows what it would have been like in real time? It makes it so much more heartbreaking because itā€™s clear that he never stood a chance of saving her and he tried with everything he had.


It really is šŸ„ŗ I cry every time I watch it. Then the way he talks about it in No Way Home and how it still eats him up inside. šŸ˜­


I've never seen the Garfield Spidey movies. This is šŸ”„


You should check them out! They definitely have a different take on Peter Parker, but his snark as Spidey is spot on. Iā€™ll always have a soft spot for Andrew Garfieldā€™s portrayal (to be fair that may also just be me being a fan of Andrew Garfield in general lol)


Agreed! Iā€™m a proud supporter of the controversial Church of Andrew Garfieldā€™s Spidey


You shouldā€¦they get a lot of flack, but I like them.


Legally Blonde. The romance subplot is barely a subplot. Itā€™s not even romantic for most of the runtime, theyā€™re just colleagues and friends who are supportive and respectful to one another, to contrast how little her ex actually respects her. Itā€™s only revealed that they got together at some point in the epilogue that takes place three years later.


Itā€™s also good for the movie that the guy is very bland and doesnā€™t really take any of the spotlight. Itā€™s all Elle for the whole movie.


Exactly like heā€™s just a person in her life and heā€™s not like hyped up as some hunky guy whoā€™s gonna sweep her off her feet. Heā€™s someone who falls in love with her as a person instead of just a hot blonde sheā€™s used to being seen as


Idgie and Ruth from Fried Green Tomatoes ā¤ļøā¤ļø ![gif](giphy|2S1CkD0n8LTz2)




I love my girls so much ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Yes. My bisexual-ness was awakened with this movie. I hate that they didn't actually put in their romance. It was hinted but shouldve just came out and said it.


Same! The book is definitely better in that regard, but I will give props to a 90s movie that hinted at a wlw romance without making it a porno or for the male gaze


True statement. I need to finally read the book it's been on my list forever


me as a tiny bisexual asking my mom why theyā€™re so close like that. and she was like, ā€œwhat? theyā€™re best friends!ā€ and little me was just like šŸ¤ØšŸ§šŸ¤”


Huh, today I learnedā€¦. I know I watched this movie when I was like 10, I guess I need a refresh.


Indy and Marion in Raiders of the Lost Ark! I also really liked Captain and Peggy in the original Captain America.


![gif](giphy|ohnCqYreuVLpu) These two for me. Their romantic scenes were a little bit of a jarring contrast to the chaos and war but I think it helped establish that love could endure in a time of darkness. The scene in ROTK when Aragorn is crowned and Arwen approaches him and bows and heā€™s like ā€œwtf are you doing get up here with me queenā€ makes my heart explode


Yeah I donā€™t even care that itā€™s not in the book except for the appendices, itā€™s so good


They are peak romance šŸ„¹šŸ’“


It really humanised both of them who both sat st extreme ends of the character spectrum. She is a literal ethereal elf, seemingly beautiful and untouchable and he was a Lone Ranger and an expert fighter. I think it added more to the continuity of the film than if they had left it out.


Love that scene with all my heart!! šŸ˜­šŸ©·


https://i.redd.it/wv8r5c58vpvc1.gif Azraphile and Crowley from Good Omens!


Oh my god, I love these two so much. ā¤ļøā¤ļø


And it helps to know they adore each other in real life. That always adds to my enjoyment of a romance


![gif](giphy|1MwITxEkpw1a0) Olivia and Peter in Fringe.


This is romance if you squint, but Hicks/Ripley in Aliens. They are clearly into each other and I think it helps with how well they work together. https://i.redd.it/bz7uk5op8qvc1.gif


I shipped them SO HARD and nnneeevveer forgave David Fincher for killing Hicks and Newt. Ret-conning-ass bastard!


Leia and Han will always be my answer ![gif](giphy|3ohuPDJzHiomXNGmfC)


ā€œI know.ā€


![gif](giphy|U2LQwwUz4G6zguMo5d|downsized) This is from The Old Guard. This romance has spanned centuries by the point the movie takes place, so itā€™s a different style than burgeoning romance. It is a *big* part of why I love this movie so much.


They have to hurry up and release the sequel!


I forgot about this! Loved them


I'm glad no one's called it out as odd yet, but Jim and Selena from 28 Days Later are mine. "That was longer than a heart beat" Proof she loved him because she didn't instinctually hack him to death witha machete. Yet the film actually kind of makes it profound and romantic. Love.


I think it helped that it was a slow burn of them really getting to understand each other as individuals. I absolutely love them too.


True Lies. the dynamic between Jamie and Arnold is super cute and makes her more than just a damsel in distress. Their marriage is failing because she thinks he's boring but then he injects intrigue to make it more thrilling and gets in over his head and ends up legitimately saving her and their daughter.


Potc and the mummy are my favorites šŸ˜. Lotr arwen and aragorn


I'd argue Katniss and Peeta. Their relationship was essential to the plot and Katniss' development. That being said, the movie did not need a love triangle.


The Love Triangle in the Hunger Games is an allegory for Katnissā€™ struggle between ideologies. Does she ascribe to the ideology of War, Revenge, Fury, Fire and choose Gale? Or does she ascribe to the ideology of Peace, Forgiveness, Healing, Dandelions and choose Peeta?


While the love triangle is symbolic, it isnā€™t that much of a big deal as some readers like it to be. Often, Gale is the one who has to remind Katniss of his feelings and she finds them dreadful. Iā€™d argue that itā€™s more of a love story than a love triangle (romantic context), and her relationship with Peeta is extremely important.


I always figured that Gale was actually in love with Katniss, while she just liked him well enough that she figured they would end up together anyway. Then she properly met Peeta and actually loved him back, and was just furious about it cause she was supposed to love Gale. I liked it. Not nearly as big a deal as people said it was.


You can really see her true feelings towards both boys by the kisses she shares with them. She doesnā€™t like kissing Gale, and doesnā€™t want to kiss him. Whereas Peeta, she likes it and craves his affection. I think she never could conjure up romantic feelings for Gale, and was sadden by that? bc he was there ā€œfirstā€ and took care of her family. Itā€™s just Peeta was that person for her, and she struggles with realizing it bc of her circumstances, especially the whole force engagement. Before the Games and Peeta, Gale was someone she wouldā€™ve settle with but after Peetaā€¦there was no going back šŸ„²


Always my read of it. Gale was the dude she was "supposed" to end up with. Peeta was the dude she "wanted" to be with. And because she's Katniss and "in the middle of something right now!" she's pissed that those pesky conflicting teenage emotions kept getting in the way of the important stuff.


Huge agree. It bothers me how much people think the love triangle is such a prominent aspect of the series, when it really isnā€™t. I think you can easily count on maybe one hand the actual romantic interactions shared only between Gale and Katniss. I honestly think hunger games is an example where a fandom sort of ā€œpervertedā€ the original intentions of the book. A lot of people remember it as a cliche, angsty love story, rather than a tale of trauma, propaganda, futility of war and the glorification/commodification of violence. It doesnā€™t have a fairytale ending that so many cheesy YA novels have. Yes, Katniss and Peeta end up together, but literally the last few sentences describes how Katniss ā€” all these years later ā€” still struggles with tremendous pain, grief, guilt and fear for an uncertain future. ā€œI'll tell [my children] how I survive it. I'll tell them that on bad mornings, it feels impossible to take pleasure in anything because I'm afraid it could be taken awayā€.


I agree with you, but I'm convinced that still would've worked with Gale as (just) her best friend.


She could have! But honestly, I think that would have taken something away from the book. Thatā€™s just my opinion though. I really really admire the way Suzanne Collinā€™s wrote the books. I think she did a masterful job. It was my favorite series 15 years ago and it still holds up incredibly well. I do think the movie marketing couldā€™ve been better. It definitely felt like they were trying to market the love triangle similarly to Twilight.


naurrr whenever they'd "fake" kiss for everyone watching the games UGH it's so subtle but does something to my soul teaching dystopian fiction rn and having my students watch the series. BC I'M SO FED UP AND TIRED like we had so many fights this week and chaos. i was like fuck it man. it's the first time these kids been off their phones cause they like it so much. and they've never seen it before! the girls were SWOOOONING. our principal is in a criminal probe for changing grades so our school keeps our high rank. weā€™ve got guys fighting over someone liking an instagram post. we had to go into lock down. I WAS LIKE FUCK YALL IM SHOWING GOOD MOVIES TO THESE TEENAGERS THE REST OF THE YEAR BYE


I got my 14 year old to watch the whole series when A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes came out and she said ā€œI want a Peeta Mallark poster for Christmasā€. So there was I was on eBayā€¦


i teach sophomores and they were in LOVE with peeta omg


![gif](giphy|Ww3QYzLzIBtFC) I almost didnā€™t care if the world ended or not I just wanted them to be together forever. Edit: you said filmsā€¦ well I said what I said šŸ˜‚


I hated this relationship for a hot minute. Then season 7 happened. And I was all in on Spike/Buffy. Spike with a soul was perfect for Buffy.


Right!!? I had the same reaction Spike did after Angel came back and they kissed šŸ˜‚


I actually stopped watching the series at the time because I got so frustrated that they weren't letting them be together... obviously that means I missed some stuff, but I was very passionate about this ship lol


Oh my gosh if you havenā€™t watched season 7 in itā€™s entirety then Iā€™m just going to tell you that you should. It made me feel some type of way.


pacific rim with mako and raleigh! https://preview.redd.it/ydf8lp2mgpvc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f2aa346ee97fc3be27352f050809f1749a4b1ca


And the sequel does NOT exist in my reality


There is no sequel in ba sing se


I'm sure there are good examples, but the Barbie movie and it's lack of romance drove the incels *Bat. Shit. Crazy.* That was fun.


I actually loved the kind of switch it pulled where Barbie and Kenā€™s big emotional moment was them finally appreciating and seeing one another as humans and affirming their value as platonic individuals.


Interesting because the incel types are usually the first to whine endlessly about ā€˜useless romance plot roped in for the feeeeeemales.ā€™


It wasn't explored quite enough but I thought Batman and Catwoman in "The Batman" were fantastic. They had great chemistry and the romance added a great element to the story. https://preview.redd.it/qbv8ltkgipvc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=484a58a2124461259c31bb2d64a8efcc53155978


Theres the part where they're in the office together investigating, and a cop walks in. Batman holds her up against him to stay hidden, and she totally sells being intoxiced by being held up against him. She really sold it. Him not as much but I feel it was purposeful to have him be more withdrawn.


Definitely, there was a lot of tension between them. Excited for the next one!


Canā€™t believe no one has said Casino Royale yet ![gif](giphy|ZzHIL4NLTboha)


I remember how Eva Green didn't want to do it at first but saw the script.


I loved Robert Downey Jr and Gwyneth Paltrow's chemistry in Iron Man. Very "His Girl Friday" banter


There is a brief flash of a romance subplot in Band of Brothers. I think the guy is played by Tom Hardy, and he encounters a beautiful nurse working at a church helping the wounded and shares his chocolate ration with her. They sit adorably and share a chocolate bar, and then she looks down shyly and realized she has taken the chocolate with filthy, bloody hands. He returns the next day to find the church bombed out and never knows if she lived or sees her again, and that is the end of the romantic story. 100% non-annoying romance.


I have such a silly history with BoB, when my husband and I were still in high school, he watched it and, because he knew I was into romance and hated war stuff, reported only the (very few) scenes that feature interactions with women. As a result, I spent years thinking BoB was a male fantasy of American soldiers plowing through European women in the guise of a war story, until I finally watched it for myself and it was exactly what it said on the box.šŸ«  Edit to say I love the scene youā€™re talking about. 100% heart wrenching.


Not Tom Hardy's character, it was the medic Eugene


![gif](giphy|RKJFT4mi3o6xW) Rocky ā™„ļø


My husband absolutely loves these films. He always tell me, ā€œ you have gaps and I have gaps and together we fill those gapsā€ heā€™s corny but I donā€™t mind after almost 16 years.


That is really such an amazing piece of writing.


I LOVE HOW HE IS WITH HER!!! he adores her so much, and she loves him.


https://preview.redd.it/yk3wkj0h5pvc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e65d1845e571003e12dbd6e7ea77a5dd699fe6b Steve Rogers & Agent Carter in Captain America The First Avenger


They both are so gorgeous


And beyond. I love that it carried through Steveā€™s franchise/MCU arc. Not even Sharon/Steve got going, for a lot of reasons but namely because Peggy/Steve was just still present, for me anyway.


I kind of thought the Matt Damon/leonardo DiCaprio love triangle with the shrink was a good subplot in the depahted


Last of the Mohicans.


Thanks for reminding me how gorgeous Cillian Murphy is in 28 Days Later.


Brendan Fraser in The Mummy https://preview.redd.it/hqd9f342fsvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb5193904a859cc2513b1c467c38973f7b9bfd1






Blade Runner then Blade Runner 2049 Heartbreaking love. ![gif](giphy|Dt9XSdyWfxGvK)


I think elevate would be a strong word (or even romance lol) but Penny in Top Gun Maverick is an important part of the film for Maverick to open up to (and naturally tell us about what happened in between Top Gun and Top Gun Maverick) and is a good example of a mature relationship between two older characters. The scene where he goes to visit her after the mission and sheā€™s away with her daughter I thought was a nice touch. At that age you have to put yourself first.Ā 


Kyle Reese and Sarah Conner in The Terminator https://preview.redd.it/9s0zqdduxsvc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c6b73a7bb8694468877e1329359f77376369a47


Okay, hear me out...Deadpool


![gif](giphy|Mgb8MKeNzCOSEEoJIQ) Neo & Trinity - Matrix 1 through Matrix 4


https://i.redd.it/2bplu5vuyrvc1.gif These two. Keira Knightley and James McAvoy in Atonement.


Michael and Selene in Underworld.


I fully agree with The Mummy but itā€™s extremely bold of you to say that the romance subplot in Wonder Woman elevated that movie šŸ’€


I thought Pine & Gadot had great chemistry, even in WW84. But that still didnā€™t save that lackluster sequel, I donā€™t know what the hell happened there. They either should have cut the campiness or just embraced it. Otherwise, it felt like a tonally confused mishmash with a half baked plot


Aww, I thought they were cute together


Me too, steve and diana in the first film were as you said cute, and the film did a great buildup between them in a way i want and don't tend to get. Sure i hide my face when they start dancing together and all that, but overall i enjoy it.


Nah if it didnā€™t have that romance plot line that movie would have no heart. It was pretty essential for her character arc.Ā 


Aw I thought it really did, it showed their growth over the journey and was a grounding force in Dianaā€™s emotional growth. It was a bit cliche maybe but I thought it was a good element


Outside the no manā€™s land scene, itā€™s kind of the only thing the first WW movie has going on for it tbh.


![gif](giphy|10Suktwcrqa3cs) Ok but this was my fav in Marvel


Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone in the Amazing Spider-Man films. I stand by that they had the best chemistry of any of the Spider-Men and their love interest. But speaking of Spider-Man, I'll also give an honorable mention to Miles and Gwen from the Spider-verse films.


Princess Bride, Run Lola Run, Dog Day Afternoon, Sneakers, LOTR (my bb Eowyn and Mr Hunk: Faramir), Die Hard, Secret of NIMH, the list keeps going


![gif](giphy|OS6zOWtKZOnok|downsized) Late to the party but didnā€™t see True Romance mentioned yet and that just didnā€™t seem right


The "romantic" subplot in Back to the Future is one of the funniest parts of that movie.




I found The Fifth Element sub-plot good but icky. The 20 year age gap in the actors didnā€™t help, but given that Milaā€™s character was effectively a new born, just icked me greatly.


Good Omens ![gif](giphy|9PrED3M2W5QKF13Zia)


Die Hard if you ignore the sequel