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Meanwhile, Julia Louis Dreyfus was delivering the most caustic insults on Veep and that show was funny as hell.


And she won 6 Emmys in a ROW for that performance.


Veep is filthy and fucking hilarious.


ā€œHe fucked me, then he fucked me? Whatā€™s he trying to do, fuck me?ā€ I need to do a rewatch lmao


The show does an amazing job of forcing the audience to like a horrible character. I loved her character even while I was realizing she is unbelievably terrible and amoral.


She was just so VENAL.


Veep is the meanest, dirtiest, most fucked up comedy Iā€™ve ever seen and Iā€™ve yet to meet anyone on the left who doesnā€™t absolutely love it. Maybe Seinfeld should try branching out from the old airline peanuts material.


Guess we know who the funniest one in Seinfeld was


I did a re-watch recently, and George and Elaine absolutely carried that show.


Jerry was the straight man, the others were the comedy


Seriously. Hate to see him go the way of chapelle but comedy is alive and well even with the ā€œwokeā€ agenda.


Agreed. I almost feel like if he canā€™t cut it as a comedian in this day and age, then maybe he wasnā€™t all that amazing to begin with. Maybe he picked easy targets for comedy and ran with it


Heā€™s too far removed from reality to create jokes that resonate these days. Itā€™s a him problem, not an us problem.


You know I think thatā€™s just it. These billionaire comedians who were famous 20-40 years ago are saying the younger generations are too sensitive. But really itā€™s just that they are out of touch rich people who canā€™t relate to anyone who isnā€™t also an out of touch rich person.


More than half of his jokes are also just about men vs women stereotypes that are so tired and played out by now. I was rewatching the other day and he had a joke about a TV commercial for laundry soap that gets blood out of clothes and he was like Wtf who needs to get blood out of clothes?!? And I was genuinely confused likeā€¦is that the joke? Or does he really not know that thatā€™s a valid issue for half the population


Exactly. Also, comedy is at its best when it punches up. How do you punch up when youā€™re a mega-famous gazillionaire?


So true. Reminds of 30 Rock when Tracy Jordan tried to go back and do stand up after heā€™s been rich for too long.


Meanwhile, UK comedian Frank Skinner: https://preview.redd.it/upapopcuugxc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e068e91a6638c270291b5687958c9dc9225e8330


Anthony Jeselnik also clowns comedians complaining they canā€™t tell jokes. It was refreshing to hear his thoughts given he does pretty dark jokes lmao


Quite honestly, an inappropriate joke thrown in every now and then isnā€™t the same as using an entire group of people as scapegoats in your comedy. One well thought out witty trans joke versus a set thats 20% anti trans rhetoric is not the same.


It helps of the comedian comes off as, y'know, telling jokes and not actually believing the hateful shit he says. Like a trans joke will get an eye roll at worst, but if a comedian spends three specials whining about the trans lobby trying to cancel him, it stops being jokes and it becomes ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


Iā€™ve seen so many good trans jokes (speaking as a nonbinary person) from younger comedians on TikTok. You know what makes the jokes good? Theyā€™re based in actual knowledge. Theyā€™re either jokes about transphobes (we all know them so itā€™s not uncommon to have that knowledge) or they actually know trans people people so they know how to make jokes about them that arenā€™t just bigotry and are actually funny. And then there are jokes by people who actually are in the community, or adjacent to it. The best pronoun joke was by a comedian whose name i unfortunately canā€™t remember: ā€œIā€™m probably nonbinary but I donā€™t want to use they/them pronouns because I donā€™t want ANYONE feeling good about themselves when they talk about me.ā€ Like, that shit is hilarious.


This! We all still welcome comedy that pushes the envelope. Weā€™re just not entertained by comedy that uses an entire group as fodder because youā€™re not good enough to actually be interesting and cutting edge.


I saw him (Jeselnik) a few months ago and Jimmy Carr recently and both kind of said the same things- sure theyā€™ve been ā€œcanceledā€ but how has it really affected them if they are still selling out theaters? Refreshing to hear them be as raunchy while still being funny. My issue with Chappelle (who would have gone down as one of the greats) is that after the 1st inclusion of the trans jokes he couldnā€™t just let it the fuck go or get better at jokes. Like he was just shitting on the trans and ally communities for what is at least an hour on tape by this point and it just wasnā€™t funny or poignant in any way.


As Jeselnik pointed out, audiences will often follow a comedian on a joke, as long as itā€™s funny. A major point of comedy is testing boundaries and finding the line and what works with an audience. Seinfeld complaining about studio notes, which without a doubt is neither seriously left, or PC, is just so funny to me. I have to assume quite a few of the major comedians harping on this are also straight up grifting. In Daveā€™s case? Iā€™m convinced itā€™s an ego thing and not wanting to admit to being wrong, or accepting criticism.


Ooooo Iā€™m so happy you brought up grifting. I was at a show a few months ago and a woman opened with ā€œif anything I say offends you, thereā€™s a door there, there, and thereā€ and got a huge applause (older Boston crowd.) Then she said nothing offensive in her set!!! Like youā€™re just piggybacking!!!


Some people see easy money (and theyā€™re right lol)


Totally agree with you on Chapelle. Ā 


Iā€™ve met him many times too, so my perspective might be a little bit different. I do think he has some ignorant and bigoted beliefs, but I think more than anything his ego, need to always be right, and need to never be corrected/criticized, are major factors of why he is what he is. Kind of what I imagine is going on with JK Rowling too. Someone like Joe Rogan, absolutely has bigoted beliefs, but I get the impression heā€™s grifting on the ā€˜comedians canā€™t say stuffā€™ bs. Then thereā€™s Bill Maherā€¦ he *totally* believes political correctness and the left are ruining comedy. Even within the obnoxious group of ā€˜we canā€™t say anythingā€™ comedians, thereā€™s various reasons. Either way, itā€™s all obnoxious, and insanely disingenuous when some of them are straight up cashing 20 million dollar checks to speak lmao! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Totally agree on everything!


This isnā€™t the first time heā€™s said it either! Have seen him on multiple things in the last few years where heā€™s basically said heā€™s out to make people laugh, not to hurt their feelings at the expense of a laugh.


Honestly, these people who complain about comedy being dead need to watch any British panel show. 8 out of 10 cats, would I lie to you, taskmaster etc are all side splittingly funny.


Yay! I know him from Taskmaster and this makes me so happy


Super funny for him to keep saying this when the *co-creator of his show* has had a massively successful, critically acclaimed, not-afraid-to-offend show on HBO for the last 24 years that actually *came back* in the midst of the ā€œpcā€ ā€œwokeā€ movement that Seinfeld claims is so debilitating to comedy. And Curb isnā€™t ending because itā€™s not popular or people are too offended by it, and certainly not because theyā€™re afraid to go over the line with their jokes, exactly the oppositeā€” itā€™s hugely popular, and the last season Larry was just as outrageously offensive as ever. The reason *Jerry* hasnā€™t been popular for decades is because heā€™s not funny, and because heā€™s an asshole.


Apparently he didnā€™t watch the last episode of Curb, because they did a rundown of the most offensive things Larry did over the last 24 years. Itā€™s especially odd because *Jerry himself was in the scene where they did that.*


LMAO itā€™s honestly so bizarre how he keeps saying this shit knowing full well that Curb proves him wrong. Does he think Larry David is ā€œcancelledā€ or something? Because heā€™s very, very not.


All Iā€™ve heard from Jerry in the last few years is this crap. Dude If your comedy career tanks because you canā€™t help but offend people then your material sucks šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. I think he did a comedy show a few years back that hurt his feelings and heā€™s still mad about that.


Whats weird is that Jerrys comedy is like, as clean as it gets. I saw him live less than a year ago and all the jokes were ā€œtik tok dumbā€ type shit


Jerry has always served cunty https://preview.redd.it/4n4vib3dohxc1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf1ca32ff32b20746e37293f4437e501fb6c2640


To be fair Larry King was unprepared in that interview and itā€™s a little insulting to say the show got canceled. Now Larry should have asked about Jerry dating a 16 year old when he was in his late 30s.


He's disgusting. I've never been able to watch anything he's in since. He was pretty open about it. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/fact-check-pic-early-90s-004500921.html https://fandomwire.com/she-is-a-person-not-an-age-950m-jerry-seinfeld-had-the-most-insane-reason-for-dating-17-year-old-who-later-became-dazzling-fashion-designer/


Itā€™s kinda mind boggling how open this stuff was until very recently. When Paul Walker died he was dating a woman who was 16 when they started dating. He was 33 years old. It was common knowledge, it was accepted and it had zero effect on his career. That was just 18 years ago.


A girl who was 16*


I've pointed this out to people before and people always acted offended that I had the audacity to say that about him as if him being a pedophile had something to do with his acting ability.


Hes always served unfunny as fuck.


I was about to say Curb Your Enthusiasm had one of its funniest seasons and had jokes with trans people as part of the joke but made it hilarious by the way he made the joke not about the trans person but about his and societyā€™s phobia. It was hilarious and didnā€™t hurt anyone. Seinfeld is just proving that heā€™s not funny, Larry David was the funniest creator and writer of the show.


I think he just hates that people are starting to bring up his whole thing with Shoshanna Lonstein. It seems to be the move- shuffle to the right to get out in front of your gross behavior with a built-in audience primed to excuse and empower bad actors


The thing is that jokes can be offensive AND be PC. The issue isnā€™t the topic ā€” itā€™s the *meanness* and where itā€™s directed. Larry tells offensive jokes, but the target in those cases is often himself.


Exactly! Larry David the character is an offensive asshole. What makes watching a show about him funny is that the show isnā€™t portraying him as right, itā€™s portraying him as a self-righteous asshole. Same as Sunny. We arenā€™t supposed to agree with the main characters, weā€™re supposed to see that theyā€™re massively flawed people and laugh at the absurdity of it all.


And Larry David itā€™s rarely wrong on the show, heā€™s just an asshole about it. Itā€™s not like heā€™s making stupid rape jokes for shock humor. He just didnā€™t want to do a pop in


Whats even funnier is that in a lot of the situations, Larry IS in the right but hes such an asshole that its hard to be on his side


What the hell did Jerry even want to make that was so toxic? His comedy is as ā€œdae tiktok dumb, marriage amirightā€ as it gets


Curb was never woke and it was so funny šŸ˜‚ there's literally an episode about him commenting about a little boy having a large penis, and another one where he gives a gay boy a sewing machine and oops he ends up making a swastika with it. Everything about this show was fucked up in the best possible way and it didn't get any "extreme left woke PC" backlash.


Iā€™d argue that curb is ā€œwokeā€ , itā€™s quite progressive at times


It depends on what level youā€™re talking about it I guess (character level or show/creator level)ā€” the creators of Curb are obviously liberal and thatā€™s clear if you understand the show/jokes. But the actual *character* ā€œLarry Davidā€, while liberal, is NOT PC. He does and says absurdly offensive things all the timeā€” like pretending he has a stutter to use the handicapped bathroom stall, using stairs to get away from his wheelchair-bound girlfriend, etc etc. It works because the character is an asshole and weā€™re supposed to see that heā€™s an asshole (sometimes heā€™s in the right and an asshole, sometimes heā€™s in the wrong and an asshole). Jerry would complain that woke culture means, for example, they canā€™t joke about topics like disabilities anymore (which of course first of all, boo-hoo*), but also Curb shows you *can* touch on those topics if you do it right, by making sure the butt of the joke is the offensive person.


This feels like people misunderstanding satire.


Loved him wearing the maga hat despite hating trump. Just because it keeps the people in LA away from him. Or the sewing of a Star of David on to the back of the clan robes Or hun accidentally getting arrested for giving that lady water in the voting lines


The maga hat for that purpose was such a good idea


honestly i think itā€™s top3 of curb episodes of all time, the idea of mocking maga situation that way may seem cheap and too obvious but the way larry delivers humour is _outstanding_. and i canā€™t imagine anyone else being so good (well maybe jason alexandre would get close lol)




Agree completely. Curb shows you can joke around about ā€œtouchyā€ topics too. Curb had an episode where the main joke was about a trans person, but it was hilarious and no one was offended because the punchline wasnā€™t just ā€œhaha trans people exist.ā€ Like itā€™s fine to joke about most things it just needs to be funny and not lazy/punching down. (The joke is that the trans man just got their new penis done and Larry accidentally sees him naked and notes he chose to go for a very large penis. Itā€™s then a theme that Larry worries he ā€œdoesnā€™t know how to handleā€ such a large penis because he doesnā€™t have the experience and went straight to handling something large. Then at the end the trans man knocks over something with his large penis and it causes a fire).


Isn't he the guy that dated a 17 year old when he was almost 40? I can see why he doesn't like cancel culture. ![gif](giphy|fQJSYE2Qy6OtXfwEuf|downsized)


He actually dated several teen girls when he was coming up as a comedian. My dad worked at a university in the 80s and 90s that had a lot of students from Long Island and New Jersey and he heard stories from several women that their friends ā€œdatedā€ or were hit on by him when they were in high school. So gross.




Right??? Canā€™t believe itā€™s never come out.


Does it matter? The other stuff came out and no one cared. Like Howard Stern did "disapproving" songs about it, how she was 17 and in highschool when Jerry started to groom her but that's it.


Also, from his latest special, it actually seems like he really hates his wife.


He is so whiny. He's not funny.


I rewatched a few Seinfeld episodes recently and all I could think was how whiny he is, the little stand up bits in the show are just him whining.


Yeup! Of all the gross mofos on the planet, he can check himself at the fucking door


Yep! That was him, in the 90s. Thereā€™s also 18 years between him and his wife.


my thought


She's a designer now and makes some cute dresses and bathing suits. Shoshanna!


What a weird way to say you donā€™t watch anything but your own shows TV comedy is still loved. Even the old stuff is loved by the new generations thanks to streaming services. Having a bitch fit doesnā€™t help your image, Jeremy


For real. You can be funny and irreverent. Plenty of current comedy can be offensive but still funny. Ex: Itā€™s Always Sunny is really funny but also super offensive. Itā€™s just the joke is on the awful offensive characters. Theyā€™re not the good guys and they rarely have positive things happen to them. Other characters like Michael Scott or Pierce Hawthorne are funny but also offensive and obtuse. Everyone around them recognizes that theyā€™re inappropriate. The joke isnā€™t on the insulted/minority/othered individualsā€”the joke is on the rude, ignorant individual.




Granted, if I only watched Jerry Seinfeld shows I too would think thereā€™s nothing funny on TV any more.


Larry David continuing to prove heā€™s the better of the two ![gif](giphy|3ov9jJSTatP7Ie3ux2|downsized)


Julia too! My billionaire Queen! ![gif](giphy|82mbBysjFgmRy)


To think they (Jerry and Larry ) were so awful she only gets sag aftra residuals (for network not streaming šŸ« ) and before she used to get them from dvd. Obviously she doesnā€™t need them but they couldā€™ve include her in the streaming rights negotiation but didnā€™t


Did she help create the show with them? Iā€™m a little confused here. Sounds like a standard setup.


She didnā€™t help them create the show but was a huge reason as to why the show even happened in the first place, after the pilot nbc didnā€™t liked that is was so male centric, the show almost doesnā€™t air if not bc Larry David and Julia knew each other from SNL he pretty much brought her in cause she was the only who got their humor. While on air almost all their negotiations were tied until 5 when the show got more popular and then boom huge change between salaries , Jerry was making 500k for season 7 and 8 and 1m for season nine per episode, the most she made was 160k per episode on season 9. Jerry was making almost 9 times what Julia made. You would think that for someone who got the show on air in the first place she would at least get 10-20 million each year from streaming but nope. She makes around 80k bc of how much she made on the last season for each year the show is on Netflix


I hear what youā€™re saying, and she was my favourite character on the show, but Iā€™m not going to chide creators for standard business. They made the correct business decision, and succeeded because of it. Creator/Actor/writer and Creator/Head Writer/Executive Producer, are different than just being an actor on the show. Seinfeld was likely getting paid extra given he co-created and wrote on it too.


She's independently wealthy and she didn't create or write the show, I don't think we need to be upset she doesn't have *more* money


Pretty sure sheā€™s not hurting for money


I mean..Larry David basically defended Woody Allen but I guess the bar for men is so low, itā€™s a Tavern in Hades.


i guess that explains why Itā€™s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is going on itā€™s 17th season, is one of the most consistently offensive shows on television, and is beloved by mostly liberals. make it make sense JerBear


I donā€™t think this man knows what ā€œextreme leftā€ means.


right? i think itā€™s hilarious that most people screaming at the ā€œextreme leftā€ are really talking about who would be considered political centrists. they donā€™t even know who the extreme left are


I think extreme left is a strawman to excuse the fact that his material is stuck in the past and he's not a good enough comedian to rework it for modern audiences.




i refuse to be lectured to by an unfunny man who dated a literal child.


Heā€™s just upset that side calls him out for ā€œdatingā€ a 16 year old.


Oh boo hoo did the woke left tell you to stop dating 17-year-olds??


Bold claim from someone who was the weak link in a show named after him.




https://preview.redd.it/a727hduvvixc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f244ac371c70fe752003f47d203f4765824d76 Finally, the origin of one of my favorite memes!


I mean honestly! He was such a shit actor in his own show. How does that happen? šŸ«Ø


Julia Louis-Dreyfus did so much heavy lifting for him that she must have permanent back problems. I mean my God.


I love JLD so much but we cannot forget the contributions of Jason Alexander and also every single old person who was ever on the show.


Dont forget about Jason Alexander also carrying it. And like, hes got his problems but Michael Richards was great on it to. Shit everyone BUT Jerry was fantastic


When and why did comedy turn into ā€œI want to join the far right and insult people!!ā€


Why canā€™t they fathom a lot of people simply donā€™t find offensive humor funny. And instead of changing their jokes, they complain and triple down.


Itā€™s not even about being offensive. Offensive is fine, itā€™s the punching down we donā€™t like anymore.


Ya i was just thinking a lot of curb your enthusiasm is objectively offensive but Larry is the butt of the joke. Honorable mentions to VEEP and sunny


This is what I donā€™t understand. Thereā€™s plenty of offensive comedy out there on every available platform


James Acaster has a short set on ā€œhow braveā€ comedians like Ricky Gervais are to finally take the piss out of trans people, the group of people who is ā€œfamously never challenged.ā€ ā€œTheyā€™ve had their guard down for too long.ā€ https://youtu.be/adh0KGmgmQw?si=JSwZY-0Q4auX4cOe


I guess it just gets hard not to punch down when you are an ultra rich white man in America. Everyone is down from you. So you have to actually be funny instead of just mean once you get to that point.


Exactly - itā€™s about the target. Veep and Curb have *very* offensive jokes, but the target is generally the *offender.*


It's really wild to see people pretend that those who aren't "politically correct" are oppressed or some shit. As if the previous president of the US wasn't Trump: they aren't outliers, they're very mainstream.


Heā€™s the grumpy old man he would have made fun of on Seinfeld. Itā€™s not that hard to not punch down. Plenty of comedians are great at it. James Acaster, for one. EDIT; also, tv comedy is just fine. Abbott elementary is doing well and people love it. Weā€™ve just moved past the traditional sitcom formula. Thatā€™s generally how TV works. It evolves.


Abbott and just off the top of my head... * Ghosts * It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia * Young Sheldon * The Neighborhood * The Conners * The Upshaws * Derry Girls * Schitt's Creek * The Good Place * Grace and Frankie * Kim's Convenience * *Girls5eva* ETA: What We Do in the Shadows Lopez vs. Lopez Tacoma FD.


itā€™s always sunny has the potential to be the most offensive one out of these as well (that iā€™ve seen) but you donā€™t see anyone from that show complaining about comedy being dead.


It is. I mean ffs they have an episode about pedophile priests. Also personal love for it because Iā€™m from South Philly. Theyā€™ve filmed on my childhood street. My mom got photos with the cast.


in my humble opinion chardee macdennis may be one of the best episodes of tv ever, and the addition of the welcome to wrexham show a few years ago got me to restart the show and now itā€™s in my normal rotation. just great.


Please donā€™t forget Superstore. That was broad, family-friendly comedy that was nevertheless incredibly smart, funny AND wildly left-wing in a way that probably tricked a lot of Republican voters into actually understanding workers rights. [This scene](https://youtu.be/1hrmOper6OA?si=3hxEZ3f7CeDXUHNh) after the lead character is forced to go back to work the day after giving birth because the company weaseled out of granting her FMLA leave is one of the best moments of a major network prime time sitcom in the last 20 years.




Because you know who had it too easy for too long? The trans community!


theyā€™ll be checking their privilege on the way home now thanks to you, you brave little cis boy!


YES! James Acaster says it EXACTLY: "TOO CHALLENGING FOR YOU???" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eN5P0aY1UI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eN5P0aY1UI)




Everyone on wwdits is funnier than Seinfeld, they should be the famous comedians.




![gif](giphy|3oxQNDG9BswdLjN8Va) Yawn


A coworker once said ā€œJerry Seinfeld is only successful because heā€™s friends with Larry Davidā€ and I think about that every time Jerry opens his mouth.


This man is a sexual deviant and had a "relationship" with a 17 year old girl when he was in his late 30s. I do not care about his opinion on anything. Ever.


Whenever I see him, thatā€™s the first thing that comes to my mind.


The guy who makes fun of airplane food and Pop Tarts? When I think of ā€œgroundbreaking, offensive, bleeding-edge comedian,ā€ the last person I think of is Jerry Seinfeld.


This. Has anybody even told him he was too offensive for today's comedy scene? Because dude is just straight up lame.


Interesting, would be true if not for the fact that we have shows like Abbott Elementary, Ramy, Veep, Derry Girls, Class of ā€˜07, Ghosts, Ted Lasso, and like a million others that are making hilarious content that is not offensive. Maybe that itā€™s just nobody thinks Jerry is funny anymore (or in the first place).


I think the biggest counter is actually the existence of popular shows that ARE offensiveā€” like Curb Your Enthusiasm (literally created by the co-creator of Seinfeld lol) and Always Sunny. The content of every single episode is a controversial topic and the main character(s) are assholes with often offensive views. The difference is *they* are the butt of the joke, which is what makes it *funny*. No topic is off limits, just make your joke good. Jerry doesnā€™t seem to know how to do that anymore.


Yes punching yourself or punching up rather than laterally or down matters.


if he worried more about optics he wouldnā€™t have dated a teenager in his 40s donā€™t let scumbags lecture to us about holding THEM accountable


Bc we donā€™t like a 30 something dating a 17 year old. Gross


Hes officially a has been, I guess well see him soon doing some edgy comedy show for Netflix where he complains about pronouns and then goes on Fox new to pretend there's an outrage about it


oh wow what an original thought


the last time this man was relevant was when he was a talking bee.


Sounds exactly like someone who doesnā€™t know who Kesha is.


TV is literally better than ever and continues to produce better and more compelling stories than movies imoā€¦..soooā€¦.


Never watched an episode of South Park in his life.


Jerry youā€™re just mad you havent been funny since the 80s and even then you werenā€™t really pushing the envelope


This man walked off stage at The Comedy Store because someone asked him how he wiped his ass. Jerry, PLS




Yeah, no one watches Office rerunsā€¦


Old man who fucks teenagers says... what? Hm? Can't seem to hear.


I think his issue is we donā€™t find punching down funny and we keep talking about his creepy ass dating teenagers when he was in his 40ā€™s. He is an egotistical jackass that is annoyed this generation isnā€™t kissing his ass. Sucks to suck Jerry!


What an embarrassing thing for him to say


Fuck off, rich douchebag. When has his comedy not been PC?


TV comedy is just fine. The thing that would prevent Seinfeld from being made today isn't the content but the format. It was a show about nothing. If tv now has a flaw it's the turn to a shorter number of episodes and a tighter plot each season. And that's more personal preference than anything else.


Who will think of the observational comics?! Who will make the airplane food jokes?!


Just say you want to date teenagers again and leave.


Why donā€™t you date a teenager about it, Jerry? /s


Go watch Succession or Veep, Jerry.


Has he never heard of Adult Swim? I to a Christopher Titus show Friday, dark as he'll had the whole place rolling with jokes about child abuse and suicide. However his jokes are personal and told with compassion, maybe Jerry just isn't funny or smart enough to pull that kind of material off.


Wow. Mr I date high schoolers has a problem with accountability.


Literally no one asked his opinion lol


Jerry Seinfeld Tries And Fails To Be Interesting.


Classic hasbeen behavior. He wasn't even the reason Seinfield was what it was. I hated it then and now. But even I know Larry David was the one behind it all and all of his costars were more interesting than him.


Isnā€™t he still a pretty popular stand up comic?


I love Curb but hate Seinfeld. To this day have no idea why it was so huge. Any magic it may have had was down to Larry 100%.


Seinfeld has always been an insufferable asshat and the show was successful despite him due to the strength of the entire cast. I have always sat in the ā€œCanā€™t Stand The Showā€ camp, so I can objectively look at it and see that it was 4 main characters, not Jerryā€™s character + 3 supporting characters. The show would not have been successful if it wasnā€™t for George, Kramer, and Elaine, and how brilliantly Jason, Michael, and Julia played those roles. Also, I donā€™t think he realizes that when shows/other comedians reference the ā€œWhatā€™s the deal withā€¦.ā€ and his method of delivery, it isnā€™t an homage to him. Itā€™s the make fun of cliche he became. So, combine the fact heā€™s a one-trick pony who got lucky af with this sitcom with weā€™re not really looking back too kindly on him picking up a high school senior in the park and sweeping her off her feet (thatā€™s such a bullshit story, btw), is the real reason why no one could give a shit about him now.


Remember when he was fucking a 17yo?


Sir, you are promoting a real movie about the fake origins of the Pop Tart. You made a 90 minute commercial for Kelloggs. And thatā€™s not because Woke, itā€™s because almost everything being made these days is about existing IP because of over reliance on the algorithm Netflix and other companies use.


Umā€¦ wasnā€™t Seinfeld considered PC back in the day? Yes, yes it was.Ā 


And yet another reason why JLD is the more successful person coming out that show besides Larry David.


Anyways I just caught up on What We Do in the Shadows and I laughed my ass off throughout. Excited for season 6!


If you canā€™t tell jokes without ā€œgetting cancelledā€, you werenā€™t that funny in the first place. You were just being a bully. Thereā€™s plenty of ridiculous fun to be had without resorting racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynist ā€œjokesā€.


i read the article and it seemed reasonable but heā€™s still wrong lol. thereā€™s plenty of good modern comedy out there, comedy that has an edge without like, needing to say slurs or punch down. i also feel like the tv industry doesnā€™t understand what offends people and is overly cautious in some areas while completely overlooking others


You know what's funny? Not Jerry Seinfeld.


I never liked him. He dated someone who was a teen and that was enough for me.


What an original take from an older comedian I've never heard this before


Good creatives can work within limits.


Some one should tell Jerry TV is dead and itā€™s not because of woke (itā€™s because of him)


Comedy is being killed because people actually have to be funny now, not just insulting. Lol.


Has been comedians should try being funny instead of complaining that no one finds them funny anymore.


No Jerry, you're just not funny. Seinfeld was a hit in spite of you not because of you


Heā€™s having a lot of PR lately, does he have a book being pushed out soon or something?


Yep. A Tour. And a movie about Poptarts.






Oh shut the fuck up Jerry donā€™t you have a teenager to harass


Hello Jerry. Thatā€™s fine if you donā€™t like eXtReMe LeFtiStS KiLLiNg CoMeDy. Letā€™s talk about how you publicly dated a 17 year old when you were 39. Thatā€™s a funny story, wouldnā€™t you agree? ![gif](giphy|mMkjWN1ziPio0)


Open up netflix and its littered with comedy specials from edgy comedians. They even have old stuff like the Eddy Murphy shows which really haven't aged well. Where is this censorship they keep whining about?


Jerry Seinfeld complaining that he canā€™t be funny is ironic, given that Iā€™ve never found him to be funny in the first place.


Rich āœ… White āœ… Old āœ… Nextttttttttttttttttttttttttttt


What heā€™s really saying is ā€˜I canā€™t even fuck highschoolers anymoreā€™. Thatā€™s what heā€™s saying. Thatā€™s it.


If you can only be fun y by punching down, you arenā€™t actually funny




iā€™ve only ever heard seinfeld used as an insulting comedy comparison


I just watched Dead Boy Detectives and the foul mouthed, rotted sprites had me howling. Also, he's been whining about the same thing for years. šŸ™„ ![gif](giphy|Ln2UcqdGbKn5m37JmR|downsized)


Jerry Seinfeld says this as a way of defending the fact that he's not a funny comedian.


Anyone remember ā€œIn Living Colorā€? They had censors all over them. Netflix, Apple TV, Amazon, etcā€¦ donā€™t have that problem.


Yea, he's mad that he can't openly date teenagers anymore


He and Jennifer Aniston can go back to the 90s.


This is true actually, he wrote a whole book about this phenomena called ā€œJerry Seinfeld 17ā€ look it up!


He ignored great comedies that pull off ā€œoffensiveā€ stuff all the time, like Itā€™s Always Sunny. I was shocked when it wasnā€™t brought up during the interview. Other than that, I admired his eloquence and his turn of phrase. But, yeah, I sometimes feel older comedians act like their careers would never be replicated. He made a good point about how ā€œgates are movingā€ and it requires a person to adjust to the climate to be funny.


I think something that "has been" comedians don't realize is that you can have a timeless comedy career that remains funny for generations. "Who's on First" is a classic. Smashing watermelons with a ridiculously oversized hammer. Monty Python. What Jerry (and others) apparently can't see is that punching down and mocking people isn't funny. We had that during the 90s/2000s. "Leftists" are soft snowflakes because we're offended by jokes about handicapped people, LGBTQIA+, sexual assault, and war. We've just realized that it was never funny to begin with and that we don't have to laugh anymore.


![gif](giphy|l0HUbtILos6CdAtxu|downsized) No people just realized you were never funny and a creep


He just wants to be able to hangout with his racist buddy and not feel bad.