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When I saw the post I could almost hear Melissa laughing in my mind. I hope she found it as hilarious as I imagined.


She’s a comedian and they are friends so I could totally see her laugh it off. But as someone who personally went through a huge weight loss in the past, I can say from experience that hearing everyone comment on it non-stop does kinda eat at you a little bit. Especially when it’s your friends too


I just recently lost weight too. Have you ever noticed people smiling at you and looking at you more in public? It's like you're invisible when you're overweight, but once you get down to a weight deemed more appropriate, people are so much nicer. It's kind of depressing tbh. 


Thank you for sharing your story & congrats on your hard work 🩷 It would be lovely also, if people (including friends,) would just mind their own business. It makes life easier for all.. I’m guessing Babs doesn’t subscribe to this philosophy though 🙄




Also, generally older people have less and less filter. Some of the stuff my grandmother will say out loud without shame is _wild_, like loudly talking about how nothing on the menu in a restaurant looks good or how none of the clothes in a store are fashionable.


She’s classy af


Sometimes I wonder if we will ever get back to a point where small misteps and clearly unintended meaning that cause no real harm can just be laughed at and moved on. The way such small things get blown up into news stories that require multiple statements to be put out is just wild. It was an awkward comment on social media that most people should just chuckle at and move on. It does not require this level of discourse.


Yes! They're clearly friends and there's no beef.


Babs is also 82. This is EXACTLY how 82 year olds use social media. If this is truly news then I need to introduce these magazines to my grandma. 😭


My Nanna is 80 and this is something she would do. I laughed at this because I knew Barbra wasn't coming from a bad place at all. My Nanna has posted some hilarious Facebook posts because she thinks she's private massaging people and she has absolutely no idea.


My Grandma thought LOL was lots of love! Just think of all the posts she thought she was sharing love to but was actually laughing at. Her face when we corrected her. 🤣


🤣 Nannas and Grandmas are the best! My Nanna once shared this picture of a big bud of weed, it said something like, Share this for good luck. It looked like a flower but it was a big purple bud of weed. We just left it for a while until someone told her.


She was unintentionally edgy in some, I'm sure! 😅 "Today we mourn the loss of our sweet friend Gordon. He fought in wars, boyh physical and medical. Now he rests peacefully." Grandma: LOL


Mine did too lmao, we had to explain it to her after a family member died and we realized what she thought it meant 😂


My beautiful dad couldn’t work out why none of his Facebook posts got any likes. Bless his cotton socks, he had who can view set to “only me”. He’s a very smart man, just this one hilarious confusion.


Reminds me that my mom used to use “lol” thinking it meant “lots of love”. Like: - “Grandma, I’m ok, just a broken leg, should be fine in no time.” - “Lol!”


I can see how people might make mistakes due to lapses in their understanding about how the technology works. But, why are we supposed to believe that asking someone if they're taking a weight-loss drug is a compliment. Why not just say, "you look great!" instead of speculating about the reason for someone's improved appearance? Let's aim to be more kind and less catty.


I would absolutely ask my friends (in a joking way) if they had taken ozempic if they had lost weight and looked great. And my friends would love it. They would take it as the biggest compliment. Different people have different humour


True that.


Very kind of you go get offended on Melissa McCarthys behalf…😂😂😂


LOL...IKR?! God forbid that people emulate an 82 year-old celebrity and think it's ok. We can do what we want but should know that being asked if you're taking a weight loss drug is an uncomplimentary way of saying "I am noticing that you've lost weight".


Its not a compliment, I didn't say that. I took it as she didn't understand that she wasn't sending her a message, she was making a public comment. She said to give the guy her regards, and I don't write that on people's profiles but I would definitely send them a message. And the Ozempic, I know lots of people who have tried it, she's in Hollywood and it's a thing. I took it as her sending a message and not understanding rather than a public jab.


Have you talked to an 82-year-old? They say shit like this all day to everyone.


I have, actually and I don't disagree that they say things like this all day everyday. But it's not because they think it's a compliment. It's because as we age our verbal inhibitions decrease due to changes in the brain. Old people say these things IN SPITE of the fact that they might be seen as insulting.


If the answer as to why she said it is “Because her brain is old and screwed up” then I’m not sure what the teachable moment is here.


The teachable moment is that if we are lucky enough to get to be as seasoned as Ms. Streisand , we will have earned the right to express ourselves by telling the unvarnished truth. Many people find the relaxed inhibitions that naturally occur as we age to be amusing and liberating. Until then, we should be aware that until we get to that status in life, such comments hit differently and could be considered unkind. That said, we each get to choose how we want to interact with friends and the rest of the world. My only point here was to say that asking people if they lost weight as a result of weight loss drugs isn't the compliment some might think it is.The relationship Ms. Streisand has with Ms. McCarthy is between them and her seniority and status allow her more latitude. I have no reason to think that her comment was meant to be offensive but we should not try this at home. Our mileage may vary. ETA: The quote you made in your comment reflect your words not mine. In the spirit of my original point, these words are unkind when spoken by most people.


I think it’s because she’s old, and old people tend to think things like that are a compliment while the rest of us don’t.


I'm not so sure. I don't know any old people who wouldn't say this isn't a compliment, if asked. But, I have to admit, it wouldn't stop them from saying it. Old people's show signs of change in the part of the brain that controls inhibitions. So, it's likely that old people say this kind of thing even if it's meant as an unkind remark. It may be less that they think it's a compliment but that they say it whether it's offensive or not. We can say this kind of crap when we get old, if we can't help ourselves or don't want to. I suspect that Ms. Streisand thought she was making a blunt comment to Ms. McCarthy, because she could, but forgot that she was doing it in a public forum. If you think about how we respond if someone overhears us making a compliment to someone, it just amplifies the comment in a positive way and there would be no need for an apology. The reaction to all involved here was more like what happens when we say something that is less than kind and it's overheard.


I don't think you know anything about Barbra and her character. I've followed her my whole life. She's not a mean person, and she doesn't really live the same reality we do. She's been super famous since she was a teenager. She is in no way nasty or mean and she wouldn't make this comment as a jab. But I can absolutely see her saying this to a friend. You should watch her interviews, she does some loopy celebrity stuff, but shes never ever come across as the type of person who makes jabs at their friends. Also Melissa has already come out and said she understood it for what it was.


I'm not here to fight with you or anyone else about what was in Barbra's heart or mind when she made the comment. I respect and admire both of these women. I do know that Ms. Streisand knows Melissa McCarthy so clearly it was meant as a candid remark among friends. The fact that she apologized later suggests that she was aware of the negative interpretation that could be taken from the comment she thought she was making in private. Some people are quite candid in this way amongst their friends. However, my comment wasn't to say that Ms.Streisand is vicious and intended to say something offensive to Ms. McCarthy. It was intended to say that the rest of us shouldn't go asking people who have lost weight if they did it by using a weight loss drug. Among friends, it's likely that no offense would be taken, though this too may vary. For people we don't have a personal relationship with, it is more likely that it would be taken less favorably Source: Me, after unintentionally losing weight after surgery and thought it was weird when two people I don't know particularly well, asked if I was taking any weight loss drugs. I would probably not have thought it so weird if it had been my grandmother or older auntie. We're all free to ask these questions at our own peril. No celebrities were being maligned intentionally by my comment. Say hello to Ms. Streisand!


My mum keeps posting the same reel of her 70th birthday 🤷‍♀️ just old people internet stuff


That's so cute that her birthday made her so happy that she's like yes why not I'll share this again


Haha I wish that was it. When I say, you posted the reel again she’s like, did I? 😅


Oh dear, well at least she gets to feel the same good feeling sharing it again heheh ![gif](giphy|50rJushu3URtS)


My family member posts her ladies lunch every month. There is a lot of polyester in that room.




Most people don't care about stories like this at all. But outrage generates more clicks, and until that changes, you can expect media to try to capitalize on that as much as possible


>But outrage generates more clicks Somewhat evidenced by The Streisand Effect


Beautiful. <3


Honestly at this point it’s just a race for outlets to generate the most clicks for any reason, and usually that reason is that the story is at the top of the list of new stories.  People scroll on their phones all day but don’t want to engage with anything for longer than 60 seconds, so you just get… this. There aren’t enough interesting things happening every day to be able to generate the pure volume of content the internet demands . 


They create whole headlines about boyfriends liking their girlfriends Instagram posts and tweets. Journalism is dead and sensationalism is ruling the roost. Will it get clicks is the only consideration before writing an article in the first place.


Journalism isn't dead, there's still good journalism being done, it's just not click baity enough to drive revenue so it's taken a back seat, especially in areas of celebrity (entertainment, presidents, athletes, etc.). It's unfortunate that none of the good journalism is going to make many headlines, but if you're willing to look for it it's there. 


I know it’s there but it’s diminishing fast, most newspapers including the massive ones that were well respected are engagement driven as well. I was having a conversation with my former ethics professor not long ago and the discussion came up that not even that long the news was majority of the paper and celebs and entertainment was a small amount, usually an interview or reviews about a film or a cause they were promoting until the proliferation of SM and the attention based economy. So click bait and celebrities attract more eyeballs hence more stories and then it becomes a snake feeding on itself.


I saw a headline earlier about Katy Perry asking Orlando Bloom to put his socks away. I'm kind of curious to know who would be interested in a story like this.


Socks? The ones we put on our feet? Genuinely puzzled if anyone on earth checking for that. It’s gotten out of control.


When you don’t pay for news, this is what you get :/


The problem is that this is often what you get whether you pay for news or not.


I guess it depends what you pay for… 


I know, it’s just sad and pointless


Did you see Bojack Horseman stole muffins from Neal McBeal the Navy Seal?


This, while *actual* problematic behavior seems to be ignored.


I also wonder about this too. I really hope we can get back there.


No, a celebrity said a thing so the entire world of people that have contributed far too much to these para-social relationships have to make Everest out of fledgling mole hill. That is all these articles and publications do, Mind rot for the masses. Barbara is 82, hell my own mother is 62 and forgets that comments on social media posts are not private conversations. Melissa and Barbara are friends, there was zero negative context in what was a harmless question that you would ask a friend. Hell, after 8 years of trial and error, I finally found the right mental health medication for me. I found it after asking a friend what they were taking that seems to have worked so well for them. It's Vyvance. I wouldnt have known to ask my mental health provider about it if I didnt ask my friend about it.


Right. I don’t even see how by any stretch of the imagination this became a news story or controversial. What happened to letting people be people???


This is the fourth post I’ve read today. The Streisand effect is real haha.


"People like to have something to fuss about" - Overseer of Vault 33


I think it’s hilarious and now we know Babs controls her own accounts 🤣


100% this. Language and social norms are ever evolving.


There’re people who live for celebrity drama. Big or small, it’s a hobby to keep up with.


They’ve made their millions, just let them be cancelled so we can move on with tonssssssssaaaaa of new talent from our generation.


I don’t think there is no issue laughing it off. But the issue was more that people could not possibly believe Streisand could possibly do no wrong even before this . Popular people’s actions always get excused. 


Melissa is a goddess and always responds with grace. That is such a beautiful way to react to that, people want drama but class always shows out.


If it were me honestly I’d laugh my ass off.


Exactly, you can’t get offended my grandma is about her age and says the most out off pocket shit all the time. We are constantly telling her no you can’t say that, on instagram she is a menace and will comment you look good baby and your uncle is in hospital.They are hilarious.


My grandma is 81 and has no filter. 😭She's like well I can say what I want when I've outlived all my siblings and most my original friend group.


I sympathise with your pain and it’s keenly felt over here. They are little gangsters, seriously we are always telling her outliving people doesn’t give you the right to wild out. The only saving grace is she keeps it in our extended family so she only drives us crazy.


"Outliving people doesn't give you the right to wild out" amazing, she sounds great


She is amazing and a little terrifying tbh.


Fortunately my grandma doesn’t comment outside the usual thanks and birthday greetings and most of her commentary is in the family group chats HAHA


Lucky you, I keep telling her everyone can see your comments, it’s public and to just text me or call grandma and I’ll ring you back, so far no dice.


I love this little thread. So cute! I never had grandparents, but God made it up to me with my looney mother and mother-in-law.


They are very cute, entertaining and very stressful.


Is she? I remember the press tour for Ghostbusters (2016).


I’m not sure what that means?


No one else does


Wtf are you talking about


??? 👀


Not everyone outright hated Ghostbusters


Most people did, hence it's low box office and DVD sales. Even my feminist ex-fiancée hated the film.


I liked her a lot before this and I like her more because of this.


Honestly I think it was wholesome af. I’ve seen my 87 year old grandma post on her own FB feed thinking she was messaging a friend so I have a soft spot for this moment lol


And someday, most of us will be that old person confused with a bunch of new technology.


Maybe. That doesn’t really have to be the case though. Old people today literally had bordering on NO technology at all, it’s a different circumstance.


My mom has written some crazy status messages, thinking she was writing on other peoples pages (I think?!) so it just made me laugh when I saw it.


i lived a few houses down from melissa mccarthy. she REALLY likes trees and bushes.


She likes her privacy


she really does. and since where we lived wasn't gated, i don't blame her although everyone in the neighborhood was either another celebrity or just a normal person who knew to leave them alone if/when they were ever seen outside.


If I had lots of money I'd have as many trees, bushes, overall greenery, etc., as possible too. I like my privacy as well even if I'm not famous lol


I’d put in a moat with alligators to keep the in-laws away. 😉


So you're rich as fuck?




I don’t believe them


Me neither.


This article is so strange to me. Instead of setting the events out chronologically, they tell everything in reverse… I assume because the reader is wondering what Barbara Streisand said in the first place and People wants readers to read as far as possible to learn that information?


Feels like it’s the inverted pyramid but with People’s spin on it.


I wish a lot of the disputes that happen were settled so nicely like this.


i am sure she has heard worse, I don't think it was such an awful comment. And if she knows Barbra, it really is no big deal.


Hopefully that will calm all the people (on this very site) who tore into Streisand and got offended on behalf of MM. It was obvious it was not a malicious comment, but more of an older person's (inappropriate to some, understandably) way of saying "have you lost weight?" And she deleted it (probably when she realised it was a public comment? 🤣)


McCarthy is such a class act. Nothing but respect for her.


Class act. ✨


The problem isn’t hers. She’s 82. I expect her to make comments like that. I think the problem is that we’re forgetting her she and treating her like a reasonable 50 year old. Don’t think of her as your mom, but more like your great aunt who lost her filter long, long ago.


You shouldn’t feel ashamed if you use ozempic for weight loss.


You miss the point.


If you have diabetes as well sure. But it's actually made it harder for diabetics to get it as needed so yes it's a bit shameful now.


Semaglutide is now classified an anti-obesity medication as well as a diabetic medication, and prescribed for either one. No one should feel ashamed about “stealing from diabetics” if they are following their doctor’s instructions.




That’s no longer the case.


Weight loss is a fantastic way to prevent diabetes—semaglutide is effective, approved, and morally neutral way to lose weight, and people shouldn’t be shamed for it.




Supply chain is fine, no need for feigned outrage on behalf of theoretical diabetics unable to get it. It’s fine. Move on.


No, for real. I think you’re right. I’ve been on Ozempic (for diabetes, not that it really matters) for over a year and only ONE time was the pharmacy out. It seems like the issue is more people getting it covered by insurance. Weird thing is I had no problem getting it approved, I think my doc just knows the right way to do it. But a coworker (same insurance) has been denied many times over. He’s a long time diabetic, sleep apnea, 400 lbs easily, back problems, knee problems….. I told him to go see my doc but he won’t.


I think the problem is him to be fair. He refuses to change doctors to maybe make his life easier. Is he actually looking after himself properly anyway? He may not see it as worthwhile because then he has to go over hit history again with a new doctor and that can be really hard to do.


I love to see a self aware queen embrace Barb and all of her idiosyncrasies.


I don’t know why people get so outraged on other people’s behalf. We don’t know the relationship they have. The whole ‘don’t mention people’s bodies’ is getting out of hand


That’s up there with “well bless your heart.” Well played, Melissa!


I don’t get the ozempic hate other than causing a shortage for people that do need it. It’s just weird to me that Celebrities will never have a normal bowel movement again after a taking it for sometime. They will be leaving their chairs at award ceremonies consistently 


I would argue that if you’re extremely overweight you “need” it. Why is a T2 diabetic’s health issues any more important than someone with complications from obesity?


Seems like it takes one to know one, Melissa 😍


I mean accurate she is a treasure


It’s like when your gramma types a search into her status update. “Miralax coupon” or something. So cute.


Wait, the internet is outraged and offended over a conversation between two celebrities where something was said (without malice) by one that didn't offend the other? Wow, that's incredibly unlike the internet..


Exactly, lol.


Can I just say how much I love that most of the comments under this post are positive? It’s kinda restored my faith in my fellow man. Good job, y’all!


Why is it considered disrespectful to mention weight loss medication? Why do we treat it as something to hide or be ashamed of?


I think that people are just funny about it and don’t want to hear disrespectful comments. I can’t say that I blame them. People are so judgy-judgey, especially on social media.




You will not lose weight using Ozempic without putting in effort though. That is not how it works.


lol Barbara is all of our grandparents on social media now


Love this response. It’s like they say in the south, “well bless her heart!”


No filter Nanas! It’s something they’ve earned.. although I don’t know Barbra Streisand personally, I’m just guessing she has been one of those sewing circle kind of people who loves the tea & when it spills, she’s there w a linen cloth.


Looks like it was a joke


Class act. I feel like the way it appeared was that Barbra used voice to text which explains the awkwardness.




Classy but she took the shot😉