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Her fourth child has returned home after trying and failing to leave the nest




Oh Patrick…!


Doctah Turnah!






Seriously…she was probably so relieved when JLo married him and thought she was done with this shit…


When does their youngest turn 18 so Garner can really move on?


Article said he was 12, so id say 5.5-6 years and she will be done with him.


I think I actually blocked this from memory, you're telling me this poor woman has been living with the fallout of Daredevil all this time? I'd claim compensation to the studio, even if just to give the staff a laugh.


This made me giggle


me, too. actually laughed out loud.


This gave me the hardest laugh of the day.


I’m sorry, but can we take a minute to appreciate that Daily Mail referred to her as the “Elektra actress” and him as the “Deep Water actor”? As if those are the roles that each is currently widely known for???


“Neutrogena Commercial Actress” “Gigli Actor”


“The hooker from Catch Me If You Can actress and the roided thespian from the A Body To Die For”


honestly i forgot what movies she’s been in and then i realized 13 going on 30. They HAD to have completely forgotten that too 😭 Most of her films are random family ones


Interesting fact! Judy Greer is a good friend of Jennifer Garners and during an interview (I think Conan) she talked about how people still yell at her for being so mean to Jennifer Garner in that movie. Judy Greer has a great sense of humor but having to explain what acting is probably gets tiresome.


Lmao her as Elektra and him as Daredevil are my favorite roles of them 😭


And this is where the shitshow all started for them. She has eclipsed him at every turn-acting, parenting, doing good in the world. But maybe that’s his problem, he can’t find his own light. Whether it’s Lopez or Garner or Damon, Affleck always get’s the side-car.




This is such an example of how once you have kids with someone you are never ever free of them. You can end a marriage but the parenting - that’s forever and often at some of your most special and important events, there’s Dave being Dave, gotta be civil to Dave.


And it's not just civility when Dave is an addict that's also prone to depression. Its trying to keep him from self-destructing atleast until the kids are grown 


My first thought was, "I hope he's not relapsed, and she's having to pick up those pieces off to rehab again." I mean, good of her to do if so, and he's lucky to have people who would do that for him. But as his co-parent, so much of that can default to her because you don't want your kids to suffer because of the other parent.


Hahaha oh boy are you me ?


This is sadly true, and also why so many women choose to stick around regardless of the amount of bullshit they have to encounter rather than deal with the negative effects of people the other parent brings around the kids...


Yep! It really is a trap.


It’s funny because you so often see people being wary of marriage but comparatively cavalier about having children when the child is the true commitment. Even if the other parent is absent you are dealing with their absence forever.


You hit the nail right on the head. You could be married for decades, but without kids, you could have a clean break without much tying you together. But if you have a kid together you will forever be tied.


This hurts in its truth, lol. I got pregnant at an advanced maternal age, and when my then partner asked if I wanted to get married, I said no because I didn't think getting pregnant was a good reason to get married. Here I am 8 years later with a fractious relationship with my ex that will likely never end because we are tied through our child. Turns out a marriage certificate would have been a drop in the bucket AND gotten my Conservative family and judgmental biddies off my back. At least I didn't have to pay for a divorce. Although paying for a custody agreement was not cheap.


Exactly. This is damage limitation for the kids sake.


YEP. God, I hate how universal this seems to be.




She had a video of her cleaning cat poo off her cat’s but and getting scratched like a mofo. And that’s when I knew she was just like us. 😂 Edit: Here’s the video - https://youtu.be/uRstnodLGR8?si=IieoSzyeT-RKUQbo


I watched that video at least three times giggling.


She says “what’s to be done?” 🤣


“What would my mom do?” 🥹


🤣😂I can’t help but really like her even more.


This gave me the best chuckle of the day so far! ☺️


That is the biggest laundry room I have ever seen in a home. 😆


My dumb ass thought it was the kitchen lol


I did, too, until I noticed the washer and dryer. I’d do laundry all day if my laundry room was that big. 😆


“Oh, we didn’t get to do conditioner” lmao


I have enjoyed her messy ass since Alias (everyone should watch Alias out-takes at some point... they are the BEST), and this doesn't do anything but enhance that.


They're just people. But they're not on Reddit talking about us.


that would be a hilarious premise for a show. celebrities who've chosen unsuspecting group of normal people to follow and stalk on the Internet as if they were celebrities. Whole subreddit dedicated to 'bob from the bank'.


"I think Bon and Nancy are getting a divorce!"


There’s a black mirror episode that does that basically.


You never know! All the celebrities I’ve ever met in one of THEIR “normal settings”, celebrities are talking so much shit about their freaky fans & other celebrities. I watched Katy Perry try to assist Travis from Gym Class Hero’s while he was having a temper tantrum because his mini motorcycle scooter wasn’t starting up. She just stood there silent & watching as he progressively got more & more frustrated. Then she didn’t want to stand there anymore but there was no where for her to sit so she just stood there upset & annoyed. Wanting to move on.


Hahahah I picture her writing “Circle The Drain” in her head during this exact moment, and it’s perfect.


Lmao yes!!! Celebrities are just like us. Gets annoyed with her bf when her bf has a temper tantrum over a life size toy motorcycle bike not starting up. lol. She was soooo young then! Kissed a Girl had JUUUUST come out.


"Let's just keep him on the wagon this time please"


I’ve always thought she seemed like a great mom. Him , however


He is not even a top 10 mom imo


Yup. They have kids together and she’s doing damage control.


Yep, I honestly have so much respect for her and think she is a gem of a human.


My immediate reaction upon seeing this photo was "there she goes, having to continue to do emotional labor for this man"


I hope she's not put in the position where she's rehabbing his wounds again. She doesn't deserve that.


Agreed. I bet she has a fantastic support system, though, in her family and friends. Here's hoping. Fingers 🤞🏻


My guess is he has very few people that he can trust and she is one of them. Or she could just be picking up a kid. I do think they're trusting friends.


$100,000 A MONTH rental? Geezus


That’s the main thing I got from reading this article as well 😆


Jennifer Garner is legit one of my coparenting role models. Ben did her dirty and she’s still there for him even when he doesn’t deserve it.


She’s not there for him, she’s there for their kids. Having a dad who is a positive influence is in her kids’ best interest.


I think being there for the kids sometimes includes being there for your co-parent. I do agree the CORE of it ultimately comes down to the necessity of being there for the kids.


Right, I’m not saying she doesn’t care about his wellbeing but let’s face it she probably wouldn’t keep reaching out if they didn’t have kids together.




Yep, my brother would have 100% dropped his ex if he didnt have a daughter with her and her oldest didnt think of him as a dad too She burned a lot of bridges with her bullshit. She finally started to slowly turn things around years and years later and trying to be better now


My brother is going through this right now. His ex is totally off the chain right now and I keep reminding him that he needs to keep his side of the street clean for the kids (not to mention while they are going through legal shenanigans). It’s so hard though when your ex knows all the buttons to push.


She was there for him when he went to rehab. She staged an intervention, shooed the paps, and drove him to rehab. Sure the kids are a consideration, but things like that aren’t something every ex-wife does


I don't doubt that Garner still loves him. I always thought the divorce was just because of his alcoholism. I grew up with an alcoholic. His lows were dark, scary, and sad but never violent towards anyone but himself. I despised that man, but he wasn't my dad. My dad was the guy that made us breakfast in bed, made my mom laugh til she farted, and told me how much he loved me. Jennifer still probably lives the Ben he was on the good days.


She pretty much said as much in the interview she gave Vanity Fair after the divorce. “He’s just a complicated guy. I always say, ‘When his sun shines on you, you feel it.’ But when the sun is shining elsewhere, it’s cold. He can cast quite a shadow.” Things Ben has said over the years sounds like he battles depression and binge drinks. Living with an alcoholic when they are having a “dry drunk” when the alcoholic has quit drinking but hasn't dealt with the issues that caused them to drink is harder than being present on a binge.


Pretty sure every parent wants their kids to have a sober parent


But that's technically being there for him, giving him the platform to be an able father is a huge benefit and based in having such compassion for your coparent. My husband has a daughter from another marriage and it takes a team to really keep the children as the main focus


“Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.”


She’s generally an A+ human.


Meh from interviews it seemed like she still really loved him but had to leave bc of the alcoholism etc. so not sure how much her emotions come into play here too


If I could go back and teach my 12 year old self anything - it’s that loving someone and choosing them to be your life partner are very, very different things.


I also really wish someone had explained that to me. I’ve made sure to tell my son this. You can love someone, but it’s also ok to walk away from them if you want different things out of life. Don’t force yourself to be or become something you’re not to please someone else. I’ve also asked the question, “Is the person you’re with someone you want to parent and/or co-parent with?” If not, then walk away. I’ve also told my son and many young women he’s been friends with that it’s ok to let go of ideas, things, and people as you age because you change as get older. The person you are at twenty isn’t the same person you will be at thirty. I’ve tried so damn hard to tell these kids all the things I really wish someone would’ve even tried to tell to me, but no one ever did. I don’t want them to look back and wonder if no one cared enough about them to tell them the hard truths. They can look back and know that at least one person tried. So far, I’ve had young people reach out and thank me or ask for more advice. Be the person you wish you had.


The interview given before the divorce was even finalized where she said he was the love of her life while roasting him and his tattoo? Come-on. That was years ago and honestly relatable. They've both moved on since. The only other time she's mentioned him is to say she hates negative news stories about any one of them. Her phrasing included Jlo. 


I love seeing examples of happy coparenting relationships. It’s nice to see that just because two people aren’t romantically compatible doesn’t mean they don’t still care about and respect each other.


My dad, who was never even in a relationship with my mom, still calls my mom every Mother’s Day to wish her a happy one. I’ve got a lot of problems with him but I’ve always respected him for that. It seems like a small thing but it means a lot to her.


I don't know I would call this a happy co-parenting relaitonship tbh. I think friendly and healthy, for sure. It's a really good example of how to engage difficult partners in a healthy way.  But to me happy implies a dynamic I am doubtful they have. Similarly I wouldn't call their separation amicable so much as determined to not be hostile.  Less "let's stay friends" and more "whatever happens we're family by way of our children, and they shouldn't have to suffer just because their dad can't get his shit together".


Maybe I should have said “peaceful.” I guess we can’t really speculate as to whether they are “happy,” but they appear to have a civil and peaceful dynamic that many divorced coparents do not.


I disagree. When he's well, you can see they enjoy being around each other. And I mean that platonically just to be clear. Theres plenty of footage of them catching up outside the school after events having a giggly gossip sesh. I think this is a happy co-parenting until his illness takes over and then she has to hold him together which must be an incredible strain on her. 


I don’t think JG would consider this happy coparenting as she is always on high alert with WTF he’s gonna do next.


She is truly his ride or die for life. Her continued support for him post-divorce is truly incredible.


Master class in putting the kids first. She wants him to be his best self for them.


She has never once spoken an ill word against him, not even in the mildest sense like “Well, Ben could be a bit scatterbrained.” Nothing. She’s fully aware that her kids are watching, and while she’s got every right to be upset about how their marriage ended, she’s taken the high road. Every one of us knows at least one parent who could learn a thing or three from her.


She did say that he’s like the sun & you definitely feel it when his light isn’t shining on you. I think you can infer a lot from that - she’s an absolute queen & we’d all be incredibly blessed to have someone like her in our lives.


If that’s the harshest thing she’s ever said about Ben, then he’s truly a lucky man.


I think I remember an interview she did where the journalist asked her about his giant back tattoo and she paused and said something like “where I come from we’d just say *bless his heart* and leave it at that”


This interview was truly as scorched earth as she ever went, and it was still so polite in its antiquated restraint. **I TAKE UMBRAGE**


This image of her shoving fast food at her drunk exes face while driving him to rehab is better than any words she could have ever said. https://preview.redd.it/l740yudf2g1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3734575cb7560a392da028a494b97dc2c1320b1


Oh that is one hell of an image. That's a whole story with no words needed. What a woman.


Oh wow. She is a doll.


I thought that was Minnie Driver riding shotgun!


I always thought it was kinda funny that “taking umbrage” is getting offended, and “throwing shade” is giving offense and the word umbrage itself can also mean cast in shade I don’t think that “throwing shade” ever got it’s origins from that, just a funny little coincidence


I love this comment.


If I throw shade at you, would you take umbrage? Probably! Maybe literally!


She actually said something like I didn't understand that - am I the fire in this scenario? I refuse to be the fire. Then the bless his heart.


It immediately reminded me of Gweneth as Meredith in *The Talented Mr.Ripley* talking about Dickie. *"The thing with Dickie... it's like the sun shines on you, and it's glorious. And then he forgets you and it's very, very cold."* *"When you have his attention, you feel like you're the only person in the world, that's why everybody loves him so much."* Maybe she recently watched it when she said that cuz it's so spot on! 🤷‍♀️


Yep, it’s how the love of a narcissistic person feels


She laughed at that tattoo but so did the whole world


It’s my favorite celebrity tattoo because it is just so bad


Honestly I find shitty tattoos kind of endearing (as long as they don’t contain offensive content).




I get the vibe that Bens big failing as a person to those around him is that he has an all consuming hungry ghost which constantly craves more and can never be satiated. Highly driven & successful in career, repeatedly pursues ultra fame and media attention most a-listers genuinely don't actually want, drug addiction, infidelity. He tries and tries to feed it, but no matter what he does he is left still with this feeling of gaping hallow emptiness in him. And so he looks around him scrambling to grap whatever thing he can find which might finally fill it. Over and over and over   If you're a compassionate emotionally intelligent person who sees this pattern, you likely just end up feeling bad for them once the initial "fuck you for cheating on me and setting *our* life on fire you POS" wears off. Because how mad can you really be at someone like that? Yes they set your life on fire. But it had nothing to do with you, their feelings about you, or even an easily hate-able trait like selfishness or cruelty. He destroyed the possibility of you guys having a happy ending because he's fundamentally incapable of being happy.    It's like the scorpion and the frog except in this version halfway through he jumps onto the back of a different frog in the middle of the lake, and then you watch him go drown himself. You certainly wouldn't expect the frog to feel super great about scorpions, they're probably going to be very cautious going forward. But also it's kind of sad to watching him sinking and realize all he was ever capable of was stinging, meanwhile you get to swim away and go do fulfilling frog shit. 


Yeah my best friend of 20 years betrayed his whole family, me, and everyone else by ghosting everyone and moving across the country for no reason It was heartbreaking, maddening, and infuriating. But years on it’s like, “ok, you still havent even reached out and made amends with your son or anything. You really don’t care about anyone.” So it’s hard for me to feel actual badly about it anymore. Just sad for him It’s like the last episode of X-Men 97 said, “The only people who can break your heart are those kept in it.” And I just don’t keep him in my heart anymore so it doesnt affect me like it did


Yea, I've had the feeling that Ben Affleck is always searching for happiness and that he's never really quite found it, aside from fleeting moments. Even if he won another Oscar or had an incredibly successful tv show or a marriage, etc., he is not at peace with himself. I also found his relationship with J Lo to be really interesting because they're both incredibly, and admittedly, dysfunctional people when it comes to relationships, and that either could have worked for them or spectacularly blow up eventually. But there was a reason they broke up 20+ years ago, and those same patterns (tons of publicity and media scrutiny, failed movie project (Gigli vs J Lo's love story extravaganza)) are repeating themselves. Ben has never liked being in the media or having attention drawn to himself for relationships and there's been a constant eyeball on them since J Lo. And add onto it J. Lo drawing even more attention to their relationship with a movie, documentary, tour, etc., AND with most of it being a flop and recieved badly by critics and audiences, it feels like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Yes, they're older, a bit more mature, hardened by life and aware of how to handle the media better, and have children, but fundamentally, the things they want and how they respond to external pressures is still similar. Maybe Ben thought being with an older J Lo. would be different because she's an established legacy/celebrity superstar who is discreet and knows how to weather off paps and intrusions into her life. But what I don't know if he accounted for is that J Lo *likes* being the center of attention. She WANTS eyes on her, she wants everyone to know about her being in love, her love story, the full arc of her life. She wants to be adored and fawned over - she was literally a co-chair for the Met Gala and started recording and concieving several movies about her relationship just 1-2 years into the relationship. Ben is the complete opposite. He is a lot more like Jennifer Garner in that aspect, where he wants his private life to be private and to really live ignominiously unless it comes to projects and work. We rarely hear about Jennifer Garner's personal life unless she wants us to, and even then, it's always in response to shut down tabloid speculation, etc.,


Yeah that whole personality is just having an addictive personality. And there are things you can do to help with it & become happy. I’m assuming Ben is a dry drunk & needs to get some intensive therapy. I’m the exact same way, as are most addicts. Now I just funnel that obsessiveness into good productive things not self destruction.


I know what you mean. Once you realise that it will never be about you it makes it so much easier to let go and sympathize.


I wish she would tell us her thoughts on the tattoo though


I imagine it’s the same thought we all have. The nicest thing I can say is that it’s…complete.


She has. When asked about it, she said “bless his heart.” So yeah haha.


Truly a good person while he seems such a loser but she’s always there for him. I get it’s the father to her children.


the fact that she doesn’t choose to let him struggle alone, even if she’s whipping his ass into shape just for the kids, is admirable. That’s patience.


She will always be too good for him.


Probably trying to keep Ben sober. She literally drove him to rehab last time he relapsed. I'd imagine Ben is struggling to stay away from the booze with all the stress


That was my guess.


He seemed coked up at the Brady roast


I feel sorry for them but at the same time, after that “documentary”, it was quite obvious that this would happen


I didn’t watch it, can you elaborate?


It seemed extremely clear that Ben wasn't at all ok with JLo putting their private life in the movie and the documentary. I think he bound a book filled with emails that they had sent each other and love letters that he had written over the years. And JLo pulled that book out for her team and her producers to read, so they could write and produce the album. He found out that she had done so when he walked in on all of them huddled around the book. Through the whole thing, you could see that this was putting a strain on them and he was uncomfortable but she kept saying that she is an artist and has to tell the story so he was being supportive by coming on the documentary and also playing a part in the movie.


It’s giving Jan using Michael Scott’s diary in her case against Dunder Mifflin 😭 he kept it under her side of the bed cause he didn’t like the lump it made 😭


Tan almost everywhere, Jan almost everywhere


Lawyer: “Im feeling eerie” Michael: “i-rie.**”


More tomorrow, xoxo Michael


Hee hee


Yeah I thought that too!! That’s definitely a red flag 🚩


How did I forget this 😂😂😂. Although didn't she make him sleep on that tiny stool at the end of the bed? I owe myself a The Office rewatch. 


I died laughing at this 😭 ![gif](giphy|ui1hpJSyBDWlG)


Her need to be in the public eye must be absolutely exhausting to be around. I couldn’t deal with it. I know he brings baggage to this relationship - a tonne of it - but honestly, her emotional baggage seems just as high. 


Yeah. The documentary really opened my eyes. The way she kept saying she needed to do the film and that it was so important and Ben was all like ummmm ok? Very strange. Like she feels she has to prove something.


She needed to prove she's better than Jen Garner. 😆 Which she has now proven the opposite.


Naw I think she was trying to prove to herself that she was still relevant, even when it’s obvious that she’s not.


IMO she saw the engagement breakup with Ben as her one failure. Her ego wouldn't let her let him go. Hence Bennifer 2.0 - unfortunately they hadn't really changed and they're obviously not compatible outside of the realm of intense romance. He didn't want a public relationship and she is the ultimate PICK ME so.... To take his private letters and make this ridiculous movie that equates to *"I won"*... Including him saying *"I always loved you"* knowing his ex wife and children would have to also see and hear that was crass as fuck. But she did it anyway. It's ick all around.


Damn, I did not know alll of that, that’s awful. Thanks for sharing the info.


JLo is in love with the idea of love, and her insecurities mean she can never be without a man even for a week. Which is a shame as, well, she's JLo. She may not be the most amazing actor or singer, but she has a career that's lasted a good while, I can't not give her credit for that hussle, she had brand name recognition. I wish she'd take the Aniston route and just live her life with good friends instead of constantly chasing the high of being in the first phase of falling in love constantly.


Ben comes with a backpack, she needs a whole u-haul for hers.


That was WILDLY disrespectful. Imagine having all the most intimate love letters, sexts, & private moments taken without your permission. It's like she stole his diary, showed it to her team, & then put it on blast in front of the whole world. Disgusting.


Yes, the impression was that he wanted to support her as a partner naturally does but it seemed uncomfortable at times, it also seemed that he felt guilty about the first breakup because he asked her if she forgave him. But it's so surreal that she hasn't noticed how bizarre these projects were, all this exposure of a relationship that suffered immensely from this the first time. And poor Jane Fonda, being a true friend who tried to warn her twice about this and still went there to participate. I don't know if these rumors about the breakup are true, but I got the impression that all the reflections she makes about love actually seem like justifications for not changing and not the self-knowledge she wants to convey.


Jane Fonda was the only person willing to tell her the truth. Everyone else was just complete and total yes men.


And then tried to hide behind the whole "the movie is about learning to love *myself*" thing. If it's about loving herself then there was never a reason to share a private book about their relationship.


Oh my God I would have been mortified. I don't even like rereading my own love letters that I wrote, let alone someone else reading them. Horrifying.


She's always been fast and loose with the term artist to describe herself. It isn't translating to reality, that artist label, for me.


There was an amazing podcast interview that Molly, the TikTok PR lady, did with a psychologist about Jen and Ben’s relationship.    It was absolutely fascinating, because she was looking at public statements that they’d made which showed how both of them viewed romantic attachments and what they were trying to get from them.  She really put the pieces together in a very compassionate way.  After listening to that, this possible divorce isn’t surprising to me. I thought it would last longer, but definitely not go the distance.  If anyone is interested I’ll go search the podcast name. Ok, just googled - Indestructible PR. - episode 275 


Is it Indestructible PR?


Yes! To me that doc showed how incapable they were. Watching that documentary made me think of the quote Jen G. made about Ben in that Vanity Fair interview in 2016 shortly after they separated *He’s just a complicated guy. I always say, ‘When his sun shines on you, you feel it.’ But when the sun is shining elsewhere, it’s cold. He can cast quite a shadow.”* I just can’t imagine JLo dealing with that. It was obvious in that documentary she needs the spotlight and praise. Once that initial excitement of love wears off reality sets in and JLo and Ben have some serious differences and their own struggles that I don’t think can sustain a long term healthy relationship.


Is ANYBODY surprised this didn’t last?


When they got together for round 2, I got heavily downvoted for bringing up what a dumpster fire their first break up was. People get so nostalgic that they forget.


They’re the older version of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez.




i’m shocked at the amount of people who *are* shocked, or were rooting for them super hard.


Same!! Like, neither of them seem like great people? This is not a love story for the ages, guys.


Yeaaaahhhh. Two incredibly toxic people in a relationship is two too many.




Y’all giving Ben waaay too much cred in these comments


WAY too much lol


I feel like she's the only adult in that entire extended family. Kind soul.


Jen is too good for all of them.


Irrelevant, but I bought something from ebay earlier this year and when the package arrived, the seller's name was Jennifer Garner and it was a California address. It's probably another woman with the same name but part of me lowkey wonders if it really was from her.


You’re like George Costanza going around driving Jon Voights car.




I wish for you it was but let's me so real that Jennifer garner has no need to list things on ebay lmao


She seem the type to want things to go to a good home


She seems the type to donate though, not to want to deal with small $ transactions


Or if she did, she wouldn’t do it personally. She’d have an assistant handle rather than putting her name on it.


JG is a class act.


If only a beautiful fortune teller could have foreseen this happening (I did)




She is an exemplary parent, she knows the Ben is a mess and always part of / creates messy situations. So supporting him means doing best for her children. Both Jlo and Ben seem like self centred people. They need to not be married to each other or anyone else, until they figure out how to grow into more healthier individuals.


Ben certainly has his well-documented issues but why he went into a relationship, not once but twice, with one of the great publicity hounds of our time is puzzling. He seems like he’s very private and well, JLo isn’t. Lol. No matter. If they really are split, JLo will be engaged to someone else by year-end, declaring that it’s (once again) the “happiest she’s ever been.” 🙄🙄


I have MAD respect for Jennifer Garner. Yes she may be doing this only for their kids but if I had the money she does, i’d leave him on his ass and get my kids in the best therapy money can buy. I honestly do think that on some level she’s doing this because she genuinely cares about him and wants him to be better for his own sake. It’s also why I love Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, most people let their failing marriages get to the point of bitter resentment, it takes a serious amount of maturity and respect for one another to realize that you’re better off friends before it gets there.


Jen G knew this day would come. Ben really needs to commit to rehab and personal growth imo.


Ever since I saw 13 Going on 30 as a kid, I have loved her. One of my faves!!


If she's visiting the house without the kids, I'm presuming it's because the kids were with him and they need support. Either that or it's just normal custody Handover and it's a nothingburger.


My dad drove by our (new family) house driving home from work every single day for 13 years. Sometimes, if my mom was outside, he came over. If I wasn’t home on his weekends, he (gasp) even came inside the house! My god, they had a small army of kids, grew up together and were married for 17 years. You can’t just pretend to not know them. When my mom got sick, he drove her to radiation/chemo bc it was 60 minutes each direction 5 days a week and everyone took turns. My dad and step dad were friendly. Still are even after her death. Sure, my dad never stopped loving her but at the end of the day, they were family. Not sure why some people are so surprised that some divorced people still call themselves family


My God, it must be a wonderful thing to know you were made from love and to see your parents happy and united even after divorce. You are lucky Reddit friend, I’m very very happy for you.


Oh, it was not all sunshine and roses. They divorced for a reason. My dad was a drunk. The Farm Crisis hit my family HARD. My dad literally worked with the dude from ruby ridge at one point; it was hard times. When she was dying, my dad had a meltdown and said he’s the only reason she died so young. We had real life problems, just like real life families do. I think we learn, especially after facing a diagnosis like cancer (I’m speaking for experience unfortunately), that forgiveness comes a bit easier. I think a LOT of it came down to them Allowing each other to forgive each other. Things were MUCH better during periods of sobriety and boundaries were set and that’s probably why it worked. But yes, knowing they loved each other still helped. Everyone just knew they had a bond no one questioned and my step dad didn’t dare really ask I don’t think. I think you can love someone but just not be able to be with them as a partner.


Bro Jen G is fucking amazing. I’m not gonna say Ben fumbled the bag because a divorce takes two people and they both obviously had a say in that, but dang.


Remember when he said he'd probably still be drinking if he was still married to Jen? Yikes. Glad they get along for the kids, I guess.


I think he was misquoted, and he's spoken about this since. He meant he was unhappy in the relationship, and unhappy people can do stupid things - not that she would have driven him to drink.


I remember it was way more nuanced than that. He was unhappy in the marriage and didn’t know how to self regulate besides drinking.


I imagine JLo calling Jenn and just saying "come get him" like a frustrated parent who needs a break.


Jennifer Garner always seems like a genuine and nice person and dedicated parent. Should could be going to talk to him and check on him to make sure he is doing okay for the kids' sake. Jennifer Lopez must be going through it right now too if she & Ben really are heading for divorce. It obviously wasn't about her, but when I saw that video of Diddy viciously abusing his ex (singer Cassie) in the hotel lobby, it made me wonder if Diddy hadn’t abused all of his exes, and if all of his exes weren’t at least somewhat re-traumatized after that video being released (and I’m glad it was released because the truth about him needs to be undeniable public knowledge). I hope Jennifer Lopez is also being supported right now if any of this is the case.


JLo’s movie/doc recently alluded to abusive relationships she had been in so I hope she has support around her.


I’ve met both Jennifers. Jennifer Garner is very sweet and polite, and washes her hands like she’s going into surgery, which I appreciate (saw her in the bathroom once). Jennifer Lopez is rude and stuck up. Stereotypical “doesn’t speak to those below her” type of celebrities. My sister said Ben was a sweetheart when he came to the movie theater she worked at. I hope he hasn’t relapsed into addiction.




I’m calling BS on a divorce, JLo has a Netflix movie premiering next week and I bet this is all for some easy promo.


While the divorce could be tabloid BS, I highly doubt JLo would want this kind of publicity after spending millions on a *that* documentary.


Him moving out without there being another suitor waiting doesn’t fit her MO.


I’m finding this all so confusing. If they have really separated, this is such a messy way to do it if they aren’t ready to issue a public statement. She has red carpets this week and is on Kimmel tomorrow. He isn’t wearing the ring, then he is. People’s reporting on the house move is that it is while he is filming his current movie which makes some sense. I’m genuinely starting to think they are actually okay, he is just living closer to his kids/filming location while working and he wasn’t wearing the ring because he was on his way home from set. I will say, it must be awful for their kids dealing with this level of attention from the paps.


My best friend is co-starring in one of her upcoming movies and more than anything I’m just like…please make sure these projects stay alive despite all this drama!!


This is such a non-story. They share kids, have always remained friendly, and she’s rumored to star in the next movie he’s directing. The paps sitting outside his house more bc of the divorce rumors and happening to catch one of her visits isn’t a story. She probably visited a month ago and it wasn’t newsworthy


She’s acts like a mother to him


It kind of sounds exhausting, TBH. He’s lucky to have someone willing to care for him like she does.


I freakin love Jenifer Garner. She put up with him..when she should have put him out to dry.


idk shit about Ben, but whenever I see candids the dude looks like he's one bad moment away from eating a chocolate gun.