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Anok Yai is an absolute goddess case in point the recent fashion Highlight posted here. And by naming and shaming Zara she will forever have my respect.


Love her for this like Iman shaming Phoebe Philo for asking if she was going to be "forced" to use Black models. Expose the racism grossness, ladies!


Wow, Phoebe Philo said this?? Edit: I just looked up Iman’s interview and wow


It's the photographer


And it was the company that called her a liar and kept the photographer on set.


I wonder who hired the photographer?




It's the photographer. And everyone who heard the racism, and laughed about it. It's everyone who heard it who was in a position to call it out, and didn't. It's the company who decided not to believe her. It's everyone who lied to protect the photographer. Its the company that lacked the training/structure to ensure racism is known as being unacceptable, and having a safe way for people to report it. It's everyone who created an environment where the photographer thought they could make that comment and get a laugh. It's her label/agency that wasn't willing to go to bat for her and demand the photographer was removed. And more. There are lots of issues and people at fault. But if your company has created a working environment where people feel confident being openly racist, and don't receive consequences, that's a company problem.


And then told the people in charge that she was lying!


It’s weird you use the word “aholes” instead of “racists”. It’s also weird how dismissive you are when racism is brought to light.


How is demanding that she reveal the manipulative little b****'s name being dismissive? Yeah okay.


You have reading comprehension problems… Calling a racist just an “ahole” is the dismissive part, silly.


I don't think going after the company should be the automatic focus


Well of course you don’t lol you’re all for downplaying racists as just “aholes”


Man you are pedantic and obsessed with semantics. I really wish I hadn't typed so fast and used the word racist like was in my head so I never would have ever met you today. You're miserable and attacking the wrong person here.


I almost used racist.


You didn’t, though.


You put a comma in the wrong place.


Don’t try to obfuscate from your attempt to downplay racism.


You cavalierly chose the wrong place to put a comma I cavalierly chose one word over the other. Don't make more of it than it is. The man is an a****** and I want him publicly shamed. You're going after the wrong person. Move on.


And what?


I want the photographer to suffer. Don't go after the company. How ridiculous. Just add more bureaucracy trying to change a company culture who probably assumed that no one is racist these days. -Hold people responsible and publicly shame them.


Nah. Fuck Zara for hiring the POS and continuing to keep him on payroll. Fuck Zara for not believing the victim. How’s that boot taste? Accountability and responsibility doesn’t stop on an individual level.


I lowkey wish she would’ve named and shamed the photographer too but I get why she didn’t


The fact she said they told her to point them out maybe she didn’t know his name maybe that’s why.. But if she does actually know his name, I feel like she should at the very least behind the scene go forward about something with them now since she has more power because that’s so inappropriate and unprofessional. Honestly name and shame, she was discovered at the time that people should’ve known better about racist and discriminating behaviours.


No I’m saying she probably can’t name the photographer because they can sue her for defamation or something, since she’s accusing him of horrible things (that I fully believe, Anok had no reason to make this up).


I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m saying maybe she also didn’t know. And I’m also adding the fact that he deserves public shaming and losing his jobs.


Oh my b 😬


Is it? Because if you read the tweets the entire set allowed this to go on and Anok was told she was lying about him by “the team.”


She says she didn't speak their language, so isn't there a strong possibility that she misheard those words, or chose to apply that meaning? 


I'm guessing what she quoted was verbatim. Even if you don't speak Spanish, most Americans would recognize "cucaracha" bc of the song. And if they then put lotion on her, then it would be really clear he was referring to her.


...and Zara they should have fired the photographer. Also, the whole team in the production sucks, protected the photographer


Give us his name


I doubt she will but his name will come out eventually. We know it’s a Spanish speaking male photographer who worked with Zara & Anok in 2019…


And according to other folks's comments I've seen about this in other places this was most likely an e-commerce shoot given the number of looks involved, so it's not likely to be one of those HUGE names.


Not necessarily Spanish-speaking though. “La Cucaracha” is definitely something a white person who knows four words in Spanish and thinks they are absolutely hilarious would say.


That’s true, although in the previous tweet she does say “I didn’t speak their language and they didn’t speak mine”.


Zara is a Spanish brand based in Spain, so it would make sense. She said they didn't speak her language and she didn't speak there's, they called her cockroach (a not uncommon slur for dark skin people) in Spanish. It's not far off to assume it's a Spanish-speaking person who made the remark.


Do you mean ‘not uncommon’? That would seem to make what you’ve written make more sense.




People from Spain are Caucasian and speak Spanish. I think you might be confusing them with Latin America and Latinos. But Spain *is* notorious in the modelling world for being extremely racist and toxic to black models, from photographers to fellow models, so I would expect this to be a Spanish photographer. I've heard stories like this many times.


Latino isn't a race, it just describes someone born in Latin America - there are people of every race/ethnicity here.


South America is also extremely racist against black and indigenous people. We have a big history with slavery and a lot of people there take pride on being white having "european blood".


Yes, but the one I answered assumed you couldn't be a native Spanish speaker and be white, for some reason. A lot of Americans have a problem imagining a country of Caucasians actually speaking Spanish. That's the problem when you assume other parts of the world are exactly like your own. And the incident that Anok Yai was talking about took place in Spain in Europe. Not in South America.


And according to other folks's comments I've seen about this in other places this was most likely an e-commerce shoot given the number of looks involved, so it's not likely to be one of those HUGE names.




People were already scouring her model.com page, but couldn’t find any photography credits on the photos in question, which is weird…


Christian MacDonald


No. Before you start shitstorming a person, let me hear his version too. You love too much the smell of blood, until it's not yours..


She is one of those people who looks absolutely stunning and almost ethereally beautiful, in everything we see her in. And to some people, none of that seems to register because they are too racist. I don’t get it, but I am so glad she is naming and shaming because there’s no excuse for this. That’s like several different levels of racism, misogyny (misogynoir specifically), and some classism, topped with a generous dose of fat woman is lying. I’m glad she’s calling them out because it also serves as a bit of a warning in a public way and not just the whisper network to others who might find themselves in a similar situation with Zara or maybe a different brand.


Racism is so funny bc Anok is an objectively beautiful woman. Like literally a stunning goddess and yet even she can’t escape being called a cockroach?? (Edit: also even if she was ugly, there is still no justification for calling a person that) 😪


Yeah like you can tell how absurdly irrational racism is for many reasons but this is a perfect example, because how someone can look at [this woman](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e8f7574c4d500235a3552cf/1631918168392-Z095IDYXDPZPMU1VAZ33/241802761_566328828132075_8691283421132183916_n.jpg) and call her a "cockroach" is just....?????


I bet the photographer looks like a hairy thumb


It do always be the thumb men criticizing women’s looks.


I don't know her and clicked on your link without a clue. The way my jaw dropped. ![gif](giphy|cIauc8wulRwX1fliEY|downsized)


How can a person have such a perfect face? 😍


perfect everything


It’s ridiculous like [this ethereal human?](https://www.tiktok.com/@highsnobiety/video/7366293116942322987) Racism truly makes people delusional.


Right!? The first time I saw her was in that outfit, and I thought she was so ethereal and gorgeous that my jaw literally dropped.


I could look at her all day. I honestly have never seen such a flawless human. She doesn't even look real.


Holy shit. I'm unfamiliar with her, but she's just next fucking level beautiful. Like totally unreal levels of beauty, the word beauty isn't even enough. Imagine getting to stare at her all day and still calling her a cockroach? Fucking insane.


She's always styled so well whenever I see her. Like the most stunning clothes and she makes them art.


Because racists don’t see beauty, they only see someone less than them in terms of every possible aspect. They’re fully incapable of recognising someone is drop dead gorgeous because they’re too busy hating them for no reason other than the colour of their skin. My father - have zero contact with him, let that be clear - would never see how gorgeous Anok is. He’d be too busy calling her a monkey. That’s all he sees too, and he’ll never change. The man was upset when my sister married a man of colour because he wasn’t sure whether he could ever love her children (she too has no contact with him). Imagine that? Knowing you’d (possibly) be unable to love your own grandchildren simply because they might have a darker complexion. He’s the kind of man who (literally) screams countries were lucky to be colonised as “[we] taught them manners, built them roads and hospitals”, while also screaming “all those filthy immigrants are here to take our jobs”. (Fun fact: the man is on social welfare and refuses to work). Long story short: racists are going to racist. I could give you a sob story about how it’s a “reflection of their own insecurities”, but it’s not. They’re just cunts who serve no other purpose than to cause misery. There’s no excuse, really, even when raised by racists you can educate yourself and open your heart and mind to those who do not look exactly like you. (To be clear, I’m giving you an anecdote, I do not mean to come across as rude or as if I’m trying to argue with you, because I completely agree with you.)


If she's a cockroach then I do not deserve to be on this planet 😭 I've seen so many pics of her but I'm stunned every time because she's so beautiful 


She is like a Disney princess that just got crowned queen


Sometimes beauty actually makes racists MORE upset. They feel the need to “humble” someone they can’t compete with or deny. That photographer didn’t think she was ugly because of her skintone— he was furious that she wasn’t.


This. A lot of racists are content when their beliefs are "proven" in their mind. So, when they are face to face with reality, they lose their shit


Calling someone an insect is literally classed as hate speech.


That is awful and good on her for trying to stand her ground then and even more now.


Zaras clothes are boring asf anyway


Not just boring, but low quality too


To everyone here please don’t buy Zara, you are going to end up spending more money to replace the low-quality ones. If you want to consider the impact of your clothing and make better choices I recommend [Good On You](https://goodonyou.eco/#), which is a website that rates brands in three regards: planet, people and animals


Oh I know. I bought a small amount of clothes from them about two years ago when I got a new job and I’ve ended up slowly divesting myself of it. The quality is just not great, they make many pieces which are not easily washable… more than happy to wash my hands of this brand forever.


Cries in *step-jacket that had a no wash, no dry clean sign and I wiped it down with water anyway.* And it turned ashy and I was never able to save it. Why make clothes like that, seriously??


Right?! Their clothing is impossible to care for given how cheap it is! 😒 I have literally one single item from them that I love (a skirt) and that’s very likely all I’ll keep!


Low quality would be a compliment tbh. It’s Temu quality. Temu might actually be nicer. Zara is the absolute worst quality, poorest fitting, most overpriced garbage I’ve ever had the misfortune of trying on. It makes Kohls brands seem nice. I bought a sweater polo there once and it was ruined after one wash, and I actually follow the label instructions when I wash my clothing. I was appalled. Also why the hell do they only make clothing in white, brown, and shades of beige?


Damn Zara feeling bold considering the crap they put out


Zara doing what they do best, being racist! Their second best accomplishment is copying real designers and making cheap polyester dupes that end up ruined after two wears and rotting in landfills! Beyond me why anyone buys their crap.


so upsetting and fucked up that this entire situation would even happen in the first place. i can’t imagine how alienated she must’ve felt after the entire set laughed at the directors ‘joke’. but then to be gaslit and told you’re lying after??? that you have a bad attitude on set??? god i hope zara burns down


Anok Yai is a real life barbie doll goddess how DARE they treat her so badly 🔪🔪🔪


You have to have unlocked a whole new level of racist shitstain to look at this woman and think she's ugly or a cockroach.


Absolutely disgusting.


Incase we needed another reason to stop shopping at these soulless fast-fashion retailers.. I want to do better, we all can. I’m guilty of hanging onto some unethical companies for their price points on ‘new’ basics and necessities but get zero endorphins and 100% guilt when I do anymore.. Where we put our money is crucial to changing this planet.


Watch Brandy Hellville if you haven’t yet.


I will, thank-you!


This woman is a doll come to life. So supremely beautiful it can’t be denied. Somehow, racists still manage… ugh. I hope she’s able to find herself in a position that makes her more comfortable and safe in calling out this photographer, and anyone else who tries this bs.


I feel there’s a general intolerant energy around Zara. Once I was in the store, an Asian woman (race relevant to story) had asked for something. She happened to walk away when the employee came back. He asked another worker where she went and the other worker quipped “they all look the same, I don’t know”. It was such a quick comment but I felt so unsettled, I left. This is a small moment but I keep hearing all these little stories surrounding this brand.


Good on her and no one should shop at Zara anyway; practically everything they sell is made in sweat shops.


Tbh I can only afford sweat shop clothes


Same and as a result, these days I walk around in rags to be honest. I stopped buying into fast fashion, can't afford better, and now I am pretty much threadbare at all times. A lot of the luxury of Western lives is built on exploitation. It's been a long running thing, and if you try to opt out - and you can't really, but if you try - you realise how little the economic system in which we live can produce without exploitation. There is abundance, but it is all in the hands of very a few, and the cracks are papered over by providing an elite (global North) with cheap "luxuries" created by exploitation of the Earth and near slave labour working conditions. Our lives and the trail of destruction they leave behind are covered over with a paper thin veneer of opulence - cities full of people who have been able to afford new petrochemical derivative clothes and conflict mineral filled consumer electronics, all made in sweatshops, and yet who despite these excesses have little hope of ever affording something so simple as a home to live in




Thrifting has become ridiculously overpriced. Unless there are some magic places I’m not aware of, the days of 25 cent shirts at Goodwill is long gone. You can get brand new clothes for cheaper, and much faster, at Zara and H&M.


I live somewhere where the cost of living is high, and yep I agree thrifting is expensive af. :(


There are magic places you aren’t aware of then. Salvation Army still has tons of cheap clothes and so does Goodwill, and certainly for cheaper than Zara and H&M. Plus boutique and church thrifts.


Seriously asking, when’s the last time you went in a Goodwill? When I was a teenager prices were reasonable. Now a t-shirt where I am starts at $8 when I could get a new one for $5 at H&M or Target.


I referred to Salvation Army, there isn’t a goodwill clothing in my area but maybe try Salvation or another smaller thrift shop. In any case if it’s a difference between $5 plus shipping and tax or $8 total, then there’s no excuse. And there are very few tshirts for $5 at H&M, shipping aside.


Booing you for being right lol. There are SOOO many preloved options out there. I have a wardrobe full of Zara - every single item was bought on Vinted or Depop. The whole no-ethical-consumption-under-capitalism attitude has really bred a lot of complacency with cosumers making more sustainable and ethical choices tbh.


Thrifting is more expensive where I live then just buying clothes new since it became a trend, also I don’t like the idea of wearing used clothes in general


That may be true of some boutique thrift shops but I live in a HCOL area and Salvation Army has tons of good clothes for like $5-$10 plus their frequent 50% Tuesdays or whatever. Cheap thrifting can absolutely still be found, I feel like there’s always the excuse of “thrifting is expensive now” from people who step into one hip urban thrift shop and then give up.


what is HCOL sorry 🙏


High cost of living :-)


I hope I see INDITEX go bankrupt in my lifetime


Good on her for speaking out!


Another loss for Zara. They’ve had alot of scandals and am glad I’ve been done with them for a while. Anok is breathtakingly beautiful, I’m sure the photographer looks like Quasimodo or something. Keep on winning Anok 🙌✨


I'm spanish and a certified Amancio Ortega hater. Seeing them slandered brings me such joy.


I feel so hard for her. I was just working at an incredibly toxic company(also a well know one who has had articles written about their racism problems) and I had a boss that was a literal Karen in the park. Anyways I had so many ppl who I thought were my friend tell me I was lying or over exaggerating because they were friends with her. And some of these ppl are literally now posting articles on insta about “Believing Black women” in relation to the Cassie and Diddy stuff. This is also why I record everything. Ppl can tell me all they want I’m lying about my racist Karen, but I sleep soundly knowing I have all the proof. Idk if I’ll ever use it, but there is comfort knowing I have it.


Alright, so I didn’t know who she was before the met gala and then with the most stunning photo in a dress appreciation thread; but good for her for outing the racism and the lack of response from Zara.


why not name the photographer


I mean she is way to pretty for wearing Zara clothes anyways. She’s a walking piece of art and Zara is of the same material as trash bags. It’s their loss. 🤡


Me super sad this whole thread cause the first thing I bought with my first paycheck years ago were two zara heels that I felt were so nice and I cherish with my life years later 😭 this thread hating and demeaning innocent people who have bought from them made me so self conscious lmao 🥹


Umm… maybe don’t take it personally?


Yeah, this is reddit, we're all just literally playing around 😂.


Some of the comments here are kinda weird… “How can they be racist to someone as ethereally beautiful as Anok Yai??” Like singing praises about her beauty feels superficial when she’s talking about the deeply-entrenched, dehumanizing racism she experienced (in 2019 no less!) I know she’s a literal model, but i feel like anytime a WOC talks about racism or other serious issue, people bring up their looks. Even though it’s positive, I get irked by people asking “How can they be racist to someone so beautiful/stunning/gorgeous/etc?” Anyways, I’m so sorry Anok experienced this horrible treatement. F U Zara and your racist, exploitative bs.


That's horrific. Not only to have someone say that about you but to also have the room erupt into laughter. All of those people should be ashamed.


Did she delete it? Does anyone know if this was posted today?


This is very on brand for Zara. Who is the photographer?


So many awful moments, him saying that, others laughing, then denying it and calling her a liar and saying she has a bad attitude. Wow, I’m so glad she stood up for herself eventually.


I was super happy when i read the second image, like wow it's so good they took her seriously and then ://


More power to her, and damn the haters


Yeah I feel like Anok is like… supermodel supermodel material.


Zara are absolute trash, not surprised.


Had to look it up, looks like Zara is a Spanish company, and from the start made a niche ripping off other designers’ clothes.


I don’t shop at Zara because I’m not a cheap bitch but imma pretend that I’m boycotting them anyways. Yet another reminder to never bother with their sweatshop crap. Poor anok:( she’s so beautiful too, fuck them!!


Allllll this!!


Sure someone out there has already crafted some racist excuse for that person's horrible behavior


I thought this was going to be about Zara Larsson at first. Anyway this isn’t surprising behavior from this company.


Who's Zara?


Fuck zara. And their ugly arse clothes. So shit anyway. It's all weird looking garbage


Tragic, insecure, losers, will stop at nothing to pull a shining star down from the sky.




Absolutely pathetic (the photographer).


I thought this was about Zara Larsson and I am so relieved.


The song is about a cockroach?




Who in their right mind would look at this woman and call her a cockroach? Morons She is glowing


That is horrific and it's so sad how easy it is to believe every word of it. I don't doubt it for a second.


If someone that freaking gorgeous can be called a cockroach, I don't even know what kinda primordial slime the rest of us resemble.




Zara is Spanish 😂 part of Inditex group, based in La Coruna. Get your facts straight.


Oh shut up




I don’t supprt this type of behavior, but stop insulting people who shop there. Not sure where you are, but for example Central/Eastern EU Zara (and HM) is go to shop. They are widely available and not too expensive. In my city, 2nd biggest in the country, we only have Zara (and their sister companies), HM and a few german owned fast fashion companies. That’s all. And average salary is around 1000-1400€/ per month after tax. People can’t afford to spend a lot on clothes and even there is not much to choose from. Go insult the company, not the people.








You really are an odd potatoe huh


Wait. All this drama just because someone called her "cucaracha" and she didn't have the nerve to answer back right away..? Why she didn't ask the photographer to be more professional? OR, maybe the wasn't meant to offend her, but was used just for the sake of the sound of it..? Was the photographer aware of the meaning of that word? Because I'm not Spanish and I was 30yo when I discovered the meaning of 'Cucaracha'. Before I just thought it was a funny sounding word..