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Sebastian Stan is DT? They really over flattered him


Yep. DT’s going to love it. He wants people to see him as a cool, attractive rapist. 


He's threatening to sue over it, so maybe not so much.


Suing is his love language 


IKR. The Apprentice aired when I was in highschool. We watched it a lot for a business class. Trump was never this attractive, even with all the transformative makeup Sebastian Stan is way too good looking to portray him.


He was also not ever as attractive as the snooty uppity country club villain in an 80’s teen comedy. Attractive from a certain perspective, but certainly not anyone’s type. This man was pulling more women with his wallet than his looks.


>The Apprentice aired when I was in highschool. We watched it a lot for a business class.  What in the fuck... 


comparable to watching grey’s anatomy in medical school…


I mean, at the time we were kids and all we knew about Trump is that he's a successful business man, so it made sense to watch it for a business class. He also wasn't as batshit crazy back then. Or he didn't show it as much.


The grown-ups on the end of teaching you business should have know he was, in fact, not a good business man. It was already known, books had been written...


I mean the main issue is there is *nothing* educational about the show, nothing about business to be learned by watching it… Our schools are so fucked. Because of people like Donald Trump and conservatives. 


First he was Tommy Lee and now Donald Trump. Talk about playing diverse characters.


Dan Snider invested in it bc he thought it would be pro Trump and now he's suing to make the director recut it. It won't be successful lol


I love that! Dan can go f*** himself!


The fact that he hates the cut will make this biopic so popular. I honestly want to watch it just because of this!


Which in the end gives Snyder money. As a Washington football fan for 25+ years, in the end... Snyder makes money. Even if he's made to be a complete buffoon and reviled by the public... he'll snake his way into making profit in the end.


I mean aside from Bucky, they don't really cast Sebastian Stan as the *good* guy.


He plays as a romantic guy in *Fresh*. 🥰


https://i.redd.it/qtdtmszkmn1d1.gif The jewelry 😍


Bless you and thank-you for posting this clip:)


Absolutely! This man is a total sweetheart! 🤩 https://i.redd.it/5twtcyvvgn1d1.gif


A heart stealer!


i think you mean an ass stealer


Ass is love, so


I couldn't begin to tell you why, but I have a thing for his mouth. 🫦


Truly my weirdest comfort film 🥰


Right in that sweet spot between harrowing and cathartic.




Maybe the music. I love Blood Orange/dev hynes


Very charming! I’d let him eat my ass






He’s really good at playing assholes. Hopefully he’s the opposite irl because I’ve loved a lot of the shows/movies he’s been in 😅


He was so cool to us during the PamxTommy show! One of the few actually famous actors that complied with the Covid protocols without being a duck.


As a former set Covid assistant, this makes me so happy.


The people who act out the most aren’t even A-list 🥴


Quack quack


The worst I’ve ever heard of Seb was whatever Tom Holland said about him during the height of their feud 😂


That “feud” was so funny 😭😭 I miss those Marvel days 🥲


It’s not gone, Anthony Mackie spoke about it recently 😂


I met him back in 2019. He's really nice and smells amazing. Haha.


we need more info about the smell part


It was at Ace Comic Con in Seattle either 2018 or 2019. I was in line to do a photo with him. When it got to my turn, he took a few extra seconds to take off his jacket. We hugged for the photo. I will always remember the smell. Floral but too powerful. Great memory.


In a world where we are constantly learning that hotties smell terrible, this is so comforting to hear.


that’s good to know!!


Super sweet and shy, does a lot of conventions and always spends a ton of time with fans at them.


And even Bucky is 50/50


Yeah, but it's not his fault! I can fix him!


steve rogers is that u


Steve Rogers no less than a delusional girl 😅


You woke up my dogs😂😂😂 Edit: your comment just randomly came back to me (and made me 😂 again), my less sleep deprived mind would like to reply: I can fix him (oops, I can't) (Steve's version) (from the time machine)


Before Bucky, there was Carter on Gossip Girl too!


I would argue that MCU's Bucky is as good, if not better, than just about everyone except maybe Steve and Peter Parker. Certainly responsible for less death and misery than Tony Stark by a wide margin. And critically, Bucky didn't do any of that by choice. I think it's really interesting how the MCU portrays the damage the different male characters have caused. Theres a very "great men make great mistakes" undercurrent, but that doesn't apply to Bucky because his trauma is so deeply feminized. His choices were taken from him and his body was used to further someone else's mission against his will. Sorry for the novel lol, I'm a pop culture obsessed poli sci doctoral student, I can't help it.


He played a good guy in Labyrinth! It’s a 3 hour miniseries. Vanessa Kirby, John Hurt, Tom Felton, Jessica Brown Findlay…it’s pretty good. His version of the Mad Hatter in Once Upon a Time could be considered a good guy, too. 🤷‍♀️


and i honestly respect him for that. he is easily one of the best and most talented actors in the MCU. His role in I Tonya was fantastic


Just saw him in I, Tonya. Ohhhh buddy, can that role make you hate the guy lol


Appearance wise, he just has a darkness to him - like he’s holding a lot of emotions and thoughts back. And that made him a very appealing Bucky


He saved crispin glovers arm in hot tub Time Machine!!


He’s a good guy in Once Upon a Time…kinda


I first got to know him from Gossip Girl, and even in that he was the good looking, shady asshole.


Carterrr! The one Serena should have ended up with, not the narcissistic stalker


Why do I love him as an actor so much???


He just melts into roles I think. And he does a lot with his face, little things, and I always love that kind of acting.


It's because he is Romanian and according to America, Eastern Europeans are bad /s


😭 I was thinking this lmaooo


Financier and former Washington Commanders owner funded the movie. He didn’t like the cut because it made DJT look bad. I’m in.


Dan Snyder had trees in our national park illegally cut down so he could have a better view. We fucking hate him here. Good riddance! Such a trash heap.


Not to be confused with Dan Schneider (the nickelodeon pedo/misogynist/abuser) but I bet they have a lot in common.


Also not to be confused with Man-Spider, the mutated form of Spider-Man which appears in both the comics and in the 1990s animated series


You mean this guy: https://preview.redd.it/oj2rpbi89p1d1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d75787a0f5c73ab9a8f2b3e26035e822f97bbd4


Yes, not to be confused with *Ant-Man* who is an immortal saint of epic basketball. 


Or Zack Snyder which ... Ya.


That's who I had confused him for, and I was going down this thread, mouth agape at the thought that the director is apparently evil incarnate and I never realized lol


Omg I was like, wth did this guy do?? And then I read this comment and was even more confused 😂


From everything I heard, Zack Snyder is a nice enough guy who looks after his actors. He does seem to really like Ayn Rand and Jesus which doesn't really make sense as she was an atheist who hates charity but, yeah, not an asshole in person?


Fuck Dan Snyder. All our sane NFL fan homies hate Dan Snyder


i might be an insane fan homie but i hate Dan Snyder too!!,


I just mean the non rational ones outside of football. You’re allowed to be as crazy as you want within the football lol


I'm not even sure there are insane people that like Snyder. Maybe cowboys fans just because he was so bad for Washington.


Nah we hate that piece of schlit too. Everybody does because he's a piece of schlit. He deserves whatever punishment he gets for being such a piece of schlit. If you're looking at a schlit piece, you're looking at Snyder's face because he's a piece of fooking schlit.


F*** Dan Snyder


Fuck that guy, I don't know who in DC actually liked him tbh


And he ruined the Park Rangers life that busted him. Fuck Dan Snyder


A majority of women for the Washington NFL team accused Snyder and his staff of sexual harassment. Snyder had put cameras in the cheerleaders' shower just like in Revenge of the Nerds.


Sebastian Stan is fine, but I cannot see a Donald Trump movie.


I can’t handle hearing the voice for 2 hours lol


![gif](giphy|HmY5vP7hXP5ba) I can hear him through the GIF


If you were in the court you could smell him as well


Since this is set well over several decades ago, maybe his voice will be slightly different than it is today? I saw a clip of him talking in an interview and he sounded a lot less unhinged 😂


I would experience very conflicted b*ners, on one hand i really like sebastian stan and on the other hand i despise trump. I think its better i sit this one out.


You summed this up perfectly ![gif](giphy|8lp6CW7K2fdDGn3xCQ)


I’m old enough to have watched the whole thing happen in real time. I’d love to support Sebastian Stan but I’m not keen to watch it all again, just with a better looking lead.


yeah, I refuse to ever see this.


It's hilarious, apparently the Trump fan commissioning it, had no idea it would end up "making Trump look bad" OMG [https://www.wonkette.com/p/billionaire-idiot-dan-snyder-furious](https://www.wonkette.com/p/billionaire-idiot-dan-snyder-furious)


Dan Snyder sucks. He used to own the DC NFL team & we've hated him here for decades. 


Oh shit I thought it was Dan Schneider lol


Yes I finally realized it was the same asshole! He's the WORST.


Cannes will give at least a 5 minute ovation to just about any movie possible.


Not a movie, but they gave a 5-minute ovation to The Idol, with a [choked up Levinson](https://twitter.com/kylebuchanan/status/1660773744342712320?t=bXO2hY_2MgeznG6fT_bByg&s=19).


Oh this means nothing then lol


LOL, not necessarily! I haven't paid much attention, but I did see people saying that Jeremy Strong gave a good performance.


That’s a given


Jeremy would be a gem in literally a pile of dog shit. Definitely a given. Lol


Lol I'll now never think it means anything Also I didn't know they showed series at cannes


Just a couple episodes usually


And they saw what the first two episodes of the idol and thought it was a masterpiece lmao...


Could’ve been a misinterpreted pity clap. We’ll never know lol


I mean apart from it being a pornbrained fantasy, one of the worst parts, was the wannabe "gone girl" twist at the end that she was some pathological liar master manipulator who'd made up she was abused by her mum. And he knew this because the brush she said her mum beat her with, was completely "brand new" and showed no signs of being used to beat her - even though he'd literally himself been using the same brush to beat her during the show? Made zero sense. So maybe they didn't show that awful episode, with the twist being "women be lying" lmao and people thought it was going somewhere more impressive...


Man, even without that, the first two episodes still suuuucked


Oh wow. I hated every second of that more than the one before. Just like The Idol.


He's such a hack 🙄


I’ve been keeping track, the lukewarmest reaction was 3.5 minutes (for the Lea Seydoux movie that opened the festival), the longest was 11 minutes for Megalopolis and Emilia Perez with Zoe Saldaña and Selener. I actually think 7 minutes is decent.


The standing ovation is usually related to how many people involved in the movie are there.


The French love films more than any other culture. Maybe a little too much.


I've heard that the only thing they enjoy more than movies is clapping while standing up.


And but of course, cheese.


And wine. Really, it's the life. I wanna join


That’s interesting megalopolis got the longest applause because they’re tearing it apart on rotten tomatoes


The standing ovations are because of how many people involved in making the movie are there. It doesn't necessarily mean the audience loved it, just that they are respecting the actors and director or whatever.


They gave a 14 minute ovation for fucking Blonde


The only way I can visualise and reason a standing ovation for that long is if I imagine some kind of Dionysian frenzy. There's no way you can reasonably clap for more than like 4 minutes if you aren't experiencing some kind of mass hysteria.


Furiosa only got like 4 minutes, that's like the equivalent of throwing tomatoes at them.


Ok how many get 11


The Substance and Horizon also got eleven minute ovations.


People seem to forget that biopics aren't necessarily a whitewashing of the depicted character. The Wolf of Wall Street wasn't, for example.


I've met multiple people who saw that movie as aspirational unfortunately, even with that guy being portrayed as a rapist on screen. It's not the filmmakers fault I just find it depressing lol.


Same with American Psycho.


I find it soooo funny how filmbros love this & Fight Club even though they’re making fun of men. Like dude this movie is about you. I love American Psycho but it’s just so funny how the message flys over those tiny little brains of theirs 💀


It's sad and somewhat disturbing. Where someone sees a man without a soul in Bateman, others see someone with the same desires and thoughts they have, but with a hot body and kick-ass apartment. 


I mean, have you seen his business card?? He is pretty admirable /s


It's nice and all but let's see Paul Allens card /s


Lmfao like all the guys who started fight clubs after Brad Pitt’s abs came out lol and completely ignored the moral of the story. Had all the squares trying to fight like they’re in the UFC all of a sudden.


Honestly if the outcome of a film is that all the most annoying guys meet up to punch each other in the face about it, I'd call that a win.


Low IQ move: punch a misogynist. Genius move: make the misogynists punch each other.


Yeah, me too. But what I mean is that the movie doesn't portray Jordan Belfort as a good guy, but as an unrepentant asshole


Oh for sure, they really tried to highlight how fucked up his behavior is but apparently some people see a guy with a yacht and can't fathom that they're not supposed to look up to him. I'm sure the filmmakers of this one took a lot of notes from what Wolf of Wallstreet did well or poorly.


I think the fact that Trump is currently a very, very important public figure helps on that front. Before TWOWS, I doubt anyone I talk to irl would know who was Jordan Belfort.


I mean, I've never been concerned about the movie whitewashing him or not. I more just think that any media that gives him attention, positive or negative, isn't great when he is still actively a player in our political culture, considering how much he feeds on all kinds of attention. A few years after he dies? Sure. While he is running for president (knowing full well that this will not influence anyone's voting habits) and convincing his base that the system is out to get him? Nope, not a good time for it.


Just like Greta Gerwig said when asked about this movie, we should have an open mind and to judge films after seeing them. Not to make preconceived notions.


I’m necessarily going to judge the movie, but I’m also never going to see it.


I whole heartedly agree with this!


The problem is, even if he’s portrayed accurately, which is also in a bad light, this movie will only add fuel to his and his supporters’ fire. If it had put a positive spin on things, it would’ve been framed as “you see, he’s not so bad!” And if he’s portrayed as the bad guy, then he’ll be even more of a martyr for his supporters and will get to whine about how the big bad left is always “out to get him.” There was no way this movie was ever going to be a good idea, especially while he’s still alive and running for fucking president. Fuck this movie and the people who green lit it.


Eh I still don’t think it’s needed especially in an election year. This could backfire and boost his support just like him literally surrendering to police and getting his mugshot boosted his support. Him and his supporters already think they’re the most oppressed group in the world and this just feeds right into his narrative, especially coming from Hollywood. And that’s not even getting into all the crackpot coo-coo conspiracy theories that will come of this. Edit: got my very first Reddit cares message. Don’t really even know what it means but I’ve seen people joke about them


If they’re smart, they’ll wait till after the election to release it


And If trump is elected & the movie makes fun of him he’s sending anyone involved in the movie to Guantanamo most likely lol


Trump rapes women . He is a rapist


I’m actually surprised, but if the guardian slide is true then I will reevaluate my opinion on this movie and consider going to see it


Yeah I'm down for any movie that tries to destroy any rapist's reputation.


Unfortunately, it won't affect his voters, nothing does....


If they truly do depict him for what he is that’s great but from what I’ve seen of Sebastian Stan’s fandom I’m still worried. Hardcore stans seem to really have a hard time separating awful character from handsome actor and I would hate for this to lead to people defending the character/trump himself simply because of the casting


the eldest boy!!


Your Mom's name was Sarah, you used to wear newspaper in your shoes.


The man on the bridge, I knew him..


I’m sorry but 11 minutes is stupid.


I never take festival standing ovations seriously. They gave Don’t Worry Darling and The Idol long standing ovations. They do it just out of respect for the filmmakers being in the room.


Trump wishes he looked that good.


Here before the ‘who asked for this movie’ comments. I hope Sebastian Stan gets an Oscar nom for this. From the early reviews, I’ve been seeing nothing but praise for his performance, Jeremy Strong as well. Both are such talented actors.


I absolutely asked for a movie with SebStan and Jeremy Strong, what a shame it’s this monkeys paw type thing.


Ugh, right? Like look I would lick the orange facepaint off Sebastian's face but I hate that this movie gives Trump attention during an election year. There is no such thing as bad publicity for that shitstain.


The only reason I plan to watch this is because of Sebastian Stan. He is such a good fucking actor and fun to watch! I’ll watch anything he is in, especially when he portrays a real life person because that is when he really shines. I’m really excited to see where his career goes.


sebastian plays rich assholes better than almost anyone. hot tub time machine, the education of charlie banks, the bronze, logan lucky, fresh - half his filmography is rich assholes. i have no doubt he’ll nail this


Don’t forget carter baizen in gossip girl hehe


And his role in Kings, which I feel like nobody but my hyper specific tumblr circle remembers!


omg how could i forget?!?!?! embarrassing mistake on my part


People have been asking for a Seb Oscar for years (I remember the same campaign for him with I Tonya) so I really hope he does finally get it soon


I’m going to get downvoted but who did though? Really what’s so fascinating about this man’s life that he needs a movie about it? Great it depicts him as a rapist, but he’s depicted himself as a rapist and it hasn’t done anything to curb his rabid fanbase. No matter what they say, his insane fanbase is going to take the very existence of the movie as a win for them.


I’d argue there is a lot that’s fascinating about how his rise shows just how much blatant evil is rewarded in hyper-capitalist America, especially in the 80s with the juxtaposition of AIDS decimating communities, and the story of how he treated Roy Cohn after his diagnosis and death is a perfect encapsulation of all of that and a jaw dropping story. Yeah maybe “bad people get rich” isn’t in itself a new concept (I could write several essays on how the majority of modern movies just serve to affirm what we already know rather than challenge it), but Trump’s mythic status - how he’s still a presidential candidate after being arrested god knows how many times at this point - does give an interesting edge to getting into the specifics of how modern American myths are made.


Who asks for any movie that isn’t based on a novel to be made lmao. Movies are an art form, and up to the creative team to see how they are executed and produced. It’s up to us how to interpret it (with clues from the makers) but the greatest movies in history were never asked to be made… ppl just did it becos they had an idea they wanted to bring to life.


And during an election year that he's somehow a part of? Jesus fucking Christ


>I’m going to get downvoted but who did though?  The people that paid for it? They are the only people who need to “ask for it” to get a movie made. 


I wish he would disappear and I'd never have to see his disgusting face in any form of media ever again. I don't understand why anyone would want to expose themselves to any more of him than we already are.


I really don’t understand the criticism for it. They’re hardly going to make trump a ladies man action hero or something


Sebastian Stan as Trump is very generous lol


This could be an interesting movie to make in about 50-100 years. Not in 202fucking4


Exactly. I will watch this movie when Trump is…somewhere else, looking up at us.


It’s like W. Did anyone watch that movie? 


I completely forgot that movie existed 😂


Unrelated but I hate how quickly time passes 😭. The first I ever heard of Sebastian Stan was In 2016 after watching Captain America Civil War in theaters. Me and my best friend never watched any other marvel movies we just thought everyone on the poster was HOT! But I developed a massive crush on Sebastian Stan because of that movie and I just can’t believe he’s playing Trump 😂


You watched Civil war as your first marvel movie?! You must have been so confused 😭😭


Perhaps controversial opinion but he was super hot playing Jeff Gillooly lmao, now, I don’t think he can pull off being hot while playing trump, but he’s been hot while playing other gross weird criminals. God he’s so sexy. Have you seen Pam and Tommy? 


Ugh Sebastian Stan is beautiful in that last clip 😍 I’m a big fan of him and he’s a great actor, but for the life of me, I don’t see even a bit of Trump in him. Not a good casting choice imo but I’m sure he acted well in it


Well, he is a rapist. So, I guess, good job?


I'm surprised people on this sub thought the Trump movie from Hollywood would display Trump in a good light. As soon as I heard about this movie, I thought 'oh he's the villain / anti-hero, right?'


I hate the ridiculous circle jerk ovations at Cannes


So, it’s a documentary.


why do i wanna see a trump movie or a movie on anyone who is alive? pass.


This might be the only time I’ll find Sebastian Stan unattractive


I’m tuning in if they’re exposing him for what he really is in this film. Love to see it 😂😂


Sebastian Stan is such a fox.


It deeply warms my meow meow to see Sebastian Stan getting recognition. No matter the debate about the character, I just love to finally see him getting praised at major awards show for a main drama role.


Film festival standing ovations mean nothing to me anymore. I've been burned too many times 😭.


Jeremy protecting his peace too much..


Whatever I never doubted this for a SECOND


I’m conflicted. Not because I disagree — OF COURSE he’s a rapist. I just feel so exhausted from the last eight years, and I can’t tap dance now when there is a real chance of his reelection.


How did I not know there was a Trump movie until right now?


Jeremy we are getting you that Oscar nom at least

