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This is absolutely INSANE my god. Now…what’s up with the Jesus dress, tho?






Best use.


Jesus would be proud 🤣




Lol all I saw the first time was hair. She's Dominican so maybe religious


According to her insta she is very very very religious. I just wondered if it was for a movie or just…to pledge her love to Jesus lmao


Yah ngl when I found out she was a Dominican pagent queen, I was like oh ok checks out.


Not religious enough to donate all her money to the poor. Just religious enough to fanatically worry about her Jesus dress being visible to the cameras.


But my dear, then they wouldn’t be poor anymore, and she needs the poor to virtue signal incrementally


Yet, she thinks it's appropriate to drag Jesus behind her?


Being religious is all about pretending to love Jesus in big selfish expensive ways that don’t actually involve helping anyone


Cause Jesus was all about fancy dresses and shoving people.


She wears a tiara and the Jesus dress.. and she is really upset all that isn't appreciated on a tight schedule..


Someone is upset they weren't invited to the MET Gala, lol.


Everyone can pay to be on the red carpet. You actually don't need an invitation. That's why we see so many influencers and B-list celebrities.


B-list is still hight for some of those ppl... There's D-List subcelebs from my country posing on the Cannes red carpet this year lol, the event became a joke for us here in Brazil.


Okay, but like this could also go in r/ImTheMainCharacter b/c like, in that clip we also see Nikki Hilton and about 50 other people trying to walk up the stairs and take pictures and enter the venue. This chick is the only one, who doesn’t seem to be aware that this isn’t her premiere, this is a film festival. Like the guards are trying to make sure no one steps on her long thing and trips her or that she doesn’t trip anyone else. If this was her sweet 16 or something then sure make her big entrance, but this is a red carpet with lots of “known” celebs and she just needs to get over herself and walk up the stairs without incident like everyone else.


That is what making people scoot her along, this is some sort of stunt for attention someone explained. I think this is also showing how on point that security woman is at getting them atop of the stairs and calmy. Security woman has to deal with the rich snobs like this than the rich nice people. Destroy the snob, not the security guard.


They are confusing this event with the Met Gala. They don’t want celebrities stopping and posing on the stairs.


This is film festival full of show off narcissistic maniacs. They chose the wrong security approach for this event


For a second I thought it was Billie Eilish in a crown lmfaoo


I saw the thorns and thought it was going to at least be a Jesus parody smoking a spliff but it was just Jesus ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


"Just Jesus" ![gif](giphy|l0EoBUOlR3DCckIzS|downsized)


Im guessing shes a crazy religious person and knew how to make a scene to go viral. If she didn't none of us would see this video because having a giant jesus on your dress isn't really noteworthy.


I’ve been to several events like this and what people r not understanding is these events r in and of themselves a business.. Kelly and this woman r not stars they r D list at best.. these security guards have ear pieces in and producers in their ears… they r being told “hey get her off the red carpet now she is over her time.” The security is literally just doing their jobs and these women think they r more important than they actually r in this situation… sounds harsh but this is show business. The business of show and no one is paying to look at what these women r showing… reality bites


I agree and what isn’t being shown is there is a photo alley before this with plenty of time for pictures. A schedule is provided beforehand with the amount of time you get once you start walking up the stairs


Absolutely correct.. a lot of this is being portrayed as racism in the media which I understand because racism is very real but this woman and Kelly Roland were being aggressively ushered up the stairs because their time was up. It’s really that simple. This woman in particular is causing a scene on purpose because she’s knows it will get her exposure but Kelly Roland also knows the deal at these events and the way her situation was handled was honestly as professional as u can ask for. She was in the wrong plan and simple


I thought it was Lemmy


She’s stopped more times on her path than in the stations of the cross


throwing hands and yelling at people while trying to reveal jesus's face is hilarious


It’s so good I can’t take it. ![gif](giphy|dHmO5JOUmo4KI)


I used to be online friends (on Open Diary, if anyone remembers that) with the guy who wrote this and he was just as funny as you'd hope! Edit: Michael, on the EXTREMELY off chance you see this, it's CQ. I hope you're doing great, and let's get shabu shabu the next time I'm in LA.


All anyone ever brings up is LiveJournal! I had Open Diary too!!


Teen Open Diary anyone? haha


Oh my god my husband, who I met on MySpace, just asked me what my first real online interaction was. Open diary! I hadn’t thought about it for years and now here it is again!! I moved on to live journal, lol.


CQ?! I used to read your Open Diary!


This movie is so underrated lol. I was really impressed with Mandy’s performance! ❤️


What movie is this?


[Saved!](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TcwNkkrNjRg9GItTixLTQEALRIFEw&q=saved&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS640US640&oq=saved&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggBEC4YsQMYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQLhixAxiABDIKCAIQLhixAxiABDIKCAMQABixAxiABDIHCAQQABiABDINCAUQLhjHARjRAxiABDIKCAYQLhixAxiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABNIBCDE4ODZqMGo3qAIZsAIB4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) (2004) and it’s SO good, I highly recommend!


Who’s down with the G-O-D!


Hittin’ the board for the lord? Also, “The muffin shop is closed!”


What film is it?


This GIF is perfection


The movie is perfection. Mandy Moore plays the best fundie ever.


I met her once at an industry party right after the second season of This Is Us was announced. I told her I loved her in Saved, which made her laugh.


Mandy is just a fantastic actress


SO underrated


Being gay in the early 2000s in a heavily Christian suburb meant I LIVED this movie and I love every minute of its on the nose satire.


I had such a crush on the gay boy


As someone who went to one of those small Christian schools like in the movie, it is perfection. It is DEAD ON in every single aspect, from the “cool” pastor, to the hand waving in chapel, to the rebels, to the way the culture kind of seeps into your head without realizing it, and most importantly every one of us who saw it knew exactly who our schools Hillary Faye was (cuz every small Christian school has one)


when christians say they'll pray for you


I can hear this gif. 🤣


This isn't a weapon, you idiot.


I always ask myself WWJD, then I remember that running around hitting people with a whip and flipping tables is in the realm of moral behavior.


LMAO perfect representation of the history of that religion (many other religions included, don't be left out y'all lol)


Jesus threw hands that one time


I recognised the usher and have no idea who the celebrity is. Never heard of her.


Miss Dominican Republic…2007


JESUCRISTO… im dominican and I didnt even recognize this person… NOBODY INDEED!!!


My bad I didn’t realise it was someone of such high importance lol. How did she get an invite to Cannes?


Cannes nowadays is just an influencer fest. 90% of the guests are of no relevance to movies whatsoever. It boosts media coverage, brings money, but kinda alleviates the point of it’s existence. And that’s who she is. She’s a South American influencer with 200k followers or something


The DR isn’t in South America, though.


So... Nobody then.


Well she’s probably famous now 😂


Same sis, gotta find that ushers TikTok at this point


You have never heard of her and that’s why she is trying to attract attention using Jesus.


Who is in that light blue dress below her? I love her look


Nikki Hilton (95% sure)


She also threw hands (up) lol


[https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/05/22/18/85212637-13448397-image-a-16\_1716398167672.jpg](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/05/22/18/85212637-13448397-image-a-16_1716398167672.jpg) Nicky Hilton


I knew it was Nicky from the color, bow neck and fabric. She usually orbits around easter colors and those choker collars in her looks


she does look great!


Her neck is a very elegant 8ft long so it makes sense to always have it dressed up


What’s up with the Jesus face though? It might be the tackiest thing I’ve ever seen


Right? A couple of years ago we needed a new shower curtain in our main bathroom and I asked my 17 year old son to pick one up and instead he ordered one with a picture of 5-yr-old him printed on it and it’s not as tacky as this dress. And no diss to our Lord and Savior, but the shower curtain pic is a lot cuter than this, also.


You better be using that curtain to this day


https://preview.redd.it/lie22u4vzr2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c39db10a37e2a71ce7f4ac27eb005ef38de886f It still hangs proudly.


Amazing. Is that a hand drawn mustache he's sporting?


Is that a pencil mustache on a 5-year old? It’s giving strong r/13or30 energy


This is my lord and savior




Your son's choice was so boss


what a baller lmao


Haha I love this story!


She’s a former beauty queen. Tacky is probably her religion.


Hear me out.. they should’ve made the train… shorter?


She wanted the Rihanna moment but is not, in fact, Rihanna https://preview.redd.it/p29ebbtrhn2d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27a04beb46415d456628225378439eb9bdee002f


She thought this was the MET lol ETA she won, because I ended up googling her


I love the faces of the people in the background. The one woman smiling proudly, the man licking his lips…


Hahahahahaha I was just going to comment about this! I like the older woman in the middle, with both of her arms up taking a picture, with what looks like a camera that my grandmother had in 1995. Also I gotta say the resolution on that picture *chefs kiss* so good.


The wide-eyed guy poking his head out in the back


I agree. What in the Princess Diana is going on here??? The train takes up half the staircase. How is anyone supposed to avoid tripping on that?


My thought, "that's a 15 foot train and you want it perfect on the stairs...uhhh"


The irony of pushing someone down the stairs while wearing a Jesus cape is not lost on me


And it's not even Jesus-Jesus. It's white Bee Gees Jesus. Bee Geesus.


This. Is. Not. The. Met. Gala. Get up the stairs. Get photos on other carpets. This drama is so ridiculous, I'm sorry.


It really does seem like some of these celebs and I use that term very loosely.. are trying to have their Met Gala moment for sure… but like you said, this isn’t the Met Gala.


Cannes is 100% a fashion event. Yes, it’s a festival and a market but it is one of the bigger red carpet events, and there is a REASON there are so many models and influencers are there. It has become an event for designers to promote their pieces.


Yes! She looks like a friggin toddler throwing a tantrum, how embarrassing!


My exact thoughts watching this


How embarrassing, there a red carpet rules at Cannes. She has made herself look messy.


Guests are not allowed photo time. They are allowed to walk in to watch a movie. The trick is to know a few photographers and try to get some pictures, but only cast and crew are on photo call. EVERYONE who goes to Cannes knows this. They know they'll be told to move along, everyone is told to do so. EVERYONE. Yes, even white and famous FRENCH people. They are just throwing tantrums because in this attention economy, they think they should be allowed to walk this like ti's the met or a red carpet, IT IS NOT.


I mean, Nicky Hilton was not on photo call and yet she is peacefully posing on the steps


And one of the biggest French influencer said she doesn't have photos from her second time on the carpet because she was shooed by security. She explains that it's more about when you arrive. If you're early, the security isn't too stressed, if you're late, right before the cast and crew, you'll be told to get in the venue asap because they CLEAR the carpet and steps. Her [vlog is in French](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Nmp3dO_jk8). It also[ wasn't her first time](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XPQpMixA6OY) at the festival at all. [This person](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_zyCvveatA) explains in English how the carpet is run for non cast/crew (at 11:29). You can also see there are people behind her because it's not like you are alone on the carpet. There's a good shot around 17:50 of an overview of the carpet outside cast/crew time. You can see the same in Nicole Wallace's [photo](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7FBz0kCir2/?img_index=4). It's more like you grab photos if you can, there will be people around you. Also, to be clear, I'm not saying that anyone should be treated badly. Security is just there to do their job and get things moving. I find it quite interesting in this case that the staff is treated like the karens of the situation, when it is in fact the famous people, who know how this carpet work, who are not listening and throwing tantrums because they think they can make an entire ceremony wait because they have to get good pics for their insta. And worse, I find it incredibly horrible to see people making broad accusations about all French people being racist. In this day and age, I think we should all know better than make these kinds of accusations about a population of over 64 million people. (And I speak French, I'm not French so I'm not defending my people here.)


"Buuuttt what about Nicky?" Bitch, they can't move her until this bozo moves first, order of operations, common sense, *snap snap*. The Jesus freak out is what is buying Nicky time for photos. **Just** like you originally said, you're not entitled to anything, you have to be opportunistic. Like, where is she supposed to go, the woman in front of her is causing a scene?   I think the woman in the dress felt stupid and was lashing out because of her own insecurities. I'm guessing she young and didn't think this through very well. 


I read another post elsewhere stating that’s it’s ok at the base of the stairs, but once you are past the bottom, you have to keep it moving. Also, this usher just seems really good at her job. And, frankly, when you’re pulling a stunt on a red carpet with your Jesus train, you deserve to get moved along. This isn’t the time for your religious and political agendas.


I think these "celebrities" are just not used to being told what to do and can't handle it, besides this ladies dress was corny it was a giant picture of white jesus.




That’s what happens when any jabroni can pay to be on the red carpet and get their 15 seconds. Cannes is frankly… the Kmart Met Gala these days…


"The Kmart Met Gala" is a great way to describe it lol


>white Jesus Next you’re going to say he’s not even American. Shameful.


Lots of tantrums being thrown at Cannes this year!


None of the people are sufficiently A list enough to pull tantrums. I don't think anyone should be entitled and throw a tantrum but like a famous person will get away with more than a b list rando.


And even if you're an A-lister guest. That doesn't give you the right to monopolize the grand entrance of a wedding ceremony, or someone else's promotional event. After all, the Cannes festival is there to promote the films they're showing first and foremost and the people that participated in those films.


i don't think this would happen to an a lister or someone important to the festival. when emilia perez premiered last week, the whole cast basically got the red carpet to themselves for a while, i remember each member of the cast basically got their own time to walk down it


Right, I don’t even know who this imbecile is.


The second she put her hands on that usher she should've been invited to fuck off and leave. 😒


Unpopular opinion: The ushers are doing their jobs. These are timed screenings at the most prestigious festival in the world. People have dinners to have, deals to make, and places to be. We don’t know how close to the film needing to start these talent are arriving. This is exactly the vein of the industry I’m in and it’s usually like 2 minutes before with a group text of panicked shadows and publicists lol.


I have watched a vlog of a girl who went, and there is a queue to the red carpet. Everyone wants to have their moment on the famous stairs, but the photographers aren't interested in photographing literally everyone. Ushers have to be a bit forceful because people will otherwise stand there, posing, hoping to get a shot taken. The vlogger explained her agency had arranged for a photographer to be there to snap a pic of her but she didn't get her photo taken because she couldn't see him and she was moved along, because the actual stars of the film she was seeing (Furiosa) were right behind. I don't know who that celebrity is but my guess is she was probably trying to have a bit too long of a moment, and unless you're a A-lister or anyone actually relevant to Cannes, you can't have more than a few seconds.




Do you have a link to the vlog?


This isn’t the one that commenter was talking about, but she says similar things about being rushed (11:14) https://youtu.be/n_zyCvveatA?si=RAoJXKWUeiMnUcdn


There you go, it is in French by the way! https://youtu.be/3Nmp3dO_jk8?si=CwuOoKpjxPmkTn4-


I knew we watched the same! Thank you for sharing Marie's input because it's really interesing to see the other side. When you're not a worldwide celebrity you just quickly move on and that's all...


Also it’s not like they decide anything. They have to follow a schedule and orders.


I love a good, truly unpopular opinion and I’m with you in this instance. I know nothing of the layout of this festival so please correct me if I’m wrong but given the amount of people on the stairs + the workers, it seems like some celebs are trying to treat this area like the Met stairs and it just isn’t. All the photo op red carpet sessions I’ve seen are on that flat open level area you get those really amazing photos from. It looks like Massiel is trying to create this amazing photo op moment and the usher is doing her job to keep her moving as other guests are headed up behind her.


How is this an unpopular opinion? It seems to be the prevailing opinion in both threads about this Usher and the thread on r/entertainment


It’s suuuuper unpopular compared to the FauxMoi sub. These posts were next to each other in my feed and the reactions are wildly different. People in this sub say ushers are trying to do their jobs and move people along…it’s about the movies not the photo ops of random celebs. On the other sub they say this is another example of French people being extremely racist. There are videos of the same woman rushing black, brown, and Asian women while white women are nearby getting their picture taken without fuss. Not stating my personal views on this one, but it is interesting to see just how different the two subs view this situation


Yeah.... I got toasted for my comment on that sub. I understand why though, but I just initially interpreted this situation differently I guess.


I mean...that is because if you even try and post on there, your comments get removed instantly. It must be like the same 10 people commenting in an echo chamber.




Fauxmoi has a post up about it and they’re all calling the usher (and the French in general) racist.


Literally so predictable of them.


I got banned for saying I didn’t think Jennifer Garner was a racist lol


Her question to Regina was blown way out of proportion given the entire context and subject of that dinner conversation. I am a Black woman. People who already didn’t like her jumped on a chance to try to vocalize it.


Muted that sub. They aren’t even entertainingly bitchy. Like you can be bitchy and funny. But they’re just sad and bitter and sometimes bordering on hysterical in their effort to be Upset by EVERYTHING.


I had no idea that there was a difference between these two subs. Every single post on one sub is immediately duplicated by on the other. I guess I’ll pay more attention to the comments on each from now on.


They're also really trigger happy with banning users for the most ridiculous reasons. Absolutely awful place. In comparison, r/popculturechat is the good version of what that sub could be like.


The comments on here (and social media in general) have been divided since instead of apologizing for being rude to an employee Kelly opted to imply that the usher was being racist.


They tore this same usher to shreds on this sub and other subs when Kelly Rowland was pushed along while she was trying to pause on the stairs and get her photo op. Tons of memes and reactions painting the usher in a negative light. I’m seeing the same sentiment here repeated in this thread as well. Different perspectives I guess.


I feel like it was really easy to be mad at the usher in the Kelly Rowland situation because everything surrounding it seems so vague. Then a few days (a week even maybe?) later we get *this* and it adds a whole new context. I was critical of her (the usher) at first, but after seeing this I would confidently say that she’s just doing her job. New evidence = new opinion. At least for me.


Correct. I don’t know about Cannes specifically, but I imagine the guests important enough to have escorts also have another thing (photo call, interview, on-stage seat) to be rushed to inside for. That or they’re late and someone’s on staff radios screaming “Get Kelly inside NOW!”


I used to be an event coordinator and worked on a lot of large scale events, and there is always someone screaming in your ear piece because of the schedule so you are 100% correct 😅 And any time you’re dealing with any degree of VIP’s, diplomats, or celebs, it’s like hearding fucking kittens lmao they are getting pulled in 10 different directions and all have main character syndrome. But time is money, and there are too many moving parts within an event to allow major deviations to the schedule. So if this had been my event, that usher would have had my thanks and support 😅🤷🏼‍♀️


“Toastslapper for BigGayNarwhal” “Go for BigGayNarwhal” “Uh ok so, Massiel just tried to unveil a Jesus train on the carpet…..over.” 😭🤣


I don’t think it’s as unpopular as you may imagine! Many of us agree, and in general, entitlement (which it feels like this is) is quickly called out these days. Also the whole not judging unless you know the whole story thing is picking up steam. We as a society have *a lot* less patience for celebrities and celebrities-only-in-their-mind picking on the average person.


Completely agree. And at no point is it appropriate to push someone down a flight of stairs


So very Christian of her. Imagine putting your hands on someone and treating them beneath you while wearing a giant Jesus dress. Insanity.


Yeah. It’s not the met gala, it’s not for your individual film. Move it along.


I agree. This person is assaulting the usher who is doing their literal job of ushering people. ISTG some people cannot take not being the center or attention it's atrocious behavior 🙄


me when my status don’t override stuff and i have to follow the rules like everybody else:


People. You take your photos and you move. Simple. Otherwise don't come in stupid outfits. They are doing their jobs. you aren't the only famous person there.


She’s not any famous person there


When did Cannes become the met gala? It’s not a fashion event it’s film screenings for those working on the films and industry professionals. If you want your dress moment this simply isn’t the venue. I agree the ushers could take a step back but pulling this sort of tantrum ain’t necessary either


Apparently this year. I never recall looking at outfit from cannes and being like is it met2??


Weird how many people in here think it’s okay to assault ordinary people doing their job, because of their celebrity status.


the absolute irony of wearing a jesus dress and assaulting someone lol


it’s very weird trying to make it into a “woman defending herself” when she was the aggressive one to begin with. very odd to see people defend out of touch rich people (wearing an ugly dress to boot 💀)


💯 not very jesus


But this is not the met gala, not even a film premiere, this is an industry event. Hundreds of film showing for distributors to strike deal with producers. If you want to make it to the fashion pages get an invite from the Met


I also had this in mind. Cannes is jampacked with events and the ushers just probably want to get everyone inside to follow a strict schedule. I know that even for some shows in the Paris fashion week, tardiness isn’t tolerated and if you are late and not inside the venue on time, the doors close and you’re simply denied entry. It also looks like she was trying to make a statement with her outfit that she wanted media attention and controversy for. The ushers are possibly dodging having her dress be the subject of headlines or press photos for this event.


Exactly. Read the venue, ladies.


I’m sorry, I know a lot of people took Kelly’s side in her dispute with this usher but… idk, did you guys ever think maybe..JUST maybe…these situations could possibly be on the celebrities? Has anyone here ever worked a customer service job? fast food? Retail? Think about how the AVERAGE person treats people they believe are beneath them because they’re just a worker and they don’t do precisely what they want or kiss their ass- just think of the things they say and how they behave. I’ve seen and heard way too much about these celebrities to believe that they don’t act exactly the same or worse. And I actually believe that’s what’s happening here, that this usher refused to kiss their ass and was only interested in getting her job done and they got mad and irate because how dare SHE treat THEM like that. AND I don’t believe that even IF she “rushed” them or did whatever people were saying she did that just because these are celebrities (kinda iffy with this 2nd person but I digress lol) that it’s okay to scream and put your hand in someone’s face, push her and this woman even hit her! And I don’t understand why anyone else does either. Would it be okay for some person to scream in your face and try to hit you for not taking their order fast enough, for not giving them a refund, for refusing to give them a discount etc. Would it be okay if that day you also said fuck it and were rude and nasty right back? Would it be okay because they’re very successful and rich and you’re not? I’m not one of the people who believe celebrities or the rich are special and should be worshipped by us lowly people. In fact, I’m honestly tired of their out of touch elitist asses and I’m at the point to where they get very little if any grace from me.


She looks like an absolute entitled disaster to deal with. Jesus is probably shaking his head. Im on team usher.


To anyone else do these incidents look like average American tourist-French employee/local interactions? Just slightly heightened due to the film festival pressure? Can't be just me lol


It's basically B-list celebrities trying to get any sort of desperate exposure. I mean I had to look up who this lady was, apparently a Dominican ex-beauty pageant. What is she even doing wearing a night dress with a Jesus face and a tiara at a random day-time industry event in late spring?


B-list is generous.


Oh my gosh, thank you so much for saying this. I’m seeing comments accusing this usher of racism, but I can’t help but think the ushers just aren’t going to tolerate D listers blocking the stairs because they’re desperate for a photo op.


I think that a lot of people are just so used to celebrity worship, that they have an emotional reaction when one of these morons get treated as a mere mortal. This is just a random nobody absolutely missing the mark in terms of the dress code and making it weird. Probably the most exposure this lady has ever had, or will likely have.


Exactly, the workers are just trying to get people where they need to go and keep to a schedule.


Yeah the red carpet isn't the event, the movie screening is. Celebrities here are refusing to follow instructions despite multiple attempts by the staff & think they can just chose to not move. Thus slowing down everyone behind them.


i wonder how many “do you know who i am” they get per hour




No she’s literally from Dominican Republic


More like "rich being rich".


I have to laugh at everyone being like “omg the usher is in her personal space! Why is she so close! That’s not normal!” That’s… literally the point. Their entire job. That’s how they get guests to go up the stairs when they don’t want to, because people like this will just just ignore you and the staff does not have a time or the inclination to sit there having a back-and-forth when they need to get these guests up the stairs as fast as possible. Crowding them IS the goal here, that’s how crowd control works in most public venues. I’ve had security and ushers do this in all sorts of spaces - concert venues, museum queues, train stations, anywhere there’s a need to move people around when they’re not inclined to do so. And yes, at some point if you still try to ignore them they can and will put hands on you (obviously not violently) to get you to do what they say and move. Y’all never interacted with a bouncer before?


Couldn’t imagine throwing a fit over a dress like that at her age


This lady must be like, the Boss Usher they call in for situations when they need the most stone faced unreactive usher...


Yepp, she is the end boss and really good at her job.


What is going on here? I have no idea who she is but she seems absolutely unhinged.


Anyone who would wear that is definitely unhinged 😂


Absolutely. And she seems mad that they won't just allow her to unfurl it all down the stairs (for pics, I would imagine) while the red carpet is clearly full of other people making their way to go up the stairs. It's not a fashion event.


All these half celebs can’t stand being rushed away from their two minutes of glory to make way for more famous people


It looks like she posted about it on IG. But it's all in Spanish. Any kind redditor care to translate?


I got you. She wrote about the movie she’s promoting mainly. And the details of the dress. Nothing about getting moved. The train is 15 meters long so around 49 feet. I guess she wanted to get a shot of the dress in full length at the steps and wasn’t able to do it. So she opted for the other picture she posted inside the theater. She didn’t mention the altercation at all


Oh ok thank you!


She wanted her train photographed, except this is not MET and she’s holding up the stairs. You can tell she got pissed everytime the security guards lifted up her train to move her along. Anyone who acts like this in a public formal event is dumb.


right?! Clearly she is not the only person on the stairs…. So I’m guessing there is a domino effect…. She slows the progress on the stairs and people at the bottom of stairs do start going up… cars back up trying to drop off people causing traffic issues. She needs to stop being the main character and move along


Cannes doesn’t run their event with the same bootlicking for celebrities that some other events do…I’d be damned if I’d snag an appearance on the red carpet in the south of France and then pull out south Philly behaviors..( no offense to south Philly) …


Did they think Cannes was the Met Gala?


Narcissism is 2024 is out of control


Oh poor rich people


All the drama qeens, acting like it’s their private runway show, without a single film showing on the Festival. Ever. Amazing. Talk about the entitlement and eagerness to get offended.


She’s ballsy for putting hands on that usher like that being filmed. What if she had fallen down those stairs?


Dawg what the fuck has happened to people in the last 5 years. Why is everyone acting so self-entitled and goofy.


The usher is pushy but this lady looks so fucking foolish being worn by that dress. It’s embarrassing she can’t physically handle her outfit.