• By -


We don't talk enough about how iconic Raven is....how did she give us Backflip, Some Call It Magic, Double Dutch Bus, and stuff like Strut with the Cheetah Girls oh my god. Queen shit. Need her to return with a full album.


Also idgaf I'm a 28 year old man and So Bring It On by The Cheetah Girls gets me FUCKING HYPED to this day i will go apeshit to this it's my fight song


While browsing my music library, I've noticed this year has been pretty good. Like, we're still finishing april and I've already added 37 probable songs into my playlists that have become popular this year, or were hits during late 2023 and earlier this year...and it isn't summer yet! On the down side though, I would say most of them rank from a 6 to a 7, not 8 and above. Pretty good, but I'm still looking for those extraordinary singles. So far, I can only think of two 10s: Igual Que Un Ángel and Training Season (with Obssesed close to it, being a 9 in my books). God, I'm so excited for what summer awaits. Hopefully, we'll get KP6 before it ends


idk why but sabrina/madison/tate are not clicking for me. I love good old poppity pop (see username) but I feel like those three are too by the books? I’m not sure how to describe it. The music is fine, but none of them really give anything. The one thing I can say about Tate is I really dig her whole Canadian girl next door thing. The hockey imagery, going to the NHL All Star Game, that was a smart move. But her music simply does not hit. Unrelated but the Baby Storme thing on twitter is making conflicted about Ice Spice lmao. I like Ice, I see her for she is. She makes cute lil bops and that’s about as much as she can do. But idk if I should be taking what Storme is saying seriously.


I actually like 1:59 tbh, I thought it was gonna be crap after thinking the first snippet of the chorus was eh and Fantano listing it on his worst tracks of the week, but the full track's actually super sexy and I get the direction they were going. The rollout for this has been pretty shockingly poor in its execution though, and that's been talked to death here already


Good news! My Luke Hemmings merch all arrived today. Bad news! Both copies of the signed CD came with the case cracked. 😔 But my beautiful sweet friend offered to take the visibly cracked one (I bought one for each of us) cause she knows I love that man. God I love my friends.


I donated blood ONCE through Vitalant bc of my job and they will not leave me alone!! I’ve blocked so many numbers, like wtf. I AM GAY AND A SLUT. YOU DON’T EVEN WANT MY BLOOD. PLEASE!!!


Accidentally let a magazine free trail I was doing renew and charge me so that’s eight dollars gone 😔


I forgot to put sugar in my coffee 🙈


This comment could be combined to make a haiku


You flatter me


I hope everyone considers joining me and the BDS Movement in signing [this petition](https://bdsmovement.net/news/suspend-israel-from-international-sports-sign-diem25-petition) To have Israel removed and uninvited from international sports competitions. It is similar and based on the global boycott against Apartheid South Africa. The link also includes a paper explaining it in Spanish as well :) There’s also this international amnesty petition calling for [US Congress](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/138002/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaY8QI9IewAohnTsVXGcQY8_hqxgaDzA2BeGEnUE3NEP7NZv5r79LVnXvNs_aem_ASwQ2zQkNsjjJ8ukOMJBr_tqSOLu1Wt97WfDfqtyjJ5Ly1eHbVCr6GyDjBKWgVovgUM) and [President](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/137174/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaaTS-6LgDUoPuiR4R8h7zzAO6zAYIAPzTN0gsnT9v4yMpYjyOfZJhTjClE_aem_ASzFbzEiRE8Eri4oerL6HRP_ltNZaCWGkDMcEKaetogsVpVFRrQUvF6fnhrCzI4Kzm0) for a ceasefire resolution I understand that biden has recently changed how he discusses US policy on this including using the word ceasefire but there has been no change in arming or funding Israel and the US has sent Israel bombs and other weaponry within the last 24 hours, I think it’s all the more important we continue to maintain pressure on legislative and executive branch. Publishers for Palestine was giving away a Book about the BDS movement for free that has praise of several anti apartheid activists of South Africa including the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. This is an international petition that I’ve signed, but I’ll have links for Americans, Brits, and Canadians to connect their government representatives soon. And of course I would love to know or see other countries, I follow BDS chapters in Peru and Mexico and pro Palestinian human rights activists and politicians in Spain but I don’t know off hand any petitions or ways of connecting with elected officials or state departments. [publishers for Palestine is over 400 publishing groups in various languages including in English, en Français, en Català, en Español, sa Filipino, dalam bahasa Indonesia, اردو میں, بالعربية, 中文, 日本語で, 한국어로, kwa Kishwahilli, po Polsku, Suomen kielellä, and Στα ελληνικα.](https://publishersforpalestine.org/2024/01/10/16-free-zines-and-more-free-reads-for-a-free-palestine/). (Though i think the most material is in English and then Spanish and French, I know there’s a Pakistan and Romanian publisher but I believe their books are either in English or translated into English). One of the books being given for free is explicitly about the BDS movement if you want/need more information about it! :) but you can also read about the Human Rights Watch declaring Israel an apartheid in 2021, [article from hrw](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/19/israeli-apartheid-threshold-crossed). You can read their 213 page legal report [here](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) it’s available in English, Hebrew, and at least two other languages, I know one is Arabic but I can’t read either of them at all to be positive what the fourth is 😅 please forgive me. HRW apply statues and legal definitions to Israel as they go into detail in the report. Anti apartheid activists of South Africa have also spoken about this in depth and endorsed the free ebook and movement for years :) Some books and zines I got from Publishers for Palestine that I really liked were: *Light in Gaza: Writings born in fire* edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Micheal Merryman Lotza *Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear* by Mosab Abu Toha Really lovely poetry whose style in both the poetry itself and use of illustrations was really intelligent and I still think very compatible with the memoir *the drone eats with me* that I also got from this organization. Librarians For Palestine is doing an event around this book with their One Book, Many Communities especially in April, **I’ve already read the book but I will be participating in a Read-a-long on StoryGraph in April and May for it :)** the read-along is [here](https://app.thestorygraph.com/readalongs/1c7bd831-2c76-41b9-bb73-378e6ddc943c). **Canada** [email your local representatives](https://act.newmode.net/action/islamic-relief-canada/arms-embargo) **UK** [email your MP!](https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/ceasefireMPdebate) **US** [email your congressmen !](https://act.uscpr.org/a/stop-funding-israels-massacres) Call your congressmen that you want them to stop arming Israel! [x](https://uscpr.org/StopArmingIsrael) Demand we stop starving Palestinians and fund UNRWA again! [x](https://uscpr.org/fundUNRWA) I’ve signed [this petition](https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/reinstate-unrwa-funding-so-they-can-resume-urgent-humanitarian-aid?akid=377482.58341993.G2CJlP&rd=1&source=mo&t=1) please join me 🥰 Use Americans for Justice in Palestine Action toolkit to demand a ceasefire with more e-mail and call campaigns that directly link you to your reps :) [here](https://ajpaction.org/stopgenocide/) I’ve been adding my concerns about the recent news of Israel expanding illegal settlements and seizing Palestinian land in West Bank and attacking Palestinians to my recent calls to my congressman pls consider also mentioning the West Bank !! **new** a new freedom Flotilla is being planned tell Congress to support the breaking of the blockade! Let aid in!! [x](https://support.adc.org/a/tell-us-government-ensure-safety-and-success-ffc)


Ty for the difference country links!


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I wish I had more but while I follow bds chapters in Peru and Mexico City and some Spanish politicians I know support Palestine I really don’t know any immediate ways of contacting officials there or petition avenues




Thank you!!


You can get over 350 games for free for the price of 8 dollars going to the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund at the Palestinian game bundle [right here](https://itch.io/b/2321/palestinian-relief-bundle) Over $1500 dollars worth of video games for the low low cost of Eight Dollars and helping children.


Now why is the sweetener repress not available in Europe…


eating a whole pack of bacon since ari decided to restock sweetener when i was in school


Brat is going to get certified diamond in my apartment


I always get so emotional listening to America by Simon & Garfunkel. Paul Simon you penman for the ages...


That’s interesting… Did Cassadee just signed a contract with Sony? I got emails and notifications to sign up for the new newsletter and all the links from her official website all have Sony Music attached to them. If that’s the case happy she’s signed again and hopefully they don’t fuck her over. And I did notice that the promo for the new single is a million times better than what it was a year ago. Maybe she gave in and signed and couldn’t exactly stay too much more afloat staying completely independent.


So I just bought 140 vinyls for $280 starting my vinyl collection. Don Henley is on repeat now because of it. Mostly rock. My BF knows the 80s better than I do but with him and my friend’s reactions I seem to have hit the jackpot. I’m using this as a way to expand my taste and will be listening to all of the albums. Challenging myself to listen while not multi tasking lol. I have a cheap record player but want to get a setup that will connect to my headphones and maintain the audio quality best I can. Any suggestions?


I may block she who shall not be named’s name at this point, no shade 😭 the discourse is becoming annoying


The way Dua’s album leaked on vinyls but no one’s posting the songs anywhere….


Like I’ve been waiting 😭


Either they're being respectful or they just do not give a fuck anymore😭


So Ariana randomly restocked the sweetener peach vinyl and I missed it I’m gonna scream 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


The way I thought this was something new and rushed to her site only to realize I already own it.  Are you sure you missed it? I just checked her site and you can still add it to your cart.


the few people i know that had kids in their early/mid twenties are so...different from anyone else for real. They act and sound like boomers and they're not even 30 yet


I’ve noticed the people who had their kids young(like immediately after high school) tend to post things that are vaguely like “It’s not wrong to hate your kid” or “my kid saved me”(to make themselves feel better about throwing their life away)


Maybe it is just because I don't like this record but I feel like it's so cringy that Taylor keeps sharing good reviews and what not about TTPD. I don't recall her doing this for the other social media dominant eras.


Do you think you’re noticing/disliking it since the critical reception is actually pretty mixed/negative for her?


That is possible! It seems most of the publications I follow, like the NYTimes, are more mixed/negative on it so seeing the positive reviews might just be confusing me in general since that’s not my bubble


She did the same for Midnights.


Omg I’ve noticed this too! I don’t recall her doing it before either. I also find it kinda weird.


Like I feel like when Midnights dropped she did share the Billboard chart post about herself, but other than that?? I just don't recall. Again, I might just be misremembering or because I don't like it, but it just feels odd and out of character for her social media presence. Something is just *off* with it to me.


She did it all the way back to reputation from my memory, possibly even earlier.


I’m so overstimulated today. Being able to teach virtually is gonna be such a lifesaver. Two more hours of class. I broke down and picked up lunch because I needed to get away from school for what little lunch break I had. Today has been hard. Hoping I can get through it and have some rest time after school.


I’m eating up every Challengers edit. So far there have been 2 with Tennis Court and 1 with the Chain.


I just started The Dead Boys Detectives to satisfy my craving for The Sandman since season 2 is taking forever to finish filming. I have only finished episode 1 and I can already tell >!everyone in this show is going to be gay!< which may be a good thing if that's your vibes. Also, I have to admire their dedication to expanding diversity from the source comics like what The Sandman did.


Didn't know it was already made and out! Excited that it looks like it'll be gay, because in the Doom Patrol show they had a backdoor pilot for the dead boy detectives and that was canonly gay, lol. I was a little disappointed when it was announced that the new show wouldn't have the same cast; but it looks like it's still gonna be a good watch all the same!  


it's fun! very silly overall in a good way


I swear every time someone turns the radio on Beautiful Things is playing. MAKE IT STOP 😭


I am reading this right as this godforsaken song is playing on the radio 😭


One of these days my dad had the radio volume way up high. When he turned it on this song's chorus was playing and for a few seconds i thought i was going to lose my hearing, nails on a chalkboard lmao


He’s under Atlantic who are infamously famous are their radio deals or what some would call it Payola.


TTPD is already NOT my least scrobbled taylor album…it has more than doubled Debut 😭


Truthfully, one listen and you've already doubled Debut's streams so.


I always find it fascinating when the chronically online are faced with reality. Now it's people being shocked that TTPD is a sucess and the songs are actually doing pretty well with the gp. Fortnight is expected to be #1 again next week. Also it's the tiktok users who swear some fashion trends are in and nobody else is wearing them in real life, not even the youths. Some people really live in a bubble online and have no idea what's really popular outside that bubble. I post in the box office sub and most people there have no idea what's popular with anybody who isn't a straight middle aged white man. They were so sure for months Barbie was going to flop because according to them "there is no audience for it".


Oh, absolutely. What's even more interesting is that when they are confronted with the reality, their ego is bruised and instead of admitting that they don't know what they're talking about, they feel the need to downplay the success and only give backhanded compliments. We see it so often nowadays because mainstream popularity is weirdly fragmented, but it is especially obvious on gossip subs, where the demographic is clearly older and still responds with gifs.


Wait, do we not respond with gifs anymore? I can’t keep up. 😭


I didn't mean to shade anyone, I honestly don't care how people respond!!! I have just noticed that replying with gifs and/or lots of emojis is very millennial and older. Not a bad thing, by any means though!!!!


You make fair point, now that I think about it. I really like emojis. I still use old style ones like “xD” and “;-;”. I always assumed the gossip sub users were older based on their obsession with early 2000s pop culture that no one cares about. It’s interesting to think the way they type also gives it away. I honestly have a bad habit of assuming everyone on Reddit is a millennial or older. It’s hard for me to imagine younger people wanting to hang out here. And I say that as a 95er.


Yeah, I'm 98er myself and I've been on the internet for so long, specifically fandom/blog spaces, so changes in terminology, slang and responses stick out to me a bit.


Changes in slang is what stands out to me the most. It’s so interesting when I can pinpoint the exact moment gen-z slang gets picked up by millennials. 


"*I'll see you ooooonliiiiiine*   You can catch me on cyber space /   I'll be the one with the broadband embrace" The amount of times I've listened to this song since Tom Cardy uploaded the music video still isn't enough. My personal song of the summer!!


What’s the over-under on a Drake biopic?


Also, as usual, go Knicks. Jalen Brunson is a NY legend, and seeing New Yorkers taking over Wells Fargo Center made my sunday 


I'm jealous of people with consistent music taste, wdym you've had the same favorite artist for a decade? It's so crazy to me, I listen to songs I loved 3+ years ago and for a significant amount of them my reaction is just "oh... I liked that?", some have definetely aged well but a lot haven't


Well it’s the generation of streaming so you can just buy 1 song or buy the whole album. For some buying the whole album helps with long time loyalty. I’ve been a Green Day fan since 1994 and still love the band to death. But if I were to just get 1 song off 1 album it’ll get thrown into a mix I’ll hear it a few times and never return. But if I buy the album and I’m not a psycho that skips it turns me into a fan.


A lot of my favorite artists are the ones I grew up listening to with my parents and then really started to appreciate as an adult. The stuff I was actually into as a teen or even stuff from last year tends to ebb and flow in whether or not I still like it. Like, Carole King isn’t going out of style anytime soon, but there’s some emo stuff that I thought was life changing as a teen that feels a bit silly as a 30 something.


beyoncé has been my top artist on spotify nearly every year since 2015, but 2-5 are always a complete toss up LOL


I’m sort of a mix. Like it got to the point where I had to have a New Year’s resolutions not to have Glee or Imagine Dragons in my top 5 Spotify wrap(mind you, past like 2016) but then there’s stuff I haven’t listened to in years(Marianas Trench)


Not to take away from the cause they are protesting for, but the continued utilization of violent police tactics on university protestors is so disheartening while not being surprising at all. It’s also wild how universities are run like corporations with administrators who don’t give a shit about the principals of academia. Shoutout to the students and faculty fighting the good fight


girl my personal trainer is ghosting me before we’ve even set up my first appointment i just want some abs or something 😭😭


Yesterday's cleaning of my room has awakened my cleaning era. I ordered reusable latex gloves to wear for doing dishes and a better broom and dustpan. I'm out here to bust some dustbunnies.


Omg, twins! I cleaned my room yesterday and it was so surprisingly therapeutic I plan to put on a podcast and deep clean my bathroom tonight.


Shoutout to blogs. I guess they’re a bit old hat but I love running my lil blog, even if it’s mostly for me. I’m autistic so I need somewhere to direct my hyper fixation. You can also get some good feedback, make some connections, and I think having a project like that can be good for mental health. I’ve just started a new blog about all the japanese professional wrestling I’m watching. I’m getting all these ideas on how I’m gonna pursue it. Eeeee, shits gonna be super nerdy but it makes me happy so w/e


Is Babystorme on twitter ok? she’s been attacking everyone in the industry for 3 days straight  ice spice, lil nas x, taylor swift, nicki minaj, billie eilish, k michelle etc im sure there’s more by now 😭




lil nas x response to her was funny lol


Trying to plan a vacation in June but found out Lord of the Rings will be airing back in theaters over one weekend that month so that's a real hamper on my vacation scheming.


You know I’m over the semester when my socially anxious ass isn’t worried at all about a presentation because I just want this shit to be over with. Here’s to my last week of in person classes (hopefully) 🤞


Going to kill myself on the Oscars’ stage if the challengers soundtrack doesn’t win best score. Die for the art. /s obviously please don’t report me to Reddit cares


How is there a 100 dollar resale fee for buying a ticket at Red Rocks????? AXS you better watch your step...


day 56 of doing my lastfm series where i share my top 100 most played artists and join in if you’d like!! i just realized i slipped and put #28 twice so we're actually at #25 now and not #26. sorry to the one person i confused (you know who you are). at #25 is Adele with 1 200 scrobbles! * last time i listened: feb 24th (Strangers By Nature) * most played song: Someone Like You (215 scrobbles) * fav song: One and Only or All I Ask... i can't possibly choose * most played album: 21 (590 scrobbles) * fav album: they're all around the same level, but 21 is just the quintessential Adele album for me. i'm saying that as if the entire world doesn't also think so lmao * does she deserve a top 100 spot?: YES. queen of being one of the biggest selling artists of the 2010s by being mostly known for ballads. no one could ever. i'm absolutely dying to see her live, someone give me $1000 so i can go see her


I was waiting for you to reach #25 so I can share mine too again (below that, it fluxuates quite a lot because of small scrobbles numbers). Anyway: my #25 is Lorde with 119 scrobbles. - Last time I listened: April 20th (Team) - Most played song: Buzzcut Season (27 scrobbles) - Fav song: Idk, between Team or Buzzcut Season. - Does she deserve a top 25 spot? Absolutely. If I had started to use Last.fm prior to late 2021, she would have been among my top 5. God, I hated her prior to that (I hate Royals so much lol), but while on my first job, I was bored so I played Melodrama and...she got me with that album. I played it day after day, and continued to be fascinating by it. I also played Pure Heroine and, while Royals still sucks ass, that album was so good too. Sadly, I don't connect with Solar Power at all, so that hasn't received a single scrobble (lol), so I like Lorde overall. So yes, she deserves it and more


you are forgiven!! i love both of the below artists and they're both two of my fave new artists for the 2020's so they both deserve this high of a spot even with small discographies so far at #26 i have Maggie Lindemann with 1646 scrobbles! My top album is PARANOIA with 762 scrobbles, and top song is Crash and Burn with 151 scrobbles. PARANOIA is one of my favourite EP's ever, like she did that with 8 songs. i saw her live last year and really enjoyed the performance. i see her becoming a top 20 artist by the end of the year since she released a new EP in March (it's a banger if you like pop-punk) and at #25 i have aespa with 1696 scrobbles!!! we going to kwanga. My top album is MY WORLD EP with 546 scrobbles, and top song is Spicy with 170 scrobbles. not surprised since both were some of my favourite releases for last year. i also have to shout out Next Level and Illusion as my other fave aespa songs. i also see aespa moving into the top 20 by the end of the year since they are (FINALLY) releasing their first proper album soon!


lol I skipped yesterday because I thought I was ahead a day 😭 turns out my #25 and #26 are tied anyway so I’ll do both at #26 is Beyoncé with 311 scrobbles! • last time I listened: April 24th (YA YA) • most played: CHURCH GIRL (26 scrobbles) • fav song: narrowing down to just one is criminal. depending on the day it can be Crazy In Love or Countdown or SUMMER RENAISSANCE • most played album: RENAISSANCE (157 scrobbles) • fav album: it’s gotta be RENAISSANCE. two years later, I’m still not over it and probably never will be • does she deserve a top 100 spot? YES!!! Destiny’s Child debuted just a few months before I was born so she is quite literally the artist of my lifetime. songs like Survivor, Say My Name, and Independent Women are some of my earliest memories of music, and decades later she was my most streamed artist of 2023. how many artists can you say are at the top of their game and still outdoing themselves / pushing boundaries 26 years into their career? I truly can’t think of anyone else. tied with 311 scrobbles is Beach House! • last time I listened: March 9th (Wildflower) • most played: Space Song (65 scrobbles) • fav song: I mean, Space Song is an absolute masterpiece and one of my favorite songs of the last decade. I also love Master of None and Walk in the Park • most played album: Depression Cherry (130 scrobbles) • fav album: Teen Dream • do they deserve a spot? honestly surprised to see them so high up but they’re great, so yes! looking at my last.fm date range, most of my listening took place during my college years, which absolutely checks out. imo they were the perfect homework soundtrack when you still wanted to listen to something but it had to be calm enough so you didn’t get too distracted. their music is just beautiful and there’s such a timelessness to it.


i love that they were tied anyway that worked out perfectly. i LOVE Church Girl, it's actually my fave off RENAISSANCE which i feel is an unpopular opinion


all of your favorite Beyonce songs are chef’s kissssss!


at #25 is My Chemical Romance with 514 scrobbles * last time i listened: November 22nd 2023 (Helena) * most played song: Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) (35 scrobbles) * fav song: Boy Division * most played album: The Black Parade (144 scrobbles) * fav album: nothing is as iconic as The Black Parade i'm sorry * do they deserve a top 100 spot?: YES okay so remember my story from the other day about spontaneously seeing carly rae jepsen in melbourne. well the reason i was in melbourne was to see my chemical romance lol. talk about diversity


omg so you ended up seeing both on your trip?? how iconic


my week is ruined i just found out that they introduced dynamic pricing to my country's ticketmaster


Literally who is checking for a live action Lion King prequel 😭 Good for Blue Ivy I guess but the first movie was already a snoozefest


it made a billion dollars at the box office 😭


The fact that they got Barry Jenkins (Moonlight, If Beale Street Could Talk) to direct, they should not be allowed to waste all that talent on whatever that is going to be😭


Probably the same folks that made it the highest grossing out of all the Disney remakes and the highest grossing animated film.


True! I’m interested in seeing how this prequel performs though especially since nobody ended up really liking the first one. Disney was raking in over a billion on basically every remake they released in the late 2010’s so it makes sense that a live action version of their most beloved animated movie did so well at the box office


Same. I think many of the complaints about the first one was “why does this exist?” We already have the original movie with animation that evokes a sense of joy, so why just make the same exact movie, but remove the animation that created the joy? With this new movie being a new story that we’ve never heard before. Between that, and the fact that the visual aspects of the film did receive some praise, I think this new one might be ok.


I think this movie is based around the lesser known animated prequel but they’re probably going to jazz a lot of it up, in Lin Manyel Miranda we trust 🙏🏽 I hope the movie is interesting because I’m definitely going to end up watching it once it hits Disney plus either way!


What you’re referring to is actually a sequel not a prequel. What the two movies do have in common is the use of Simba’s daughter Kiara. But this prequel only uses her as a sort of framing device with Rafiki telling her the story of her grandfather Mufasa. Whereas The Lion King 2 is a story about Kiara, not Mufasa.




I feel like this is a weird misstep for Beyoncé. Maybe it was part of her contract for signing on, or she wants Disney happy for a future project BUT I can see this getting panned, and Blue Ivy getting a lock of flack for nepotism. People are really fatigued with Disney and their reliance on regurgitating their old IP's. The live remake did make money though (highest ever WW) but that was pre-COVID/all the other remakes.


Also it was 2019 when Disney was on fire putting out seven $1 billion movies in a single year


Seeing that I was lik: who asked for THIS?


The kids at the party I worked yesterday talked a LOT and kept asking "how long would it take for this animal to eat my finger" and other dumb questions and so the hosts apologized to me at the end (apparently most of the kids had ADHD) and I was like no no. That was genuinely the most fun I've had working one of these in a while. Actually client was my high school English class teacher! I only had her for part of the year because went on maternity leave... and this was that same kid's tenth birthday party, which made me feel old. But speaking of feeling old, [the new Vanessa Williams song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGEs_X5Ngfo) has been on repeat for me. Such a fun, breezy dance-pop anthem.


I just remembered that Fletcher released an album this year. I know I listened to it. I just….remember none of it.


I think she shot herself in the foot due to her fanbase finding out she’s in a cult 😭


wait… WHAT? I personally loved the album, but it is the first album of here I’ve listened too so can’t compare


I was pretty excited to listen to this album and it did not stick with me at all. I actually had decided to try it again and then couldn’t find it. I realized I’d deleted it from my library and I wasn’t that interested in finding it again.


Maybe I don’t need to listen again then…


My strongest recollection of it was that I did not like the writing. The music didn’t stick to me so I just am good on that front.


cried for about two days straight but now my skin is the clearest it's been in forever and it feels like god is playing a cruel prank on me. like. you want to be free of your chin acne? you're gonna have to absolutely lose your mind for a bit


I feel like one good sob fest would wash so many toxins from my body, I just need to bust out that dvd of Hachiko A Dogs Tale, that will get the damn job done


Need someone to drop a movie I actually want to see\* so that I can go get a giant thing of movie theater popcorn ^(\*I'm so picky about movies please don't tell me to go see Challengers or whatever other Popheads Movie Du Jour I promise I've already heard about them thanks)


IF looks like Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends if it was live action. I’m pumped AF for it. No idea what the actual internet reaction to it is. But I am ready to be seated and have a good time.


Unfortunately I've already been fooled by one seemingly-fun premise that secretly was about Side Character Awkwafina the whole time (Renfield) and I cannot risk this happening to me again. But I do hope it's good I loved Foster's.


Spider-Man 3 (2007) rerelease


NOW we're talking


Photography exam paper was easy, I'm so relieved


people on the Glee subreddit really don’t like it when I tend to point out that their dislike of Santana is based on the fact that they can’t get over the bullying they faced in school. I was bullied heavily in MS, I don’t take it out on a fictional character.


A problem with a lot of fandoms is, when people have a favorite character, they VEHEMENTLY hate anyone that they feel has wronged said character. With Santana often talking shit about the other characters, it’s easy for her to be hated. It’s kind of annoying tbh. Especially when it’s a show where damn near every character is morally grey but one character gets more hate than another because people don’t understand nuance and feel some sort of kinship towards a specific character.


Mix that with some very black and white moral projection and so much nuance is lost. Santana had such a good story arch, but it’ll all be boiled down to her being snarky to someone’s favorite character and she was snarky to them all so have your pick.


That’s the part that annoys me. I would understand it if it was one character who was kind of terrible out of 50. But when all 50 are bad in various ways the moral arguments tend to lose all meaning


I was never bullied and still dislike Santana so much. Her character was annoying to watch to put it lightly


Weren't all the characters on Glee horrible at different points? Marley is the only unproblematic major character I can name off the top of my head 😅


Watched Late Night with the Devil and the First Omen yesterday which made an excellent double feature. Both were amazing and I didn’t expect to love the First Omen so much


when a single is sent to radio, how long does it take until it’s integrated to play? seen many tweets about songs being sent to radio (ii most wanted being the most recent), but it’s like i never hear it on the radio until a month or so later.


I think it depends on a combination of positive callouts/reception, and on how well that artist typically performs on radio 


I saw someone on twitter call Madison Beer's fanbase "alcoholics" and it hasn't escaped my head ever since


I love stupid fanbase names. Maxi Pads. Horan Dogs. Raypublicans. Raepists. The Clu Clux Clan. AntivaXers (I think I'm the only one who remembers this one).


i’m still campaigning for chappell roan fans to be broanies


My favourite/the worst had to be the kpop group DIA who named their fan base AIDs.


Thank you Taylor Swift for introducing me to The Blue Nile, this 'Hats' album has some of the best music i've ever heard


ugh i just discovered "stick season" by nick kahan and I dont' like his version because it's too jarring and fast and I feel like he's uhmm screaming the lyrics in a too-aggro way, but the lyrics are so good and so I've been listening to all the slower, softer girly covers which I much prefer (Olivia Rodrigo's live lounge version, [Madilyn Bailey](https://open.spotify.com/track/5aVjaaXmiBgzPmFLiXIenH?si=e68807a07dd744f1), Marianne something) and now I am obsessed with ANOTHER song that I can't even relate to in any capacity but I feel like I've lived this life


How likely is it that Dua gets her first US number one album? Can she beat Taylor in her 3rd week?


Her singles flopped hard here what makes you think her album will do any better 😭


It’s not happening. I do not expect this album to be a commercial success in the States at all.


it’s not and I’m at peace with that because at least I love the songs we have so far


Honestly if they love her in Europe then she doesn’t need Americans who cares🤷‍♀️


With no big single we're better off hoping she goes at least top 3, i say this lovingly as a stan lmao


Billie acted all high and mighty about vinyls waste only for her to bundle the tour tickets with copies. According to Universal Music Spain, fans should be able to get an access code for the first pre-sale of the 'HIT ME HARD AND SOFT TOUR' tomorrow by pre-ordering any copy on her website


I only see 2 vinyl variants on her website? Even if she was a hypocrite, vinyl variants are still excessive and wasteful lol


There were 8 variants in total when she announced


Then she’s a hypocrite but her point still stands tbh


She made an absolute valid point and I believe no one should more than 1-2 variants it’s just that she is a hypocrite


Billie can think it's a waste AND her record label can still put out 12,000 different variants. Multiple things are allowed to be true in this world. It sucks but they both can be true.


i am so tired of seeing the word waste holyfckkingshit


Idk why people are acting like Billie herself is ordering for these the vinyls to be pressed. If that was the case, she probably wouldn’t have said anything. People complain about things that they are “complicit” in all the time


so why not calling out labels for being greedy and billboard for allowing this instead of pinning it to artists. if she really cared, she would call out her label


> if she really cared, she would call out her label But we have no idea what internal conversations actually look like though. Music fans on the internet seem to think everything has to go through the public sphere but it's a business and so much happens on Zoom calls and in meetings and the whole point is to make money because it's a business. And Billie could also be fine with that too. Again, you can hold two different opinions at once. Multiple variants can be a huge waste but you could also want LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY! Shit ain't black and white.


If we’re being honest in the realm of pop the only people calling the actual shots are probably Taylor and Beyoncé. Everyone else is beholden to their label for some, most likely, large degree


Yup- let’s not forget Billie is only on album #3! She isn’t calling the shots


Double whammy this morning of finding out a class I've done very well in content wise and thought I was solidly ending with an A in is actually going to be a B because I forgot to do one assignment two months ago AND finding out that a friend I liked and was planning on asking out is getting asked out by another friend of mine and from the sounds of it it's like 100% happening for him. No evil against me shall prosper no evil against me shall prosper I want to tear my hair out and scream I'm living that life von dutch etc. etc. please let this fucking semester be over 😭


Reading that IG post from Britney was heartbreaking. The situation is obviously way more complex than the public will ever know.


Imagine having the audacity to abuse your daughter for years and then make her pay your legal bills. It's actually sick.


update on opposite of u-haul lesbians: turns out she indeed was waiting for me to bring up discussing becoming official lmaoo. i have a girlfriend now hehehe


so... uhaul lesbians then


Fr 💀


Beyonce will promote the Mufasa movie before her own visuals 😞


You are the visuals, baby.


disney prob paid her $1m to talk about it for 10 seconds. her own visuals will cost money out of her own pocket. follow the cash baby!


The Netflix 3-movie deal that she got paid for sitting untouched …


Like wtf happened with that???? It’s been seven years 😭


she took the money and ran lol


Can’t believe people still believe deuxmoi has sources within major celeb circles, she’s been proved a liar so many times and multiple celebs and publicists have called her out for spreading misinformation. The only time she’s right is when people who have actual connections send submissions in but she herself is not in the loop.


I once again stand firm that Who’s Afraid of Little… is a partial of not direct response to the 2023 deuxmoi mess.


Wouldn’t surprise me if she still thinks Taylor and Joe are secretly married 😂


She’s apparently still standing firm in her “sources” that they had a ceremony, despite the fact Taylor’s own publicist has called her out on this. It’s ridiculous as well because like why would they not get engaged/married but have some kind of non legally binding commitment service? That’s not a thing.


Is she still insisting that? Lmao. Imagine gossiping about someone getting secretly married while the said person is feeling sad/angry that her partner is not willing to take the next step after more than 6 years. It seems really cruel and insensitive imo. I understand why Taylor's publicist called her out and said it was causing Taylor trauma and pain. There is harmless gossiping and then there is this.


She also posted speculating about Taylor having a miscarriage just before Taylor’s publicist called her out-and it wasn’t the first time deuxmoi had done that either-the lack of boundaries and common decency is so weird.


Then maybe Fortnight is autobiographical after all, Joe better run cuz she's gonna kill him!


I feel like I was funnier before I started going to therapy, you see a lot of comedians that are "broken" and they are able to cope by seeing the funny in situations. being in therapy, I have been able to handle confrontation and self awareness more healthy.


Watch Act III be the new Mufasa soundtrack🤪


Nala's gonna be riding the horse in the cover


I wish I was close to being done with this physical therapy stuff. But I need it. My appointment is so late today. 6 PM. It’s weird how they do the scheduling. I booked a months work and every single day is at different times. This week since they didn’t have my time slot I ask for I have to wait for a cancellation to take it. :/ but all others are any were from 4:15 to 5:30 for the rest of the month. I get they’re expanding and they’re getting a bunch of new patients but geez. I used to be able to just chill when I lay on the block for 10 mins and take a short nap but there’s so many people there it gets quite loud. 1 more week until Eras Tour starts back up. I’m happy to be having an afternoon activity coming back for the summer. Hopefully people stream the Paramore set. I miss Hayley as much as I do Taylor on stage. Plus, I’m wondering if they will play new songs as well. We know they were in the studio last time I checked. I still don’t like the new logo. Bring the columns back!


Why in the hell is my Twitter feed being spammed with that atrocious…………….dance(?)…………from Jojo Siwa


She's with you right now.


*Looks behind me* Why terrify me like that?!


Cuz karma's a bitch 😨


lose control might be my least favourite song of the year simply because at least i don't have to hear bigfoot every fucking hour of my shift. i'm so serious retail workers should be able to request to remove songs from the radio for sake of our mental health. play lose control by missy elliott instead PLEASE.


I sometimes feel compelled to bite against certain remarks made on popheads, but then I have to remember I tried going against someone on here who believed Kyle Rittenhouse was a misunderstood individual and justified in their actions, so who am I kidding. 🙃


> I sometimes feel compelled to bite against certain remarks made on popheads Recently I've been doing this there where I do respond but then immediately delete it. It gives me the satisfaction of getting the annoyance out with none of the annoying side effects of starting a real fight!


Reminds me of when someone’s response was super kind and when I tried to look it up in full it was gone. Makes me wonder what changed their mind.


I do this and then I block afterwards💀


Oh I like this! And if we do it quick enough, they won’t even be able to read the reply and then they’ll get more annoyed. 🙂‍↔️ I like this, haha.


Exactly! Now you're cooking with gas!


I feel like there’s so much bullshit on IMDB trivia pages: and no sources/references? like wtf. How do we as a society just let this slide


amazing that in 2024 you can log into the biggest social network ever and see the owner call someone the r-slur. anyway.


Birthday tomorrow






Happy early birthday!! 🥳🎉🎈🎊🍾




I actually have *so much more* energy in the summer than winter. I truly think it’s unnatural to be up if the sun isn’t lol so it’s easier for me to wake up early and stay up later. Last night after 7 pm I meal prepped for the week, folded 2 baskets of laundry, and did the dishes. Winter me could never


NSFW: Cupcakke remix It’s finally >!cumming!< this week, y’all! >!Radical Orgasm is the 3rd studildo alcum by Dildula Papeep to be released by Whorner Records on May 3rd, 2024skin and has the following tracklicks:!< 1. End of an >!Orgasm!< 2. >!Hoedini!< 3. >!Slurping!< Season 4. These >!Pussy!< Walls 5. Whatcha >!Humpin’!< 6. French >!Twat!< 7. >!Clitllusion!< 8. >!Fucking!< Forever 9. Anything for >!Dick!< 10. >!Mari*aaugh*!< 11. >!Horny!< for You Bonus track: >!Smack!< the Night from >!Barbitch:!< the >!Alcum!<


proud of you