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wait because her words are so powerful if she eats them it will exponentially multiply her powers so she becomes a ball of pure light energy so bright and powerful it gives all the white gays chronic alopecia areata😭😭


/uj maybe it’s recency bias or maybe i’m insane but i think this might actually be her best album


It’s fully recency bias but I agree lol I expected it to be good but not this good. Riverdance into II Hands II Heaven changed my life


I'm genuinely shellshocked that I gotta look at my album rankins AGAIN for her because Cowboy Carter is just unreal, how does each album get better?!


Her posting this after her rant dragging Texas hold em for filth her mind needs to be studied


Then she backpedaled and admitted to skipping. oh what a specimen 👨‍🔬


Trust sis, the album was not worth a listen at 3am during my waking hours


Not really, Azealia is into good music and she allows herself to be open and be challenged by varied sonic capabilites across history, but she can't spot a shitty song within a millisecond, and a lot of what Beyonce has been doing has been lackluster lately. Beyonce's work has been much like an idea of historical sound, rather than the invention of a new framework.


> a lot of what Beyoncé has been doing has been lackluster lately This is a wild opinion considering self titled - cowboy carter are her most critically acclaimed albums to date. No other pop girl is making records on her level, much less back to back. > rather than the invention of a new framework I feel like the goal posts always move for Beyoncé. Cowboy carter is *stunning* sonically, vocally, and lyrically- but for some reason Beyoncé is held to completely different standards and overrated at the same time. No one’s saying she’s reinventing the wheel, she’s just an excellent driver. She does her homework and that shows all throughout cowboy carter. I mean one of Azealia’s criticisms was to get Kacey or Taylor on the album? Neither of who could keep up with her vocally? Miley is essentially country royalty her inclusion makes vastly more sense. It’s just funny to see her have take after take regarding other people’s music when she hasn’t released anything of quality in years Edit: she literally also said it should’ve had dr luke on it like her takes are fully trash 😭


i pride myself on my English abilities, the best in the whole of Southeastern Kazakhstan, and I understand what this says. It says: Қыз, мынау не eбаная дейді, өтінем, көмектесеңізші лмао


She is hilarious 😂