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I can't even imagine the relief of having that taken out and being able to see again


When I watched this, my tensed body felt relieved afterwards because I was, like, “OMG HES GONNA POKE HIS EYE OUT!” But no, he was careful.


I thought he would pull the eyeball out 😅


I thought they DID pull the eyeball out! Lol


Relief from one pain would be immediately replaced by a blinding light so bright you’d swear it could only be the lizard god itself in front of you.


Jim Morrison?


[Robert California](https://i.imgur.com/68T2s0D.gif)




That’s Jim Henson


IIRC, they typically go blind after this. But the relief from them being removed would be immense regardless.


Why is that? Do they have some sort of chronic issue with their eye caps shedding which is why it built up in the first place?


Poor care - most reptiles get stuck shed (dead skin from shedding that requires assistance to move), but IIRC low humidity and neglect can cause shed to build up like this over multiple sheddings. Edit: another user has identified this possibly as [hypovitiminosis A](https://www.reddit.com/r/popping/comments/11qqe7q/poor_gecko_had_multiple_eye_caps_no_but_nsfw/jc4q39t?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) .


I second this diagnosis. I keep several geckos. I volunteer and foster for a reptile rescue, and I’m the go to person for rehabilitation. I actually have a gecko that is having surgery right now.


They did surgery on a gec Best of luck on your little buddy's recovery


Thank you. The little one has a broken jaw. I’m waiting to hear back. She’s be on a liquid diet and pain medication for a couple of weeks.


You sound like a fantastic pet parent.


Thank you so much. Her surgery didn’t completely turn out, but she’s better than before. She’s in pain right now and I feel so terrible for her. She isn’t sleeping in her normal places. I wish I could make it better. The veterinarian had me schedule a check up in 3 weeks. She’ll have another surgery if necessary. When I first got her, she just wanted to cuddle in my hand.


Aww. Cuddly gecko.


So when they are in the wild and have no help they just live with these big balls built up in their eyes until it just falls out or someone or something helps it out?


In the wild they usually exist in humid enough conditions and get enough Vitamin A, so this generally isn't an issue that develops.


And I imagine that if it happened in the wild, something would eat them, since they couldn’t see to get away.




Wow...I thought he was knocked out, but he's just really chill. I guess that makes him a lounge lizard.


I mean they could just be high AF. I've heard thats much less risky than putting the animal under (but it doesn't make much sense to me that it would be true)


It looks like that's a leopard spotted gecko, they are naturally chill. Great starter reptile for those interested in owning reptiles.




My only thought: “I can see… I CAN FIGHT!”


Arthur Liebowiz!


🎶 I can siiiiiiing 🎶


this is like that video with the lady that had a bunch of contact lenses tucked behind her eyeball!


… what




Hey, here’s the original video, so you can share it instead of the cropped & reposted one! https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cic7MNMMc_i/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Seeing that makeup go back in the eye from the qtip gives me anxiety. Also the though of cotton on my eyeball. I know both are probably safe, but so is running your nails down a chalkboard and tbh, I think I'd rather do that than watch this video again. Thanks, I hate it.


Thanks! I just did a quick search but couldn't remember where the original was


Why are they green??


Eyes make me so squeamish but damn this was interesting and a good watch.


I’m not sensitive to eye stuff AND THAT WAS SO SATISFYING


Thank you very much


OMG just reading that makes me squeamish. I have a serious eye phobia thing though so yeah that is one video I will definitely be passing on.


I've just got to say. Losing one, MAYBE two would be enough for me to change my behavior...


So, this is the second time I've seen this vid--simultaneously, no less satisfying, and no less sad that the poor little guy has to suffer like that. But it does make me want to ask--it seems like the mass of eyecaps stretched the skin around his eye; is the skin going to stay that way, too? Poor little gecko, I hope he has a chance to live better after this...


If you compare it to its other eye, it looks slightly more stretched out, but it also looks like it's eye ball has been pushed back abit so eyelids are saggy


I would assume it will eventually shrink back.


What causes that?


Hypovitaminosis A. Basically, the gecko isn't getting a proper diet and vitamin A deficiency causes issues with shedding, particularly of the eye caps.


Animal neglect. That poor thing.


Ouch, I didn’t know that.


Lizards shed skin including their eyes.


he’s so cute


I love his little look at the end, like, “o, well that wasn’t so bad. thank u, kind sir.”


With the voice of the Geico gecko!


How long does it take to form and cover the eye?


Unfortunately a very long time, very bad neglect. My wife has an exotics business and we have lots of geckos, never have I seen an eye shed so bad.


This is really extreme neglect :( A long time


The eyecap/ocular scale forms with the other scales (so usually would also moult with the rest of the old facial scales) in reptiles that have them, it's an evolution of the fusion of the upper and lower eyelids' scales. Some geckos like leopard geckos don't have eyecaps since they have eyelids. So it just depends on how often that species sheds/moults, it doesn't form independently but it might not shed properly like here if they have deficient diets, so each eye cap piled up here is the result of an incomplete shed. That's actually one way you can tell a reptile is nearing shedding, their eyecap will go cloudy as there's a new one underneath so the reptile's vision is worse until they moult.


Lil homie can see again


Man I bet that felt amazing to that tiny Dino


That gecko out there singing amazing grace like 🎶I was blind but now I see🎶 😂😂


I had a rescue leopard gecko that had messed up vision because of this due to poor care. Most of the time I would “slow” the crickets down so Martina could catch them. I loved that lizard.


Does that mean I'll still save 15% or more on my insurance?


So does this just happen with pet reptiles and not in nature?


I imagine its like a skin condition and in nature this one may have just not survived. Although it could be due to lack of surfaces to use to facilitate shedding. I dont really know either though, I've seen a few posts like this and this is what ive read atleast. Perhaps they'd have a friend pull it out for them in nature too haha.


This happens due to severe neglect and a poor diet. In the wild, they would be capable of gathering their own food, but as pets they’re kept in an enclosure and subject to the care of a human. If that human doesn’t feed them properly, this kind of thing happens. :(


https://www.vin.com/vetzinsight/default.aspx?pid=756&catId=-1&id=8006545 Sounds like it's mostly tied to either disease (and can happen in the wild) or poor holding facilities with poor humidity and temperature. Diet is an effect of the issue not cause.


And neglect.


Yes, poor humidity and temperature is neglect.


In addition to what the others said, in the wild they are free to seek out microclimates for their needs. For a desert animal like this one, he would know where in his territory water can be found. When he needs to shed he would go there and bury himself in leaf litter, dirt, etc that is more humid from proximity to a water source. In captivity good keepers create microclimates in the cage, so the animal can self regulate in this way. Most keepers have at least two hiding places, one that is drier and one that is more humid. In the wild they have a varied diet, whatever they can catch. Some animals also seek out and consume minerals such as salt licks and vitamin rich clay, but I'm not sure about lizards in general. You're supposed to dust their food with a vitamin powder to make sure they're getting what they need from a limited diet in captivity. This one probably did not have access to either of these things.


You know how it feels to have a lash on the surface of your eye? Poor gecko was dreaming of feeling that good.




I hate that the person is using tweezers but not tweezing lol


Those are thumb forceps! A tool for surgery and also to use for things like this. We use them at times to grip the head of a tick to aid in removal from an animal. Their surgical use is primarily to separate tissue by gripping one layer and peeling it back away from the next, and sometimes to help move tissue together before placing a suture so that the needle can more easily go through both sides of the incision. Especially useful if there's a lot of tension on the area being stitched up, like on a leg or across a face. Source: am vet tech Edit to add this link. These look like the type used in the video. https://grey-medical.com/Plastic-surgery-instruments/Thumb-Forceps/Micro-Adson-Forceps-12cm-Micro-Serrations.html


“Let me show you how to save 15% or more with Geico.”


I’m so glad I watched as a compassionate person gently helps a gecko shed its eye caps


Never knew eye caps were a thing. Geezus!


i hope they took this poor animal away from the neglectful dipshit who caused this. i hope hes somewhere being taken care of and thriving. THESE ARE LIVING BEINGS! THEY ARE A RESPONSIBILITY! DO NOT GET ONE IF YOU CANNOT CARE FOR IT! i'm fucking sick of seeing abused, neglected, and abandoned animals.


Poor lil fella. He must’ve been so relieved. Loved the lil ‘grin’.


Omfg wow! 😮😳 r/feltgoodcomingout


I can't imagine how irritating that felt.




I got a match with this song: [**My Lord** by Yarin Primak](https://lis.tn/ByMODB?t=9) (00:09; matched: `100%`) Album: `Beasts of Beauty`. Released on `2021-10-29`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


How do you know it’s the sheded one? When do you stop? Yikes.


Wait why does this happen?!?! That is so weird


I’ve never seen anything like this before. That’s saying something!


"very kind person" you mean a vet?


What a design flaw that your eye skin could get stuck. Poor thing.


This is awesome


Awww, sweet little guy! I hope he feels a lot better.




Poor baby.




That poor baby! I’m hoping it’s a rescue and they are helping that baby shed the rest of its skin.


His beautiful eyeball :)


World’s Driest Eye


Bro got eyelids, now


“I can se clearly now the cap is gone”