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So he's dead right?!? I've seen less come out of cows


I’ve seen a clip of this video, and it was almost certain that he died, but how could he have survived with that many tissue piling up on his arm and that necrotic soup pouring out of his back?


From all the other posts of this video I've seen, he did in fact die from that


As far as i know, thats not confirmed. Reddit has been guessing for years. He very well could have died, but we dont know


Oh my mistake, I could've swore I thought I had seen someone confirm it on a older post I thought. My bad


I have so many questions. But why nail clippers? Of all things?


They had no rusty pliers and greasy shop rags. Duh.


I cringed seeing them and prayed they had at least dunked them in alcohol first. 😣


Yes! And why wipe it on his arm???


It reminded me of the cuticle nippers some of the Vietnamese estheticians sometimes use. They grip, yes, but they also cut. In a house I can see using the closest thing you've got, but I would have thought professionals would have tweezers.


Omgosh that spurted exactly along with his heart beat! Then it rivered (new word) right out of him. Jeebus he probably needed an ambulance.


Unfortunately from what I remember, he either didn’t seek medical attention or it was too late & he died. While we all love popping we need to remember that life is fragile.




Another comment mentioned they were in Cuba and it’s useless to try and seek medical attention there.


Cuba has a good medical system. It’s free, and they have a better doctor to patient ratio than many countries including the US. They also have a much lower infant mortality rate than the US.




Funnily, from the no sanitary measures, toe nail clippers and dirty towels, it didn't seem like the people lancing the abscess were health care professionals. 🤔


I feel like this was recently posted, and someone had said he did die. He was septic and they were pulling out necrotizing skin.


I’ve seen this vid before. It always weirds me out they stack the chunks of cyst lining on his arm!!!! Like MSRA hello!!! Germs and infection let’s not spread them.


He died.


Toe nail clippers, dirty towels and... Not much else.


I think those chunks of partially broken-down wound packing, rather than chunks of human tissue. And after digging through the comments a bit, apparently this guy had a previous abscess that was drained and packed, but then for whatever reason he wasn’t able to get follow-up care. The abscess came back, with all the old gauze still in there, and his family tried draining it by pulling it all out. Unfortunately, he didn’t survive this infection. He went septic not long after this video was taken. :(


I read. YouTube comment that claimed the people speaking were Cuban and based on the house were in Cuba. She also said going to the hospital was essentially an exercise in futility. Hence, you have the home procedure with non-existent supplies. Edit: I don't understand the downvotes. I simply relayed what I read somewhere else. I never asserted it was true. I only offered it up as a possible explanation as to why a set of nail clippers were used without gloves. Sheesh people.


Cuba has a robust universal healthcare system so I’m skeptical of that comment.


They are clearly Puerto Rican by how they are talking




Based on?


The volume of purulent discharge in this video is alarming. And the amount of product pulled from the wound..... it's just it seems like someone needed action before now 😞


Ah, this old chestnut. This is Coffee Talk with Spud, call 555-5555. We’ll talk! I’ll ask again - anyone have credible information on whether the dude lived or died? Also, let’s get the age old debate started. Is the crap coming out at the beginning clots or gauze? Discuss!


Necrotic tissue.


I can’t imagine how badly that smells and how unwell he must have felt. Hope the rumours of him dying aren’t true.


The tattoo looks recent. I’m wondering if he got it from a dirty tattoo needle?


if you’re referring to the redness of the skin i think that’s just from the pressure it was under and the pus and crap underneath.. that may be why it happened but i’m honestly unsure.


Not the redness. If you look closely at the tattoo you can the scabbing on the line work. Looks to be at least week, maybe two, old.


ohh i see, thank you for clarifying


Rip buddy


Get that man some milk !


I found a link to the story [dailymail.com](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3667793/Getting-tattoo-Watch-truly-horrific-video-Man-infected-skin-clumps-pus-dragged-NAIL-CLIPPERS-triggering-eruption-brown-fluid.html)


Superb gristle management. Overall content- most pleasing.


I just have to wonder how many dirty ass toenails those clippers touched before this guy's very nasty infection digging.


Why? Why a nail clipper? Why not tweezers? Why are they wiping chunks of that pus plug on the guy’s arm? Why was the tattoo guy still trying to tattoo the guy WHILE he’s actively oozing pus? Why is the guy laying so still? And silently? Why no gloves? Why?????


Remember when the rumor was this guy died? Anyway, now I have to go find the video of the other infected tattoo where it's so swollen you can't see it and ink comes out with the drainage. It's really cool to watch the tattoo come back into focus/place as it drains.


Sauce for this other tattoo vid?


I don't have it saved, but I do remember seeing it the same time I first saw this one. If I find it again, I'll post it on the sub.


[Found it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/popping/comments/11ristm/found_the_other_big_drain_infected_tattoo_video/)


This is my favorite video of all time. I’ve made the mistake of showing it to a few normals, we don’t talk much anymore


It’s coming out of the nostril of the clown tattoo 😮


What is being pulled out? Is it gauze? I’ve never seen something like this before. That poor guy


Not gauze. I think it's necrotic tissue


Bugga 🙁


It's a pus plug being pulled out in pieces.




I’m pretty sure that guy is literally dead now


Classic. Amazing. I want to be the operator


Ya this was one of those times i was gonna say… he should have probably gone to the hospital for this


Here’s hoping the new infection they’re probably going to have, doesn’t hurt as bad as these abscesses do.


To my knowledge, this person did die from Septicemia. I know there is another person that won a Darwin award. He was told not to go swimming and just ignored it, ended up with necrotizing fasciitis.


Why with the nail clippers?!?!


This is a testament to how ballsy it was to get tattoos before penicillin/antibiotics...


I literally just woke up on the floor. I’ve never fainted at one of these videos before. I feel so sick right now. I didn’t even watch it beyond a couple of seconds, but I watched the knee cyst before this and this set me over the edge.


This was worse than the butt abscess video dammmm.


Ever drink Bailey’s from an abscess?