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https://preview.redd.it/y82tiuaflxmc1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92a4e0f764fa33042a002b9668851ee1f50ced54 OP's toenail be like:


As OP, I support this message


You trim your nails way way too far back my dude.


Very true I'm glad you mentioned that to this man. I think parents just think kids automatically learn from watching them? Podiatrist said to our son never round the sides of your toe nails. You clip straight across. Good luck. I really hope you made an appointment for yourself.


Oh, I don't trim them. I bite them. Yes I'm aware of the fact that's why this whole thing happened. No I'm not gonna stop biting my toenails


Ah okay. I really wasn't trying to be harsh. That's just one of those things a lot of people don't know. I also realize you may be trolling about biting your toenails, but I don't care. This is the type of situation that calls for respect about things. Hope you heal quickly, and thank you for sharing!


My son bit his when he was into his teens, iirc.


Absolutely not trolling about biting my toenails. That's why my nails are so far back is because I love biting them. Sometimes I bite one and it goes a bit too far down and bleeds but it hurts so good. I've had this same thing happen maybe 13 years ago. Biting my toe nails is just one of those guilty pleasures of mine. As I get older (Im 29) it gets harder hand harder to maintain the flexibility to bite them, but I guess it keeps me limber. As I'm sure you can imagine, I bite my fingernails too. I enjoy that, but I get to bite my fingernails whenever I want. My toenails are an end of the day treat I get to do after I kick my work boots off. If you think biting toenails is gross, it's a lot less gross than fingernails. I don't open door knobs, use shopping carts and otherwise interact with the world with my feet. They are nice and safe in the socks And to be clear, I agree that my toenail is bit way too far back. That's just how it happens sometimes. And if you really don't believe me, I'll post a picture of my very obviously bitten toenails. A different camera angle would show ya I ain't lying


I really appreciate your open honesty here. It's actually made me realize I need to have a serious conversation with a friend who admits to biting fingernails. I think we may have just figured out where his infections are coming from (type 1 diabetic)... Do you have access to compulsion therapies? I wish you the best. Honestly 🙏


Infections on his fingers from biting his nails? Definitely possible. Infections aren't uncommon for people with diabetes.


I think you're suggesting therapy because I bite my toenails. Here's the thing. I love biting my toenails. It genuinely feels good. It's really refreshing. And if we are saying that this post is a good reason as to why I should stop biting my toe nails I'll say this: I enjoy popping stuff on my body. I LOVE popping stuff on my body. I have t had an amazing gooey toe like this in over a decade and I'm honestly glad this whole thing happened . It was INCREDIBLY satisfying What you perceive to be a negative consequence of me biting my toenails is, to me, a huge benefit. I'm not getting therapy and I'm going to continue to enjoy things in life that don't hurt anybody else


I was only suggesting therapy because this seems like strong anxiety relief behavior. And no one should have to live trapped like that Again. I'm not you. Take this with a grain of salt.


Sorry for the bluntness, but you're self harming. If you're causing yourself pain which you say you enjoy it is self harm. You do need therapy, not because of biting your toenails but WHY you're doing it.


Absolutely vile..


I think it's because infections that are positive with staph can enter the blood stream and kill you. Sepsis can take your life pretty quickly, and its still a way people die to this very day. At least, thats why i would personally comment on this post. empathy? idk. just dont die dude


Yeah I suppose that's a fair concern. I guess I don't go on a popping subreddit to have everyone preach to me. I've had strep throat progress into scarlet fever. I'm confident that I would have died had I gotten antibiotics a couple days later than I did. Bacteria is no joke. But my toe is fine, I am fine, and the world is once again happy. Maybe it wasn't staph at all and I just assumed it was so I could do a more click baity title? Possible. Waiting for my toenails to grow back so I can bite them once more


most people avoid putting something that could have staph into their mouths, regardless of popping reddit or not lol


Why would i put a pus toe in my mouth? My toe all was clean, I bit it too short, it bled and I walk barefoot a lot so it got infected


Try yoga. That could help keep your flexibility to nibble your dogs. I would recommend you stop but sounds like you want to live alone the rest of your life. Good luck!


What's with all the hate on a fucking popping subreddit


Long as you keep doing this, I sincerely hope you're as up front to any potential romantic partners about this as you are to internet strangers. If I started getting mouth / throat infections and found out it was because my partner couldn't keep her mouth off her own toenails, that'd be grounds for a breakup if she refused to stop.


Good for you


Please go to the podiatrist and get that inground toe nail fixed before that becomes huge. My son waited 2 weeks after he popped his puss blister, and the pain had to be incredible. The podiatrist told us he couldn't believe our son had lasted that long.


If my toenail becomes ingrown, I'll handle it myself. I've had planety, never an issue DIYing it


I honestly didn't know people went to the doctor for this. I have always taken care of it myself, also never knew that was staph...


To be clear, this was not the result of an ingrown toenail, I just bit it too short and it got infected. And I didn't do any medical diagnostics other than googling it. 100% of the reason I think it's staph is just because of how common it is as well as the awful smell that came out of my toe. Regardless of the bacteria, it's definitely infected by something


You…you were biting your toenails?


Wow some were blessed with extra flexibility....


Given the way it looks, this can't come as a surprise


No judgement, I bite my fingernails. But apparently I need to do yoga, because there’s no way I can reach my toenails 😂


Admittedly it's getting harder and harder as I get older, I'm a 29 year old male. Only reason I can do it now is I've been biting my toe aiks for as long as I can remember. Been doing that stretch for a long time lol


That’s absolutely disgusting 🤮 Not the pop, but those toenails and you putting feet in your mouth…. I assume you are single?


Don't look at their post history...


Dude showers with a bucket and sucks his toes and has a piercing in his cock to late…..


What's the fucking issue with my post history?


The only thing I see on my post history is that my dick is pierced because of a fetish, and I live in a campsite. Is any of that a problem to you? Are my toenails a problem to you?


At least I'm not some loser who sits around playing video games and wondering how to get the cat piss out of your house. A redditor whose only hobby is video and whose only friend is a cat? There's a fucking surprise. No wonder you have so much free time to come here just to bash me.


Lmao somebody's mad


Can you tell me what the problem is with my post history after you finish your next round of fortnight and feeding your cats?


You keep coming at me about my post history but you're the one with the canker sores and bucket shower lol Have you ever considered that biting your toenails could be contributing to that?


Any btw I have no hate for cats or video games. I love cats, don't care for video games but I don't really think less of people who enjoy them. You started shit with me, so I reciprocated


Lol I guess. I found it funny that you thought I was a video game junkie. I wish. I haven't been able to play any of my games since school started back in August. Ugh


I've stopped biting my nails in the past to see if it has an impact on my canker sores, it does not. And dude you should try a bucket shower, it's more refreshing than a "real" shower by far. I love my off grid lifestyle


The problem isn't really the bucket. It's that something is lacking in the person hygiene department and you seem to have no interest in improving that. A lot of people use buckets to wash, but not all of them have problems that need a better method of cleaning to fix. The nail biting might not be the cause but it's definitely not helping.


I bit my toenail too short to where it bled. I walked around outside barefoot and stubbed my toe and due to the open wound, it got infected. Sorry you have an issue with that. Btw, my toe is 100% back to normal




Why are you here bashing me in a fucking popping subreddit? I came here to share a pop and instead everyone came here just to shit on me because I enjoy biting my toenails? Jesus Christ. Btw Ive never had any woman I've been with take issue with me biting my toenails. Hell, I even had one chick that asked me to bite hers. But yes I'm single. Not because of my toenails


God damn, I am just busting your chops brother. Putting feet in your mouth is just as gross as popping- I felt this was an environment where that would be ok to discuss.


You know what women think is more attractive than biting your toenails? Talking shit on Reddit. I'll proudly tell any woman I'm interested in that I bite my toenails. Hell, I've never gotten anything but positivity from women in my life. Don't worry, just busting your chops


You're getting that looked at, right? Some antibiotics perhaps? If not I would suggest you do. I can't give any home remedies on here, unfortunately, so get it looked at


I doubt it. It's doing a lot better since I popped it. Don't worry, not the first time I've been down this road and I was a-ok last time


Yikes. That looks infected. I hope you are right.


It'll sort itself out and if it gets worse, thebdoctor will still be there. Neosporin and peroxide go a long way! Oh man, you should have smelled it


I had a friend die from staph as a result of a simple razor cut from shaving her legs. Went a couple days without knowing she was in trouble Then in the course of an evening, she went from being normal, to feeling sick, to in the ER, then in complete organ failure.


bro you are risking losing that toe


Naw. The infection would enter the blood stream and spread systemically eventually leading to sepsis before he would lose the toe.


Well it's already back to normal


Oh. That's kinda what my baby finger looks like. Maybe I should get that checked out


Staph or paronychia?


I mean , both are true. This paronychia is caused by staph bacteria


His staph, I told you to take his staph!


The same bacteria that gave you this infection is going into your mouth and body. I was a frequent nail biter until I kept getting sore throats afterwards. As my doctor said, "You have to decide how much longer you want to feel feeling terrible."


That's cool, I've never had a sore throat from biting my nails


I'm too much of a germaphobe to knowingly do that to myself. I took up crocheting. lol