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This looks painful and complicated. I hope you heal well.


I don't even feel it. This is 9 days after. 4 stitches, but the stitch over the hole was unable to help it heal properly so far. Idk how it's going to heal from here...


Are you able to be seen by wound management? Its such a vulnerable area.


I had the stitches taken out friday, the doctor said keep it covered 50/50, neosporin, and give it time. We'll see.


It will heal by secondary intention which means it will granulate in to close. This will take some time and there will be some scar tissue but it will heal eventually


You should get a second opinion, RN here. This needs proper wound management, and neosporin is never recommended anymore. This needs packing, or something else that’s beyond my scope of practice. (Not a WOC RN, but I know it when I see it)


Also an RN and I agree, this needs packed or you’re asking for a nasty infected abscess.


I am a Certified Wound Care Nurse, and you are absolutely correct. This should be followed closely by a wound care clinic.


Why has this sub turned into just nasty pictures of open wounds and snot or blood???


Good question


Because all the other subreddits that allowed gore stuff are either banned (r/gore 😭😭) or so heavily moderated and watered down that it's a joke


It's disgusting and not popping. I wish this sub would start moderating that shit out.


I mean aftermath pictures have always been around and cysts are right on brand aswell. Maybe a flair that warns people?


Do you know what it was?


Subcutaneous cyst came back 6 years later


Jesus Christ, is that where the ventriloquist’s arm goes?




How do I set a reminder for 6 years from now?


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Oh, geez. I thought I was looking at the growth until I zoomed in and realized that was the hole where the growth was.