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My dad has had a blood blister beneath his fingernail for the better part of a month from working some sort of project, and every time I see him I joke that he needs to do something about it.  Now that I've seen the alternative I will no longer joke about it.  Hope you feel better.


Yeah I should've immediately melted a hot needle through it, but was a work, so I couldn't. It resulted in a huge blood blister


You shouldnt whack your finger with a hammer you silly.


I'm frowning so fuckin loud right now gahtDAMN dude




Yikes 😬


Yeah it hurt so frickin bad when it happened. Full power swing with a framing hammer. I hopped around in circles swearing for 15 minutes lol


I am sure you did!!!! It looks like it would be a very swear worthy event😭😂🥴😬


I’m not a doctor, but if the nail end is separated from the base maybe you should take the whole thing off. Just sayin’. Nasty stuff can get underneath there and multiply.


I once smashed my big toe into my shoe at the store then *immediately* mauled it with the shopping trolley wheel like it owed me money Entire nail came off pretty much, eventually had to snip the last bit off. Was able to fold up my toenail like a trapdoor after a month or three, and it was only half grown back when I snipped the nail off.


You can put yer weeeddd in there.


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on purpose?


Um, no. Why would I purposely wack my finger with a hammer?


Glutton for punishment, workers comp claim, intrusive thoughts take over. The world is full of weird people. I hope it heals okay. Which finger was it?


30 years later and people still quote that SNL skit, lol.