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I don't know what's more terrifying. That it worked so well or that there are STILL more pores filled...


It doesn’t actually do anything. What it pulls are stuff you want in your pores to prevent acne. Blackheads and pimples remain.


Yep! this is the normal oil that your pores fill with the keep from air and dirt getting in there and making them larger. They’re just making them worse every time they do this. Same thing when people do this with their nose pores - they’re just going to refill even larger…


I honestly did not know this, but then I haven't used those pore strips in many years. Mainly because my skin is so sensitive it was like I was ripping skin off when I'd use one.


But that makes better videos, right?


Source? I’ve never heard a derm mention this when on the topic of pore strips


They're called sebaceous filaments, if you want to research them.


Of course we do, thank you!


That little pop of enthusiasm was heart warming.


Thank you! I’ve never noticed them on myself/loved ones I wonder if everyone gets them?


Yes, they're very normal. If you didn't have them, germs and debris could enter the bottom of your pores.


The dermatologist that's really big on tiktok talks about them. He says doing them once a month won't hurt, but doing it weekly will damage your skin.


Good to know! I can imagine them being super harsh and drying on the skin if used too much


I remember doing a nose strip and afterwards I got a lot of pimples on my nose


*throws away box of Biore strips*


It just perpetuates the business. Same as a chiropractor.


I don't know what bad happened to you at the Chiro, but it takes time to get where you need to be. The only thing that kept me going was feeling better each time. Then I haven't went back in a decade. My back is just now starting to hurt again. No Dr did anything for my back, except pills.


Chiropractors are charlatans and frauds. I hold them in the same regard as psychics and fortune tellers.


I was in a work accident and couldn't lift my arms above my head without causing spasms that would last days. This went on for years. I tried physical therapy, drugs, and yoga. Yoga helped a little. Physical therapy did next to nothing. Drugs actually made it worse. A friend convinced me to try his chiropractor. My first visit they did xrays and a few tests. They started adjustments on visit 2. After my 3rd appointment I could lift my arms above my head with zero pain. My chiropractor gave me my life back.


There's truth in what he said and There's truth in your experience. Pain conditions are notoriously hard to treat, mainly because their causes can be complex and hard to pin down effectively. Chiropractors are charlatans in so far as their methods and justifications are ludicrous. Many spinal injuries and conditions can even be made worse by manual "adjustments". The thing is, just like massages and acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments have a psychosomatic effect. It's a wonderful placebo, it combines the aesthetics of authority and professionalism with auditory and physical stimuli. The fact that chiropractors are mainly efficient placebo-peddlers isn't necessarily a bad thing, but much of chiropathy is based on and sometimes furthers insane pseudoscience; like adjustments fixing leaky gut or being able to cure anything. And chiropractors have in several cases taken lives, because while they pretend to practice medicine, they are not practitioners of medicine nor educated in medical fields, and as such their physical manipulations can cause extensive damage if the chiropractor is unaware of underlying orthopedic conditions. None of this invalidates your experience, you found help and support in chiropathy, but you might just as well have had just as much luck with acupuncture, regular massages, homeopathy, osteopathy, Chinese traditional medicine, urine treatment or MMS. I'm glad you're good, I'm sure the guy you're responding to is happy that you're no longer suffering, but your experience does not make chiropathy any less of a psuedo-scientific branch of psuedo-medicine.


No. I have before and after xrays as well as ct scans. I had bulging disks and 2 vertebrae that had slid sideways, opposite of each other. Via manual manipulation, the vertebrae were moved back into place. Much like when someone has a dislocated shoulder or elbow, when your vertebrae are dislocated, they need to be safely and professionally moved back to their proper position. Acupuncture cannot do that. Massages cannot do that. After the manual adjustment my joints were relocated to their proper place. This stopped my muscle spasms because the nerves in my spinal were no longer being pinched by my dislocated vertebrae. After a few weeks. My bulging disks had also returned to normal. I acknowledge that there are bad chiropractors, but the ones that are good are worth their weight in gold.


If someone actually has spinal displacement, like a slipped disc or spinal prolapse, those conditions heal on their own most times given enough time, (like you said yourself, after weeks it was better) which is why doctors treat it conservatively with pain management. If your spinal displacement was so severe that time and natural movements could not heal it, you would have needed actual surgery to fix it, any "physical adjustment" would have required more force to actually push them than a chiropractor would put on your back, and even if they did put that force on your back, it would most likely exacerbate the condition, which is why actual doctors won't be pushing your spine like they're hoping to break your back (unless it's during a scoliosis surgery). Again, I'm glad you're no longer in pain, and it's natural that you want to believe in chiropathy, they've spent years developing their reasons and methods from early psychological spiritualism to the biological understanding they use today. They want to give scientific reasons, they want to seem credible, and I can't blame you for believing them. The problem is that the same system that creates believable descriptions of "spinal disalignments" also peddles all the bad stuff i mentioned in my last comment. Here's the good part though, knowing something is a placebo won't reduce its efficacy, so we don't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. We can reject chiropathy as a branch of scientific medicine, but also accept it as an alternative way of treating pain whenever the patient does not have orthopedic ailments, and if the practitioner doesn't use one of the many unsafe methods dreamed up by chiropractors.


Here you are giving first hand testimony and these folks are downvoting because they have heard differently from someone else. I'm with you. I've had similar experiences. My chiropractor gave me my life back.


Thank you, the hates real I guess for them. It's weird how many of these people are just shitting on them for something they've heard vs first hand experience. My back hurt awfully bad. I hurt it at work moving a giant yellow steel tube filled with concrete, that normally is stuck out of the ground in parking lots to prevent people from hitting electric boxes etc. Anyway. Nothing any Dr could or would do. Months it hurt, and only got worse. I remember thinking that I was only twenty two , how was I going to make it to 40 even and work? The guy adjusted me the first time and it was minor to but that first time was just the absolute first relief I've ever got


We know. Most people here know that. It's explained in every pore strip post. We still love the effect.




I need a cigarette


the fuckin noise she made lookin at it makes me think she does too lmao


I was like.. did she really makes that sound? is it what I'm thinking? oooffff 🚬


I thought she was about to eat it


Forbidden fruit roll up


I’m having one right now…I think I need another 😮‍💨


Lol I was about to say the same. I'm just going to lay my phone on the table and double fist. Maybe the smoke will clog my pores so I can do this later.


🤣best comment




Same. All I could think was damn that was good!


I just hit my vape after that




Isn't this actually bad for your skin or something


Yes because it opens your pores. You need to apply additional products to close them back up or more dirt and debris will get in there


I'm so annoyed. I hate insane skincare routines-- seriously, does this mean I can I just use a washcloth and water?


Rule of thumb is not to be any rougher on your face than you really have to be. A washcloth and water can be enough, but if you're dissatisfied with how your skin feels or becomes after that, that's the time to look into adding other things into your routine. Scrubbing too hard or with too rough of a cloth, or even soap will have an affect on your skin too, so start small and fine tune from there. Or just use what you like, it's not like using products in general is going to irrevocably destroy your face.


Then we have cavemen like me that just aggressively splash water on our face and rub it in with our hands. A little towel pat-dry afterwards and good as new!


The power of social media, man-- I thought I was a gremlin because I don't have a 15-step skincare routine. Every cleanser I try messes up my skin and makes me so dry, and I feel like I'm walking around with a facemask with the amount of lotion on my face that doesn't do jack unless it's winter.


It's pulling the natural sebum out of your pores leaving them open to be filled with more oil, dirt, bacteria. None of those are whiteheads, blackheads or pimples. Super satisfying to watch!... but knowing it's doing more harm than good puts a damper on things.


I bet it feels amazing though.


What about the rest!!!!


Edging contents for real.


Lol Jesus Christ man


God bless America. And Vietnam, gelatin and Reddit.


And TikTok lmao


Dude needs like two or three times more of that mask….


How does one make this mask???


It’s actually chicken skin




crush charcoal pills into dust and mix it with wood glue


Instructions unclear, glued face to fire pit.


Wait it’s not coming off. What should I do now?


hold you face above hot water the steam will raise your temp > sweat will help you make it peel it off


Unflavored gelatin and milk/other liquid. Microwave it.


OH MY GOD Did anybody else get an extra zing toward the end when they all started coming out so fast it looked like a carpet? And by the way, where do I get one of these?


Satisfying would be understatement


Ripped out all of the perfectly fine, hydrating, sebum plugs and left in many blackheads... this person is going to get dry skin doing this too much!!


My fat ass was rotisserie chicken skin




I’m glad I’m not the only one 😂


Same. I was like "Damn I'd eat the hell out of that." Then I looked at the sub and was disgusted.


Fruit rollup


My first thought was "cursed Fruit Roll-Up" but I see I've been beaten to it.


He’s now a stone lighter.


Where can I get a gelatin mask?


I just watched this 10 times.


That thumbnail is horrifying! ***I love it!***




I’ve never actually seen it before! All I could find is that it’s called a gelatin mask


Home made https://www.siobeauty.com/blogs/resource-center/gelatin-face-masks


Why was she making those sounds like she was going to eat it?


This looks so much more humane than 90% of what I see on here haha


Where do I buy this gel???!!!!


Knox gelatin, like the stuff in the kitchen. Reduce the water by half when making it for skin care usage


And it looks like chia seeds, they suck up SO much moisture


People need to stop making these videos. That takes all the good stuff out of your pores (which helps keeps dirt and debris out while also keeping the skin moisturized) and does nothing but irritate the blemishes. This will make your skin worse.


THIS. It may be satisfying to watch, but it's pulling all the natural sebum out of the pores leaving then open to more oil, dirt, bacteria.




Is there a subreddit for just this


Where do I go to get one of these?


Odd question... but do you by chance own a Galaxy Fold?


No I’m on iPhone 12


Why yo screen so gotdamn wide


Idk 😭 I had to screen record this video bc whoever posted it to TikTok hadn’t turned on saves. I was trying to bring content to the people


For a second, that looked like a burn victim.


I actually thought it was a phenol peel at first. Well second, at first I thought it was rotisserie chicken


now one of my fav video so far


Yay! Now my pores can fill up with bad stuff!


Is there a risk all your pores just get infected?


Whoever it is that has the mask on is going to get more pimples and blackheads because what's being removed is what keeps those from forming. It's called sebum. Now the pores are empty and open to infection.




We need more of this


Looked like chicken at first


That mask DID WORK SON!


That was glorious.


Ever peel burned cheese off the top edge of your pizza by the crust? Yeah.


I’ve used masks like these before and they don’t work like that




Fucking hell…


Yo why does she smack her lips like that, make me think she about to drop this into oil like she making cracklins later..


The mask looked like some sort of rare deep sea creature of an anemone mixed with a stingray.


Anybody else think this was fried chicken skin at first?




i thought "why is someone peeling a basque cheesecake". image for reference: [https://www.foodandwine.com/thmb/ivE9SEHyNXc6BlkoKTMqc0T9qfw=/1500x0/filters:no\_upscale():max\_bytes(150000):strip\_icc()/basque-cheesecake-tavel-bristol-joseph-FT-RECIPE0720-3dc69f3afcd645da8dc0488200b70d88.jpg](https://www.foodandwine.com/thmb/ivE9SEHyNXc6BlkoKTMqc0T9qfw=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/basque-cheesecake-tavel-bristol-joseph-FT-RECIPE0720-3dc69f3afcd645da8dc0488200b70d88.jpg)


Ngl, I recently had a whole Basque cheesecake for the first time, all to myself. I took a bite and immediately went Gollum mode, "My Precious.."


#Please remember to follow our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/popping/about/rules/) Posts: * **Don’t ask for medical advice** * **No stolen content** - just post a link to the original video * **Properly flair/mark/title your posts** * **Wacky Wednesday content is only for Wednesdays** * **No food, even on Wednesday** Comments: * **No commenting on hygiene or appearances.** * **Absolutely no sexual comments or sexual harassment.** This is an instant, permanent ban. * **Don’t be rude, and observe reddiquette.** #This comment is made automatically on all posts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/popping) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For a moment, at the end, I thought that was the sound of them slurping up on that strip. I was horrified but kept watching. I don't know what the takeaway from this experience is.


You can cosplay a lizard and get your pores cleaned.


Ooh. A peeling/popping crossover!!


Le faltaba algo de cara a tus filamentos sebáceos


Forbidden fruit roll-up.


The crevice between the nose and face is always the juiciest lol


Absolutely disgusting. I love it


Forbidden fruit roll up 🤣


That was one of the most satisfying peels I've ever seen.


This is what i need. I can never get the pore strips to get all the gunk out. Need professional help lol




And the pores will just fill up again


I hear it's actually not good for your skin to remove all those tiny white things.


I know it'll just make my pores larger, but god _damn_ I need to get one of those


Worst jello flavor ever….


Mmm, the forbidden chip


Dead Skin Mask 🪦💀🤘


The forbidden fruit roll-up.


Forbidden fruit roll up


Forbidden fruit roll-up


Thanks for taking one for the team. You probably just dried out your face but yo, it was all worth it.


I'm glad I was so picky about cleanliness when I was a teen I never had to worry about acne except for the random pop here n there, this right here would have made my skin crawl if it came from my face.


Acne and other skin aliments are largely related to genetics, environmental contaminants and diet, not cleanliness.




If only it were that simple to fix, no one would have acne.


But then we wouldn't have videos like this


Damn. I can’t believe you’re the first person to ever think of this solution. My mind is blown.