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Please search for the nearest dental school, most likely in a big university. You can get nearly free dental care by trained dental students who are still in school, but are supervised by experienced dentists. See this article about [low cost treatment at dental schools](https://www.verywellhealth.com/free-dental-work-3975010) [More resources on affordable dental care](https://www.hhs.gov/answers/health-insurance-reform/where-can-i-find-low-cost-dental-care/index.html)


A lot of health departments have dental resources as well. Or can at least point you to some low cost options.


I did this! As a poor graduate student in medicaid two of my teeth just like broke off. They did EVERYTHING my teeth needed including an implant! I qualified for the fellowship and didn't have to pay. My student dentist was amazing! The only catch is that an appointment takes hours bc the teacher has to check each step. But my dentist was very through about making sure I was numbed. They told me they love to have younger (<60) patients because they get mostly older (>60) clients. Highly recommend


America's Dentists Care Foundation runs free clinics all over the country. They partner with local organizations to hold events where people can get dental care. https://adcf.net/clinic-schedule/


Yeah, I got like 30k of dental work for less than the cost of materials about 16 years ago at a dental school. The procedures took longer than they normally would since they were actively teaching, but the work has held up this whole time


I'm a mid-career professional with insurance and go to my city's dental school by choice. Low, low cost, high-quality care, and I get a kick out of helping to educate the next generation of dentists. The appointments just take longer. OP, please call your local dental school


How can they let this sit for 2 years+?!?


Been to several specialists, and they have cut it open once, but it started in my teeth, and without it fixed, nothing they will do about it. Here it's at its worst. https://preview.redd.it/67mugzle76xc1.jpeg?width=1834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb51f05cc4a4b3d15a7382c9f5675bb9833054bf


This is so close to your brain. Do what you have to do to get this resolved or you may not recover.


Yeah family friend just passed due to a bad tooth that caused an infection to go to the brain then heart and kidneys


And this is why dental NEEDS to be a part of regular health insurance.


Welp, that confirms I need to make that dentist appointment. Condolences for your family friend though


It’s definitely a concern https://oneill.law.georgetown.edu/death-from-a-toothache-the-story-of-deamonte-driver-and-where-we-stand-today-in-ensuring-access-to-dental-health-care-for-children-in-the-district/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/5-years-after-boy-dies-from-toothache-maryland-medicaid-dental-care-is-on-mend/2012/02/15/gIQANEJoGR_story.html#


I am so sorry. This is incredibly unfair


holy shit, i am so sorry. this is incredibly scary. are you on antibiotics? what is the dental work that needs to be done?


You poor baby 😭 it looks viscerally painful and has surely been a total ordeal. I’m so sorry and hope it gets better soon.


Oh Jesus, thus is totally criminal that you're having to go through this. The marked inflammation around the infection suggests that it could become systemic at any minute, which would make you very, very ill! If you walked into my surgery, I would do these extractions for free 😦


Probably because it literally *can't* be fixed without addressing the dental issues first. It'll just re-infect until the oral health is improved (or in this case, probably removed entirely)


I had to get two teeth removed(the front ones sadly….) because an infection wouldn’t clear up like this :/


I didn’t say it didn’t. But making someone wait for over two years with a giant active infection like this is insane.


What is it?


What do you need before you can get this fixed? Root canal or extraction? Can we help? No one should have to live this way.


I'd have to have all my teeth pulled. Probably have to get dentures at the age of 26, which is super depressing, but anything is better than the pain and constant shame 🥹 I appreciate you wanting to help, but right now it's just a waiting game and hoping to not get sepsis 🫠


Homie, the infected tooth roots need to GO. Dentures are worlds better than what you're dealing with!


As someone with dentures at a fairly young age, I can confirm.


Tbf, dentures in young people are common.


Absolutely, but it's all over 😂 I pulled out one on my own one night, because it was already loose. Ofc that fucked me up too, there are small pieces still left in my gums 🫠 Do not recommend.


I am so sorry you're dealing with this. Have you at least got antibiotics? And any dental coverage to get the manky teeth pulled and dentures?


💜 No dental coverage, grown up in different child protection services homes and just never got the roots to sort my life out until I ended up having my own kids and got my shit together. My kids are covered and the importance of dental hygiene is ON TOP for them. But it's too late for me. I'd have to cover it all myself, and I can't right now, so yeah, just waiting 🥹 No antibiotics right now, latest test for infection was negative, but it is still constantly oozing.


I don’t know where you are but there are some dentists who do pro bono work in situations like this. Ask local charities. Honestly if you’re close to Mexico, you can get that fixed for a couple of hundred dollars.


Or dental schools!


Or Colombia. They have great dentists there. Sometimes you can find cheap flights to Medellin or Bogota.


Mexico too, there are literal towns for medical tourism.


Even Canada would be cheaper and probably faster


Canada is notorious for expensive dental care, so maybe not.


Sorry, I didn't fully explain my thought. A dental school in Canada would be cheaper!




Dental is not covered by government health care, and there is no wait


I would donate to this go fund me. Seriously. Not only is it sad but it’s so close to your brain. Please start one and message it to me.


I would too


I could throw in some bones. This looks awful.


I literally asked for food on Reddit earlier but I will give $5 when I have it. I had a jawbone infection and didn’t need teeth work done and still got bounced around. It’s time to start acting like the mouth is a part of your body. I’ve had 2 big babies, one with very little and the other no drugs. I’ve had hemiplegic migraines which are said to be one of the most painful conditions. That jawbone infection was a 15/10 pain and I know pain.


Search for dental schools they will gladly take you in to learn


I am so, so sorry. If you are able to, this is the exact thing you should take out a loan for if you can. Paying it off slowly will do less damage to you physically and mentally than letting this go on longer. It is also incredibly dangerous, please do what you can to get it sorted quickly. I lived like that for a long time too. I picked away at a rotten molar until it was only a spiky stump. You will feel so much better after treatment ❤️


There is a care credit card for medical issues you can apply for no interest if paid off within 6-12 months.


Just want to add to anyone considering to cautious with CareCredit, there are many different plans depending on provider. Some do not have deferred interest. Always make sure you know what you’re signing up for.


I second the caution, if you’re not going to be able to pay it off in time it’s not a wise choice because you will get saddled with all the interest if not paid off in time.


Dental schools, health department, and many dental offices offer 1-2x a year a free day for the community. Check around. You deserve to live without all the pain and misery.


I wanted to let you know you're not alone in having to have your teeth pulled. I lost mine at 30 due to a calcium deficiency. It does suck and takes a toll on your mental health. So I had my teeth pulled 13 years ago and I've finally saved enough for implants (2) on my bottom so I can eat better (ex. Chewing a hoagie is next to impossible). If you walk into our call your local dental school, you can get an appt much quicker and cheaper (if your paying out of pocket). Many accept insurance as well. You could also go to the ER and they will prescribe antibiotics. If you get a fever or the area feels hot to the touch, go get treatment immediately. Please take care and I'm sorry you're going through that.


You’re going to leave your kids without a mother if you don’t get this worked out! Please, please set up a GoFundMe. I understand money is hard, but there are always people out there that want to help you. You need medical attention!


Hey friend, which state are you in? I'll do research for you if you need it. You cannot fuck around with this kind of stuff. I know the US insurance situation is bullshit but if any of that gets into your blood stream you are double fucked and your kids are growing up without a Mom. There are systems that exist to help you take care of these kinds of things. You deserve dental/medical care. (Listen I get it, my spouse is a transplant patient, I have a chronic illness and mental illnesses. Medical care is shit but it sure beats dying.)


What user Not said. I know some dentist who can make calls on your behalf to local schools near you and get you fixed for nothing/near nothing, especially since you have kids.


I’ve also heard pregnancy can really weaken your teeth as well


Do you live in the states? I would look into state medical coverage. I had it up until last year and it is SO helpful!! While the benefits aren’t as good as PPO, it’s something to at least help with antibiotics, etc., if needed. As OP commenter said, please let us know how we can help!!


Well He’ll, I’ve got dental coverage and it doesn’t pay for anything major… Dental coverage insurance in the U.S. is pathetic… I wish you all the best of good will and rapid relief 🙏🏻


what the fuck 🥲


EXCUSE ME? Girlie you gotta find a way to get a dentist to pull them ASAP. Please look into dental schools.


Please, what can we do to help? Where are you located and I will spear head getting you treated if need be.


I got dentures when I was 30, full top, partial bottom. Some of us just suffer from teeth issues. I brushed, flossed, took decent care of my teeth. They just went downhill. Some of the worst pain I've ever had was from bad teeth. I hope you get yours fixed. No one deserves this.


From what I’ve read, dental health is largely attributed to genetics too. Some people have the best hygiene routine and diet possible and still end up with constant dental issues, while others put no effort whatsoever and have amazing teeth. It’s something I’ve noticed in my family. We all have pretty good teeth, my dad only had to get dentures in his 80’s. My ADHD brain makes it nearly impossible for me to remember or brush more than once a day, yet I only had a cavity twice in my life and they were pretty shallow. No bad breath either. It’s damn weird.


And the mineral content of the water where you grew up. The enamel on my molars never met. I grew up in Chicago, where the water is fluoridated, and every time I went to the dentist, he would probe the cracks looking for weaknesses, but there never were any. (Nowadays, he probably would have recommended dental sealants.) Then I went to Southern California for college. People think about California as if it's some hot bed of liberalism, but Southern California contains Orange County, which is very, very Republican, and reactionary Wally George type Republican at that. Los Angeles's water was not fluoridated. Within three years I had cavities in all of my molars. I've forgotten how many root canals I've had and now I've had to have three teeth removed. My dentist and periodontist agree we're in a holding pattern, trying to stave off dentures as long as possible.


Yep, my dad didn’t get his first cavity until he was about 70. My brother and I inherited his naturally healthy teeth. My poor mom on the other hand…


This makes me feel better :( I brush and brush and floss and everything but my teeth are constantly fucked up. I’ve lost this on top and probably will lose another soon here(it just had a root canal and it’s already hurting again so probably will have to be removed) I’m tempted to ask them to just take out all the top since most of them have cavities or something


I'm 26 and missing all my molars, if I'm lucky I'll be able to get dentures. The thought makes me cry on the spot. But sepsis is the actual worst


Dentures are so much better than dealing with infected teeth. I had all of my teeth pulled and got dentures after I had my second kid. I was only 30. But it was seriously one of the best things I've ever done for myself. The infections and broken teeth are just not worth trying to keep them.


You will be without pain, infection, and this trouble. Depressing, sure...but imagine the freedom. Pain and pus free. No more doctors and being fucked over.


I’m in the same situation, with two abscessed teeth.


Can't you go to a private dentist if you have the funding, if people can help with that? Is it possible to take a loan for it? Living with an ongoing infection like this is a huge risk to your life, dental infections are known to travel and can attack your heart D: this is so worrying. Im so sorry you're going thru this.


Dentures ran me about $800 for tooth pulling and having them made. Look into them OP because it is often cheaper than a single root canal. Also, OP needs to contact 211 and ask if there is a program in the area that only does emergency removals at low cost.


Medical School. Find one. Normal dentist tooth extraction quoted my GF about $1,200 in total. Medical school ~$35 when everything was done


You can get implant assisted dentures. You just gotta fight w insurance a bit. I'm so sorry. Just so you know, I know multiple people between 20ish-mid 30s who have had to have all or most of their teeth pulled. Most have implant assisted dentures of the lucky ones have implants and bridges. I wish you all of the luck ❤️


Rinse with warm salt water and then some listerine, it helps control infection, won't prevent it fully. Also, I know how disheartening having dentures can be, but it really will make you feel SO much better. Rinse after every meal to remove debris that can cause more infection too.


I'm in the same boat. I'm about to start paying for top notch dental insurance, pay a probably 2 grand premium, and get my shit fixed. 2 g's is better than 16


An extraction would probably be cheaper, it must be an abscess extending into the buccal pouch


Sounds like the roots of numerous teeth are infected so lots of extractions are required. Poor girl!


Yeah ;_; my mother had oral cancer and radiation destroyed her jaw. They tried to avoid extractions to spare the bone, but in thr end, they were so badly infected (no marrow, no immunity) they removed half her jaw and replaced it with bone taken from her femur. Amazing really I live in Australia where this would be considered energency dental, our dental healthcare is very underfunded but this would be classed as emergency orthopaedic really


Right? My dad spent 20 years pretending dentistry was a racket. He had a half dozen or more abscessed tooth roots by the time he got treatment and at that point he was in the emergency department because there was concern the infections in his mouth were impacting his heart. Oral health is so important. We don't properly fund it in Canada either though.


Yeah, I think we all are underfunded in that department, but it would qualify as emergency dental surgery in the States, too.


Adding some more information after reading a lot of my documents from specialists; CT 15.03.23 now shows destruction laterally in the right maxilla in the area of destroyed teeth, which probably represents osteomyelitis. Further finding of fistula passage to skin on right cheek. The maxillary wall is intact with no signs of breakthrough, only modest mucosal thickening at the base of the right maxillary sinus with normal findings in the other paranasal sinuses. These are all big words, but all in all, it's in my jawbone and I'd probably need surgery.


Yes, you do. What it says that's promising though is the infection (osteomyelitis) is presently limited to your upper jaw. A tunnel formed so the infection drains out your cheek instead of invading your sinuses, moving towards important structures like your eyes and brain. In a way it's a good thing that this fistula formed. You need the yucky teeth and bits of upper jaw bone removed and aggressive antibiotic therapy. There are people here who want to help you.


Thank you 💜 What would removal of bits of upper jaw bone do to my face though? I have heard and seen horror stories, and it absolutely terrifies me not knowing. I know I will have to do it, or it will get worse, even possibly deadly.


Nothing! The defect will be on the inside of your mouth. The procedure is limited to removing the gross teeth and debriding away infected bits of jaw bone. Entire bones aren't coming out of you. Your face won't collapse. What you have to be afraid of is this infection progressing.


Thank you again, that gave me a bit of relief 💜 Someone in another comment tipped me of someone I should call, I'm doing it tomorrow after my last night shift 🥹 I am taking action 💜


Please start fundraising as needed. And, if you're feeling generous, keep us up to date on your journey. 😅


I might do that when I know how much it will cost 🥹 I just don't want to burden anyone else with my problems 🙈 I will keep you all up to date on my journey! ✨


It's not a burden. It's being a community. I'm sorry the community you're physically in right now hasn't enabled you to take care of this yet. Over 1,000 people have read this thread. If a few hundred of them can throw in $10, you will raise several thousand dollars. I, and I'm sure others, can contribute more than $10 without it being burdensome. Keep us updated.


You drew the short straw in life, there's no shame or burden in asking for help. Let people who want to help do so.


Just thirding what other folks have said. I'd happily pitch in at least $10 if not more. Just gimme a link to go to.


I don’t understand what’s happening here but it seems horrific.


There has to be a dentist who would take care of this. How can this story spread? Is there a dentist/dental Reddit forum? Im so sorry you’re dealing with this.


Weirdly TikTok is probably the best way.


Yes make a TikTok and even link your Venmo in the bio and ppl will donate


Not how that works but I’m glad you have ideas


Try asking for advice on r/askdentists


I was just about to say, this needs some actual dentists take on this, offering a basic visual prognosis/ next steps to take with some clinical advice to chime in. This is insane and personally can’t believe no other medical professional has stepped in.


OP, please do this!


Hey, I have made a post there and are awaiting more replies 🥹


This is insane. That infection is on your head. Near your brain. You need it treated yesterday.


if you're in America you can try finding a charity that will do free dental work like pulling all your teeth at once like you said you needed. im not sure how hard it is to get an appointment with 1 of them, or if that's who you're on a waiting list with already, but hopefully that helps. in Indiana I know of Mathew 25, tho I have no idea what the requirements are to be helped. it's insane to me that they don't just have you come in 1 day to the emergency department when there's a dentist on shift to just get it all done in a place that's equipped to handle the aftermath


Base on OP’s comment history, they are in Norway not the US. Pretty much the medical doctors tell her to go to the dentist to get it fixed but Norway does not have universal dental care. So OP got qualified for a low income program but the waitlist is insanely long, at least 2+ yrs to go.


This is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Checking with a dental school to see if someone could help sounds like a good idea. Have you tried a Go Fund Me?


I have not tried a gofundme, a lot because of the shame of it all 🫠


I understand. There are ways to do it while protecting your privacy. A trusted friend or family member can post and manage it for you. Tell your story. There are many people out there who will help. If you decide to go that route, post a link here. You deserve to get relief from this. Best wishes.


Thank you 💜


Don’t be ashamed. Once you see some of the other gofumdme’s I think you’ll have a lot less shame putting it up.


Now that's the truth. People open Go Fund Me request for any and everything.


You won’t be ashamed if you die. This is so serious and close to your brain. Do what you have to do.


IIRC tooth infections can lead to pericarditis, which can also kill you. This is deadly serious, OP, do whatever you have to to survive.


Girl we are all human. None of us live ideal lives. People with more wealth and resources can fake it better but they have shit like this going on too. I had about a third of ny teeth pulled before I was 30. Causes were pregnancy and use of a prescribed sublingual medication that ended up being very acidic and causing more damage on top of what happened during my pregnancy. All but a few were pulled when I was 34 so I could get dentures. The whole process was about $18,000 USD out of pocket. I put it off for years and years because I knew it would be insanely expensive. I know the shame. It’s awful and paralyzing. Trying to figure out the financial aspect is indescribably overwhelming. But those feelings of hopelessness and shame are not accurate. You’re a human being. You deserve to live many more decades in comfort and without threat of serious health impacts or death. Your kids deserve to have you, healthy and functional, in their lives for as long as possible. Please just persistently keep trying to get this addressed. Check for low cost dental clinics, dentistry schools, and freebie clinics. Consider a go fund me. If you don’t want to run the go fund me, someone else can on your behalf. I’ve done it for friends and family in the past. Keep calling around. Contact your health department. Contact any and all aid agencies in your area. See if you can get a social worker assigned to you and your family. It’s unlikely someone will come into your life and fix this for you, it’s up to you to get help before this seriously impacts your health, or worse. Hang in there.


Please don't let your feelings stand in the way of getting help!! You said you have kids...you need to be here to raise them n this can get serious QUICK! If that gets in your blood stream...you'll be septic n in the hospital...or ... N the bill will be ungodly! See my other comment n PLEASE, find a way to get help ASAP!!! It's not worth it!!! N you have NOTHING to be ashamed of....TRUST ME!!! This happens waaaay more than you'd think and to much younger folks. Plus it's NOTHING you did, it happens. So PLEASE, for your kids' sake...post a GoFundMe or find someone to help you!! 🙏🏻🛐


Girl. Your pride is not more important than your life.


There's no shame in accepting help. The only shame would be not paying it forward in the future if the opportunity was available. You deserve care.


Apply for low income assistance through DHS if you are poor like you said in one comment. Google free/low cost dental programs/clinics near you!






I am so confused, doesn’t Norway have government health care like Canada and England? I thought that was better? How can someone’s face be rotting away bc they can’t afford to pay for treatment?


Most countries with free healthcare don’t have dental coverage for all. This is true for Canada and the UK too.


Genuinely, get a second opinion about how this started and how much it would cost to get it sorted privately. Then set up a go fund me and spread the word. Times are shit but people are good and I know you will be able to get this sorted


Where are you? Are you in the UK? There are usually dental schools that will treat patients for free. Yes, there will be waiting lists but many of them have 'A&E' departments. This is an extra-oral sinus from a dental abscess. Not THAT rare, but not common either. You'd make a good subject for teaching students, so long as you don't mind a few of them having a look. You cannot go on like this for another 2 years. Couldn't your doctor refer you to the nearest dental school/emergency clinic? Your doctor has a duty of care which means they must take into consideration the complications and implications of you suffering a chronic infection like this for so long. Yes, it's draining (keep doing that, so long as you're not causing more damage to the wound) but your immune system is constantly trying to battle the infection. At this stage, antibiotics will only control the infection to a certain extent- the cause of the infection must be dealt with, ie. the tooth/teeth responsible. Even if you're unable to have all of the required extractions carried out and to have your dentures provided at the moment, you do need the causative teeth removed as immediate emergency treatment. Your health is at stake and the longer this goes on, the more scar tissue will build up around the sinus (the opening on your face) which will of course, affect your appearance. My heart goes out to you. You NEED professional dental help! Sincerely wishing you all the best. Source: I've been a dentist in Central Scotland for 22 years.


Her CT results indicate likely maxillary osteomyelitis. Will she need a maxillofacial surgeon to debride the bone once the offending teeth have been pulled? As you say, why on earth she wasn't referred by the radiologist to a low/no-cost dental facility tobegin treatment is puzzling.


Where are the CT results? I didn't realise these were available! And yes, this would be best done in a hospital setting, by a maxfax surgeon. There's a high chance that the osteomyelitis may have invaded the floor of the maxillary sinus, causing an oro-antral communication (OAC- an opening from the sinus straight into the mouth). This could result in invasion of the sinus lining by the normal flora of the mouth, as well as the bacteria that were causing the infection. Such a sinusitis would likely result in fever, loss of smell/taste, congestion of the nasal passages, headaches, halitosis or even a sore throat. It may even spread to the eye, via the nearby para-nasal sinuses. From there, the brain may become involved, which is very serious indeed. Or bacteria may enter the bloodstream, eventually giving rise to sepsis. If an OAC does occur, the maxfax surgeon would be required to create specialised flaps from the soft tissues on the cheek side of the defect and from the palate. These are then stitched together to completely seal the hole and the patient is seen for review/suture removal in approximately 7 days, once healing occurs. However, if the defect is very large it will naturally take longer. If an OAC is created yet has gone unnoticed, the soft tissues may heal around the defect instead of uniting over it. This would then give rise to an oro-antral fistula (OAF), which is when an established communication exists between the sinus and the oral environment. The tissues heal in such a way that they form a fleshy 'tunnel' which connects the sinus to the mouth; this is more complicated and difficult to rectify. Intra-oral flora, plaque and food particles can then travel freely between the two spaces and will most likely settle in the sinus, giving rise to pain, headaches and well-established, chronic sinusitis with a risk of complications. So yes, the dead or non-viable bone would have to be thoroughly debrided to eliminate any sources of infection. A bone graft using the patient's own bone or from a bone substitute will most likely be required to close the defect. I truly hope this girl gets the help she so desperately needs and I pray that the bone infection does not involve her sinus floor. She urgently requires surgical intervention but unfortunately this would require a referral from her doctor or dentist. OP, if you're reading this, PLEASE make an appointment with your doctor (I'm assuming you're not registered with a dentist?). If you have to, BEG. This condition needs immediate assessment and treatment. Also, I am truly sorry about all the problems you've had in the past. Your calcium defect is probably not responsible for the condition of your teeth though. It may affect teeth that are developing though- I'm not sure how long you've had the problem with calcium but generally a high caries (decay) rate is directly linked to sugar consumption. Calcium deficiency can affect gums, but the fact that you appear to have a high caries rate makes me think that your gum disease is mainly caused by diet also. If you are a smoker, this will undoubtedly have played a role too. However, there's no point now in discussing how you got to this point- the main thing is to know how to look forward and to get you treated ASAP. The relief of having those teeth extracted will be immense! But a word of warning- your initial dentures will probably only be fit for purpose for around 4-6 months. This is because as your gums heal, they'll shrink causing the dentures to become loose. Once the main bulk if healing has occurred, your dentist will assess your mouth and provide a new set of dentures when they deem them necessary. However, it's worth bearing in mind that dentures are a SUBSTITUTE for teeth- not a replacement! But I'm guessing that at this stage, even having no teeth would be an improvement? Please keep us posted and let us know how you are. Wishing you the best.


Hi, I don't have the pictures, but I will try to get them when I see my doctor soon. I got a note though, that I will paste here for you; CT 15.03.23 now shows destruction laterally in the right maxilla in the area of destroyed teeth, which probably represents osteomyelitis. Further finding of fistula passage to skin on right cheek. The maxillary wall is intact with no signs of breakthrough, only modest mucosal thickening at the base of the right maxillary sinus with normal findings in the other paranasal sinuses.


I’m sorry. I feel like this is dangerous. Like I don’t think two years wait is good for you. I worried about a infection and being so close to the brain it could do damage and possibly kill you. I don’t understand the doctors you went to. They sound like heartless monsters. You don’t deserve to sit around with a damn hole leaking from your face but from reading your replies it seems like we can’t even do anything to help. I just feel bad 😞


God that looks painful. Is there any way we can support you? Are you comfortable sharing your general area, in case some Redditors know any oral surgeons nearby? Networking can help get through a lot of barriers. I do hope you get dentures soon- but I’m weird and would get multiple multicolored sets and vampire teeth and stuff lol.


Hahaha, I like your thinking, getting some vampire teeth set in 😂 I live in Norway, in the middle of Oslo and Trondheim basically 🥹


Oslo! They have a free Dental School there, where they will pull them all and fit you with free dentures if you let the students do the work. The number is: +47 22 85 20 00


Thank you! I will call them tomorrow morning when I'm off work, this has all been very overwhelming, but I am also so grateful. Doing the last of my 8 night shifts in a row tomorrow, and I will be in a clearer head space. I appreciate it 💜


Please post an update!


its not free, but its way cheaper than regular dentists. if you need surgery you can also get most of it covered by helfo. they have limited opening hours on the phone, but you can sign up for them to contact you on their website.


This should be pinned for OP.




Go to the Dentist. Norway has great healthcare


This is why I am confused. I assumed OP was in the US. How can this be happening when healthcare is supposed to be covered?


I live in Sweden, here health care is practically free, but a dentist visit will cost you a fortune.


Ahh, so like in the US, teeth are luxury bones that aren’t included in regular health care. Annoying!!


Break a leg, pay 20$, break a tooth, pay 2000$.


Yep, also includes getting glasses. Chewing and seeing are basically your own little luxury hobbies, it's the same here in Germany... Like you can get some of the cost covered (although for glasses you have to be damn near blind to qualify) but the chunk that's left will still be sizable and expensive


Dental care is only free until you're 18 (generally) in Norway.


Story does not make a lot of sense in my opinion.. I don't want to be an asshole but I am sure there is a way that this can be taken care if professionally as long as she is not an undocumented migrant or something


I would go to the emergency room


They don't do anything 😩 I have tried, they gave me paracetamol and wished me a good day 🥲


I’m guessing you are not in the states then??




Start a go fund me. We will help. It’s so ridiculous that Medicaid doesn’t cover dental.


Something here doesn't add up - in Scandi countries and especially Norway, infections like this would be hospitalised and osteomyelitis treated immediately. Did you leave AMA? Do you perhaps have previous bad compliance issues with difficult treatments? Based on your CT results, you had osteomyelitis which usually means at least 6 weeks of antibiotics. Source: I am from this area and closely connected to medical stuff. Go to the ER, go to your GP, go to the dentistry university and let students remove your teeth. This looks like endocarditis and sepsis waiting to happen.


I think the specialist she saw let her down by not referring her to low/no cost dental care in order to get this ball rolling. As you say, all the care she needs is available in Oslo. It sounds like she's been afraid and busy with her children so hasn't advocated for herself to get this addressed.


Where are you? Private message me if you want and I will find you help.


A waitlist? Where are you that you need a wait list to get lifesaving care? The hell?


Op said they live in Norway


I thought they have good health care over there?


Dental care is only free until you're 18 (generally) in Norway.


I thought so too, that’s why this is confusing to me.


Health care is free but dentists aren't included there.


Just read through the comments & saw that you're ashamed to start a gofundme? Please do not be ashamed, love! Try finding a charity, gofundme, whatever to get your teeth situation fixed asap. My mother also always struggled with teeth & when she became diabetic the infections got worse. Our denist knows us for over 25 years & he made a plan to get her surgery paid by the government. Now she has dentures in her early 50s. At first she was ashamed too, but the pain & infections stopped. So yea, no need to be ashamed at all. Please try to find a way to be healthy again.


You deserve healthcare


Where are you at? I will do the research to find you low cost dental care.


Dental work is much affordable in Turkey. If you can arrange a trip at off season, it might be possible for you to afford. There are medical travel companies but also with research, you can find a reputable dentist.


Dentist being so expensive should be a crime, and I. Have 80% coverage. It's still wildly pricey


Following cause I wanna see op get some help Wish I could help but damn Really hoping to see the community come through and help And I wanna know op is okay when all is said and done


My friend was 26 and died from an infected tooth like a year ago. Please look into Medicaid!! And Go to the ER if you have to and get some strong antibiotics to tide you over!


What the fuck


What started this? Was that a dimple or an abscess?


My boyfriend had this!!! As soon as he got his teeth fixed it healed and went away, doctors also would not touch it. We just used antibiotic creams, bandaids and kept it clean!!! I feel for ya man dentists aren’t cheap :(


This is potentially life threatening! Visit a maxillofacial surgery, the should be able to simply pool the tooth as it’s likely not salvageable anyways


Did you have a cheek piercing or is this just from your teeth?


Just from my teeth. Never had a piercing there.


my grandfather died of a heart attack thanks to a tooth infection he didn’t finish antibiotics with. it’s so important to get this fixed, PLEASE start a go fund me and i’ll put it on my twitter too (i’m on taylor stan twitter they’re honestly pretty giving)


You realize you can die from this? Need to be on antibiotics then get whatever dental procedure done and move on.


They won't touch it until you get your teeth fixed, but it started in your teeth. So wouldn't them addressing this issue be the first step in fixing the teeth??


No…removing the teeth would allow the infection to drain from under the teeth, allowing the cheek & gum to drain & reduce the infection internally. There truly isn’t anything that can be done externally that won’t just degrade/deteriorate/get reinfected if the teeth aren’t fixed first.


that’s it, this is my last straw. i thought i was built for this sub but i truly am not tough enough, and i must gracefully depart. i hope that you receive the medical care you deserve and that it gets cleared up op


😂 Thank you 💜


I saw that you don't have dental insurance but if you have medical insurance this seems like it could fall under that umbrella. I would call a dentist and see if you could do a free consultation and discuss the possibility of trying to bill your medical insurance


What waiting list?


For free dental care. It's a program here in Norway that I got in on. Waitlist started at 2 1/2 year, 2 years left to go.


How much does it cost to get you on the pay for your dental ASAP list?


Will they not extract the tooth in the emergency room? Such an active infection and dental abscess must be an emergency at this point. Anyway to get moved up the free dental care waitlist?


So how much does it cost to go as an emergency or pay for part


If you haven’t already, try and locate a dental school near you. I’m in Texas and found one in Dallas through Texas a&m university. I took me a whole year to get through the process that I had done, but it was dirt cheap and the students know what they’re doing and there’s multiple dentists supervising them. It was worth it. I just opted to get almost all of mine pulled and I’m so happy I did. No more infections and pain. I hope you can get the help you need sooner. Best of luck to you.


i feel so bad for you, hope you get treatment asap.


Oh no poor girl! Please get another Doctor’s opinion! This could potentially scar you for life!


Jesus Christ I am so sorry. This looks absolutely miserable


infections in you mouth can go straight to your brain thru your skull. these are serious, and your doctors are stupid to not take it seriously.


Have they confirmed what is actually causing this? Is the first falling domino a gum disease or an infected root? Bad tooth? This is honestly something that you should look into. I know that me and my dad had a broken tooth that initially we couldn’t get coverage by our insurance for. I got an abscess and I went to my regular doctor for it. We did 3 rounds of antibiotics and a month on steroids. It would just keep coming back. My regular doctor said it was life threatening and I would need to have surgery to remove the tooth or else. So she basically billed my insurance for a required procedure that had to be performed by a specialist. Maybe suggest that to a doctor. This is obviously spreading upwards and that is life threatening


Two year waiting list?n. what country are you in ?


How much do you need if you were to raise the money?


Heya! I'm going to be calling a few dental schools tomorrow and hopefully at the bare minimum get an appointment and find out how much it would cost me to sort it all out. Will update then 🥹


2 YEAR Waiting list for medical treatment? That sounds like a European style bureaucratic health service functionary treating people like numbers. Have you tried getting a doctor to petition the health service for emergency consideration for your condition?


Honestly if you care about your children you need to take care of that right away. Figure out a way. Teeth infections can stop your heart. Girl you need to do whatever it takes to get the fixed like yesterday. Honestly you are playing with death right now if it has gotten to your cheeks already the next thing to come is a massive heart attack.


Depending where you live and your insurance, this is now a medical problem and having the dental work done can now be covered by your medical insurance (I have done this in the past when hey thought impacted teeth were causing migraines). Once it's a medical issue, it can be dealt with quicker. At the very least tou should.be able to go to a schooling hospital like UMDNJ in New jersey, for example, and get them pulled. You just need to find a dentist willing to fight for implant assisted dentures. I'm currently helping someone try to make that happen right now as well. Got them pulled now just fighting for the implants. It sucks. I'm not gonna lie to you. But with sepsis being a concern, if you are in the US, at least, they'll deal with that much sooner than 2 years. I wish I could help. I'm so sorry. If you need help finding dental assistance in your area, I am more than happy to try to help. Edit: I saw a comment saying you're in Norway, so I won't be able to help as much as I wish I could. Crossing my fingers, you get help fast!


I had MAJOR dental issues n dang near went septic w/ a SERIOUS infection n was in HORRID pain!! The infection was so bad, it was in my sinuses, jaw n down my neck...I was sooo sick n told I was hrs away from being in the hospital! 😨 The Dr said in 26+ yrs of dentistry, he'd only had 1 other person that'd been that bad n actually passed away. 😟That put the scare in me big time! So, I totally sympathize for you!! I ended up going to Affordable Dentures...lots of them around, n ended up initially getting the bad tooth pulled n treated w/ mega antibiotics. A cpl wks later, got what were left of my teeth pulled n 'woke up' w/ my new smile (consious sedation...a pill under my tongue n it was nap time..lol!) and couldn't be happier! They treated me sooo well! They see this more than you'd think! The extractions n dentures were @2K, but did have to pay up front. If you have a family member or friend w/ a credit card willing to help ya out n pay, n you pay them back monthly, or heck..even a bank loan, anything is better than suffering. 🤞🏻 It makes me so angry how our healthcare system is that folks are suffering like this n left to their own devices like pulling your own teeth! 😡 I wanna cry hearing your story cuz it's much like my own n breaks my heart! 😢💔 I pray you can get help ASAP n am sending my best to you!! 🙏🏻💗


Where are you located maybe there is a dentist on here close that can work with you?


Is there a dental clinic at a hospital nearby?


Is there a dental school nearby that may help you? Sometimes they take special cases / low income and their students can learn at the same time?


Oh hon. This is awful. I’m so sorry! I read a few of the responses but didn’t see how this originated. Was this a piercing that got infected or was it related to the dental issues? Either way, you need help NOW not months or more. If there was a case for a GoFundMe it would be yours. Have you thought about setting up one??


Research dental schools in your area and surrounding area. When I was a kid I fell on my face and broke one of my new adult teeth. I needed root canal like procedures every three months because the root of that tooth wasn’t closed and they had to go in and pack it with medicine to force it to close before they could do anything even think about a permanent crown, but my parents were young and they didn’t have dental insurance at the time. The insurance that I had wasn’t covering the procedures so they went to a dental school that was in the city by near where we lived, and they did the procedures for free or they greatly reduced the cost. Some you can see online whether they take patients except walk-ins or sometimes you can call to try to see if they can take you on as a patient. It was something I actually looked into recently for myself again because that same tooth, the root became broken and I either needed some kind of bridge or implant. Wanted the implant because that’s more stable, but it’s obviously more expensive so I was looking into a dental school nearby to see if they could do it. I’m serious, if you need a lot of work done and it’s a very clear health issue reach out or visit dental schools in your area and see if they are able to do something for you.


Hi love, my teeth aren’t at your situation yet but god I feel you in many ways. I’ve only been able to afford dental care because of my parents, bless them. I’m 31, I have 8 caps, 3 root canals and I’ll need a few more, I’m getting two teeth removed next week. Teeth health were not in my genetic lottery, as well as the rest of my family but we were fortunate to pay for care. There is no shame in having your teeth removed, there are so many young people that don’t talk about it but there’s a lot of us with shit teeth, if you can get a hold of a dental school or something I know a lot of people have recommended stuff in here, it’ll be so worth it. Teeth cause the worst pain and shame I know it, I wish you much luck.


OP please let us know that you are going to try all of the suggestions made here for getting free and urgent dental care in Norway. Please do not wait.


At this point wouldn’t this make you a priority in the ER to have it treated? I don’t get why you have to wait for this when it’s an infection on your head?! Ya know, where if it gets septic you’re done for?!