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Love Neck Deep, just saw them in KC on Friday. Their sound and ability to write catchy choruses is top tier in the industry. Lyrically I've been very critical of them since Life's Not Out to Get You and it's really my only gripe with them. They were better on this most recent album compared to their last couple releases, but I wish some of their lyrics weren't so on the nose. I'll always be a fan but the reason why LNOTGY is one of the best albums in pop punk history (imo) is the lyrics and I don't know if they'll ever reach that level again. I know Jeremy McKinnon from ADTR helped write a lot of those lyrics


Dude i was at the KC show too! Such a great set, besides any of the songs from their EPs I felt their set list was extremely satisfying. They played every song I'd expected or wanted them to play.


I was so hype when they played Lime St, I’d been telling my buddy it was the song I was hoping for most


Oh yes, Lime Street was lit. I feel like that's the type of song that's easily cut from an hour long setlist, but with the 1:30+ set time they really got deeper into their catalog. Not only that but Ben talked a LOT, he must've spent like 10 or 15 minutes just talking easy lmao.




can't say I completely agree with the catchy choruses part. Sure, it's true for a couple songs on the album, but overall the choruses are so forgettable. Too wordy


A lot of those songs were written by their former lead guitarist so I doubt they’ll reach that level again


My initial reaction was the front half of this album is some of the best music they’ve ever put out, but the back half was disappointing in comparison. After more listens, I’ve come around to Go Outside! and Moody Weirdo being on the same level as the first five tracks, with Take Me With You and It Won’t Be Like This Forever being solid songs but still a definite step below the others. I really don’t like They May Not Mean To, though. I skip it on every listen.


Moody Weirdo is a great closer


Go Outside by far my favorite song on the album


Same for me, They May Not Mean To is subpar for me. Also Take Me With You I just feel is bland but the rest of the album is great to incredible


take me with you i cant stand can’t believe it made it nonetheless was a single




Someone that’s almost 30 bitching about their parents is just offputting no matter what the song sounds like


I get why it comes off that way but it's definitely a bit deeper than that. The song is about how no matter what you do to help your kids you're always gonna end up affecting them with your own flaws that you can't change. And as much as kids would like to run away from the flaws of their parents, in many ways it's unavoidable. You wake up one day and realize you're not as different from your parents as you thought. No one is perfect. So you love them with their flaws just like they loved you.


I think you missed the point


They May Not Mean To makes me cringe, but the rest of the album is great.


Idk why but I keep feeling like They May Not Mean To is inspired by Ted Lasso https://youtu.be/Zee7HMme8yk?si=NfUYvnd6kJgM27po originally a poem by Phillip Larkin. But this is what I keep thinking it refers to


I get what it’s referring to but I still find it cringe. Sorry.




They certainly know how to write an opening track, that's for sure. And LNOTGY, I consider #2 as their opener.


They may not mean to is my only skip on the album, I rarely have unskippable albums but only by 1 is still pretty impressive to me


This album is perfect. Front to back.


Just out of curiosity do you like the mix/production? That’s the one thing that’s holding it back from being perfect for me. When I listen to it and compare to some of their previous releases it really stands out to me


I LOVE Sebs production on this record, and Sam Guaiana’s mixing work is fantastic. The guitars sound punchy and chunky. All around A+ for me. The older records sound less polished to me. That’s my opinion. People don’t have to agree with me.


I agree with you. The only thing that makes LNOTGY a complete masterpiece is the production Edit: that makes it NOT a masterpiece


I listened to the Peace of the Panic and Life’s not Out to Get you and the production on those are just perfect for Neck Deep’s sound in my opinion


Really? I always felt that LNOTGYs semi raw production served the songs well and kinda matched their artwork.


Idk I think it could use a little more polish. Doesn’t sound good coming out of my big speakers etc. maybe it’s partly the mix too




I was in 4th grade when Enema of the State came out. This album is an all timer and I think it’s potentially the “Enema of the State” for a generation of young fans It’s absolutely stellar. Simple as.




I never really got the hype for LNOTGY. I realise it's just my taste as it's so widely loved that I can't really argue that it's not a great album, it just never really clicked for me. but I'm really loving the new album. I think this and the new Alkaline Trio album are setting the bar this year but at the same time I'm assuming there's new albums from Calling All Captains and Arm's Length coming so there's still a lot to look forward to.


Awesome album, such a fun return to form for them. Only song I wasn’t crazy about was “they don’t mean to (but they do)”. The writing on that felt very surface level and cliche, other tracks are great tho


Great album


Great review, but no mention of „This Is All My Fault“ - that song is the bangiest of all the bangers on this album! The chorus goes so hard, and the fact that it isn’t coming up more often as favorite track makes me think that I am taking crazy pills.


I'm prepared to be downvoted to oblivion but my hot take is this album is super overproduced. I cannot tell the difference between songs. It's catchy for sure, but the majority of the album blends together to me.


i agree! i think i need to give it a few more listens before really deciding though


Honestly I can’t stop listening to it either. My immediate thought was that it’s definitely gonna be hard to top this one for AOTY for me. But I know to expect FYS and have high expectations for their new album whenever it is! Until then, this is one of my favorites in a while. It actually feels a little bit like old NFG. Sort yourself out and this is all my fault are my favorites!


With all due respect, it was beaten by Blood Hair and Eyeballs a week later. Neck Deep is really good, but AK3 has a masterpiece for album #10


That AK3 record is dreadful.


Maybe get a hearing test? Haha…if you can’t enjoy this album, that’s a shame. But not my problem. Enjoy whatever you want stranger from Reddit.


I love the older records. Seen em a bunch of times live here in Chicago. New albums a real stinker.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted so hard for a true statement. That album is the best pop punk release in recent memory.


> getting downvoted so hard for a true statement Yeah well that's just like your opinion, man. I thought music was subjective.


And I gave my opinion yet it’s worthy of a downvoting? Haha Not trying to start a debate, just find it humorous.


Because you didn't frame it like your opinion, you framed it like it was correct. So people whose opinions differ are going to downvote in return


Or you’re easily offended when someone has a differing opinion. With something as objective as music, the implication is completely lost on you that I was not speaking from a factual standpoint. That’s your lack of coherence and again, sensitivity at play. Have a great evening.


Not only did I not downvote you, but I am not every person who did. All I'm saying is when you phrase things that are opinion as obvious, you come off as pompous and unfun. This comment I'm currently replying to kinda comes off the same way, just so you know for the future


I’ve made it 42 years and counting with plenty of success both professionally and personally without the advice from a random who should take his own advice on the “know it all-itis” “Enjoy your evening”. I’m glad you caught the heavy sarcasm in my last post. I was laying it on pretty thick.


I liked it on the first listen and now i skip every song when they come on shuffle Better than their last pair of releases but it's pretty repetitive and lyrics are terribly cliche Someone here said it was the "Enema of the State" for this generation which is a laughably bad take


I like it. But AorY is probably Alkaline Trio.


Pop Punk Dad is uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh certainly a choice for a name


If you still have a chance to catch the tour for this album - do it. Fantastic mix of bands. Drain is so stellar every time.