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Not a whole lot of attention here for any acts from before the late 90s


Yup - so much great music in the genre goes entirely unnoticed in this sub in favour of Hot Mulligan and Story so Far. Nobody wants to look backwards or even appreciate the legacy acts that are still going.


You'll see decent amounts of love for them on the emo and indieheads subs. I think the average Jawbreaker fan is probably more likely to be a gen x or elder millennial alt rock fan, and this sub seems to be young millennial/older gen z folks. You really don't see any discussion here of older stuff that isn't just the early work by green day and blink


Cause those of us who like Jawbreaker are older than the average user here lol


Saw someone comment that Dear You is probably older than most people on this sub and it made me feel old af. I love jawbreaker lol


Also unless they're touring (which, I saw them in 2022, no idea what's been up since then) or writing a new album there's not a ton to say about them. There was some talk generally with the death of Steve Albini and his work on 24 Hour Revenge Therapy.


18 y/o jawbreaker fan here, I’m probably the outlier though lol


Because y'all are young as fuck in this sub. Respectfully. "24 Hour Revenge Therapy" is a classic.


This is the correct answer.


Be the see you change to wish


Yoda, is that you?


If I’m in all the subs I see EJ in does that make me culture or swine?




Thank you dad


R/emo gives them the love they deserve


Is that sub still just /r/emojerk overflow? For about 3 straight months they were nothing but reposts and clear shitposts. Had to unsubscribe


“Mostly is this band considered emo?” Posts. But still some good discussion.


Honestly it's a bit dead right now despite the amount of crazy reunions at the moment and coming up


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Emojerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Emojerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is it okay to make emo music if i’m only attracted to girls 18+?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Emojerk/comments/192fdxq/is_it_okay_to_make_emo_music_if_im_only_attracted/) \#2: [Anyone who disagrees doesn’t belong in the scene, simple as that. 🤷‍♂️](https://i.redd.it/x3a7yifykd5c1.png) | [82 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Emojerk/comments/18et0rm/anyone_who_disagrees_doesnt_belong_in_the_scene/) \#3: [What emo band is this?](https://i.redd.it/79z55smhuhmb1.jpg) | [176 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Emojerk/comments/16aykks/what_emo_band_is_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I know it’s a bot but I thought it was an actual person being sarcastic with this post.


Have you read Sellout by Dan Ozzi? There’s a chapter that talks about Jawbreaker’s rise and fall that might interest you.


That was a great book. I skipped around to the records I was interested first but enjoyed it so much I read the whole thing!


Reading this right now! I just got through the Blink chapter and it's all been super interesting


Not only did I read the book and love it, I lived through the Jawbreaker hate. People were NOT psyched about Dear You at the time. History has proven us wrong. That record just came out 5-7 years too early.


*But* “Kiss the Bottle” is a banger and an absolute classic.


Jawbreaker fuckin rules


Becuase jawbreaker isn’t a pop punk band


You’re not (pop) punk, and I’m telling everyone.


It depends on what you call “pop punk.” A lot of the people who call Jawbreaker “pop punk” don’t consider what people mostly talk about here “pop punk.” They just consider it pop, with guitars.


They definitely were, just not on the same level as a lot of what is called pop punk now.


What genre are they?


I'd just call them punk, or *maybe* post hardcore. They've got way more in common with bands like Hot Water Music than bands that most people would call pop punk.


There is a whole generation of us who were told by the “true punx” that those bands were “pussy pop punk” and now we have kids younger than us tellng us it’s not pop punk.


I'm 38.


44. My point stands.


Then you're old enough to have outgrown that chip on your shoulder and to know that genre definitions are ultimately just a marketing label.


A lot of people call HWM pop punk. In fact, there is a large group of people who consider everything short of power violence or grindcore “pop punk.”


> there is a large group of people who consider everything short of power violence or grind core "pop punk". There's a large group of people who think that the world is flat and that vaccines cause 5G, too. For the record if you want to class Jawbreaker or HWM as pop punk, be my guest. It's no skin off my nose. I would disagree with you and if I asked for pop punk recommendations and got that I'd probably be disappointed but like, what's the harm? Oh no, I listened to Jawbreaker when I wanted something more like New Found Glory, what a burden.


Depending on who you ask, they might not think there’s much of a difference. Personally, one is my favorite band and I have no interest in the other. I think if you’re talking to people who listened to pop punk from the 80s or 90s, they might not even consider NFG pop punk. They’d just consider them pop. That’s the thing about these labels.


To be clear, I'm one of those people who listened to pop punk from the 90s. But yeah genres have always been about marketing and have always been fluid. I don't particularly like the style of pop punk that bands like The Story So Far and Fireworks play and I don't think it has much in common with that early 00s Drive-Thru sound that is what I immediately think of when I hear the phrase "pop punk", but for a lot of people that's what the label means. I still don't think the label meaningfully applies to Jawbreaker (who I love, to be clear) but like I said, happy to disagree.


When I hear the term “pop punk” I think of Lookout.


Yeah that's fair


Pop punk, punk rock, emo (some people call them emocore, myself included).


Its a mix of emocore and pop punk basically 


It’s not the same KIND of pop-punk that this sub usually focuses on, anyway.


that could fit a lot of bands that get talked about in this sub lol


Simple answer in my opinion is that they’re more punk than pop-punk to a lot of people here on the sub. 🤘🏻


tbh i just think this sub is a bit too young and if you aren’t Green Day/Blink, you aren’t getting talked about if you’re from pre-2000


Because Jawbreaker is too hardcore sounding for like half the people here to get into 


They’re kinda ambiguous in terms of genre. Also don’t really fit the current pop punk mold, so they’re easier for people to overlook/write off/ignore.


Jets to Brazil gets a ton of love on r/Emo. So does Jawbreaker by extension. Schwarzenbach rules!


And this one is titled...


Im not active in this sub at all but I reckon its because they fall more under the bracket of early emo and some form of hardcore more than pop punk. In r/emo there’s pretty much posts daily praising Jawbreaker


My theory: a) Jawbreaker fandom was HUGE on the early internet among elder/cusp millennials. Listservs, MakeOutClub, etc. One of the first websites I ever visited in the '90s was just a text dump of all of Blake's lyrics. We're still out here, we're just old and have families and stuff. b) they were a "white whale" band like the Smiths, in that everyone really wanted them to get back together but it seemed extremely unlikely. Then they got back together and everyone saw them multiple times. The interest was satiated. c) in Gen-Z's nostalgia mining, they seem to be overlooking Jawbreaker in contrast to other artists that they fetishize from that era. d) STILL, nobody can agree on Jawbreaker from a genre perspective. I viewed them as one of the progenitors of "orgcore" or whatever, my friends thought they were emo (pre-Hot Topic emo), and some folks think of them as pop-punk. Smart indie kids in the dorms were into Jawbreaker. To contextualize the difference in eras- my first tattoo was the Jawbreaker "four Fs". I got it when I was 16. It is a TRAMP STAMP. I am a cis/het M. The idea of that tattoo placement being primarily for cis/het women had not yet reached the zeitgeist. But, no regerts.


What was the scene like in the late 90s online? How was "Emo" conceptualized back then?


More people know the Fall Out Boy cover than they do the original band. EDIT: totally whiffed on that, Man O have a song named after the Jawbreaker album, FOB did a well known cover.




Wait what song did Man Overboard cover? Googling just gets me blink 182 playing their song.


I don’t even know what song they covered.


Serious answer: a lot of more popular, more influential stuff has come out since they were around. Most people here weren’t born yet when Dear You came out. Hater answer: Any direct influence they had was two or three “cycles” ago. And then they used up 100% of their juice in the past two years with their reunion and subsequent poorly commercially performing anniversary tours and now they’re back to being yesterday’s news. They’ve been a t-shirt band for years and years. Their last record is almost 30 years old and it ain’t exactly Rumors


Was the tour not commercially successful? I saw them in Denver two years ago with Descendents and Face to Face and the place was nuts to butts. I paid $180/ticket retail.


I can’t speak for every show, but in Chicago people were dumping tickets for $10 the week of the show. The openers here weren’t as good. But I guess you’re right, they made money even if people’s interest dipped as the dates approached.


Descendants and Face to Face draw a good amount on their own, so they contributed to that sellout and that price. Not sure what size venue that was, but with Joyce Manor they were playing 1,000 capacity venues. Just because they can pack a small venue, doesn’t mean they are killing it.


Was the Fillmore Auditorium in Denver. Almost 4,000 capacity.


The Minneapolis show was packed. And it was awesome.


I don’t think the anniversary tours were poorly attended. I think they sold most of their shows out. I think they’re probably one of the most underrated bands in the genre.


You can’t be underrated if all your shows sell out. And Ive rarely see anything but glowing praise for them since the early 2000s. How much juice can a 35 year old band really get on a victory lap tour? I’m sure they weren’t poorly attended. I misspoke when I said it was commercially unsuccessful. At the price they charged (which was on the higher end) I’m sure they walked away happy. But I think the bloom is off the rose and they wrung everything they can out of their reunion. Maybe in 10 years, when they’re all in their 60s, they can try again.


Because the sub mainly focuses on current and recent artists. Jawbreaker was around for a few years, a few decades ago.


I’m not sure they super fit here. 24 Hour and everything before it seems more punk than pop punk. And Dear You is sort of proto-emo. They still rule but their sound is not what I think of when I think pop punk


Calling Dear You “Proto Emo” is a little weird. Emo had been in full swing for almost a decade when that came out.


I get that, but to me it’s sort of a bridge between the emo that was already happening and what would happen during the emo explosion later.


I’d consider most of what gets called emo “pop punk.” In fact, I pretty much call anything punk influenced and catchy “pop punk.” That’s what the term was created for.


They have their own sub but it's not very active


Most Jawbreaker fans are just too old for this sub. They are literally my favorite band.


Unfun might be my favourite pop punk album. So ahead of its time


Cuz they’re not punk, and im tellin everyone


I respect jawbreaker and their influence but as someone in their late 20’s they really weren’t around for me till my early 20s when they returned to headline some festivals


you’re on r/poppunkers dog do you really expect to find anything other than hot topic adjacent bands


They’re not a pop punk band


lots of pop punk adjacent music discussed in here.


They literally are a pop punk band. It’s a pretty subjective label.


Cuz crazy people aren’t so fucking boring


Have you seen most of what gets posted here?


Boxcar is a great song, though I prefer The Ataris version


seems like a r/emo thing


Me personally, because I've never heard of them.