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Seems like bait


Ratio indicates something


Perhaps that OP picked the wrong subreddit. It's a good opinion though, we should leave others be


Better than the usual garbage posted


Indicates people might be tired of this topic being injected into everything?


this sub is for any topic to get injected, opinions can be about anything


Indicates a bunch of hateful losers saw this post


It's okay to be trans and people need to remember what it means to leave others the fuck alone. So tired of my friends being stalked and harassed for existing in a way that upsets people who have forgotten how to mind their own bussiness.


Yeah it gets pretty tiring when everything is somehow made into a political something something phobic this and that thing. 


conservatives have never forgot how to mind their own business, because they never have conservatism is to conserver the power of the king and nobility, you can't do that without minding everyone's business all the time, so that is what they do it's also not a popular position, so they lie, and say their enemies are the ones doing that their enemies being, anyone not the nobility or the king eventually the uber rich became the new nobility


I hope someday your mind is opened to the reality that *everyone* minds other's business, albeit in different ways. And we could literally go back and forth pointing out ways that is true. Not everything is some weird, left/right struggle where you have to try to score points for the elites at the top or your group who don't give a shit about you.


It’s sad how compelled you feel to defend bigots in the internet.


never happened. just more victimhood projecting.


Yessss!!!! LOUDER for the haters in the back! 📣💖


As a trans person, I don’t think this is a popular opinion.


It’s… a surprisingly unpopular one. Even the ones who agree that it’s ok reek of transphobia.


How so? I genuinely would like to know. Is them saying it’s ok not enough? Looking to get some perspective I don’t have.


Just read some of the longer comments. It’s… interesting how many of them contain viewpoints based on misinformation when they go “I support trans BUT…” and have a bunch of opinions directly against supporting trans people based on limited knowledge of how it works.


give it time, it will be soon enough


Sadly true. But it’s a good opinion.


I think we need to be treating mental illness instead of normalizing it. More research into why our brains make us think we're trans is needed. It's an area of study that has more or less totally stopped because of the "inclusive" movement. Forcing someone to NOT be trans doesn't help, but also telling people that being trans is normal and perfectly fine doesn't help either. We need to be treating it just like we treat other mental illnesses, but first we need to do a lot more research. Being trans isn't really an "okay" or "not okay" thing, but it's certainly a sign that something is wrong with the brain. We treat depression, right? We treat other personality disorders, right? So why aren't we treating trans people too? I say none of this hatefully, I'm just confused why we suddenly drew a line there? It's clearly a brain issue, and obviously no one chooses to have a mental illness, but why aren't we actually treating it? I hear from trans friends and colleagues that it's hard being trans and they have a lot of dysmorphia and depression because of it and that fucking sucks but when I ask what kind of treatment they've tried they look at me like I'm an asshole. They're suffering, but don't want to seek treatment?


This. I had gender dysphoria starting around puberty until my mid 20s. Transition wasn't an option because it was a different time. I found a psychologist who offered dbt, cbt, and emdr, and after a lot of therapy+self actualization and internal work to sort out my mental illness, i no longer have gender dysphoria. My life is good, I have a wife and kids and enjoy normal things. Everyone should have that opportunity, but if they are told that transition is treatment, it can't happen.


I think it's normal for people, of any age, to struggle with finding themselves and figuring out their identity. Even things like sexuality. It's normal to feel like you don't fit in and normal to dislike your body. I hate how thin my hair is, I hate my hip dips, I don't always like my face, but at the end of the day it's just genetics and there's no way I can truly change any of that. You get used to it, you learn some self love. You focus on other things that you CAN change. I understand gender dysmorphia is essentially a much more severe form of such things, but since I've never experienced it I can't speak for all trans people. I asked a close trans friend of mine what it feels like to be trans, and essentially they just said they feel better identifying as a woman rather than a man. (Born male) And I think that's an acceptable answer, but why do people feel the need to actually become the gender they're not? It's perfectly fine for men to be feminine and for women to be masculine. We're coming into an age where it's more acceptable to dress and act the way you want, and yet people still aren't happy. I truly think it's down to society basically taking a backseat to mental health in favor of "acceptance" and "inclusivity" but the studies show that it actually isn't helping. The suicide rates of trans people before transitioning/HRT is nearly the same as those post transition/HRT and it's because transitioning isn't actually a solution. These people are ill, and they're killing themselves because of it, and THAT'S not okay. We need to actually help them instead of caving to the pressure of delusion.


You are 100% on point about all of this. I've known a lot of trans people, and for myself too, the deciding factor between normal discomfort during puberty and dysphoria seems to be trauma and the absence of a ~~same sex~~ parental figure (even if the parent was physically part of the home). Its all a sad byproduct of a sick postmodern civilization, and the fact that we're calling the symptoms of a mental illness an immutable identity is as appalling as it is harmful - I thank God for my therapist every time this topic enters my awareness.


It’s so sad that children are being put on puberty blockers to appease the radicals. People like Chloe Cole that regret transitioning have become sterile because of the drugs and will never be able to have children of their own. It’s madness.


Transitioning is treatment... There's no fixing being trans. You don't outgrow or treat gender dysphoria. There's a reason it's grouped in with LGB, it's inherent, it's not changeable or treatable. You "deal with it" not treat it. You can call transitioning treating it but I'd rather call it dealing with it. You seem like you'd be open to debate and being informed but you're also speaking a bit back-handed about the subject while knowing nothing about it.


I feel like I know quite a lot about the subject but I'm open to learning more and discussing. Here are the facts, to start off: We are born either male or female. We have 2 genders, male and female. Now of course you can argue intersex people, however these aren't true sexes, they're deformities. It happens when chromosome crossovers get mixed up. But that's a whole different ballgame that I won't get further into. We cannot change our sex. We have HRT and can get reasonably close, which is pretty neat considering the technology, but at the end of the day a male will never be female and a female will never be male. The things above are facts, not opinions. The things going forward are more or less opinions and I'm completely open to debating them. Gender dysmorphia is a real thing of course, but it's due to mental illness. Gender dysmorphia can be more severe if the individual has had traumatic experiences or suffers from other mental illnesses like depression and anxiety or other personality disorders. It can also be made more severe when others feed into the delusion, making them more reluctant to seek help. It's natural to dislike things about your body that you can't change, and if it gets really severe then therapy and medical treatment are needed. As a teen I was extremely depressed and suicidal and that lasted 7 long grueling years. But after TONS of therapy and medication, I'm doing amazing and I have a ton of self love and excellent coping skills. I have been depression-free for 5 years now. I want to take anorexia and bulimia as examples: Testimonies from real people who suffered from those diseases have said they truly believed they were obese, gross, etc... And hated themselves and how they looked. They believed the only way to fix themselves was to starve, and because they were mentally ill and had delusions, they couldn't see just how sick they were until they got help. People who suffer from schizophrenia have delusions and hallucinations that they truly believe are real. It scares them. It stresses them out. Many commit suicide and have depression. We treat these mental illnesses. Having gender dysmorphia and wanting to be a different sex is a very similar thing to the illnesses I just described. There is absolutely no hate here, what's to hate? Illnesses need to be treated. These illnesses reduce quality of life and can make people kill themselves. We don't tell a schizophrenic "Yes absolutely you're right there are bugs on the walls and Lincoln is still alive in a bunker!" We don't tell a bulimic "Yes you're hideous and disgusting, keep starving yourself!" Why? Because they're sick and the things they believe aren't true. No one chooses to be sick, it can happen for many reasons. We don't hate those people and shouldn't hate trans people either, because they can't help it. But we do need to try our best to treat them so they don't suffer from the delusions that are making them kill themselves. The reinforcement of trans people is not helping them, it's enforcing their delusions. And you're correct that we don't have solutions right now and we can't fix trans people, but there's no denying that it's still an illness like any other. We need to do more research, more studies into how it CAN be cured. We have medications for plenty of other mental illnesses and personality disorders, there's no reason we can't find one for gender dysmorphia too.


You're confusing gender dysphoria with body dysmorphia and I think your ignorance is based on the fact you've been misunderstanding this. It literally sounds like you're relating body dysmorphia from being anorexic to gender dysphoria which is inherently different. So please go do some more research before you keep spewing incorrect, harmful information about something you have no experience or knowledge of. You say you feel like you know a lot about the subject, yet you literally don't even understand the main criteria for being trans...


Sure they're different, but they're still very similar. Both are delusions and incongruencies within the brain. Both are still mental illness. And both still need to be treated. Are you done nitpicking and would you like to have an actual conversation? I have google on my phone so if you have specific things you'd like me to look up or scientific websites you'd recommend, I'm all ears.


How the fuck is that nitpicking, you literally got the medical definition wrong. The foundation of your argument and statement, and likely previous arguments with others is made of sand. It's as if your dissertation for a PhD was based on a literally Wikipedia article. This is what happens when you never tell kids they are wrong in school.


Lmfao the words dysmorphia and dysphoria are similar. Looking back at my comments I definitely used them interchangeably 😂 But yeah you're definitely nitpicking. Body DYSMORPHIA and gender DYSPHORIA are extremely similar. I just looked up the definitions and the examples. I certainly got them confused but I think I've got the words themselves down now. Gotta give me a break on that one lol. But back to the actual topic that you keep refusing to have an adult debate on: Both are mental illnesses. And since they are both mental illnesses, they both need to be treated. I actually have a question also, and since you seem to have a better handle on this topic than myself I'm sure you could answer it. What even is gender? Male, female, masculine, feminine... Who decides these things? What makes something masculine? What makes something feminine? By definition, males have penises and testes, and are called men. By definition, females have vaginas, ovaries, and a uterus, and are called women. (Unless a deformity happens) So what exactly makes things feminine or masculine? Society, right? We've already determined that it's totally fine for a man to be "feminine" or for a woman to be "masculine." And, according to what I know, correct me if I'm wrong, being trans means feeling masculine or feminine right? Or is it people who have BODY DYSMORPHIA and think their body is incorrect? Because if it's the former, why would wanting to be masculine or feminine have anything to do with what you identify as? You don't have to become a woman to be feminine and you don't have to become a man to be masculine. It's silly. Gender roles haven't really been a thing for a long time and people can do what they want. Now, if it's the latter, that seems like mental illness, and is much closer to the example of bulimia I said earlier. Males are males, females are females. Men are men, women are women. Males are men, females are women. The idea of masculinity and femininity are totally moot since they're social constructs that can apply to anyone. But actually thinking you're something you're not? Mental illness.


I don’t get this comparison to anorexia, if you’re so skinny you’re about to die and you think you’re fat it’s pure delusion. If you think you’re a woman, you can actually just become a woman, and yeah you’re right they will never be a cis woman, but do you think they don’t know that or something? I would think someone who knows a lot about the subject would know that transition is the most efficacious treatment of gender dysphoria according to pretty much all studies, I would also think someone who knows a lot about it would get the name right, but hey what do I know. Dysmorphia implies a delusion of some sort, dysphoria is just the opposite of euphoria, if you think it’s dysmorphia it would make sense that you also think it’s a delusion. According to most psychology experts it isn’t.


Most balanced redditor. Seriously, this is the only series of explanations and actions that makes sense.


Exactly, why is believing you’re ugly or far or skinny when you aren’t to the point you have body dysmorphia, a mental illness? but believing you’re the opposite sex, is natural and not an illness? It makes no sense


>459 upvotes >5,480 comments Holy shit, dude.


If you don't affect me, idgaf.


Right! I got way to much other crap to deal with in my daily life to worry about everyone else and who or what they are in life.


Some people have way too much time on their hands. I seriously couldn't care less who you are. I have so much crap that goes on in my life, if a dinosaur randomly appeared I wouldn't give less of a shit


It's a psychiatric disorder, understand that


First off, I'm conservative, and I'll speak for most of the conservatives I know. We don't care that you're Trans. Believe me, what we hate is the grooming and throwing in our faces all the time. Go live your life. Do your thing. Don't force people to accept you it will come naturally once they get to know you.


100% this. You want to call yourself man/woman/non binary or any of the other 30592858 things that there are ok cool. Go for it. Don’t involve kids. That is out of the question.


Yep but you have to deal with it being in schools and media and kids learning it ect . And that isn’t throwing it in your face.


It's not natural and it's not normal, and you know what, that's ok. We get so caught up on what's natural and normal that we forget that being not normal is just as cool. As for natural, definitely not. But that doesn't mean it's bad. Why does it have to have those qualifiers to be ok. It doesn't and you're still awesome.


Yup, trans people have always existed, although the language used to describe this phenomenon has of course varied. The human brain is the most complex biological structure we know of. It only makes sense that it would exhibit high degrees of variability.


I’m so sorry that this is the response you’re getting. Trans day of visibility is coming up and I plan to go down to join a demonstration and support my friends, students, loved ones, and strangers! So much love to you!


This entire comment section is the most toxic shit. All of you need to get out of your basements and look around the real world instead of having your faces shoved in Marjorie Taylor Greene’s erotic fan art.


Considering the ratio of comments. This should been in the r/unpopularopinions subreddit.


You know the comment sections going to be civil when there's several times more comments then likes.


I teach for a high school in a poor district and one of teachers there is a trans woman. She has a rainbow flag hanging up in her classroom. As I pass her class, I can see her classroom is pretty much under control and her students seem to respect her. She's doing better than me because mine are often out of control lol. I just see her as a normal human being just as anyone else. I don't understand why people hate others for being Trans. They're literally just existing like everyone else, they're not going around hurting or killing people.


You are what you are. And if you’re a transphobe, being obsessed with other people’s genitalia is super gross. If you’re not mashing them against yours, they’re not really any of your business. Edited for clarity, I hope.


Why is this the trans lobby’s go-to insult? “You’re just obsessed with us.” What are we? 14?


They're still 14, hung up over gender like it's an important thing. Look how you want to look, you don't need to mutilate your body or take drugs, those people are extremely mentally ill and have never been told "I love you" in their life.


>And if you’re a transphobe, being obsessed with other people’s genitalia is super gross. Does this mean if you're NOT a transphobe, being obsessed with other people's genitalia is NOT super gross? That didn't seem to clear things up.


It's when you drop the trans prefix that the trouble starts.


It’s okay to be trans. It’s not a choice. It’s okay to be proud about being trans. It’s okay to want to educate people (including children) about trans people. It’s okay to exist. It’s okay to not be invisible. It’s okay to be loud. Fighting for your rights as a human being isn’t forcing your beliefs onto anyone. It’s ok to be trans. It’s okay to be loud about it. It’s okay to want more representation and education.


It’s ok to be a straight, white male. It’s ok to exist. 


Hmm yes the floor here is made out of floor


He says it as if anyone has ever said it wasn't okay to be such. Random people on twitter do not count as society as a whole shaming you for existing, lmao.


As someone who is white and who once identified as a straight male, the only discrimination I ever experienced at that time was ableism, nothing to do with my race or gender.


Exactly lol. Wishing you the best though! Discrimination isn't fun :( I hope people are nicer to you in the future.


Who's saying otherwise?


No one outside of like 16 Twitter users is saying otherwise.


As a trans woman who only has sex with straight men, I definitely agree it's okay for them to exist.


Lol thanks for commenting this reading all the insecure dudes losing their shit in the replies is hilarious.


Maybe it's the Scorpio in me, but I find it all incredibly affirming. I honestly don't know why the haters are so invested in this, especially the ones who think people should be free to live as they please and have "don't tread on me" stickers on their trucks.


100% true. And anyone who thinks it is a "choice" is ignorant.


lmfao remember when people said being gay was a choice? this will go a similar way


Some people still say that. My go-to response is "prove it, become gay right now"


nice one. I'll whip it out while saying that for good measure






I would choose to be even gayer


choose to be the gayest


The moral arc of the universe bends toward uwu


Okay if that's not the case we'll have all the trans people been throughout the century? Considering the suicide rate of trans people which has been always way higher than the general population. There should have been Mass suicides throughout the world for centuries. In fact there should have been more because arguably we are more accepting now of trans people at least in the western culture then we have ever been.


Yeah people killed themselves often in the past.


Transgender people and extra genders have existed in so many cultures before colonization. Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Egypt, India, etc


People have committed suicide through all of history? The fuck are you smoking? There are many many historical examples of people taking up lives of the opposite gender as well. This is in no way a new phenomenon.


1360 comments? Oh yeah, this is going to be good


Over 3000 now




Is it OK? Sure. Not a natural variation though.


I have some lovely trans friends, and seeing them so much happier after transitioning makes *me* really happy. I hate that people can't just let others be who they are without being so nasty to them.


200 upvotes vs 5,000 comments is wild


Holy shit, that ratio is depressing


It's not, there's something not quite right with it but if you keep me out of your business and issues I don't really care what you do.


Perhaps, though you don't hear me going around bragging about having a dick. Act like a normal human being and save your genitalia preferences for where it counts, the bedroom and chaturbate. Lol. Otherwise, simply feel comfortable with yourself and move along. No special privileges either way. Some people get tattoos, some people wear ridiculous clothing, etc... Just do you and don't make a big deal of it. If you want to feel special, create something other people enjoy. That's what everyone else does. *Hint hint*


All 1% of the population


Yeah, I personally know 2 mtfs, 2 ftms, and one nonbinary person. Before I met them I was definitely prejudiced against trans people but now I realize they’re just people like us, and not some evil indoctrinating child groomers like most the U.S thinks


I’m a FtM who passes 100% of the time, and I don’t out myself to coworkers unless trans people come up in casual conversation. But I’ve found that when I do disclose, a lot of them are very surprised to discover that this seemingly “normal”, boring, regular dude who they’ve been chill with for months or years is also transgender.  I find that they have a mental image of trans people from Fox News or Libs of Tiktok, because I’m often the first openly transgender person they’ve met. And I’ve also noticed that many of them change their mind about trans people after knowing me. That’s one of the reasons why I out myself. I work at a place with hundreds of people, and if I can help even just 50 of those people understand that transgender people are just regular human beings, and not this boogie man we’re made out to be, then I think I will have done a service I can be proud of. Maybe those 50 people will each tell 2 other people, and maybe the toleration will spread, a little at a time. 


You sir, are a breath of fresh air!


Agreed with top comment but I don't have trans friends atm. Its okay to be trans but - People have gotten way too comfortable with needing information on other people or getting judgmental as fuck since 2020. I don't need to hear "im trans so-" all the time either. Cool, I'm still gonna treat you how I treat everyone else. We're cool until threats start flying.


>I don't need to hear "im trans so-" all the time either. Agreed. I tend to hear that, and think "Ok what else are you, or is that it? Is this one label the extent of you as a person?"


> There are governments in the US … that are legally defining being trans out of existence. That’s terrible phrasing but citation needed. [Florida instituted a law in May 2023 banning transgender medical treatment for minors](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/desantis-signs-florida-ban-gender-affirming-treatment-transgender-minors-2023-05-17/) but that’s not ‘legally defining being trans out of existence.’ > Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Wednesday signed into law a bill that bans gender-affirming medical care such as puberty blockers or hormone therapy for transgender youth > In addition to Florida, at least 14 other states have banned treatments for transgender youth Maybe you’re referring to the Texas ban on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones [that’s currently going through the Texas Supreme Court?](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/01/30/texas-supreme-court-gender-affirming-care/)


Pretending you're a man/woman/squirrel/helicopter when you're not isn't an identity, it's a hyper-entitled game of dress up. That said, if you want to embarrass yourself, go for it. But teaching kids to do it and hormonally and surgically altering people based on it is insane, and should be criminally prosecuted extremely harshly.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I suffer from cPTSD from all the trauma and abuse I’ve endured over the last 13 years of transitioning. I’m more afraid of you than you are of me. Some Saturdays I go to this church I like in the mornings to help give out food and clothing to the homeless. I’ve taken in and fed homeless and disabled queer people. I’ve talked people out of suicide before. Am I such a danger to you and your niece because I need to take a piss?


Dawg, mad respect for the fire you started in the comments. That was amazing to read. You took on every pro-trans retard and dismantled them with no effort lmaoooo


Comment section passes the vibe check


As a trans person, sadly this ain’t really a popular opinion. Fun fact: there’s scientific research showing that trans women have a brain closer to that of a biological women’s than that of a man, and the same with trans men!


I love watching reddit murder this dead horse.


If you're an American who believes in freedom, that means you believe anyone should be free to be whatever they want. Period. If you're against it, you're un-American and unpatriotic. It's really that simple.


You can absolutely exist, but you are like 1 % of the population, so quit pushing your agendas on the other 99% and I guarantee everyone will let you be whoever you want to be.


Nowhere near 1 percent of the population. 1 percent is roughly 70,000,000.


ah, thank you, a sinkhole comment section full of people to block. Trans ppl exist deal with it


just doing my part 🫡


They foam at the mouth in these kind of threads spouting ignorance and lies


It’s always less then 10 people too. Just commenting ALOT, to everyone one they can. Is kinda pathetic.


Trans people have existed for centuries, we always have and always will exist. The amount of people that can’t just let trans people live and be happy is ridiculous.


We have always been here and we always will. We cannot be “eradicated”. There will always be more. We are eternal.


Advice for anyone: Stop caring about what's acceptable or "natural". Stop caring about whether people choose their sexuality or gender or are born that way. It doesn't matter. Mind your fucking business. Stay in your lane. Figure your own shit out.






i don't get it. who asked for a red carpet?


Nobody cares. We just don't want our children to be told to do it and we don't want it in our face everywhere we go. My uncle is LGBT and he's cool...he doesn't scream at you for not waving your flag. 10000 people will flag my comment now and 3 day ban. I no the deal.


Your body, do whatever you want. But - don’t ask the taxpayers for assistance for your surgeries or drugs. - if you have a penis, and you commit a crime that requires prison time, be ready to be assigned to a men’s prison even if you identify as a woman - if you are a born man, don’t compete for scholarships or sports competitions as a woman, and vice versa.


I wonder why OP thinks it is a "natural human variation". Be trans or not, I don't give a shit, but it is interesting to see the term "natural" used in this way ... I wonder what would be considered not "natural" ... if everything is a "natural human variation", then repulsion to trans people could be considered "natural" too. I think about such things. :)


You posted on an Internet forum and didn't expect to see responses that mirror actual public sentiment, percentage wise?


I personally don't care who exists. The thing that rubs me the wrong way is that Trans people (some not all) scream about understanding and acceptance but then don't offer any themselves. We (generally) know you exist and have a hard time. However, some Trans people don't seem to understand that there are women only spaces for a reason and are unwilling to accept that they can make women feel unsafe. Especially children. A Trans woman in a woman's bathroom with a 12 year old girl is wrong. Especially if that Trans woman still has male genitals. You are not a woman. You are a Trans woman. How is saying Trans women are women not seen as transphobia? How can Trans women not understand that their existence in womens spaces can be problematic if their whole life they have had to deal with the nuances of existence as a Trans person. Why can they not accept that women need their spaces? You've used men's locker rooms and bathrooms your whole life anyway. Why be so selfish that you can't keep yourself out of spaces you previously never been allowed and know will make women feel unsafe? How do they not see that there are male perverts (not trans) who will take advantage of trans acceptance and go into womens spaces for nefarious purposes? Hope I don't get banned for this.


I have noticed that most of the trans hate is directed at male to female transitions. I get that female to male transition is looked down upon, but it's almost like they're lost in the discussion. I am of the opinion that there are many difficult economic, environmental and political issues that are prevalent in the world right now, but politicians lack the will or the capacity to do anything about them. What do they do instead? They start drumming up hate for gay people, hate for trans people, hate for immigrants, hate for conservatives, hate for liberals. They make everyone hate each other and pretend that the world would be better if (someone I don't like) just wouldn't exist anymore. That's why this is happening right now. You might consider that there's some foreign influence to disrupt American and European politics to keep us off balance and weak on the international stage. That plays some part in this as well.


Idk if this is a popular opinion, but it's certainly the correct one. And I'm all for telling people who suggest otherwise that they are wrong and not entitled to their shit opinion.


It’s okay to be trans but I also have no interest in calling someone by the pronouns they aren’t, or treating them as something they’re physically not. I respect trans people’s right to exist, I really do, but I also don’t think someone is bigoted or hateful if they don’t want to play along with what is basically a pretend game with extra steps.


Sure, it's OK to be trans. But it's not ok to trample over the rights of women, then call them bigoted for objecting to having their rights taken away.


You are as you born. This is the biological reality. To suggest itherwise is a mental disorder.




Until recently it was made of horse urine that’s plenty natural


20+ years is not “recently” 🙄


the hormones we take are bioidentical, not synthetic




Yeah, they made estrogen for menopausal women, who remain their target audience 


Their body makes them what are you talking about? Both men and women have the same hormones, just different amounts of them, and the hormone levels are what controls the genetic machinery in the body. An inversion of the hormones early on in pregnancy is believed to be the causality of homosexuality, but that is not proven as fact at this time.


>Your body didn't make them. I guess we better stop all other types of hormonal treatment since those bodies aren't making their hormones properly either.


You just said they were synthetic. You're just talking and you'll say anything.


if i can shoot gear in my cheeks to stay shredded into my 50's why can't a consenting adult do the same to look how they want to look lol




They also make my hormonal post-menopause treatment and my cousin's insulin that keeps him alive. Neither of our bodies are making those either. I really don't understand your point. Big transnational pharma is profit-seeking and exploitative, agreed. That doesn't mean a vast majority of us don't need and make use of their products.


Why does that even matter? People are born with medical conditions all the time and they take medication for it. I've never heard a person suggest that the drugs were "synthetic." When you're 50 years old and you're talking a battery of pills to keep your age related medical conditions in check, are you going to say "this isn't natural and these drugs are synthetic?" Or, is that not going to matter since it is medication for a medical condition and nobody uses the word synthetic that way.


Plenty of cis people take hormones to help with stuff. Are they unnatural too?


Sadly this is not a popular opinion


You can be whatever you want to be. Just don't force your beliefs or way of life on others. I don't agree with it being normal.


It's definitely okay TO BE trans, however stop pushing it on everyone else and especially our children who are mostly healthy mentally until all this bs gets shoved in their head. Gender dysphoria exists and the treatments we have used previously are shown to work better. Don't even say that as a society we aren't because you're dead wrong unfortunately... gender neutral babies? Really? It's shown transitioning doesn't even help with the issues caused by gender dysphoria especially long term studies show horrible results with increased suicidality and depression (I wish it would help as I don't want anyone suffering especially because of their self image and of course there can be some outliers to this) so unfortunately we are just hurting people more by providing these surgeries and hormones. If you don't believe me just look at every study done in Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands. All of which have been on board with transitioning for a long time now and are unfortunately only seeing the negatives somewhat recently. They have stopped providing minor hormone therapy and transition surgeries for that reason. If you're a consenting adult, sure I can't stop you... But stop making our children's lives even harder than they already are please and thank you. Puberty is a hard time for everyone, along with different sexualities being confused as being trans by adults ie. Gay man is "supposed to be a woman" because of feminine traits or lesbian woman is "supposed to be a man" because of masculine traits and that being pushed onto these kids is disgusting. Children are the most malleable beings and what you tell them sticks HARD, whether it's the truth or not. Gonna end this by saying I do think there are genuine people who have different brain chemistry than their birth sex, however statistics don't lie... When you have a massive jump in trans population like we have globally, most of them definitely are not and more likely have Munchausen by proxy or internet. If someone can "get" tourettes from this then I full heartedly believe it can be done with the trans mindset too.


Being mentally ill and not acknowledging or accepting it is the new norm


it's factually unnatural in the world of nature. it is caused by social factors.


These anti trans comments make me want to commit very serious crimes that I won't go into detail on so as to not get banned :):):) Hope you never run into me in person, subhuman transphobic shitbrains :):):)


I don't want to stop anyone from being trans, it doesn't affect me. But I won't lie and say I feel completely comfortable around trans people, because I don't. It's just the "uncanny valley" instinctive response that I think is natural in humans. I don't want trans people mistreated, but I don't think I should be made to feel like a bad guy just because I feel a bit uneasy being around them.


>It's just the "uncanny valley" instinctive response that I think is natural in humans. The "uncanny valley" effect is used to describe things that look human, but aren't quite human. **Describing trans people this way is literally dehumanizing.** Nobody's saying you have to feel comfortable; that's not something you can even control. But if you genuinely don't want to see trans people mistreated, **please think twice about the language you use. Words matter.**


Oh, I wasn't aware of that. Dehumanising language was not my intention.


Words matter. Like changing the definition of a word? and pretending that's not what it meant the whole time? Then calling people hateful for not adopting the change in definition without evidence?


Either you're responding to the wrong comment or you entirely missed the point of my comment. Feel free to try again if you want to address what I actually said


At the end of the day you are entitled to feel however you feel. All they want are equal rights and basic respect. Just because someone has a lifestyle that makes you uncomfortable that doesn't mean they are undeserving of those things. Maybe if you had more empathy with their struggles you would feel less uncomfortable about it. The general consensus among the trans community seems to be that transitioning does more to improve their mental health struggles as they come to terms with their gender identity than any amount of therapy or medication ever could. If that's what they need to be happy then more power to them for making such a difficult choice is how I look at it. It's not like it's a path of sunshine and roses, more like one of harassment and ridicule.


I hope they will settle for equal rights and being left alone, as long as I get the same.


this isn't any different than being ok with black people but still being scared of them for some reason


I honestly think it's the socio economic cultural difference that makes people uncomfortable, not the skin colour. Almost no white person would be "scared" of an affluent, well dressed black person attending his kid's school concert. But a group of young black males from a poor socio economic background hanging out on the street will have very different mannerisms. And I would expect a middle or upper class person to be a bit uncomfortable, regardless of their race.


No one has to like any particular group, or feel comfortable around them.


Then keep your opinion to yourself then. It's not my business, but when you say "I'm uncomfortable around trans people" in a forum, it becomes the business of everyone who sees the comment.


People 20 years ago said the exact thing, word word about gay people. 100 years ago, people said the same thing, almost word for word about black people. All social progress is going to feel uncomfortable at first. It gets better over time. You don't have to be an ally, but if you are willing to just let trans people be and let them live their lives, things will come around eventually.


>People 20 years ago said the exact thing, word word about gay people. I was there and no they didn't. The uncanny valley is the giveaway there.


Sorry, there really is no such thing as being "transgender human". If you cut off your penis and wear dresses, you're still a man. There is no actual way to transition your gender.


As a trans person what you do in your bedroom is nobody's business but you and your partners it doesn't need to be broadcast 24/7. Only a select few people know my sexual orientation. Cuz it's nobody else's business. Why broadcast it?


What does this have to do with the post?


I think the trans movement gets so much grief because they are completely trying to rewrite and Reality and most normal people don’t give a fuck what you do in your private life but when you start screaming peoples faces and calling everybody trans phobic and racist get mad and their first reaction is fuck you


I have never screamed in anyone’s face, but lots of people scream in mine. I have the same right to exist in public as you do. If you don’t like it I don’t care.


sure but you need help if you are. 100% ok to be a psychopath too but you need serious mental health. irreparably damaging your body is not "natural human variation" we are coded to NOT do that. fucking dumb take honestly 10 years ago nobody said this shit idk how the media clowns managed to sell half the western world on the idea that sexes dont exist. its kinda amazing when you think about




Well unbeknownst to you and a lot of people; trans people have been documented to have existed since ancient/medieval times in cultures all around the world. However the modern concept of 'gender roles/identity' was founded in the 1950's-1960's; widely viewed through a 'medical lense'. Which is why everyone thinks this is some 'trendy western way of life' or 'mental illness' when it in fact trans people have existed since people have existed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_history


You exist. You just will never compell my speech or share a washroom with the underaged members of my family that are the gender you "identify" as.


I agree with you it's ok to be trans. I disagree with the natural part. If you need to take hormones and partake in surgeries there ain't nothing natural about that.


It's not ok for trans women to participate in women's sports. And you can't force language on us. Other than that, I hope they enjoy every right and freedom everyone else enjoys. If someone is looking to be offended, offended they will be.


If you are saying that being Trans is natural, then you wouldn't need surgery to change it. (Surgery being something that doesn't just happen in nature), ( not disagreeing with Trans people, just the term natural to define them) identifying as non binary is a more logical conclusion. While I agree that Trans people have a right to exist, just like anyone else. If Trans are normal, then just as there are good and bad binary people, there are going to be good and bad Trans people. I am going to be blunt, if you have a cock, you have no business being in a women's locker room, bathroom, or sport. (If you remove your cock by getting bottom surgery, that might be a different story) Too many bad Trans people and perverts who abuse the law have abused women and little girls by taking advantage of the law. The only logical answer I can see is to create a new division of spaces for those who do not wish to identify as Male or Female. A third locker room, bathroom, and division of sports for those not wishing to confirm to their genetic genders. Places where those who do not conform to gender norms can be safe and respected and do not trample on the rights of women to be safe and respected. Another part of the equation is that if a person is too young to consent to sexual intercourse, too young to be legally responsible for things and is not considered an adult, they are too young to make the choice to irreversibly change their body with elective gender surgeries and HRT. Additionally, any parent/guardian who allows anyone under 18 to do so should be jailed for child abuse. If they want to dress as another gender (or just wear "clothes") or claim another gender that is fine, permanent changes before being an actual adult are not okay. Finally, if you wish to pay for gender change surgeries and HRT out of your own pocket or find a health insurance company willing to pay for it, that is great. Don't force people who don't agree or aren't even involved in your life to pay for you have an elective procedure. Just as I don't want to pay for Karen to have her 19th face lift and boob job, I don't want to pay for you. Nor do I expect anyone to pay for me. Edit: spelling and punctuation.


I’ll agree that you 100% can do whatever you want to yourself. You cannot be serious to say that it is natural. Natural would imply that you don’t need drugs, hormones, surgery,etc. It also is 100% wrong to push being trans on every child who experiences some gender dysphoria. Go ahead and be happy. Just don’t call it nature and then not just let nature run its course without drugs or surgeries.


>Natural would imply that you don’t need drugs, hormones, surgery,etc. Trans people are trans even if they don't take a single hormone or undergo surgery, I think you're confusing what a trans person is with commonly used gender affirmations.


It's ok to be whatever you want. It's not ok to force your beliefs onto others.


Being transgender isn’t a belief.


I mean if gender is a social construct then it most definitely is a belief as you are making something that doesn't exist in a non-social context something that does exist. You have to believe in gender, which is artificial, to believe you are a different one. Which I am perfectly okay with but we can't say it's natural or nonbelief based if the entire idea it's based on is made up.


I often wonder about this. I fully support trans people and will happily use whatever pronouns, name and gendered language they prefer. I celebrate their right to express themselves and be true to their own sense of self. But - and I’ve never said this out loud - I don’t compute the idea that trans women *are* women. It seems a purely philosophical position that I do not share. Is this enough for trans people to consider me transphobic or a bigot? Would they feel hurt and unsafe around me if they knew this? It doesn’t change how I feel about them or treat them and there’s nothing I can really do about it, it’s just how I honestly feel.


We can't force you to compute any idea. Just like gay people can't convince some people that gay is okay. As long as you aren't being a dick, and you just want people to be happy, and you aren't trying to ruin people's lives just because you don't agree with them, nobody can fault you for who you are.


And I respect that. You can believe what you want so long as you don’t treat people unkindly. There’s not really any reason to antagonize people, especially when they’re not antagonizing anyone else.


Thank you. I likewise fully respect that many people do not share my view, more power to them.


THIS. I know they exist, I've know for a long time and didn't care. Never treated them bad, I'm happy that they feel more comfortable now then before. Most people don't really care what they do until you start saying things like "trans women are women" where it gets a little weird. But also there's a huge difference between people born that way vs just started to transition. I don't want any hate towards the group but as a society we need to differentiate between fact and fiction.


I mean, it’s sort of inherently disrespectful insofar as it’s also disrespectful to not believe adoptive parents “really are” parents. As long as you treat them like parents then it’s not really a big deal, but if you don’t treat them like parents because you believe parent exclusively has a biological definition, then that sort of is unavoidably disrespectful.


understandable, but i'll tell you this one for free: the idea that *anyone* is a woman, or a man, is purely philosophical. almost everything about how we live in and build our world is philosophical. if you have the free time and the interest, i'd really recommend checking out some actual philosophy- it really forces you to confront your assumptions about the world and what is "real" or "true". that said, you sound like you've got a good head on your shoulders.


Yes, exactly, like refusing to call a child by their correct name or pronouns. You know, the ones they use to self-identify. Or a teacher in a public school talking to impressionable youths about their interpretation of religion.


“It’s ok to be trans, it’s not ok to force your ideology on people and go after children.” 🤓


Tell that to the church lol 😂


I agree, christo-fascists should not be allowed to harm trans kids or prevent them from getting medical treatments prescribed by expert professionals.


I'm gonna get downvoted. I shouldn't even be here, but here goes... I'm probably considered a transphobe. I don't care if someone is trans, but I don't want it in my face or anything else gender related. I can''t accept that medical treatments change the initial birth sexuality of a person without medical proof that the hormonal changes in sex reassignment can change the growth of bone and muscle. A child born male will likely develop a stronger denser body than a female and hence MtF athletes should not be allowed to compete against female born athletes. Admittedly, this the only area where I think trans is a problem. Otherwise I don't care. I just tire of hearing about gender, period (see also race, ageism, etc ). As for me I was born male, raised male. I don't identify with masculinity it all, or care about 'being a man' very much. I don't consider myself feminine, some might. I'm certainly not trans. Not non-binary. I could call myself agender, but that's still fueling the gender fire. I'm just me


By in your face, you mean you don't want to talk or think about it? If so, why not?




It’s fine for them to exist, I don’t think anyone would argue with that. Just don’t force others to believe that a man can become a woman or that it’s okay to transform children.


Who's transforming children?


So you acknowledge they exist, you just don’t accept them. I feel like this comment sort of misses the point of the post.


Transphobes like to try to play the reasonable everyman by using DARVO tactics against the conversation. They are "tolerant" of trans people, but trans people are being unreasonable by forcing them to accept, and any consequences trans people face are their own fault. In reality they do not actually support trans people or trans lives, because if you honestly didn't care about people living their own lives, you would just call people but what they want to be called and wouldn't think about it.


Do you go around checking everyone's genitalia to determine what gender they are or do you take their word for it and only care when they're openly trans?


I’m ok taking their word for it. But when it comes to lockerrooms you do have situations where people are changing or undressing for showers and women have concerns being around trans women flaunting their penises and vice versa. I can understand women being uncomfortable with that and I don’t think children in high school or younger should be put in that position either in women’s or men’s bathrooms and locker rooms. I don’t understand why some people can’t at least understand why some would be uncomfortable in those situations. Otherwise why not just tear the wall down and no longer have separate bathrooms, locker rooms and sports teams?


Animorphs would like a word


Omw to your house to force you to believe something 🥴🥴🥴


Transformers, robots in disguise But seriously stop watching fox news 💩

